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GE 11 (J)






Discuss briefly.

Is having a handful of friends better than having a lot of friends? Why? 5 points

 Indeed, Yes. Having a lot of friends is good but having a few and real one is more advantage.
They are always there in times of not just in happy moments but also in times that you feel
down and keeping you always inspired and motivated.

How do you maintain your relationship with your friends? 5 points

 I maintain my relationship with my friends through being honest with them. We don't keep
secrets and hiding anger but we are working together to keep inspired and motivated. And we
help each other so that no one will left behind.

Why is having a friend important? 5 points

 Having friends is also having a family. A family that supports each other, and a family who
always keep inspired and motivated when you loses hope. A friend is a family that light up your
torch and always keeping behind you, for your future endeavors.
Activity 2: What would it be like if you had no friends? 20 points

Write in your responses to these two questions. Really get present to what would it be like if you had
NO friends — ■ How would you feel?

 Having no friends is like as a planet having with no water. Water that makes you grow and live
for a life. Having no friend would make me feel that I'm useless such as a trash that no one

■ What would you DO if you had NO friends?

 If I have no friends what I would to do is to stay just being true to myself, because in life you
don’t need a lot of friends to live for, but what you need is to always wear your confidence and
let the world see your worth.


Activity #1: Discussion

What are the differences between friendships among men and friendships among women? Explain
further. 15 points

 My answer is based on my experiences.

When it comes to men friendship, it so easy to attached with them. Such like what I've
experienced before, “I just ask the guy something in that place and on the following days, we've
met in one place and we talked to each other like that we've known each other.

But when it comes to women friendship, personal connection matters. If that girl want that
person then there is a greater chances of friendship, but if that girl hate that person, I believe
that the girl has a lot to say about that person. Hence, women are too selective in choosing with
persons they perceive to be a friend.


• “Women Hold Up Half the Sky “(Chinese saying)

o What do you think this saying means? Is it true to our society? Why or why not)? 15 points

 Based on my own understanding it seems it’s like as a patriarchal system, where women are
having the less privileged in terms of profession. And I think in other countries it may be still
existed. However, in our country we are so grateful that equality are given both to women and
men, where same opportunities, professions and other benefits and privileges are distributed
equally regarding on gender identity.

PRACTICE TASK/ASESSMENT (10 points each, 40 points total)

Activity #1: Research into images and messages

Explain how people of different genders were being portrayed in their area of investigation.

SONGS Women songs are more on Men's songs are much more
expressing their emotions and lively such as rock music, rap or
feelings. Hence, expressing hip hop. Songs that actually
affection base on the reality nor appealing to men.
to their experiences.
FILMS In films women are being Most of the movie genre are
portrayed in feminine roles and action where role of being
most of the genre are drama masculine are being presented.
romantic or romance.
TV ADVERTS Since women are being Men are being portrayed as the
portrayed as a mother and a family provider, therefore in an
housewife most of the TV advertisement they also
adverts where in terms of advertise products that shows
household chores. With this, we masculine related products such
can see that women advertise as pain relievers.
the products related to
NEWS In news, women are more in Males are more on strong issues
soft-related news like family such as political and
related, health, and international related news.
How were men and women shown to be relating to each other?

 They received both equal opportunities, although gender stereotypes are often presented but
with this, equal responsibilities and equal rights are built in doing so.

Were these images realistic? Discuss the evidence and draw the conclusions.

 Yes, as we lived everyday we’ve encountered these things. As our world changes, we also
changed our individual perspective, normalizing those things and lived by the society that
understand the issue better, thinking about the actions we could change to make it.

Now that you have learned all about this subject, how do you view gendered society?

I see gender society as a teacher who taught me with the different people with different personality,
character, and story. Gender society brings me to the world where I can explore things and understand
the function of gender in our own society. Making me more aware to the societal issues and societal
expectations about what it means to be man or a woman, as well as to promote justice and equality for
all. Where the power, privilege, and opportunities that some people have and others do not in a
particular culture are strongly influenced by gender. And it brings so much impact on the equality and
anti-discrimination movements.

Furthermore, gender society aids people through gender awareness, where people can understand
better the issues, making connections with others and gain self-confidence and making them to
acceptance and support them in all aspects of life. Gender society is an eye opener to accept the facts
that we are just only human being that needs to be loved, value, and respected. With all this, I
concluded that gender society is a way towards diversity, development and progress of a state.

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