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Benz S.

Hambala July 6, 2020

Reflection on: “Article about the impact of

essential values in the workplace”

Our every day life is considered as a learning process. As we deal along with others in
the workplace we may adapt values from people in the environment. These values contribute
to our personal growth and social development.
It is also important to consider who are the peers in peer learning. They have
considerable experiences and expertise that we can learn from them. Your workplace values
are the guiding principles that are most important to you about the way that you work. You use
these deeply held principles to choose between right and wrong ways of working, and they help
you make important decisions and career choices.
Once you have a thorough understanding of the values that are most important to, you
can better understand and identify others' values. Your goal in identifying these is to raise
awareness and encourage good behavior and habits.
Start by talking with your most respected team members about the workplace values
that they feel are important. Ask them to brainstorm  the values that they believe are most
prevalent among good performers, and list these on a whiteboard or flip chart for them to see.
It is important to recognize that learning with peers/workmates covers a wide range of
different values from people we consider positive and helps us grow as an individual. Every
individual has its own beliefs and values they believe in. What is important is that you use these
values to maintain good relationship at your working place.

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