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11 jul 2023 | INGLES-XV




Problem: Poverty in Peru

How could you use social media to try and change the situation? What would you do?

1. -I would create profiles on various social media platforms to raise awareness about poverty
and its effects on society. I would share stories and testimonials from people living in poverty
to humanize the problem and generate empathy.
2. It would publish data and statistics on poverty in the country, highlighting the most affected
areas and groups.
3. I would share information about existing organizations and projects that work to combat
poverty, and encourage people to join or support them in some way.
4. I would use social networks to educate about the importance of equity, the redistribution of
resources and equal access to economic and educational opportunities.
5. I would organize online awareness campaigns, such as solidarity challenges, to encourage
people to take small actions that make a difference, such as donating clothes or food, or
giving support to local organizations.

Could you organize an online petition, protest or try to raise some money?..

1. Create an online petition addressed to government leaders and responsible institutions to

urge the implementation of effective poverty reduction policies and programs. I would
collect signatures from people committed to change.
2. I would organize a peaceful protest in strategic places to attract the attention of the media
and society in general, demanding concrete measures to tackle poverty and improve the
living conditions of the people affected. - To raise funds, I would set up an online
crowdfunding campaign, clearly explaining how the funds will be used and what impact they
will have. The funds could be used to support education projects, job training,
entrepreneurship or access to basic services for people living in poverty.

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