Adv Cool60 Practice

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Moldflow Plastics Insight®

Release 6.0

Advanced Simulation MPI/Cool Training

Simulation: MPI/Cool


May 2006

Copyright © May 2006 Moldflow Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying or
otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright owner.

Published by Moldflow Corporation,

While every effort has been made to avoid errors in the text, the author and publisher shall not be under any legal liability of any
kind in respect of or arising out of the information contained herein.

MOLDFLOW®, iMPA, MPA, Moldflow Plastics Advisers, the MPA logo, MPI, Moldflow Plastics Insight, the MPI logo,
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trademarks and EZ-Track, Moldflow Manufacturing Solutions and MMS are trademarks of Moldflow Corporation and/or its
subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide.

About this manual
The Advanced Simulation MPI/Cool manual is designed for current users of MPI/Flow.
In creating this manual, our goal was to introduce you to uses of MPI/Cool. The
information provided here is necessary to proceed to warpage.
There is a significant amount of information in this manual, more information than can
be absorbed during the class. This manual should be useful as a handy desk reference
when back in the office.

Using this manual

This manual is separated into several chapters and appendices. Each of the chapters
covers a specific topic and includes the following sections:


Describes the learning objectives of the chapter.

Why Do It

Outlines the reasons for following the prescribed guidance, suggestions, and
methodology within the chapter.


A complete outline of what will be covered within the chapter.

This section contains hands-on exercises used to reinforce what was learned. The
practice section guides the user through the steps necessary to complete a project.

Formatting used in this manual

: To perform a step on the computer
1. When the Task icon is shown, below it is a list of numbered steps to complete the
1.1. Tasks can have a sub-step,
• A bulleted list provides information on a step, or a non-sequential actions to be
h A second level bulleted list to provide information on a sub-step.
2. A task is used in the practice section of a chapter to indicate steps to be done on the

Bulleted lists

• A bulleted list contains a number of items that have no particular order.

• It does not represent a list of steps that have to be followed in sequence.

Ruled paragraph

Text from a computer screen is shown between ruled lines.


/ A tip is a useful piece of information that is normally associated with a task or procedure.
Something that can be done to make a task easier or more efficient.


3 A note is generally used to highlight some background or theoretical information.

Training files setup
The files required for the Advanced Simulation:MPI/Cool class are organized into
several folders. Each folder has the files necessary for one chapter. The table below
shows the required folders, study files, and results necessary for the class. In each folder,
there will be a *.mpi file with the same name as the folder. The mpi file is the database of
the Project pane in Synergy. All the results that need to be run will be provided in class.
However if for some reason the results are not available, they can be obtained by
analyzing the necessary studies.

Table 1: Files Required for the Advanced Simulation:MPI/Cool Class

Folder name Study Files Needed Results

Cooling_Analysis_Stratigies dustpan_specified.sdy
Cooling_Optimization (empty project)
Cooling_Results_Interpretation dustpan_cooling_interpretation.sdy Cool
Modeling_Cooling_Comp cap_wl_modeling.sdy

About this manual ...................................................................................................................... vii
Using this manual ....................................................................................................................... vii
Formatting used in this manual .............................................................................................. viii
Training files setup ...................................................................................................................... ix

Cooling Overview .................................................................................... 1

Cooling Results Interpretation ............................................................... 3
Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation ................................................................................. 5
Design criteria .................................................................................................................... 5
Project setup ...................................................................................................................... 5
Viewing the key results .................................................................................................... 6
Viewing the secondary results ......................................................................................... 8
Recommending improvements ..................................................................................... 11
Worksheet - Cooling Results......................................................................................... 12
Worksheet answers ......................................................................................................... 14
Competency check - Cooling Results Interpretation ................................................ 17
Evaluation Sheet - Cooling Results Interpretation .................................................... 19

Cooling Analysis Modeling Requirements .......................................... 21

Modeling Cooling Components ............................................................ 23
Practice - Modeling Cooling Components............................................................................. 25
Modeling the mold components for the dustpan ...................................................... 27
Project setup............................................................................................................. 27
View the Cavity Cooling Lines Drawings............................................................ 28
Modeling Strategies ................................................................................................. 29
Creating the First Cavity Circuit............................................................................ 29
Creating the Second Cavity Circuit....................................................................... 31
View the Core Cooling Lines Drawings .............................................................. 33
Create the Circuit in the Core................................................................................ 33
Create the Mold Boundary..................................................................................... 37
Modeling the mold components for the cap .............................................................. 39
Project setup............................................................................................................. 39
View the cap drawings ............................................................................................ 40
Modeling strategies.................................................................................................. 41
Protherm insert ........................................................................................................ 41
Core circuit 1............................................................................................................ 44
Cavity circuit 1 ......................................................................................................... 48
Cavity circuit 2 ......................................................................................................... 50
Hose connecting the cavity circuits ...................................................................... 52

Setting the coolant inlets......................................................................................... 53
Parting plane ............................................................................................................. 53
Mold boundary ......................................................................................................... 55
Creating and using a personal mold material database .............................................. 57
Create the database .................................................................................................. 57
Use the Personal Database ..................................................................................... 59

Cooling Analysis Strategies ..................................................................61
Practice - Cooling Analysis Strategies...................................................................................... 63
Design criteria ..................................................................................................................63
Project setup .....................................................................................................................63
Cooling analysis of the dustpan model ........................................................................64
Reviewing results .............................................................................................................65
Worksheet .........................................................................................................................66
Summarize results ............................................................................................................67
Worksheet answers .........................................................................................................68
Summary of the results ...................................................................................................69

Cooling Optimization .............................................................................71
Practice - Cooling Optimization............................................................................................... 73
Design criteria ..................................................................................................................73
Project setup .....................................................................................................................73
Making revisions ..............................................................................................................74

Index ..............................................................................77


Cooling Overview

There is no practice for this subject.

Cooling Overview 1
2 Chapter 1

Cooling Results


The aim of this chapter is to learn about the different types of cooling results and how to
use them. This chapter applies to midplane and Fusion models.

Why do it

To make effective use of a cooling analysis, it is important to know which results are
most important, and how to interpret them. Once results are understood, then they can
be compared to the objectives of the analysis and a decision can be made on how to


The cooling results are classified in two basic categories:

Key results
• Key results are results that are almost always the most important results no matter
what the objectives are for your cooling analysis.

Secondary results
• They may be important for understanding some objectives of a cooling analysis.
• They are used to help you fully understand the information shown in the key results.

Cooling Results Interpretation 3

4 Chapter 2
Practice - Cooling Results

Design criteria
The cooling lines and water flow rate and temperature need
to be optimized to provide the lowest possible distribution in
mold surface temperature. The initial water line design has
been analyzed and provided. Determine recommendations
for improvement including.
• What changes in the cooling line geometry should be
investigated to lower the temperature variation with the
defined cycle time.
• What changes (if any) should be made to the water flow rate or temperature to help
solve the problems.

Project setup

 To open a project

1. Click the file open icon or File ¨ Open Project, and navigate to the folder My
MPI 6.0 Projects\MPI_Cool\Cooling_Results_Interpretation.
2. Double click the project file Cooling_Results_Interpretation.mpi.
3. Click File ¨ Preferences and ensure that System Units are set to Metric.

 To review the model

1. Open the model Dustpan cooling interpretation.
2. Investigate the model geometry using the model manipulation tools.
3. Turn on and off the layers.
• Notice there is several layers for the part itself.
• This will be helpful when you are interpreting the results.

 To run the analysis

1. Ensure the analysis parameters are set up according to the information in Table 1.
1.1. Check the material being used.
1.2. Open the process settings wizard.
1.3. Click Cool solver parameters to verify the geometry influence and mesh
1.4. Right-click a cooling inlet at the end of a circuit and check the properties for
Reynolds number and inlet temperature.

Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation 5

2. Double-click the Analyze Now! icon to run the analysis.

Table 1: Analysis input parameters

Project/Design Parameters Value
Model type: Fusion
Material: Montell Australia VMA61070 P Unfilled Polypropylene
Mold temperature 40ºC
Melt temperature 225ºC
Mold open time: 5.0 seconds
Inj + pack + Cool: 17.5 seconds
Geometry influence Ideal
Mesh Aggregation Unchecked (not used)
Water temperature: 25ºC
Reynolds number 10,000

Viewing the key results

 To review the Screen Output

1. Click the Logs box in the Study Tasks list.
2. Click on the Screen output tab.
3. Find the Circuit information and record the following for each circuit in Table 2 on
page 12.
3.1. Flow rates.
3.2. Reynolds numbers.
3.3. Pressure drops.
3.4. Coolant temperature rises.
4. Find the Summary of Cavity Temperature Results and record the following for
each circuit in Table 2 on page 12.
4.1. Cavity surface temperature - maximum
4.2. Cavity surface temperature - minimum.
4.3. Cavity surface temperature - average.
The maximum and minimum values correlate to the top temperature results you will view
The Average value is the average of the mold surface temperatures. This is compared to
the mold temperature entered in the Process Settings wizard. This is also called the target
mold temperature. In this case the target mold temperature is 40ºC.
If the Cavity surface temperature - average is higher than the target, then either there are
hot spots within the tool, or the water temperatures are too high, or both.

6 Chapter 2
 To review the Temperature (top), part result
1. Ensure the following layers part layers are on and all others off.
• Bottom.
• Inside.
• Handle.
• Sides.
• Edge.
• Lip.
2. Click the result Temperature (Top), part.
2.1. Enter the range in Table 2 on page 12 in the entire part range field.
3. Rotate the model around to see where the hotter and colder areas are.
4. Rotate the model so you can see in the core of the dustpan.
• A rotation of about 140 -40 -40 is good.
• You can use the Enter Rotation Angles field on the Viewpoint toolbar to
enter the exact rotation.
5. Turn off all the layers except the Inside layer.
• This shows only the temperature distribution in the core of the dustpan body
• Notice how the temperature range automatically scaled based on the displayed
5.1. Record the results in Table 2 on page 12.
6. Turn on the Bottom layer and the Inside layer off.
• This is the cavity side of the dustpan body.
6.1. Record these results in Table 2 on page 12.
• As you have turned on and off the layers and have noticed the temperature scale
change you can see easily that the core is much warmer than the cavity.
6.2. Record any additional observations you have about the top temperature in
Table 2 on page 12.
7. When you are finished, turn all the part layers on again.

/ Synergy responds faster when turning on and off layers if no results are being displayed. It is
faster to turn the result off first, and to then turn the layers on and off.

 To review the Temperature Profile, Part:XY Plot result

1. Use the command Results ¨ Create New Plot.
2. Select Temperature profile, part in the Available Plots list.
3. Click XY Plot in the Plot Type list.

Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation 7

4. Enter 2117, 1965 in the Entity ID dialog then hit Enter.

3 On the X-axis, the 1 value at the right represents the triangular element you chose, and
the -1 value at the left represents the matched element on the other surface of the
Fusion mesh.

• Element 2117 is in the corner of the core and element 1965 is in the center of the
core. You can see that the temperature in the corner of the core is much warmer
than the cavity side for element 2117. You can also see the maximum
temperature is about 115 degrees. Element 1965 is much more symmetrical
shape because the mold surface temperatures are close together compared to
element 2117. The mold surface temperatures are at data points -1.0 and 1.0.

5. Use the icon or Results ¨ Query Results command to find the exact
temperatures at the cavity and the core for element 2117.
5.1. Click on the curve to query for exact values at 1 and -1.
5.2. Record the values in Table 2 on page 12.

Viewing the secondary results

 To review the Maximum temperature, part result

1. Click the Maximum temperature, part result.
1.1. Examine the results.
1.2. Record the results in Table 3 on page 13.

2. Right-click the Material icon in the Study Tasks pane select Details…
2.1. Click the Recommended Processing tab, and
2.2. Locate the Ejection temperature.
2.3. Record it in Table 3 on page 13.
2.4. Click OK to close the material dialog.

3. Click the icon or Results ¨ Plot Properties.

3.1. Click the Scale tab.
3.2. Set the minimum temperature to the ejection temperature
3.3. Click OK.
If the maximum temperature were above the ejection temperature by more than a few
degrees, it could mean that the cooling time used in the analysis was too short. If the
ejection temperature was more than a few degrees higher than the maximum
temperature, the cooling time might be too long.

8 Chapter 2
 To review the Maximum Temperature Position, Part result
1. Click the Maximum temperature position, part result.
2. Examine the results.
• The ideal value is 0.5, and it should be relatively uniform over the entire part.
2.1. Rotate the part and observe whether any areas diverge from the 0.5 value.
• The further from the 0.5 value an area of the part is, the more likely that area will
have warpage problems.
3. Record the results in Table 3 on page 13.
4. Identify and record the areas most likely to have warpage problems.

 To review the Average Temperature, Part result

1. Click the Average temperature, part result.
2. Examine the results.
• The average temperature should be as uniform as possible.
• What other results does it look like?
3. Record the results in Table 3 on page 13.
4. Record any observations in Table 3 on page 13.

 To review the Time to Freeze, Part result

1. Click the Time to freeze, part result.
2. Examine the results.
• As a rule, the time to freeze should be less than the injection + packing +
cooling time (IPC) that you set in the process settings.
3. Record the range in Table 3 on page 13.
• If there are very thick local sections in the part, a freeze time longer than the
injection + packing + cooling time might be acceptable.
4. Record the result in Table 3 on page 13 the IPC time found in the process settings
5. Scale the results to identify any areas that have a time to freeze that is longer than the
IPC time.
• What other result does this look like?

 To review the Circuit Pressure result

1. Turn on the three water line layers:
• Core WL.
• Side WL.
• Cavity WL.

2. Click the icon or Results ¨ Create New Plot.

Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation 9

3. Select Circuit Pressure from the Available Plots list and click OK
4. Examine the results.
5. Record your observations in Table 3 on page 13.
• You have already written down the circuit pressures (they were listed in the
Results Summary). If the circuit were complex, with different channel diameters
or shapes, you could use this plot to see where the major pressure build-up is.
The maximum value for circuit pressure should be significantly less than the
capacity of the pumping equipment or coolant source.

 To review the Circuit Coolant Temperature result

1. Click the Circuit coolant temperature.
2. Examine the results.
• Ideally, the rise in temperature over a cooling circuit should be no more than
3ºC. You may be able to identify an area that contributes significantly to the
temperature increase of the increase in coolant temperature is too high.
3. Record your observations in Table 3 on page 13.

 To review the Circuit Metal Temperature result

1. Click the Circuit metal temperature result.
2. Examine the results.
2.1. Identify the areas, if any, where the circuit metal temperature exceeds the coolant
entrance temperature by more than 5 C.
• Circuit metal temperatures are highest in the areas where the circuit is pulling the
most heat out of the mold.
3. Record your observations in Table 3 on page 13.

 To review the Circuit Flow Rate result

1. Click the Circuit flow rate result.
2. In this case, since the circuit flow rate is an input for the analysis, the result is
constant, and not of much use. However, in cases where the circuit input is a
Reynolds number value, the flow rate varies. This result is also useful if a circuit has
parallel branches.
3. Record your observations in Table 3 on page 13.

 To review the Circuit Reynolds number

1. Click the Circuit Reynolds number result.
• Since the circuit input was a flow rate value, and the channel cross-section does
not change, this result does display a useful Reynolds number. The minimum
Reynolds number value is over 10,000, representing sufficient turbulence for
efficient cooling.
2. Record your observations in Table 3 on page 13.

10 Chapter 2
 To review the Temperature, Mold Boundary result
1. Click on the Mold boundary layer.
• This displays the outer face of the mold, which is exposed to the atmosphere.
2. Click the Temperature, mold boundary result.
3. Record the range in Table 3 on page 13 and identify the warmest areas. These areas
are those in which higher heat loads are closer to the mold surface.

Recommending improvements
You have now seen the results of the cooling analysis. You should now determine what
changes need to be made to the model or the cooling system. To help determine what
changes need to be made, answer the following questions.

What area of the part is the warmest?

Is there some area of the part that is too cold?

What is the main problem with the results?

The cooling line layout, water flow rate and water temperatures can be changed. List three things
that could be done in the order of preference to address the problem areas of the part. Be




The ideas you list here will be implemented in Cooling Optimization chapter.

Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation 11

Worksheet - Cooling Results
Table 2: Key Results Work sheet
Key Results Values & Observations
Flow Rate l/min
First inlet node:
Second inlet node:
Third inlet node:
Reynolds Number
First inlet node:
Second inlet node:
Third inlet node:
Pressure Drop MPa
First inlet node:
Second inlet node:
Third inlet node:
Coolant Temp. Rise °C
First inlet node:
Second inlet node:
Third inlet node:
Cavity Temperature °C
Temperature (top), part °C
Entire part range
Inside layer range
Bottom layer range

Temperature profile, part °C

At element 2117 +1
At element 2117 -1

Answers for this worksheet can be found on page 14.

12 Chapter 2
Table 3: Secondary results
Secondary Results Values & observations
Maximum temp, part °C
Ejection temperature


Max. temp position, part °C



Average temp, part °C



Time to freeze Sec.

IPC Time


Circuit pressure MPa


Circuit coolant temp °C


Circuit metal temp °C


Circuit flow rate l/min


Circuit Reynolds number


Temp, mold boundary °C



Answers for this worksheet can be found on page 15.

Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation 13

Worksheet answers
Table 4: Key Results Work sheet
Key Results Values & Observations
Flow Rate l/min
First inlet node: 4.23
Second inlet node: 4.23
Third inlet node: 4.23
Reynolds Number
First inlet node: 10,000
Second inlet node: 10,000
Third inlet node: 10,000
Pressure Drop MPa
First inlet node: 0.0062
Second inlet node: 0.0027
Third inlet node: 0.0084
Coolant Temp. Rise °C
First inlet node: 1.1
Second inlet node: 0.8
Third inlet node: 1.9
Cavity Temperature °C
Maximum: 87.0
Minimum: 34.4
Average: 56.0
Temperature (top), part °C
Entire part range ~34 to ~87
Inside layer range ~40 to ~87
Bottom layer range ~36 to ~62
Observations The inside layer, (the core) is the hottest area of the part and needs
the most attention.

Temperature profile, part °C

At element 2117 +1 ~86
At element 2117 -1 ~47
Observations The hot inner corner of the core will be a main factor for warpage
on the part, due to differential cooling and needs to be addressed

14 Chapter 2
Table 5: Secondary results
Secondary Results Values & observations
Maximum temp, part °C
Ejection temperature 107
Range: ~50 to 115
Most of the bottom, and about 1/2 the sides of the dustpan is
above the ejection temperature and should be lowered.
Max. temp position, part °C
Range: ~0.4 to ~0.6
The corners closest to the core run the hottest causing the
Observations: asymmetric temperature distribution. This causes warpage and
should be fixed.
Average temp, part °C
Range: ~45 to ~96
Most of the part is at the high end of the range, but is below
the ejection temperature. The temperature should be lower.
Time to freeze Sec.
IPC Time 17.5
Range: ~7 to 19
Most of the inside corners have a cooling time higher than the
IPC time. More cooling lines are needed.
Circuit pressure MPa
No, problems, the max pressure is well below pump capacities

Circuit coolant temp °C

Below the limit, but the core circuit is doing a lot of work

Circuit metal temp °C

Some of the Core circuit is too high, primarily in the corners.
Need higher flow rate or more circuits.
Circuit flow rate l/min
No problems

Circuit Reynolds number

No problems

Temp, mold boundary °C

Range: ~26 to ~30
No problems

Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation 15

16 Chapter 2
Competency check - Cooling Results

1. What is the significance of looking at the uniformity of the Temperature (Top), part
result on the cavity side of the mold?

2. Why is it important to have a uniform temperatures in the Temperature profile, XY

Plot result at the normalized thickness location of -1 and 1?

Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation 17

18 Chapter 2
Evaluation Sheet - Cooling Results Interpretation

1. What is the significance of looking at the uniformity of the Temperature (Top), part
result on the cavity side of the mold?
If the temperature distribution across the cavity is not uniform, this could contribute to
warpage problems caused by area shrinkage or orientation effects.

2. Why is it important to have a uniform temperatures in the Temperature profile, XY

Plot result at the normalized thickness location of -1 and 1?
If the mold surface temperatures are not uniform cavity to core and shown by the
profile plot, this contributes to the part warping due to differential cooling.

Practice - Cooling Results Interpretation 19

20 Chapter 2

Cooling Analysis Modeling


There is no practice for this subject.

Cooling Analysis Modeling Requirements 21

22 Chapter 3

Modeling Cooling


The aim of this chapter is to learn the techniques that are required in order to model
cooling components. This chapter applies to midplane and Fusion mesh types.

Why do it

The modeling of cooling components generally is not imported from CAD systems.
Therefore, the cooling components need to be modeled within MPI/Synergy. Circuits
always must be modeled, while other components are optional. This chapter will discuss
how to model cooling components and provide tips for modeling them efficiently.


Modeling all types of mold components is reviewed. The components covered include
cooling circuits, inserts, in-mold labels, parting planes and mold boundaries. Discussion
will include methods for geometry creation and meshing.
One important property for the mold components is the mold material. If the extensive
Moldflow database does not have the correct mold material, a personal mold material
database can be created. How to create and use a mold material database will be
To define the coolant type, flow rate and temperature, a boundary condition called
coolant inlet needs to be defined. The default values may need to be changed. How to use
and modify coolant inlets will be discussed.

Modeling Cooling Components 23

24 Chapter 4
Practice - Modeling Cooling
This chapter has different models will be used for modeling practice. Pick one model to
concentrate on. If time permits you may work on the other model. There is also a
practice for creating a mold material database.

Table 6: Models used for results interpretation

Description Model
Dustpan: starts on page 27
The Dustpan is a Fusion model using
polypropylene as its material. In this
chapter, you will model the original
cooling line configuration and mold
boundary for this part. The cooling of
this part will be optimized in another

Cap: starts on page 39

The cap model will be used to demonstrate
the modeling of:
• Cooling channels.
• Round.
• Rectangular.
• Baffles.
• Hoses.
• Inserts.
• Parting Plane.
• Mold Boundary.
This model will not be analyzed in this
practice; it will be used only to practice
mold component modeling.
Create a material database on page 57
A database will be created, material from a
standard database is copied to the personal
database and then modified.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 25

26 Chapter 4
Modeling the mold components for the dustpan
The cooling lines consist of three circuits, shown in Figure 1. One is in the core, the
second goes around the outside of the dustpan, and the third cools the bottom of the
dustpan. You will be stepped through the procedure for modeling the three circuits.

Figure 1: Cooling lines for the Dustpan

Project setup

 To open a project

1. Click the file open icon or File ¨ Open Project, and navigate to the folder My
MPI 6.0 Projects\MPI_Cool\Modeling_Cooling_Comp.
2. Double click the project file Modeling_Cooling_Comp.mpi.
3. Click File ¨ Preferences and ensure that System Units are set to Metric.

 To review the model

1. Open the model Dustpan WL Modeling.
2. Investigate the model geometry using the model manipulation tools.
3. Turn the layers on and off.
4. Ensure the Feed system and Part Nodes layers are on.
5. Rotate the model so you can see the bottom of the sprue.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 27

6. Right-click in the model display window.
6.1. Select the Measure tool.
6.2. Click on the bottom of the sprue. You should see that the start point coordinates
are 0 0 0.
• Note the directions of the axes. Understanding the coordinate system is
important when looking at the sketches of the cooling (water) line locations.

3 There are several layers for the part itself. These can be used to aid in the interpretation
of the results.

View the Cavity Cooling Lines Drawings

Figure 2 and Figure 3 show two circuits in the cavity, or fixed half, of the tool. One circuit
is U-shaped and goes around three sides around the dustpan at a Z level of 28, according
to Figure 3. The second circuit goes back and forth across the X direction four times.
The positive X direction is from right to left Figure 2. This is common for tool drawings
where the X direction is backwards on the cavity plan view. The front view the positive X
direction is from left to right in Figure 3.

Figure 2: Cavity Cooling Lines

28 Chapter 4
Figure 3: Front view of the cooling lines

Modeling Strategies
There are several approaches that may be used to create the cooling lines for the cavity.
These include using the modeling plane to create the curves for the cooling lines,
manually creating curves, or creating nodes and then creating the cooling line beams
directly. In most cases, creating curves manually and then meshing the curves is the most
flexible way to create the circuits.

Creating the First Cavity Circuit

This circuit will be the U-shaped circuit around three sides of the dustpan.

