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The Last Supper, a biblical event portraying Jesus and his disciples' final meal together, has been

portrayed in two iconic Renaissance paintings by Dirk Bouts and Andrea del Castagno. However, there
are noticeable differences in the composition, painting style, and overall atmosphere of the two
artworks. Bouts' painting depicts Jesus seated at the centre of the table with the disciples symmetrically
arranged around him, while del Castagno's painting shows a diagonal line of figures in a long and narrow
room, creating a more dynamic composition with figures in motion and gesturing towards one another.

Furthermore, Bouts' composition is more static with characters confined to a small space, whereas del
Castagno's painting is characterized by harsher contrasts of light and shadow, creating a more dramatic
effect with a sombre colour scheme. Despite these differences, both paintings successfully capture the
essence of the Last Supper, conveying the emotions of the figures in the scene. Both masterpieces are
celebrated for their artistic and historical significance in Renaissance art.

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