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National College of Computer Studies

Paknajol, Kathmandu

Report on
Submitted by:                                                
Sujal Manandhar
Programme: BIM 1st semester               
Roll. No: 23
A learning system based on formalized teaching but with the help of electronic
resources is known as e-learning. While teaching can be based in our classroom, the
use of computer and the internet forms the major component of e-learning. E-learning
can also be termed as a network enabled transfer of skill and knowledge and the
delivery of education is made to large number of recipient at the same or different
times. Earlier it was not accepted wholeheartedly as it was assumed that system
lacked the human element required in learning. E-learning has proved to be the best
means in the corporate sector especially when training program are conducted by
MBCs for professional across the globe and employees are able to acquire important
skill while sitting in the board room, or by having seminar, which are conducted for
employees of the same or the different organization under one roof


CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................1


1.1 Context information.........................................................................................1

1.2 Significance of the study.................................................................................2

1.3 Literature survey..............................................................................................3

1.3.1 Related theories........................................................................................3 Technology Acceptance Model........................................................3 The theory and practice of online learning.......................................4

1.4 Research methods used for data collection and analysis.................................4

1.5 Research design...............................................................................................5

1.5.1 Definition of the variables........................................................................5 Perceived usefulness.........................................................................5 Willingness to use ICT in education.................................................6 Ease of use........................................................................................6

1.5.2 Limitations of the study...........................................................................6

1.6 Conclusion.......................................................................................................7



1.1 Context information

Learning is the process of gaining knowledge or skills by studying or practicing. Thus

the process of gaining knowledge or skills through the use of internet is called online
learning. Nowadays, internet has been considered as one of the important medium for
academic learning. Online learning is education that takes place over the internet.
Basically, online learning refers to the idea of using online tools for learning. It is
often referred to as e-learning or distance learning or blended learning. Online
learning is the newest and most popular form of distance learning today. Online
learning has received much attention in recent years globally, with an estimated 5-7
million students now are enrolling in at least one course each year.

In higher education, online learning has been growing rapidly in recent years due to
the ease of access and scheduling flexibility. One of the popular technologies that are
increasingly used to deliver learning content to students is the pre-recorded videos.
They are placed by teachers or instructor for convenient access by the learner or
students. A lack of interaction between students and teachers has a negative impact on
the student’s affective experience and can interfere with the success of online
learning. Similarly, interaction with the teachers is one factor that significantly
influences student’s satisfaction and perceived learning gains (Kim, Smith, & Thayne,

The introduction of multimedia technologies and the internet in learning in many

universities has been observed as a means of improving accessibility and quality of
delivery and learning among the students and teachers. Many terms had been used to
describe learning that delivered online or via the internet, ranging from distance
education, computerized electronic learning, online learning, internet learning, and
many others. Numerous studies concluded that there were significant differences in
learning outcomes between E-learning and traditional learning. However, and
regardless of which one is beneficial still some people support the idea of traditional
learning, while others believe in the E-learning system (Elfaki, Abdulraheem, &
Abdulrahim, 2019)

In recent decades, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for
educational purposes has increased, and the spread of network technologies has
caused online learning practices to evolve significantly (Kahiigi, Ekenberg, Hansson,
Tusubira, & Danielson, 2008).The use of ICT can benefit, for example, students in
rural areas can easily attend classes as distance learners. Regarding this, the potential
of online learning seems very assuring, but because of gaps between developed and
developing countries knowledge transfer is not only difficult but also costly. Online
learning denotes the use of ICT by teachers and learners. In online learning system,
students are able to interact anytime from wherever with different instructional
material (text, sound, pictures, video and so on) through internet. In addition, learners
can communicate with teachers and classmates both individually and as a group
discussion with the use of message boards, instant message exchanges and video
conferencing. Online learning is emerging as the new paradigm of modern education.
Online learning represents the educational design that combines the information and
communication technology with the existing type of education to raise the validity of
learning methods of procedures (Zahir, Razak, Zainan, & Kasim, 2018). Online
learning is the employment of technology to aid and enhance the academic
performances (Balakamakshi & Savithri, 2021).

