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PERIODIC TEST- III (2021-2022)

TIME: - 40 MINUTES M.M. 20

➢ Attempt all questions.
➢ Write the proper answer of multiple choice questions. Don’t write only
option for example……..“a” or “b”…… write the proper given

Q. 1 The voice of rain is a dialogue between………

a) Poet and rain
b) Poet and earth
c) Rain and earth
d) Rain and mountain
Q.2 What was the issue raised in the article ‘The Ailing Planet’?
a) Global Warming
b) Temperature rising
c) Deteriorating health of earth
d) None of the above
Q.3 What does the poet ask to soft falling shower?
a) What do you do?
b) What is your name?
c) Who are you?
d) How are you?
Q.4 What did the sign in the zoo in Alaska read?
a) The world’s most cute animal
b) The world’s most innocent animal
c) The world’s most faithful animal
d) The world’s most dangerous animal
Q.5 What was rain’s response?
a) I am the poem of rain
b) I am the poem of mountain
c) I am the poem of earth
d) I am the poem of sea
Q.6 What are the four principal biological systems which form the foundation of
Global Economic System?
a) Fisheries, grasslands, oceans and land
b) Fisheries, grasslands, forests and croplands
c) Water, air, sand and forests
d) Ocean, forests, deserts and lands
Q.7 what is the origin of rain?
a) Land and ocean
b) Mountains and land
c) Mountains and earth
d) Land and bottomless sea
Q.8 What is leading to deforestation at an alarming rate?
a) Sale of fuelwood
b) Sale of vegetables
c) Building up of houses
d) Sale of wood for burning purpose
Q.9 How does the rain assist the latent seeds?
a) Provides water
b) Provides life and helps them to grow
c) Provides life
d) None of the above
Q.10 what is main cause of polluting environment?
a) Development
b) Education
c) Population
d) Global warming
Q.11 With whom does the poet compare the rain?
a) Song
b) Heaven
c) Beauty
d) Flowers
Q.12 What is the best contraceptive for overpopulation?
a) Development
b) Education
c) By saving water
d) Reforestation
Q.13 Identify the figure of speech used in ‘I am the poem of earth’.
a) Oxymorone
b) Metaphor
c) Simile
d) Anaphora
Q.14 What is the meaning of holistic and ecological view?
a) The preservation of the environment
b) Saving of the water resources
c) Saving trees
d) Rainwater harvest
Q.15 What happens to the rain in the sky?
a) It drops
b) It freezes
c) It condenses
d) None of the above
Q.16 At what rate are the forests in India depleting?
a) At the rate of 3.7 million acres a year
b) At the rate of 4.7 million acres a year
c) At the rate of 6.7 million acres a year
d) At the rate of 8.7 million acres a year
Q.17 Why does the rain descend to the earth?
a) To wash the drought and provide water
b) She provides life on earth
c) It beautifies and purifies the earth
d) All of the above
Q.18 ‘The rich get richer, and the poor beget children………………..’
a) To work harder
b) Which condemns them to remain poor
c) To remain poorer
d) To get wealthy
Q.19 Where does the song return in the poem ‘The voice of Rain’?
a) To its originator
b) To the poet
c) To earth
d) To ocean
Q.20 Where was the first nationwide Green Party founded?
a) USE
b) Australia
c) Canada
d) New Zealand

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