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= Co] Nanton He Ce] tasth.9 Lele NE L NAME 2EACTIONS = ® » bh ' -4t_>a climes n's Reaction: f , No Ack a ) ’ b v2. finkelstein Reaction: ® | CHaCH, CQ + Not Sits CHT +-Nach | _3._Swsat's Re acHenlie dt t> Cop I - | 13 CH, By + Ag & > CH Ch, F 4+ oe Ry —| Wuxt2 2 eaction: “2 Chae) FANG >—_* sunt = Bis, “Reaction: — Sth 7 al + Chace, tana 3 Lo + DNA i - b G. Biths. Reaction ; | 3 coe one Sr STKE + ane pes Biphenyl BC -ch=cH. + Bote . (ety Cg=CHo,) B 2 oy 5 Cr Ch, OM,) B+ on /H20/ c + don R202 ae ee Scanned with CamScanner om Date__—= A._é'ste~i tion Reaction! Cl, Coon + Cron HY Cry CooCha ++0 9. Kolbe’s Reaction» On ONG Su fe] Neon Co Cex oyoon a Vicslie, add, ___ los) Reimer = Temann Reaction: Y 4 Ong oH a crus Conyers we fo She =e Best Sali espace, Ul WiViarngon's Symrtivsss Cra Ce + ChONaA > Chr O Cha + Nach iD. Riedal Cralk al ky ‘ion + cK ; Qos fo] + ema ath Ty ne CHa, EEL EE Ud les 4 xi « ; « CT] + Cy e-a Ae ey HR as We ete SOR ECH < Pe < wD | : . Dzonolisis : < ee ae 3 Cry =CH, +O% See ee ra ; < HCHO + HeHG =? —f | A ‘ Scanned with CamScanner > Pa / Rasou = o—_Ib._Stephen's Reaction: > | 7 ; -| 7 Cl, CAN + en, +H _| > a » » ° > > > So = > ime Gabtcranan = "Koc esecachON = =.= = 2a sees > _- cHno | aS Co SU = 5 2 t a _ o ALU, — dt re > = : 9. Clemmensen Reduction: : a _ a CHa CH, CHO Zo B40 CH, CH CH _| a Hey | 7 do. Wolbl = kisknex Reduckon = a = a Cryca, Cho ONE NI CHLCH: CHa 3 dy kon 2 iy Oh sleneGlycal : a 2. Aldoal Condensation: Hy CHa + CHacHo NGOH Oty ~ cH = CR,T CHO spe) ow @ Scanned with CamScanner FeV yy a] mnt f Date. @ A) CRACHO + CHACHO Nady 2+ Ch, ~ HM = Ch, CHO oO _ cH int i S_Chiscr,cHo + dks Cho Neon s*3 S—CH3 CHs CH = CH -CHO ) Che On ©) Chacho 4 ¢ t H2-CHo Naok a “Ch Ch Ct = CH-cHo OF a) Ota ch, CH 2 CHO + CHACHO Noon 5 Ch, Cry CH~ cH, -CHO \ OH_ se sieges Reaching: = cH =o 4+ Naot Scleaea = CHT: Nao a Wa Cannizarq Reaction: QHCHO + Conen: Kort suCHyoH 4 Hook, as. Becossexulalion ox _Kolke's Fl chal sis Cr2csona NOH CHy + Nasco cae 4 aalyAanle hh AAAAL A e/eL : ® Ee Scanned with CamScanner 6 Hell eValhaxd = Fimaky Reackon: CM cH, Cooly —A2/Radé on, —ch —COoH ” HS . a . VS 2). Phitel mide ies = Cry Wi CHa, EHR eee CH-N-CHL FRO 28 (sry, @ Scanned with CamScanner HY YVPPUOOOH HOODY DEebU UES NOS Date. © —#1_Cobaiel_Phitfalimnie Sst - - imi etic io aS a a 1 =<. 