Metroid Prime Trilogy Prima Guide

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TRIL©® #

PRIMA Official Game Guide o>

Written by:

Stephen Stratton

Prima Games
Mn ees ero ree
3000 Lava Ridge Court, Suite 100
Roseville, CA 95661 *


OU ee ane Mer Tom Oommen ore RECO E aoe

Random House, Inc., registered in the United States and
COC nS Mele ToT ORC Meee nn UL
of Random House, Inc., registered in the United States.

1™ & © 2009 by Nintendo. No part of this book may be reproduced

MUCUS MEUM ORRO ML mem ere re eee
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Prima Games. Prima Games is an imprint of Random House, Inc.

Senior Product Manager: Mario De Govia

ra SF
Spyoarenni cm Bre eer ate rear a TREC
Special thanks to the team at Nintendo: Damon Baker, Keith Banta,
Eric Bush, Sean Egan, Zac Evans, Seyla Keo, Josiah Halasz, Jonathan
Hand, Kyle Hudson, Noriko Matsunaga, Ed Ridgeway, and Cody Taft

EU urea Rei Te eee OC RTE OO Sern CETL nO Contents

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Important: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption........

Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information 2
RUT Te ee ae eetieom One ea UO emi ty Maps, Checklists, & Extras..........
BETAS eos DS URL eae Sa CO ret eee an
Cereb een em LNPUM IMDM Lee)em Oe COlecm Um TOS
assume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that
PUP NACo e COMMUN Tem een COMETEO EMU SM eeeeae Bim Ue hem a About Saaz) Author ~
Cena reut ein MT COmET OOOmS oeneccec ict ee
gameplay, hints and strategies, or problems with hardware or software. BTS LC Coen Rea CoieOe tL SLES
Sree estes ret] Omar ire ce MORITA erK MUTT eee OT Ce years with Prima. His personal favorites include Resident Evil
Aoretneen em erect ret t forth in their documen- oa Mao Edition, Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, Mass
tation. Some game tricks require pr Sateen Nace Bn se Pinte ACR meetCom TRS Naim a ent tes
RR caer ee eenceneon enero ence yr OMurmeoCMRUSLo
ISBN: 978-07615-6322-8 Technology in Rochester, NY. In addition to his Prima Games guides, he also
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0910 11 12LL 10987654321 RSTO inet eRe
\ a ——M“f = ay

Before diving reed into the Mell cenretifol a sc quickly review the major aspects common to all three Metroid Prime
games. |
4i :

BS \ eta tie) C=}

The game's controls can be customized in the

option menu's control section. Here you can
swap the functionality of ® and ® or © and ©,
adjust the sensitivity of the Wii Remote, and
Sel ah ag(0 mele) ce ange l-B-V nn ae Reg ee] 8) eels) ae
MU al¥e r= -e=de i=l8) a eels)oe e Bile
f=] ge) e Leman =e" (00m

Weapons eels
, <C suitsy Arm Cannon, then release to firea powerful charged shot.
Charging also has a limited “tractor beam” effect that will
Samus begins draw in small pick-ups, such as Energy Units, helping you
WTB ex-iIe collect them-from afar. :
I o\iVc melee layela
but discovers ol ae
new and Beam shots
advanced ricochet,
suit upgrades e—rhsoo cc
during her the Power
adventures. Beam is not
Each of her suits provides life-support functions and is well working
shielded from attack. The modular nature of Samus’s suits against that
allows the addition of weapons, visors, and other gear as target. Seek out advanced weapon upgrades for the Arm
pooel aca om ea celle gece agg mee ete ET oe Cannon. Once you've acquired them, hold @ and use your
visit Save Stations and collect Energy Units when possible cursor to select the weapon you wish to arm. Tap ® to
to keep the shielding charged. Celie dance CoR Ui aolimsi =the

Armaments9” Missile Launcher

Vitam tars
Power Beam TESStd
The Power E-Tehveataig
eter upgrade,
BTU k Samus can
default Arm Siento)
Cannon. from her Arm
Taarermuay Cannon to
lace) devastate
of fire and hardened targets. Instead of using @ to select the Missile
unlimited Taegu Na ase ok el eau tcl ls
ammo. Press ® to shoot the Power Beam. If you have the away. Missiles have many uses: Fire them to batter tough
Charge Beam upgrade, press and hold ®@ to charge the foes, open special doors, and blast apart objects to reveal
hidden passages and items.
Samus also owns
bere Tn = Ser w= R= Be=lO Ee)= =i] (ieee eg a Scan Visor, which _
waste them. Defeat enemies and destroy objects such eavecrencoker-lunlaes
Ffeeeiye estou [eia
(8 Mag i=)(Be) eh Get B n=) lel =)
data and interact
her reserves. Also seek out Missile Expansions that
with objects.
fieiyet1-8 a ae) =i] (Gere Mee pep e= ler lene
Press and hold
© to bring up.
< Visors 9 ‘ Visor Select, then
move the cursor into the top zoneond release © to enter
Combat Visor Scan Visor mode. In this mode, important scan targets are
highlighted in red. Scanning enemies with the Scan Visor
The Combat Visor
reveals their vulnerabilities—the data is saved in your
is Samus’s default
Log Book. Scanned data pertaining to the success of the
visor. It provides
mission is downloaded and stored in the Log Book as well.
a head-up display
(HUD) containing
radar, minimap,
lock-on reticle, Filling Samus's Log Book is completely optional, but also very
Energy gauge, Tyee =p ge eV minh tele) (ale =| Gag Emel et =) === f eee
and missile count. Samus acquires many different visors aaa may) alee een Te ele gla Vee 1d
during her adventures. Push and hold © to bring up Visor habit of scanning everything to fill the Log Book with Creature,
Select, then move the cursor to select the visor of your Research, and Lore data. Also follow the walkthroughs 4
choice. Tap © or ® to quickly switch back to the Combat ferciu=i(0)
(OMe =li=ie ms peep tn Raier=lg Teg sie <cle=f=i meg 02M) e >To My
Visor for battle. f= a= merch n sila ae ee Telegnen mot elena a

ey efeteyte evel
ha =e]
ol aG lacy
NSE GHD é require double
bomb jumps to
The Morph Ball
ascend them.To
changes your suit
perform a double
into a compact,
bomb jump, set off
mobile sphere.
a Morph Ball Bomb,
Press © to enter
then drop another
Morph Ball mode
just before the first bomb explodes. Near the height of the initial
and access areas
jump, drop a third Morph Ball Bomb in midair.If you time this
you otherwise
right, the second bomb will shoot Samus upward as she lands
couldn't. Press © again to leave Morph Ball mode. Like
from the initial bomb jump, and the third bomb will rocket her
Samus's suits, the Morph Ball is modular. Several upgrades
OTSAR AS MN NSD Roo eee SoReal Rn (e el
can be added to improve performance.

Morph Ball Bomb Boost Ball

The Morph Ball Once acquired,
Bomb is the default the Boost Ball
weapon for the upgrade can be
Morph Ball. Press used to increase
® when in Morph the Morph Ball's
Ball mode to drop speed for short
a Morph Ball Bomb. periods. Press
These bombs can and hold ©) to
destroy weak items and activate certain devices called Bomb charge, then release © to trigger a quick boost of speed.
Slots. If Samus is left near a Morph Ball Bomb when it explodes, The longer you hold down &), the longer (and faster) the
she'll be popped a short distance into the air. This is called a boost will be.
bomb jump.When a Morph Ball Bomb explodes, it must be
close to the enemy to inflict damage.
3E Boost Ball to
» are a Boots y
Ee Brac The Space Jump
pes and Boots increase
ila +,
Samus's leaping
pl Mitek capability.
a arge core Mancetlen tetra
OC Ree an ae of boot- mounted
half-pipe, then trigger the boost as you begin to recat Rew e
the other side. Immediately start charging another Peoria |
sana ~ acquiring this
to keep your momentum going. This gives rot the sp
upgrade, simply Ree ® to jump, then press ® a second
you need to reach ne heights. |
time to use the Space Jump Boots and leap even higher.
The Boost Timing is important for certain jumps—experiment to
CEU ME Onur} discover ways to increase the height and length of your
to activate jumps.
called Spinners.
x See Beam
boosting while The Grapple
inside a Spinner lane en ES
builds a kinetic charge that Penns the A aoa Semon Tine)
resulting in a change in the environment.In addition, ZolU i back and forth
can damage some enemies by boosting into.them. from special _
Grapple Points in
Spider Ball : Parente
“ The Spider Ball Target a Grapple
~ allows the Morph Point Ee Pe always hallmarked by the HUD), then
Ball to move along. press and hold.@ to fire the Grapple Beam. Hold @ to
magnetic rails stay.connected and let go to release. Use the control stick
called Spider Ball to turn while swinging if need be. The Grapple Beam is
BicTe CAN [caalonas commonly used to cross large gaps.
to.a.magnetic rail,
press and hold
~~) to activate the Spider Ball ability,and grabon: Follow
~ the magnetic rails to explore new areas. Bomb-jump while
_ you're attached to a rail to leap upward,or quickly release 2)
and-reengage to drop to a lower track. You can-also use the
Boost Ball rapidly propel the Spider Ball uk from
magnetic rails, leaping gaps and the like.

Kitems Tate bce Tay") att

< Seas ts > 4 a fell(e RQ h ele) (lang 8 gre ( 8 = {=F [81hee =\V Ae
Energy Units often spill out of defeated
fer =r=leign) eh ete]e) ol ei p= ene en eee eg to (oe
enemies and destroyed objects, partic-
ularly when Samus's Energy is low. Collect
these goodies to replenish Samus’s Energy Sa Tanks »”
and keep her in the fight. Energy Units
Energy Tanks
eel te N UM ke Cee
[Tate cee ual vey |
Purple Energy Units restore cto Energy. shielding capacity
Red Energy Units restore 20 Energy. Oe Ceia
Yellow Energy Units restore 100 Energy (one full Energy allowing it to
sustain more
damage. Energy
can be restored by collecting loose Energy Unitsand -
using Save Stations (including Samus’s ship). eC
_ Energy Tanks scattered throughout each game—follow ‘Missile Expansions
S“the walkthroughs ee to Fain each one at the eo a
__.moment. Rasa asa
<4 oa >. capacity of the ‘
: 4 Ne tad C= > Missile Launcher. r
2 Maarten ernest et cee : oy aah
little pick-ups will start spewing out of ae ay wee
dispatched foes and destroyed objects. sie SSI:
Nab missile pick-ups to Testock Samus’s PMI Saies Maree ed es latest ore-teLol|e
omen 1 (ar-lan anon : among the first two Prime games and 50 to find in Corruption.
Sen eal easy-to-reach spots, while others are off the beaten
path. Keep your eyes peeled and follow our walkthroughs to
Meet cruris ve hioh uur aurea aee

> Gir EPP Ee , A

Every bit of important Research data, background Lore, and creature intel is
stored in Samus’s Log Book. Of course, you must scan these objects with the
Scan Visor first to acquire the Log Book entries. Anything that can and should
be scanned is highlighted in red while viewed through the Scan Visor—be sure =
to scan all of these to record new Log Book entries. a

Filling the Log Book unlocks special extras—see the "Maps,

[i= feyd(=jec A= |e cause p=] ela epee |

viewing the Map

Samus always has access to a handy 3D map of her current whereabouts. All
rooms that have been visited are highlighted in a special color, and their names
appear onscreen as you scroll through them. Rooms that have not been visited
do not appear on the map unless the area's schematic has been downloaded
from the local Map Station. Use the map to keep on course and ensure that you
don't miss visiting any special areas.

Defeating bosses and completing major objectives in each game earns you credits.
Use them to purchase special extras through the main menu. Credits earned show
up as icons on the HUD once a specific task is completed. Visit the “Extras” menu
and use your credits to buy some of Metroid Prime: Trilogys many extras!

feag =| eden-Melm =e (eM eT AOE Bo tl] eng =e =)

Falla] |p =tmt=) seer
=| == lee ene ge=| (8 epee es) t=8 n= Ran eee|g Bete
Earning all of the credits from Corruptionis far more involved, however,
as there are many more of them. Reference the walkthrough and the
checklists at the back of this guide to ensure you don't miss any.
“Space Pirate Frigate

@e No One Heard ~ Map Facility

Them Scream

Equip the Scan Visor again and

scan the Parasites feeding on the
Press © to activate Morph Ball mode
fallen Space Pirates inside the frigate.
The frigate is a mess, but somehow and follow two Parasites into a small
Then blast them out of your path.
a force field still stands in your way. shaft. Exit Morph Ball mode and scan
To get through, hold down @) to lock the hologram ahead before you step
onto each of the four red buttons into it. Then step into the hologram
around the force field and shoot each to acquire the map of the Space
one with blasts from the Power Beam. : c 5. Pirate Frigate.
ij pn You must scan every enemy (and
several other important objects)
if you wish to unlock all of Metroid
Prime's extras—see the "Maps,
“This guide assumes
y using
Checklists, & Extras" chapter for
the default control scheme.
complete details.
entries you can add to
Log Book. [Any easy-to-miss
entries will be mentioned in the
walkthrough.) Check the maps
that follow the walkthrough
section to discover the locations
of all upgrades and expansions.
[All of these are detailed in the
ree 4
; l To bring down the second force walkthrough as well.)
field, first press and hold ©, then
Hold ® and then release to blast
select the Scan Visor. Hold @ to scan | through the rubble in the following
_ the nearby control panel, then shoot tunnel using the Charge Beam.
more red buttons as you did before
(aim high; there are six buttons this
3} ‘
¢ NehiiS

Some enemies [particularly bosses)

offer you just one chance to scan
them. If you miss your chance
during the fight, you'll never have
another opportunity to add that
Exit the Map Facility and move Scan another red panel to activate creature to your Log Book. If you
want to unlock all those special
to an elevator. Scan the elevator's a lift and ride up to the second floor,
extras, be sure to scan everything,
control panel with the Scan Visor to then find another elevator and scan
all the time!
activate a hologram, then step in and its control panel to ride down toa
ride down. lower level of the frigate.
Great Escape
You have just seven minutes to
escape the frigate after defeating the
Parasite Queen, and you can't simply
backtrack the way you came. Time is
short, so get moving!

A ceiling turret opens fire at the Scan the control panel below
lower level. Lock on and press Gp to to activate a spherical hologram.
quickly obliterate the turret with a Change to Morph Ball mode and roll
missile. Collect the missile pickup into the hologram to open the door
that’s left behind to restock your ahead.
Take the Connection Elevator to
SE” =
Deck Beta up to reach the frigate’s
Subventilation Shafts. You'll need to
Use missiles to obliterate powerful scan the elevator’s control panel to
threats in short orden but keep an get it working.

oe Se
eye on your missile reserves.

Step into the nearby Save Station

Hold ® to draw in remote pickups to mark your progress and replenish
with the Charge Beam, such as your Energy. Then scan a control
Energy Cells and missiles. panel and assume Morph Ball mode
to open the next door.
a Lock on and blast the Parasites in
Ean Boss Battle: the tunnels that follow before they
Parasite Queen swarm you, but don’t waste too much I
ae time. Keep moving down the shafts |
and shoot each door to open them
(some require multiple shots).
SS e
Continue to a room full of control
panels, Scan a red panel to add your
first Pirate Data entry to your Log
Book. This is your only chance to First, scan the Parasite Queen to
acquire this Log Book entry. discover her weak point: the mouth.
Then lock onto the Parasite Queen
and press & while moving either
right or left to dash around her Wait for a giant piston to retract
_ attacks. Blast the Queen through the in a lower tunnel, then follow it and
opening in the revolving force field duck into a side tunnel on the right
until you at last defeat her. before it fires forward again.

Fight your way through Space Hurry up another elevator. Samus Hurry back to the Exterior Docking
Pirates (use missiles to make short is hit by a massive blast at this | Hangar to flee the Space Pirate
work of them) and keep moving until point that disables many of her suit | Frigate before the self-destruct
you see a giant flying monster. After | functions, leaving her with only a | sequence completes. Samus boards
the creature departs, look up and basic Power Beam and Power Suit— | her ship and chases the strange
hold @ to latch onto an overhead | advanced upgrades like the Charge | flying creature she noticed earlier
grapple point. Swing from one Beam and Morph Ball are no longer to the surface of the nearby planet,
grapple point to the next to cross the | accessible. Never fear; you'll reclaim | Tallon IV.
room. these abilities in time.

Tallon Overworld-First Visit

@ sust Visiting ?

| You can't reach any of this area’s goodies yet, so simply proceed through
the Canyon Cavern on your way to the
elevator to Chozo Ruins. Scan Samus’s

ship and each new enemy you
encounter along the way to fill
you Log Book.

Energy and ammo.

ele lites ta) Getting Started Pelee sg styl)

shots at the circling wasps.When a

@ TheMissile =» wasp stops circling you, lock on and
Launcher blast it before it strikes.

Scan the Chozo Lore within the circling and prepare to strike.
Ruined Nursery, then hop along its Search for stationary targets
high ledges to reach a Save Station— when you hear that sound, and
there's a tough boss fight ahead. quickly lock on and fire.
Look up as you enter the ruins and spy
an odd rippling effect above the north
door. This is a Chozo Lore; scan it to Boss Battle: Hive Mecha
add “Beginnings” to your Log Book.

After dispatching a full wave of wasps,

lock onto the Hive Mecha and fire as
Continue to the Hive Totem room many blasts as you can to inflict damage.
and leap to its central platform to Repeat this process until the Hive Mecha
Proceed to the Main Plaza and
trigger a trap: Swarms of Ram War retracts, revealing the Missile Launcher.
scan the missile door on the left to
Wasps fly out from a Hive Mecha Remember to scan the Ram War Wasp
add it to your Log Book. Hop up the
device! Remain on the platform and and Hive Mecha before finishing the
stairs and enter the farther left door
turn in place, firing quick Power Beam fight—you won't have another chance!
@ The Morph Ball? @ the Charge ~p
Energy Tank! = Bean 4

Back in the Main Plaza, use a

missile to open the locked door you
scanned earlier and advance to the & ~~ FF

Ruined Shrine Access. Backtrack to the Main Plaza and scale

Fire a missile at the sealed door
the rubble on the outside wall to
ahead, then blast it with your Power Boss Battle: reach an overhead root bridge. Cross
Beam to open it. Head through to Plated Beetle the bridge and head through the
acquire your first invaluable Energy
door to reach the Ruined Fountain
Tank, which adds 100 Energy to your
Access. Use your newfound Morph
Ball ability to slip through the narrow
spaces you encounter.
Each little square above your
Energy meter represents a spare
Energy Tank. When your Energy First, wipe out the host of Beetles
meter fully depletes, it is refilled by that pop up from the ground in the
the next tank. It's game-over if you Ruined Shrine. Strafe about and lock
run out of Energy, so save often to on to each Beetle. Blast them apart as
mark your progress and fill your
- = SS
fast as you can.
Energy reserves. Allow the Plazmites to illuminate
the Ruined Fountain for you. Circle
Map Station around to the right and scan the
Chozo Lore on the far wall. Ignore the
first door you encounter and pass
through the second.

4 =~ m
Stand your ground when the larger
i a ‘a “= Plated Beetle emerges and watch it
Backtrack to the Ruined Gallery and dance from side to side. Dodge the
use a missile to open the missile creature's charge attack with a quick
door. Enter the Map Station beyond dash, then unload on its exposed SS

to acquire the complete map of the backside. Repeat until the Plated Ignore the large tree in the
Chozo Ruins. Beetle collapses in a messy heap. Arboretum and navigate the
platforms instead to reach the far
Missile Expansion! door at the base of the chamber.
Shoot the Reaper Vines to make
them retract out of your way.

Jump up and claim your Morph

Ball upgrade, then roll through the
Next, fire a missile at the Ruined tiny opening in the nearby wall.
Gallery's weakened wall to acquire
your first Missile Expansion, gaining 5
. oe : Go right as you enter the
extra missiles. Use your Scan Visor to
Gathering Hall room to locate a Save
Station. After exiting the Save Station,

PRIMA Official
Game Guid
cut straight across the Gathering Hall door leading to the East Atrium.
and head through the far door. Use the Charge Beam to tractor in
any pick-ups left behind by remote
Missile Expansion 2 hostiles. Continue through the Energy
Core and on to the Burn Dome.