1.2 Significance of the study

The study attempted to examine the attitudes of students towards online learning. The
findings of this study may be helpful for educational institutions. Furthermore, it will
work as a guideline to know about the factors that directly or indirectly affect the
academic performance of students. This study will be used as a reference for the
further research paper and projects to similar kind of topics. The significance of the
study is as follows:

1. This study will help to know about the problems faced by the students during
online classes.

2. This study may give an idea about the interest of students to use ICT tools in

3. This study helps to analyze the effectiveness of online classes.

4. This study will help educational institutions to improve online learning.

1.3 Literature survey

Literature surveys are the basis for research in nearly every academic field. It is that
section which shows the various analyses and research made in the field of interest
and already published results, taking into account the various parameters of the
project and the extension of the project. It includes the current knowledge including
substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a
particular topic. It provides foundation of knowledge on topic. Literature surveys are
secondary sources, and do not report new or original experimental work. Most often
associated with academic-oriented literature, such reviews are found in academic
journals. It consists of review of empirical literature and related theories of the
research. It is useful in providing guidelines for determining the variables under study
and setting the purpose of the study. It enables a researcher to find out about the
existing bodies of knowledge on the topic of his/her interest. It helps to find out the
areas yet to be studied in the concerned topic and need for additional research. It
states the findings from previous researches hence enabling a researcher to generate
the hypothesis for the research.

1.3.1 Related theories

The theories that are reviewed in this study are: Technology Acceptance Model

This model was developed by Davis from Ajzen and Fishbein (TAM) explains how a
new technology and the various aspects of it are received and used by the user.
Though many models have been proposed previously in the field of Information
Systems to describe the relationship, it is this model which has been widely acclaimed
and used. In Technology Acceptance Model, the fundamental factors that influence
student’s attitudes towards online learning materials or ICT tools and technology are
Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. Perceived Usefulness is how
students feel that the technology contributes to make their learning process easier and
improves their academic performance.

Perceived ease of use refers to what extent the user is comfortable in using the
features of the technology. It measures the consumer efforts that have to put forth to
use the technology. They are both influenced by external variables. These factors
determine the attitude of the user towards using the technology. The model also goes

on to say that the Perceived Usefulness will also influence the behavioral intention to
use. The attitude determines the behavior which in turn influences the actual
acceptance. Perceived usefulness will directly influence the behavioral intention.
New technology should increase the performance of people to get positive intention
use it. Moreover, PU is influenced by PEOU. Whenever the technology is free of
effort, people will realize its usefulness. TAM describes how and what factors
contribute to the individuals' behavioral attitude changes when implementing new
technologies. The theory and practice of online learning

(Picciano, 2017) developed a common theory for online education Despite the fact
that he recognizes that this is a tough and possibly futile effort, he investigates the
alternatives and provides his own idea, which he admits is incomplete. Learning
theory is intended to explain and assist us in understanding how people learn;
however, the literature is complex and comprehensive enough to fill entire library
sections. Psychology, sociology, neuroscience, and, of course, education are among
the fields involved.

Three of the most prevalent learning theories—behaviorism, cognitive constructivism,

and social constructivism—will be highlighted to provide a platform for further
debate. The study of human behavior is known as behaviorism. It developed from a
cause-and-effect positivist mindset. To put it another way, activity causes reaction.
Behaviorism in education is the study of how students behave while learning.
Behaviorism focuses on studying how students react to specific stimuli that may be
evaluated, quantified, and finally controlled for each individual when repeated. The
focus of behaviorism is on what can be seen, rather than on the mind or cognitive
processes. To summarize, if you can't see it, you can't study it. Cognitive theorists
supported the idea that the mind plays a major part in learning, focusing on the period
of time between the appearance of an external stimulus and the student's reaction.
They were able to see mental processes such as motivation.

