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1) The quantity of charge q (in C) passing through a surface of area 2 cm2 varies with time as
q = 4t3 + 5t + 6, where t is in s.
a) What is the instantaneous current trough the surface at t = 1s?
b) What is the value of the current density?

a) Since the amount of charge passing through surface is variable, the current is also variable.
So, the current is

For t = 1s,

b) A = 2 cm2 = 2.10-4 m2

2) The currnet I (in A) in a conductor depends on time as, i = 2t2 – 3t + 7, where t is in s. What
quantity of charge moves across a section thourgh the conductor during the interval
t = 2 s to t = 4 s?


The current is variable.

3) Calculate the average drift speed of electrons traveling through a copper wire with a cross-
sectional area of 1 mm2 when carrying a current of 1 A. It is known that about one electron
per atom of copper contributes to the current. The atomic weight of copper is 63,54 g/mol and
its density is d = 8,92 g/cm3.


N 0 d 6 , 02 x 1023 x 8 , 92
n= = =0 , 845 x 1023 cm− 3 =0 , 845 x 10 29 m−3
M 63 ,54
i 1
i=nqv d A ⇒ v d = = =0 ,739 x 10−4 m/ s
nqA 0 , 845 x 10 x 1,6 x 10 x 1 x 10
29 −19 −6

4) A wire with a resistance of R is lengthened to 1,25 times its original length by pulling it
through a small hole. Find the resistance of the wire after it is stretched.


The resistance of the wire before it is lengthened,

The resistance of the wire after it is stretched,

The volume will not change.

V0 = V

A0L0 = AL

ÞA = A0L0 / L

L = 1,25L0

Þ A = A0L0 / 1,25L0

Þ A = A0 / 1,25
5) An aluminum wire with a diameter of 0,1 mm has a uniform electric field of 0,2 V/m
imposed along, its entire length. The temperature of the wire is 50 °C. Assume one free electron per
a) Determine the resistivity. (ro = 2,82.10–8 W.m at 20°C, a = 3,9.10–3 (°C)–1)

b) What is the current density in the wire?

c) What is the total current in the wire?

d) What is the drift speed of the conduction electrons?

e) What potential dirrerence must exist between the end of a 2 m length of the wire to
produce the stated electric field strength?




i 2
J= ⇒ i=JA=Jπr 2=6 ,35 x 106 xπ ( 0 , 05 x 10−3 )
i=4 , 99 x 10−2 A=49 , 9 mA


J =nqv d ⇒ v d =

J 6, 35 x106
vd = =
nq 6, 02 x1028 1,6 x10−19
v d =6, 59 x 10−4 m/s

6) A 10 V battery is connected to a 120 Ω resistor. Neglecting the internal resistance of the
battery, calculate the power dissipated in the resistor.


V 10
i= = =0,083 A
R 120
P=i 2 R=(0, 083)2 120
P=0 ,833 W

7) Suppose that you want to install a heating coil that will convert electric energy to heat at a
rate of 300 W for a current of 1,5 A.
a) Determine the resistance of the coil.
b) The resistivity of the coil wire is 10 -6 Ω.m, and its diameter is 0,3 mm. Determine its

P 300
P=i 2 R ⇒ R= 2 =
i (1,5)2
R=133 , 33 Ω
−3 2
L RA Rπr2 133 , 33 xπ (0 , 15 x 10 )
R= ρ ⇒ L= = = −6
A ρ ρ 10
L=9 , 42 m

8) A resistor constructed of a carbon rod that has a uniform crosss-sectional area of 5 mm 2.

When a potential difference of 15 V is applied across the ends of the rod, there is a curren t of
4x10-3 A in the rod. (ρC = 3,5x10-5 Ω.m)

a) Find the resistance of the rod.

b) Find the rod’s length.
V 15
R= =
i 4 x10−3
R=3750 Ω=3 , 75 k Ω
L 3750 x 5 x10−6
R= ρ ⇒ L=
A 3,5 x 10−5
L=535 , 71 m
9) A certain toaster has a heating element made of nichrome resistance wire. When first
connected to a 120 V voltage sourge (and the wire is at a temperature of 20 °C) the initial
current is 1,8 A, but the current begins to decrease as the resistive element heats up. When the toaster
has reached its final operating temperature, the current has dropped to 1,53 A.
(aNi-Cr = 0,4.10–3 (°C)–1)

a) Find the power the toaster consumes when it is at its final operating temperature.
b) What is the final temperature of the heating element?


a) V = 120 V, if = 1,53 A,

P = if . V

P = 1,53.120 = 183,6 W


V 120
Ri = = =66 , 67 Ω
ii 1,8
V 120
Rf = = =78 , 43 Ω
if 1 , 53

Ri =R 0 (1+αΔT )
Rf =R i [ 1+α(T f −T i ]
78, 43=66 ,67 [ 1+0,4 x10−3 (T f −20)]
T f =460 , 4 Ο C

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