Stop on the sccord pate and

Don't approach the Stone Toad
turn around to face the entry door.
you encounter on your way to the
Scan the third symbol on the wall to Burn Dome—you haven't the means
the right of the door. to combat it yet.

Boss Battle:
Fire a edie at the weak Wali inthe Incinerator Drone
Watery Hall Access to acquire your
second Missile Expansion.

The final symbol is to the fight of

the sealed door. Scan it, then scan
the door's central symbol to open it.
Collect the Charge Beam upgrade You're drawn into a boss battle upon
from the alcove beyond. entering the Burn Dome. Lock onto
Find and scan four runic embol) in the flame-spitting device in the
the Watery Hall to open the room's room’s center and circle around to
sealed door. Hop along the floating nl avoid its fiery jets. Assail the red orb
platforms and blow away some Charge Beam upgrade to acquire that emerges from the top of the
Blastcaps to reveal the first symbol, another piece of Chozo Lore. Incinerator Drone to damage it, but
then scan it. be ready to face a swarm of Barbed
The Morph War Wasps afterward.
AE TIA” < Ball clea D

When the lacie Drone’s

Hold ® to activate the Charge Beam flames shoot out at odd angles, back
and unleash powerful blasts to away as far as possible so the higher
destroy the many Eyons that activate jet can’t hit you, and jump the lower
Find the second symbol on the after you acquire the upgrade. one each time it passes by. Shoot the
wall at the end of the floating Backtrack to the Gathering Hall and swarming Barbed War Wasps until
platforms, then double back to the save at the Save Station there. the red orb reemerges, then blast
entry door and leap up the raised it some more. Repeat this until the
platforms. Incinerator Drone is destroyed and
the Morph Ball Bomb is yours.

This time, scale the Gein

Hall’s upper ledges to reach a higher
@ Grabbin' Goodies
Missile Expansion 3

You land in the drained chamber
| in plain view of another Morph Ball
| switch. Hurry over and lay another
bomb to activate the switch, raising
some platforms in the room. Quickly
exit Morph Ball mode and leap up
Before leaving the Burn Dome, the platforms.
lay a Morph Ball Bomb near the
Weak wall blocking a tiny hole. Roll
through the passage beyond to
reach your third Missile Expansion

Energy Tank 2

Ignore the doors and continue

leaping across the raised platforms
to reach a side passage within
the Energy Core. Quickly activate
the third Morph Ball switch you
discover here to raise the final series
of platforms, then backtrack out of
Backtrack out of the Burn Dome,
the passage. No need to rush now;
detonating Morph Ball Bombs to
simply cross the raised platforms to
rocket into elevated Morph Ball
reach a high door leading to the West
tunnels. (This technique is commonly
Furnace Access.
referred to as a“bomb jump’ in this
guide.) On your way back, let the
Stone Toad gobble you up, then
quickly detonate all three of your
Morph Ball Bombs to blow the Stone
Toad apart from the inside, revealing
a new passage into the Energy Core.

Use Morph Ball mode to reach

the Furnace and collect your second
Energy Tank. Then backtrack out and
| return to the Arboretum, resting at
the Save Station along the way. You're
about to face a very difficult boss, so
now is a good time to track down
Bomb-jump into the wall switch
Missile Expansions 4 through 8 and
beyond the Stone Toad, then lay
Energy Tank 3, if you like. Refer to the
another bomb to activate the switch,
sidebar for details.
draining the water in the main
section of the Energy Core. Quickly
roll through the next tunnel before
time runs out and the water returns. }

The second symbol is on the tree

near the wooden bridge.

Use missiles to destroy the

War Wasps' hives so they stop
swarming. Take a moment to scan
one first and add it to your Log

The third symbol is on the wall

just beyond the Morph Ball tunnel
(use bombs to destroy the tunnel’s

bn 7

Climb up to the sealed gate

and turn around to find the fourth I
symbol etched into the central tree.

Save your progress at the Save

Station near the Gathering
Hall—you're about to face the
boss of Chozo Ruins. Make for the
Arboretum, where you must find
and scan four runic symbols to open
the gate at the top of the room. Blast After opening the gate, lay a
the Venom Weed at the chamber's bomb at the weak wall beyond to
base to discover the first symbol,
reveal a tiny passage leading to the
then scan it. Sunchamber Access.
firing, knocking out reflectors and
eventually morphing to damage
Flaahgra with a bomb. Don't relent
until the monster is no more.
Energy before facing the hig boss of
to dh ee me
Book. This is your only chance to
Chozo Ruins. get them!

Boss Battle:
< Flaahgra D>

Claim the Varia suit after besting

Flaahgra; the suit allows you to
Two reflectors shine on Flaahgra withstand the heat of the Magmoor
after you bomb it the first time, Caverns. That's your next stop, so
then three, then four. Keep Flaahgra proceed through the nearby door,
It is vital that you remain locked stunned with missiles as you circle drop down the long shaft and
onto Flaahgra throughout this long around to knock out each reflector make your way to the Transport to
battle. Fire rapid Power Beam blasts or the fiend will quickly slap them Magmoor Caverns North.
mixed with missiles to keep the fiend back into place, forcing you to
stunned (reeled back in an upright start over. Just keep moving and
position) as you dash around it in a
circle. Don't fire missiles at Flaahgra
while it’s stunned, however, or you'll
waste precious ammo.

a — ”
Remain locked on to Flaahgra
and dash over to the reflector
that’s shining sunlight on it. Then
quickly lock onto the red orb on the
reflector’s base and fire rapid Power
Beam blasts or a single Charge Beam
shot to knock the reflector upward,
cutting off Flaahgra’s sunlight.

Flaahgra is weakened without

Sunlight, and its roots retract,
exposing four tubes at the creature's
base. Quickly switch to Morph Ball
~_ mode and roll into one of the tubes,
_ then deploy a bomb at the end of the
_ tube to wound Flaahgra.
PRIMA Official Game
S._Magmoor Caverns-First Visit

@” Jumpin «=» Missile Expansion 9 Missile Expansion 10

the Fire
| DI

At the Triclops Pit, drop and travel Navigate the tunnels that follow until
The Varia Suit allows you to beneath the ledge to the cave below. you reach another open chamber
withstand the heat of Magmoor Roll through a pipe to travel beneath called the Fiery Shores. Move to a
Caverns. First thing's first: swing by the steel floor and follow another ledge with a Triclops and defeat the
the nearby Save Station and mark pipe to reach a Storage Cavern with a creature with a Morph Ball Bomb. Then
your progress and restore your Missile Expansion. bomb-jump into the nearby pipe.

Backtrack out from beneath the After exiting the pipe, blast some
Proceed to Lava Lake, scanning steel floor and return to where you crates and roll along a narrow ledge.
enemies for combat tips as you go. entered the Triclops Pit. Leap across Follow it to the end to reach a Missile
Blast some crates on a ledge to reveal the floating platforms to proceed to Expansion—your tenth so far. Drop
a weak wall (scan the wall to identify
the Monitor Station. to the ledge below after claiming the
it) and lay a Morph Ball Bomb to prize and return to the Monitor Station.
destroy it so you may roll through to
the lake's second half.

Target and destroy the Auto

Defense Turrets in the Monitor Destroy the Auto Defense Turrets
Station with missiles (after scanning again (there are four in all) so you
one, of course). Then cross the room may safely cross the Monitor Station's
Roll under the steel floor on the
and continue through the far door. floating platforms and outside
lake's other half and make your way
ledges. Leap to the center structure's
to the Triclops Pit. Feed bombs to the
broken catwalk and follow it to a
Triclops to defeat them.
bridge leading to a high door.
ergy, Pe cl ;
Station and can always return for
through the block to get back up, it later.
then wait for the block to respawn
before trying again.

Roll into Transport Tunnel A and

drop onto the first breakable block.
To score an Energy Tank, you must
perform a series of dangerous
double bomb jumps. Double-jump
up the first block to reach the trail Whether or not you claim the
above, but beware: the block will Energy Tank, cross through the tunnel
shatter after two bombs, landing Continue making double bomb to reach the Transport to Phendrana
you in lava! jumps to reach higher and higher Drifts. Activate the elevator and ride
ledges. Three double jumps are up.
required in all if you're to claim your
fourth Energy Tank, which floats on
high at the top of the area.

SQ Phendrana Drifts—First Visit


Cut straight across Phendrana Look right as you exit the Save
Shorelines and through a door to | Station and blast a metal grate with
Blast the first few ice walls you reach a Save Station. If you didn’t a missile to destroy it. Scan the panel
encounter with missiles to destroy claim Energy Tank 4 in Magmoor on the wall afterward to unlock an
them as you make your way to a Caverns due to low Energy, consider overhead door.
large outdoor area called Phendrana heading back now to try for it again.
Release the Boost Ball charge just
as you're about to roll up one side
of a half pipe, then immediately hold
again to build another charge as
You soar upward and back down.
Keep building momentum until
Leap up the ledges above the Save Quickly hop across the platforms you've gained enough height to
Station to reach the door you've just
| before they collapse under your reach the desired location.
opened and visit Ice Ruins East. weight. Claim the Boost Ball from the
far tower without incident.

Half Pipe Action

Backtrack out of the canyon,

Avoid the dangerous Baby scanning another rippling wall
Sheegoths at Ice Ruins East by below the entry door for another
running past them and leaping onto | Chozo Lore entry. Retrace your steps
the ledge to the right. Hop up to the | With the Boost Ball upgrade secured,
to Phendrana Shorelines, save at
top and follow the ledge steadily drop to the valley below and notice
the Save Station and then continue
to the left until you reach the Plaza that it is U-shaped. (Such areas are
backtracking to the Transport to
Walkway, which returns you to | commonly referred to as “half pipes”
Magmoor Caverns West.
Phendrana Shorelines. in this guide.) Tuck into a Morph Ball
and start rolling back and forth in the
pipe, holding ® to build up a Boost
Ball charge and releasing ® to gaina
short burst of speed. Keep boosting
back and forth until you reach the
ledge on the canyon’s right side.

Saamuadl — ve

Remain on the high ledge over

Phendrana Shorelines and continue
to the door to Ice Ruins West. Dodge
the Baby Sheegoths here and work
your way up and around the ledges,
heading for a far door. Search for a
rippling patch of wall as you go and
scan it to claim another Chozo Lore
entry for your Log Book.

Pass through the next tunnel to

reach Phendrana Canyon. Drop to the
floor and then climb an icy slope on
the right to find a switch on a ledge.
Scan the switch to align a long line of
S& Magmoor Caverns—Second Visit
Passing Through
Nab Energy Tank Hop to a ledge
4 if you haven't with a Triclops
yet on your and defeat the
way back to the beast witha
Monitor Station. Morph Ball Bomb.
Fight your way Then bomb-jump
through the into the wall
=* Monitor Station pipe to reach the =
and into the tunnel directly across the room, which leads Transport to Tallon Overworld West.
to Fiery Shores.

SQ Tallon Overworld-Second Visit

@ TheSpace ~»
i dump Boots
Missile Expansion 1

Continue to the Root Cave and Follow the ledge around and
hop up the roots on the opposite | destroy the sandstone walls with
| side of the Beetles that pop up to | Morph Ball Bombs. Take a tube back
attack. Make several long jumps over | to the Landing Site.
. | tosmall ledges until youreachthe |
| Drop off to the side of the stone | door leading to Tallon Canyon.
bridge in Transport Tunnel B. It may
f look dangerous, but it’s not—instead,
\ “ you find a Missile Expansion.

Hop across the ledges at the

Landing Site but be careful not to
Drop to the floor of Tallon Canyon | fall. You eventually discover the
| to finda half pipe. Clear out the | Space Jump Boots on a high alcove.
_ Beetles and Boost Ball your way up to | Now you can perform double jumps
the ledge above the pipe.
by pressing ® twice—perfect for Artifact of Truth
clearing wide gaps and scaling
vertical summits.

@ Tour of Tallon
Missile Expansion 12
er Scan two rippling walls inside the
Artifact Temple that follows to score
Now put your newfound Space Jump two more Chozo Lore entries.
Boots to use and leap up to the top
of the waterfall near Samus's ship.
Follow the trail to a tunnel that leads
to the Temple Hallway.

Drop down to the bottom of the

Landing Site and roll through the
short tunnel near Samus's ship to
score a Missile Expansion. Save at
the ship afterward to record your Artifact Temple's tranquil clearing.
progress up to this point and reload This is the first of 12 Artifacts you
your ammo. must find to break the temple's seal
Take a moment to scan the odd and battle the great evil that plagues
symbol in the Temple Hallway for a this land.With the Artifact tucked
' new Pirate Data Log Book entry.
away, backtrack all the way to the
Transport to Magmoor Caverns East.

S&_Magmoor Caverns-Third Visit

@ Another ~~»
Short Visit
Artifact of Strength

Locate a Spinner near some Double-jump from the far end

| computer terminals atop the of the bridge to reach the ledge on | |
| structure and scan it to add the the far wall, then follow the ledge |
object to your Log Book. Then roll around to the Warrior Shrine. Claim AI
| into the Spinner and use the Boost the Artifact of Strength from within ) Cn .
Make your way to Monitor Station | Ball technique to raise a bridge. Just the shrine, then make your way back =} b
and use your newfound Space Jump | keep boosting until the bridge clicks | through the Monitor Station and WAS
Boots to reach the very top of the | into place in the background. | over to the Transport to Phendrana ~ .
central structure. (You must leap up | Drifts North, which you used to get
from the second floor to the third | there last time.
via a small platform near the door to
Transport Tunnel A.)
Sheegoth by dashing around it and
punishing its vulnerable backside.
Then leap up the stone ledges that
follow, scaling the temple.


Make a huge double jump over

to the next distant floating platform,
and from there, leap to the high
Swing by the Save Station off of
ledge near the entrance to the huge
’) Phendrana Shorelines, then double-
Chozo Temple. You need to achieve
] jump your way up to the ledges Scan the statue busts in the
maximum distance on each jump to
above the Save Station and onto a upper hall to locate the bust of a
reach the temple gate.
¢ high floating platform. Chozo Shaman. Destroy the bust
with a missile to reveal a Morph Ball
Slot. Bomb-jump into the slot, then
activate it with another bomb. This
opens a nearby passage.

Slip past the Bombus inside

the temple and dispatch a Baby
and fire a missile to knock it down,
_ creating a platform. Leap onto the
If you're having trouble spotting the
| stalactite and then onto the stone
gills, look for air escaping from them | passage above.
after the Sheegoth uses its frost
breath attack. You know you've
scored a hit when the boss flashes
Ball Mode, blast through the blocks
in the floor, and drop down. Bomb
the lower columns to clear the path orn a
above so you may continue to the
Hop along the high roofs and
Chapel of Elders, where the Wave
| ledges to reach a Wave Beam door,
Beam awaits.
| which you're now able to open.
Boss Battle: Sheegoth | Head through to reach the Ruined
| Courtyard.
Continue circling the boss and
pounding it with missiles until
| it collapses. (Numerous hits are
| required to bring the beast down.)
Collect ammo and Energy from the
| surrounding crates if need be. Claim
| the Wave Beam when the fight is
You must defeat a powerful | through.
adversary to claim the Wave Beam. Find two Spinner devices at the
Begin by dispatching the four Baby
@@ The Super ~» base of the Ruined Courtyard and
Sheegoths that emerge from the Missile activate them both to open giant
room's corners by dashing around overhead aqueducts.
them and assailing their vulnerable
backsides with Charge Beam shots.
Remain locked on and keep dashing
to outmaneuver the beasts.

Armed with the Wave Beam,

backtrack to Phendrana Shorelines,
With the aqueducts opened, hop i}
testing your new toy against those up some snowy ledges and activate
| annoying Bombus (which you're now a Morph Ball Slot to fill the area with
| able to defeat). Mark your progress water, causing several platforms to
| at the Save Station, then make your
After all four Baby Sheegoths have rise.
| way to Ice Ruins West, which you've
been disposed of,a full-grown, adult Energy Tank 5
| previously visited.
Sheegoth smashes onto the scene.
Stay calm and lock onto the boss.
Dash around and avoid its attacks
until it begins to spew frost breath. |
During this attack, the Sheegoth |
exposes its vulnerable gills, located |
on the side of its neck. Quickly lock |
onto the gills and firea missile at the co —
creature's side. | Scale the ledges to your right | Time is short, so quickly hop along
| as you enter Ice Ruins West. Pass | the buoyant platforms to reach a
| through a building near the top | Morph Ball pipe in the far wall. Roll
| for a good view of a huge hanging
| stalactite. Lock on to the stalactite

Scan the many computers within To fire a Super Missile, charge up

the next few Space Pirate labs to the Power Beam and then press
fill your Log Book with Pirate Data gp. Each Super Missile costs five
entries. Check off each one in the Pegular missiles to launch, so use
previous tables to ensure you find Super Missiles wisely.
them all.
Drop through a hole to return to
the Ruined Courtyard. The water has @p- The Thermal «—»
drained; activate the lower Morph Visor
Ball Slot again to raise the buoyant
platforms, then quickly leap across
them and onto the fixed platform that
wraps around the central structure.

Fight your way to the Observatory, |

where you must dispatch five more
Space Pirates to cause a switch to | Obliterate the dangerous Flying
appear at the bottom of the room. Pirates at the Control Tower with a
Scan the switch, then activate the few missiles or charged beam shots.
LT two Morph Ball Slots that appear in Destroy crates afterward for pick-ups,
Scale the side ledges to reach the turn. | then head down the East Tower to
top of the central structure, then turn reach Research Lab Aether.
right and make a double jump over
to a far door. Head through to mark
your progress and refill your Energy
at a new Save Station.

Next, activate the four Spinners at

the base of the Observatory’s central Dispatch the vicious little Metroid
projector. This causes a stunning | that attacks you in the lab with your
hologram of the solar system to | charged beam shots. If the creature
appear. Scan two of the planets to latches on to you, tuck into a Morph
Leap back over to the central | Ball and lay a bomb to dislodge it.
acquire two new Research entries for
structure. Leap to the distant Wave | Wipe out a Space Pirate that smashes
your Log Book, then scale the outer
Beam door this time and pass through | through a window, then jump
to reach the Research Entrance. Use | through the window and head down
missiles and charged blasts to quickly to the floor below.
defeat the hostiles within.

Map Station
Don't forget to scan those
computers for Pirate Data!

Claim the Super Missile from the

| high central platform. Now you
| can fire five missiles at once in a
| single, devastating volley! Hop into
Proceed to the bottom floor and | the nearby Save Station before
locatea Map Station. Acquire the | advancing to the West Tower and on
j to the Control Tower above.
Energy Tank 6 Missile Expansion 14

The uncovered weak spot appears

as a chunk of blue Phazon. Lock
Scan the containers in Research Lab Scan the pillars in Research Lab
on and pound it with powerful
Aether to find one that seems weak, Hydra to locate a weakened Cordite
attacks to destroy the weak spot and
then blast it with a missile to obtain pillar. Blast this pillar with a Super
damage Thardus. Repeat this process
an Energy Tank. Missile (charge the Power Beam and
for six more weak spots (there are
press Gp to fire) to reveal a Missile
Missile Expansion 13 Expansion.
seven in total) to defeat Thardus.

@ The Spider Ball

= ITF,

Use quick dashes and double jumps

to avoid Thardus's attacks. Target
and destroy the ice boulders
Thardus periodically summons and
hurls at you to acquire Energy and
ammo pick-ups.
Jump onto the small ledge above
Research Lab Aether’s stairs, then
carefully roll along the narrow ledge
to locate a new Missile Expansion. Return to the Ruined Courtyard and
save at the Save Station. Exit the
Save Station and leap across the
area, heading to the far door. Blast
the metal adornment above the
door with a Super Missile, then view
the wall with the Thermal Visor to
discover a glowing power conduit.
Hit the conduit with the Wave Beam Claim the Spider Ball upgrade
Proceed to Research Core after to open the door. Head through after Thardus falls, then use it to
you've fully looted Research Lab the halls that follow to reach a backtrack out of the area. Simply
showdown with a big, bad boss. roll to the Spider Ball Track that's
Aether. Activate three switches within
within reach (scan the track for a
Research Core to gain access to the
Thermal Visor.
Boss Battle: Thardus Log Book entry], then press and
hold @ to grab the track and roll
upward against gravity.


