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User ID Request Form

Company Name X New ID

User Name Delete ID

Job Title Change Authorization
User's Div. Name Reset password

ID valid until ____________________________

Country Ship to Party Code :


Email Address

Reason for access GO LIVE EDN


No. Task / Role List



1. Every user ID will be issued with a temporary password. The temporary password of the user ID will automatically expire at the first time the
user logs into the system, and therefore the user will be required to key in a new password of his/her choice.
2. If the password(s) is/are exposed or suspected to be exposed to any other person(s), the user shall immediately change the password(s) OR
immediately notify to Company to instruct for changes in the password(s). Such user shall not access the system until a new password is issued.
In addition, any tampering of passwords or attempts to guess passwords is strictly prohibited. At no time or under no circumstances passwords
should be revealed to others person. Unattended workstation must be secured with password-protected screen-saver.
3. The user ID and password shall be used only during its approved validity period to perform the required job function as authorized and for so
long as there is transaction with Company. The validity period shall be deemed to expire in the event that a user is transferred from current job
position, relieved of current duties, go on long leave or absence, and/or expiry of any contractual services. The user and/or his management shall
be responsible for notifying Company on the above or changes thereof.
4. Company reserves the right to monitor, investigate and record users’ computing activities. In the event of any suspected or proven violations of
these Terms and Conditions, Company reserves the right to revoke any access without prior notice. In addition, Company shall also reserve the
right to add, delete or amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time and the user shall be bound automatically with the changes
accordingly once such changes are publicised or are made known to the user.
5. In event that a user does not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, no user ID will be granted or user ID will be revoked, whichever
is applicable.
6. I am willing to get the Customer Centric facility and have received socialization regarding the Customer Centric Dashboard from APP Indonesia
7. These Terms and Conditions shall be effective when it is signed by the user and shall continue to be effective for so long as there is
transaction with Company

I have read, understood and will concur the terms and conditions as stated above.
Applicant Applicant's Manager

Name :
Name : Aing Name : Aing Dept / Ext :
TTD user TTD Manager User TTD BU head

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