Week 1

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1. We could ______ along the beach after dinner.

● Stroll (v) /strəʊl/ walk in a slow relaxed way
● Rigid (adj) /ˈrɪdʒ.ɪd/: fixed; not able to be bent or moved

2. Seacraft (n) seagoing ships

3. I’m _____ing ____to the bus stop

● Head off: leave a place and go to another place
● Seacraft (n) seagoing ships

4. I'd like to ______ _____ by thanking you all for coming

● Rigid (adj) /ˈrɪdʒ.ɪd/: fixed; not able to be bent or moved
● Start off : start, begin

5. The children _____ed little pots from clay.

● Mould (v) /məʊld/: make a soft substance have a particular shape
● Brittle (adj) /ˈbrɪt.əl/ easily broken

6. I was ______ with fear

● Rigid (adj) /ˈrɪdʒ.ɪd/: fixed; not able to be bent or moved
● Stroll (v) /strəʊl/ walk in a slow relaxed way

7. He added sand to the soil to make it more ______.

● Fleet (n) /fliːt/: a group of ships
● Porous (adj) /ˈpɔː.rəs/ having many small holes that allow water or
air to pass through slowly (xốp)

8. As you get older your bones become increasingly ______.

● Commodity (n) /kəˈmɒd.ə.ti/: product
● Brittle (adj) /ˈbrɪt.əl/ easily broken

9. ______ glass lay all over the road.

● Shattered (adj) /ˈʃæt.əd/: broken into very small pieces
● Fleet (n) /fliːt/: a group of ships

10. Crude oil is the world's most important _______.

● Dissolve (v) /dɪˈzɒlv/: (of a solid) to mix with a liquid and become
part of it
● Commodity (n) /kəˈmɒd.ə.ti/: product

11.It is hard to knit a scarf, but it is harder to ______ it

● Unravel (adj) /ʌnˈrævl/: if you unravel threads that are twisted, or
knitted, or if they unravel, they become separated
● Downtown (n) the central part of a city

12. Pencils do not contain real ______ nowadays.

● Lead (n) chì
● Downtown (n) the central part of a city

13. The houses were all cold and _______ in winter.

● Draughty (adj) /ˈdrɑːf.ti/: (a room) uncomfortable because cold air
is blowing through
● Shattered (adj) /ˈʃæt.əd/: broken into very small pieces

14. They found the ______ skull of a mammoth.

● Intact (adj) /ɪnˈtækt/: not damaged or destroyed
● Stroll (v) /strəʊl/ walk in a slow relaxed way

15. The entire ______ was sunk.

● Head off: leave a place and go to another place
● Fleet (n) /fliːt/: a group of ships

16. Sugar _________s quickly in hot water

● Dissolve (v) /dɪˈzɒlv/: (of a solid) to mix with a liquid and become
part of it
● Shattered (adj) /ˈʃæt.əd/: broken into very small pieces
17. We missed our flight, and __________ that we had to wait
seven hours for the next one.
● On top of : in addition to something
● Intact (adj) /ɪnˈtækt/: not damaged or destroyed

18. The house which is located in the heart of ________ is

extremely pricey
● Downtown (n) the central part of a city
● Commodity (n) /kəˈmɒd.ə.ti/: product

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