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ab Robert E. Howard

Sambahsa tarjem

Id grohm iom tamburs ed id strid iom trompes glupt ex fildisches eent bodereihnd. Yed, do Livias
aurs, id tumult eet neid meis quem un confus, stump ed pierno murmure. Lyehgend ep id angareb in
id mier hyt, ia jidiel protie sien coschmars, leitend ex delirio do semiconscience. Ia extos swons ed
movs niek payn aysa senses. Ays hol mental vision, quayque hayran ed chaotic, eet yed focusto
samt hideus yakinia ep id nogwo, crampend gastalt os ays brater, cruoro strehmend ghom eys
kreusend glesens. Ant un guway ed indistinct aptergrund vaghen formes ed skadhs, se confundend
ed srehtend demential-ye, tod kwit skeip wierdh samt zalim ed horrible nettor. Id air kwecto navibrit
med tod agonia crie quod hieb transbaurt iam, se blandend ed mixend obscene-ye ibs demoniak

Aysa sensations ed conscience neti eent ta uns aunsam individu separet ud id reste ios cosmos. Ia
eet kharken in un immense gvolaungrund… ia-pet eet neid meis quem cristallisen paytten, wardhus
do krewos. Ia lyohg aun bren ni consciento mov, menxu, exo, ia tamburs biet, ia horns mugheer, ed
barbar vocs mugihr keapay chantes, stampend id grundo med ir peds kay tundes id tempo ed
sammel clackihr lent-ye ir hands.

Lakin, un individual conscience viprohp eni ays petrifiet ment. Un vagh staunos od buit sahikh wa
salim se manifestit in iam. Ia acceptit tod miracle aun danke i divs de. Id re kwohk aun importance.
Agend automatic-ye, ia sess ub ep id angareb ed ambiglaz aun okutat. Ia bors aysen memsen
bisroht muzlim-ye, kam sub id impulse om dar lethargic nerveusa centres. Ia strif bohs id towkjian  ;
ays finghers criesp ergh-ye id cort ghiton quod eet ayso saul povesti. Impersonal-ye, ia mohm od
prevst, kwecto diuper, meg diuper, brutal hands hieb rohv alter vesters ud ays corpos ed od ia hieb
slucten ob terror ed scham. Taiper, to kwohk stragno… Un tem significant fact seuwend un tem
mier gomra ? Id importance om outrage ed deshonor eet relative, pos hol, kam quodkwe.

Id dwer ios hyt ghyahsit. Un aydokwa entrit ; un slanca creature quas urand panthercorpos lucit kam
poliht ebon. Ia strieus ant iam, vehsend tik un silken lendvkatan quod rig ays nugvers. Id kwit aysen
okwi inikies id diutis ios ogwn extos, kun ia rollit ia badkhoua-ye in ir torms.

Ia brigh un kwitepji quer eet posen sem pitu, deumend karns, grillen melvwenta nyams, schtuks
walskios dvan, ed un vase ex hammern gold mathmounend yarati bir. Ia lyig id hol ep id angareb.
Livia dahsit neid attention ad to. Seddend, ia stupid-ye protiokwit id witer mur, behancto med
mattas ex trict bambu. Ia yun Aydokwa iliey khiter-ye ; ays deusk okwi ed kwita dents glimmereer.
Samt un obscene kadosto strid ed un dar raliser goilisk caresse, ia abgir weundelnd-ye lent-ye ex id
hyt. Id mov aysen cloins expres un sarcastic insolence quei nia civilisen gwen habiet ghohden
egalasce exbehrnd-ye hakaras.

Neter id wekwos ia meirka ni aysa gestes hieb troublen id surface os Livias conscience. Ays hol
sensations eent dar wohrten kyeni ayso ses. Bi-sabab id gwivieve aysen mental kwiters, id visible

mund samkwohk pro iam un guway prospect em kabus ed skadhs. Kam uno machine, ia ess id pitu
ed drohk id bir, smagend neuter.

Nu-stahsit ia bad-ye dar machinal-ye ed tohr id hyt ye id rhayr-yakin kadam, kay spehce per un
interstice medsu ia bambus. Id timbre iom tamburs ed horns hieb-se brusk-ye modifiet ; tod change
ieg ep un obscure part os ays ment ed paurskih iam ids cause, aun conscient eiskwen.

Quantenprest, ia ne ghieb quo ia vis ; hol et chaotic ed nebuleus. Ia dyohrc formes qua moveer ed
mixeer-se, criemp ed se contors… deusk, indefiniht blocks, qua wierdh akster-ye ant un cruorudh
aptergrund, intermittend-ye bleigend. Dind actions ed skeips hassileer ir wi maynens ed dimensions.
Ia enderkwit wirs ed gwens gigwahnd prokwem ia ogwns. Id rudh luce se inikies ep ia argwrnt ed
ivor tesedins ; albha plumes wundel ant un aptergrund om tweiser flammes ; nogw aydokwa formes
gesticuleer ed diens : scarlataureolat gastalts gluben ex temos.

Ep un filstron, samt ambi se plumenkufyet olbjims ornet med yeusmens ex leopardtwac, sess un
enorm, obese, abyssal ed repulsive skeip ; so aydokwo masse samkwohk un mergist gama ; exhalit
ia miasmas ios putrid jungle, id moff iom noctlaht jauzaeks. Ia swardut hands ios creature lyohg ep
id obscene curve os eys glat gventer ; eys neuk eet uno smerutumor quod kwecto forstehlbihsit eys
rund cap ; eys okwi, geuls eni un coyer ed aydokwo masse. Ir terrifiant okutat leughiey id apparent
inertia tos repugnant corpos.