3 SHE Kol soles i Vy 7 S 9° _d oe + Nine 9. = N= CH, y 6 Ty 2NGOoH NI Clarity 4 Cop ssene i Arming Coon Hol {man Bramamids 9D gracahion: Crs Cons + Bra + Nak 2. PPAR P erAAA AIAN EANDONIANND Cha NHS ji | No CO, +. Nay + 1,0 ai «| Bt Caxbal Grmine_Reachon: «<1 : ae wi) CaN, +CHUs + KOH A Chanic _ kee +2 O = Rul Cwelt a aX | os Scanned with CamScanner =< a is & Dote__“="_ & 32. Diazotication Reaction: PE NIH N2Q ~~ + Nano, + HY > Tol Nod + hr i Aniline Benzene diczanium chlovide = 33. Gotkerman Reacton: Ps Nod A : Cel 7 Cn en ss |@. > 34. Couples Reaction + ~ (Lory = VO>-NEN-G +H open = Phenol 2 = = . On + KR +H 2 Covance Dye) e g J e as s koi, = (OS NEN- 4 Ho DNL — > Aniline > P YORN=N XOOOH 4 Ka 4 HO Cellos Dye) » » : ' : a © Scanned with CamScanner : “Octurs in Jetep "Gets ant step 2 Rote Toccbecetionl 3. ate wlnaloaikane nal ° a. Tavexsion a 4, Joo Y, Inversion OCU 7 ae Retention >. cli 2 @M Mechanism of Sn Reactoyn_ 3 h h 3 ey : lept: Hoc Ch Sia c + COT : oA SEP nS OH ’ t “ i a rs . = 1 + { 1 Slepm | ic +, OH bc -0H HHO-c Zh ' FAS Nucleophile Ht ~ Sh \ Sov. 50> —Reken Kon, Taversion Beshamitn of Sha Reelin Weece He ONT | Gr ae > cg H NNucleaphile Z sa At, Hota} FReactan intermediate | ‘ H On ~ Cen ) & Sh < looY. Tnvercion Scanned with CamScanner @ DIMM oe he vin__Halo arenes . =) @ cys = a Gu © A 2) Geahion of te cy => ot Il thin 1 Sibe’ atkacky =) i ) of nee phile eT OH (Nw) rat - v +) Subctta Sono s CL by oO OH CT + cS nucledphile. © cleo philic Subshhion in ! —O_lechamisen_of —Eleclon nee = | ce SS — Ge cede | bophile.: ye ck @ Ces @ a: BOcri a ay \ oy T a es e! ! oS = s 7 te os = «& | 5 | 5) oMthack of Clectrophile ak _e= wich —et a8 Bs) | Site 2S “guvebtulsan of H=" ato, ab ay Gstho ox Poxa pasion of ben enexms* a L - —t a . + heed. ’ 1 “ al — > Lo] erite tomer“ ’ SY J Elecha phile = bey gS = o— 7 . fara. omer aa al \ co Scanned with CamScanner Lep T Add Ht te alréhot Cry CH, OH - : : j_nt sL_e - fil ¢ Ch Ch» = OnM ! +H Step T Remove Hs O | - HO r_GD Cry = CH a —H LepM Remove Ht | i CH, = Cha Alken, 3 9 3 3 2 3 3 3 a a a > 9 2 2 2 3 3 » » @© Mechanism ol acid catabas ged_byidration of __ al\ken bo Sede hep 1 Add bt bo aiken: See he = He @D CHa CH, Steptr Add ho to Carbocation +HOH v8 Ch, -c— O-h Bt Step M Remove Ht | Ley TSF ET TTT tir rs? f 2 AS CH, OH Alcohol Scanned with CamScanner Date @Q_ @. M nism i . pero Ppxo.pan. =l- ol MR? A . = 4 to “Ethert 5 - | “a)_rldd Ht to altshat CH, CH, CHy OF e Joa & — = Cy CH, CRO 7H e hoy & - eS ~ 5) odd abethdl wales J Qnd_xemove tater +H: chy CH, OH c ‘I us =H e : @Q Ch cH, CH, — O — CH CH j _. j { bes 2) Remoye Ht or, CH, CH -O— Cty —CH CH Tho aL JL ak dla nl laaanin Scanned with CamScanner (ees O for fF 2° 2 8° alecholen i) Luca’s Tesk . oe Luca’s Re egent : ACho bE HOR A Paleohol 4 zn) + HU > No fusbid - ‘ n ‘ r , ' r r L , , a bo®aleehol 4 zn + He 5 Tasbidily -after / clavdis pa ce > Immedialel \ ti 9 8 » © Phenol : fo }——fhenol_+ 31 Bxa_—s i ike po 8 24,6 tribromo- oe =Phe enol. i b . 