Vocabulary Ejercicos para Perezosos b2

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The advantages of shopping online are very different for example you can see in many pages different shops in the same times
the prices are many reduce and the online market is more competitive the people there are more opportunities to choose and
to found new bargains.

The people becomes lazy because with online shopping you don't need to move from your house.

For other hand, is very useful for the people when there are very busy and they dosen´t have time to go to shopping center or
mall… because shopping online reduces your search and is more easy to find find what you are looking for.

For other reason, is very comfortable when you need to make a big purchase and you don´t have a car or it doesn't fit in the


Anyway, there are many desadventages for example the little shop that suffer the consequences of our purchases on the
internet, it causing that millions of small outlets to close. For other hand, many old people doesn´t now use the computer and
they cannot take advantage of the facilities to buy online.

Besides, the shopping online is an addiction many people buy a lot of things that they doesn’t need this happened because
internet have many advertising, bargains and use to the youtubers, influencers to trow her new product and when you pick in
your link ,you get a discount and end up buying more than the bill.

Repasar primer més


1. passive

Don't forget!

 (to) be : past participle

 (to) have : been : past participle
 Have/has : been : past participle
 had : been : past participle
 am/is/are: being : past participle
 was/were : being : past participle

Explanations & Examples

Passive - be done

The doctor will see you in an hour (active)

You will be seen by the doctor in an hour. (passive)

 She wants to be married by the time she is thirty. (passive)

 In passive we use (to) be followed by a past participle to move the focus to who or what the action is happening to, we
don’t need to say who or what does the action.
 We use to + be + past participle to follow some verbs, want, need, like etc.

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Been done

 They should have done the washing-up. (active)

 The washing-up should have been done. (by them)
 With the perfect infinitive tense we form the passive with have + been + past participle.
 The boy has been sent to the headmaster.
 They had been invited to her house before.
 With the present perfect tense we use have/has+ been + past participle
 With the past perfect use had + been + past participle.

Being done

1. Present continuous tense uses am/is/are + being + past participle

 She is being served by that waiter now.
 I am being painted by an artist tomorrow.
1. The past continuous passive is formed with was/were + being + past participle.
 I’m sure I was being followed home last night.
 They were being shouted at (by the teacher).


1. Informal letter


1. idioms
2. phrasal verbs
1. After completing his PDh, the professor......................................................a survey among the postgraduate students to

validate his previous findings.

a) carried outb) gave out c) gave away d) carried away

a) realizó b) entregó c) regaló d) llevó
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2. - It was an overnight success, not even the creator could have foreseen how fast the start-up .............................

a) set off b) take off c) took up d) took of

a) se puso b) despegó c) tomó d) se quito

3. The chef.................................as serious and meticulous but he was cheerful and laid-back behind closed doors.

a) came in b) went up c) came upon d) came across=imprsión de

encontrar algo o alguien de manera inesperada o fortuita.

4. A member of the board........................................an idea that would change the future of the firm forever.

a) look forward b) put forward c) put up d) put off

a) esperar b) adelantar c) emprender d) poner en marcha

5. Casting directors are constantly seeking for artists that would...........................................................the crowd.

a) put of with b) fit in with c) stick up for d) stand out from

a) se adapta a b) encaja con c) defiende a d) se desmarca de

6. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't.........................................his erratic behaviour anymore.

a) put up with b) put through c) put down d) put off

7. The building had to be...........................................last year due to the irreparable damage on the facade.

a) broken down b) pulled down c) pushed away d) turned down

a) no se puede hacer nada b) tirar ,demoler c) no se puede hacer nada d) no se puede hacer nada

8. Many yoga instructors are............................................their studios around the city while others much rather teach

outdoors all year round.

a) taking up b) setting off c) making up d) setting up

a) tomar b) partir c) componer d) establecer,montar,instalar(negocio)

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1. Were the school to continue teaching with such an old-fashioned approach, they would..................................................losing

many of their current students.

a) end up b) do up c) end on d) take on

a) terminar b) hacer c) acabar,terminar d) tomar

2. - After my interview, I needed a few hours to...............................................to see if the advantages truly outweighed the

disadvantages of accepting the job.

a) count on it b) mull it over c) give it over d) put it up

a) contar con ello b) reflexionar sobre ello c) darlo por terminado d) ponerlo en marcha

3. If you are really considering relocating to Berlin, I guess it's time you....................................................your German.

a) came up with b) put up on c) got round d) brushed up on

d)Hacer un repaso, refrescar (un conocimiento, habilidad...)

