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The A1Z26 code is a very simple code. As you know there are 26 letters in the American alphabet so Z would equal 26
because it is the 26th letter in the alphabet.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

ASCII is a computer code that is similar to binary. Instead of using 1's and 0's like binary it uses the numbers from 1-256

A=65 T=84 m=109 5=53

B=66 U=85 n=110 6=54

C=67 V=86 o=111 7=55

D=68 W=87 p=112 8=56

E=69 X=88 q=113 9=57

F=70 Y=89 r=114

G=71 Z=90 s=115

H=72 a=97 t=116

I=73 b=98 u=117

J=74 c=99 v=118

K=75 d=100 w=119

L=76 e=101 x=120

M=77 f=102 y=121

N=78 g=103 z=122

O=79 h=104 0=48

P=80 i=105 1=49

Q=81 j=106 2=50

R=82 k=107 3=51

S=83 l=108 4=52

The Atbash code is just the alphabet backwards. For example A would equal Z.



The Binary code is a code that the computers recognize using only 1's and 0's. It is a very complicated code because they
are different for lowercase and capital.

A 01000001 T 01010100 m 01101101 5. 00110101 ; 00111011

B 01000010 U 01010101 n 01101110 6. 00110110 : 00111010

C 01000011 V 01010110 o 01101111 7. 00110111 " 00100010

D 01000100 W 01010111 p 01110000 8. 00111000 ' 00100111

E 01000101 X 01011000 q 01110001 9. 00111001 ` 01100000

F 01000110 Y 01011001 r 01110010 ! 00100001 ~ 01111110

G 01000111 Z 01011010 s 01110011 @ 01000000 < 00111100

H 01001000 a 01100001 t 01110100 # 00100011 > 00111110

I 01001001 b 01100010 u 01110101 $ 00100100 ? 00111111

J 01001010 c 01100011 v 01110110 % 00100101 ¿ 10111111

K 01001011 d 01100100 w 01110111 ^ 01011110 , 00101100

L 01001100 e 01100101 x 01111000 & 00100110 . 00101110

M 01001101 f 01100110 y 01111001 * 00101010 / 00101111

N 01001110 g 01100111 z 01111010 ( 00101000 { 01111011

O 01001111 h 01101000 0. 00110000 ) 00101001 } 01111101

P 01010000 i 01101001 1. 00110001 - 00101101 [ 01011011

Q 01010001 j 01101010 2. 00110010 _ 01011111 ] 01011101

R 01010010 k 01101011 3. 00110011 + 00101011 € 10101100

S 01010011 l 01101100 4. 00110100 = 00111101 ¶ 10110110

Caesar Cipher
The Caesar cipher is a code Julius Caesar invented when he mailed letters. He invented it so if his messenger was robbed
of that letter and the robber wouldn't be able to read it. It is probably one of the most simple codes ever. It is 3 letters
back so A would be X. The Rot Cipher is almost the same as the Caesar Cipher.



Francis Bacons Substitution Cipher

One of Bacons best code was a code that used bold and regular fonts in a certain order to make a new letter. For
example "code" would be something like this "FrancisBacon was a cool guy". After you see the sentence put all of the
letters in to groups of 5, like this "Franc isBac onwas acool" leave out any extra letters. Once you have it like this you are
ready to decode.

*= Regular Letter B= Bold Letter

A= ***** Q=B****

B=****B R=B***B

C=***B* S=B**B*

D=***BB T=B**BB

E=**B** U=B*B**

F=**B*B V=B*B*B

G=**BB* W=B*BB*


I=*B*** Y=BB***

J=*B**B Z=BB**B






Keyboard Code
The Keyboard Code is just the order of letters your keyboard.



Phone Code
The Phone code is really cool because not a lot of people know it. It is just the number the letter is on and then what
number it is on that number. For example A is on 1st number on 2 so it would be 2 1




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