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Engr Kufre Esenowo Jack:

ng: 08034149749




A Practical Content for MCE 412

Prepared by

Engr Kufre Esenowo Jack,

Department of Mechatronics Engineering,

Federal University of Technology, Minna

Experiment 1

Title: Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers


i. To familiarize the students with the use of programmable logic controller

ii. To understand basic functions of the program;
iii. To acquaint the students with the use of program addresses;


The programmable logic control involves the integration of logical and sequential
technique to control industrial machines. This makes use of electromechanical devices
such as relays, contactors etc. It finds its wide applications in traffic control, oil and gas,
agriculture, breweries or food industries, health sector, building/environmental where
manual operation possess threat and are in efficient.

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Figure 1.1: Diagrams of PLC HMI and Input/output instructions.

Apparatus: Mitsubishi software

Figure 1.2: Diagram of PLC program for simple ON/OFF status with normally open

Figure 1.3: Diagram of PLC program for simple ON/OFF status with normally closed

Figure 1.4: Diagram of PLC program for simple ON/OFF status with normally open and
close contact.

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Figure 1.5: Diagram of PLC program for simple ON/OFF status with normally open and
close contact with latching.


How to write a simple program to ON/OFF the PLC control operation

i. On navigating into the PLC software, note that only the “END” symbol is
displayed on the screen with the positive and negative run. This is shown in
figure 1.6.

Figure 1.6: Diagram of PLC Program Initials

ii. Click on the edit ladder button on the PLC control panel.
iii. Place your cursor on the left panel as indicated to start your program.
iv. Input the ladder program in the PLC ladder rung as in the diagram above.
v. Click write to PLC or F4 to convert the program to a form the PLC can
understand and note down your observations.
vi. When the message “write completes”, the program will automatically begin to
simulate if and only if there are no program errors.
vii. The PLC should starts to operate when the “RUN” indicator lamp should be lit
in the I/O monitor display area of the PLC. NOTE that if the lit indicator is not
“ON” the PLC operations won’t start.

Result & Observation

After writing the program following the procedure, the student is expected to make
certain observation. These include the program changes when it converted to a form
PLC will understand. When the [SW1] switch button is pressed, the PLC control
systems turns ON and Vis – a-vis when it is turned OFF.
The latching technique implemented makes use of the OR and AND logic control to
indicate the state of the PLC and latches there by keeping the system stable for a
duration of time.

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Engr Kufre Esenowo Jack: 08034149749

Outline further observation made and report your work.

At the end of this experiment, students are expected to write on an elaborate observation,
precautions and make a relevant conclusion.

Experiment 2

Title: Input and output status of a program


i. To learn how to initiate program instructions for input and output operation status.
ii. To detect the rising and falling edges of a pulse signal in PLC;
iii. To write a program which can be operated only when an input is “ON” or “OFF”


Every brand of PLC has its unique input and output address functions with a similar
instruction sets. The brand PLC used for this practical implementation and realization is
Mitsubishi. Irrespective of diverse programming languages used in PLC programming,
the language used for this practical purpose is the ladder and functional block diagram.

Task Description

The task of this work is to write a program that will read the input status of the PLC. In
this program as will implement, “M0” and “M1” as used in the program are called the
auxiliary relays. These relays are used as internal relays by the PLC. They can be used
for intermediate processes when writing the program. Auxiliary relays have specific
functions such as “ALWAYS ON” when the PLC is in RUN mode. The program
animation in this software explains how the status will be implemented in real life

Diagram: ladder and functional block

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Figure 2.1 diagrams for input and output status of a program

Apparatus: Mitsubishi software


Program to be operated only when an input is put “ON” and “OFF”

i. Click on the edit ladder button on the PLC control panel.

ii. Input the ladder program in the PLC ladder rung as in the diagram above.
iii. Click write to PLC or F4 to convert the program to a form the PLC can
understand and note down your observations.
iv. When the message “write completes”, the program will automatically begin to
simulate if and only if there are no program errors.
v. The PLC should starts to operate when the “RUN” indicator lamp should be lit in
the I/O monitor display area of the PLC. NOTE that if the lit indicator is not
“ON” the PLC operations won’t start.