1.4 Research methods used for data collection and analysis

The research method section describes how the overall research process is conducted
in order to answer the research question. This part describes the methods used for data
collection and analysis. This explains how data are collected from where and how

they are analyzed. It may include publication research, interviews, surveys, journal,
and many other research techniques, and could include both present and historical
information. This section of report carries six different sections. First section includes
the description of research design under the first sub topic. Second section includes
population and sample of the research. Similarly, third section includes the
explanation and nature of data used in research. The fourth, fifth and sixth section
provides information about dentition of variables, methods of analysis and limitations
of study respectively.

1.5 Research design

The research design applied in this research is quantitative. The study was undertaken
to determine the association between two categorical variables. Considering the
objective, descriptive research design is adopted to deal with various issues raised in
this study. The major purpose of using descriptive research was to describe, explain,
and validate findings. This research design was carried out to ascertain and describe
the characteristics of variables being studied. It was selected for the study to learn the
profile of the respondents, present and describe the collected data, and the factors that
affect student’s attitude towards online learning. The intent of descriptive research is
to produce statistical information about aspects of students that affect their attitudes. It
involved collection of quantitative information that is tabulated along a continuum in
numerical form.

1.5.1 Definition of the variables

The definition of each variable used in the study is as follows: Perceived usefulness

Perceived usefulness refers to the subjective perception of users where they believe
that using certain technology cam improve the performance of their work. It is the
extent to which individual believes how useful the technology would be (Davis,
1986). Perceived usefulness is defined as the extent to which students believe that
online learning will enhance learning outcomes. (Nuseir, EI-Refae, & Aljumah, 2021)
stated that perceived usefulness of online learning is affected by IT infrastructure
services, system quality and information quality. Perceived usefulness is the
fundamental factor of TAM model. Perceived usefulness is how students feel that the
learning tools and technology contributes to make the learning process easier.

5 Willingness to use ICT in education

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education is the mode of

education that use information and communications technology to support, enhance,
and optimise the delivery of information. Worldwide research has shown that ICT can
lead to an improved student learning and better teaching methods (Kwok & Yang,
2017). Students will to use ICT tools such as laptops, computers, and smartphones
along with internet, web and cloud applications to improve their learning process and
improve research capability. ICT is the electronic tools which helps students to gather
record and store information and exchange and distribute information to friends and
teacher. Efficient and effective use of ICT tools helps in achieving better results. Ease of use

Ease of use is a basic concept that describes how easily users can use a product. The
degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free from
effort (Davis, 1986). Ease of use refers to what extent the user is comfortable in using
the features of the technology. It measures the students efforts that have to put forth to
use the technology. It is influenced by external variables. This factor determines the
attitude of the user towards using the technology. PU is influenced by PEOU.
Whenever the technology is free of effort, people will realize its usefulness. TAM
describes how and what factors contribute to the individuals' behavioral attitude
changes when implementing new technologies.

1.5.2 Limitations of the study

The following are the major limitations of the study:

1. The study has been conducted among few students only. Thus the findings may
not be generalizable for the whole students.
2. The study is carried out within limited time period.
3. The validity of the study depends on the accuracy of the information provided by
the respondents to be covered on the study.

1.6 Conclusion

There are various factors that contribute to the attitudes of students towards online
learning. This study focuses on some of the major factors that influence student’s
attitude towards online learning and to use online learning materials in education. The
results of this study will have important implications and it believed to be helpful for
the educational sector. Educational sector should evaluate all the variables that
directly or indirectly affect the students’ perception to use ICT tools like laptop,
computers, smartphones, internet and web. Educational institutions can ensure that
students have accessible, effective, convenient and-efficient tools to attend the class
by evaluating those variables that effect online learning system. From the study it can
be seen that there are still a lot of things to be improved so that online learning can
become a factor of regular use. By disclosing students’ priorities, perception and
attitudes about online learning, the study’s findings will assist schools and colleges in
enhancing and promoting online learning and online learning materials.


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