Final Reviewer Entrep

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TEST 1: TEST I: BETWEEN TWO (2) OPTIONS - Instruction: Each item consist of a

full descriptive statement while there is a need to focus on the Underline Word.
(10 items - Each Correct item x 1)
 Write a capitalized word CORRECT if the underline item provide a TRUE substance
to the full statement.
 Write a capitalized word INCORRECT if the underline item provide a FALSE
substance to the full statement

1. The composite approach in entrepreneurship plains the simplicity eating the

interplay of more than one single factors responsible for indicating for the supply
of successful entrepreneurs.
Ans: incorrect
2. The theory of entrepreneurship introduced in behavioral perceptions in defines
the business leadership on economic, psychological and political contents.
Ans: correct
3. The factors in the business environment reported that areas of political,
technological area as supporting system entrepreneurship.
Ans: Correct
4. ISU’s Quality Policy is an institutional brief statement which is driven by the stars
ISO 9001:2015 which expresses its intend towards sustainable improvement.
Ans: Incorrect (Continual)
5. The tools in the marketing plan identifies the detailed day to day operational
action plan in one among the three tools in the business planning stage.
Ans: Correct
6. The relevance of entrepreneurship for an individual appraises the aspect of
independence and satisfaction with the value of innovation and creativity.
Ans: correct
7. Withstanding the core values ISU ONE for QR recognizes the organize central
importance and relevance of its institutional academics and educational.
Ans: Correct
8. To ensure client loyalty as one of the struggling challenges in the 21 st century.
One must examines the needs for brand awareness.
Ans: Incorrect
9. The basic leadership roles of an entrepreneur recognizes the three categorized
aspects namely Interpersonal informational and decisional roles.
Ans: Correct
10. Social entrepreneurship translates the products and services offered in
entrepreneurship in responding to solve socio-cultural problems with the goal in
making the a better place to live.
Ans: Incorrect

TEST 2: BETWEEN FOUR (4) OPTIONS - Instruction: Each item consist of a full
descriptive statement consisting two (2) structured statement (10 items - Each
Correct item x 2)
 Write a capitalized letter A if the FIRST statement is CORRECT while the
 Write a capitalized letter B if the FIRST statement is INCORRECT while the
 Write a capitalized letter C if the FIRST statement is CORRECT while the
 Write a capitalized letter D if the FIRST statement is INCORRECT while the

1. The essence of employing and having the right staff or employees in the
business organization cannot be downplayed. The process of deployment should
always attract a considerable amount of time and resources.

2. The behavioral roles of an entrepreneur categorically, presents the social,

economic and technological roles. The economic role in utilizing manpower
resources must be carried on a cost-effective manner.

3. Innovative entrepreneurs are individuals coming up with new ideas and

opportunities. It applies the transformation of ideas into business ventures.

4. Translates the organize towards envision its future direction in order to carry out
the realization of this vision. ISU’s resources lay out traditional research
5. Environment of entrepreneurship as a response must be creative and innovative
Entrepreneur socks the analysis of innovation and employment, making
entrepreneurship as a philosophy and plan of action.

6. Entrepreneurship as a coordinator enable to create many job opportunities.

Entrepreneurship is a practice in starting new business organizations.

7. A business plan is a written internal document which must be assess regularly on

the context of accuracy, realistic and detailed as possible. The Business Context
provides a bigger picture that opportunity as factor in business engagement
covers profile, practice competition.

8. ISU as the prime SUC in the locality highly distinguish as an accredited ISO 9001
2015 & certified AACCUP. Its recognition as from AACCUP is because of the
institutional academic excellence in various academic programs.

9. He ideas in business arises from an existing conditions while opportunities

comes from creative thinking. A business plan as a roadmap shields in providing
business direction in the present time

10. He relevance of entrepreneurship distinguishes it between a individual and the

local community. The significance and relevance of entrepreneurship for a nation
stimulates both an impact of innovation and efficiency.
TEST 3: BETWEEN TEN (10) CHOICES - Instruction: Each item consist of a full
descriptive statement indicating four choices within marked as A,B,C and D. Write the
number item of your choice ranging from 1 to 10 (10 items - Each correct item x 2)
 1 if choice A is applied.
 2 if choice B is applied.
 3 if choice C is applied.
 4 if choice D is applied.
 5 if choice A & B is applied.
 6 if choice C & D is applied.
 7 if choice A & C is applied.
 8 if choice B & D is applied.
 9 if choice A, B, C & D are all applied.
 10 if choice A, B, C & D are not all applied.

1. Entrepreneurship entail the process of coordinator, the entrepreneur acts as coordinator

and formulates in coordinating the following elements:
A. Business capital and income
B. Business location and area
C. Business issue and decision
Ans: 8
2. Entrepreneur’s dominant roles pointed out decisional roles as one of the basic
managerial roles. By an assessment on such roles pertinent to the management of
manpower conflicts. Which of the following roles re applied.
A. Negotiator Role
B. Spokesman Role
C. Disturbance Role
D. Leader Role
Ans: 3
3. A good business plan expresses the needs of the following tips
A. Clear vision
B. Realistic goals
C. Periodically review
D. Business tools for analysis
Ans: 9
4. Which of the following characteristics collectively a social entrepreneurship
A. Solve political problems
B. Make the world as a best place
C. Gains big profit
D. Works towards political good
Ans: 3
5. Retrospectively evaluating the history of ISU, all are indicators EXCEPT
A. Comprehensive SUC in Region 02
B. Established by virtue of PD. 1434 & 1437
C. By virtue of PD was signed on June 10, 1978
D. PD was signed by the 10” Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos
Ans: ___

6. Responding to the challenges of the 21 century of entrepreneurship, most importantly,

an entrepreneur must clearly a stand out as
A. Efficient Leader
B. Good Decision
C. Effective Leader
E. Better Decision
Ans: 1
7. Innovation and creativity takes place into the business operations and this proposes the
relevance of the entrepreneurship into an individual with the freedom to use and utilize:
A. Ideas
B. Opportunities
C. Strengths
D. Resources
Ans: 1
8. Which of the following is/are formulates the description of a large company
A. Sustain Innovation
B. C-level executives
C. Meet market demands
D. Rapidly grow
Ans: 9
9. The business plan contains business information, introduction or an eve summary which
identifies clear statement of
A. Vision
B. Mission
C. Core values
D. Goals & Objectives
Ans: 9
10. The concepts of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur and enterprise supports a collective
framework making entrepreneurial as
A. Science
B. Art
C. Administration
D. Management

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