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The Importance of Geographic Data Aggregation in

Assessing Disparities in American Indian Prenatal Care
Pamela Jo Johnson, MPH, PhD, Kathleen Thiede Call, PhD, and Lynn A. Blewett, PhD

The 2007 National Healthcare Disparities Re-

Objectives. We sought to determine whether aggregate national data for
port suggests that many indicators of disparity
American Indians/Alaska Natives (AIANs) mask geographic variation and sub-
in quality of care between American Indians/
stantial subnational disparities in prenatal care utilization.
Alaska Natives (AIANs) and Whites and most Methods. We used data for US births from 1995 to 1997 and from 2000 to 2002
indicators of disparity in access to care between to examine prenatal care utilization among AIAN and non-Hispanic White
the 2 groups are improving.1 However, these mothers. The indicators we studied were late entry into prenatal care and
conclusions are drawn from nationally aggre- inadequate utilization of prenatal care. We calculated rates and disparities for
gated data. Questions remain about whether, each indicator at the national, regional, and state levels, and we examined
and to what extent, national data on AIAN whether estimates for regions and states differed significantly from national
disparities mask geographic variation in access to estimates. We then estimated state-specific changes in prevalence rates and
care and disparities in access at subnational levels disparity rates over time.
Results. Prenatal care utilization varied by region and state for AIANs and non-
(e.g., states and localities).
Hispanic Whites. In the 12 states with the largest AIAN birth populations,
Access to care is a critical element to im-
disparities varied dramatically. In addition, some states demonstrated sub-
proving health status and is 1 of the 10 Leading
stantial reductions in disparities over time, and other states showed significant
Health Indicators that is monitored at the increases in disparities.
national level.2 Each Leading Health Indicator Conclusions. Substantive conclusions about AIAN health care disparities
has Healthy People 2010 objectives associated should be geographically specific, and conclusions drawn at the national level
with it. For example, the objectives used to may be unsuitable for policymaking and intervention at state and local levels.
monitor access to care in the United States are (1) Efforts to accommodate the geographically specific data needs of AIAN health
insurance coverage, (2) having a usual source of researchers and others interested in state-level comparisons are warranted. (Am
care, and (3) prenatal care utilization.2 For this J Public Health. 2010;100:122–128. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2008.148908)
article, we focus on prenatal care as a key
indicator to measure both access to care and
disparities in access for the AIAN population.
It is generally assumed that women who non-Hispanic Whites to enter prenatal care in the inadequate prenatal care use compared with all
receive adequate prenatal care have better third trimester or to have no prenatal care at all.5 other races.7,8 Few studies have closely exam-
birth outcomes, although the relevant content The Healthy People 2010 goals for the nation ined AIAN disparities in prenatal care utilization;
and effectiveness of prenatal care remain de- include goals to increase the proportion of those that have tend to use nationally aggregated
batable.3,4 Initiating prenatal care early in preg- pregnant women who receive early and ade- data. However, beginning with 2005 data, the
nancy and continuing with prescribed visits quate prenatal care. The 2 specific goals are: (1) National Center for Health Statistics revised its
provides opportunity for medical management to increase the proportion of all infants whose data-release policy to comply with state require-
of health complications, lifestyle and health mothers begin prenatal care in the first trimester ments. The revised policy is ‘‘consistent with
behavior advice, and referral to additional health from a baseline of 83% to the target of 90%, CDC and NCHS goals to make data available as
and social welfare resources when necessary. and (2) to increase the proportion of all infants widely as possible while protecting respondent
Between 1990 and 1998, the proportion whose mothers have early and adequate pre- confidentiality, assuring data quality, and con-
of all infants whose mothers began prenatal natal care from a baseline of 74% to the target forming to state laws and regulations on re-
care in the first trimester increased, but the rate of 90%.2 Although the goals are the same for all release of vital statistics data.’’9 In practice,
for AIANs still lagged behind other population groups, the baseline rates for AIANs and non- national vital records public-use data files no
groups. The rate for AIANs increased from Hispanic Whites are quite different. The baseline longer contain geographic identifiers, making
58% to 69%, compared with an increase from proportion of all infants whose mothers had local-area analyses more difficult.
83% to 88% for non-Hispanic Whites.5 In- adequate prenatal care was 57% for AIANs and We disaggregated national-level data to re-
creases in early prenatal care have been greatest 79% for non-Hispanic Whites. gional and state levels to examine whether
among those whose risk profiles and adverse Disparities in prenatal care utilization have national data on AIAN disparities mask geo-
birth outcome rates are highest. However, AIANs narrowed for some groups,6 but AIANs have graphic variation and substantial subnational
are still more than 3.6 times more likely than are consistently recorded the highest rates of disparities in access to health care for 2