You can jump to higher Spider Ball

Tracks by laying a Morph Ball Bomb
and keeping @ depressed. Release
| The fight against Thardus is quite @ and quickly reengage to drop
Immediately equip the Thermal | lengthy, but not all that difficult. and grab onto lower sections of
Visor and use it to track the enemies Begin by viewing the boss with the track.
that ambush you when the lights go Thermal Visor to locate its glowing
out. Afterward, scan the walls for a weak spot. Lock on and unload on
glowing power conduit, and blast the the weak spot to destroy the stone
object with the Wave Beam to restore covering. You're blinded once the
power to the room’s door. Head stone covering is destroyed; tap © to
through the door and make your way quickly switch back to your standard
back to Research Lab Hydra. Combat Visor.
running up the nearby column and
follow it up to a Missile Expansion.

Missile Expansion 16

That's all you can do here at
Phendrana Drifts for now. Return
Backtrack to Phendrana Shorelines,
to the Quarantine Cave where you
save your progress and then leap
battled Thardus and use the Spider
up to the ledges above the Save Head for Ice Ruins East next and Ball Tracks to reach its other door.
Station. Jump across the high floating
leap atop the buildings. Stop on one Head through and proceed to the
platforms again to reach the temple, of the stone buildings and look for Transport to Magmoor Caverns
then blast the ornate metal design a hidden Spider Ball Track running South.
on the temple's outside wall with a upward. Follow the track to discover
Super Missile. Scan the panel you another Missile Expansion.
discover to reveal a Spider Ball Track

SQ. Magmoor Caverns—Fourth Visit

@ Returning ~—» with the Wave Beam to restore power again. Scan the screen on the wall in
the second room to cool yet more
to the Ruins to the room, cool some lava, and
open a small door. lava, then quickly head down the
newly accessible channel to reach a
Energy Tank 7 third room, where you find an Energy

When you arrive at Magmoor

Caverns, mark your progress at
the Save Station right next to the
transport. Then proceed to Magmoor
Roll under the caged floor and bomb
all Triclopses to get them out of the
a \eX~
Proceed to South Cave Tunnel
Workstation and pick off the Flying way. Then roll into the room at the
and blast a Puddle Spore when its
Pirates from the safety of the entry end of the channel and scan the “mouth” opens to create a temporary
tunnel. screen on the wall to cool another platform across the lava. Cross over
patch of lava.
and head to Geothermal Core, and
then keep moving forward through
Twin Fires. Keep moving until
_ you reach the Transport to Tallon
Overworld West or Chozo Ruins
| North (Chozo Ruins is your ultimate
_ destination).

Magmoor Workstation and use the Time is ticking away, so quickly

\ermal Visor to locate three power roll back out and through the new
_ channel before the lava heats up
._Chozo Ruins-Second Visit

a. “@™> to reveal another Missile Expansion

TheWavebuster (double-jump from the awning to
Missile Expansion17 | '2<"!®-
a) cement Missile Expansion 19

The tower drops a few feet each

time you destroy a ring of supports,
allowing you to advance upward
by leaping onto platforms that fall
Your newfound abilities allow you within reach. Keep blasting supports
to claim several new goodies back Visit the Ruined Shrine and boost up and scaling the tower until you reach
at Chozo Ruins. First, head to the the room's half pipe. Claim another the Wavebuster upgrade at the top of
Main Plaza and use the Boost Ball Missile Expansion from a high nook, the room.
technique to soar up the half pipe then boost to the other end of the
there. Claim a Missile Expansion from
beneath the overhead root bridge.
half pipe and follow a Spider Ball
Track to reach a high door leading ana
cos “ toward the Tower of Light. The Wavebuster spends m
Missile Expansion 18 Ves to fire a steady beam of electrical
energy. To use it, simply charge |
your Wave Beam, then press and
hold pe to fire. é

Now climb to the top of the root At the Tower of Light, scan the
bridge and look off to the side to outer wall for weakened supports
locate a small awning over the door | and fire three missiles to destroy each
to the Ruined Shrine. Jump onto the one. Avoid hitting the Plated Puffers
awning, then turn around and look that crawl along these supports—
at the Main Plaza’s huge tree. Strike you'll only waste ammo.
the tree's knot with a Super Missile
| Grabbing > destroyed, the waters are no longer
toxic) and enter Morph Ball mode
~ Goodies to be propelled to the ceiling. Hold
Artifact of Wild @ to grab the overhead Spider
Ball Track and follow it to a Missile

Missile Expansion 21
You can't do anything in the
Furnace just yet, so head into the
tunnel to the left to reach the
Crossway. Cut across the half pipe
Visit the Sun Tower next, where you and destroy the Cordite decoration
must scan four symbols to gain on the far wall with a Super Missile,
access to a Spider Ball Track. Don then scan the panel you discover on
the Scan Visor and scour the tops the wall afterward to reveal a Spider
Move to the Gathering Hall and climb Ball Track above the half pipe.
of the room’s pillars to locate two of
to the top.Jump to the ledge above
the symbols. Fire Super Missiles to
destroy the metal decorations on the
the door leading to Energy Core and Missile Expansion 23
drop a Morph Ball Bomb to blow peer
walls to discover the other two. Scan
away a metal crate. Nab the Missile
all four symbols, then ride up the
Expansion you discover afterward.
Spider Ball Track.
Missile Expansion 22

Boost from the half pipe to reach the

Spider Ball Track. Follow the rail to
a Morph Ball Slot and activate it to
make a second track appear. Use the
Take the Sun Tower's upper hall half pipe again to reach the second
Head for the Watery Hall and leap Spider Ball Track and activate another
back to the Sunchamber where you
around the chamber to the ledge Morph Ball Slot.
battled Flaahgra. Keep moving and
where you found the Charge Beam.
use the Power Beam to defeat the
Bomb the small hole in the wall and
Chozo Ghosts that ambush you in
roll through the tiny tunnel beyond
the Sunchamber, and then claim
to reach the Dynamo. Take the Spider
the Artifact of Wild from Flaahgra's
Ball Track to claim another Missile
remains in center of the room.

| @ the Ice Beam

The ghosts are resilient; use Quickly drop to the ground floor
Charge Beam shots to inflict
WW ill Mh after triggering the second Morph
greater damage and interrupt their Ball Slot and enter the shaft that has
attacks. opened. The shaft lifts you up to a
Missile Expansion above the room.
Missile Expansion 20

Make for the Furnace next, where you

discovered your second Energy Tank.
Scale the Spider Ball Track to enter
a tunnel network and boost across
the vanishing blocks to cross them —
Continue to the Arboretum and without falling. Proceed through the Crossway
| then back to the Ruined Fountain. to reach the Hall of the Elders. Don't
into the fountain (with Flaahgra miss the three easy Chozo Lore scans
in Crossway as you move through.
PRIMA Official Game Guide
Missile Station
Don't miss the Hall of the Elder's
Chozo Lore. Find that rippling wall
and scan it to pad your Log Book.

ss i
If you're low on missiles when you Pop into the nearby Save Station
reach the Hall of the Elders, head after claiming the Ice Beam. Then
through the small tunnel to the left backtrack to the Hall of the Elders.
to reach a Missile Station where you Use the Power Beam to lay the Chozo
can fully restock your ammo. Ghosts to rest and then leap up and
Follow the ledge to a small room around, and use the Ice Beam to help
tt and use the switch you find there you activate the white Morph Ball
to deactivate a nearby force field. Slot.
Scan the Missile Station before you Now you can navigate the Hall of the
use it to record a new Research Elders more easily.
entry for your Log Book.

Allow the statue to toss you yet

again to reach a room with an Energy
Proceed through the nearby door Tank—the last goodie you can claim
Now drop to the Hall of the Elders’ to reach the Reflecting Pool. Roll into from Chozo Ruins at the moment.
ground floor and use your Power the water and drop a bomb in the
Beam to defeat a troublesome Chozo basin to drain the pool, revealing a
Ghost. Afterward, leap onto the half pipe.
hands of the room's statue and tuck
into a Morph Ball to make the statue
hurl you like a bowling ball. Hold
to latch onto a Spider Ball Track
as you soar through the air and roll — SEG % i
along to find three colored Morph You're ready to head back to i
Ball Slots. Phendrana Drifts. Take the Transport
to Tallon Overworld East so you can
Boost up the pipe to the top nab a little goodie along the way....
ledges, quickly detonating bombs
inside of any Stone Toads that suck
| you up as a snack, Proceed > me
to the Antechamber to
at last discover the Ice
Beam—a powerful and
The colored Morph Ball Slots are versatile new arm cannon.
used to alter where the statue will
throw you. Blast the purple slot with
your Wave Beam, then ball up and
activate it. Return to the statue’s
hands to be tossed up to a high
SX Tallon Gverworld-Third Visit
© Quick Trip
Missile Expansion 24

Nothing fancy about this one, just claim the Missile Expansion as you
roll through the Overgrown Canyon en route to the Landing Site. Save at
Samus's ship, then proceed to Magmoor Caverns. Take the Transport to
Phendrana Drifts South when you get to Magmoor to continue on with
your mission.

@e The Gravity =»

Eliminate the Hunter Metroids in Cross the fallen stalactites to reach

| the Frost Cave with a blast from the Save Station C and Upper Edge
Ice Beam to freeze them followed by Tunnel. Head through Upper Edge
When you at last arrive in Phendrana a missile to shatter them. | Tunnel after saving your game to
| Drifts, roll up the Spider Ball Track in | reach Phendrana’s Edge.
Transport to Magmoor Caverns South
| to reach Transport Access. Continue

Biya cocenrike, you freeze with the Ice Beam and

make short work of them.

Drop into the water at Phendrana’s

| Edge and proceed through the
: | underwater door to reach the Hunter
Drop and enter the second Wave
Beam door from the bottom of
tor a Cave. Keep a beam weapon charged
| atall times so you can quickly
Lock on to two hanging stalactites
Frozen Pike. (You can’t reach the | dispatch any Jelzap that opens up to
| within the Frost Cave and knock
_ lowest door just yet.) This brings you | suck you in.
_ them both down with missiles.
to the Frost Cave.
| Scan one of the stalactites before
© knocking it down for a Research
_ entry, if you haven't done so already.
the stairs beyond them. Pass through
the narrow hall that follows to find
a second group of Aqua Reapers.
Work past them to find a small ledge
| where the Gravity Suit sits tucked
| inside a wall.
hed sl
Stay on the ledge as you enter the Climb back up Frozen Pike and
Hunter Cave and fire missiles at three | make your way back to Transport
more stalactites to form steps across to Magmoor Caverns South. From
the water. Hop across to reach the
there, take the nearest transport
door on the right and head toward back to Tallon Overworld, and head
the Gravity Chamber. back to Samus’s ship at the Landing
The Gravity Suit cuts through the Site.
murk and lets you move about in
water as if you were walking on dry
land. Put the suit to use and jump
out of the water to the dry room
above. Head through the upper door,

ras ® Bele iad

moving back to the Hunter Cave. Stay |

mum’ a8) eladcel=

Pass by the Gravity Chamber's first on the ledge to reach the door just to |
group of Aqua Reapers and jump up the right.

S Tallon Overworld—Fourth Visit

@ Passageto ~» Missile Expansion 25
Phazon Mines


| Make your way back up to dry

| At the Frigate Crash Site, dive into the land and enter the fallen Space
s -
Pirate Frigate, most of which lies
After saving at Samus's ship, loo! | water and climb onto the roots near submerged. Good thing you've got
around the Landing Site and spot | the pond’s center. Look to your left
and spy a small alcove that sports a the Gravity Suit.
asmall pond.To its left is a passage
that leads to the crash site where Missile Expansion. Double-jump from
the Space Pirate Frigate landed after the roots to reach the alcove and the
falling from orbit. You must brave the prize.
crashed frigate to reach the Phazon
Follow the hall to reach Main Venti- Proceed to Biohazard Containment
lation Shaft Section C. Take out the and destroy a pair of defense turrets.
Proceed to Reactor Access and take a
turrets, then use your Thermal Visor
breather at the nearby Save Station. Look around for two power conduits
to detect a glowing power conduit on this level of the room and light up
Afterward, zap two power conduits
above the door. Zap the conduit with each one with the Wave Beam.
on the room's walls to access the
your Wave Beam to restore power to
Cargo Freight Lift to Deck Gamma.
the door and open it.

F Pa
combat a pair of troublesome
Pass through the next hall to arrive Unfortunately, the lift is smashed
Aqua Drones with the Wave Beam.
at the frigate’s Reactor Core. Drop to and inoperable. Blast the lift’s door
Activate a third power conduit in the
the very bottom and eliminate the with your Charge Beam and look
containment chambers along the
Aqua Pirates. Detect three power inside to find your ninth Energy Tank.
conduits with your Thermal Visor and
jolt each one with the Wave Beam to Missile Expansion 26
send power flowing toward the next
door above.

Scan the area with the Thermal

Visor to locate three glowing power eae _
conduits as you make your way up After zapping Biohazard Contain-
= Se the shattered lift tunnel (the first ment's third conduit, scan the closed
Follow the energy lines to quickly conduit is right at the bottom). Blast chambers to detect a weakened one
locate the door they're powering, the Aqua Reapers out of your way that can be destroyed with a Super
then zap a fourth and final power | before jumping to each ledge. Keep Missile.A Missile Expansion is your
conduit on the wall near the door to climbing until you reach the door reward.
open the way forward. that the conduits are powering.

2 . ER
Advance to the Biotech Research
Area. Eliminate the Aqua Pirates and
locate three conduits in the room
with the Thermal Visor. Jolt them all
to open the way forward.
epee] @
& 4 Metroid Prime iy

Energy Tank 10

zi ae
you Upward. Drop a thirdb é
near the height of your initial jump,
and if you've timed it all right, you'll Continue through the passage
after claiming the Energy Tanks and
Drop to the bottom of the be launched upward twice in a row
by your second and third bombs, on to Great Tree Hall. Scale the giant
Connection Elevator to Deck Beta
soaring to twice the height of a roots and open the Ice Door above
and roll into the Hydro Access Tunnel.
single bomb jump. with your Ice Beam to reach the
Bomb-jump over the first obstacle,
Transport to Phazon Mines East.
then pause for a moment after you
land. Perform a double bomb jump
to scale a tall shaft and reach a
milestone Energy Tank—your tenth.

SQ Phazon Mines-First Visit

@p- The Power -=» Missile Expansion 27 the crane, then zap it with the Wave
Beam and enter the control booth.

Launch missiles at the powerful

Mega Turrets stationed near a wide Activate the control panel inside
Advance to the Main Quarry and
force field (scan one for a new Log the booth to realign the crane, then
carefully dispatch the gang of
Book entry), then ignore the force go to the crane’s base and use the
Space Pirates before recording your
field and climb to the top of the Morph Ball and Spider Ball to cross
progress at Save Station Mines A.
central structure, where a giant crane | over and reach a Missile Expansion
| is found. Use the Thermal Visor to ona small ledge.
find a power conduit at the base of
respectively). Activate another switch
afterward to gain access to the
room's top floor.

Now drop back down to the force Enter the second Morph Ball Slot
field and activate two nearby control | and drop two bombs to spin the pillar
panels to drop the barrier and open | some more, aligning a red Spider Ball
the way to Security Access A. Locate a control room and roll into | Track with a higher balcony.
| the Morph Ball Spinner. Boost in place
to rotate the chamber’s huge mining
laser, pointing it at the wall directly
across from the control room. Exit the
spinner and scan the nearby control
panel to fire the laser, blasting through
the wall and revealing the exit.
Continue to the Mine Security Missile Expansion 28 Drop down and return to the first
Station and slap on the Thermal Morph Ball Slot, detonating three
Visor to detect and defeat a number bombs to rotate the pillar three more
of Shadow Pirates. Follow the hall times. Roll up the aligned red Spider
and go up the ramp to the room's Ball Track afterward to reach a door
top floor, where you must use the that leads to Elevator A.
Wave Beam to dispatch a new enemy
called a Wave Trooper. (No other Missile Expansion 29
weapon will work.)
Before leaving the room, spin the
| laser around to the middle wall on
| the left and blast it to reveal a Missile
| Expansion. Leap over and claim the
| prize, then proceed through the door
| you uncovered with the laser.

Ride Elevator A down to Phazon

Mines Level Two. In Elite Control
Proceed through the Ice Beam
Access Hallway, blast an explosive
door to reach Elite Research. Scan
crate near a vent that is spewing gas
one of the computer terminals to
to destroy it and expose a hidden
gain a new Pirate Data entry for your
Missile Expansion—double-jump to
Log Book. Scan another terminal to
on the ledge and use your Morph Ball
align several platforms that lead up
Advance to Ore Processing and form to claim it.
to the room's next floor.
find a control panel on the bottom
floor. Bomb-jump into the Morph
Ball Slot and set offa single bomb
| to rotate the pillar, aligning it with
the first overhead balcony. Roll up
the pillar's blue Spider Ball Track
afterward to reach the balcony and
another Morph Ball Slot.
Proceed to Elite Control, where a
Defeat the purple Wave Troopers
monstrous Elite Pirate attacks. Keep
and yellow Power Troopers on Elite
| your distance and double-jump to
Research's second level, using the
dodge the creature's wave attacks.
appropriate beam weapon for each
Pound its face with Charge Beam
foe (the Wave and Power Beams,
blasts until the brute finally falls.
Map Station
Scan every computer you see in There's no way to scan the cloaked
Elite Control—there are multiple Sentry Orone, so don't bother
Pirate Data entries to acquire. trying.

Leap to the top of the room and

use a Power Bomb to obliterate
some rubble that blocks the door to
Phazon Mines's Map Station. Simply
Head up to the next floor and press Gp in Morph Ball mode to
A floor panel opens after you deploy a Power Bomb (provided you
defeat the white-armored Ice Trooper defeat the cloaked Sentry Drone. Roll
with your Ice Beam. Maneuver have the ammo—defeat enemy and
into the hole and navigate a brief smash containers for ammo pick-ups
through the door at the top of Elite maze of electrical currents. Roll past
Control afterward to reach the Venti- if you don't).
the flickering currents when they
lation Shaft—hurry through to avoid
taking excessive damage from the
| shut off fora moment, and detonate Energy Tank 1l
| bombs near patches of volatile liquid
room's fumes. | to clear safe passage toward the
Power Bomb upgrade at the room's

~ 3 ‘
After acquiring the map, return to the
Ventilation Shaft and quickly set off
You eventually come to Omega another Power Bomb in front of the
Research. Use the proper beam nearest fan as you enter the room.
weaponry to eliminate the varied You're automatically removed This opens a passage; drop in and
enemy troopers. Acquire another from the maze after obtaining the roll under the fan, then activate a
Pirate Data entry here (your last Power Bomb. Make a quick stop at switch to turn it on. The toxic fumes
during this trip), then jump down and Save Station Mines B to rest up and are cleared and you're able to claim
continue onward to reach the Central refill your Energy before starting after another Energy Tank.
Dynamo. your next upgrade.

@ The Grapple ~—»


Use your Boost Ball technique to fl
A cloaked Sentry Drone assaults | reach the Ventilation Shaft's high |
you in the Central Dynamo, and door and head through to move
you're unable to lock onto this pest. toward Elite Control. Use your
Use manual aiming instead, blasting Scale the platforms in Central Thermal Visor to detect Shadow
away at the drone’s lights with the Dynamo to return to the door that Pirates on your way back
Wave Beam each time they flash and leads back out to Omega Research. | to Elevator A.
give away its position. You must drop another towering Elite
Pirate on your way back through—
| remember to leap its wave attacks
_ and stuff its face full of Charge Beam
| shots.
Now that you have the Grapple
Beam, scan any Grapple Point to
add a Research entry to your Log
UTS) ‘
Return to the first floor of Phazon Drop to the balcony below and set off
Mines and reenter Ore Processing. three bombs in Ore Processing’s middle
Use the Ice Beam followed by Morph Ball Slot to turn the pillar some
a missile to dispatch any pesky more. Finally, drop to the bottom slot
Metroids that get in your way. and set offa single bomb to complete
the yellow Morph Ball Track’s alignment. |
Roll up thepillar, following the yellow
track to the very top of the room. Exit the room after claiming the
Grapple Beam and use your new
| toy to swing across Ore Processing’s
top floor. Just look at the overhead
Grapple Point and hold @) to latch
on and swing, releasing @) to let
Double-jump over to the control | goand land. Head through the far
panel found on the same floor in i \\s | door to return to the Main Quarry,
which you enter Ore Processing. then access the Transport to Tallon
Unleash a Power Bomb to clear the Enter the door at the top of Ore Overworld South.
rubble away from the control panel, Processing to claim the Grapple
then hop into the Morph Ball Slot Beam. Now you can swing along
and set off two normal bombs to spin Grapple Points to cross wide gaps
the central pillar twice. and bottomless caverns.

