Chapter 2 - Role of The Government in Health (Answer Key)

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Chapter 2– Role of the Government in Health

Answer Key
A) Fill in the Blanks:
1) Central Government
2) Private, Public
3) Physical, Mental
4) District Hospital
5) Gender
B) State whether the following sentences are true or false:
1) T
2) T
3) T
4) T
5) T
C) Answer the following questions very briefly.
Answer-1) Health is a state of physical and mental well-being.
Answer-2) During Child births women face discrimination for instance
Answer-3) Their aim is to make profit so Private healthcare services
better than public healthcare.
Answer-4) State and Central Government
Answer-5) Public healthcare services are made accessible to all.
D) Answer the following questions briefly:
Answer-1) The private health sector offers 80 percent of the service in
India. It would be not possible for government to provide all heath facility
in all over India. So, the government allots land to private entities to set
up hospitals.

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Answer-2) Because who are living in remote areas in India, they are very
poor and not literate. They are not aware and unable to afford healthcare
Answer-3) Government should made accessible healthcare facilities to all
citizen and made people become more aware for sanitation.
Answer-4) No, health care is not available to all due to following reasons:
a) Because private service are increases rapidly than the public health
b) Women and Weaker sections of the society are taken to doctor’s
immediately when health issues arise.
c) Well- equipped hospitals are concentrated in urban areas. So, the rural
population are not able to avail their services.
Answer-5) a) By increasing the number of hospitals, healthcare centre
and family welfare centres.
b) Organising Pulse Polio Campaigns.
c) Spreading health awareness among common people.
d) Organising free camps for check-up for the general public.
E) Answer the following questions in detail:
Answer-1) Public healthcare service in rural India is most basic unit of
healthcare. Presently they are operated 23,109 primary healthcare
centres (PHC). They run healthcare program and campaign and also
provide basic facilities in rural areas. For example, government set up
pulse polio campaign in 199-96 to eradicate polio in India.
Answer-2) People refer private health services because of the following
a) They respond quickly to medical emergency and health care.
b) They are less crowded.
c) They have professional staff.
d) They are less crowded.
e) They are clean.

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f) Food is better and healthier.
Answer-3) Ill health because –
a) People do not take care about the sanitation of their surroundings.
b) People neglect their health and go to doctors, when there is
c) Lack of exercise
d) Unhealthy food
e) Poverty
f) No or very few medical care services.
Answer-4) Public healthcare services- Basically public healthcare
services are set up government. Their aim is to made healthcare facilities
accessible to all. Government operated this function in urban and rural
areas at very low cost.
Private healthcare services- Basically Private healthcare services are set
up by individuals and corporates. Their aim is to generate business and
make profit. This facility is well occupied and normally available in urban
Answer-5) Health is just not physical fitness but also mental well-being.
Well- beings include means,
- Presence of positive emotions and moods
- Absence of negative emotion or anxiety
- Satisfaction with life.

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