122 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Johnson et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2010, Vol 100, No. 1

indicators of access: late entry into prenatal analyzed our findings in terms of adverse
care and inadequate utilization of prenatal events: late prenatal care and inadequate pre- TABLE 1—Percentage of Records With
care. Our intent is not to dispute the conclu- natal care. Late entry into prenatal care was Missing Data for Prenatal Care
sions of the National Healthcare Disparities defined as not receiving prenatal care in the Indicators by Geography, Maternal
Report but rather to examine whether the story first trimester of pregnancy. We could not Race, and Time Period: National
is more complicated than what the report calculate late prenatal care for 1.8% of our Perinatal Mortality Data Files, 1995–
indicates. records because data about the month prenatal 1997 and 2000–2002
care began were missing. Inadequate prenatal 1995–1997 2000–2002
METHODS care utilization was calculated using the Ade-
AIAN, White, AIAN, White,
quacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index, which % % % %
We used publicly available data from the is calculated on the basis of a comparison of
National Vital Statistics System at the National actual number of visits to the recommended Late prenatal care
Center for Health Statistics. The data are from number of visits based on month of entry into United States 2.8 1.7 2.8 1.7
the National Perinatal Mortality Data files, care and length of the pregnancy.12,13 The Northeast 4.9 3.0 3.9 3.0
which are compiled annually at the national Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index is Midwest 2.3 1.2 2.3 1.3
level and contain birth-certificate data for all used to classify women’s prenatal care utilization Minnesota 5.5 3.4 6.0 3.2
live births collected by each of the 50 states. into 4 categories: adequate-plus, adequate, in- North Dakota 1.1 0.3 3.2 0.5
Our analytic sample comprises all records for termediate, and inadequate. We could not cal- South Dakota 1.9 0.3 0.6 0.2
singleton infants born from 1995 through culate adequacy of prenatal care for 3.5% of our Wisconsin 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.3
1997 and from 2000 through 2002 to AIAN records because data were missing for at least 1 South 3.5 1.5 2.3 1.2
mothers (n =111520 and n =123 231, respec- of the necessary variables. North Carolina 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.4
tively) and non-Hispanic White mothers For analysis, dichotomous indicator vari- Oklahoma 5.6 8.1 3.3 3.1
(n = 6 870 891 and n = 6 741055, respec- ables were created for each prenatal care West 2.4 1.4 3.3 2.0
tively). measure. Late prenatal care was defined as not Alaska 1.3 1.2 4.4 3.5
entering care in the first trimester compared Arizona 1.4 1.1 1.7 1.1
Measures with all others. Inadequate prenatal care was California 1.1 0.6 1.9 1.1
Prenatal care utilization is assessed most defined as not receiving adequate or adequate- Montana 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.4
simply by the trimester in which prenatal care plus care compared with all others. For each New Mexico 3.6 3.5 3.8 4.5
began, with entry into prenatal care in the first indicator variable, missing data were coded Washington 8.9 5.4 10.9 6.5
trimester considered the goal. However, the as late prenatal care or inadequate prenatal Inadequate prenatal care
trimester in which prenatal care began, in care, respectively. Table 1 shows the percent United States 5.2 3.4 4.9 3.3
isolation, provides little information about the missing for each indicator by race, geography, Northeast 6.5 4.4 5.4 4.5
pattern of prenatal care utilization throughout and time. Midwest 3.7 2.3 3.4 2.3
pregnancy. Thus, indices representing ade- Geographic levels for analysis included re- Minnesota 7.1 4.7 7.6 4.6
quacy of prenatal care utilization have been gions and states. Although policy is not made at North Dakota 1.4 0.5 3.9 0.9
developed that take into account the timing of the regional level, we used region juxtaposed South Dakota 2.1 0.7 1.0 0.3
entry into prenatal care as well as the number with state to demonstrate geographic variabil- Wisconsin 1.1 0.4 0.6 0.4
of prenatal care visits, adjusted for the gesta- ity at changing levels of data aggregation. South 5.4 2.9 3.6 2.6
tional age of the infant at delivery. Each index Geography was defined according to mother’s North Carolina 1.1 0.6 0.7 0.7
uses an algorithm to define categories of pre- residence at time of delivery. State of residence Oklahoma 8.1 11.8 4.5 4.8
natal care utilization ranging from intensive was identified on each birth record by Federal West 5.5 5.0 6.1 5.2
usage to inadequate or no care.10 It is important Information Processing Standards codes, and Alaska 2.1 1.6 6.5 7.6
to note that estimates and overall trends in we used these codes to classify records accord- Arizona 3.1 3.2 3.2 2.8
prenatal care utilization will differ depending on ing to US Census Bureau–defined regions.14 California 9.3 5.6 11.2 6.3
which measure is used.11 Montana 1.6 0.6 1.0 0.7
The indicators of interest for this study were Analysis New Mexico 4.9 5.4 5.1 6.2
2 standard measures of prenatal care utiliza- First, we calculated race-specific rates and Washington 17.2 11.2 16.1 11.1
tion, 1 representing late entry into prenatal measures of disparity for each indicator at the Note. AIAN = American Indian/Alaska Native. An AIAN
care and the other representing inadequate national, regional, and state levels. Rates are infant is defined as an infant born to an AIAN mother.
prenatal care utilization. Although Healthy presented as percent of infants with mothers A White infant is defined as an infant born to a
non-Hispanic White mother. The only states listed
People 2010 goals for prenatal care are defined who did not enter prenatal care in the first individually are those with more than 2100 AIAN births
in terms of favorable events (increases in early trimester (late prenatal care) and percent of for each period.
utilization and adequate utilization), we infants whose mothers did not receive

