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Activity 4: Historical-Biographical Art Analysis

Choose an art piece (any category) and make an art analysis answering the following guide questions:

● What personal details about the author can be connected to the artwork and how are these
● What impact do these personal details have on the design and elements of the artwork?
● Are there bigger movements (political, social, or cultural) during the creator’s time that
influenced his/her artwork?
● How are these events relevant to the artwork?

A. Chosen Art Piece (Paste your chosen art piece inside the box.)

B. Analysis (Type your analysis here. You may exceed this page.)
Ronald Ventura is a Filipino artist, he said that " Making a portrait is like addition and
subtraction". Crack in the Hull is one of his artworks, it has a similarity with manual jar's
Craving. He represents the past and also the future in one frame. Just like his interpretation
of art, he proved that on our way to facing the future, we left a lot of things. Crack in the Hull
catch the attention of many people due to the details of the artwork that shows the two
people riding on the boat, the one on the back is digging, not the water but different
memories, while the other people on the front are facing their destination. Ronald Ventura
likes mythology, he also made a lot of artwork that is related to Catholicism and Western
History. On making the artwork, it was influenced by Southeast Asia's belief in spirit boats.
We always believe that when we leave this world there are two places where we can go,
heaven and hell. We believe that after death we will fetch to face judgement. Crack in the
Hull shows the one digging as the grim reaper and the one at the front, crossed its arm at
the chest is the new soul that needs to cross the river of regrets and hatred. Some people
say that we can express ourselves through artwork because there's no rule when creating
art, no correct colour, no right shape and also no specific message. There are a lot of things
that we can express by doing artwork. The event that was made is relevant from last up to
the present and even in the future. The artwork shows different scenarios calmly, it is
relevant to artwork due to the modern way of communication. The events show that even in
the present we need to go back to the past to know where we go wrong. The realization will
hit us, and that is what makes us even stronger. The painting represents different emotions
such as hatred, sadness, happiness and even different thoughts that may be confused us.
The painting isn't just a simple painting, it can be an open way to give us a lot of realization,
a way to express our emotions and also a way to express ourselves. In both the present,
past, future, and even in the afterlife we always ask for validation. This artwork shows that
acceptance is the only thing that we need. The man that crossed his arm showed how calm
he is, the way he accepts the situation. This painting represents the present generation's
need to realise that we will all go to the river of soul and will face our judgement. Let's live
our life to the fullest, let's see how precious our life is, and let's enjoy freedom without
validation from others. When we realize it, we can be the man at the front of the boat, just
like the man, we can be calm and ready to face our judgement, and we can leave our love
once without regret.

C. References (APA Format)

Artnet (June 17, 2023): Ronald Ventura

Santos, T.U.( November 9, 2012): Feast of Contemporary Art; The Varsitarian

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