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Does the Green Hydrogen Economy Have a

Water Problem?
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I n 1766, Henry Cavendish discovered a lightweight gas

which, when burned in air, turned into water. In 1787,
Antoine Lavoisier named this new gas “hydrogen”, a
combination of the roots hydro and genesquite literally
Before moving to further develop the hydrogen economy, it
is important to determine the feasibility of the amount of water
2.3 Gt of hydrogen will require each year. Several authors2,4
have expressed their concerns about water for hydrogen,
Downloaded via UNIV OF EXETER on May 24, 2023 at 18:39:59 (UTC).

“water-former”.1 Not long after, scientists discovered that by stating that obtaining water for the economy will be too
adding electricity to water, hydrogen can be produced by the expensive or demanding on the water and energy require-
reverse reaction. Today, hydrogen is used as a feedstock for ments. Here, we calculate the amount of water needed for the
chemical synthesis, but other applications have become predicted hydrogen economy, including total water that is
realities including energy storage and transportation fuels. If withdrawn and consumed for electrolysis. Withdrawals are
the hydrogen is generated from renewable electricity, it water that is directly returned to the body of water from which
releases no greenhouse gas emissions, meaning that it can be it was extracted. Any water that is converted into another
a key player in the battle against climate change. unusable form or is not returned to the original body of water
To develop a “green hydrogen economy” where emissions- will be considered to be consumed.
free hydrogen is widely used in daily life, innovators are using Based on the reaction stoichiometry, for every kg of
electrochemical water electrolysis to generate hydrogen from hydrogen produced, 9 kg of water must be consumed.
two simple ingredients: electricity and water. As renewable Therefore, 2.3 Gt of hydrogen requires 20.5 Gt, or 20.5 billion
electricity prices drop and improvements in electrolyzer m3, per year of freshwater, which accounts for only 1.5 ppm of
efficiency are achieved, some critics have begun to ask a Earth’s available freshwater. Most applications for hydrogen
question about the second ingredient: is there enough water to require it to be combusted or pumped through a fuel cell,
support a hydrogen economy? Some argue that the answer is which converts hydrogen gas into electricity and water, but
no, due to perceived significant water demand throughout the while most water can be recovered, it is not generally returned
entire production process, including the use of water as a to the original body of water and will be treated as consumed.
feedstock and a cooling agent for thermoelectric methods of The only sector in which the use of hydrogen does not
producing hydrogen such as steam methane reforming regenerate the entirety of the water feedstock by fuel cell or
(SMR).2 Yet the objective of the green hydrogen economy is combustion is chemical synthesis, which will account for 540
to derive energy completely from renewable sources which do Mt of hydrogen, using at most 4.8 billion m3 or 0.3 ppm of
not use water for cooling or fossil fuel processes. Therefore, it global freshwater annually.3
is critical to include only water that is directly used for water When compared to other projections for the water demand
electrolysis when considering the impact of hydrogen of hydrogen production,2 the freshwater requirements above
production on global water reserves. In the analysis that are quite low. This is due to our assumption that all hydrogen
follows, we find that by isolating the water used for the in the future will be produced using renewable energy sources
electrolysis step, there is a negligible impact of the amount of such as wind and solar, which have little to no water
water consumed for hydrogen production compared to the consumption. When fossil fuels are used for primary energy
amount of water available. production and power generation, the water requirement is
1. Water Requirement of Electrolysis. In our previous quite significant. In 2014, 251 billion m3 of freshwater were
withdrawn for power generation and energy production from
work, we considered the total future need for hydrogen in all
fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, and 31 billion m3
applicable sectors including chemical synthesis, transportation,
were consumed as the water was used for cooling, mining,
buildings and heating, and energy storage. The calculated
hydrogen demand in the distant renewable future is 2.3 Gt per
year.3 In our vision, hydrogen will be produced by water Received: July 3, 2021
electrolysis powered by renewable energy. Such a vision can Accepted: August 5, 2021
reduce the carbon emissions from the energy sector by up to Published: August 17, 2021
10.2 Gt annually from future emissions projections compared
to the International Panel on Climate Change’s worst-case
RCP8.5 scenario.3

© 2021 American Chemical Society

3167 ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 3167−3169
ACS Energy Letters Viewpoint