SX Tallon Overworld-Fifth Visit

@p- The X-Ray -—» Missile Expansion 30
Visor ee

Jump and roll up a twisted Spider

| Ball Track to reach a high door. Head
Boost your way through the tunnels
through to visit the Life Grove Tunnel.
that follow.When you reach a
Leaving Phazon Mines, you arrive half pipe, boost up and onto the
back in Tallon Overworld’s Great Tree overhead floating rock. Drop a
Hall. Jump up the platforms to find a regular bomb at the center and drop
Spinner device next to a metal gate. inside to claim your 30th Missile
Use the Spinner to open the gate and Expansion. ~
continue leaping upward.

Drop a Power Bomb in the Life

| Grove Tunnel to destroy a large
| boulder, then roll into the passage
| you discover.
platform in front of you. Jump to
the platform and look to the side
| to see a remote door past the tree
| leading to a Missile Expansion. Make
| along double jump from the hidden
| platform over to the door and head
| through to claim your prize.
Continue through the passage to Leap along a series of ledges
reach the Life Grove. Collect the X-Ray | and platforms next, heading for a
Visor from the room's center, then put | waterfall. Remain near the waterfall
it on and notice you can see through | and combat three Chozo Ghosts with
the surrounding walls. This means the | the Power Beam, defeating them
walls are weak; drop a Power Bomb all to reveal a passage back to the
to blast through the walls, revealing a starting ledge. Leap over and roll into
much larger Life Grove. the tunnel to reach the ledge, then
head back through the door to the That's all there is to do here for
Artifact of Chozo Life Grove Tunnel. | now.Take the nearest transport back
| to Chozo Ruins and, once there, head
Missile Expansion 31 | straight for the nearest transport to
Magmoor Caverns.

Bomb the smail drain cap at the

bottom of the Life Grove’s pond
to discover a pillar with a Spinner. Backtrack to the Great Tree Hall and
Activate the Spinner to align the | dispatch a Bloodflower on a ledge.
overhead bridge so you may reach a Stand on that ledge and equip the
new Artifact—your fourth so far. X-Ray Visor to discover a hidden

SQ _Magmoor Caverns-Final Visit

@ Thelce ~»
Artifact of Nature

| When you reach the final hidden

| Move to the Triclops Pit next and
platform (there are three in all), you'll }
| blast some crates near the door be staring right through a weak pillar
| to Pit Tunnel. Stand there and use in front of you. Quickly nail the pillar
Time to clear out the caverns. Head to | the X-Ray Visor to detect a hidden with a Super Missile, then double i
Lava Lake and scan a large stone column _ platform within jumping distance. | jump over and claim the last Missile
| Expansion Magmoor Caverns has|
at the center of the lake to detect an | Keep the visor on and jump to the
Artifact hidden within. Blast the column | platform, then quickly leap to the | offer.
with a Super Missile and double-jump next before it sinks too far.
over to collect your fifth Artifact.
Power Bomb Expansion 1 onto the start of the track near the
pay = ay ‘a et . Morph Ball Slot and simply navigate
along, jumping and dropping as
necessary while avoiding the Plated
Parasite enemies as you go.

4 Poa]= Ls

Enter the Spinner device you find

on the disk platform and boost to
Proceed to the Warrior Shrine, located
raise the disk above until it locks into
above Monitor Station. Drop a Power
place. Afterward, double-jump to
Bomb to destroy a metal floor plate
the next disk platform within reach
near a Chozo statue and reveal a
and use its Spinner device to raise
tunnel. Roll inside to reach a room
another platform. Repeat this process,
with a Power Bomb Expansion, giving
raising platforms and scaling them
you a whole extra Power Bomb to
until you reach a Spider Ball Track
play with.
atop the highest platform.

The Spider Ball Track eventually

leads to an Ice Beam door. Head
through to reach Plasma Processing,
where you discover the hottest arm
cannon around: the Plasma Beam.
You've now found every upgrade
Visit Shore Tunnel next and set and expansion that Magmoor
offa Power Bomb in the middle of Use the Spider Ball Track to reach Caverns has to offer, but there are
the damaged skybridge to blow out a Morph Ball Slot. Activate the slot still more to find in other areas. Head
the sides. Drop to the rocks below to with a bomb to transform the room, to Tallon Overworld next, taking any
discover the Ice Spreader upgrade exposing a giant Spider Ball Track route you like to get there.
hidden beneath the bridge. Now you running around the room. Bomb jump
can spend 10 missiles to freeze all
enemies in a wide area by charging
the Ice Beam and pressing 9.

The Plasma
< Beam >

ay ——re
Continue on to the Geothermal
Core. Double jump across the lava
here, landing on the shore next
to the door to South Core Tunnel.
From there, leap up a few ledges
to reach a Grapple Point and swing
to the lowest of the three large
disk platforms in the center of the
SX Tallon Overworld-Final Visit
< More Missiles Missile Expansion 34
f E- }
Missile Expansion 33

———— We
When it seems you can climb no
higher, don your X-Ray Visor to detect
After claiming Missile Expansion 33,
a row of hidden platforms. Continue
go into the nearby door at the top
leaping upward to discover a Missile
Go to the Root Cave and climb to the of the Root Cave to reach the Arbor
Expansion on a high alcove.
ledge near the door to Root Tunnel. Chamber, where Tallon Overworld’s
From there, use your Grapple Beam final Missile Expansion awaits. This
to swing across the expanse and is the final goodie Tallon Overworld
reach the far ledges. holds for you; make your way to the
nearest transport to Chozo Ruins.

SXchozo Ruins—Final Visit

Reaping the Missile Expansion 35

< Ruins DP

Make your way back to the Main Proceed through the nearby door to
Plaza and go to the Ruined Fountain. reach Training Chamber Access hall.
Go through the door you've ignored Advance to the door to the Training
Head to the Tower of Light and drop here before to reach the Magma Pool, Chamber, then tuck into a Morph Ball
into the water at the base of the then use the Grapple Beam to cross and roll through the growth on the
tower. Enter the underwater tunnel the lava. Drop a Power Bomb near wall near the door. The hidden tunnel
and follow it to the end to find the the far wall to uncover a Power Bomb leads to a Missile Expansion.
Artifact of Lifegiver. Half of the twelve Expansion.
Artifacts are now yours.

Power Bomb Expansion 2 to acquire

your final Chozo Lore entry.
Missile Expansion 37

= -

Enter the Training Chamber and start Visit the Watery Hall next and You're almost done pillaging the
rolling in the half pipe. Boost up and drop into the water. Look for an ruins. Your final stop is the Hall of the
into the Morph Ball Slot on the right, underwater passage that leads to an Elders. Best the Chozo Ghosts there
then drop a bomb to activate a small alcove. Double jump up to reach a with the Power Beam, then leap up to
lift near the half pipe. Hurry to the lift Missile Expansion. the colored Morph Ball Slots behind
and catch a ride up to some Spider the statue. Activate the red slot with a
Ball Track. Follow the track to reach Missile Expansion 38 precursory blast from the Plasma Beam.
an Energy Tank. peers Ei ae

Missile Expansion 36

Head to the Furnace next and use Next, hop into the statue's hands
a Power Bomb to destroy a large and curl up into a Morph Ball. This
portion of floor on one side of the unlocks a secret chamber beneath
Return to the half pipe and boost room, exposing a half pipe. (Use the statue; drop down and collect
up into the left Morph Ball Slot this your X-Ray Visor to detect the weak your seventh Artifact.
time. Activate the slot to open the floor.) Boost up the pipe to reach an
Congratulations, you've just cleaned
room's exit so you may quickly return overhead Spider Ball Track, which
out Chozo Ruins. Save at the nearby
to the Main Plaza. Don't drop down to winds its way to another Missile
the ground, however; use the Grapple Save Station before taking the nearest
Beam to swing across the plaza and transport to Tallon Overworld, Hop
reach another Missile Expansion that’s another transport to reach Magmoor
Caverns East, then take one last
probably been taunting you since the
beginning of the game.
transport from within the caverns to
reach Phendrana Drifts North.

< Phendrana Drifts—Final Visit

© Melting the ice Artifact of Sun into a Morph Ball to open a passage
=~ _— leading to the Artifact of Sun.
Missile Expansion 40

Leap up to the floating platforms

Ls next and cross Phendrana Shorelines
Let's begin with Phendrana Shorelines. to reach the Chozo Temple. Go inside
Save at the Save Station, then scour and climb to the upper hall, then Backtrack out of the temple and
the icy column near the station to see blast a frozen statue with the Plasma head to Ice Ruins East. Move to the
_a Missile Expansion frozen inside. Fry Beam to melt the ice around its door leading to the Plaza Walkway
the ice with the Plasma Beam to melt hands. Hop into the hands and tuck and notice a frozen section of wall
near the door. Melt the ice with the
Plasma Beam to reveal a tiny nook Artifact of Elder
with another milestone Missile
Expansion—your 40th!

Power Bomb Expansion 3

Advance through Pike Access tunnel Continue on to Phendrana’s Edge and

next to reach the Control Tower. start using the Grapple Beam to scale
Secure the area, then leap up into the the area. After two swings, slap on
top of the East Tower and spy a stack the X-Ray Visor and locate a hidden
Ice Ruins West is your next stop.
of crates in front of a frozen window. door behind the outer wall. Rock the
Leap up the buildings and notice a
Destroy the crates and melt the ice area with a Power Bomb, then enter
frozen spot on the roof of one of the
with the Plasma Beam, then peer the Storage Cave beyond the door to
structures. You guessed it: Blast the
through the window. discover your tenth Artifact. Only two
icy patch with the Plasma Beam to
more to go!
uncover a Power Bomb Expansion.
Missile Expansion 41 Power Bomb Expansion 4
ea ee mn

Notice a tower with a large fuel cell

near its base. Blast the fuel cell with a
missile to topple the tower. Hop out The final Power Bomb Expansion
Go to the Quarantine Cave and use
of the East Tower's roof and inspect awaits in the Security Cave at the
the Grapple Beam to swing over to the collapsed tower to discover your
a far ledge. Roll through the tunnel top of Phendrana’s Edge. Just keep
ninth Artifact. climbing until you reach the cave and
in the wall to reach the Quarantine
claim the prize.
Monitor, where you discover a Missile Missile Expansion 42
Missile Expansion 43
Energy Tank 13

Visit the Frost Cave next and use

—_ eS the Grapple Beam to swing across a
Glider and reach a high ledge with
Your last stop is the Gravity Chamber.
Climb onto the ice above the water
Proceed to Transport Access. Melt
stacked crates. Lock onto a hanging and look up to see a cluster of icicles
more ice here to get at an Energy
stalactite from this position and fire hanging overhead. Scorch the icicles
Tank that’s frozen in the wall.
a missile to send it crashing through with the Plasma Beam to uncover
the ice floor below. Drop into the a Grapple Point, then swing to a far
frigid water to claim another worthy ledge with a Missile Expansion.
Missile Expansion. That's it for Phendrana Drifts.
Phazon Mines is next; take a
transport to Magmoor Caverns, then
ride another up to Tallon Overworld.
Head through the crashed Space
Pirate Frigate to return to the Phazo
Mines as you did before.
spend missiles to burn away anything
yr The in your path—simply chargeupthe
then pass beneath the floor to pop
out behind the dangerous cluster of
Flamethrower Plasma Beam, then press and hold 9. | Mega Turrets. Scan a nearby switch to
Missile Expansion 44 disable all of the turrets in short order.
@ The Phazon ~»
Artifact of Warrior

Make your way to Security Access A As you enter Metroid Quarantine

on the top floor of the mines. Drop a A,scan a control panel to drop a force
Power Bomb at the point where the field and turn a group of Metroids
tunnel bends to blast away the wall, loose on their Space Pirate captors.
Continue on to Elite Research. Be ready to dispatch the Metroids
revealing a Missile Expansion. (Use
Detonate a Power Bomb near the afterward using the old Ice Beam-
your X-Ray Visor if you can't find the
central vat to free a towering Phazon | and-missiles trick.
Elite enemy. Combat this foe just as
you did the Elite Pirates: jump to avoid |
its wave attacks while punishing its
| face with potent Charge Beam shots.
Stay mobile and pick your shots wisely
to down the monster, then claim the
| Artifact of Warrior that appears in the
| room afterward. —_"
Visit the Mine Security Station LV LTT, Enter the cave that follows and
yy, TIP
next; go to the second floor and beware the harmful Phazon (blue
locate a control booth that’s blocked material) on the ground. When you
by a metal gate. Detonate a Power defeating it to add this one-time- reach a dead end, equip the X-Ray
Bomb here to blast through the gate, only scan to your Log Book. Visor to spot two floating platforms.
then scan the computer beyond to Use them to cross the pit ahead.
disable the force field downstairs.

| Make your way to the Central

| Dynamo, then on to Metroid Jump up the ledges to the right
Go down and open the Plasma | Quarantine A. As you enter the hall and spy another hidden platform
Beam door to gain access to the that leads to Metroid Quarantine with the X-Ray Visor. Use this one to
Flamethrower upgrade. Now you can A, roll into the hole to the right and reach a landing where a Spider Ball
Track begins.
dispatch the Hunter Metroids as you
hop from one overgrown mushroom
to the next. Make a well-timed
swinging leap from the overhead
Glider to reach the far door.

Set off a Power Bomb to destroy Use the X-Ray Visor to detect the
the wall to the left of the Spider Ball invisible Scatter Bombus in the next
Track, then do the same to the next hallway. Dispatch them and then hop
wall that blocks your path. This grants past the Phazon, continuing onward
you access to another Spider Ball to Metroid Quarantine B.
Track that leads back across the pit.
Clear the rubble in the Phazon
Missile Expansion 45 Mining Tunnel with a Power Bomb,
then enter the hole in the wall you
discover. Boost through the tunnel to
clear the vanishing floor tiles without
falling into Phazon.

Missile Expansion 47 a a
Wipe out the hostiles in Metroid
Quarantine B (including the new
Use the X-Ray Visor yet again to view yet Plasma Trooper, which warrants a
another floating platform. Ride this one Log Book scan), then use a Spider Ball
up to find your 45th Missile Expansion. Track to reach a high ledge. Use the
Next, jump over to the diagonal Spider Grapple Beam to swing across the pit
Ball Track and ride it to the top. Then and reach the room's far side.
follow the hall to reach Elevator B, which
The next chamber is similar to Fungal Missile Expansion 48
leads even deeper into the mines.
Hall A. Eliminate the hostiles and hop
Missile Expansion 46 across the overgrown mushrooms.
Set off a Power Bomb amid the ring
of tiny mushrooms growing beneath
the far door to expose a hidden
Missile Expansion.

Across the pit, scan a computer console

CC EP to bring down a force field so you may
advance. Before leaving, blast a nearby
Exit Elevator B and proceed to Fungal
Cordite container with a Super Missile
Hall Access. If you've got Energy to
to expose a Missile Expansion.
spare, drop to the glowing ground
and brave the blue Phazon to quickly
collect a Missile Expansion that’s Return to the last overgrown
hidden near the hazardous stuff. This mushroom platform and swing from Scan a computer on this side of
one's easier to get once you have the a roving Glider to reach the high door Metroid Quarantine B as well to
Phazon Suit, but you reduce some to the left, which leads to a Missile claim your final Pirate Data entry.
backtracking if you risk claiming it now. Station. Fill up your missiles, then use
the Glider again to reach the far door
leading to the next area.

Continue to Fungal Hall A afterward,

using Ice Beam and missiles to
Peach the Plasma Beam door. Melt
the ice over the obstruction in the hall
that follows with the Plasma Beam to
release the locking mechanism and
open the way to Elite Quarters. stop the monster fromrepairingits | ‘'s the time
to do so.
armor and hasten the fight. eos to that room, then
Boss Battle: drop to its bottom and claim
Omega Pirate the Missile Expansion from the
surrounding Phazon.

Energy geo | 4
~ i
eg ye

Continue disabling the Omega

| Pirate's armor as necessary and
Keep your distance from the
mammoth Omega Pirate throughout | inflicting damage while it seeks repairs.
the fight, jumping its wave attacks Ignore the lowly Troopers if the boss
while you lock on and blast away manages to recharge its armor—the With the final Artifact in your
at the four Phazon deposits on its Omega Pirate's wide-reaching wave possession, turn around and find
attacks will dispatch any lingering
armor. After you destroy all four | your way back to Elite Quarters,
Phazon deposits, the Omega Pirate flunkies for you. Keep the pressure on where you just battled the Omega
vanishes and summons several Space the boss itself and don’t relent until the Pirate. Use the side lift to reach the
Pirate Troopers to distract you. Omega Pirate finally falls. catwalks above, and pass through
the far door to reach the Processing
Center Access tunnel, where the final
| Energy Tank awaits.

Missile Expansion 49

The Phazon Suit is your reward

Use the appropriate beam weapons
for dispatching the Omega Pirate.
to combat the Troopers. If several
Now you can pass through Phazon
of the same Troopers appear, use a
without suffering any harmful effects.
weapon such as the Ice Spreader or
Flamethrowerto quickly wipe them all Artifact of Newborn
out. Speed is key, so don’t hold back. | Continue to the Phazon Processing
Center. This tall room is your way out
of the mines. Hop up the floating
platforms in the room's center, and
when you reach the last one, flip
on your X-Ray Visor to spy a couple
of hidden platforms leading even
higher. After jumping up those, look
Return to Save Station Mines C to around with the X-Ray Visor to spot
Don't waste much time fighting mark your progress and restore | a Missile Expansion tucked in a side
the Troopers—they’re only meant to your Energy, then head back to the alcove in the wall. Leap over and
distract you while the Omega Pirate Phazon Mining Tunnel. Bomb a rock bomb the wall with a Power Bomb to
repairs its armor.Wipe out as many as out of your way and roll through a uncover the final Missile Expansion in
you can within 10 seconds, then flip on long, Phazon-filled passage. Just keep the game.
your X-Ray Visor and search for the boss. | going until you arrive at the bottom,
When you see the monster, quickly lock where you discover the twelfth and
on and assail its core with the powerful final Artifact.
Plasma Beam. This is the only chance
you have during the fight to actually
damage the boss, so don't waste it!
You're now as strong as you can possibly be, owning every major suit upgrade
and weapon expansion. (That's 14 Energy Tanks, 250 missiles and 8 Power
Bombs.) Continue to the top of the Phazon Processing Center and head to
Elevator A, making a quick trip back to the Transport to Tallon Overworld South.

% Va
(% Vv;

| Eventually, Meta Ridley loses Have patience and keep dodging

the ability to fly and is forced to Meta Ridley’s attacks until you're
The time has come to face Tallon IV's | fight on the ground. The boss now able to stun the creature and inflict
greatest evil. Make a quick stop at the | commonly rears back for a moment damage. Step into the transport that i |
Landing Site to save your progress at | before rushing forward in a ramming appears after you best the boss to
Samus's ship before moving to the attack. Remain locked on and dash in | travel down to the Impact Crater, |
Artifact Temple. Once there, stand in circles to avoid this quick assault, and | where the final conflict awaits. |
the light in the center of the ruins to | be ready to double-jump over the
return all 12 Artifacts and unlock the follow-up tail swipe.
door to the Impact Crater.