January 2010, Vol 100, No. 1 | American Journal of Public Health Johnson et al. | Peer Reviewed | Research and Practice | 123

adequate prenatal care (inadequate prenatal

care). Second, we examined whether estimates TABLE 2—Regional and State Differences From National Rates of Late and Inadequate
for regions and for states differed significantly Prenatal Care, by Maternal Race and Time Period: National Perinatal Mortality Data Files,
from national estimates for each race group. 1995–1997 and 2000–2002
We calculated z scores to test for the difference 1995–1997 2000–2002
between 2 proportions (i.e., subnational rate
AIAN, % White, % AIAN, % White, %
compared with national rate for each subna-
tional stratum). Finally, using a difference- Late prenatal care
in-differences approach, we estimated state- US rate 34.5 14.1 32.6 13.1
specific changes in prevalence rates and rate Northeast –4.5*** –0.1*** –8.8*** 0.3***
disparities for late prenatal care and inade- Midwest –1.0** –0.5*** 0.5 –0.5***
quate prenatal care between the 2 time pe- Minnesota 8.4*** 1.9*** 9.0*** 0.6***
riods. State analyses focused on the 12 states North Dakota –4.0*** –0.1 4.4*** –1.5***
with the largest AIAN birth populations, which South Dakota 3.2*** 0.6** 8.2*** 4.5***
we defined as those with more than 2100 Wisconsin –1.4 –1.8*** –3.9*** –0.7***
births to AIAN mothers during each period South –3.4*** –0.5*** –3.5*** –0.6***
(Table 1). All analyses were conducted using North Carolina –6.0*** –3.4*** –9.9*** –3.5***
Stata statistical software, version 9.2.15 Oklahoma 1.0* 10.7*** 0.7 7.8***
West 2.2*** 1.7*** 2.4*** 1.7***
RESULTS Alaska –9.0*** 2.8*** 0.0 5.8***
Arizona 6.9*** 3.6*** 2.9*** 0.8***
Regional rates of late prenatal care were California –3.5*** –0.2*** –6.0*** –2.1***
significantly different from the national rate of Montana –1.0 1.7*** 2.7*** 1.3***
late prenatal care for both races and in both New Mexico 12.6*** 9.7*** 10.6*** 13.7***
time periods, with the exception of the Midwest Washington 0.1 4.5*** 2.8*** 6.6***
AIAN rate for the 2000–2002 period (Table Inadequate prenatal care
1). Regional rates of inadequate prenatal care US rate 46.2 24.8 44.6 23.9
were also significantly different from the na- Northeast –7.5*** 3.7*** –10.0*** 4.6***
tional rate of inadequate prenatal care for both Midwest 1.5*** –1.8*** 0.6 –2.6***
races and in both time periods, with the Minnesota 12.5*** 0.9*** 11.7*** 2.4***
exception of the Midwest AIAN rate for the North Dakota 7.0*** 5.7*** 12.0*** 5.0***
2000–2002 period. South Dakota 10.2*** –4.5*** 7.8*** –3.9***
The upper panel of Table 2 displays the Wisconsin –2.9** –7.3*** –5.9*** –3.6***
difference between state rates and the US South –6.4*** –2.3*** –6.4*** –2.6***
rates for late prenatal care by maternal race North Carolina –12.5*** –10.9*** –18.3*** –10.0***
and time period. For AIANs in the 1995– Oklahoma 1.2** 10.1*** –0.9* 7.7***
1997 period, state rates of late prenatal care West 3.0*** 3.1*** 4.0*** 4.0***
range from 9.0% lower than the US AIAN Alaska –2.0*** –0.5 9.0*** 9.3***
rate in Alaska to 12.6% higher than the US Arizona 9.0*** 0.2 4.2*** 0.4**
AIAN rate in New Mexico. For AIANs in the California –4.2*** –2.5*** –4.8*** –0.2***
2000–2002 period, state rates of late pre- Montana 5.8*** –1.7*** 7.3*** 1.5***
natal care range from 9.9% points below the New Mexico 12.0*** 13.7*** 10.2*** 15.3***
US AIAN rate in North Carolina to 10.6% Washington 6.4*** 5.8*** 5.3*** 11.6***
points above the US AIAN rate in New
Note. AIAN = American Indian/Alaska Native. An AIAN infant is defined as an infant born to an AIAN mother. A White infant is
Mexico. For Whites, state rates of late prenatal defined as an infant born to a non-Hispanic White mother. The only states listed individually are those with more than 2100
care for the 1995–1997 period range from AIAN births for each period. Asterisks indicate significant differences from national rates by z test.
*P < .05;**P < .01;***P < .001.
3.4% below the US White rate in North
Carolina to 10.7% above the US White rate in
Oklahoma; for the 2000–2002 period, state
rates of late prenatal care range from 3.5% The lower panel of Table 2 shows differ- inadequate prenatal care range from 16.1%
below the US White rate in North Carolina to ences between state rates and US rates for below the US AIAN rate in North Carolina to
13.7% above the US White rate in New inadequate prenatal care by maternal race and 12.5% above the US AIAN rate in Minnesota
Mexico. time period. For AIANs, state rates of for the 1995–1997 period, and from 18.3%

