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i) which class of lever is this?

Give one example

of it. [O.5+0.5]
(i) write any two practical uses ofit. [11
(iii) which class of lever will be formed if the
position of effort is replaced by load? Give one
example of this newly formed lever. [0.5+0.5]
Kageshwori Manohara-9, Kathmandu
b In a drum, a liquid of 5 m depth exerts a pressure of
Class: ViII
PRE-BLE EXAM 2079 2940000 Pa. If the value of acceleration due to gravity is
9.8 m/s?. Calculate the density of the liquid.
F.M.: 75
Subject: Science Time: 2:15 hrs. [2
3. (a). What is one calorie heat? If you have to measure the
Candidates required to give creative answers rather than based on
rot learning and such answers shall be temperature above 80°C, do you use an alcohol or
prioritised while awarding
marks. mercury thermometer? Why? +1]
(b). Study the figure and answer the following questions
Group APhysics|25 marks
1.) (a). On which factors does mass depend? Show the
fundamental units involved in the followings: [1+2]
(i) Watt (ii) Newton
(b). A car is travelling with a speed of 60 km/hr. Calculate
the retardation if the car comes at rest after 20 seconds, Fig. A Fig. B
when brakes are applied. [2] the of work done shown in figure 'A' and
) Identify type
the diagram and the following figure 'B'.
2. (a). Study answer

questions: (ii) Write the formula which can be used for energy of the
body in figure 'A'.
load (ii) Write the formula which can be used for energy of the
body in figure 'B°. [1
4. (a). What is echo? The velocities of sound in three
different media A, B and C are given in the table below:



C O P y " 9 , 7014.
V a e n e y or
A" rights
eiertrons are
foundn the outer orbit of
i)howmany 05
velociy of sond
VA grop ofelements? Phosphorus. O5
valency of
3325 iv) write the chromatography.
Write o

a)State the principle of heterogesos

1460 bomogenous and

5200s mixure. in ou
Siicon and Sulphur
Ne A ziCaeg them bWrite w o applications of
daily life. How can it
f*sreingh eB is 10 m calculzte th hardness of water?
8 (a). What is the temporary
equency of boiling? Write
with a chemical cquation
e a i e o dzw e iagan i a coven be removed by
1-1-1L tuns
treated with phenolphthalein
compound when
S Defne mageie oiricn A mzpt 2s more force n t o pink colour.
Name the given compound. Ii ths
poies heemddie, =iy? [1-1] with carbon dioxide. it
forms sodun
compound is treated
Defae polarisatice Make a wel labeled diagam of with its
carbonate and water Name
the compound
e y ce showing necessary parts [1-2
molecular formula

Grg BIChemistri 15 marks

D e f e oct rle. Write he moleculaz formula of Group C1Biology|15 marks
Viruses are caled
9 (a) Wite two advantages of fungi.
[1-1 borderiine between living and non living beings, why?
S c : he gven able amd nswer the followinng [1-1
b). What is cross pollination? Study the given figure
answer the following questions:
Group LA LA
C Ne
Period Li Be B

3NaMg AlSi P S a
wiich goup of eiements are calaed haloges and inet
arne any two alkaimetals
Jabel A. B and C
( ) write the function of A.
10. (a). What is the digestive
system? Write two differences
between apical and lateral meristem.
b). Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a neuron. [2
11. (a). What is
multiple fission? Write any two differences
between left auricles and left ventricles. [1+2]
(b). How do you prove that a green plant releases oxygen
gas in the process of photosynthesis? Explain with an
experiment. [2]
Group DAstro +Geol5 marks
12.(a). Differentiate between metallic and non metallic
minerals in two points. What is the soil profile? [2+11
b). It is hot in terai and cold in himalayan region of
Nepal, why? [2]
Group E (Environment) 15 marks
13. (a). What is meant by natural resources? Write a short
note on Chitwan National Park. [1+2]
(b). We should conserve wildlife and medicinal herbs,
why? [21
14. (a). Write any two greenhouse effects. Mention any two
ways to conserve the environment. +1]
(b). Write the full form of ICIMOD. Explain the activities
done by IUCN in Nepal. 1+2) 2
15. (a). What is meant by public participation? How does it
help in sustainable development? [1+2]
(b). Write two differences between ecological and
morphological diversity. [2]

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