Boss Battle: Meta Ridley

| Crater's very first room to mark your

| Leap over the laser Meta Ridley | progress and restore your Energy.
| periodically fires from its mouth, Then proceed through the next hall, (
| locking onto the creature's head and scanning and then blasting a path
The monstrous flying creature Samus | through the Lumigeks that get in \
has spotted on numerous occasions the whole time. You'll eventually stun | your way.
finally makes its stand at the Artifact | the boss, causing it to rear back and
Temple. Remain locked onto Meta | expose its vulnerable chest. Lock on
Ridley throughout the fight, leaping and unload on Meta Ridley's chest eee
and dashing to avoid its potent whenever you can.
attacks. Punish the weak spot on its
chest at every chance, using quick
shots from the Plasma Beam for
maximum effect.
the Wave Beam, white is for the Ice Beam, has lost its carapace, but the inner being
and red is for the Plasma Beam. is still alive and well. The second phase of
the battle begins.

Don't toy with Metroid Prime.Be quick |

You soon come to the Phazon Core: to call up the proper beam weapon, | Follow Metroid Prime's new floating
a huge chamber full of platforms and charge the weapon fully and then get form around, pelting it with any beam
deadly Fission Metroids. Scan the nearest right up close to Metroid Prime. Unleash | weapon as you leap and dodge its
of these new hostiles to add it to your the weapon's devastating combo attack attacks. The boss will eventually spawn
Log Book, then attract the creature with by pressing $? when you're near enough a number of Metroid helpers, leaving
any beam attack and destroy it with a to score a direct hit on the boss's face. a wide pool of blue Phazon behind.
Power Bomb when it draws near.Repeat You'll burn through lots of missiles, but Metroid Prime commonly vanishes after
this tactic as you make your way around you didn't spend all that time grabbing this, forcing you to switch visors until
the chamber, ducking into the small expansions for nothing! you're able to see the boss once more.
Missile Recharge Station Crater room to
replenish your ammo along the way.

You can also use beam weaponry to

dispatch Fission Metroids, but Power
Bombs are by far the fastest and
easiest way to deal with them.
Stop firing when you see Metroid Lay Power Bombs to destroy the
| Prime rear back in agony—you'll only | Metroids if you must, but focus on
| waste ammo.Retreat a bit instead and finding the boss and reaching the
| watch the boss's body to see which | Phazon puddle. Stand in the center of
| weapon you need next. Keep pounding | the puddle, lock onto the boss once
| Prime until it flees to a lower floor, then
j| you've donned the proper visor, then
| give chase and repeat the tactic. press and hold @ to siphon pure Phazon
" up from the pool, through the Phazon
j Exit the Missile Recharge Station Crater Suit,and out of your arm cannon. This
| and continue moving toward the Phazon unique attack is the only thing capable of
| Core's top door, using Power Bombs to
harming Metroid Prime.
i] wipe out any Fission Metroids that get
i] in your way. Take the Spider Ball Track in
the next hall to reach the depths of the
crater where the final showdown against On the lower floors, Metroid Prime will
Metroid Prime awaits. dash toward you each time you wound
Final Boss: it.Be ready to avoid this powerful charge
by curling into a Morph Ball and rolling
Metroid Prime | into one of the grooves along the floor. If
Continue seeking out Metroid Prime
you're quick, the boss will zip straight past
through various visors and spewing
you without inflicting any damage.
Phazon at it each time it creates a puddle.
(Firing other weapons at the boss can
| entice it into summoning more Phazon,)
| Punish Prime every time you drawa
| bead on the creature,and it won't be
| long before the day is won.
Metroid Prime's only weak spot is its face,
which sits in the middle of itshulking,
spiderlike body. Only one beam weapon
will harm Metroid Prime at any given Keep wounding and chasing Metroid
| time, and the color of the boss's carapace | Prime until the beast is blown through
lets you know which weapon to use. a wall and you arrive at the lowest tru oceans are ee
Tanks and Missile Expansions-see the
| Yellow is for the Power Beam, purple is for chamber of the Impact Crater. The beast “Maps, Checklists, and Extras" chapter at
XY the end of this book for complete details!
& 4
treed esta)
Metroid Prime
® GettingStarted
© Walkthrough
@® Maps & Checklists
EMeelsdaneee memes eet > =>
‘Xo. Agon Temple
A platoon of Galactic Federation Troopers has gone missing on Aether, and Samus Aran has been contracted to track
them down. What began as a simple search-and-rescue op is about to become a lot more complicated...

© The Missile Launcher

Temple Grounds

ajdway uoby
Map Station

The path out of the Landing Site is

blocked by strange webbing. Target
the large green circle in the middle hologram to download a map of the
of the web and hit it with the Power area. Each new area will have a corre-
Beam—doing so will destroy it. sponding map that you'll want to
Once the gate opens, move find. Map Stations upload schematics
through the hallway and look for a for only a specific area,and they don't _
box on the right-hand side. Scan it to give you any maps of the Dark World. —
open another passage and access a
Map Station.

To open the next gate, press
and hold ©, then select the Scan containeryou see—many of them
Visor. Look at the small box on the bear Energy or extra ammunition. fe
left-hand side of the room, and press Larger crates require
a Charge Exterminate the bugs in the Hive
and hold @) to scan it. Then shoot the Beam shot. Tunnel, then scan the bodies of fallen
two locks above the gate. soldiers for more info. Scan one of
the bugs to add the Worker Splinter
creature data to your Log Book.
section list every new scan you can
acquire during that segment, along
A horde of Dark Troopers arises
with the rooms they're found in.
Rare enemies [bosses and the like]
after you activate the Bomb Slot.
These are bodies of troopers that Going through the portal gives
Offer you just one chance to scan
them-—don't miss your chance! See have been inhabited by forces from you your first taste of Aether’s Dark
the "Maps, Checklists, and Extras" Aether’s Dark World. Take them out World—a twisted version of Aether
chapter at the end of this book for with either Charge Beam shots (press in which the very air is poison.
further details. and hold ®, then release) or missiles After a cinematic fight against
(press GP while standing). Once overwhelming odds, Samus is forced
you've fought your way to the front to flee back to the Light World.
of the room, scan the panel to open The brief trip comes at great
a path. cost—you will be missing your
Grapple Beam, Morph Ball Bombs,
Power Bombs, Boost Ball, Space Jump
Boots, and Missile Launcher. If there's
a bright side to the whole mess, it’s
Scan the deceased troopers in the that you'll still have the Morph Ball,
Command Chamber for Log Book Scan Visor, and Charge Beam.
entries. Then go to the far side of the
_ room and use the Morph Ball to enter _— ieee
_asmall crack in the wall. When you Entering Hive Chamber B, you
reach a gate, press ® to drop a bomb catch a glimpse of Dark Samus—a
to clear the way. Creature of mysterious origin that is
a mockery of our heroine. Give chase
after the being flees into a nearby

- On the other side of the barrier,

_ you'll discover a Bomb Slot. Roll into
Morph Ball form and drop a bomb
under the slot to propel yourself
into it. Once you're in the slot,

where you entered the

Shoot the sac-like growths to the Scan the panel near the following Head up and around the room
right of Hive Chamber B's exit to elevator to activate it, then take a ride until you come to a bridge. Scan the
reveal a hidden tunnel, then use to the top. Go through a blue door nearby panel to bring the locks into
the Morph Ball and roll through to and scan another panel to reveal a view, then shoot the locks to make
proceed. lock on either side ofa sealed gate. the bridge drop.
Shoot the locks to enter the blighted
landscape of the Industrial Site.

7 a
With your Missile Launcher now When you reach the Temple
missing in action, you'll have to rely Assembly Site, walk toward the door
onan old-fashioned Charge Beam A large crate blocks your progress with the violet hologram on it, then
to take down the Dark Troopers in through the Industrial Site. Find a turn around and look for a panel.
Hive Chamber C. Before you leave, small panel near the crate and scan it Scan it to move the crate, then target
blast the boxes until you find a blue to winch the crate out of the way. the wire that holds the crate in the air
door that leads to a Save Station. and shoot it with your Power Beam.
These special stations are scattered When it falls, it will create a bridge to
throughout Aether, and they let you the next area.
save your progress while restoring
your Energy.
and scan a door between the rows of
seats to access a Map Station beyond.
Exit the ship after downloading the
map, which completes your view of
the Temple Grounds.

In the Dynamo Chamber, use your Take out the Growler Class Turret
Scan Visor to locate a red box, then as soon as you enter the Trooper
scan it to raise the gate on the far end Security Station (one well-placed
of the chamber. Doing so will drop a Charge Beam blast should do the
gate behind you—it’s a one-way trip trick), then concentrate on the
from this point forward. smaller threats. When the room is Next, look for a large box near the
clear, roll through the little hole in ship's ramp. If you blast it open with
the wall to reach a scannable panel. a Charge Beam shot, you'll find your
Activate the panel, roll back through old friend the Missile Launcher inside.
the hole and under the gate, and Strap it on and get ready for battle.
then continue on your way.

More Mappage
J , I
Follow the path until you find the
body of a trooper. Scan the corpse
for another Log Book entry, then
scan a nearby panel to adjust the
large communication dish on the cliff
above. Though the transmission fails, As soon as you grab the Missile
it attracts the attention of multiple Launcher, a pack of Dark Splinters
Upon entering the GFMC Compound, attacks. These creatures are far more
Dark Troopers. Take them down with
Samus will find a computer that powerful than regular Splinters, so
extreme prejudice.
contains a log of recent trooper take them out with Charge Beam
activity. Enter the GFS Tyr afterward attacks and missiles.

@ The Morph Ball Bomb

Temple Grounds
Return to the ship after the battle When you reach a sealed door, roll There's a weakened wall on the
and jump through the hole in its side. down the tunnel on the right-hand left-hand side of Sacred Path. Blast
Walk around the ledge and activate side and fight off a swarm of War it with a missile to start it crumbling,
the Kinetic Orb Cannon. Use the Wasps. After the coast is clear, scan a then jump off the ledge and look for
Morph Ball to roll into the hologram, panel above you to activate another a panel inside a wall crack. Scanning
causing the cannon to blast you to Kinetic Orb Cannon. the panel will activate—you guessed
the other side of the room. From it—a Kinetic Orb Cannon. Let it blast
there, you can reach a door that’s you through the cracked rock, then
sealed with a blast shield. Open the roll down the tunnel that follows,
shield with a missile, and use the across the set of tracks and onward
nearby Morph Ball tunnel to get PFC to a blue door. The elevator beyond
|. Crany’s Log Book entry. leads to the Great Temple.

Great Temple

Paces eee
BS er ccc)

Boss Battle: Alpha Splinter

Ignore the Sandbats as you enter After you've beaten the Dark
Transport A Access—they’re difficult Splinters, an Alpha Splinter appears.
Step into the middle of the Temple
to scan at this point. Find a hidden Hit it with the Charge Beam until
Sanctuary to trigger a challenging
Save Station by rolling through the it turns into a Dark Alpha Splinter,
battle. Take out the first enemies (a
hole in the left-hand wall. then unload missiles into it. When
group of Dark Splinters) with the
the creature backs up and shakes, it’s
Charge Beam. You'll want to save
about to charge—lock on, strafe left
your missiles for the later stages of
or right, and press & to dash out of
the fight.
the way. Once it's down, collect the
Unknown Technology.
sealed door marked with a special
violet hologram. Scan it to lower the
door and gain access to a new area,
‘the Alpha Splinter—
before it turns into the Dark Alpha then walk through and start blasting
Splinter or you'll miss your chance everything in sight.
to scan this unique enemy.

Inside the Main Energy Controller,

you'll meet U-Mos, the last sentinel of
(ea abid
Re Oo the Luminoth race. After speaking to
you, U-Mos will heal you and then give
you the ability to scan Luminoth Lore
and sealed doors marked with violet
The tunnel to the nearest elevator
holograms.Find one such Lore entry near
There is only one way to go from is filled with Lightflyers—glowing
the entrance to the room and scan it,
inside the Temple Sanctuary—up. airborne drones that can cause
then head back to the Temple Sanctuary.
Head for the only open door and damage if they get too close. Take
take the elevator to the room them out with the Charge Beam, then
above. tide the elevator back to the Temple

When you return to the Temple

Sanctuary, turn right and look for a

Temple Grounds

Missile Expansion!

)) When you emerge in the Temple

Assembly Site, take a moment to
defeat the Dark Splinters and grab
At the Transport to Agon Wastes, scan
the Luminoth Lore near the cliff edge
(it’s hard to find—look carefully) and
the Energy Tank behind the red shoot the webbing to reach your
door. (Hit the door with a missile to first Missile Expansion. Then take
open it.) Once you have it, head back the elevator. It will transport you to
through the Collapsed Tunnel to the a desertlike environment—Agon
Industrial Site. Open the violet door Wastes.
and scan the deceased Luminoth
behind it for a Log Book entry, then
continue on your way.
. a

Move through Plaza Access on your Head up by walking around the The Bomb Guardian crawls
way to the Mining Plaza, scanning edge of the room, then jump across around the arena and drop bombs
objects and enemies for Log Book platforms to reach a door with an in its wake. Its only weak point is
data. Work your way around the amber symbol. Turn left and leap the pink end of its body. Use the
Mining Plaza's ledges, using missiles across the running sands, then blast dash move to work your way to the
to blast pillars whose bases are a pillar with a missile to reach a door creature's tail, then fire offa missile.
composed of Brinstone. This causes covered by a Blast Shield. It leads to The closer you are to the boss, the
the pillars to fall, creating bridges. You the Agon Temple. easier it is to do.
can also find a Save Station behind a
red door here.

jat, you
them with any weapon in your

Once you hit the tail a few times,

Boss Battle: Bomb Guardia
the mouth will begin to glow—get
It wouldn't be a Metroid game in front of the beast and hit it in
without some Space Pirates to muck the face with a Charge Beam. When
up your plans. Three Pirate Troopers it falls, take the Morph Ball Bomb
are waiting in Mining Station A, and upgrade and drop bombs to bust
they'll press the attack as soon as open the arena’s doors.
you enter. Stay on the ground and
take them out with missiles and the — Ce
Charge Beam. They can do a lot of The Agon Temple boss starts out
damage in a short time, so make as an Alpha Sandigger, but quickly
liberal use of the dash maneuver to turns into a Bomb Guardian. Scan
avoid their fire. the Alpha Sandigger as soon as you
enter the room or you might miss the
@ The Space Jump Boots >»
Agon Wastes

Proceed to the Controller Access Dispatch the Pirate Troopers and

room. Use a bomb to propel yourself Take a quick detour to Mining Station Dark Pirate Troopers at the Portal
up into the Bomb Slot, then drop Access and drop a Morph Ball Bomb Terminal to power a Bomb Slot at the
another to rotate the room. When on the tunnel's central block to score far end of the room. Bomb the slot to
you exit, you'll be in the Agon Energy an Energy Tank. set a conveyer belt in motion, then
Controller. roll onto the belt to reach a narrow
Map Station groove in the wall.

Activate the hologram and listen Go to the Mining Plaza next, scan the
Roll along the groove and destroy
to the Luminoth’s plea to learn how amber hologram door and drop a bomb
the obstruction with a bomb.When
to decode amber holograms. Scan for to get to the Map Station. Now you've
you reach the end of the groove,
lore in the sheltered spot on one side got the complete map of Agon Wastes.
leap to the platform and repeat the
of the room before you exit. Missile Expansion 3 process. Hit the Pillbugs with a bomb
pi Sas a to stun them, and another to kill them.
Missile Expansion 2
Bomb-jump to get through the groove.
Sa — = x =

: E

Return to Mining Station A and go
Head to Mining Station A and scan through the lower door to reach Portal
the amber door to reach a Missile Access A. Use the Kinetic Orb Cannons Bomb the last obstruction to energize
to clear the wall, and when you reach the room's portal. Drop down and scan
the top, roll and drop into the center of the portal’s control panel to activate it.
the wall to reach a Missile Expansion Take a deep breath and step through to
near the body of a fallen Luminoth. enter the realm of Dark Aether.
eesti) e Pear Meester Ceca
d Pekan ee | Metroid Prit eae > 4 (Eee ahem) >

Dark Agon Wastes

projects and follow it. Use two Light-

bringers to help you reach the door
at the end of the room.
Boss Battle: Jump Guardian

No creature of the light can Dispatch the Inglets in the

withstand the Dark World’s poisonous Crossroads room with Charge Beam
atmosphere for long. Fortunately, shots when they emerge from their
the Luminoth have scattered healing oozy puddles. Pop into the nearby
crystals and beacons throughout the Save Station 2 afterward to mark
world. Crystals are always active unless your progress and heal up. Your Space Jump Boots, the handiest
covered in dark matter, but you must tool an explorer could want, have
light beacons by blasting them with been boosted by an Ing. Keep close
the Power Beam. Beacons will stay lit to the Light Crystal and use the
only for a short period, but during this Charge Beam and missiles when you
time they'll heal you, just like a crystal. have an open shot. You can’t damage
the Jump Guardian while it’s in the
air, or for brief moments before and
after it takes off and lands—wait
The Duelling Range is home toa for the guardian's blue shimmer to :
Warrior Ing—one of the deadliest vanish before you start firing missiles. —
members of the Ing family. Lock on
to the critter and blast it with the
Charge Beam and missiles. When it
dissolves into ooze, aim manually
and squeeze off a few more shots.
Remain in a safe zone near a crystal
throughout the fight to receive a
steady inflow of Energy. —ae eee
The beast will often jump and hit
the ground, causing a quake—leap
Activate the Bomb Slot on the far over the shock waves and return fire.
side of the room to clear a stubborn When its life bar is nearly empty, the
door out of the way. Doing so will boss will move very quickly. Use rapid
raise the corresponding door in blasts from the Power Beam to get in
the Light World, but don’t worry shots when you can.
about that just yet. Instead, continue
delving deeper into the Dark World. After dispatching the Warrior Ing,
make your way upward. To avoid
taking damage, wait for a Light-
bringer to wander near your position,
then jump into the zone of safety it
jump and enter the first blue door
~ The Dark Beam on your way up the side. Take the
shortcut to the Portal Site via Portal
Dark Agon Wastes
Access A. Nail the Lightflyer in Portal
Access A with a missile to create a
temporary safe zone.
-— a — »

Move into the Agon Wastes Dark

Temple and scan the wall in front
of the entrance. It will tell you that
you need three Dark Temple Keys to
The Space Jump Boots allow you enter. Turn left and walk down the
to perform double jumps. After passage until you see a door on your
besting the Jump Guardian, leap left. Enter to find the first key.
up and around the room. When you Go to the far side of the Portal
reach a seemingly impassable gap, Site and double-jump up onto the
turn around and look for a ledge platform. Then scan the lower-left red
above you. Leap to it, then continue spot to activate the portal and return
around the room, going past the to the Light World.
statue. At the top of the room,
you'll find a red door—blast it open
with a missile and head down the
hallway. Backtrack and jump into the
middle of the Judgement Pit, then

Agon Wastes
< See
ease NAME
LA er isd RUC Reg
LISA CCL a eet) yrs eres
Ettaee Ke.||
BES ccl) Pe Nel) Command Center
epee) PRU nccs
Command Center
DE CSy ea WE clecug
Log 54421 Rift Portal COTE Reulag
Log 62217 Phazon
EL Recs
SPP ig eM Cle)
Log 67135 Security
War Main Reactor
Missile Expansion & to the Dark World. Roll to the right
to find a Missile Expansion, then
head left to find the exit. Be careful
while rolling—bolts of electricity
periodically shoot between the blue
metal strips, and they'll damage you
if you're not watchful.
Entering the Central Mining
When you used the Bomb Slot at Station, you're drawn into a fierce
the Portal Site in the Dark World, you battle with three waves of Pirate
opened a new path here in the Light Troopers. Take out the first few
World. Defeat the Pirate Troopers and groups with Charge Beam blasts and
head through the door at the end of missiles.
the Portal Terminal. Activate another
Bomb Slot and grab the Missile When you're back on your feet,
Expansion, then continue to Save storm the main part of the Control
Station A. (Wait for the Sandbats to Room and wipe out all hostiles.
clear out before rolling through the Scan everything you can afterward
tunnel.) for multiple Log Book entries, then
= ——— take the lift up to the second floor.
The final two troopers leap into Dispatch another pirate to open the
the Vigilance Class Turrets and start door at the end of the room.
firing. Scan the foes while they're in
the turrets, as this is a rare chance
to claim this Log Book entry. Lock
on to the turrets afterward and take
——— a
them out with a barrage of missiles.
Go back to Mining Station A and Resupply by busting open the
go to the statue at the top of the various crates.
room. Jump onto it, then leap into : Ed 2S
the nearby passageway. Travel down Proceed to Security Station B, ;
the hall and scan the panel to open a where you encounter your evil, blue
gate and access a new path through twin. Go around the tunnel and
the Agon Wastes. into a glass-enclosed room. Scan a
computer here to lower a blast door
; |, 2 back in the Command Center, then
backtrack and enter the door.
Command Center Access's far door
is sealed, so must tunnel under it. Lay
a Morph Ball Bomb on the cracked
plate at the corner of the room, then
drop under the floor and bomb the
At Central Station Access, a pair crates to expose a tunnel. Take the
of Space Pirates is chumming tunnel all the way to the next room.
around next to a pair of Phazon
containers. If you sneak up and shoot Missile Expansion 5 Two turrets point at the entrance to
the containers, the explosion will Biostorage Access. Blast them with a
eliminate the pirates before they missile each, then use the Morph Ball
know what hit them. to roll under the moving laser grids
that block your path.