7 pet a - 7 oe c z eee chins ie he aycles_ pro duce Red bxowy wail, Aebling's Colm. ; 5)‘ Tollen's. ‘ox Silver mais ron test: for ; Silves evox titty armmetbetl ; Q) feds ketones Se ta we Jod. Naot ev foes ' © Caxboy Qc adds and benzoic addy o; : bes (el evewcin an ‘ Na ktto, iC Scanned with CamScanner i SE Tae Cay telah 2 Amines + CHU: + KOK av Tso nitaile “+ KOO 4 HO C Fost ainell) Crviline_alea que test) @® “Test fox f = & 3° a —Ftine Bence. 5 ish | cali idy in atlvals ‘tl Ano odaone fn ) 7 f c - ¢ —2' Amine ia ent 5 Produc 7 4 TInsolubs inalleal: _« > 1 : 3 Olwitn i hint beso) ‘3. ion, ‘ $< 4 é ‘ 7 ¢ 7 Scanned with CamScanner coil, de Kon te loing Cb). hen (Bb). ass weacked:esith HGS at gives c), Cc? AS an ‘is mex _O ¢ > Nhen CO) is en See eee ee ——(d)_is_differe Exes mm pd. lormed — Ghen =" bromide’ weacts oN —___‘ixike al R.A denkifas Ob ced wns : Cr-cH—ch, “RS ©). ; ) : 1 New ' cry ate ; J ale KOR. Clyro chy cH \ - a ck ; cwHoc ech GG) : ; ony , 1 (a) y ene 7 7 \ Cat ; pre C Celia : ove : Shy oe Hy) Ce : Bac 2 : Eto. > SA a Ch EQ - > ! ae eee a 3 ~ T a ht, a 2 3 a [aes >} & “? Scanned with CamScanner DP LA = Cala —? hn sts Sanus Bui? —ant—alhe leat = — es shell nox fehling’s test. Ox = qos oxidn. —_toith hectic acid A a % a rT asia semi = ten ‘ ‘ NOD oo nit Lo NO, Covange fed pots) eng —~yendkont = chs ye" ma, sts Eo} A ; (a) Benzoic add 7 CA) Aatophenone. . : CReachan tT) 7 : NOW e ec S Non 4 NINH Jon L S Cue CAD (2.4. DMP)” ¢ : e a — # ‘ 4 e ¢ Reach 7) ane “3 PN oO Chrowicacid, | (Reackan m) a e COON CORSA Nabe +I, >CBy + ee His Ort @ ; LP CWYefloes ppt) Scanned with CamScanner ooio_(i3)_ OS. A_icampa. coi Rxrmutas Ca HigO Jorms 24 ONE Dervivative 5 educss “Tolllents “Reagente ives CAmmizare reaction. ¢ reo eid UI ges —Lachensenecdicarhady ead ——_dentil & give weachonyS (ay ee Olns: “fe Compd is cope re Erne hon zatdehyde = a) Reack \ oy DNP ? [es Cane NO a e=0 F N,N ° pi R JV 1, enh NO Reh Ment —ho Noa bh : by Reachon coitty Tollen's ecg, ak; 3S oy Cons 1, Cane Koy ~ 4b . Tallen's R nt > * Ni, +b Hy S + Ags. c) Oxidn. Keackm> CHO Joon ane be} aT oH Co atest Le anwwwe eee ra ny Scanned with CamScanner Dote__(@)_ 6.4 (A) has_formula CatieOs on bepdachy with dil” HeSOy 3k Bryocluces xboyulia + add (8) amd _alishal Co) Owidn. of CC) Gsith Chromic _actdy iy Qroduces (®) {) on —cloh idsaboy_ : ques Suk lene. SR) ©) i Ays: ) as_an_ Ester Cry Ch, CH, COS Ch, CH, CH, CH a ee a, (a) Rea ol CA i _H,80u. a Gist, CK, Coo Ch, CH, Ch CK | dil. Ha Soy Cla Ch CHa COOH fA CH, CH, CH, OH Cay jo Acid Corborsiite ocd odlcohe _Rutanal anne i (b)_- Reackion ok (C2) = saith: | Chromic acid. Cra CH, CH, CHOH » 2 HeCvOd CHACH, CH, Cooy ce (Ba © Beh deakon Lok Co) Sener, chenow =O Cr, Ch, -chaCha t Cy Bul- -l-ene— \ Scanned with CamScanner ooo__@9) Qs. co orqasic, compa. has 69-9276 mIECY, Hb west -O4. As. waws is 86 dk does ick _xeduce__‘Tollen’s| season St eR Ser ion oa wgenn CMives +ve Tc loxm test. Ova vig 8¥OuS _ eridn. 