Kun id spect ias meirka niek tod aghel gastalt, ays corpos oistohv ed ays hol ses criesp. Un frenitic
gwitum iter schieu do iam. Tuntos automat beghis intelligence, ia stayg se changit do un ses ex
krewos ed aserng, gwitkreusend, stohngen ed prusen ab ia sensations qua erkweer per sien corpos.
Id gvol buit uperlaht ab un tem intense haines quem tod se transformit ep sien roig do gvol ; ia
khissit sien badan ghehrse ed murches kamsei changiet-se do stal. Ays kados oisru quasi tangible-ye
engwn ays visionsligne… Ia hieb id pondos od is object tos haines vahsit collabe ud sien sedd, alnos
mortu, keraunen ab ays violence.

Su-spruv Bajujh, roy os Bakalah, semo malaise due id kadosglanez as sien kaptu, is de bevis neid.
Is namieul do sien batracmuk plen quats os melvoschaf ex un pliat quod ei rexit un gwen genuend
prokwem iom. Is sammel se forpraess ed spohcit kyun weur allee quod hieb just ghyahno medsu
eys supodehns kun ti abvic oku gontro.

Livia ghieb confus-ye od sem important person vahsit mox prehpe ghom tod allee, lizden ab id
aydokwo swoidrehnic dwaschaw. Idghi clamor iom tamburs ed horns hieb-se kyunggiawt, quasi
dusbohr. Kun ia spohc, so person ubgwohm.

Un stolb om jenchis, marchit trin front-ye perodh kyid filkursiy ; ies oiskip teug roigs om
weundelnd plumes ed tweiser lances, sehrpend unte id poik menegh. Prod iens abnuslanciers gress
un gastalt quos vid spreudih gvalt-ye Livia. Ays kerd menacit oistope, poskwo toudyit kam un
kvacheyhammer. Ant tod aptergrund aydokwios wakel, is wir wierdh samt surprindanto nettor. Is
vohs, kam ies yeudmi quoy sohkweer iom, un lendvkatan ex leopardtwac ed un plumenkufya, bet is
eet un Blank.

Eys gwayt ne eet tod uns enderdehnios ni uns iltijant. Silence lambh id menegh kun is hielt ant iom
forme fallsisen ep id ivorstron. Livia kwahsit id tension, quayque ia exact-ye ne wois quo to mohld.
Unte un khvil, Bajujh remien seddend, xyangend ub med sien pior cort coll, quo iom samkwehkihsit
un enorm batrac ; dind, kamsei agiet speit seswo, is oistahsit ub gwaur-ye ud sien sedd ed wipih
sien xurn cap ye un grotesk weidos.

Ye todpet instant, id tension buit rupt. Un athime crie buit emitten ab i weikers comwaurgen ep id
meithel ; pos un geste ios gospoti, eysi jenchis oiswohng ir lances ed sellamiet honar-ye roy Bajujh.
Livia ghieb od so wir, quodkwe bih eys origin, sollit ses augost in tod wakhschat : Bajujh os
Bakalah hieb stahn ub kay gostprimes iom. Ed augos mieynit militaro prestige… gvalt ghi eet id
saul jecto quod ta cruel races respecteer.

Schowi, Livia mien samt sien okwi glehmernd protiev id interstice ios hytstabique, observend iom
blanko gospoti. Eysi jenchis hieb-se blanden im Bakalas : ies diens, dapien ed drohnk plukwid bir.
Ispet, con oiks om sien hetmans, hieb emen place bi Bajujh ed Bakalahs prominents.
Khayatseddend ep mattas, eent besic med parfodder-se ed se medvnes. Ia vis eys hands merge do ia
tencheres kam alters ; ia vis eys lige disprehpe do id birpot, ex-yod Bajujh kathalika drohnk. Ia kieu
lakin od is eet traiten samt id respecto dulgen uni roy. Dat is hieb neid sedd, Bajujh tyohgv sienum
ed sess ep ia mattas nieb sien gost. Kun un nov birpot buit bright, is roy os Bakalah drohnk oik
slungs ed passit id fauran ei blank wir. Augos ! Tod hol ceremonieus curtesia dik augos… force…
prestige ! Livia tremblit ob excitation kun un beghsaum plan wierdh oku in ays ment.

Itak observit ia iom blank wir samt gvolic intensitat, recordend id lytsto detayl os eys apparence. Is
eet buland ; rar eent ies aydokw olbjims quoy udmiereer we udrobusteer iom. Eys movs hieb id
urand aise tom uns panther. Kun ogwndiutis schimmrit in eys blou okwi, ia se embras med un
azuric flamme. Sandals samt hoga korigas protexeer eys peds ; kata eys weur belt hieng un eins in
un lietern kardkasch. Eys apparence eet pau familiar ad Livia, hatt a negnoht ; ia hieb naiwo viso
semanghen samkwehkend iom. Lakin, ia ne pit vrehe qualg race is bieygh, bayna quanta
componend menscgenos. Ay eet kafi od eys cuito buit blank.

Hors passeer ed, lyt ed lyt, id tumult ios bayram descrohsc ye meis wirs ed gwens sohnk do id
profund swehpen procuret ab medvia. Bad, Bajujh oistahsit ub titubend-ye ed dahsit uno znayc med
sien hands : eet minter id signe od is dehsit un fin ibs giumbuschims quem un itiraf os taslime. Is
oigwohm ex tod beghsaum spehrd quos victor esiet quoter eddiet ed drehnkiet meist. Is vienk : eysi
jenchis iom stohm ed bohr tiel eys hyt. Is blank wir stahsit ub ye sien roig : okwivid-ye is eet
excellent-ye fit speit id incredible quantitat os bir is hieb absorpt. Buit badraken tiel id gostenhyt ab
iens dar ghangend-pet Bakalah potis. Is disprohp endo. Livia kieusit od douzen eysen lanciers
emseer place, stahnd wakht prokwem id bouwen. Meg-ye kwecto is gospoti ne eet illus ab id
prientia os Bajujh.