From your vantage point under the

Command Center floor, you can
see Space Pirates entering a portal

and eee stuff to stock up before


Boss Battle: Dark Samus

There's an old friend waiting to
see you in the upper part of the While standing at the controls and
Biostorage Station—a Metroid. Scan looking out at the platforms, lower
the wee beastie. Then head out the one platform on the left, two in the
door behind the main tank. middle and three on the right. Then
use them to reach an Energy Tank.
Reverse the platform's height order
afterward so you may access the Dark Samus attacks with missiles and
high door on the opposite side of the a shrapnel beam. Neither weapon is
room. terribly powerful, so you can either
your Log Book; the ones in solitary
hide behind the room’s posts or take
confinement won't give you the
the hits if you're feeling brave. The
boss has a shield, but can raise it for
only a short time. If you stand far
away and fire missiles as fast as you
can, many will breach the shield. It's
a good way to damage your doppel-
ganger early on.
In Ventilation Area B, enter
Morph Ball form and drop a bomb
to reach a tunnel—you'll roll to
Drop a Saab to rotate the barrier an area with multiple ledges and
in Security Station A and access the lasers. Bomb-jump each time you
next area. reach a new ledge, timing it so the
lasers don't hit you. (They do a lot
of damage, so take it slow.) The next
| time you pass through this area, Once you whittle away half of Dark
| you'll have a much easier time, as the Samus's life, the boss will change
lasers that block the bottom path will her attack pattern and begin firing
be gone. much stronger missiles. Don’t take
any hits—hide behind the pillars for
cover. The four pillars on the outside
Dispatch the two Pirate
of the room explode if hit, but the
Aerotroopers inside the Bioenergy
one in the center provides reliable
_ Production chamber with missiles
or the Charge Beam, and avoid
them when they come crashing
down. Scan the control panel on the
far side of the room afterward to Take a break at Save Station B
raise a series of tall platforms; cross before advancing to Sand Processing.
the room to access the platform Once there, destroy the two turrets
‘controls. that pop out of the ceiling, then scan
the area to find a weakened section
of wall. Hit the wall with a missile to
destroy it and reach the last door
before your next big battle.
& Peal
Ca ieee Walkthrough
= ® i eR cia)
(Eeesesecmmewee srcegs > >
Beam and run to her side, then wait and a Log Book entry. Once you have
for her to stop glowing. The moment them, use the gun to leave the room
she does, hit her with the beam. and to activate the Light Crystal in
the following door.

For a second attack, Dark Samus

will hurl herself at you. When she
rises into the air and begins to must charge up just to fire a normal
glow, it’s time to seek cover. Though blast—useful for opening Dark Beam
Upon defeating Dark Samus, take
the explosion is fierce, the boss doors, but not very practical in
an elevator to the top floor. Enter the combat.
is vulnerable for a brief moment
blue door and pick up the Dark Beam
afterward. Charge up your Power

© The Light Beam

Agon Wastes

Use the Dark Beam to open the Beware of the Pirate Grenadier in the
security doors in Security Station B Command Center, as this hostile lobs
by targeting the crystal in the center. explosives that do a ton of damage.
Then use the weapon again to open Clear the room with your Power Beam,
the Dark Beam doors and access then shoot the dormant portal with
the other side of Security Station B. your new Dark Beam to energize it.
Continue to the Command Center. Step through to return to Dark Aether.

Dark Agon Wastes

Use your Scan Visor to find a red In the Bitter Well, you'll need to In the Feeding Pit, fall to the safety
carving. Blast it with a missile, then use a bomb jump to clear a pool of of the Light Crystal and eliminate
fire the Dark Beam at the crystal deadly Phazon. Roll to the right edge the Nightbarbs that circle the pillars.
underneath to lower a platform. of the top cliff and plant a bomb, Jump to the opposite side of the
Jump on the platform to reach a Dark then lean to the right as soon as the room and hit the Light Lift Crystals
Temple Key, then exit through the explosion happens. If you time it well, with the Dark Beam to lower the
Dark Beam door across the room. you'll be propelled over the Phazon pillars, then hop to the upper Dark
Beware the Dark Preeds—they spew and to the other side. Beam door.
deadly gas when defeated.

Sometimes you'll come across a

crystal or a beacon that doesn't
provide any protection. Such items
have been “nullified,” and they're —— .
usually covered by some kind of Three control panels in the Phazon The Ing's laziness is your boon;
shield or black ooze. A few shots Site must be scanned before you can they've left a powerful weapon lying
from the Power Beam will clear up continue. Head first for the one at the around with no huge boss to guard it.
anullified item. To create a Nullified top of the room—use the floating The Light Beam can cut through the
Beacon or Nullified Crystal so you
platforms to reach it. Then activate nastiest Dark World enemies in short
Can add it to the Log Book, shoot
anormal Light Crystal or Light the panel on the other side of a stack order. Equip it and take the fight to ‘em.
Beacon with the Dark Beam. You of crates. Finally, trigger the final
can do this right now if you like. panel on the upper ridge to the right
of the entrance.

be ” a
Keep moving until you reach a At the Watering Hole, blast
room called Hall of Stairs. Walk to the Nullified Crystal with the
the far side of the block that's in Power Beam to fix it, then
the middle of the room, and hit the shoot the Lumites
crystal with the Dark Beam.When the from the safety of
platform lowers, jump on top of it, the crystal’s field.
then head for the door at the top of Once they're gone,
the room. leap across the platforms to the door
at the end of the room. Move past the
Ingclaws quickly, since they exude
toxic gas.
@ TheDark Suit
Dark Agon Wastes
SCANNED"? Delis ails
be ee (ec) iV} Darkling Tentacle Dr ula)
ea nescl) Doomed Entry
bart Daeg
Rae Pera ntey
ea en act ETeaUe Ti}

Tentacles with the Power Beam

to make them retract—you can't
destroy them. Double-jump over
the toxic sludge to reach the distant
Amma Station
Head back to Doomed Entry, As soon as you approach the Dark
shooting crystals and beacons with Temple Key in the Battleground area,
the Light Beam to create energized it disappears and you're swarmed by
versions. Then scan them and add Warrior Ing. Use the Light Beam to
two new entries to your Log Book. make short work of them. (Scan the
Afterward, head through the Dark Ing Webtrap over the door before
Beam door. the fight ends to add it to your Log
Book.) After the fight, you'll get the if ap fike : pop into sinc Cache 3 aS
ee se
final Dark Temple Key. visit an Ammo Station, which you
4 Neh may use to replenish your supply
Energized Crystals and Beacons of missiles, as well as your Dark and
will destroy any Dark World enemy Light Beam ammo. Continue through
that wanders into the field. Doomed Entry and Oasis Access until
you reach the portal in Dark Oasis.
Use the Light Beam to activate the
portal and return to Aether’s Light
shoot enemies and objects with Take the lower door through
Dark Beam to make them cough up Double Path (the upper door is out of
the precious stuff, and vice-versa. reach). Target and shoot the Darkling

Agon Wastes

Dark Portal PCAC

onto the fallen Pirate Skiff (which
merits a Log Book scan). From
there, leap across the platforms to
reach the hole in the far wall left
by the second generator explosion.
Follow the path and roll through
a tunnel to bypass the force field
you encounter.A valuable Beam
a Enter the Central Mining Station
Ammo Expansion awaits on the
Upon returning, hang a left and through the upper Light Beam door.
other side.
use the nearby Save Station C, then You'll be able to play with the heavy
proceed to the bioenergy areas. Pass turrets that the Space Pirates used
through a Dark Beam door to find a against you before. Unleash the turrets
Missile Expansion in Storage B. You'll to wipe out the Pirate Troopers, then
also find that the Metroids are now blast three gray generators about the
on the loose. They're easy to defeat room, causing big explosions that
with a charged Dark Beam shot alter the environment.
followed by a missile. Beam Ammo Expansion! S a
Make your way to Portal Terminal
next.When you reach the portal
at the end of the room, scan it to
activate it. Then step into the Dark
World once more.

After blowing all three generators,

drop from the balcony and jump

Dark Agon Wastes

& ae
De a man dd
DE eT aout

f Once you're in the Dark World, head When you reach the Dark Agon
_ for the Judgment Pit and use the Temple, walk into the light to place The guardian of Dark Agon Temple
Save Station behind the Dark Beam all three keys and unlock the temple. is a huge sandworm called Amorbis.
door. If you are short of Light Beam After the cinematic, jump down to The battle is tough, but the fact that
ammo or missiles, resupply now. the surface. A big boss battle is about the beast spews Energy pickups
to begin. when it’s hit makes it easier. Stay
inside the range of a Light Crystal
at all times to heal up and avoid
atmospheric damage.

PRIMA Official Game Guide

Getting Started C Medal 1a) eet
> 6 Metroid Prime 2: Echoes >» 4 Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

= a a a
Amorbis dives underground when You'll have to fight two Amorbis In the Portal Site, you will
the battle starts. Keep an eye on the worms in the second round and three —_ encounter Dark Pirate Troopers that
radar to see where the beast will in the third. And they all become are stronger than their Light World
pop up next. As soon as Amorbis tougher as the battle progresses. cousins. If you can, lure them into
leaps into view, start firing away with When you're fighting multiple worms, _ range ofa Light Crystal, then hit it
missiles or the Light Beam. Several they sometimes join forces and fire with the Light Beam to disintegrate
hits will get you to the next stage of an energy beam at you—tuck into all three pirates in one blow.When
the battle. Morph Ball form and roll out of the you're ready, head into the portal and
way. You can also double-jump over _ return to the Light World.
the beams as they come toward you.
Agon Wastes
~ AgonTemple —
Dark Agon Wastes

After you strike Amorbis a few
times, it will latch on to the sphere
in the middle of the temple and
When you enter the Agon Energy
transform. Charge up the Light Beam
Controller, you witness a cinematic
and hit the worm right in the face
_ in which you restore the power to
to break off a part of its shell—it will
=. . the temple and please U-Mos greatly.
then try to suck you into its mouth.
Roll into Morph Ball form and let the After you defeat Amorbis and Well done!
boss suck you in, then plant all of acquire the Dark Suit, a platform
your Morph Ball Bombs to damage will rise in front of the door to Dark
it. Amorbis then leaves the sphere, Agon Generator. Enter the room
splits into two worms, and the battle beyond and use the Bomb Slot to
begins anew. reach the generator, then collect
the Energy. Head back to the Portal
Site, but watch out for Warrior
Ing in the Dark Agon Temple and
Judgment Pit.
ng form, and again while it's Aces
attached to the central sphere, to
claim two unique Log Book entries
from this battle.

atmosphere, slawing the rate

Energy sappage.
+X Torvus Temple
When you think ofa bog, you might imagine friendly alligators cavorting in the sunshine, trading warm hellos with the
locals.Well, that's not what bogs are like at all. Load up the Arm Cannon and get ready to blast anything that moves.

@ The Super Missile >A

Temple Grounds
Missile Expansion 7

Once you've transferred the energy, it’s time to visit an old friend. Head
back to the Temple Grounds via the elevator in Industrial Site One. Swing
by the Temple Assembly Site and jump onto a short pillar to the left-hand
side of the door that leads to the elevator, then jump from there to the cliff.
Follow the cliff to a tunnel, then roll down the tunnel and grab a Missile

Great Temple

yg ee Transport C Access

Visit the
f Main Energy
ste Proceed to Controller
the Great and speak
Temple. Once to U-Mos,
there, look who tells
for a Morph you about
Ball tunnel in a second
Transport B temple that
Access about exists in the heart of a bog. Go to the Temple Sanctuary
: halfway and scan the amber door to reach the lift in Temple
down the hallway. Roll into the tunnel and use bomb Transport C. Use the Light Beam on the block that bars
jumps to climb the steps toward another Missile your way.

Temple Grounds
Scan objects
4»< NEW LORE ENTRIES on your way
GOT IT?| ENTRY NAME =U) to the Hall of
Eyes, where
@ Cataclysm Nese cocis you must
activate a
portal with
the Dark
Beam and
take a detour into Aether’s unpleasant side. Stock up on
Light Beam ammo before you go.

IMA Offici
aie ti) Oo Getting Started A Mela Renae)
ry MetroPrime qd Metroid Prime 2: Echoes >» << (Wee Niue ee uee sit sin)

Sky Temple Grounds

Shut When
down the all four
Corrupted Bomb Slots
Sentreyes have been
inthe activated,
Abandoned the central
Base with the gondola
Power Beam. becomes
When you active. Jump
reach the end of the path, roll into Morph Ball form and onto it to catch a ride through the area, but be ready to blast
ride up the piston on the right, then activate a Bomb Slot. the swarms of Nightbarbs that dive-bomb you. Leap off the
Then drop to the floor, ride up the other piston and roll as gondola and move toward the portal when you reach the
far as you can before bombing the three remaining slots. end of the line, using it to return to the Light World.

Eee recite
Temple Grounds

You're now Look for
standing in a small hole
the Path of to the left
Eyes. Shoot of the Path
the Light of Eyes exit.
Crystals you Roll through
see here to it until you
move large find new
blocks into Luminoth
advantageous positions. Some will shift out of your way, Lore and a block with a Dark Crystal in it. If you blast the
while others will move to the middle of the gaps, allowing crystal with the Light Beam, the block will move and
you to progress. One crystal will pull back to reveal a reveal a handy shortcut you can use on subsequent trips
green door—you'll return to it later, after you have Super through the Path of Eyes. Unlock the amber door and take
Missiles and the Grapple Beam. the lift to Torvus Bog.

Torvus Bog
Proceed to the Torvus Lagoon, The Cloaked Shriekers you There are two Grenchlers in
scanning the local plant life fora encounter at the Great Bridge are Forgotten Bridge. Take them down
couple of Log Book entries on your nearly impossible to track without with shots to their soft backs. (Lock
way. Use missiles to obliterate the the Echo Visor, which you've yet to onto the beasts and dash around
schools of Shredders at the lagoon, find. Scan one if you like and then them to get a clear shot.) Focus on
then stop by the Save Station beyond ignore the creatures; head for the red bringing down one beast at a time.
the red door. door in the corner of the room.

When the Grenchlers are no more,

Drop into Torvus Lagoon’s water Follow the path beyond the it's time to climb. Head up to the
and go through the Dark Beam door. Great Bridge's missile door. You ledge on the right-hand side of the
In the Path of Roots, use the Morph appear on the other side of a gate room and notice a Bomb Slot in flux.
Ball to roll under the metal structure. back in Torvus Lagoon. Scan the Cross the bridge next to the slot, then
nearby panel to lower the gate, then use the Dark Beam to activate the
continue following the path to reach portal and enter the room's evil twin.
a Light Beam door.

Dark Torvus Bog


Once you're Fall to the

in the Dark lower level
World, cross (beware
the bridge the purple
again and water!) and
drop a bomb wait fora
into the Dark Phlogus
now-active to show
Bomb Slot. its mouth.
Doing so rotates the bridge in both worlds and lets you When it does, shoot the monster to flip it over, then use it
access anew door. But there's still the matter of getting as a stepping-stone to reach a pair of tall, mushroomlike
home... platforms. Leap up the ‘shroomis to reach the portal and
return to the Light World.
@ Maps Chec es
— >
Torvus Bog

When you return to the light side, As you run through Torvus Temple
you'll face two cloaked Dark Pirate
you can take it out with any to claim the Super Missile, waves of
weapon you like—but until then, it's
Commandos. Either avoid them until invulnerable. Space Pirates appear and mess up
they leave on their own (they bail your happy reunion. Use charged
after a minute or so), or try to defeat = ‘ Dark Beam shots and missiles to
them—the easiest way to do so is beat them back. Once all hostiles
with a charged Dark Beam blast are dispatched, the Super Missile
followed by missiles. upgrade is yours for the taking.
Missile Expansion 9

Back at the Great Bridge area,

activate the dormant Kinetic Orb
Cannon and use it to reach the top a Super Missile, just charge up the —
of the bridge, Cross the bridge and Power Beam and then press 2.
enter the Dark Beam door.
Whether the deadly duo falls or flees, Energy Tank 4
cross the bridge and look for a Missile
Expansion floating nearby. Claim the
goodie and then head through the
newly accessible door at the end of
the rotated bridge.

Bomb the first round hole you see in

Temple Access to find an Energy Tank.
You'll have to backtrack and repeat
the cannon trick at the Great Bridge
to get back up here afterward, but
that’s a small price to pay.
To reach the end of the
Abandoned Worksite, you need to
use bomb jumps. Drop a bomb next
to the ledge you wish to reach, then
steer toward the ledge. When the
bomb goes off, you'll be propelled to
your destination.
@ The Boost Ball
Torvus Bog

Sonananal n B bs

After you attain the Super Missile Return to Torvus Temple and scan Pirate Commandos ambush you
Upgrade, ride the elevator up to the the hologram in the middle of the at Torvus Grove, and they're invul-
green door that leads to Controller room to unlock an elevator. Ride it nerable while their orange shields
Access, then blow the door open with down, then scan the emerald door are deployed. Two Super Missiles will
a Super Missile. Use the Bomb Slot and follow the path to the next area. take down a Commando; charged
beyond to access the Torvus Energy Dark Beam shots are also quite
Missile Expansion 10
Controller. Scan the hologram and listen effective. You can also blast the
to A-Vog to earn the power to translate barrels in the center of the room to
emerald Luminoth holograms. cause a helpful explosion. When the
Commandos are destroyed, the laser
Map Station
barrier will drop—move on.

2 eee _—

Grab the Missile Expansion under the

grate at the entrance to the Under-
ground Tunnel by simply rolling
beneath it, then follow the path,
Head back to the Great Bridge and blasting enemies as you go.When
Scan the portal at the edge of
scan the emerald door on the ledge. you reach a small opening, roll under
Meditation Vista, then step into the
Behind the door is the Map Station it with the Morph Ball.
Dark World.
for Torvus Bog, which should prove
quite handy.

Dark Torvus Bog

use the beam, get as close as you can
before firing to ensure that the entire
spread hits the boss. There are no
crystals or beacons about, so you'll
need to rely on Inglets for energy.

You're now standing in the Polluted Follow the path through Dark
Mire, which dangerous enemies Forgotten Bridge (where you'll see
called Hunter Ing call home. These a Morph Ball Spinner that’s halfway oe cy;
creatures phase in and out of phased out of existence) to the Dark 7 ~ eas
existence and are tough to hit. Your Arena Tunnel. As you roll through the oiee
best bet is to lure them close to a tunnel, the blocks underneath you When the Eoost Gusidian stares
crystal or beacon, then shoot it with disappear. Quickly bomb-jump up at zipping around the room, double-
the Light Beam. the end of the line to continue. jump or enter Morph Ball form to
Boss Battle: Boost Guardian _ avoidits attacks. After a bit, it will turn
oe into a puddle—roll around and drop
bombs on the puddle to make the
boss revert to its original form, then
continue dishing out the pain until
the Boost Ball upgrade is yours.

Scale to the top of the area a Saat SY)

by leaping from one tree-based The Boost Guardian looks and acts ;
platform to the next. Your goal is the much like a Warrior Ing in the initial smashes
Dark Beam door at the top of the stages of the fight. When it takes one of the room's four pillars. Eac
room. form, hit it with either a charged of these is worth a full 100 Energy,
Light Beam or a Super Missile. If you so be sure to grab them!