 To create a new layer

1. Click the New Layer icon on the layers pane.

2. Change the layer name to Side WL.
3. Ensure that the layer is active.

3 For most commands used in Synergy, there are two or three ways to access them. For
the commands related to geometry creation, mesh diagnostics and cleanup, the
commands will be assessed via the Toolbox on the Tools tab, shown in Figure 4 These
commands can also be accessed in the Modeling and Mesh menus, and on various
standard and customized toolbars. Use the method of access you prefer.

Figure 4: Toolbox

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 29

 To create the curves

1. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

2. Click the icon .

2.1. Click the Select button.
2.2. Select Channel.
2.3. Select Channel (10 mm) in the Description list.
2.4. Click Select.
2.5. Click OK.
3. Create the First curve.
3.1. Enter 435 -150 28 in the First field.
3.2. Enter 135 -150 28 in the Second field.
3.3. Click Apply.
4. Create the next curve.
4.1. Enter 135 150 28 in the Second field.
4.2. Click Apply.
5. Create the next curve.
5.1. Enter 435 150 28 in the Second field.
5.2. Click Apply.
6. Click Close.

 To mesh the circuit

1. Click Mesh ¨ Generate Mesh.
2. Check Place mesh in active layer.
3. Set the Global edge length to 30.
4. Click Mesh Now.
5. Save the model.
• The circuit should look like Figure 5.

Figure 5: Cavity Circuit 1

30 Chapter 4
Creating the Second Cavity Circuit
This circuit will cool the bottom of the dustpan. It has four lines going back and forth
across the part.

 To create a new layer

1. Click the New Layer icon on the layers pane.

2. Change the layer name to Cavity WL.
3. Ensure the layer is active.

 To create the first curve

1. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

2. Enter 435 -120 103 in the First field.
3. Enter -40 -120 103 in the Second field.
4. Click Apply.
5. Click Close.
This created one curve for the cavity cooling lines. This one curve will now be copied to
make the others.

 To copy the first curve

1. Click Translate from the Toolbox icon .

2. Select the curve just created using the mouse.
3. Enter 0 80 0 in the Vector field.
4. Click the Copy radio button.
5. Set the number of copies to 3.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click Close.
Create the connecting curves so the inlet for the circuit is the lowest Y value for the

 To create the connecting curves

1. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

2. Rotate the model so you can see all the curve ends without other geometry behind it.
• An alternative approach would be to have all other layers turned off.
3. Select End of curve in the filter field.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 31

4. Create the first curve.
4.1. Click in the First field to make it active.
4.2. Select the end of the curve so the First field is -40 -120 103.
4.3. Click in the Second field.
4.4. Select the end of the curve so the Second field is -40 -40 103.
4.5. Click Apply.
5. Create the next curve.
5.1. Click in the First field to make it active.
5.2. Select the end of the curve so the value is 435 -40 103.
5.3. Click in the Second field.
5.4. Select the end of the curve so the value is 435 40 103.
5.5. Click Apply.
6. Create the next curve.
6.1. Click in the First field to make it active.
6.2. Select the end of the curve so the value is -40 40 103.
6.3. Click in the Second field.
6.4. Select the end of a curve so the value is -40 120 103.
6.5. Click Apply.
7. Click Close.

 To mesh the circuit

1. Click Mesh ¨ Generate Mesh.
2. Check Place mesh in active layer.
3. Set the Global edge length to 30.
4. Click the Mesh Now.
5. Save the model.
• The model should look like Figure 6.

Figure 6: Dustpan with the two circuits

32 Chapter 4
View the Core Cooling Lines Drawings
The drawings in Figure 7 and Figure 8, below are for the core cooling lines. The front
view below is the same as the one shown earlier. In the plan view for the core cooling
lines, the positive X direction goes from left to right.

Figure 7: Plan view of the core cooling lines

Figure 8: Front view of the cooling lines

Create the Circuit in the Core

The core cooling lines are going to be created by making one of the runs through the
mold, copying the run and connecting the runs together. This is similar to how we
created the previous circuit, but there are more steps necessary to connect the curves this
time, as the runs are connected at different locations.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 33

 To create a new layer

1. Click the New Layer icon on the layers pane.

2. Change the layer name to Core WL.
3. Ensure the layer is active.

 To create the curves for the first run

1. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

2. Create the first curve.
2.1. Enter 435 70 23 in the First field.
2.2. Enter 210 70 23 in the Second field..
2.3. Click Apply.
3. Create the next curve.
3.1. Enter 210 70 -37 in the Second field.
3.2. Click Apply.
4. Create the next curve.
4.1. Enter -40 70 -37 in the Second field.
4.2. Click Apply.
5. Click Close.

 To copy the first run

1. Click Translate from the Toolbox icon .

2. Select the curves and nodes just created.
3. In the Vector field enter 0 -70 0.
4. Click the Copy radio button.
5. Set the number of copies to 2.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click Close.

/ An easy way to all the curves and nodes is to turn off all layers except the Core WL layer and
use the Select All command.

A curve needs to be created at the X location of 45 to connect two of the channels. The
middle cooling line would pass through the sprue pin if this were not done. The curve
will be created, trimmed, and the properties assigned.

34 Chapter 4
 To create the connecting curve by the sprue

1. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

2. Enter 45 70 -37 in the Coordinate 1 field.
3. Enter 45 0 -37 in the Coordinate 2 field.
4. Click Apply.

 To break the curves

1. Click Break Curve from the Toolbox icon or click F7.

2. Click on the new curve and one of the curves it intersects.
3. Click Apply.
4. Click on the new curve and the other curve it intersects.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click Close.

3 The curves that belong to the runs must be broken at the location of the new curve
created so they can be properly connected. In doing this process, the properties are lost
on the curves involved with the breaking. The properties need to be re-set.

 To delete the un-needed curves

1. Use band selection to pick the short ends of the curves that were broken.
1.1. Make sure the nodes at the end get selected.
1.2. Use the control key to multi-select if necessary.
2. Click the Delete key.
3. Accept to delete both curve and node types.
• If any more entity types are listed the selection is not correct. Repeat step 1 and 2
if necessary.

 To re-assign the properties to the curves

1. Select all three curves that are purple.
1.1. Use band selection, or some other selection method.
• Purple curves indicate there are no properties associated with the curve.
2. Right-click and select the Properties command.
3. Select Yes to assign the property.
4. Select the channel (10mm) property.
• There will be more than one. It does not matter which one you choose.
5. Click OK.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 35

 To create the second connecting curve

1. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

2. Select Node in the filter field.
3. Click in the First field.
4. Select the node with the value of 435 0 23.
5. Click in the Second field.
6. Select the node with the value of 435 -70 23.
7. Click Apply.
8. Click Close.

 To mesh the circuit

1. Click Mesh ¨ Generate Mesh.
2. Check Place mesh in active layer.
3. Set the Global edge length to 30.
4. Click the Mesh Now.
5. Save the model.
• The model should look like Figure 9.

Figure 9: Dustpan with the 3 cooling circuits

 To set the inlet properties

1. Click Analysis ¨ Set coolant inlets.
2. Click Edit to change the current coolant inlet property.
2.1. Change the inlet temperature to 40.
2.2. Change the name to 10,000 Reyn 40C.
2.3. Click OK.
3. Turn on all the circuit layers.

36 Chapter 4
4. Make the default layer active.
• Or create a layer just for the inlets and make it active.
5. Click on the inlet location of each circuit.
• Use Figure 10 as a reference.
6. Save the study.

Figure 10: Coolant inlet locations

Create the Mold Boundary

 To create the mold boundary

1. Click Modeling ¨ Mold Surface Wizard.
2. Enter the dimensions:
• X 575.
• Y 575.
• Z 575.
3. Click Finish.

 To move mold boundary entities

1. Turn off all layers except the Mold block surface (default) (Elements) layer.
2. Select Edit ¨ Select By ¨ Properties or CTRL + B.
3. Choose Node from the list of entity types.
4. Click OK.
5. Assign the nodes on the Mold block surface (default) (Regions) layer.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 37

 To change the display of the regions
1. Highlight the Mold block surface (default) (Elements) layer.

2. Click the Display icon in the Layers pane.

3. Select Transparent in the Show as field.
• The completed model should look like Figure 11.

 To save the model

1. Turn on and off the layers as necessary to have just the layers visible you would like
displayed when a model is opened.
2. Normally this is just the part layers.
3. Save the model.