124 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Johnson et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2010, Vol 100, No. 1

below in North Carolina to 12.9% above in percentage points (from 23.2% to 16.3%; had a disparity increase, this time of more than
North Dakota for the 2000–2002 period. For P < .001), but North Dakota demonstrated an 6 percentage points (from 21.4% to 27.7%;
Whites, state rates of inadequate prenatal care increase in disparity of 9 percentage points P < .001).
range from 10.5% below the US White rate (from 16.4% to 25.4%; P < .001). Minnesota
in North Carolina to 15.4% above the US had the largest absolute AIAN–White disparity DISCUSSION
White rate in New Mexico for the 1995–1997 for late prenatal care in both periods (26.9%
period, and from 10.0% below in North and 27.9%), although no statistically significant Rates of late prenatal care and inadequate
Carolina to 15.3% above in New Mexico for the changes occurred over time. prenatal care utilization varied by region and
2000–2002 period. Table 4 shows inadequate prenatal care state both for AIANs and for non-Hispanic
Table 3 displays late prenatal care rates and rates and inadequate prenatal care disparities Whites. Disparities also differed by geographic
late prenatal care disparities by maternal race by maternal race and geography over time. level, revealing stark differences from the
and geography over time. For the nation, the Overall, the AIAN-White disparity in rates of national average. The Midwest generally had
AIAN–White disparity for late entry into pre- inadequate prenatal care declined by 0.6 per- the widest AIAN–White disparities for both
natal care shrank by nearly 1 percentage point centage points from the 1995–1997 period to indicators, even though it was the only region
from the 1995–1997 period to the 2000– the 2000–2002 period (from 21.3% to with no significant change in disparities over
2002 period (from 20.4% to 19.5%; P < .001). 20.7%; P = .002). For the Northeast, the de- time. When focused on the 12 states with the
This same pattern held true for the South and cline in disparity was again more dramatic, at largest AIAN birth populations, our analysis
West regions. For the Northeast, the reduction more than 4 percentage points (10.2% and suggests that changes in disparities in prenatal
in disparity was more dramatic, at nearly 6 6.1%; P < .001); the Midwest, South, and West care utilization varied dramatically, with some
percentage points (from 16.0% to 10.4%; regions showed no significant changes. Patterns states showing substantial reductions in dis-
P < .001); the Midwest had no significant for state-level disparities also varied. Washing- parities and other states showing marked in-
change. Patterns for state-level disparities var- ton had the largest decline in AIAN–White creases in disparities.
ied more widely. New Mexico showed a re- disparity, at 4.6 percentage points (from 19.0% Our findings are consistent with previous
duction in AIAN-White disparity of nearly 7 to 14.4%; P < .001), and North Dakota again studies that have shown geographic variation in