Livia ambchohx id weik. Tod samkwohk vagh-ye uno nebuleus Judcement Noct, samt sien sinueus
allees, straht ab drehnkniks. Ia wois od alnos conscient yeudmi guardeer id uder boma, men ies saul
wakh wirs ia vis in id weik eent ies lanciers walst ambh id hyt ios blank, ed sems ex iens biyieur ir
caps ed biknigv ep ir odego.

Sien kerdo tundend protiev ays reibers, ia snohgit kyid dwer siens karcer ed sielg id hyt, pri iom
guarde quom Bajujh hieb apterskadhihn iam ed qui eet snarcend. Kam un filspecter, ia iendh oku id
rewos inter sien hyt ed tod occupet ab iom gospoti. Rempend ep sien hands ed genus, ia trohcit kyid
caud ios bouwen. Un gigantesk Aydokw eet hocktos todih, sien plumenornen cap sohnken ep sien
grem. Ia gir iom aunblosk, prosch iom imara. In tod hyt hieb ia esen karcerbohnden in-kap : un
angho ghyahsa in id tabique, perbohrgen intos med uno matta, weitwoss ays derisor ed jalnic
tentative evasion. Ia trohv id torm, vols gontro ed snig sien urand corpos intro, se contordend ed
arkend id matta.

Id ogwndiutis beluc tik imperfect-ye id inner ios hyt. Kunkye ia repuls id behang, ia ieur un stupt
rughat, khissit sien kays kam kapen do uno mengain, ed buit tract brutal-ye per id ghyahsa,
viwehsend brusk-ye do id kyal.

Semquayt surpris ab id staygia os quo ay wakyit, ia recuprit moxu sien aum ed ierk ud sien lige sien
rauft kays quod ay stabh vide. Ia spohc ub ed dyohrc iom blank wir : so stieusit uper iam. Ep eys
sombre ed schramstriht lige kwit hayriene. Is dohrj in sien hand sien bare eins, ed eys okwi
flamboyeer. Lakin, ia ne habiet woiden an lit de grassab, mistrust au staunos. Is bahsit in un lingua
ia ne pretit… tod bahsa ne eet id guttural dialect im Aydokwen, yed hieb nischto civiliset.

- Oh, prehgo ! Iltijit ia. Ne tem honar ! Vahnt aure…

- Qua es tu ? Sprohg is, bahnd ophirian samt un barbar accent. Per Crom ! Nel-ye exspectim trehve
un blank gwen in tod infernal land !
- Mien nam est Livia, antwohrd ia. Som ia prisonerin os Bajujh. Oh, kleute me, prehgo, kleute me !
Khako mane her meg diu. Dehlgo rikes mien hyt pre bedyehrcent mien disparition.
Mien brater… (Un sleucto pnigit iam, dind ia nabahsit:) Mien brater eet Theteles ; smos members
uns megil ophirian familia em noblens ed mualims, im Chelkus. Per special permission ios roy os
Stygia, mien brater buit autoriset ad gwahe Kheshatta, id citad im magicians, kay studye ir kerdos,
ed iom hamrahsim. Is eet dar un magv… is eet yuner quem ego.

Ays voco kung ed brohg. Is gospoti sieyg neid, observend iam med sien ardent okwi, samt strehng
ed neskweitet lige. Semject wild ed nedomihnum in iom dekhschiet Livia, iam buwit nerveus ed

- Ies aydokwi jenchis os Kush hant razzyet Kheshatta, lohgyit ia samt precipitation. Nies
camellencaravan ieg prosch id urb. Nies guardes han’ mwaungsout, ed ies plundrers hant abducen
nos con se. Ne nos han’ dustraitet, nos gnopeihnd od beudient i Stygians uni diya po nies lure.
Way ! Oin iom chefs bifienghskwit id hol diya…. Sem noct, is ed eys tarafdars nos rieb ed
abduxeer, feugend sudworts tiel ia grances os Kush. Ter, buir attaquen ed kayden ab un grupp om
bakala jenchis. Theteles ed ego buam abduc’ do tod biestenantro… (Ia sluctit convulsive-ye).
Todeghern, mien brater buit klombhihn ed massacren ant mien okwi (Ia suffoquit ed lus vid unte oin
instant ob ia regwivit id scene). Han’ daht eys nayv ka fodder im shagals. Kamdiu ho io bayaldissen
ne woidim….

Ia ieu wekwos. Ia spohc ub kyid sombre lige ios gospoti. Un demential furor lud in iam : ia liv sien
peungsta ed tus in vain id robusto xiongbu. Is dahsit ad to pau meis attention quem ei drehnen unias

- Kam maghte yu remane it, niem kam un brute ? Stris ia in un braungh ed keapay murmure. Kwe
ste tik un gver, kam alters ? Ah ! Mitra, prevst io mohn wirs hieb honor. Taiper, quo hant est… un
pris. Yu… quod woid yu de honor… de afu… au de debses ? Ste un barbar kam alters… Vies cuit
est albatta blank, bet vies atmen est tem aydokwo quem iro. Yu nel-ye kaurte od un wirs vosters
race buit scham-ye gvohnt ab tens aydokwens kwauns… od un blank gwen sia ir sclav ! Meg gohd !