Figure 11: Completed cooling system for the dustpan

38 Chapter 4
Modeling the mold components for the cap
The cap tool has three circuits. One is in the core side of the tool. This circuit has a baffle
in it. The second is a rectangular ring around the cavity block, and the last circuit is in the
top clamping plate. The second and third circuits are connected together with a hose,
combining then into one circuit. A parting plane is modeled to separate the top clamping
plate from the "A" plate of the tool. This is primarily done to show how to create a
parting plane. The inside of the cap is created on a copper alloy core. An insert is used to
represent the core. Finally a mold boundary is created to go around the entire geometry.
The mold boundary is created large enough to encompass the channels. This prevents a
possible problem with beam elements passing through the centroid of triangular

Figure 12: Cap tool

Project setup

 To open a project

1. Click the file open icon or File ¨ Open Project, and navigate to the folder My
MPI 6.0 Projects\MPI_Cool\Modeling_Cooling_Comp.
2. Double click the project file Modeling_Cooling_Comp.mpi.
3. Click File ¨ Preferences and ensure that System Units are set to Metric.

 To review the model

1. Open the model Cap WL Modeling.
2. Investigate the model geometry using the model manipulation tools.
3. Turn the layers on and off.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 39

 To create a local coordinate system (LCS)
1. Ensure the Default layer is active.
2. Click Modeling ¨ Local Coordinate System/Modeling plane ¨ Define.
2.1. Enter 0 in the First field.
2.2. Click Apply.
• This creates a local coordinate system at the part origin so you can find it easily.
3. Click Close.
4. Rotate the model around to find the LCS.
5. Uncheck the default layer once the LCS is found.

View the cap drawings

Figure 13 shows the top view of the cap tool indicating the location the cooling channels
relative to the part and mold boundary. Notes indicate the name, and sizes of the cooling
channels. Figure 14 shows the front view of the tool. Here you can see the cooling
channels plus the insert, and parting plane locations.

Figure 13: Top view of the cap tool showing water line locations

40 Chapter 4
Figure 14: Front view of the cap tool showing water line location

Modeling strategies
The order in which the cooling components are created is not normally a significant
issue. In this particular case, the components will be created in the following order:
• Protherm Insert.
• Core Circuit 1.
• Cavity Circuit 1.
• Cavity Circuit 2.
• Hose connecting the cavity circuits.
• Setting the coolant inlets.
• Parting plane.
• Mold boundary.
Layers will be extensively used to separate the items above.

Protherm insert
The insert will be created on it's own layer using the Create Inserts tool. The mold
material will be Protherm. To use the tool, elements on the part that touch the insert
must be selected. Using a temporary layer to aid in the selection is normally a good idea.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 41

 To move elements to a temperary layer that will form the core

1. Click the New Layer icon on the layers pane.

2. Click the Back view icon on the viewpoint toolbar.

3. Click the Select enclosed items only icon on the Selection toolbar.

4. Click the Circle select icon on the Selection toolbar.

5. Click and drag from the center of the part to the edge elements.
• This should select core elements but not the edge elements.

6. Click the Assign icon to move the selected elements to the new layer.
7. Turn off all layers except the new layer.
• You should be able to see just the elements moved to the new layer.
• Rotate the part to see that there are some elements on the top of the part that
should NOT be made into the insert.

 To move back to the part layer extra elements

1. Click the Bottom view icon on the viewpoint toolbar.

2. Click the select icon on the view toolbar.

• This deselects the Circle select tool.
3. Band select around the top elements that should not be part of the core.
4. Click the Assign icon to move the selected elements back to the Part layer.
5. Deselect the Select enclosed items only icon to turn it off.
6. Rotate the part around to ensure only the elements that touch the core are now on
the temporary layer.

Figure 15: Core elements of the cap used to form the insert

42 Chapter 4
 To create the insert
1. Click Modeling ¨ Create Inserts.
2. Ensure that only the New layer is on, containing the core elements.
3. Click in the Select field.
4. Band select around the entire model that is visible.
5. Set the Direction to Z Axis.
6. Set the Specified distance to -75 mm.
7. Click Apply.
8. Click Close.

 To cleanup layers
1. Delete the new layer.

1.1. Highlight the Part layer and click to activate the layer.
1.2. Highlight the New layer that contains the core elements.

1.3. Click the Delete icon on the Layers pane.

1.4. Click Yes to move the entities.
2. Move the nodes forming the core.
2.1. Ensure only the Mold insert 1 layer is on.
2.2. Create a new layer and name it Core nodes.
2.3. Type CTRL + B.
2.4. Highlight Node in the entity types list and click OK.
2.5. Highlight the Core nodes layer and click the Assign icon.
2.6. Turn off the Core nodes button to ensure the nodes were moved.
3. Modify the layer with the insert.
3.1. Click on the Mold insert 1 layer.
3.2. Click on the layer name and change its name to Core.

3.3. Highlight the Core layer and click the Display icon .
3.4. Set the Show as to Transparent.
3.5. Click Close.
4. Save the study.
The insert created should look like Figure 16.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 43

Figure 16: Cap insert

 To check the insert's orientation

1. Ensure that only the Core layer is on.

2. Click Orientation diagnostic from the toolbox icon .

3. Click Show.
• All of the elements should be blue, indicating the top side of the elements are
• If the orientation is fine, continue with the next task.

4. Click orient element, from the toolbox icon .

5. Band-select the elements that need to be flipped.
6. Click Flip orientation.

/ Don't use any of the reference and search methods for selecting elements. Because the insert
touches the part, those elements will also be picked.

/ Only use the Flip orientation option for fixing the orientation of insert elements.

7. Click Apply.
8. Rotate the model around to ensure the orientation is now correct.
9. Click Close.
10. Click Mesh ¨ Show diagnostics or CTRL+D to turn off the diagnostic display.

Core circuit 1

 To Create the baffle

1. Create a layer called Core Circuit and ensure it is active.

2. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

44 Chapter 4
3. Click the icon .
3.1. Select Baffle in the New drop down list.
3.2. Set the diameter to 10 mm.
3.3. Change the name to Baffle 10 mm.
3.4. Click OK twice to return to the Create curves dialog.
4. Create the first curve.
4.1. Enter 0 -2 -85 in the First field.
4.2. Enter 0 0 -10 in the Second field.
4.3. Click Apply.
5. Create the next curve.
5.1. Enter 0 2 -85 in the Second field.
5.2. Click Apply.
6. Click Close.
This baffle was created using the sharp "V" approach. Using this method, you are assured
you have created both legs of the baffle.

 To set up the modeling plane

1. Click File ¨ Preferences.
2. Ensure the Grid size is 10 mm.
3. Ensure the Snap to grid is checked.
4. Set the Plane size to 500%.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Modeling ¨ Local Coordinate System/Modeling plane ¨ Define.
7. Enter 0 0 -85 in the first field.
8. Click Apply.
9. Click Close.

 To finish core circuit 1

1. Select the LCS just created.
2. Right click and select Activate as modeling plane.

3. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 45

4. Click the icon .
4.1. Select Channel in the New drop down list.
4.2. Set the Diameter to 6 mm.
4.3. Change the name to Channel 6 mm.
4.4. Click OK twice to return to the Create curves dialog.
5. Set the Filter to Node.
6. Pick the node at 0 -2 0 for the First field.
• The node coordinates are now using the LCS as it is active.
7. Set the Filter to Modeling plane.
8. Ensure the Second field is active.
9. Click on the plane at the coordinates 0 -60 0.
10. Click Apply.
11. Click on the plane at the coordinates -80 -60 0 for the Second field.
12. Click Apply.
13. Repeat the steps to finish the second side of the circuit.
• Ensure the filter is set correctly.
• Refer to Figure 13 on page 40 as necessary.
14. Right click and Select Activate modeling plane to turn it off.

 To mesh core circuit 1

1. Click Mesh ¨ Generate mesh.
2. Click Place mesh in active layer.
3. Enter 20 for the Global edge length.
4. Click Mesh Now.
• The circuit should look like Figure 17.
5. Save the study.

Figure 17: Core circuit 1 with the insert

46 Chapter 4
Assign the correct mold material and finish the insert
The insert must have the mold material assigned to the correct value. The beam elements
in the insert do as well. Finally a hole must be created in the insert for the baffle to pass

 To assign the material to the insert

1. Ensure that only the Core layer is on.
2. Select an element on the core.
3. Right-click and select Properties.
4. Ensure Apply to all entities that share this property is checked.
5. Click the Select button.
6. Click the Select button on the Select Insert/Label/Core material dialog.
7. Pick Protherm 96HRB BeCu from the list.
8. Click Select.
9. Click OK twice.