TABLE 3—Late Prenatal Care Rates by Maternal Race and Geographic Region, and Changes in Disparities Over Time:
National Perinatal Mortality Data Files, 1995–1997 and 2000–2002

AIAN–White Disparities
1995–1997 2000–2002 Change in Disparity
AIAN, % White, % AIAN, % White, % 1995–1997, % (SE) 2000–2002, % (SE) % Change (SE) t P

US rate 34.5 14.1 32.6 13.1 20.4 (0.14) 19.5 (0.13) –0.9 (0.20) –4.42 <.001
Northeast 30.0 14.0 23.8 13.4 16.0 (0.66) 10.4 (0.57) –5.7 (0.87) –6.47 <.001
Midwest 33.5 13.7 33.1 12.6 19.8 (0.33) 20.5 (0.31) 0.7 (0.46) 1.62 .105
Minnesota 42.9 16.0 41.6 13.7 26.9 (0.88) 27.9 (0.80) 1.0 (1.19) 0.84 .400
North Dakota 30.4 14.1 37.0 11.6 16.4 (1.02) 25.4 (1.02) 9.1 (1.45) 6.27 <.001
South Dakota 37.7 14.8 40.8 17.6 22.9 (0.74) 23.1 (0.73) 0.2 (1.04) 0.19 .851
Wisconsin 33.1 12.4 28.7 12.4 20.7 (0.94) 16.3 (0.84) –4.4 (1.26) –3.47 .001
South 31.1 13.6 29.1 12.5 17.5 (0.28) 16.6 (0.25) –0.8 (0.38) –2.24 .025
North Carolina 28.5 10.7 22.7 9.6 17.8 (0.67) 13.1 (0.60) –4.7 (0.90) –5.22 <.001
Oklahoma 35.4 24.9 33.3 20.9 10.6 (0.44) 12.4 (0.40) 1.8 (0.60) 3.01 .003
West 36.7 15.8 35.0 14.8 20.9 (0.20) 20.3 (0.19) –0.7 (0.28) –2.40 .016
Alaska 25.5 17.0 32.6 18.9 8.5 (0.59) 13.7 (0.63) 5.2 (0.87) 5.95 <.001
Arizona 41.4 17.7 35.5 13.9 23.6 (0.41) 21.6 (0.38) –2.1 (0.56) –3.65 <.001
California 31.0 13.9 26.6 11.0 17.1 (0.47) 15.6 (0.47) –1.6 (0.66) –2.35 .019
Montana 33.5 15.8 35.3 14.4 17.6 (0.82) 20.9 (0.79) 3.3 (1.14) 2.86 .004
New Mexico 47.1 23.9 43.2 26.8 23.2 (0.57) 16.3 (0.56) –6.9 (0.80) –8.63 <.001
Washington 34.6 18.7 35.4 19.7 15.9 (0.67) 15.8 (0.64) –0.2 (0.93) –0.20 .838

Note. AIAN = American Indian/Alaska Native. An AIAN infant is defined as an infant born to an AIAN mother. A White infant is defined as an infant born to a non-Hispanic White mother. The only
states listed individually are those with more than 2100 AIAN births for each period.