Result & Observation

Click on [SW1] with an address of (X24) on the operation panel to turn it ON the PLC.
As soon as this operation is done, the lamp Green with an output address (Y6) is lit and
the conveyor arm with an output address (Y1) moves forward. Note that the outputs Y1
and Y6 are latched. This shows that the PLC memory with the input address M0 is
already set OFF. This memory address M0 is operated for one operation cycle when the
input X24 is set ON. The PLS instruction detects the moment when the input turns ON
and turns the auxiliary relay M0 ON at that moment.

When the [PB2](X21) is pressed the outputs are turned OFF. In other to operate the
lamp and the conveyor, turn OFF [SW1](X24) then turn it ON again. This explains the
rising and falling of the edges.

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Figure 1.2: Diagram of the rising and falling edges of a pulse signal in PLC

Note the PLS instruction set is for edge rising signal detection while PLF is for edge
falling detection.

At the end of this experiment, students are expected to write on an elaborate observation,
precautions and make a relevant conclusion.

Experiment 3

Title: Latching of Output Program with set and reset operations.


i. To demonstrate latching concept in PLC using standard program

ii. To familiarize the students with the implementation of “SET” program
iii. To illustrate the “RESET” program instruction


Latching is feedback given to hold the ON status of the output of the device. Latching
retains the electromagnetic relays contact closed after power has been removed from the
magnetic coil. This keeps the PLC in a stable state for a specified period of time. The
latched coil is momentarily energised to set the latch and hold the relay in the latched
position. Whereas, unlatching is a contact which help in unholding the ON status of the
output of the device. The unlatched or released coil is momentarily energised to
disengage the mechanical latch and return the relay to the unlatched position. The “SET”
instruction is a program instruction the sets or keeps the program in an enable state
indicated as (EN); while “RESET” brings the program to its initial state.

Task Description:

The essence task is to demonstrate the latching of output program operation such that
when a particular input is energised, a particular output will be energised there by

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latching an input of another rung and vis-a-vis considering its “SET” and “RESET”

Diagram: ladder and functional block

Figure 3.1: Diagram of a latched output with open and closed contact (series

Figure 3.2: Diagram of a latched output with open and closed contact (parallel

Figure 3.3: Diagram of a latched output with SET and RESET instructions.

Apparatus: Mitsubishi software


Step 1: Program to latch outputs

i. Select new project

ii. Click on the edit ladder button on the PLC control panel.

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iii. Input the ladder program in the PLC ladder rung as in the diagram above.
iv. Click write to PLC or F4 to convert the program to a form the PLC can
understand and note down your observations.
v. When the message “write completes”, the program will automatically begin to
simulate if and only if there are no program errors.
vi. The PLC should starts to operate when the “RUN” indicator lamp should be lit
in the I/O monitor display area of the PLC. NOTE that if the lit indicator is not
“ON” the PLC operations won’t start.

Step 2: Program to SET and RESET is another method for holding the outputs status

i. Click on the edit ladder button on the PLC control panel.

ii. Select new project
iii. Input the program as in figure 3.3
iv. Click write to PLC or F4 to convert the program to a form the PLC can
understand and note down your observations.
v. When the message “write completes”, the program will automatically begin to
simulate if and only if there are no program errors.
vi. The PLC should starts to operate when the “RUN” indicator lamp should be lit in
the I/O monitor display area of the PLC. NOTE that if the lit indicator is not
“ON” the PLC operations won’t start.

Result & Observation

When the first push Button [PB1] with input address (X20) on the operation panel is
pressed, the lamp Operating output (Y0) is lit. This latching concept shows that even
when the first push Button [PB1] with input address (X20) on the operation panel is
released, the lamp remains lit. The output ON status is held by the lamp Operating (Y0)
contact. In this process, the output is said to be latched as in figure 3.1.

But in figure 3.2, if the first switch [SW1] with an input address (X24) is set ON, the
lamp cannot be lit no matter if the drive input first push Button [PB1] with input address
(X20) is ON or not. Switch [SW1] with an input address (X24) takes precedence over
push Button [PB1] with input address (X20). In the program, the operating lamp comes
ON when [PB1] (X20) is pressed and will remain lit if [PB1] (X20) is released. If
Switch [SW1] (X24) is turned ON, the lamp will be turned OFF. However if both [PB1]
(X24) are ON, the lamp Operating (Y0) will be lit. The input [PB1] (X20) takes
precedence over [SW1] (X24). Similarly, Figure 3.3 shows another method of
actualizing the same task using SET and RESET instructions. When [PB1] (X20) on the
operation panel is pressed, the lamp Operating (Y0) is lit. When [PB1] (X20) on the
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operation panel is released, the lamp remains lit. The output status of the lamp Operating
(Y0) is held by the SET instruction.