4.It is not easy for me to work from home since I never.......................................................doing house chores, I'm always in

front of my laptop.

b) get round to b) keep on c) look up to d) come round with

a) llegar a b) seguir c) mirar hacia arriba d) llegar con

5.Miriam was..................................as a receptionist but sadly, she was laid off a few weeks after.

c) taken on b) turned up c) taken up d) pulled up

6. If it hadn't been for Ted, we wouldn't have.......................................................the proposal at such short notice.

a. looked forward b) come up with c) lived up to d) gave in to

a) esperaba b) se le ocurrió c) estuvo a la altura d) cedió

7. Everyone was...........................................by his puzzling reaction; we weren't expecting that.

a. taken behind b) taken up c) taken away d) taken aback

a) se ha quedado atrás b) se ha levantado c) se ha alejado d) se ha
quedado atrás
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8. They got engaged in their early 20s but they were not ready to..............................................and travelled the world for

years before walking down the aisle.

a. stay down b) live down c) settle down d) keep down

a) quedarse b) vivir c) establecerse d) mantenerse

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1.They didn't believe his alibi but all his friends .......................................................

a) made him up b) backed him up c) did him up d) kept him up

a) le inventó b) le apoyó c) le hizo d) le mantuvo

2. Professor Dunne.................................................as head of the department in September.

a) took over b) got over c) did over d) kept over

a) se hizo cargo b) superó c) superó d) mantuvo

3. We interviewed several candidates and ..................... some of them.............................because of

their level of English.

a) put...out b) ruled...out c) pointed...out d) turned out

a) puso...fuera b) dictaminó...fuera(descartar) c) señaló...fuera d)


4. Allan tried to get to know his co-workers but never................................................, he was

too different from them.

a) made out b) came in c) stood out d) fitted in

a) hizo b) entro c) destacó d) encajó

5. When the pandemic started many students didn't want to study English online and decided to

a) turn up b) drop in c) drop out d) turn out

a) subir b) bajar c)bajar, abandonar(estudios,cursos) d) salir

6. Although the treatment is still under trial, many scientists believe in it and can.................................................

a) vouch for b) take for c) keep up d) vote for

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a) avalar, dar fe b) aceptar c) mantener d) votar a favor

7. New business owners are often unable to.................................the stress of dealing with
customers and suppliers.

a)cope with b) take over c) keep up d) get down

a) hacer frente, lidiar b) hacerse cargo c) mantenerse d) deprimirse

8. A new sports centre was being designed in our neighbourhood but the plans.....................................................
due to the


a)went down b) fell down c) fell through d) turned off

a) se derrumbó b) se cayó c) se suspendió, venirse abajo d) se can

1.They rejected my project twice but after my third presentation

they .................................... .
a) fell in b) caved in c) went in d) turned in
a) cayó hacia dentro b) derrumbarse/cedió c) entró d) entregar reportar
2. - After inheriting his grandmother's old house, he saved money to .............................. and
it looks stunning now.
a) make it up b) take it up c) put it up d) do it up
a) "reconciliarse" o "hacer las paces"
b) "tomar algo en serio" o "asumir responsabilidad
c) no es una frase común en inglés y no tiene un significado claro.
d) do it up "arreglar algo" o "decorar algo
3. The contract was signed yesterday and therefore we will .............................. with the
a) go after b) go ahead c) go down d) go up
a) ir detrás b) ir delante c) bajar d) subir
4. He spent months touring the world with his band so he tried to................................. his
time away by buying hisfamily a big house.
a) make up for b) make on for c) do up for d) live up for
a) compensar" o "reparar
b) make on for - Esta opción no es una frase común en inglés y no tiene un significado claro.
c) do up for - Esta opción tampoco es una frase común en inglés y no tiene un significado claro.
d) live up for - Esta opción tampoco es una frase común en inglés y no tiene un significado
5. If you ever ............................ difficulties while you're staying in town, call me and I'll
give you a hand.
a) come up against b) come on against c) come in against d) come down against
a) Encontrarse con b) no es común c) no es común d) pronunciarse en contra de" o "oponerse a
6. All the servers ............................................. and it was impossible for us to send or receive
a) went down b) turned down c) kept down d) got down
a) bajó" o "descendió b) "rechazó" o "declinó c) "mantuvo abajo" o "reprimió" d) "bajó" o
7. Her clients ............................................. her as a professional lawyer that fights every case

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a) look upon b) look up c) look into d) look down at

a) mirar/considerar b) mirar hacia arriba c) mirar hacia dentro d) mirar hacia abajo
8. I have just found out that the acronym TBA .............................................. "to be
a) stands for b) does for c) makes for d) takes for

a) representar/significar b) no es una frase común en inglés y no tiene un significado claro. c)

contribuir y crear d) no es una frase común en inglés y no tiene un significado claro.

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