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TABLE 4—Inadequate Prenatal Care Rates by Maternal Race and Geographic Region, and Changes in Disparities Over Time:
National Perinatal Mortality Data Files, 1995–1997 and 2000–2002

AIAN–White Disparities
1995–1997, % 2000–2002, % 1995–1997, % 2000–2002, % Change in Disparity
AIAN White AIAN White Disparity SE Disparity SE Change, % SE, % t P

US rate 46.2 24.8 44.6 23.9 21.3 0.15 20.7 0.14 –0.6 0.21 –3.13 .002
Northeast 38.7 28.5 34.6 28.6 10.2 0.70 6.1 0.64 –4.1 0.95 –4.35 <.001
Midwest 47.6 23.1 45.2 21.4 24.6 0.35 23.9 0.33 –0.7 0.49 –1.37 .171
Minnesota 58.7 29.5 56.3 26.3 29.2 0.88 30.0 0.81 0.8 1.19 0.64 .519
North Dakota 57.4 36.0 56.6 28.9 21.4 1.12 27.7 1.08 6.4 1.55 4.09 <.001
South Dakota 56.3 21.3 52.5 20.0 35.0 0.77 32.4 0.74 –2.6 1.07 –2.43 .015
Wisconsin 42.3 20.3 38.7 20.3 22.0 0.98 18.4 0.91 –3.6 1.34 –2.68 .007
South 39.7 22.5 38.2 21.4 17.2 0.30 16.8 0.27 –0.4 0.40 –1.03 .305
North Carolina 30.0 14.4 26.4 13.9 15.7 0.69 12.5 0.63 –3.2 0.93 –3.46 .001
Oklahoma 46.7 37.8 43.7 31.6 8.9 0.46 12.1 0.43 3.2 0.63 5.06 <.001
West 49.2 28.0 48.7 28.0 21.2 0.21 20.7 0.20 –0.5 0.29 –1.84 .065
Alaska 45.2 26.1 53.6 33.3 19.1 0.68 20.3 0.70 1.2 0.97 1.23 .217
Arizona 52.4 28.8 48.9 24.3 23.5 0.42 24.5 0.41 1.0 0.59 1.76 .079
California 41.6 25.5 39.8 23.7 16.1 0.50 16.1 0.53 0.0 0.72 –0.01 .990
Montana 52.6 25.3 51.9 25.5 27.3 0.88 26.4 0.84 –0.9 1.21 –0.72 .474
New Mexico 55.1 40.3 54.8 39.3 14.8 0.58 15.5 0.58 0.7 0.82 0.82 .414
Washington 53.6 34.6 49.9 35.5 19.0 0.70 14.4 0.68 –4.6 0.98 –4.71 <.001

Note. AIAN = American Indian/Alaska Native and is defined as an infant born to an AIAN mother. White is defined as an infant born to a non-Hispanic White mother. The only states listed individually
are those with more than 2100 AIAN births for each period.

adequacy of prenatal care for AIAN women. because of the poor proximity of most pro- strongly associated with prenatal care utilization,
One study of nationwide urban AIAN maternal viders to women in remote areas or to women so it is possible that differences in the demo-
and infant health found that Minneapolis–St. who have limited transportation options. graphic composition of individual states account
Paul, Minnesota, was the urban area with the However, limited data on urban AIANs suggest for some of the variability from national rates.
highest rate of inadequate prenatal care for that AIAN women in some large cities may Future research using multilevel models might
AIANs from 1989 through 1991 (29.8%), and have had higher rates of inadequate prenatal help explain this state-level heterogeneity.
Fayetteville, North Carolina, had the lowest care than their rural counterparts.18,19 Another Second, vital records data are collected for
rate (4.4%).16 In another study, the authors study found that AIANs in urban areas served by civil registration and surveillance purposes,
compared urban and rural AIANs and found federally funded urban Indian health organiza- not for research; thus, a number of key vari-
that overall, rural AIANs had slightly higher rates tions were more likely to have late or no prenatal ables may be of questionable quality.21,22
of inadequate prenatal care usage than their urban care than the general population in those areas, Several studies have suggested that maternal
counterparts.17 However, when the data were but as a group urban AIANs were no different demographics on the birth certificates were
stratified by Indian Health Service (IHS) service from the national population of AIANs.20 We generally good.23–25 This was likely due, in most
area, there were substantial differences in the were unable to find any studies that compared circumstances, to demographic data being sup-
relationship between rural or urban status and urban–rural differences by state. plied by the mother. However, 1 study indicated
prenatal care usage. In the 12 IHS service areas that although maternal race/ethnicity data on the
studied, rural AIANs had higher rates of in- Limitations birth certificate was quite good for most race
adequate prenatal care than urban AIANs in 6 of The findings presented here should be con- groups, the sensitivity for maternal race data for
the areas, and the opposite was true for 4 other sidered in light of certain limitations. First, the AIANs in California was only 54%.26 This may
IHS service areas. (Rural–urban comparisons rates reported are unadjusted rates, similar to the have been because hospital staff reported race
were not made for the other 2 IHS service areas rates monitored and reported in national sur- rather than mothers providing self-reports. Cal-
because 1 of the areas was classified as entirely veillance reports. However, AIANs and non- ifornia is 1 of the states highlighted in this study,
rural, and the other was predominantly urban.)17 Hispanic Whites have been shown to differ so it is possible that some AIAN women were
AIAN women in rural or reservation areas significantly on many sociodemographic mea- misclassified as White in our analyses for that
may have low rates of prenatal care use sures. Age, education, and marital status are state.

