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by saying what it is not

2. usually written in paragraphs not verses.
3. fiction is created using
4. to write fiction is to
to lie
5.100-1000 words
flash fiction
6.1000 to 10000 words
short story
7 20000 to 30000 words
8. 30000 and beyond words
9. another word for fiction
10. something interesting that has happened over a given period of time
11-14 use of stories
to educate to entertain to express ourselves to others
15. part of fabric human culture
16. in literary terms a story is ?
an imagined narrative
17. is a rhetorical mode used as a pattern of paragraph development
18. involves placing a sequence of events in a certain kind of logical order to
create coherence
19. hinges on a turning point or signifact moment in the imagined narrative
20-25 6 basic elements of fiction
plot character pov voice and dialouge setting theme
26. sequence of events in a story
27. usually includes the conflict of the story as well as its resolution

28. the individuals in a story

29. main character

30. main villain of the story

31. this is the position the story is being told in and manner of its telling

32. this is how speech is rendered in a story

33. this is where and when the story takes place

34. this is what the story is trying to say about the human condition

35. an imagined narrative or story

36. in ancient greek, plot was called>

37. considered the most important element in drama by aristotle

38-40 3 acts of drama

41. german dramatist in the nineteenth century, said that dramatic plot can be
divided into 5 parts

42. is also known as the introduction

43. we find out the setting point of view and the main characters situation

44. this is where the inciting incident occurs

45. where the story starts moving along and the main character encounters more

46. the pinnacle of the story, where all of the events of the rising action arrive

47. where your character would have to make a choice that has long lasting

48. also known as the denouement

49. means the untangling of knots

50. when the consequences of the choices made by the character are finally dealt

51. the ending of the story

52. what the main character wants

53. moves the story along and forces the main character to act, make decisions and
deal with the consequences of these

54-55 conflict can be classified as ? or ?

56. an internal conflict, in which the character struggle with themselves regarding
moral or ethical choices

57. the nucleus of the story

58. other name of conflict

59. examines the causality of each event that is usually connected by the phrase
and so.

60. provides us with a more in depth understanding of how and why each events
follows the other

61. provides us with a logical framework or pattern to explain why these events
occur in a certain order

62. introduction of situation the leads to conflict

63. arouses the reader or watcher

65. a very short story

66. aka as sudden fiction or microfiction or microstories

67. dates back to the time of fables and parables

68-70. popularized flash fiction

walt whitman kate chopin abrose briece

71. a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less
elaborate than a novel

72. usually deals with a few characters

73-75 main purpose of a short story

- to impart a morale, capture a moment, or evoke a certain mood

76. a short novel that is typically light and romantic or sentimental in character

77. may have chapters or not

78. extended prose narrative story or short novel

79. regarded as being slight, trivial or sentimental

80. a short novel or long story

81. narrative prose fiction whose length is shorter than most novels but longer
than short stories

82. meaning a short story related to true facts

83. a fictitious prose narrative of book length

84. typically representing character and action with some degree of realism

85. is a long written story about imaginary people and events

86. structure of interrelated actions selected and arranged by the author

87. what happens in the story

88. plot is aka

place scheme or main story

69. an external conflict, two or more characters are up aganst each other because
of different motivations

70. an external conflict, in whch the characters are up against the forces of
nature or circumstances in which they have
no control

71. refers to the physicality of the characters.

72. refer to the personality and preference of your characters

73. refer to the motivation of your character

74. answers the question what do they want

75. refers to how often we see a character

76. are usually point of view characters and are central to the story

77. only appear in specific scenes or a specific role, not central to the story

78. refers to whether the reader is for or against the motivation of the character

79. who motivation the audience believes and emphasizes with

80. whose motivation the audience does not believe or emphatize with

81. the manner of creating or portraying a character in the story

82. usually portrayed using the 3 aspects of a character

83. are potrayed using only 2 aspects and there to support the round characters

84. how far along the plot your character moves along

85. usually exist throughout the entire plot

86, change usually occurs in the characterization

87. usually exist during a certain section of the plot

87. change does not appear in characterization

88. directly describe characters in terms of their appearance or even their


89. when you allow the audience to slowly recognize who the characters are who what
kind of person they are

90. this is whehn you show the flaws or strengths of your character comkpared to
other characters

91. when you allow the characters actions movements or physicality to show the
reader what kind of person they are

92. shows your reader that they were correct in trusting the character in the first
place, and that you created them
in a believable way

93. this kind of conflict pits a character against his government

94. will often see the protagonist face off against forces of fate, relgion ghosts
gods demons or aliens