© The Seeker Missile Launcher

Dark Torvus Bog

g | Onyour way back from the Boost Guardian battle, pick up Torvus Bog’s
first Dark Temple Key, located at the top of the half-pipe at the end of Dark
Torvus Arena.To reach it, hold ® to build up speed, then release ® while
rolling toward one side of the pipe. Immediately press and hold ® again
as you soar up the pipe, releasing it on your way back down. After a couple
of trips, you'll reach the top of the pipe and the key. Use the pipe again to
escape the room.

Torvus Bog :

< SS SS \
Tan = ies NAME 2/21) [i] ie i Ld 2/21 i)
@ LtCTeths) Toa lec any @ Sag CTR TELeCS Ni
Sometimes an inner floor ring will
turn beige before an outer one.
When that happens, ignore the
inner ring and just keep spinning
er ie ES until the outermost ring becomes
Return to the Light World, go to the Go to the far end of the Meeting beige.
door at the end of Torvus Grove and Grounds (near the entrance to
look for the half-pipe there. (Not the elevator) and look for another
the giant one in the middle of the half-pipe. Boost to reach the top,
toom—that's a red herring.) Use the then roll down the small hole. Move
pipe to boost to the top of the room, slowly—there’s a big drop coming.
then follow the path around toa
Dark Beam door.

When you've turned all of the

floor rings beige, you can walk into
the middle of the room and take the
Seeker Missile Launcher. This upgrade
allows you to fire five separate
As soon as you switch to a side missiles at five separate targets—or
view, stop moving. Charge your hit the same target five times, if you
Return to the Forgotten Bridge, boost and roll slowly to the edge of prefer.To use the launcher, simply
curl into a Morph Ball and roll into the white blocks, then release ® and press and hold qa, then move your
the Spinner that’s sitting by its boost across the disappearing floor. Arm Cannon around until you start
lonesome. (Scan the Spinner before If you miss, you'll have to loop back locking on-to targets. (To hit the
using it to add it to your Log Book.) around and try again. same target multiple times, move the
Press and hold 8, releasing to boost cursor over it repeatedly.)
in place and activate the Spinner.
Keep boosting until you drop a gate
in both the Light World and the Dark
World.When the deed is done, drop
to the ground and Jeave Torvus Bog,
heading back to the Temple Grounds.

Temple Grounds The Seeker Missile Launcher awaits

you at the Hall of Honored Dead, but
you must solve a puzzle to get it. Use
the room's colored Spinners in the
following order: purple, blue, yellow,
red. Rotate the floor rings so that
they each turn beige in color,
working from the outside in.

When you reach the Path of Eyes,

roll through the hole to the right
of the entrance to cut to the exit
and bypass all enemies. Use a Super
Missile on the door at end of Path of
Eyes to unlock the path forward.
& «
iba sess
Cy Getting Started
ee, MetroidPrimea:Echoes
Walkthrough @ Maps & Checklists
[Enel imeieekem seme siesg) > >
-”* The Gravity Boost >
Temple Grounds

tunnel you used at the start of the

game and drop a bomb next to it to
blast the cover off. Then roll down
the tunnel beyond and claim your
twelfth Missile Expansion.

' Ml ae
To leave the Hall of Honored Dead, I
use the Seeker Missile Launcher to Before heading back to Torvus,
target the five purple circles around detour into Hive Chamber A for a
the door, then let fly with missiles. Missile Expansion. You must defeat
If you don't hit all five circles, wait a a powerful Dark Missile Trooper

moment for them to respawn, then to claim it—use the Light Beam or That's it for this trip to the Temple
try again. Once you're free, make your Super Missiles, and be sure to scan Grounds. Make your way back to
way to your ship at the Landing Site. the creature! Collect the Missile Torvus Bog by using the ball-sized
Expansion it leaves behind after tunnel in Service Access (next to the
falling. Landing Site).

Missile Expansion 12
= an

Detour to the Landing Site, then
scan a fallen Luminoth for a Log Book
entry you couldn't reach before. Refill
your weapons and Energy at Samus’s
Another Missile Expansion is located
ship, then fire the Light Beam at the
behind a sealed tunnel in Hive
statue's Dark Crystal to slide it out
Chamber B. Locate the cracked,
from the wall—it makes a great step
glowing cover that sits next to the
back up.

Torvus Bog

< NEW CREATURES : < ee SS oS ae as

Pe MEME) a clase
Hydrodynamo Station ea na)
BCT E Ccccnsy AUT aig
Missile Expansion 13

I —
Return to the Torvus Temple and take Sm —— Use the Morph Ball to get through
the elevator down, then look for a Enter the tube in the middle of the Transit Tunnel East and enter the
Morph Ball tunnel near a red patch room next—it will take you back to Catacombs area. Drop into the water
of wall. Drop into the tunnel and use the top. From there, you'll need to there and walk across the bottom
the Super Missile to blast the door descend to the purple door on the until you find a group of platforms
open—you'll end up in an elevator other side of the platform you've that you can use to jump to land.
that takes you to the Hydrodynamo just extended. Grab the nearby Once there, head for the Dark Beam
Station. Missile Expansion when you get door on the right-hand side of the
there, then use a full Seeker Missile room. The path will lead you back to
Launcher volley to blast open the the Hydrodynamo Station.
purple door.

Save your game at the Save Station

beyond the red door at Hyrdo-
dynamo Station's top level. To stop. When you appear in the station,
those annoying Preeds from entering you'll be facing a panel. Scan it to
Once in the Training Chamber,
the station, blast the small circles on
drop into the water and take out the unbolt the station’s second lock, then
the walls with missiles. When you're head back to the Training Chamber.
Bloggs.When both Bloggs are gone,
teady, drop to the bottom of the (Use Training Access so you can scan
roll into the Spinner, align the red
toom. the Seedbursters on the way for your
sections of the floor, and then roll
through the resulting tunnel to reach Log Book.) Once you're there, use the
a Dark Beam door. Spinner to line up the blue parts of
the floor, then roll to the Light Beam
Beware the underwater Bloggs; door and head through.
they're tough customers. Feed
them missiles when they rush
toward you to quickly obliterate

Look for a small depression in the

side wall, then roll into it and let a
current float you up to a platform.
From there, jump to the central
platform. Then look for a small bridge
that leads to a scannable panel. Scan
it to extend a platform above you
_ and unbolt the first of the station's
» three locks.
Dark Torvus Bog

——— Pe
Transit Tunnel West uses a series In the Gathering Hall, drop into the
of currents to move objects through water and shoot the spiky platforms
You're now standing in the Crypt.
it, but the currents are flowing in the from below with the Dark Beam to
Take out the two Dark Pirate
wrong direction. Drop a bomb on the flip them over. Then return to dry
Commandos with either Super
blue panel to access the Bomb Slot land and cross the platforms to reach
Missiles or charged Light Beam
below, then plant a bomb in the slot the Bomb Slot on the far side of the
assaults. When the coast is clear, jump
to change the currents’ flow. room. Bomb the slot to open a gate
to the platform and use the Spinner
that blocks a portal, then use the
to move the laser, then head back to
portal to visit the Dark World.
the Light World.

Torvus Bog
< REM Wesloha tl
ai) as bre
Alpha Blogg Hydrodynamo Shaft

only weak point is its mouth. Stay

as far from it as you can and charge
your Power Beam. When it thrashes
a couple of times and then bolts
toward you, unleash a Super Missile
and sidestep simultaneously.

Your Spinner antics in the Dark World

have activated a Kinetic Orb Cannon
in the Light World. Use it to reach
the Light Beam door at the room's
highest point, then pass through the = ; oo
door to access the Hydrodynamo The Gravity Boost awaits collection
Station one last time. in a small room at the very bottom
of the Hydrodynamo area. This new Sometimes the Alpha Blogg will
fire sonic blasts—avoid them, or
device lets you move effortlessly
in water and float for a time after a you won't be able to see or fire your
double jump—simply press and hold weapon for a moment. If you're
®) after double-jumping (as long as having trouble hitting the boss with
the Super Missile (which can be a
you're in water).
chore because of the slight delay in
Boss Battle: Alpha Blogg firing), switch to charged Dark Beam
a a = .
blasts. Don’t relent until the waters
Scan the station’s final panel (it’s
are safe once more.
right in front of you as you enter)
to raise the main platform off the
floor, revealing a lower area. Drop
all the way to the bottom and open
the lowest door to reach the Hydro-
dynamo Shaft. Keep descending until
you reach the bottom of the shaft. You're ambushed by a massive Alpha
Blogg after claiming the Gravity
Boost. Like regular Bloggs, the Alpha’s
@ TheGrapple ~—» newfound Gravity Boost to reach it,
and the Dark Beam to make it active.
to the right and bomb your way up
to another high slot. Afterward, roll
Beam two tubes to the left and bomb your
Dark Torvus Bog way up to an Energy Tank. It’s timed,
Tarvus Bag
so work fast or you'll have to start
over from the second part of the

Once you're in the Dark World, grab
After sinking the Alpha Blogg, jump the Dark Temple Key, then turn
into the small nook that contains a around and go back to the Light
fan, then leap from there to a small World—there’s nothing else to see
platform on the side of the room. here. Return to the Catacombs,
and this
Use a double jump followed by the time, head for the underwater Bomb
Gravity Boost to float to the last Torvus Bog Slot on the far side of the room. Drop
platform, and the blue door that Energy Tank 5 a bomb there to lower a gate in front
leads to the exit. of another portal—you're headed
back to Dark Aether.

Travel back to the Catacombs and

There's a portal waiting for you on head for Transit Tunnel East. Activate
top of the half-cylinder at one end the Bomb Slot in the tube at the
of the Hydrodynamo Shaft. Use your left-hand end, then roll three tubes

Dark Torvus Bog

there, bomb-jump up and right to

claim a hidden Missile Expansion.

You're now standing in the Dungeon,

where Dark Grenchlers lurk. These Pass through Undertransit Two and on
beasts move and act like their Light to Undertransit One, which you must Exiting Undertransit One is much
World cousins, but they're a bit navigate with bomb jumps. Drop to easier—just drop to the bottom
harder to take down. Even the odds the bottom tube and roll as far left pipe and head left, then bomb-jump
by using charged Light Beam attacks as you can, then bomb-jump to the back to the top pipe to get out. You
on their vulnerable backsides. Once top tube and roll through the gear at appear behind a force field in the
you blast the beasts, make for Under- the top. On the other side, drop to the Crypt. Open it with the Dark Beam
transit Two. bottom tube and roll as far right as and blast the Dark Pirate Troopers,
you can, then bomb-jump up and left then jump around the room (start by
(so you're in the middle tube). From leaping to your right) until you reach
the highest platform on the left-hand Boss Battle:
side. The platforms retract, so time Grapple Guardian
your jumps carefully.

a AD “we
Once the boss's tail falls off, you
a i can't use the pillar-tether trick. You
Scan the Grapple Guardian to must shoot its eye until you stun the
expose one of its weaknesses: boss (make it rear back in agony),
Proceed to the Undertemple Shaft,
its eye. Once the eye is purple then quickly circle-dash around to
drop to the bottom of the room and
(scanned), you can unload ammo. whittle health off by assaulting its
defeat the Hunter Ing—lure them into
into it. This makes the boss angry, rump. You don’t have much time
an energized Light Crystal if possible.
and it responds by firing its Grapple to slip behind the boss while its
After that, use the Kinetic Orb Cannon
Beam. When it does so, stand behind stunned, so start charging up a
to launch yourself back to the top
one of the two blue pillars—the Super Missile the moment you begin
of the room. Drop down one level
beam will usually attach to one of circling around. Best the Grapple
so you're standing on top of a metal
them and trap the boss, at which Guardian to obtain the awesome
cage, then enter the cage and use the
point you can circle-dash behind it Grapple Beam.
Bomb Slot to rotate it. When it stops
moving, go through the accessible and punish the Grapple Guardian's
door and head for another boss battle. tail with a Super Missile.

@ The Darkburst oe,

Dark Torvus Bog
< Re Baoan
@ Cry aeid Sacrificial Chamber

Return to the Hydrodynamo Station

and use the Save Station at the top i
you're so inclined. Then retrace your
steps and travel all the way back to
the bottom level of Torvus Temple.

a wh] ~ ~ oe

After you strap on the Grapple Beam, When you exit the tunnel, turn
climb the pile of rubble at the back to the right and look for a Grapple
of the room and leap from it, over the Point. Use it to swing to the nearby
gap and toward the blue door. platform, then go through the door
and head back to the Crypt. Use the
a a
a portal at the bottom of the Crypt to
return to the Light World.
Go to the purple door that’s
hidden behind some brambly
To use the grapple Beam, jump Torvus Bog roots—you'll need the Morph
toward a Grapple Point, and press Ball to reach it. Employ the Seeker
and hold @. When you swing
Missile Launcher to blast the door
toward another point, release 2)
open, then ride the elevator that lies
and then hit it again once you're in
Pange of the second Grapple Point. beyond; it'll take you to Agon Wastes.
Agon Wastes

" a I
Once you're back in Agon Wastes, After claiming the Mine Shaft’s
make your way to the Dark Beam Energy Tank, roll as far left as you
door in Agon Temple. You can take a can go to reach a purple door. Head Wait for the Nightbarbs to clear out,
couple of different paths—the choice through to reach Mining Station then go through the crack in the wall
is yours. B, then drop to the ground and
next to another deceased Luminoth.
ignore the first scan panel you see. Jump up to the ledge and follow
Energy Tank 6 the trail of beacons by leaping from
Instead, walk to the back of the room
and scan another panel next to a
ledge to ledge.

When you reach the Mine Shaft, boost

Jeft until you see a square stone with
a crack. Perform a double bomb jump Use the Boost Ball when you enter
to climb onto it (check the “Getting After scanning the panel, backtrack the open tunnel—Nightbarbs and
Started” chapter of this guide to learn a bit and use the Bomb Slot next other flying creatures will damage
how to perform this maneuver), then to the fallen Luminoth to start the you otherwise. When you reach the
jump left to another ledge. room’s drill spinning. Run back to end of the line, fire up the portal and
the panel you scanned and use the step back into the Light World.
cannon to reach a second Bomb Slot.
Dropping a bomb here raises the drill Agon Wastes
before the timer runs out, opening a
new passage.

Roll as far left as you can, then

keep moving left while the brown
] blocks vanish so that you roll onto a
Go back across the same path you
ledge. Continue left and keep moving
Ss oe ¢ traversed in the Dark World. As
4 until you hit another ledge, then
Head back to the half-pipe and before, fire up the Boost Ball when
jump onto it. Roll to another set of
boost up to reach a ledge. Follow the crossing the exposed section of
blocks and keep moving left so you
ledge up and around until it drops tunnel. No sense taking damage if
enter the cracked wall. Stay in the
you on the drill. There's a portal on you can avoid it. The Darkburst
middle of the wall (don’t roll onto the
brown block) and bomb-jump up the far side—you know what to do.
and left to land on a ledge. Jump up
~ one more time, then keep pressing
left until you fall onto the Energy
Tank. Whew!
Missile Expansion 16

'y ¢

Charge Combo is your reward for all oe as

the trouble. The weapon allows you Head back to Torvus Bog via the same Use the Grapple Beam to fly over
to fire a charged Dark Beam shot that elevator you took to get to Agon the Abandoned Worksite. Before you
causes massive destruction—just Wastes. On your way, use the Boost enter the Morph Ball tunnel, turn
charge up the Dark Beam and then Ball to get to the top of the half-pipe in around and grapple to the other side
press 9p. It takes five missiles and the Transport Center, then fire up the to get a Missile Expansion. When
30 units of Dark Beam ammo each portal there and step through to graba you have it, head back and take the
time you use it, but it’s well worth the Missile Expansion from the Dark World. tunnel, then move to the Forgotten
price. It's a one-way portal, unfortunately, so Bridge.
you'll need to hike to the Portal Site to
@ The Dark Visor return to the Light World.

Agon Wastes Torvus Bog

Fire up the Kinetic Orb Cannon near
Mining Station B's entrance and use
it to get out of the room. Roll back
through the Mining Shaft and toward
the Dark Beam door. It’s a bit of a Walk out to the middle of the
maze, but if you keep heading right, bridge and jump to the ledge under
you'll find your way out. the Spinner. From there, leap right
Make your way to the Great Bridge to the portal and use it to enter the
when you arrive at Torvus Bog, and
Dark World.
head through the Light Beam door.
The door may remain locked until
you defeat the Pirate Commandos.

Dark Torvus Bog

< lS se :
=) n= ie
Dark Torvus Temple Dark Chykka PET aCTEM (a
Cay urens Dea area)
Go through the green door at the To begin the fight, you must first
end of the bridge, then enter the Head to the Poisoned Bog next and free the boss from its prison. Target
Brooding Ground and fire the Light use the Seeker Missile Launcher the four spots that hold the giant
Beam at the Liftvine Crystal in the to open the purple door. Collect a cocoon in place, and give each onea
water. Doing so causes it to rise out Beam Ammo Expansion from the few shots with the Power Beam.
of the muck and provide a handy small Cache A room beyond, then
temporary platform. make your way to the Dark Temple,
stopping only to use the Save Station
behind the red door you encounter
en route.
Energy Tank 7 &
Ammo Station
In the first stage of the battle,
the Chykka Larva circles the central
Roll into the tunnel to your left, platform, surfacing every once ina
then use the Grapple Beam to grab while. Track it with the Light Beam
Torvus Bogs final Dark Temple Key. (you'll need to aim manually) and fire
a few shots whenever it pokes out of
Missile Expansion 17 the water. When the water starts to
churn, the larva is about to perform
When you enter the bottom of the a full-body leap.When it jumps, lock
Dark Torvus Temple, avoid the red on (the radar helps to locate it) and
glowing area in the middle at all hit it with a charged Light Beam, then
costs. Enter the two doors on the jump over the wave of poison water.
room’s outer edges instead—one
leads to an Ammo Station that ,
7 oe will replenish your arms, the other ESC TELCA poeny
Drop and take adetourthroughthe contains a valuable Energy Tank. After
i Dark Beam door to grab a Missile stocking up, enter the red area to
Expansion in Portal Chamber. To get proceed to the boss battle.
extremely fast.
it, move to the side of the room that's
closest to the Poisoned Bag, then Boss Battle: Chykka
double-jump up to the small hole in The Chykka is a multipart boss battle
the rock and roll through. Ride the that requires all of your skill and
piston down and use the portal to cunning. There are also a number of
enter the Light World.Now snag the things to scan during the fight, so if
expansion. Use the portal again to youre tying (4 @ll dhe Log Book, be
Y) ] return to the Dark World. sure to get everything. (Check the ein ;
tables.) sae —
é s After taking some damage, the
larva will occasionally leap onto the
platform, land, and try to catch you
with it’s tongue—dodge and hit it
in the face with multiple Light Beam

a missile at the Dark Shredders
to take them down fast. On if you're
tow on Light Beam ammo, hit the
Shredders with the Dark Beam
instead. N
If you don't defeat the Dark Chykka Step into the Energy Controller
quickly, it will eventually revert back to and steal the energy from Dark
adult Chykka form. in this case, you'll Aether as you did before. Once it’s
need to take out its four wing weak safely taken, head back to Dark
points again so you may damage the Forgotten Bridge, and use the portal
Dark Chykka. Keep the pressure on the to access the Light World.
boss and just keep hammering away
until the Dark Visor is yours. Torvus Bog
In the second phase you face the
full-grown, adult Chykka. The creature Restoring
is very agile, so lock on and blast -Torvus Temple ~
away with the Power Beam. Once
the boss is stunned, use the Grapple Dark Torvus Bog
Beam to swing to a neighboring isle,
then target one of the four weak
spots on the creature's wings and hit
it with a Super Missile from behind. Hightail it to the Torvus Energy
Controller to deposit the Energy
you're carrying, restoring the temple
to its former glory. Excellent work,
bounty hunter; U-Mos will be most
With the Chykka defeated, use your pleased.
newfound Dark Visor to detect a
series of invisible floating platforms
in the arena. Scale them to reach the
Torvus Energy Controller at the top of
the room.
points, the Chykka transforms into
a Dark Chykka. The creature’s weak
point is now its abdomen. Pelt the
agile creature with the Power Beam
from afar, or if you're feeling daring,
swing close and devastate it with
a charged Light Beam barrage for
maximum impact.