 To assign the material to the baffle elements

1. Click on the Core Circuit layer and off the Core layer.
2. Rotate the part so you can see that the top 6 elements of the baffle are in the core (3
up and 3 down). These are the elements that need changing.
3. Select the 6 elements that need changing.
4. Right click and select Properties.
5. Select both properties in the list and click OK.
6. Uncheck Apply to all entities that share this property if necessary.
7. Ensure that only the 6 elements are selected still.
8. Click on the Mold Properties tab.
9. Pick Select a different mold material.
10. Click Select.
11. Pick Protherm from the dropdown.
12. Click OK twice.

3 Since you picked Protherm for the insert, the material is now selectable for any other
entity without having to go to the mold material database.

 To create the hole in the insert for the baffle

1. Turn on the Core layer.
2. Change the display for the core layer to solid + element edges.
3. Ensure the Core Circuit layer is on.
4. Rotate and zoom so you can see where the baffle goes through the insert.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 47

5. Select one by one elements of the insert that have their centroid inside or close to the
boundary of the baffle.
• You will not be able to see all the elements. Pick the ones you can.
6. Turn off the Core Circuit layer.
7. Select the remaining elements.
• The selection will look similar to Figure 18.
8. Click the Del key to delete the elements.
9. Set the core back to transparent.
10. Save the study.

Figure 18: Selected elements on the insert

Cavity circuit 1
This circuit is a rectangular ring that goes around an H-13 cavity block with a 6 mm
diameter inlet and outlet lines. The cavity block is not created as an insert because the
thermal conductivity between P-20 and H-13 are close.

 To create the initial ring curve

1. Create a layer called Cavity Circuit 1 and ensure it is active.
2. Hide all layers except the Part and Cavity Circuit 1.

3. Click Arc by Angle from the Toolbox icon .

4. Enter 0 0 12.5 as the Center.
5. Enter 30 mm as the radius.
6. Select Modeling entity in the Create as field.
7. Click Apply.

 To create the inlet and outlet lines

1. Select Create Line in the combo box or press F2.
2. Enter -80 11.5 12.5 in the First field.
3. Enter 0 11.5 12.5 in the Second field.

48 Chapter 4
4. Click Apply.
5. Enter -80 -11.5 12.5 in the First field.
6. Enter 0 -11.5 12.5 in the Second field
7. Click Apply.

 To break the curves

1. Select Break Curve in the combo box or press F7.
2. Click on the circle for the first curve.
3. Click one of the straight lines for the second curve.
4. Click Apply.
• The curves were split at the intersection of the curves, but you will not see any
change on the screen.
5. Click on the circle for the first curve.
6. Click on the other straight line for the second curve.
7. Click Apply.
8. Click Close.
9. Select the 3 curves that are not needed.
10. Click the Del key to delete the curves.
• The completed curves should look like Figure 19.

Figure 19: Cavity circuit 1 curves

 To assign properties
1. Band-select the straight lines.
2. Click Edit ¨ Assign Property.
3. Pick in the list Channel 6 mm.
4. Select the circular curves.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 49

5. Click Edit ¨ Assign Property.
5.1. Select Channel in the New drop-down list.
5.2. Select Rectangular in the Cross-section field.
5.3. Click the Edit Dimensions button.
5.4. Enter 10 mm as the width.
5.5. Enter 2 mm as the height.
5.6. Click OK.
5.7. Enter Channel Rect 2 x 10 mm in the Name field.
5.8. Click OK twice.

 To mesh the circuit

1. Click Mesh ¨ Generate mesh.
2. Click Place mesh in active layer.
3. Enter 20 for the Global edge length.
4. Uncheck Enable chord height control.
5. Click Mesh now.
• The meshed circuit should look like Figure 20.
6. Save the study.

Figure 20: Cavity circuit 1

Cavity circuit 2
This is the "U" shaped circuit that is in the top clamping plate of the tool.

 To set up the modeling plane

1. Click Modeling ¨ Local Coordinate System/Modeling plane ¨ Define.
2. Enter 0 0 40 in the First field.
3. Click Apply.
4. Click Close.

 To create cavity circuit 2

1. Select the LCS just created.
2. Right click and select Activate as modeling plane.

50 Chapter 4
3. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

4. Click the icon .

4.1. Select Channel 6 mm in the list.
4.2. Click OK.
5. Set the Filter to Modeling plane.
6. Create the first curve.
6.1. Select on the grid the coordinate -80 -60 0 for First field.
6.2. Click in the Second field.
6.3. Select on the grid the coordinate 80 -60 0.
6.4. Click Apply.
7. Create the second curve.
7.1. Select on the grid the coordinate 80 60 0.
7.2. Click Apply.
7.3. Select on the grid the coordinate -80 60 0.
7.4. Click Apply.
8. Click Close.
9. Right-click and select Activate as modeling plane to turn it off.

 To mesh the circuit

1. Click Mesh ¨ Generate mesh.
2. Click Place mesh in active layer.
3. Enter 20 for the Global edge length.
4. Click Mesh Now.
• The cavity circuits should look like Figure 21.
5. Save the study.

Figure 21: Cavity circuits

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 51

Hose connecting the cavity circuits
A hose is used to connect the two cavity circuits to one large circuit.

 To make the hose

1. Click the Front view icon to rotate the part to 0 0 0.

2. Ensure that only the Cavity Circuit 1 layer is on.
3. Zoom up on the lower left portion of the two circuits.
• Similar to Figure 22.

Figure 22: Hose location

4. Click Mesh ¨ Create Beams.

5. Click the icon .

5.1. Select Hose from the New drop down list.
5.2. Enter 6 mm as the Diameter.
5.3. Enter Hose 6 mm in the Name field.
5.4. Click OK.
6. Select the end nodes of the circuits for the First and Second fields.
7. Enter 3 for the number of beams.
8. Click Apply.
9. Click Closed.

Figure 23: Circuit one finished with the hose connection

52 Chapter 4
Setting the coolant inlets

 To set the coolant inlets

1. Turn on the Core Circuit layer.
2. Click Analysis ¨ Set coolant inlets.
3. Click Edit to change the existing property.
4. Select Specified flow rate as the coolant control.
5. Enter 5 l/min as the flow rate.
6. Enter 35ºC. as the coolant inlet temperature.
7. Enter Coolant inlet 5 l/min 35 deg C. in the Name field.
8. Click OK.
9. Click on the positive Y ends of both cooling circuits.
10. Right-click to select Finish coolant inlets.
11. Select the inlet on the core circuit.
12. Assign the inlet to the Core Circuit layer.
13. Save the study.

Parting plane
The parting plane is only used to represent a resistance of heat transfer between two
bodies of material of the same type. This is rarely needed. The example here is defining
the interface between the top clamping plate and the "A" plate. The resistance to heat
transfer is defined by the thermal interface conductance. The default value is a high
number indicating there is little resistance to heat transfer. If you needed to cool the part
primarily through an interface like this, the cooling design should be changed to prevent
this from happening.

 To prepare for modeling the parting plane

1. Create a layer called Parting Plane Geometry and ensure it is active.
2. Hide all layers except Parting Plane Geometry.
3. Click Modeling ¨ Local Coordinate System/Modeling plane ¨ Define.
4. Enter 0 0 25 in the First field.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click Close.
7. Select the LCS just created.
8. Right click and select Activate as modeling plane.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 53

 To create the curves for the parting plane

1. Click Create Line from the Toolbox icon .

2. Select Modeling Entity from the Create as field.
3. Select Modeling Plane as the filter.
4. Create 4 curves to form a 200 mm square centered at the origin.
5. Click Close.
6. Turn off the modeling grid.

 To create the region

1. Click Region by boundary from the Toolbox icon .

2. Click on one of the curves.
3. Click the Search button to automatically select the remaining curves.

4. Click the icon .

4.1. Select Parting Surface from the New drop down list.
4.2. Enter 5000 for the Interface conductance.
4.3. Click OK twice.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click Close.

 To mesh the parting plane

1. Click Mesh ¨ Generate mesh.
2. Enter 30 for the Global edge length.
3. Click Mesh Now.
4. Move nodes for the parting plane.
4.1. Ensure the Parting Plane Geometry layer is active.
4.2. Highlight the New Nodes layer.
4.3. Click the Delete button on the layers pane.
4.4. Click Yes to move the entities.

