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Writing about: What should the government and individuals do to protect the environment?

As far as I am concerned,the global climate is becoming warmer and warmer, which sets
alarm bells ringing about serious environmental issues. As a result, it is about time the
government and individuals took essential measures to save our ecosystem.First and
foremost, we need to maintain and preserve natural resources. For instance, the
government had better carry out forest protection policies and reasonable exploitation
plans. Furthermore, It is advisable for individuals to plant more trees in their residential
areas.In the second place, we must adjust our living habits to our surroundings. As an
illustration, biodegradable materials should be taken priority over plastic products.
Moreover, when not in use, electrical appliances have to be switched off.Last but not least,
waste needs to be handled scientifically. The Singaporean set a good example for collecting
and burning waste to create heat for thermal power plants.Besides, they take advantages of
modern science to make the exhaust gas-burning even cleaner than the air.To put it in a
nutshell, the government and individuals ought to join hands to implement the
environmental solutions to make the planet Earth a better place for our children.

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