3h ancic &\ pxoenoic— aad. tden Ag ia tompd 4A Bisa renthions sewer we wrews Avs. “The compd. Jc a smne-tins ketone. CH, = co — ch, - Ct, -CH a ' C fentan - ~2-one ) Cue ae) © To de |x kesk: Cry = Ch CF Che NaoH . Cr, Ch, CH, COON ey mre) Ee eh op Ciede\ore ) b) Ovidatm: ny - OH CH,- CHim CHa 4+ “Hi Cr Ou! Ch, Cool + T ° CHL CH, CooH, & “3 : @ Scanned with CamScanner ov OV YY YOY HOEY UE Se UU YUU ules © we _ sete dn_aGromablic_compd, (A) or treatmenk cogunous Nits ot healing fox oe et healing colt Bn KoH Jorwe _ fe) of 9m ae eed eel ieee __Idonk. © _mames of CAD Spe onde) Cool 7 7 as: (A) 3 = Benznic acid apne Cont © is Cer} Benzanids Kon [ee nh : Gas 2 pe Noo ihne> Geena) > O32. adonti}y A Bc DE. R&R ag ye + my SS One eo, {> 2 pone @ ~ Oh, — Cha Bt M9, = Gr = CH = C3 Sache OR ‘2 ; ; . ne. D> © Q_ 2 RX "t os ie. bg eA i er ea" Hy Cm x i “bs @ oat at Scanned with CamScanner Dishyguishin en). Data, 2 S Be ce) BD w Sedu os _tollews wet ice pana y fropanone.— eile} Ries spastic odefoms On 2. Acatophenone. Cives_po' Si Kve_Tadafony B kesk Phenol odbdggddese a Benz ephenone Doe! poe ue adga Kest pen ole acid) 1 v. [Gives baisk effemrescante [fe te edo (ee xerss of B43 —_______ = ca Ethyh benzoate. Pew Benzoic acid. sf 2 S Gives Brisk Elfernescnes Qoes mek Give Beisk = = sith Naheaa ~EL er vescents: citi, NO HCO, > "Bs. fontan-2-One. Penkan- 3-one 4 Cives_positive iedofore an nol ai olamy, = best : 3 Les! SS Benzaldahyde | __Alctho phenone__—___ So ihre fenkeftak | fives “postive tafe = kesk > =Taliens Fest 3 3. Pikenal — Proparal = Qives 1_jodoform teat — Ban gid letra = esk, = ~~ Zp & Hethos! amine | Ox Fe OlvesV Cosby. amine ox} ney ane ae isofaa ide besk \ SVUb ® Scanned with CamScanner ‘ € _ Date BD 2 4, Q Aines 3 Anfnes < ___- Reotts with Heinsbex's Does nok reac coils c a “reagent 2 Hin. bexg Reagent § a Aine Doe : \sx gyellgea| farms Sellow Dye est £ Dye with SEZEe | aes emer tS c € no Aniline ___} __enzsPamine. __¢ Poems Yellaa Dye ssi | Saes nok A € 24- Dae. , £ € Rives Coxby (amine, Bass ek ie i ed ala bad alab polalah a nelsh an @ = Scanned with CamScanner R on x=% ming). A. a wis Hp S64 nok us ed, —cuxing seachon ofc atcohats sil k19 Ans: G_ Ha8Ou_ oxidizes 17 _to _T _diu_tsou _dahydicctes— altohols to alkenes 02. Holoalkanes reack wily KCN to fosim wie we seweeoenu roe ce ‘ l a. a Ang: ken Js tonic and _[oxms CN™ ions. 7 jthile