 To cleanup the parting plane elements.

1. Ensure only the New Triangles layer is on.
2. Band select all the elements.
3. Click Edit ¨ Assign property.
4. Select Parting plane surface from the list and click OK.
5. Change the name of the New Triangles layer to Parting Plane.

54 Chapter 4
6. Change the display of the Parting plane layer to Transparent.
7. Right-click the Parting Plane layer and move it up to just below the Cavity Circuit
1 layer.
8. Save the study.
• The model should look like Figure 24.

Figure 24: Parting plane with the rest of the model

Mold boundary

 To create the mold boundary

1. Click Modeling ¨ Mold Surface Wizard.
2. Enter for the dimensions:
• 200.
• 200.
• 200.
3. Click Finish.
4. Ensure all layers are off except Mold block surface (default) (Elements).
5. Key in CTRL + B to open the Select By dialog.
6. Select Nodes from the list.
7. Click OK.
8. Assign the nodes to, the Mold block surface (default) (Regions) layer.
9. Change the Display of the Mold block surface (default) (Elements) layer to
10. Move the layer Mold block surface (default) (Elements) to just below the
Parting plane layer.
11. Turn on all layers that have elements on them so you can see the entire model.
12. Save the Study.
• The model should look like Figure 25.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 55

Figure 25: Completed cap model

56 Chapter 4
Creating and using a personal mold material

Create the database

 To create a custom mold material database

1. Click Tools ¨ New Personal Database.
2. Select Material in the category field.
3. Select Mold material as the property type.

4. Click the icon .

5. Enter the name custom_mold_material.
6. Click Save.
7. Click OK.
• An empty database is created and opened for editing in a dialog called

 To copy a material from another database

1. Click the Databases button, on the Properties dialog.
• This will enlarge the properties dialog and open the All Mold material
(system) database.
2. Highlight the mold material Nickel-cobalt alloy.
3. Click the Copy button.
• This copies the material from the system database to the personal database.

 To edit the material properties

1. Double click the Nickel-cobalt alloy material in the personal database to edit the
properties of the mold material.
2. In the Description tab, edit the descriptions as follows:

Table 7: Description tab for the customized material

Field Value
Trade name Ampco 940
Manufacturer Ampco Metals
Data Source Moldflow
Last Modified Date (today's date)
Name Ampco 940

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 57

3. Click to the Properties tab and edit the material properties as follows:

Table 8:
Property Value
Mold density 8.58
Mold specific heat 404
Mold thermal conductivity 208

4. Click OK twice to finish the editing.

58 Chapter 4
Use the Personal Database
You will assign the custom mold material to both the mold boundary and all the water

 To set Ampco 940 to the mold boundary

1. Open Dustpan WL Modeling study.
2. Turn on the layer that contains the mold boundary.
3. Click on an element on the mold boundary to select it.
4. Right-click to open the context menu and select Properties.
5. Click the Select button next to mold material field.

6. Click the folder icon in the upper right corner of the Select mold material dialog.
7. Double-click on the database custom_mold_material.20020.udb.
8. Highlight the Ampco 940 material.
9. Click the Select button.
10. Ensure box Apply to all entities that share this property is checked.
11. Click OK to set the mold material.

 To set Ampco 940 to all the circuits.

1. Ensure that all the layers containing circuit components are on.
2. Use the command Ctrl+B to open the Select By dialog.
3. Select entry by type as Beam element.
4. Select by properties Channel. Select all the channel properties in the list.
5. Right-click to open the context menu and select Properties.
6. Pick from the list all available Channel properties.
7. From the Mold Material pull down list, pick Ampco 940.
8. Click OK to accept the changes.

3 Once a custom mold material is picked once from the database for a given study, it is
available from the pull down list.

Practice - Modeling Cooling Components 59

60 Chapter 4

Cooling Analysis


The aim of this chapter is to review the two basic cooling analysis strategies and compare
the results between them, and learn the advantages of both methods. This chapter applies
to all mesh types.

Why do it

When running a cooling analysis, you can either have the analysis define the cycle time, or
you can define the cycle time. Both strategies are useful in the process of optimizing the
cooling system. You will learn when to use each one, and you will also learn about other
options that may influence the quality of the analysis results.


You will first look at the typical objectives of running a cooling analysis. This will
determine what cooling analysis strategy will be the best to use. Then you will learn some
setup parameters that will influence how the analysis is run. The model geometry can
effect how the analysis should be set up and what errors that may occur, which will be
Finally, you look at a cooling analysis on a part a using an automatic analysis, and a
specified analysis, and compare the results.

Cooling Analysis Strategies 61

62 Chapter 5
Practice - Cooling Analysis Strategies

Design criteria
The cooling lines, water flow rate and
temperature need to be optimized to provide the
lowest possible distribution in mold surface
temperature for the dustpan shown to the right.
The initial water line design has been provided.
Two cooling analyses will be reviewed. One
analysis has a fixed cycle time (Specified
analysis), and the other with the cycle time
calculated by the cooling analysis, (automatic
analysis). A comparison of the results will be
• How does the automatic analysis influence the cycle time?
• How does the mold surface temperature change?

Project setup

 To open a project

1. Click the file open icon or File ¨ Open Project, and navigate to the folder My
MPI 6.0 Projects\MPI_Cool\Cooling_Analysis_Strategies.
2. Double click the project file Cooling_Analysis_Strategies.mpi.
3. Click File ¨ Preferences and ensure that System Units are set to Metric.

 To review the model

1. Open the model Dustpan Specified.
2. Investigate the model geometry using the model manipulation tools.
3. Turn on and off the layers.
• There are several layers for the part itself.
• These can be used to aid in the interpretation of the results.

Practice - Cooling Analysis Strategies 63

Cooling analysis of the dustpan model

 To set coolant inlet locations

1. Turn on the following layers, if they are not all ready on:
• Core WL.
• Cavity WL.
• Side WL.
2. Make the Default Layer active.
2.1. Highlight the layer.

2.2. Click the Make Active icon .

3. Rotate the part so that you can clearly see the cooling channels.
• A good rotation to use is 150 -30 -55.
4. Click Analysis ¨ Set Coolant Inlets.
4.1. Click New to create new properties for the coolant inlets.
4.2. Ensure the Coolant control is set to Specified Reynolds number.
4.3. Ensure the Coolant Reynolds number is set to 10,000.
4.4. Enter 25ºC in the Coolant inlet temperature field.
4.5. Name the property 10,000 Reyn, 25 deg.
4.6. Click OK.
5. Click on the three nodes to be assigned as coolant inlets, as indicated in Figure 26.
6. Right-click and select Finish Coolant Inlets when you have finished.

Figure 26: Coolant inlet locations

 To specify the remaining analysis settings

1. Set the analysis sequence is Cool.
2. Set the material is VMA6170P: Montell Australia.

64 Chapter 5
3. Double-click the Process Settings Wizard and specify the following:

Table 9: Cooling process settings

Parameter Value
Mold surface temperature: 40ºC
Melt temperature: 225ºC
Injection + packing + cooling time: Specified
Specified time: 15 Seconds

4. Click Cool Solver parameters, and ensure the following is set:

Table 10: Cooling solver parameters

Parameter Value
Method for calculating geometric influence: Ideal
Aggregated mesh solver: Checked

5. Click OK twice to exit the process settings.

6. Save the study.
7. Double-click Analyze Now! to launch the analysis.

Automatic analysis
Once the specified analysis is complete run the automatic analysis.

 To run a cooling analysis with automatic settings

1. Ensure that study Dustpan Specified is active.
2. Click File ¨ Save Study As and change the name to Dustpan Automatic.
3. Open the Process Settings Wizard.
4. Change the injection + packing + cooling time to Automatic.
5. Click OK.
6. Double-click Analyze Now! to launch the analysis

Reviewing results
Compare the results of the two analyses just run.

 To compare the results

1. Ensure both studies are open.
2. Tile the studies horizontally or vertically using the appropriate command in the
Window menu.
3. Lock the views, plots and animations for both studies.
4. Plot the results listed on the worksheet in Table 11 on page 66 and fill it out.

