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Zack A.

Rosanes July 19, 2023

BSREM 1-2 Sr. Carlos Garcia
Purposive Communication Activity #3

Tie The Back Part 1

1. What technology do you often use as part of your everyday lifestyle?

The technology that I often use in this modern times as part of my everyday lifestyle is
obviously the cellphone or the smartphones. I can easily access everything that I need including
schedules/ agendas for the day, to-do list, updates and messages from other people, information
that I need to know and more. We always stay in touch with our loved ones and important people
from other places. Smartphones are the technology that is mostly used by almost every person
including myself. Aside from being a great technology, you can bring it in you everywhere you go
having access to these useful features all the time.

2. Do you agree that people of today’s generation would likely to have an instant of everything?

I don’t think that people of today’s generation would likely to have an instant of everything
considering the fact that reality exists. There are some but I think majority doesn’t have that
mindset of manifesting all the things that you want to instantly pop or receive in front of you. As
we people progress, technology all progress making it hard to adapt on the previous stages of
technology. That makes it really difficult to be adaptive not unless you have dedication and
determination on what you do. Having an instant of everything is what all of us desires in life but
the people of today’s generation must work hard in order to achieve it. It’s like respecting the
process in order to earn it.

3. How important the access of information nowadays, especially in this time of pandemic?
The importance of the access of information nowadays, especially in this time of pandemic
is beyond our way of living compared before the pandemic. It is so important that being able to
access information to various digital platforms is what keeps us all alive and going in life. Not
being able to go outside our home was very difficult since we have no access and updates with the
events happening to our society. However, with the help of technology, all became possible inside
our home. It became a significant factor to gain access information with technology that changed
millions of lives. No information can be accessed in this time of pandemic without technology.

Tie The Back Part 2

1.How do social media platforms affect your life?

Social platforms affect my life physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically.

Social platforms became my source of happiness as it lets me forget my problems in this world. I
experience many emotions with these platforms especially being joyful as I browse witty contents,
and funny videos. Also, I get to have fun with my friends and loved ones in these platforms
especially when we really need it. It is more fun with social platforms but the risk of putting
yourself away in the reality world is also a risk as you are too encouraged and engaged in the
virtual world. Although with proper usage and self-discipline, social platforms will affect our life
being able to socialize with other people online, access to all the information you need to know in
these platforms, entertain yourself, and find happiness.

2. What social media platform do you always use and how does it perform in your everyday life?

The social media platform that I always use is Facebook. It perform in my everyday life as
I can access all the source of information and entertainment that I need. Facebook can provide
various links and full detail of updates with the news and also the memes and funny contents to
pass time. It does access me all the information and entertainment that I want to know and watch.
I’m also updated to the posts of my loved one’s pictures and shared moments through this platform.
That is simply how Facebook perform in my everyday life.

3. What is meme according to the lesson?

Now according to the lesson, meme is a tool for communicating using words and image in
social media. It develops time to time as people gets more creative in making it. Memes can give
us humorous images that have either a phrase or word in it where it gives out interesting facts and
jokes from reality that all of us can relate to in our everyday lives. According to Sean Rintel, meme
are shared “nuggets of cultural currency”. It became an important way and mechanism to create
meanings that predates the internet. Memes are adopted from a biologist named Richard Semon
and with his research, he used this word for his studies though it is not completely related to its
meaning today.

Activity. Share one of your experiences when you need technology the most in a particular
situation. Write your own story on the sheet given below.

Now one of my experiences when I need technology the most in a particular situation is
when one time I am making a documentary where I explored a town and looked for its meaningful
place. As I went home after that trip, I forgot that the documentary needs some images and
interviewees with records in order to have a higher score in this final documentary requirement.
So I need a device that can both capture image and record voices so I immediately went back to
that town and capture the place itself and its details and histories with angular captures. I also
interviewed the locals their what do they think about the relevance of the history of this place
consisting of three minute flow. Not just in this particular situation, almost every day becomes a
situation where I need technology the most that will greatly benefit my studies, progress,
happiness, and development in life. That situation have led me to the successful and fun
documentary as it is my favorite place. This particular situation trajected greatly and technology
is there when I really needed it.

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