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Market Leader Extra

DVD Worksheet 14: Upper Intermediate

Business Skills

Upper Intermediate DVD Clip 14

Objective: Speaking
Can participate in teleconferences using fixed expressions for self-introduction and turn-taking.

Tim and Sarah from Healthy Earth Solutions are having a teleconference with Rebecca and Ravi from Swanson
Global Management. Rebecca is leading the meeting.

Managing the agenda and turn-taking

1 Watch the video clip and answer the questions. Rebecca: Can we discuss the next item on the
agenda and return to the subject of
1 What topic have they just been discussing?
relocating later?
Sarah: Of course.
2 What topic does Rebecca move them on to? Rebecca: Is that OK with you Tim?
Tim: Sure.
Rebecca: Thanks. Let’s see, where were we? OK,
3 In which places is Sarah interested to find
let’s move on to products. Sarah, would
you like to start?
Sarah: Yes. Thanks. We were just wondering if
4 Tim is uncomfortable and changes the subject. you’d made any progress finding
What is his main concern? manufacturers in China and Europe.
Rebecca: Ravi, can you update us on Europe first?
Ravi updates them.
5 What does Ravi think would be their best
strategy? Sarah: Wonderful, thank you.
Rebecca: In China we have a large number of
manufacturers …
6 What is Sarah’s reaction to Ravi’s idea? Tim: Rebecca?
Rebecca: Yes?
2 Watch the video clip again. Sarah is a mature Tim: I’m sorry to interrupt. Before I move on,
meeting leader who steers the meeting but lets I’d like to say something else about
the other participants influence its direction when relocating.
necessary. There are some interruptions, but the Rebecca: Oh, sure.
participants are always respectful and willing to Tim explains
listen to suggestions.
Ravi: Excuse me. Can I interject something
Look at this extract from the dialogue below. here? I would like to bring up something
Which expressions are used you mentioned earlier, Sarah.
1 to manage the agenda? Sarah: Sure. Go ahead , Ravi.
2 to invite a contribution? Ravi explains

3 to interrupt?
4 to accept a suggestion or interruption?

1 © Pearson Education Limited 2016

Market Leader Extra
DVD Worksheet 14: Upper Intermediate

3 Work in groups of four. Role-play the following situation. Use expressions from
Exercise 2 where appropriate.
Business Skills

If you have time, swap roles and role-play the situation again.

You are a young fashion wear company that is looking to expand its sales
throughout Europe. At the same time, you are aware that you need to learn more
about manufacturing your products more cost-effectively in Asia. You need to
travel in both regions in order to get more experience of the local markets and
manufacturing opportunities. Your meeting is to decide what to do first.
A You are the CEO and lead the meeting. Use the expressions you have learned to
manage the meeting and invite contributions. You should also contribute ideas
and opinions. Ask the Production Manager for their opinion first. Leave the
Marketing Manager until last.
B You are the Production Manager. You think that it would be better to find out
about the manufacturing opportunities in Asia before researching the sales
opportunities in Europe. Factors such as the cost and techniques of production
will influence your decision about what styles of clothes to produce and which
markets to target.
C You are the Sales Manager. Interrupt the Production Manager. You think that
it would be more sensible to find out about consumer tastes in different
European countries before researching production options. The markets you
eventually decide to target might affect your choice of producer.
D You are the Marketing Manager. You think that the most important thing is for
your company’s designs to have a clear image and a clear target market. There
is no time to lose, so in your opinion it would be better for the Production
Manager to go to Asia immediately and the Sales Manager to go to Europe
straightaway. You should stay at home and gather information from them, to
liaise with the designers. That way, you will be able to produce a Spring range
for next year.

Sure. Go ahead, Ravi.

Oh, sure.
Yes. Thanks.
Of course. 4
Excuse me. Can I interject something here?
to say something else about relocating.
I’m sorry to interrupt. Before I move on, I’d like
Rebecca? 3 6 She sees Ravi’s point of view.
Ravi, can you update us on Europe first? and the other should move to Europe.
Sarah, would you like to start? 2 5 One of Tim and Sarah should move to China
products. handle international business.
Let’s see, where were we? OK, let’s move on to 4 He wants Swanson Global Management to
Is that OK with you Tim? 3 China and Europe
return to the subject of relocating later? 2 Products
Can we discuss the next item on the agenda and 2 1 1 1 Relocation
Answer key

2 © Pearson Education Limited 2016

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