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Name: Ralph Ged R.

Section: Bloomberg

Why is the Title Ode to Garlic??

Ode to Garlic a lyric poetry in the form of an address to a specific subject, written in variable or
Poetry by Genevieve Mae Aquino |
irregular meter and sometimes elevated in style or manner.
October 16, 2016 (for Janice)

Garlic is not always in choice

He doesn’t want you. Not of everyone. Sometimes,
Pungent-having a sharply people choose onion that
with your pungent scent
strong taste or smell. garlic.
marking the strength of
your personality. He wants
that onion- head with her Why he choose onion here??
Visual Imagery Sly-having or showing a cunning
pale skin and purple Even the whole poem all about
highlights. Her sly and deceitful nature.
manipulations move him to
tears, make him want to
peel back her layers and
save her from herself. But,
you, Garlic, are your own
leading lady. Personification A kilt is a type of knee-length
men’s dress skirt non-bifurcated You have to depend on
You don’t need a knight with pleats at the back, originating yourself to make you strong ,
in armor or Viking prince in the traditional dress of Gaelic not from somebody else. It’s
or Scot in a kilt, or any Allusion men and boys in the Scottish help us grow , it’s help us to
odd alpha male to carry Highlands. become worthy for our self.
your burdens. You are
no weakling. Not you,
Heroine-a woman admired or
dear bulbous heroine of
idealized for her courage, As what belief , Garlic Is a
the Kitchen. You, who
outstanding achievements, or savior to people from
saved us from vampires
noble qualities. vampires and toothaches
and toothaches.
Nightingale of the World
Bulbous-fat, round, or bulging.
Wars, how many heroes
The author of this Poem is
survived thanks to your Syndoche Nightingale-a small European delivering to us that don’t
antiseptic intervention?
thrush with drab brownish judge according to the
It’s not your loss, dear
plumage appearance, but judge
Garlic, if he wants a
righteous judgment, which
drama queen in his life.
Vat-a large container, as a tub or simply means “ Don’t judge a
Come, let us peel away
Personification tank, used for storing or holding book by it’s cover.
your thin, fragile skin.
Crush your cloves and
Tactile Imagery
toss you into the vat of Bland-lacking strong features or
burning oil, until you characteristics and therefore
become the gold that Hyperbole
spices up this bland
world. He may not want Let ourselves concentrate to those people who give worth and appreciate
you, but we appreciate you the most.
your virgin sacrifice.

Genevieve Mae Aquino was born in Manila but calls Davao her home. She has a clutch of diplomas in molecular biology and genetics. She
was fellow for Poetry in English at several national creative writing workshops. She currently works as a university researcher at the
University of the Philippines.
Summarized the poem
• Garlic strong and independent. representing about Being Brave and Independent. As what It said
“You don’t need a knight in armor or Viking prince or Scot in a kilt, or any odd alpha male to carry
your burdens.” It means that being a independent means You don’t need to rely to someone else
because is garlic is her own leading lady in her story.

• Garlic being a Savior to other people. The poem depicts a garlic as a solid willed woman. Garlic
helped with the battle of vampires and the alleviation of toothaches. She has saved endless legends
during the conflict because of her gigantic penances. Many individuals prostrate themselves before
her, expressing gratitude toward her for her penance.

• Some people appreciate garlic for it’s benefit. It show to us that the person that we love the most is
doesn’t appreciate our effort and love but there are other people that appreciate us , accept us for
who we are and especially giving back the same amount of kindness you given to them.

• Some people choose onion than garlic, he doesn’t choose you even with your uniqueness , just like
garlic , even it’s pungent smell or scent that marking it’s strength of personality , He didn’t choose
garlic because he want The union head with pale skin and purple highlights which means not every
time , people choose you.

• Garlic and Onion comparison. life is lacked drama, and the garlic yearned for it. The speaker, on the
alternative hand, isn't always interested by having her there. Upon. She subsequently discovers that
drama isn't always really well worth her lifestyles after conducting kitchen battles. Despite the reality
that the speaker does now no longer need her, she is well-favored via way of means of many.

The Type of Mode/Type that the poem is showing us are All about Being optimist and being a Hero
ourselves and Being Proud of our Self for what we’ve done and the tone of the poem is all about

Theme of the Poem is all about desire and courage.

To the readers and to everyone , this poem Help us to face our fear and to give us courage From everything we’ve
facing right now. As what garlic did , even someone is not Appreciate her , still many people appreciate her for his
kindness , courage and Heroism , as it serve her duty as saving people from vampire and toothache. Also this poem
help us to be an independent person where we don’t need to rely someone to be stood in our shoe right now.

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