Agen is Covalent and N_atom of, 2 CN dawthies = paix to jeera Asocyanida > 7 OB. Althoush -Chloxine is ian elechxroniwithd a: a lector! as: Because ify Gdenka ken ef feck ol wetonante alee eae Geoctiestdat caciiececinn dlimeadl dq uli aro malt ubs Bhuhens wre Cok) ae st is aoe eit sh oneal aS r—— 8 te ee > f a &. i aghy 9. | 3) _Dipnle mor ko oe 2 dha cyclshes, Chlioxids 2 Ang: Due tO orSbonante in benzene wing, | a oh chloe benzene a be z Scanned with CamScanner __ (aA {bolder lhougfa polac—oxe Aen satecihls —e tifa uncdbe rans Because _Soitsca_enthotpy—ol (cake polida 6 Tas rush mao than the —hyaenion—e nial —¢ c ¢ ©) Grignard_xe nt __shoutds be pre Pare, £ conditions c Date. AAMes Aix acdUS__C8 ys Becnia in > ence of yas fue it gets converted _ IE I> 4 fo nininana Ans: aad mer a x OL_Oyn_treatment sith oF fou oN ot a Chlorides. pod ox alwhale ber SSv9 € GPx 29 of abcohatic: KOK +3 ) Ken< £ are {oumedt who : ca 7 Ans: _ keont gpwe chucts Oh _joas_thok ‘ fad bo th. antochan, alsa 4 hie _alehalee: YKen ps0 ; at alite vide iene - if ‘ i kenes____+ { 6 0a —pxopa < } is hailing | poink f Cd ne. : . tet He bootie Sol iti bes hi bb. ton +S — butane ge = ~— _A Scanned with CamScanner — G8. ollishsls ase yore. water soluble 5 al hy dlvo-caxbons_o ma paxatice mm. W 4 —ans: Recause _alcshet foe tt=_bomels sith _tanbeae Os. hs ortho niko phenol is more _adidic than —oxtiho waethe xy phenef $ — ans: "NO est san et _taithcleavsing 4P-—— tahich SelaShzes tha phenoxide 164 SU: andstases acidic natuse _eshile. = Oo-cn. Load ce clonokns er absstabili 2 qrhenoxida tn, {ee SES ca) _T. Gxgh_olls ethers _ ife Ko rar chyake: He. bonzene ein Ag dectrophile substshuon. bth Ans. Re cau = OK 97 2 a leas: - Gnd ace +7 and eee shel - i ¢ att ®__alKoxsy $ directs Haa__intomin 32. to Vato i Pow posits g Ans: Be cause -onk : > meleating SrOup # _ gy 8 oe Olu. Cycloh one. ora cyano! dv Ww _g00 ; lees nok. died : she B- 22 G- Scanned with CamScanner e_axe kuso Nt Sdn Senicerbazide Date. es [Leahy one _as_AnvolGeds in Ha ssaien | Sent nabs ne tal ' EN YRecause—=NH 9p Lyacink bo -¢ = ‘ — __ iS _resonan. (nr _ §n. Duxin \ he axction of esters —|~ pote caxboxs “a ais acids taoker Or ester “chowcls ‘ _ Ay eermaved —O con as if 3 loved. Meh : oins:_This reach an_is__meversiha “To” Pprocied)s 1 this weackon —tousaxds _Compleban SS ko Chatelt.ex’ Ane} ‘ le- es (Prancip le Qs pheno ide io has more no. of me onal gt Shrichiwes than i corboxpabe leo coxsnxg Qe i nN voce shore — th Mths on phenol Ans: ——Bis_d_cp ap ie . m™m thst amine Why 9 : s Ans: Ta ayihne Teese paix om N ‘ ——alo: : cal £0 AN a__weakex bi bk ___« is ~ not’ ® bh mS @* ; Scanned with CamScanner eisai tne Jn ontac ahh bak_atine —— 2 3 > 23) eee a 7 4 Ans: 2 . Awime aS (reloce. Cc mel Cr ox ~ H-Snds twit? caatee eshrle _aniling aga s¢ polx 2 dhs dehy prob ee Gi) tHetiydarine in _oter seacks with Feexic 3 x . 