Ia abvic ud iom, sien traits dusformen ab emotion.

- Tib payghsiem ! Scricit ia gvalt-ye, rehvend-ye sien ghiton ed aunstehgend sien alabster pizdan.
Ne som io bell ? Ne som io desirabler quem tas daulgcolor hakhnas ? Ne som io un cruorwirtic
mizdo ? Ne ghehldt un blank virgen tant quem un massacre ?
Neic tom aydokwo kwaun Bajujh ! Deik mi eys diabolic cruorpoik cap rabare ! Neic iom ! Neic

iom  ! (Ia tusit sien peungsta protie mutu in sien febrile taala.) Dind poittsies me rabe ed me buwes
quolibt. Sessiem tien sclav !

Is ne antwohrd fauran. Is remien still, kam un gigantesk gastalt mergen do sien sogna om massacre
ed destruction, breukend id pomel siens eins.

- Tolcs kamsei esies leur de te dahe quaytlibt, iey is, kamsei id don tiens corpos ghehdiet vankihes
throns. Ma dehlgiem io nices Bajujh kay obtene te ? In tod land, gwens ne han’ meis wirt quem
chwauyks ; kweter suamenos we dusmenos ne importet. Te vehrts ye un pior alt pris. Sei te voliem,
ne hatta tehrbiem wighes Bajujh kay rabe te. Is preferiet te dahe mi anter quem mi oppones un

Livia taajubit. Id hol jar quod embras ays corpos likwit iam. Id hyto tiengh ant ays okwi. Ia vienk ed
collapsit ep un angareb, jalnic ed brohgen forme. Un sassar bittert grohnd ays atmen… ia realisit
brutal-ye sien aunspeh situation ed sien extreme achizia. Id menscment antgreipt inconscient-ye
familiar wirts ed dayis, hatta in alnos different ambient ed circumstances, aun sibia con id ordinar
contexte sont-yei adapten solg wirts ed dayis. Speit quanto ia hieb just gwiwt, Livia hieb
instinctive-ye suppost od id consens uns gwen esiet un decisive argument in id ernu ia bohd likes. Ia
eet abstaunihn… ia hieb just realisen od mutlak nischto depens iam. Ia khiek desplace wirs kam
fsus in un leik… ia-pet eet tik un aundefense fsu !

- Ghabo mien stupiditat ! Eet absurd suppones od un wir gwivend in tod part ios mund agiet kemti
ia dasturs ed swohds qua ghehlde in alyo part, murmurit ia med uno muzlim voc, payn consciend
quo ia sieyg.

Nughi ieusk tik un slab echo ios bren in iam ed quod pernic iam. Uperkwohlmen ab tod nov
fatwehrtmen, ia nalyohg still, hin ia stalen finghers ios blank barbar zaghyahr ep ays oms ed qay
dwigh restahe.

- Has saygen od eem un barbar, iey is med un branghu voc, ed est id druve. Dank Crom ! Sei habies
es’ defens ab wirs ois ia wakhschats, instet feig ed mollgventer civiliseits, honoc’ ne esies ia sclav
uns aydokwios pork. Som Conan, un Kimri, ed gwivo med id khar tos eins. Yed, ne som un kwaun
qui linkwt un blank gwen in id fangh uns Aydokwios. Tieni me aynt un fur ; yed ho naiwo dwight
un gwen protievol. Swohds differnt sekwent ia iklimes, bet sei un wir es’ kafi nert, is ghehdt
impones sems iom swohds os sien land querlibt. Ed neis wir ne me hat ja kal’ feig !
Sei habies est tem veut ed hideus quem el makhboub gwultur ios demon, te habiem yed rohven ud
Bajujh, mer-ye ob id color tiens cuit.
Bet es yun ed bell… ed ho vis tant aydokwens hakhnas quem ias mi sont aghel ! Leicsiem tod ernu
ye tien weidos, wahid-ye ob sems tienen instincts correspondent sema miena. Reik tien hyt. Bajujh
est pior makhmour pro faungmoene te honoct, ed wakhsiem ke sia besic cras. Niebs’ noct, es’
Conans crovat quod warmsies, ed ne tod os Bajujh !

- Quosmed sies tu tyices ? (Ia tremblit, praedd om contradictor emotions). Has tu alyens jenchis
quem tens ?
- Sont kafi kathire, brohm is. Bamulas…. Ielg ex iens wux ep ia dilas os weir. Ho gwohmt hetro
buden ab Bajujh. Is vol’ ke joino iom kay attaque Jihiji. Hovesper, hams dapant. Cras
comradhsiemos. Kun habsiem gvohnt iom, is comradhsiet in hayd !
- Vahs infranges id tregv ?
- In tod land, tregvs son’ kwohr’ kay bihe infract, antwohrd is lyut-ye. Is infrancskwt id tregv
conclus con Jihiji. Ed oins kun habsiemos comsacen id urb, is eiskwsiet elimine me ye id prest

waurmen, yan’ niem ses nastraj. Quo, in alyo land, esiet kyehrsenst oitbrehgia, est ayn her mensdeh.
Ne me ho sohnden mon, hina bihe drauting iom Bamulas, aun eucus quanta lections Aydokwia doct.
Taiper, ghehd tsay do tien hyt ed swehp, ed mae myehrs od sies reserve pro Conan, ed ne pro
Bajujh, tien beauteit !