Practice - Cooling Analysis Strategies 65

Table 11: Worksheet - Cooling analysis results
Results Specified Analysis Automatic Analysis
Screen Output, Cavity Temperature Maximum


Screen Output, Cavity Temperature Minimum



Screen Output, Cavity Temperature Average



Screen Output, Cycle Time



Temperature (top), part



Temperature profile, in the an inside corner of the dustpan



Maximum temperature, part



Average temperature, part



Time to freeze


Answers are listed in Table 12 on page 68.

66 Chapter 5
Summarize results
Based on the results above, answer the following:

1. What analysis is more


2. What is the biggest

problem in the
Specified analysis?

3. What is the biggest

problem in the
Automatic analysis?

4. What result is most

representative of the
problems for the
Specified analysis?

5. What result is most

representative of the
problems for the
Automatic analysis?

Practice - Cooling Analysis Strategies 67

Worksheet answers
Table 12: Cooling analysis results answers
Results Specified Analysis Automatic Analysis
Screen Output, Cavity Temperature Maximum
Value: ~85ºC ~57ºC
High compared to the target of Still high compared to the target of
40ºC 40ºC
Screen Output, Cavity Temperature Minimum
Value: ~34ºC ~29ºC
Slightly low compared to the Very low compared to the target, is
target, should be >35ºC close to coolant temp
Screen Output, Cavity Temperature Average
Value: ~54ºC ~40ºC
Well above the target At target due to the automatic
Screen Output, Cycle Time
Value: ~20 Sec.º ~55 Sec.
Target cycle time Nearly 3 times target cycle time

Temperature (top), part

Range: ~34 - 85ºC ~29 - 57ºC
Hottest in the inside corners Hottest in the inside corners

Temperature profile, in the an inside corner of the dustpan

Range: ~45 - 85ºC on surface 125ºC Max ~35 - 55ºC on surface ~55ºC Max
Much of the cross section is above Hottest part of cross-section is on
the 107ºC Ejection temperature the core side due to long cycle
Maximum temperature, part
Range: ~55 - 125ºC ~33 - 57ºC
Most of the part is above Ejection Max way below ejection temp,
temp of 107ºC, Hot mold temp cycle time too long
Average temperature, part
Range: ~49 - 104ºC ~32 - 63ºC
Much of the part is close to the Max value close to target mold
ejection temp Temp, cycle too long
Time to freeze
Range: ~7 - 19 Sec. ~7 - 16 Sec.
Not much longer than IPC time of Much shorter than IPC time due to
15 seconds, the automatic analysis

68 Chapter 5
Summary of the results
Table 13: Summary of the results comments
1. What analysis is more The specified analysis is the most realistic because the cycle time is
realistic? 20 seconds, about the same as the time to freeze for the part, unlike
the Automatic analysis that has a cycle time more than 3 times the
part’s cooling time.

2. What is the biggest The mold surface temperature range is too large. In particular, the
problem in the inside corner of the dustpan. This localized hot area prevents the
Specified analysis? dustpan from cooling in the desired cycle time.

3. What is the biggest The very long cycle time is the biggest problem. This artificially
problem in the reduces the range of the various temperature plots making them
Automatic analysis? look better than they are.

4. What result is most The result Temperature (top), part is the most representative
representative of the because it shows the poor mold surface temperature distribution.
problems for the
Specified analysis?

5. What result is most The Temperature profile, part:XY Plot, is the most
representative of the representative because it shows nearly a linear temperature profile
problems for the through the part with the coolest temperature on the cavity side and
Automatic analysis? the hottest on the core side.

3 The answers here are subjective. They are based on wanting a short cycle time and
uniform mold temperatures.

Practice - Cooling Analysis Strategies 69

70 Chapter 5

Cooling Optimization


The aim of this chapter is to learn how to optimize the cooling system for a particular
part design. This chapter applies to all mesh types.

Why do it

After looking at the current design of the dustpan cooling system, you can see that there
are significant shortcomings. The quality of the part will be significantly improved and
the cycle time may be reduced if the cooling is optimized.


The starting place will be the dustpan analysis with the specified analysis from the
Cooling Analysis Strategies chapter. Based on those results, you will decide how you want
to fix the cooling problems and then you will make some modifications.
Once the changes to the cooling system have been made, you will run an analysis to see
the effect of the changes. If additional changes need to be made to improve the results,
they will also be made.

Cooling Optimization 71
72 Chapter 6
Practice - Cooling Optimization

Design criteria
The cooling lines plus the coolant’s flow rate and
temperature must be optimized to provide the lowest
possible mold surface temperature distribution. The
initial water line design is the specified analysis from the
Cooling Analysis Strategies chapter.
In this chapter, you will revise the cooling system, and
then run a cooling analysis on the revisions. This will be
done until:
• The hot spots of the original design are addressed and the mold temperature is
within 10ºC of the target.
• The average cavity temperature is no higher than 42ºC at a 15-second cycle time.

Table 14: Project parameters

Project/Design Parameters
Model Type Fusion
Material Unfilled Polypropylene
Cycle time 15

Project setup

 To open a project

1. Click the file open icon or File ¨ Open Project, and navigate to the folder My
MPI 6.0 Projects\MPI_Cool\Cooling_Optimization.
2. Double click the project file Cooling_Optimization.mpi.
3. Click File ¨ Preferences and ensure that System Units are set to Metric.

 To review the model

1. Click File ¨ Import.
2. Navigate to the Cooling_Analysis_Strategies folder and import the study

 To review the results

1. Retrieve the Recommended improvements table from the cooling results
interpretation chapter.
2. Review what the recommendations are.

Practice - Cooling Optimization 73

3. If desired, also review the results of the Dustpan Specified study.

3 The process settings for the dustpan in the Results Interpretation chapter and the
Dustpan Specified chapter are not exactly the same, however, the water line
configuration is the same.

 To duplicate the dustpan specified study

1. Right-click the Dustpan Specified study.
2. Select Duplicate from the context menu.
3. Rename the study to Dustpan Rev1.
4. Open the new study in preparation for revising the cooling system.

Making revisions
Based on the recommendations you have already thought of, determine how to
implement the changes.
Changes that can be made include:
• Cooling line layout.
h The position could be changed, or circuits or branches could be added.
• Circuit temperatures.
h Individual cooling circuit controllers can be used (up to 3) to introduce different
temperatures to the circuits.
• Inserts.
h Could be added to improve cooling of the core.
• Flow rates.
h Can be changed to increase turbulence.
• A combination of the above.
If circuit layouts are going to be changed, delete all of the elements of the circuit, modify
the curves, and remesh the circuits.
If the circuit is just going to be moved, you can select the curves, nodes and elements and
then move them.
Make all the necessary changes and save the model.

 To check for improvements in the cooling

1. Once all of the modeling changes have been done, verify the process settings are the
same as the Dustpan Specified analysis.
2. Run the analysis.
3. When the analysis is complete, look at the results.
4. Compare the results from the Rev 1 analysis to the Specified analysis.

74 Chapter 6
5. Determine where improvements have been made, and determine what areas still
need to be improved.
6. Make additional changes to address the remaining problem areas.
7. Save the model under a new name and run the analysis again.
8. Keep iterating until the results are satisfactory.

Practice - Cooling Optimization 75

76 Chapter 6
A Mold material assignment .................................. 47
Automatic analysis ...............................................65 P
Average temperature, part result .........................9 Parting plane ........................................................ 53
Baffle, create .........................................................44 Specified analysis ................................................. 65
Break curve ...........................................................35
Temperature (top) results .................................... 7
Cavity Temperature profile results ................................. 7
Surface temperature .......................................6 Time to freeze, part result .................................... 9
Circuit Toolbox ................................................................ 29
Coolant temperature ....................................10 Translate ............................................................... 31
Flow rate ........................................................10
Information .....................................................6
Metal temperature ........................................10
Pressure result .................................................9
Reynolds number .........................................10
Coolant inlet .........................................................64
Coolant inlets .......................................................36
Copy/Translate ....................................................31
Baffle ..............................................................44
Curves ............................................................30
Hose ...............................................................52
Insert ..............................................................41
Layer ...............................................................31
LCS .................................................................40
Mold boundary .............................................37
Parting plane .................................................53
Curve, break .........................................................35
Hose .......................................................................52
Insert, Create ........................................................41
Layers, cleanup .....................................................43
LCS ................................................................. 40, 45
Maximum temperature, part result .....................8
Mesh cooling channels ........................................36
Modeling plane .....................................................45
Mold boundary .....................................................37


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