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Name of group : plan a plan b plan plan pak sopir

Understand the
development of -exploring combining multiple mode
multimodal text

Benefits of -enhancing contribution and

multimodal text Comprehension
development for
learners. -stimulating critical and creative thinking

Challenge in -overcome technological barriers

EFFORTS LEARNERS multimodal text -limited with multimedia tools and
TO IMPLEMENT development techniques
ACADEMIC WRITING -provide training
Strategy to
promote -encourage collaboration
multimodal text -integrate software tools

Impact in the -balance creativity

development of -value innovative approaches
multimodal text

Provide some -present a successful example

case studies and
-highligting impact on results
best practice
-identify success factors

Emerging trends -exploring emerging technologies.

in the -identifying
development of
multimodal text
Prompt: writing an english academic multimodal text should reflect english writing skills.
Question ; how to understand the Efforts and implememt multimodal text in acadrmic
In the present era of technology, the capacity to communicate proficiently through
diverse means of communication is growing in significance. Multimodal text development in
academic writing is one approach that can help learners develop the skills necessary to
communicate their ideas using different modes of communication. Multimodal texts merge
various modes of communication, such as images, sound, and written text, to transmit
information.implementing multimodal text development in academic writing so that students can
understand.“While some students are thrilled to compose something other than an academic
essay, others struggle to understand why they are required to create a multimodal text in a
writing class. I assure my students that although they may not be familiar with the concept of
multimodality, it has a long history in composition (e.g. writing studies).” (Gagich, 2020, p.
66).However, implementing multimodal text development in academic writing can be a
challenge for students so there needs to be effort and strategies that can be used to implement
multimodal text development in academic writing.

The development of multimodal texts in academic writing is becoming increasingly

important. Multimodal texts are persuasive with the aim of persuading learners. By combining
texts of various modes of communication, such as visual, audio, and linguistics, multimodal texts
can effectively convey ideas and arguments. Then, multimodal texts common. Most, if not all of
today's texts, can be considered multimodal texts, as they incorporate modes such as visual,
audio, and alphabetic or linguistic text. By developing multimodal text skills, learners can
communicate effectively in a variety of contexts. Multimodal text is also relevant to the
workforce. Professionals use the benefits of digital tools and multimodal writing to promote
themselves, interests, research. multimodal texts encourage critical thinking and socialization.
multimodal projects require sequencing and scaffolding, which encourage learners to practice
analysis and understand how to work together to create arguments.
There are several challenge to implementing multimodal text development in academic
writing. One of the main challenge is that composing multimodal texts is a complex process that
requires students to engage with multiple levels of language, including English, academic
discourse, mode-specific language related to visual analysis, and critical meta-language (Kress,
2010; Jewitt, 2009). analysis This can be difficult for both students and writing center
consultants. Another obstacle is that students often prioritize writing mode over visual mode, so
that visuals are often seen as "decoration". This can lead to using images that are imprecise or
vague and not well integrated in the argument.In addition, the lack of transparency regarding
norms and conventions in creating multimodal texts in higher education can make it difficult for
students to incorporate visual elements effectively in their writing.Finally, students need to
develop critical literacy across modes, which requires them to analyze and interpret visual
elements in the same way they analyze and interpret written text. This can be challenging for
students who are not used to considering visual elements in an academic context. Overall,
implementing multimodal text development in academic writing requires engaging students at
multiple language levels, giving priority to visual elements, understanding norms and
conventions in composing multimodal texts, and developing critical literacy across modes.
Thus, implementing multimodal text development in academic writing requires careful
and strategic integration. The recommended efforts and strategies for implementing
multimodal text development first, create a pre-design strategy that can be used to plan and
organize multimodal texts. These strategies involve encouraging students to consider their
rhetorical situation, analyzing other multimodal texts, researching textual content, gathering
ideas, and storyboards. Second, Assigning Multimodal Projects by requiring students to create
multimodal texts, such as podcasts, photo essays, and posters, can help develop multimodal
literacy. It allows students to practice analyzing existing multimodal texts and understand how
different modes work together to make arguments before creating their own projects. Third,
Incorporating multimodal texts into the learning environment can increase engagement and
understanding. Multimodal texts combine various modes of communication, such as visual,
audio, and linguistic texts, to convey information. Using these texts in lessons and assignments
can help students develop their own multimodal writing skills. Fourth, turning journal entries
into multimodal activities allows students to express their thoughts in multiple ways, such as
written entries, charts, illustrations, videos, podcasts, or examples. This encourages creativity
and allows students to choose the mode that best suits their expression. fifth, Integrating the
Multiple Modes. Multimodal writing involves using multiple modes of communication, such
as written, spoken, non-verbal, and visual, to convey meaning. Integrating these modes into a
writing class can provide students with a variety of tools to communicate and persuade
effectively. Finally, assessing multimodal work requires consideration the various modes used
and evaluate how effectively they contribute to the overall message. Specific rubrics and
criteria for multimodal writing can be developed to assess student work. By implementing
these strategies, educators can support the development of multimodal text skills in academic
writing and help students communicate their ideas effectively using multiple modes of
In conclusion,The use of Multimodal Text in the application of academic writing is
very often used so that the right application for students as discussed is very important as a
guide so that later it cannot be separated from the theme of academic writing in accordance
with the scientific rules of language. Sihombing, Herman and Saputra (2022) defined that
multimodal is one of the theory in linguistics that are quite popular nowadays as a tool or aid in
teaching language. In linguistics, there is a science discuss about language as broad perspective
called systematic functional grammar (Ngongo et. al., 2022; Herman et. al., 2022). In addition,
the development of multimodal text-based literacy activities is expected to help students
master multiliteracy skills. This study developed a guidebook for multimodal text-based
literacy activities in the classroom and in the school environment.There are challenges faced
by students in the multimodal writing process which requires students to be involved with
various problems they face. Then make strategies and efforts in implementing the development
of multimodal texts.

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