Per id interstice ios bambutabique, Livia spohc, tremblant, samt crackprokwem tensa nerves. Unte
id hol dien, pon ir serto protiebeuden, samt sneud protiokw ed marct ab ir perncti fawngtawng, i
Aydokwi hieb preparet ia giumbuscha pro id gwehmtur noct. Unte id hol dien, Conan is Kimri ne
hieb likwt id hyt os Bajujh ; quo hieb wakyet inter iens, Livia khiek woide to. Ia hieb-se protiedart
kay perbehrge sien excitation ay saul anghen qua hieb entret ays hyt… ia yun ed kwitil Aydokwa
bringhend ay sem pitu ed schara. Men sa behayi eet dar pior bolvan ob ia perncti gheumens pro
kaue quodkwe change in id sulouk siens kaptias.

Taiper, id noct hieb rict, ia ogwns beluc id weik ed, iter, ies potis sielg id hyt ios roy ed sess kay
dapane ed pro un formal concil. Ye tod ker, ne eet tant bira drehnctu. Livia kieusit od i Bamulas
comwaurs discret-ye kyid circule skipt ab iens prominents. Ia dyohrc Bajujh ed, seddend face iom,
separet ab ia pitupots, Conan ; senter glihsit ed tolkit con Aja, iom gigantesk drauting os Bajujh.

Is Kimri eet besic med ghyanue un enorm auxost. Menxu ia observit iom, Livia vis iom spehce
epter eys oms. Kamsei esiet id perodhtos dohbht signal, vasyi Bamulas wohrt ir spects kyir chef.

Conan stahsit ub, nasmeihnd, kam kay vane pitu ex un pot ; tem oku quem un beliwk, is bir ad Aja
un terrible cutt med id auxost. Is bakala drauting fiell gwaur-ye, sien ghalv bohngen. Fauran, un
terrifiant heul fiss id warwn : ies Bamulas biattaqueer, kam cruorlasni panthers.

Pitupots buir volvihn, behrwnd ians hocken gwens ; bambutabiques cess sub id vyige corpsen qua
strig wild-ye mutu ; agoniacries dohr id noct… uperstupen ab ia strident Yee ! Yee ! Yee ! Iom
Bamulas quens un demential furor hieb lambht. Ir scarlattspalva lances inikies id diutis iom ogwns.

Bakalah bihsit un follenten, dind un cruoric mazbakh. Id eclat iom invasors oisromihsit i aunbayga
weikers ob sien impreviden staygia. Id idee uns attaque lancet ab ir gostens hieb naiw enfallen im.
Pleista lances wohs in ia hyts ; pelu jenchis eent ja semimakhmour. Ajas fall buit un signal pro ia
bert miecha iom Bamulas : ia dyohgweer centen om nastraja corpsa. Dind, buit uno massacre.

Sien oko glehmeriht protie sien spionka, Livia eet alnos still, tem albh quem un statue ; ia hieb
tragen sien blond kays retro ed enderseddihn ghom do kyom in sien hands ye id hoge om sien
skolfas. Ays okwi eepepfwohngeer ed ays hol corpos ee-sestohvit. Ia heuls om gvol ed rage tus ays
torturen nerves kam un physic impact ; ia crampend ed plagend skeips ant iam bihr flau, dind iter
surrexeer, samt un horrible nettor. Ia vis lances dyehgwe aydokwa corpsa qua spasmes iendh, medsu
cruorgwehls. Ia vis waghers ludes ed oistundes brutal-ye sem crisp caps. Ardent wulkas buir
diskalcen, xeubhend bliutes ; ta plukeer kya dakhs. Ia hyts, mox, rudher poskwo se enflammeer.
Cries expremend nov, nesayget gvols lud : wirs ed gwens eent xubht, gwiv, endo hyts in brand. Id
thamf os aydht krewos preg id air, se gwuntend ad swoidgasmehrkos ed ei aghel odor os fresch-ye
ghun sehrg.

Ia kandend nerves as Livia cess. Ia se forcricit do stridend gvolheuls ; ta swohndeer do id grohm

iom flammes ed ios massacre. Ia stiemp sien skolfas med sien sohrt peungsta. Ays aum vienk, ed
ays cries changeer-se do dar dekhschatend hysteric ilays. In vain, ia pit memehme nu-nohc ays
peinds tem horrible-ye, nu-tyohcit quanto kemti ays follsta spehs ed quo ia hiebit plant, nu-eet tod
dekhschatic maul id prabh sarcen iom vierds kwohndt ab iam ed aysens. Un panic terror nafiengh
iam beghsaum.

Ia khiss neid mildet pro i victims qui nohc en-masse, transbaurt ab cruorlahna lances. Ayso saul
emotion eet un blind, bare, foll paur, trans quodkwe aum. Ia vis Conan ; eys blanko skeip wierdh
ant i Aydokwens. Ia vis eysum eins twises, ed wirs falle ambh iom. Taiper uno menscenwaurg gir un
ogwn ed, medsu ia corpsa qua plieg ed dischtukel mutu, ia endervis un obese ed cortjamb forme,
samt mergist contorsions. Conano mers do id melee ed disprohp ex ays vid, kohlt ab ia crampend
aydokwa gastalta. Ex id grupp lud un superacut, dusbohro creisch. Id menegh enderghyahsit unte
oino mic : ia kwahsit id fugitive ed horrible vision uns grotesk, cruorpoik ed vankend forme. Id
waurg zaghyahsit, ed stal twis in id baraonda, kam un blix tehrndo regwos.

Un bestial bau lud, terrifiant ob sien primitive taala. Conans hogo gastalt se sohnd per id
aydokwenswarm. Is trohcit kyid hyt quer tup ia meirka ; is dier in hand un buxianxu etiloikwo… Ia
flammes xubheer subrudh inikas ep id tohmt cap os roy Bajujh. Ia sword okwi, tuntos glaslik ed
aungwit, hieb ubrollt ; id ghyanu hiengit moll-ye, ambhreissend un stupid rictus ; rudh ghutts aspers
id grund.