3_____ChloS ids _to__precipitate hydrate, sri Oxi 3___aAms:__Metths pee te e—_tala\ le _____ 7 orsicS chloxide 5 Lewis acid. “tata react sa bo \pum —Coeaie oxida Chydaakea rs a Gv Alt {ino _9.9 — Oran Fie Check acibilie cukelr titi . pone ahah a subatenbelarnounk 2. ok - mitstanili 2 An: Duta mivahion ol “aniline using @n 7 edd, a g cata shy ANTLINIOM jon a 4 fosmed SHSGEE SEG yc mmenyn= ctoe.cling ° ay gat ee : seaction . >in: Dus ta wit Acid 2 AIC tohich atlas as Vriedad 2 cual venshaee > a _ a_@)__Diazoniurs salts | axomatic amines are a more. _ stably thay those. Oh, aliphatic amines : Awe: Dus Jo resonance stabilization 4 9g—_____@xornalse._ciazanium salts _—__| 2 — Beep ak synifosic — sured =) amines . < Scanned with CamScanner Date. (28 ' 7 ; ause cascbon halo band _of- _t ae sOnance taSilized i Ola) Shey axe amin fess acidic than aleokels of tomparabl, —molax mass? _ Ans. | A 4 sj imag. Soho ___! and axe Leéusis bose clus bo ths : ___ Presenu_of lone paix o| is ‘NN? atow @) Wh VY amines have. highs bp thon 3 amines . 1 Ans. Because. famines have H- ee te between Thirc moleuks And 27 do mot have H = bo cling > Eon Nata hocomes Doss auailahle — | Oe - fe] ® - \ Scanned with CamScanner SY mfr iS om __@® i. Sewies = ne aye Assonge Occ. to. pelle = b__Baomo methane. Bromoloy eh uacdae Wake Crea: Cn, Ba =. chr Ghinsmattone < tromoalne fou = Gp dlimapaene apo idg__I-chlorobubane ‘ay, CHacH cH» CR «Chg -Ch-cH, Shah, Ch Ch, Ch e z ia 1 = 2 a chat ow aw Tor AAn = Z = > 2° °. @ 03 edict thy odie ivi [chlouing = ra towards Sry kena Re acta! = = Ru isomexie bromo bubanee je Hach, Ch CH By. CrgcH, CH ~ CH > 7 : BA. Ca Chay -ch-ChH, By Cry - CH —cHa r Cty : Ba Anes Sny Ha . 4 2 CHa-cH CH, > EmRCHLEH CHa > CHy CH=CH, RC CHEN AIH ) tT Ba Cry SNz: Reverse of Sn bebo bs dsl Fila fe] Scanned with CamScanner Gn CensCthOe Cens CH Cots) wx Ces CH(CHs) Ry Cots Hs) Carts) Be era Be Ba Bee = a, & ee 9} Oe eae cs) Ans: SN ae A Re Rr L cK os Lg Cy ie) Lol pee 2 fe chs No: OA. Takes gives. Sno Reachen fast: Reves of anh GQ CHA CH, CH, Ch MH oS Cr CH = oH ch Zz BA , a f cH. | dy Cry= Ch,- CH=CH ° : . . , e Ch, -c— BYx. 1 ZF cH giy_Ch-cH— CH-Chh By ov CH, CH, cH ~ CH MH i CH chy, ES Mrsvrlinhs>sale le darlin deinlehaAnnnhnadaeendannadaanaaaae \ Scanned with CamScanner Dato, @_ Q&._Whidl: ie ate ct S chpale” mamenk 9 3 ’ a . 5 >. Gi CHa Oa CHO ih). cely 2 Ra - » . 