When the second push button [PB 2] (X20) on the operation panel is pressed, the lamp
Operating (Y0) is reset and extinguished. Note in PLC programs the SET and RESET
instructions are often used to hold output status results. This instruction can be used any
number of times for the same output so that the problem caused by the dual coils can be

At the end of this experiment, students are expected to write on an elaborate observation,
precaution and make a relevant conclusion.

Experiment 4

Title: Traffic light control system using PLC


i. To implement traffic light control operation

ii. To Actualize of Timing operations
iii. To learn control measures using Counters


A traffic light control system is an act of controlling the flow of vehicles, industrial
equipment’s as well humans in cases of high density traffic condition. In this method
one section of the traffic will be put on hold allowing other to pass over a certain period
of time. This measure usher orderliness in the movement or flow of industrial equipment
and road traffic network at large. This practical demonstrates the control of traffic light
designed around conventional contact elements and devices such as timers, relays, and
contactors etc. The critical timing operation is required to be carried out under the
existence of heavy traffic conditions. Use of PLC helps us to develop this process not
only for traffic signal on the roads, but also on the movement of trains and the transfer of
containers organization in ports in maritime works. The requirement of fast automation
of mentioned process and effective optimization of traffic light control system is
implemented in this experiment.

Task Description

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Engr Kufre Esenowo Jack: 08034149749

This practical class will control a traffic light where the signals are changed at specified
time intervals. This traffic control system will be actualised using timers and counter
functions such that when the red light comes ON, after some seconds, it will go OFF and
the yellow light will come ON, after some seconds it goes OFF and the Green Light
comes ON after some seconds it goes OFF. The red indicates (STOP), yellow indicates
(GET READY) and green indicates (GO).

Diagram: ladder and functional block

Figure 4.1: Diagram of a traffic light control system with timers and counter instruction

Apparatus: Mitsubishi software


Program for time and counter traffic control system.

i. Click on the edit ladder button on the PLC control panel.

ii. Input the ladder program in the PLC ladder rung as in the diagram above.

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iii. Click write to PLC or F4 to convert the program to a form the PLC can
understand and note down your observations.
iv. When the message “write completes”, the program will automatically begin to
simulate if and only if there are no program errors.
v. The PLC should starts to operate when the “RUN” indicator lamp should be lit in
the I/O monitor display area of the PLC. NOTE that if the lit indicator is not
“ON” the PLC operations won’t start.

Result & Observation

When [PB1] (X20) on the operation panel is pressed, the process is started. When this
process starts, the signal lamp RED (Y20) is lit, this indicates the latch memory status
and remains steady. The Blue lamp signal (Y21) is lit for 50 seconds. This signal is
extinguished for 50 seconds after this duration, the signal lamp Yellow (Y22) is lit for
20 seconds. The yellow signal lamp is extinguished for 20 seconds. Then the Green
lamp signal (Y23) is lit for 100 seconds. This signal is extinguished for 100 seconds
after this duration the operation then goes back to its initial starting state after the
program counter for a cycle of operation there maintain and stabilizing the traffic state.

Program Confirmation

i. Press [PB1] (X20) on the operation panel: The result shows that the RED(Y20).
ii. Operation after RED (Y20) is extinguished: The result shows that blue (Y21) is
extinguished for 50 seconds.
iii. Operation after Blue (Y21) is extinguished: the result shows that yellow (Y22) is
lit for 20 seconds.
iv. Operation after yellow (Y22) is extinguished: The result shows that Green (Y23)
is lit for 100 seconds.
v. Operation after Green (Y23) is extinguished: The result indicates that the
operation goes back to the starting point and the counter begins to count from
the start point.

At the end of this experiment, students are expected to write on an elaborate observation,
precaution and make a relevant conclusion.

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