Livia stiup retro emittend-ye un steun. Conan hieb payghen id iskwt kwoina ed gwohm ad kupes
sieno mizdo, bringhend id horrible weitwoddia ios parkwohrtios task. Is vahsit pones ep iam sien
cruorwarm finghers, premiet sien lipps dar bleigend de id joy ios massacre protiev aysa. Kun to
enfiell ay, iam lambh delirium.

Samt un crie, Livia curs unte id hyt ed xubh-se protiev id dwer witerom. Tod ghyahsit gvalt-ye ; ia
se elien extro, drahnd inter ia hyts… blank ed fugitive kabus in id kerd uns rig ex kyehrsen skadhs
ed scarlatt flammes.

Sem obscure instincto duxit iam kyid stryngo quer eent pahn i ekwi. Un jenchi eet giowend ia
stanghs separend tod gohrd ud id central boma. Is cricit ob staunos kun ia rusch kam un isu pri iom.
Is rexit sien aydokwo hando kyam, ed eys finghers zaghyahr ep id colnier os ays ghiton. Med un
strehmghalv mov ia se fortraxit, linkwnd id vester in eys ghesor. I ekwi pnohs ed mwaungsour kun
ia drahsit prosch, streipend iam ed rabareihndi iom Aydokwo. Ti hissans, splendid kushi okwekwi,
eent ja dwal ob id brand ed id odor os cruor.

Ia siz towsraen un bursch leikend in id wind pri iam, buit ayrn ud id grund, hurt iter id ghomo med
sien doiks, skiec, glohmber do id rect boywn ios ekwios. Paurfoll, id churd elien-se unte id weik
prodaht ibs flammes, ir smulk kaphs gwehleihnd un seuy om blindend bliutes. Ies bluft Aydokwi
kwahr id fugitive ed duskwol vision ias meirka, alnos nogwias, antgreipend id bursch uns windoku
galoppend ekwios, id blond kayso ias reiderin leikend leudher. Is aygur uddrahsit kam blixo seid
kyid boma, skiecit kyudos-ye poskwo disprohp do id noct.


Livia khiek nihes sien reidbiest ; eti, ia ne khiss tod wan. Ia heuls ed branddiutis disprohp jaldi apter
iam ; id wind sroht ayso kaysar ed caressit ays nogwa memsa. Ia tik-ye conscicit oin sassar naudh :
glehmbe do id bursch os sien ekwum ed sines iom galoppe, galoppe, tiel id bors ios mund eti
trans… dalg ud quodkwe gvol, gomra ed horror.

Is hissan galoppit unte hors ; nakus id culmen os un starbelucen crest, is pnohs ed fallih sien
reiderin, iam xeubhend gvalt-ye ghomtro.

Ia hurt uno moll swol ; id teug trav buffer ays fall. Ia nalyohg unte un khvil, pwolniterplact, aurnd
confus-ye sien reidbiest abgaloppe jaldi. Kun ia stahsit tsay titubend-ye, id presto jecto quoy ay
enfiell buit silence… un quasi-tangible silence… swadh kam zamt… tem amat pos id stridence ed
id aunstopo baub iom barbar horns ed tamburs qua eefefollihr iam pon diens. Ia spohc ub kya mier
kwittweisend stars, kowpt in id temost waurn. Id meuno ne eet visible ; starkweitos beluc id

landspect, quayque ye un illusor weidos, skeipend grwozdus om inexspectet skadhs. Ia wohs ep un
travic liango quetos ia kleitus wundel ghom tem swadh-ye quem mekhtabzamt. In un direction, ye
id horizont, ia discernit un dens ed deusk druligne, deikend un piern forest. Her eet tik noct, un
quasi-mystic silence, ed uno mulayim brise blahnd bayna ia stars.

Id landspecto kwohk vast ed sneud. Id warm caresse ios brise iam conscicihsit ays nogwtat ; ia
sroht, bfuyow, andheihnda sien hands sien corpos. Ia tun kwahsit id abandon ios noct ed id
inflexibilitat os khalwa. Ia eet mon ; ia eet nogw ep id tect tos gaivia ; eet nimen ambh iam, ploisko
noct ed swadhsosule wind.

Ia ghiewd stayg id noct ed sien khalwa. Eet nimen pro tehrge iam, empunges iam ed pones ep iam
sem brutal ed lasni hands. Ia spohc perodh ed vis id kleitu stighit ghom kyun weur dal ; ter niter,
teug brems wundel in id wind. Stardiutis inikiesit-se ep mult smulk objects periskedhen in id bund
ios dal. Ia sohgn od lit de mier albha flors, ed tod bren ay brigh tsay un vagh mehmen. I Aydokwi
hieb tolken ay samt baysa de un dal quetro hieb fuct ias meirkas os un stragno maurcuit race quod
hieb wict id region pre id gumt ios atavia im Bakalas. Ter ias hiebwert se changet do albha flors,
med id hehlp im awen diven, kay antsalge ud ir persehkwers. Nelmen Aydokwo dursit venture do id
bund ios dal.