126 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Johnson et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2010, Vol 100, No. 1

Validation studies on the use of birth the national level may be inaccurate—even Contributors
certificate data for determining prenatal care misleading—for policymaking and intervention P. J. Johnson conceptualized the study, carried out the
analyses, and wrote the initial draft of the article. K. T.
utilization have produced mixed results. at state and local levels. It is therefore necessary Call helped interpret findings and provided comments
Some studies indicated acceptable prenatal to monitor health care access disparities for on the article. L. A. Blewett helped interpret findings and
care data quality,23–25,27 whereas others in- AIANs at relevant geographic levels. provided critical revision of the article. All authors
revised the article and approved the final draft.
dicated extremely poor agreement between Information to track national trends is
birth certificates and medical records.28 To the important, but decisions regarding policy and
extent that the prenatal care data available in funding priorities are often made at
Research for this article was conducted as part of a Health
our vital records data underestimated the timing the state and local levels. Under the new Disparities Research Loan Repayment Award from the
and adequacy of care for both groups, the National Center for Health Statistics data- National Institutes of Health (L60 MD002033-01 to P. J.
Johnson). Funding was provided in part by a grant from
pattern of disparities is likely robust. However, if release policy, states are still able to perform the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to the University
there was differential misclassification of late or their own analyses on internal data. However, of Minnesota.
inadequate prenatal care by maternal race, by AIAN communities, Tribal Epidemiology
time period, or by state, our calculation of Centers, and Urban Indian Health researchers Human Participant Protection
AIAN–White disparities may be biased. are finding it increasingly difficult to access No protocol approval was necessary because data were
obtained from secondary sources.
Finally, missing vital-records data elements data for specific communities or geographic
are also a concern. Specifically, we needed areas. Without easily accessible data to show
data on the month when prenatal care be- improvements in prenatal care for AIAN References
gan, the number of prenatal visits, and gesta- women and reductions in the disparity be- 1. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
tional age to calculate our measures of tween AIANs and non-Hispanic Whites, it will National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2007. Rockville,
MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US
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those who were missing data would have effectively. We recommend that efforts be publication No. 08-0041.
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The 2007 National Healthcare Disparities About the Authors
Report suggests that many indicators of dis- Pamela Jo Johnson, Kathleen Thiede Call, and Lynn A. 9. NCHS data release and access policy for micro-data
Blewett are with the State Health Access Data Assistance and compressed vital statistics files. National Center for
parity in quality of care and most indicators Center, Division of Health Policy and Management, Health Statistics Web site. Available at: http://www.
of disparity in access to care for AIANs School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Min-
compared with Whites are improving.1 How- neapolis. htm. Accessed July 25, 2008.
Correspondence should be sent to Pamela Jo Johnson,
ever, these conclusions are drawn from nation- 10. Alexander GR, Kotelchuck M. Quantifying the
MPH, PhD, Center for Healthcare Innovation, Allina
adequacy of prenatal care: a comparison of indices. Public
ally aggregated data. Results from our current Hospitals & Clinics, 2925 Chicago Ave, Mail Route
Health Rep. 1996;111(5):408–418.
study suggest that substantive conclusions about 10105, Minneapolis, MN 55407. (e-mail: johns245@ Reprints can be ordered at 11. Kogan MD, Martin JA, Alexander GR, Kotelchuck M,
AIAN health care disparities should be geo- by clicking the ‘‘Reprints/Eprints’’ link. Ventura SJ, Frigoletto FD. The changing pattern of pre-
graphically specific, and conclusions drawn at This article was accepted April 9, 2009. natal care utilization in the United States, 1981–1995,

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128 | Research and Practice | Peer Reviewed | Johnson et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2010, Vol 100, No. 1

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