5 3 8 ’ : O23 Which aves Sno reach ter 1 ox Chat ON) (Che Colo Cah ae . G@__ ChaRs wT — ———— Ans, Sty — thy SH eh y-CH,-CHCHeM2 CH, perisct iy i 5 > B 4 sa fA > Slowest fastest Medigw ; ’ ) |-Bromo-%-mey{ buleme,_.2-Brarn os Rbulane ct eS 8 \uhane_. dn Ch, CH —chy= CHa cm ; hp RE Ch SM “oh Bx. By cls Medivus Gi) )-Bromobubane I-Rvomo= 2,2- dict) Pro CH2CH, CH CH Re By _Ch JA | i he =<) Ch. @ } ) val 1. Barn -2- rete bubone,—_b Brrorno: Be melly butane ’ ) i ' 1 ' fastest i 4 ‘ , ' ' , 7 1 Ch, = CM, cHacH Shy = SH I HOH rae ' \ » © Cr, ce @ Bu ~ am O< OL O. Taluddehyde < Benzal do » . Dcsto ghenone << po Te Stat ‘i mone < ethanol = Nb > F @ 3 O__Faxk tha shang exch 9 ” = 05 CrCOH or Ch» PCOrH ci Ci POH ow cH,C1COaH 2 z Zs 2 cnn _CHLP CHCH,COH or em cnt oy CO H 2 - _ Hit oHe 2 Ww) AC oO S-C80H ox Cha —o-coort o a 2S asm , vi iuaridies “Honiton bs Actone ~ Di- text = paul Aatone > t-butyl keto p_ - Methe % =butyd Ketone , a Y 2 Ane (eI) Waestat fabgh) ye Qo Ace. to cidic st voy + “CH CH (hy) Coo eS ICH COOH TN Care) a cH Coo” CH, Ch, CH, COOH, Tag, CEFEIGCH COOH <_SHACHLEH, COOH KCHCACRIA, COOH BA << crych, Ch Ce) Cook Bon ® WSU SVY DOS Scanned with CamScanner Gip elec to ne acidic __shrensth : Benzore atid Us Mitre benzaiC add. Ba. Dintbobencoic add 4. Herth cay COOH, Coo, Oo, ae } —< ; } z } 2 7 “OCH, ee NOL Sie._chesonge —ace._todeexensieg _hasic_shrerpth: HsNit, (Cans. Nac hit Ces Nita > C Ly Ans: (GHs)oNH Calis Nia. NIH CoH NH L 4 In. Axwonse Acc: dncxeashas heste_stuersths— @CHSNH, GHSNH, (CHsCHaNit (Gits}o NH fi 1 4 Te CS, CNT, <_GHSNY, Gis), NY (i) ColsNH, (Cats) NH Consdeng iy Colts NH Ans: -GHsNYt < Con Ni, f Coats )oNH << Gis), N (Cty Gaseous stot Ci) Canta CCH) wn (Ci) 3N Cas NM Colts CH, NHS i ‘ Ars: CHE Nth < Celis CH NH, << (Chan < (Os MHC CHAN i In Caseaus state) h | Scanned with CamScanner Qs. xorg the {otlousing | Gn dec PRS vader Cane. basic nolo) 2 CoHSNY Cots NCH CCaHs) Nit CoHs NH 5 whos, CeMSNH, < Cele NUCH, < CoWsNi, < Cats), WH Qi) “he ‘inc. basic sh toy: Catteni. Cetts N(CHy) 2 ~ (CottsSann < Cig NI Ans: CcHsNity ¢ Gs N(Clia), < Cit, Nit <(Gits 2 NH Gi) “Tn mc. SS eal a) Ayjine __G>-nitho arilme _, p- boluid\ ne F dns: P= Nib aniline Ariline *P-Tolui dine G) _GHsNWa Celts NH CHa, CeWs CH NM Anti_CalsNH, << Guo NICH Ces CH NH QW) ta me. basi xen gin eo Cone Cats Nt (cavs> NH RB Era Certtenir 2 ear owt eeu Aas: Na vt Gs) (srs) ain 5 3 @ Ney < Cpr, a a Ciaran \Gaquesss stete) > WW) Any inc: oxdes redex ol ho\ling_ point ;——_____— Conson, Coray hin Cons nits 2m (Catia nn <4 Coats Ni VVVUsYVOUYT EF we YY YY > a (4) Ao dnc: ode Of “solabtlthp an caater: 2. Ce My Says 4 Corfe) NH Am Cotis Sit (dane) sn CNS Ny = ia} > @) Scanned with CamScanner

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