Livia de venturiet do tod vallee. Vahsit sehkwe ta travoskleitus quom zamtic swiedhe caresit ays
peds ; ia maniet ed gwiviet ter, bayna ia albha flors samt majestueus weundel ; neis wir aiweti
poniet sien ardent ed brutal hands ep iam. Conan hieb saygen od pacts eent kwohrn kay bihe rupen ;
vahsit rumpes quod bohnd iam ei Kimri. Gwahiet id Dal iam Lust Gwens ; forwanderiet-se do
khalwa ed silence… Menxu tod vagh menos, quod uno melankholic khayal preg, swohbh unte ays
conscience, ia stighit ghom ia mliaka kleitus, ia flanks ios behrg ambistaunda stets hoger.

Ia kleitus eent tem mliaka quem quan ia stahsit in id bund ios dal, ia ne hieb id khisses os ses
prisonerin om brenk behrgs. Hol perambh iam stagneer skadhoceans ; mier albha flors dientoweer
ed murmureer kyam. Cheusus un direction towsraen, ia ierk ia brems med sien delicate hands,
akowsiend kyid windsosule bayna ia waraks. Ia khiss uno magvisk plaisure aurnd-ye id mulayim
pleisker uns invisible sprut. Ia ghiengit kam eni un drehm, praedd os un stragn onir. Tik oin dayim
ay enfiell : her eet ia in salvtat, bohrct ud id brutalitat iom wirs. Ia biplieng, bet eent joydakrus. Ia se
perilyig ep id grund ed siz id moll trav med plen quats kamsei ia sohrskwit protie sien pizdan sien
tem recent endergumt ed gwupes id ter, proaiwo.

Ia kierp florpetals ed sreg iammed sien golden kays. Iro profume eet in harmonia con quanto wohs
in id dal, propice ad sogn, subtile, nraveihnd.

It arrivit ia do un lawc, medsu id dal. Ia dyorc un lewank, kam glupt ab menscghesors, ornet med
farns, plantes ed florcrons. Ia stahsit still kay dyies id… ed tun iam periembheer mov ed gwit.
Volgus, ia visit silhouettes surrege ex denser skadhzones… maur ed slanc gwens, samt nogw ed
urand corpos. Flors orneer ir noctkyehrsen kaysar. Kam drehmcreatures, ias gwohm prosch ed
periembh iam, aun swehre oin werd. Lakin, iam lambh terror kun ia vis ir okwi. Eent gwayder ed
blig in id stardiutis… bet ne eent mensc. Tas formes eent mensc, bet un stragno change hieb tyohcen
in ir atmen… un change reflect ab ir tweiser okwi. Paur lahsit Livia kam un voln. El ogwi xyieng
horrible-ye in id paradayso ia hieb just aunstohct.

Ia khiek fuges. Ias maur ed slancas gwens periembh iam bachimien. Oin ex ians, dar bellst quem
alters, stohmbhit prosch iam meirka tremblend ob paur ed sbohnd iam in sien delicate ed sliv
brakhs. Ays annem exhalit id sam profume quem ia albha flors dientownd graciu-ye sub id guway

kweitert. Ays lipps press ta Livias, in un long ed terrifiant kuss. Ia Ophirian khiss un katel srigos
penetre iam ed spehre do sien veines ; ays memsa se fix, sa-ceddend ; samlik uni statue ex albh
marmor, ia remienit srom inter ia brakhs as sien raptrice, beghis wekwos ed mov.

Oku ed swadh hands ieyeer iam ed lyig iam ep id petraltar inter ia khiyaabans. Ias maur gwenas
ghenseer mutus ghesor, skeipend un circule ; ias bidiens lengu ambh id altar, in un sombre ed
mysterieus cadence. Naiwo sol ni meun dyi solg dans… ia mier stars blig samt dar meis kweitos
kamsei id kyehrsen vraj tom stieups dakiet antwehrd ud cosmic ed elementar items.

Un chante lud lent-ye ; nisbatan, id murmure ios piern sprut eet menscer. Un vocsosule swehnend
kam id susur iom albhen flors qua wundel sub ia stars. Livia lyohg ep id lewank, conscient bet
khakend move. Ay ne enfiell bedwoie sien aum. Ia ne iskwit raisone ni analyse ; ia existit ed tas
stragnas creatures dansend ambh iam existeer ; tod stump ghaben os existence ed id evidence ios
realitatios tos coschmar bifiengh iam menxu ia lyohg ep id altar, achiz. Eys okwi spohc ub kyid
starplen waurn quetos, ia wois to ye un stragno weidos, udyakinend id simple gnohsa im mertis,
semject vahsit descende kyam, kam tod hieb descenden, meg diuper, kay buwes tans nogw ed maur
gwens ians aunatmen creatures ias eent taiper.

In-kap, meg hog waurni, ia dyohrc un sword nukta bayna ia stars. Tod nukta crohsc proscher ; tod
ois, wierdh do baul. Tod nacrohsc, yed ids forme pau neti mutaskip. Id swohbh uper iam, medsu ia
stars, dind fiell seid kyid ardh wehngend-ye sien ptergs ed covohr Livia med sien skadh. Ambh iam,
id chante ieug ed swohl, transformend-se do un triumphal payan, vibrend med un kafir joy. Eet id
sellamat al div quel gwohm ad rabe tam novu victim maulen in sien honor… tem fresch quem un
flor in octentross.

Taiper, el entitat swohbh exact-ye uper Livia. Ays atmen krus ed glohdj, skrehmbend ye id vid al
creature. Els ptergs kwohkeer kam ta uns baul, bet els corpos ed id nebuleus lige quod oistier ad iam
samkwohk neid quod existiet landi, mari ni waurni. Ia ghieb ia dyisit el ultim horor, un cosmic
stehrkos gnaht ex ia noctkyehrsen tehoms os space, kam hatta el delirantstis dement habiet naiwo
ghohdt uddrehme.

