Section 9 Composition Assignments

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Music Composition 2

Composition Assignments for Section 9

Assignment 1
Instructions: Compose three different block chord accompaniments for the same melody. (Line one
is the original melody and accompaniment.) Hint: use the exact same chords but alter the rhythm in
which the chords are played. This will change the rhythmic texture and thus the overall texture of
the music.
Assignment 2
Instructions: Compose three different broken chord accompaniments for the same melody. (Lines
1-2 are the original melody and accompaniment.) You must use the same chords but you may alter
the duration of the notes, the order in which they played, use open harmony, etc. Try and come up
with some broken chord accompaniments that were not presented in this lesson.
Assignment 3
Compose a melodic period that has a pedal point for the accompaniment in the left hand.

Assignment 4
Compose a bass ostinato, and then compose a melody to go with it.

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