95. conflict between characters and the result of scientific discovery

96. narrative devices in which a story a storyteller gives an advanced hnit of what
is to come later in the story

97. helps subvert the audience's expectations

98. most common purpose is to generate or increase narrative suspension or tension

99. chronological structure, consists of loosely related incidents usually chapter

100. made up of series of chapters or stories lnked together by the same character
place or theme
but helped apart by their individual plots , purpose and subtext

1. weaves two or more dramatic plots that are usually link by a common character
and similar theme

2. plots in whch each main character has a separate but related storyline that
merges in the end

3. this structure conveys information about events that happend earlier

4. permits the authors to begin the story in the midst of the action but later fill
in the background for full understanding
of present events

5. wroks best when the writer wishes to explore the personalities of the
characters, the nature of their existence and the
flavour of an era

6. is usually related to character or perspective which a story is being told from

7. uses the pronouns i me and my

8. assumed the the one who is telling the story from this perspective in the
narrator of the story

9. uses the pronouns you yours ours

10. least used perspective because it assumes the reader is part of the story

11. uses pronouns he she it they this

12. assumes narrator of the story is omniscient and is not involved in the
characters lives and events of the story

13. is crucial to the success of your story

14. is the one whose point of view is being used to show the story to the reader

15. considered as artificial lens with which to view the narrative

16. one whom the audience can believe in and usually fades into the background,
allowing events in the plot and actions
of characters to take center stage

17. point of view that is deliberately inconsistent or opposite of what is

happening in the plot

18. german academic who published his book about unreliable narrators

19. an unreliable narrator who always brags or exaggerates his abilities even
though they might not have done them

20. unrealible narrator who is experienceing mental illness

21. is an unreliable narrator who does not take narration seriously and makes fun
of characters

22. an unreliable narrator who whose perception are either too immature or limited
thorugh his/her point of view

23. an unrealiable narrator who deliberately cofuses the reader to hide his/her
shameful past

24. writers way of deciding who is telling the story to whom

25. dictates how your reader interprets characters,events and other important

26. narrator is also the protagonist of the story

27. narrator is telling the story of the protagonist from close by

28. allows for greatest flexibility and also creates the most complexity

29. narrator speaks freely about everyone and everthing, there are no limits to
time space or character the narrator can

30. the author writes in third person but keeps the thoughts and feelings limited
to one central character

31. narrator is a neutral entity, relying on observations of characters rather than

getting in the heads

32. writing from a fly-on-the-wall perspective

33. humans beings are inherently biased so remove the narrators subjectivity can
make the writing feel more authoritatvie

34. is an attitude of writers toward their subject matter

35. coversational exchange between two or more people

36. usually happens in the moment is enclosed in quotation marks

37. dialogue that happens offscreen and is usually summarized or reported by the

38. usually tries to mimic the manner of speech of a character

39. dialogue that does more than convey information or an exchange of ideas but
also functions on a
figutrative or metaphorical scale

40. refers to the tone or style of a particular literary piece

41. might manifest in a way wrtier approaches the subject matter of the story

42. might manifest in particular arrangement of wrods and sentecnes in a stroy

43. usually used as a means of characterization

44. technique to move the plot along.

45. used deliberately to inform characters of certain things

46. translated as to speak across

47. sounds natural and effortless

48. sounds awkward stilted and fake

49. place and time your story takes place

50. arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or the establishing scene

- miss-en-scene

51. refers to the phytsical world inhabited by your character or where the story
takes place.

52. refers to geographic or topographic features of the setting

53. indicates how long the story takes place

54. combination of time and space

- milieu

55. combination of time and space to create an emotional landscape felt throughout
the story

56. can refer to three things hisotrical period or knd of society that the story is
taking place
passage of time or how character perceives time

57. essentially the central idea in your story

58. overarching narrative of emotional or symbolic resonance in your story

59. answers the question what is your story about

60. what the writers intention about the theme, what the writer thknks or feels
about the subject he or she is writing

61. what the reader thinks the work is about , based on the clues left behind by
the author

62. one of the best ways writers exercise control is by using ?