Brehgend ia invisible diemmens qua silentihr iam, ia emiss un dekhschatic crie. Un stump ed
tehrgwent grohm ay respons. Ia ieur id stampen om oku stieups ep id grund, kamsei uno marwtic
torrent swohrbh ambh iam ; ia albha flors oisroht furieus-ye, ed ias maurcuit gwens disprohp. Uper
iam swohbh el mier teniskadh, ed ia dyohrcit rusches kyam un buland blanko gastalt quos plumes
wundel sub ia stars.

- Conan  !

Tod crie skiep neiskwn ays lipps. Samt un gver ed inarticulet heul, is barbar klieup ub, plagend
waurntro med sien eins quod flamboyit sub id stardiutis.

Ia mier kyehrsen ptergs plieb ub ed ghom. Livia, niemiht ab id horror, vis el sword skadh covehre
ed vulbhes iom Kimri. Id annem ios wir bihsit braungh ed waurs ; is ghieng ep ia albha flors,
trahnend-ye, treudend-ye, dumbend-ye ia do id towkjian. Id dehrnd impact eysen cutts kwohr echo
in id noct. Eet scutten perodhtos retro, kam un rat kapt in id ghyanu uns kwaun ; id swol eet
scarlatspruzt : cruor se bliend ibs dispars albhims petals, skeipend kam un tapit.

Ye ia okwi ias meirka, tod demoniak boi samkwohk un coschmar. Ia vis el kyehrsenptergem
creature vanke ed slabihes in hava ; buit un stumpo plaben om klombha ptergs… El monster hieb-se

fortragen brutal-ye ed desployit. Mox el se confus con ia stars ed disprohp endo ia. Eys victor
titubit, dusic, samt ghohnct jambs. Is oistier ei waurni med sliep okwi, staunend de sien sigh, parat
ad continue id horrible combat sei tohrben.

Oin instant serter, Conan skimblit prosch id altar, leusend cruor ye cada stieup. Eys robusto
swoidlamper xiongbu ois. Cruor rohn ep eys brakhs ex ia vurnsa ye eys coll ed omsa. Is touchit iam
gwenak, ed id charm quod soitosbohnd iam buit brohgen. Ia sess ub ed snohgit ghom id altar,
feugend id contact os eys hand. Is knigv protiev id lewank, spehcend ghom kye Livia kun ia se
ahockit pod iom.

- Wirs hant vis te galoppe ex id weik, iey is. Ho sohkwt tien traces yant io ghohd ed ho retrohven
tien ighnos. Yed, to ne maung facil ye id diutis iom torchen ! Ho arriven quetro tien ekwo hieb
xubhen te ghomtro. Ye tod moment, ia torches hieb paraydhen, ed io khiek retrehve id print as te
bohs in id trav ; yed, eem yakin tu hiebs’ stigh’ ghom do id dal. Mien yeudmi hant refusen gwehme
con me ; hoghi ghanc’ mon. Quod est tod demonenvallee ? Quel eet tel creature ?
- Un div, susurit ia. I Aydokwi hieb mi tolc’ de… un div gwehmus meg dalgtos ed meg diuper !
- Un demon ios Uder Temos ! Brohm is. Oh, to es’ neid extraordinar. Lurnt, tem kathire quem
musch, prokwem id luce yeusmen perambh tod mund. Ho aurn Zamoras hakimes tolke dei. Sems se
sehndent tiel id ardh bet, it, dehlgen’ mutavehse do un terran forme, ex krewos ed aserng ! Un wir
kam ego, einsghesor, ghehdt drehde quakwe edonts ed noghs, kweter haydic au mensc. Gwehm !
Mien yeudmi me skehpte ye id entren ios dal.

Ia eet hockt pod iom, still, khakend trehve sien werds menxu is oispohc iam sombre-ye. Dind ia
bahsit :

- Tege fugim ! Io hieb planen dupe te. Io nel-ye kwohrskwim quo io tib hieb sponden. Io te bieygh
sekwent id wesno concluden inter nos ; yed, te skiepskwim sei to mi bihiet possible. Puneih me
kamlibt !

Is oiscuss id swoid ed id cruor ud sien kays, dind renkardkieschit sien eins.

- Stah tsay, grumel is. To eet un desloyal wesno. Ne regreto tom kyehrsen kwaun Bajujh, bet ne es
hakhna ad kaupe ni ad pehrne. Wirswohds varyent sekwent ia lands ; lakin, neis wir skeult sulouke
kam un pork querkwe. Eememohnim de ed vighieb to : tib dwinghend-ye respecte tien playct, me
habiem sulouct exact-ye kamsei te habiem rap’ gwis-ye. Eti, ne es kafi ner’ pro tod land. Es un purt
iom urbs, iom buks ed iom civilise’ mores… to es’ nel-ye tien fault ; mehries oku sei agies id type
os gwit quod kamo ! Ka quod mi daughiet un mortu gwen ? Vahm te duce tiel id stygian grance. I
Stygians te bringhsient tsay do Ophir, tien vatan.

Ia stier ub ad iom kamsei ia habiet duspreten.

- Mien vatan ? Repetihsit ia machinelika. Do Ophir ? Revide mien nityens ? Ia citads, ia tors,
pridem, mien hem  ? Stayg, dakrus gwohl ex ays okwi ; se fallsinend-ye, ia sohr in sien brakhs ia
genus ios Kimri.
- Crom ! Meirka ! Brohm Conan embarasset. Mae kwehr to. Kwe fikers od tib dahm un favor te
kalcend-ye ex tod land ? Ne tib ho expliet ne ees un dohbra gwen pro iom drauting iom Bamulas ?


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