Figure 1. Comparison of the global freshwater withdrawal and consumption of three different sectors: fossil fuel energy production and
power generation, agriculture, and the implementation of a global hydrogen economy. Note that the bar chart is on a log scale.3,5

hydraulic fracturing, and refining.5 In comparison, even though consuming less energy than other desalination methods such as
the 20.5 billion m3 of water withdrawn for hydrogen distillation.10
production by electrolysis must be consumed, this is still However, some water that is fed to the RO process cannot
33% less than the current fossil fuel energy-related uses (Figure be utilized, and the recovery defines the percentage of usable
1). Furthermore, electrolysis will render fossil fuel energy clean water that is produced by the process out of the total
sources obsolete as the energy sector is able to move more amount of feedwater. Current state-of-the-art RO plants, such
toward renewable technologies, saving 10 billion m3 of as the Ashkelon plant in Israel, can achieve recoveries of up to
freshwater that would have been consumed by energy-related 50%,8 meaning that twice the amount of water desired at the
uses of fossil fuels. Thus, it is apparent that using hydrogen as a outlet must be fed into the process, for a total of 41 billion m3
method to reach a renewable energy society will lead to drastic of seawater withdrawn annually for hydrogen production. This
water savings, not expenditures. is around 30 ppb of the world’s available supply of seawater
The water consumption of electrolysis is especially minimal each year, a negligible amount compared to the resources
relative to other sectors such as the irrigated agricultural sector, available, and the water that cannot be recovered is returned to
which is responsible for 70% of the world’s total freshwater the same body of water, so that it is not consumed.
withdrawals, or over 2700 billion m3 annually.5 Of this, around It is important to note that adding a desalination process
increases the energy requirement of the life cycle of electrolytic
1100 billion m3 of water are consumed each year5over 50
hydrogen production, but this too is negligible in comparison
times as much water as a future hydrogen economy would
to powering the electrolyzer itself. Overall, RO requires 3.5−5
require (Figure 1). Nonetheless, even with adjacent sectors
kWh of energy for each cubic meter of clean water produced.10
using far more water than even the most ambitious prediction
For a global hydrogen demand of 2.3 Gt, this yields an
for hydrogen, concerns about freshwater scarcity6,7 call for additional 0.26−0.37 EJ of annual energy required to perform
reductions in water extractions at all available angles. RO for water electrolysisi.e., 0.06−0.13% of the minimum
Therefore, proposing a solution which allows for hydrogen energy required to produce the hydrogen by electrochemical
to tap into Earth’s extensive saltwater resources can further water splitting. From an economic viewpoint, desalination by
decrease hydrogen’s water footprint. RO would add an energy cost of $0.53−1.50 per m3 of clean
2. Desalination of Saltwater. Accessible freshwater water produced,8 which would add no more than $0.01 to the
makes up just less than 1% of the planet’s water,8,9 and it is cost of hydrogen production per kg. This is in agreement with
best to avoid creating any additional burden on freshwater an analysis by Khan et al. which found that desalination would
usage, especially in areas where drinking water is difficult to comprise 0.1% of the energy requirement of electrolysis and
attain. However, almost all the remaining 99%, or about 1.4 add $0.02 to the cost of hydrogen per kg.11 Therefore, even if
billion km3, is seawater, which can be purified through desalination processes were integrated into hydrogen produc-
desalination processes before being used as an electrolysis tion, DOE targets12 to produce hydrogen for less than $2.00
feedstock. The leading desalination technology today is reverse per kg would still be within reach.
osmosis (RO), which uses an applied pressure and a Green hydrogen production will consume 1.5 ppm of Earth’s
semipermeable membrane to reject ions present in the water, freshwater or 30 ppb of saltwater each year, an amount smaller
ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 3167−3169
ACS Energy Letters Viewpoint

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characterize the true water requirement of electrolysis
technology, without the influence of water needs for the
current non-renewable infrastructure, to get a clear idea of the
impact hydrogen can have on a renewable energy future.
Rebecca R. Beswick
Alexandra M. Oliveira
Yushan Yan


Complete contact information is available at:
Author Contributions

R.R.B. and A.M.O. contributed equally.
Views expressed in this Viewpoint are those of the authors and
not necessarily the views of the ACS.
The authors declare the following competing financial
interest(s): Yushan Yan is the Founder and CEO of Versogen
which is a University of Delaware startup dedicated to anion
exchange membranes and green hydrogen production using
anion exchange membrane electrolyzers.

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
A.M.O. is a National Science Foundation Graduate Research
Fellow (NSF DGE-1940700).

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(4) Bossel, U. Does a Hydrogen Economy Make Sense? Proc. IEEE
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ACS Energy Lett. 2021, 6, 3167−3169

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