63. an object that represents stands for or siggests an idea that can be rendered
into conrete images

64. take the form of words, sounds, gestures or visual images and used to convey
ideas or beliefs

65. usually have more than one meaning

66. arrangement of other elements around the symbol

67. important not just in literary text but also real life

68. repetition of a symbol in a story

69. dependent on the fictional world of the story and may not carry any meaning n
the real world

70. common literary devices, motifs or figurative language that occur accross
several creative works

71. usually refer to character templates that fulfill a certain function

72. are reference to events or object beyon the story that the writer assumes the
readers knows about

73. also known as extended metaphor and uses characters and events n literary or
other art forms to represent and symbolize

74-78 techniques to write

pick up a book and read

use bookmarks
make lists
keep a story jounral or baul
free wrtigin
79. a dramatic unit that begins at one fixed point in time and ends in another'

80. composed of seuquence of actions that affect one another directly

81. are essentially narratives of the passage of time

82. provides a hint of consequences

83. literaly translates to in the middle of things usually the exposition begins in
the action

84. narrative moves backward in time

85. narrative moves forwards in time

86. all writing starts with an ?

87. rely on ths capricious idea called > to start writing

88. is there a plot that makes everything move, is each scene related to each other
are your characters making sense
does your pov make sense are we looking thorugh the best lens
is the settng realized effectively does it contribute to the world of the story
can your reader understand the theme without it being said to them explicitly

89. stands alone as the only genre where the work of the writer constitutes only a
part of the complete work

90. is an inherenly collaborative genre because the writer needs actors production
designers directors etc.

91. one of the oldest literary forms

92. is considered to be the first performer to play a character in a play

93. play the characters and spoke in characters voices

94. began to rely on ? rather than narration

95. characterized by a its focus on a hero's downfall and tragicx flaw that led
him/her to it

96. has a lighter tone and ends always with a ahppy ending for the characters of
the play

97. traditional dramas

98. rely on music

99. create layers of meaning on a text

100. 3 emphasis of drama?

1-6 6 elements of drama

plot character thought diction melody spectacle

7-11 other elements to consider in drama

music dance art prose poetry

12-18 kinds of drama

farce melodrama opera musical tragi-comedy tragedy comedy

19-22 kinds of operas

ballet, recitatives, choruses and arias

23. exaggerated comedy

24. exaggerates emotions

25. has alot of exciting/sad moments

26. combination of both ragedy and comedy

27. parts are sung

28. sentimental or humurous and has musical numbers

29. norweigan playwright

30. writer whose works are full of action, stage direction, moovement and lines

31. how many plays did william shakespeare have

32. performed on stage or theater

33. three great playwrights of tragedy

34. 3 categories of drama

classical/universal dramatist
modern dramatist
contemporary dramatist

35. pioneer of tragedy

36. father of greek old drama

37. father of greek modern drama

38. "play"

39. work of a dramatist or playwright

40. person who writes plays

41. what we call dramatists of todays time

42. specific mode of fiction represented in performance

43. drama can be performed where?

theater radio tv

44. aka as radio drama which is voice only

45. typical wordings

46. drama in verse

47. one act play

48. 5 act play

49 3 act play

50. allowed women to participate in drama

51. relationship between man and woman

52, 3 dramas

opera mime ballet

53. line that holds all the scenes of drama together

53. affect the way drama is written

53. are central to drama

54. must be explicit in the way the character acts and talks

55. is something that stands out in drama because the viewers see it on stage

56. the melding of time place action is called

- the three unities of drama

57. relates to how the writer tells the story

58. refers to speech specifically the direct speech of characters in a work of


59. actors

60. is when a character is alone on stage and speaks ot the audience

61. music and how it is implemented

62. the costume, scenery, the gestures of the actorsl, the sound of the music, and
the resonance of the actors voice

63. reason behind a characters actins

64. often referred to as dramas theme

65. the message the protagonist is tryng to communicate to the audience

66. drama should only have a single plot

67. drama should have actions that happen in a single day

68. all presented actions must happen in a single place

69. means to identify the arc of the plot

- break down a story

70. a unit of action, predicated on what happens not where it happens

71. is a sequence of scenes

72. how many acts can drama have

73. 3 act strucutre

74. in this act, we are introduced to the world of the drama nckuding the
characters and their motivation
we also see the inciting incident that properls the drama to its sceond act

75. we see the escalation of events coming out inciting incident in the first act
the characters
wants and needs come ninto conflict with each other and move the drama to its final

76. the conflicts that happened in the second act now come to a head this is where
the final confrontation
between the opposing forces of the drama happens. we see the outcome of the
conflict and how t affected the characters

77. these describe the scene taking place on stage

78. where the scene is taking place what describes the actions happening in the
79. tell them how to read their lines. usually found in brackets within the
dialogue of a character

80. are the lines the actors are supposed to delvier

81. basics of drama

82. breakdown the story into acts and scenes

create your conflict
put a lsit of characters or dramatis personae
think of a possible setting
write the the act or scenes numbers of a play

83. full length plays

one-act plays

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