Chyklings, take them out with the

Darkburst-you'll blast them all at
once and score Light Beam ammo in
the process.
SQ Sanctuary Temple
It might be called Sanctuary Temple, but don’t expect a peaceful welcome. The temple is home to an army of crazed
robots who long ago turned against their Luminoth masters. Grant them no mercy, for none will be granted to you.

@ The Spider Ball

Torvus Bog
Dee auras Prune ey

Missile Expansion 18 Temple Grounds Great Temple

Energy Tank 8
ee mo

You've restored the energy to Torvus

| Y Nic
_ Temple. Now it’s time to return to He'll spin horror stories about the
U-Mos at the Great Temple's Main Don't take the shortcut tunnel when
creatures you'll soon face at the
Energy Controller. Start by going to you reach the Path of Eyes. Instead,
Sanctuary Fortress, then send you
the Path of Roots, where you're able follow the path and blast a block’s
on your way. Backtrack out and open
to scan a Luminoth Lore and use crystal with the Dark Beam to move
the Great Temple's last remaining
the Grapple Beam to snag a Missile it out of your way, revealing a green
hologram door afterward, which
Expansion from a high ledge. door. Hammer the door with a Super
leads toward the Sanctuary Fortress.
Missile to access the Windchamber
Missile Expansion 19 Gateway. Missile Expansion 20

Launch out of a Kinetic Orb On your way through Transport A

drop into the water. Use your Gravity Cannon at the Windchamber Access, roll into the hole where the
Boost to claim another Missile Gateway, then use the Grapple Beam Save Station is, then drop a bomb
Expansion from a high, underwater to claim an Energy Tank. Backtrack next to the pile of rocks. Roll down
alcove. Afterward, make your way out and continue to the Great the new path to reach your 20th
to an elevator that leads back to the Temple's Main Energy Controller. Missile Expansion. Save your game
Temple Grounds. and take the transport down to
Temple Grounds.
es eis Csi eis : Dees
ta |, ae ersoeta Malls) bte-]
P| Metroid Prime 2: Echoes 4 Metroid Prime &: Corruption >

Temple Grounds

When you Take out

reach the
end of the near the ship
line in Sacred in the GFMC
Bridge, use Compound,
the Dark then lower
Visor to the gate
locate five that has an
red dots that emerald
surround the circular design. Target each with the Seeker hologram onit, and go through. Follow the path to the
Missile, then unleash your arsenal. If you strike all five at end, fragging Luminoth Turrets as you go. (The turrets are
once, the design will fall and form a bridge that lets you anew brand, and they require three missiles to destroy.)
reach the GFMC Compound.

ye VETMa stu tere]=1=)

Sanctuary Fortress
Perec ger
LS Tec mec

When you reach Sanctuary Fortress, You face a host of Pirate The walls of the Power Junction
you'll have to drop two security Commandos when crossing the long are crawling with Octopedes. The
barriers. Blast the two turrets in your bridge at Sanctuary Entrance. Use the critters aren't particularly dangerous
way, then scan a panel to lower the large crates for cover and pull ammo if left alone, but once you shoot :
first one. The second is activated with and energy from the smaller ones if them, they'll self-destruct. Shoot from
a Spinner. need be. The Darkburst can wipe out a distance and stay there until they
a Commando in one shot, but wait blow up. If you want to avoid their
for it to drop the shield before you self-destructive ways, blast them with
fire. Shooting the barrels of Phazon is the Dark Beam instead of the Power
also an effective strategy. Beam.
If you destroy a Quad’s body surrounds the spinning gyro and
before taking out the head, the top bomb the slots in the following order:
portion will detach and begin flying orange, blue, red, green.
around. Note the color of the shield
around the head, then attack with
the opposite-colored beam (Dark
Beam for white and Light Beam for
purple). The head is quick and can be
When you reach Reactor Access,
a bit of a pain, so it’s best to eliminate
turn on the Dark Visor, then examine
the head before the body.
the area around the circular
= a a
decoration to find five red circles.
The Hall of Combat Mastery is filled
Blast all five with the Seeker Missile
with broken-down Quad bodies,
Launcher to open a new path.When
along with two functioning units.
you do, a Rezbit will appear. The
When you fight the working ones,
creature is quite dangerous and can
take out the heads first. If you don't,
be tough to eliminate. Charge up the
: the heads of the disabled bodies
Dark Beam and wait for the Rezbit to eA \ = will fly off and attach to another set
drop the blue shield, then fire.
After besting the Quad, save at the of legs. When the Quads are down,
Save Station near the Reactor Core,then —_use the portal to visit the Dark World
use the platforms scattered around version of Sanctuary Fortress, a place
the Reactor Core'’s central chamber called the Ing Hive.
toclimbtothetop.UsechargedDark ==
Beam blasts to destroy the Rezbits you
encounter as you climb.When you reach =
the top, go through the blue door.
A formidable Quad patrols the torso of a Quad to claim t
hallways of Sanctuary Fortress. Book entries for this creature.
First, shoot off its head with a Super
Missile. Then, when you see a red
light appear beneath the remaining
torso, tuck into Morph Ball form and
boost into it. You can force the red
light to appear by boosting into the
To get through the Minigyro
Quad while it’s spinning about.
Chamber, roll into the ring that

Ing Hive

Stepping Blast the

through the , i Nightbarbs in
portal, you Hive Dynamo
find yourself Works with
in the Culling the Power
Chamber. Beam before
Go to the grappling
elevator in across the
Central Hive gap. Once
East Transport and ride it to the top floor. Watch out for you're across, turn around and use the Echo Visor to spot
Warrior Ing along the way. five red circles, then blast them with the Seeker Missile to
drop the barrier to a portal. Pass through and return to
the Light World.
however; use the nearby lift instead
to go up and reach Temple Access.

At Dynamo Access, use the Dark Quickly grapple to the temple's

Beam to blast the drones, then roll main platform, turn right, and head
under the floor and drop bombs to for the cobalt hologram door. If you
You face another Quad in Temple
disable the Mechlops. move quickly, you can make it to the
Access. This time, take out the legs first
door without fighting the dangerous
by boosting into the red light when you
Mekenobites that now roam the area.
see it appear beneath the creature's
If you are too slow or if you fall, use
torso. (In this instance, if you shoot off
the Seeker Missile Launcher to target
the head first, more will appear.)
and strike both of each Mekenobite’s
legs simultaneously, causing them to
drop and self-destruct.

At the Main Gyro Chamber, use

the Morph Ball to roll through the
right-hand wall, then do so again to
find a Bomb Slot. Activate the slot, and
solve the puzzle that appears by lining Dispose of the Dark Quads at
up the colored dots—red on top, Sanctuary Temple by taking out their
green in the middle, and blue on the heads and then their torsos. Then climb oi eT
bottom. Rotate the dots by shooting to the top of the scaffolding and use the At Worker's Path, leap to the
the spots in the middle of the clusters. Grapple Beam to reach the blue door. platform farthest from you, then turn
around and scan the red section on
the side of the previous platform
to activate a Kinetic Orb Cannon.
Launch across the gap, then head
through the door to reach a tough
boss fight at Dynamo Works. (The
cannon on the far side of Worker's
Path is activated in the same manner
Another Bomb Slot appears when Visit the Sanctuary Energy for when you make a return trip.)
you solve the puzzle. Activate it, then Controller for another holographic
walk on the gyro and use the Spinner message from a fallen Luminoth.
to drop part of a wall. Don’t go Collect a Lore entry before heading
through the wall you've just opened, back out to the Sanctuary Temple.
of the overhead platform's central
gap. Then drop two bombs for the
boss as it approaches from the right.
While the boss is stunned, quickly
green-and the area's Bomb Slots
bomb-jump back to the platform
fan only be activated while the directly above you to flee from its
boss is green. path. After the boss moves past,
drop back down and prepare to lay
another pair of bombs as before.
Scan the Spider Guardian before you
roll into the tunnel at the beginning
of Dynamo Works—if you don't, you'll
never get another chance! This boss
battle is more like a puzzle thana
fight, and parts of it are quite tricky. If
you don't have full energy and plenty In stage two, try boosting up the
of patience, come back after you've half-pipe to get onto the upper-right
refilled both. When the boss turns green, rush to
platform, then fall off your perch
the nearby Bomb Slot and get ready
and lay bombs in midair as the boss
approaches. After you hit the Spider to plant a bomb to activate it—but
wait until the Spider Guardian is on
Guardian, use the brief pause to build
up speed on the half-pipe and reach the right-hand side of the screen! If
the upper-left platform. If the boss it’s on the left, it will bounce off the
turns green, roll to activate the Bomb
striped panel, and you'll have to start
Slot. If not, repeat the process.

In the first stage of the battle, try

dropping bombs on the left-hand
side of the lower gap. If the boss hits
a bomb, roll left and bomb-jump
up the left platforms to escape the
boss‘s electrical field. Drop only two
bombs next to the boss—if you drop aR / Ama 2
three, you'll have to wait to generate In stage three, get onto the top Use the same strategy for the
another bomb for the jump, during platform and wait on the left side of second and third pylons, but always
which time the boss can hit you. activate the higher Bomb Slots first,
the gap. When the boss approaches,
drop straight down and lay bombs, working your way down to the lower
One (the first one you activated). You
then start building speed on the
half-pipe and return to the top don't have a lot of time to reach each
platform, If the boss turns green,
slot, so speed is key. Save precious
seconds by boosting across small
roll down to the Bomb Slot. While
gaps rather than jumping them,
hanging out on the top platform, you
and always take the shortest route
can roll to the far-left edge to escape
to each Bomb Slot, even if it means
the boss's electrical field.
Keep bombing the boss until it performing a tricky double bomb
glows green. Then hurry and activate many ways, the Spider
the nearby Bomb Slot before the Guardian is the toughest boss in the
boss changes colors again. This opens game, so don’t worry if it takes you a
a striped panel, allowing the boss to couple of tries to get the hang of the
tun into an electrically charged pylon. battle, Just focus on not getting hit,
Causing the Spider Guardian to hit and sooner or later, you'll make the
these pylons in this fashion is the Perfect run through each slot.
only way to damage the creature. There are three Bomb Slots in
stage four, and you must trick the
boss into hitting three different
pylons to defeat it. Drop to the very
bottom and wait just to the right
- m4
The Power Bomb
Sanctuary Fortress

Your newfound Spider Ball upgrade
lets you cling to Spider Ball Tracks,

hel AE
which appear in a herringbone
pattern and are usually red, blue, or
bronze. Simply press and hold @ to
cling to such tracks, defying the laws
of gravity. You can also drop bombs
to reach tracks above you, or quickly
Back in the Hall of Combat Mastery, Jump and roll right, then keep
release @ and reengage to drop and
use the blue Spider Ball Track to get going until you see the Missile
attach to tracks below.
out of the glass room that surrounds Expansion overhead. Blast the panel
Missile Expansion 21 the elevator—don't forget to scan beneath the expansion with a bomb
the Luminoth Lore first. and then jump up to claim it. The exit
is close by.
Missile Expansion e2
Energy Tank 9
Pr -

Use the Spider Ball to get up toa

shortcut leading out of the Spider
Guardian’s lair. Simply make your
Roll up another blue Spider Ball Track ow 2 a n
way up to a high ledge where the
in the Hall of Combat Mastery, the After claiming the Missile Expansion
third and fourth rooms meet, bomb-
‘one that leads into a wall. Follow the in the Hall of Combat Mastery,
jumping to get on top of the ledge.
trail to a Bomb Slot and activate it. backtrack to the Reactor Core. (Boost
Then roll along to claim a Missile
Boost through the flames that follow, through the Minigyro Chamber
Expansion, taking a background
then bomb-jump up to the third to avoid damage.) Use the Kinetic
tunnel to exit the boss's lair. You'll
level. Orb Cannon there to soar up to the
land in the open portion of Dynamo
large central orb, holding @ to latch
onto it with the Spider Ball. Roll up
to a second orb and sit on the red
dot, then hold ® and release to
boost-jump over to a third orb.

Move left until you reach the far

side of the wall, then jump to the
Roll through the open portion of
highest moving platform. Roll left
Dynamo Works and climb the far wall
until you see Phazon, then jump to
via the Spider Ball Track. Scan the
a platform and use the Spider Ball to
Luminoth body on the ledge, then go
grab a moving piece of track.
through the door and take Central
Area Transport East down to the first
goods, it’s time to leave the world of When you enter the swamp, head
the future behind for a moment and down to the Hydrodynamo Station.
return to Torvus Bog. It's a long trip, but you can use the
time to scan anything you missed, or
pick up some items.

a \ A
Roll to the third orb’s red dot and
wait for the electricity to vanish
from the next orb in sight, then
boost-jump over to that orb. Quickly As you try to leave the high-tech
boost-jump across the remaining world for the murk of the swamp,
orbs until you at last reach an Energy Dark Samus will reappear and destroy When you reach the Main Hydro-
Tank on a remote ledge. Move fast or the bridge at Sanctuary Entrance. No chamber, drop to the bottom and
you'll be shocked and forced to start matter; look for a Spider Ball Track on locate a Spider Ball Track. (The Scan
over. the wall behind you, then use it to cross Visor can help you locate it through
Map Station the abyss left by the bridge's demise. the murk.) Ride the track as far as you
(You'll need to boost-jump across the can, then drop off it to reach a portal.
gap in the track halfway across.) Shoot the portal with the Dark Beam
and visit the Dark World for a quick
Torvus Bog boss fight.


After grabbing the Energy Tank in the

Reactor Core, save your game and
head for the cobalt door down the
hall. The cobalt door protects a Map
Station that gives you schematics for Go all the way back to Torvus Bog
Sanctuary Fortress. Once you get the via the elevator in the Great Temple.

Dark Torvus Bog


Boss Battle:
Power Bomb Guardian

The network of tracks above is a bit You fall after activating each Bomb
tricky, requiring you to bomb-jump Slot, forcing you to start over from
To destroy this boss, you must up to higher segments and drop and the bottom of the track. Head in the
activate four Bomb Slots along the latch onto lower ones. Keep moving opposite direction on your second
arena’s walls.
To start,zoom up the in one direction, either right or left, trip, again passing the first Bomb Slot
Spider Ball Track that leads up the and skip past the first Bomb Slot you see and activating the farther
wall. you see, activating the second one one. This lets you reach the final two
instead. Do your best to avoid the slots without having to travel so
boss's attacks along the way. far—a welcome advantage,
as the
boss attacks with greater tenacity
each time you trigger a slot.
Torvus Bog Temple Grounds
Missile Expansion 23

After all four slots have been

activated, the ceiling lowers, crushing
the Power Bomb Guardian. Travel up tiga Pass through the Hall of Eyes to reach
the Spider Ball Track once more and When you're back in the Light World, the Windchamber Gateway, and use
you'll be standing in the Gathering a Power Bomb to open the door to
follow a stretch that leads up to the
Hall—drop a pair of Power Bombs the Grand Windchamber. Fire up the
top of the room. Drop onto the high
to break the glass and seal under Grand Windchamber’s portal and
ledge to claim the Power Bombs,
the pool and drain it, revealing a warp to the Dark World.
which you may deploy by pressing $e
in Morph Ball form. half-pipe. Sky Temple Grounds

You have a limited supply of Power

Bombs, so don't waste them.
Defeat enemies and smash objects
to discover more bombs when
you're running low.
Boost up the pipe and grab onto The contraption in the middle of the
either side of the Spider Ball Track Ing Windchamber features four locks,
© The Sunburst above. Use a combination of bomb each with two separate color settings.
jumps and boost jumps to reach a Use the Kinetic Orb Cannons to reach
Dark Torvus Bog Bomb Slot. Activate the slot, then the area's four Spinners, using each
repeat the process on the opposite one to turn all four locks the same
side. Use the Grapple Beam afterward color. (Either color is fine.)
to reach a new platform halfway up
the wall, then jump to the Missile

Test out your new toy by rolling up to

the yellow door ahead and dropping =~ Stile
a Power Bomb. This opens the door, Once all four locks are lined up,
allowing you to exit the area. Head shoot them all at once with the
back to Undertemple Shaft and save Seeker Missile Launcher. Repeat the
your game, then head to the Crypt After claiming the Gathering process, turning the locks to the color
and use the portal there to enter the Hall’s Missile Expansion, go through you didn't use the first time. Then
Light World. There's a closer portal, the Light Beam door at the top of use your Seeker Missile Launcher
but this one sets you up to claim a the room. Leave the underground on the locks again. The locks drop
Missile Expansion. area and return to Torvus Temple. off afterward, giving you access
Continue to the Transport to Temple to four new Grapple Points in the
Grounds and leave Torvus Bog Light World. Warp back to the Grand
behind. Windchamber.
room. Claim the Sunburst upgrade,
which allows you to spend 30 @ The Echo Visor
units of Light Beam ammo and five Temple Grounds
missiles to unleash a devastating
Sunburst strike—the bane of all 1s =
Dark World creatures.

With the locks gone and the the Sunbu harge up

Grapple Points in place, swing to Light Beam and then press qp.
the outside platform and use its Head to the GFMC Compound and
cannon to reach the middle of the open the yellow door with a Power
Bomb. Make your way through and
return to Sanctuary Fortress.

Sanctuary Fortress

weapon to disrupt it. (Dark Beam

for a white shield and Light Beam
for a purple shield.) After stunning
an Ingsmasher with a charged
shot, quickly lay a Power Bomb to
vaporize it.

Go to the right of the door leading

into the fortress and leap up some
Use the Spider Ball Track to roll across
ledges to locate another Spider Ball
the gap where the bridge used to
be. On the other side, drop a Power
Track. Follow it up to the new hole ite
you just made with the turret, then advantage and start charging your
Bomb to shatter some cracked
use the Kinetic Orb Cannon up there weapon in anticipation for their
glass and access a lift. Ride up and
to reach a Power Bomb Expansion on next shield.
scan a panel to activate a Kinetic
a far ledge, giving you an extra bomb
Orb Cannon, then launch to reach
to play with.
a Spider Ball Track. Follow the track
to reach a high ledge with a Heavy

Head through the Hall of Combat

Mastery to reach Central Area
Proceed to Reactor Access, where Transport East. You must defeat more
two Ingsmashers spring to life and Ingsmashers in the hall to clear the
Use the turret to blast three things: attack, one after the other. Get to way forward.When you reach the lift,
the wall on the far mountainside, the high ground or leap each brute’s take it to the top floor.
cracked facade on the temple, and a shock wave attacks, and wait until
spiky protrusion to the right of the it brings up a colored shield. Then
facade. Leave the turret and return hit the creature with a charged shot
from the opposite-colored beam
crawl up it and boost off to the far
platform. Finally, jump to the central
platform and use a second portal

Sanctuary Fortress

On the top floor of the Main Gyro When Dark Samus turns into a
Chamber, drop a Power Bomb next Morph Ball and rockets around the
to the canisters to reveal a Bomb room, just jump like crazy and stay
Slot. Activate the slot and line up the off the ground. When she ditches her
colored dots that appear to reveal Morph Ball form, try to lock on and
a second Bomb Slot just as you did hit her with another charged Light
before. Activate the second slot to Beam or Power Beam. The best time The Echo Visor is waiting for
make the second ring of the gyro to strike is just before or after she you back in the Light World. The
freeze in place. initiates an attack. device allows you to see things in
terms of sound, and comes in very
handy when trying to track down
unseen foes. Switch it on and use
it to identify the devices that are
blocking your exit. Shoot each one
toward on foot, closing the
with the Power Beam to shut them
distance. Don't waste ammo while
she's creating a blue shield-it
off and activate the elevator so you
makes her invulnerable. may exit the arena.
Go down to the gyro and walk
along the outer ring, then look for a
Spider Ball Track running up the inner
right that isn’t barred. Roll up the
track and boost-jump off the edge
to send yourself flying through a
cracked pane of glass.

When Dark Samus turns invisible,

track her down with the Dark Visor.
After a couple of hits, the screen will
whitewash and you'll need to switch
back to the Combat Visor. Don't
forget to scan Dark Samus to add a
new Log Book entry!
Inside the Checkpoint Station,
you'll see Dark Samus destroy a Ing Hive
platoon of Dark Pirate Troopers like
they were tissue paper. Not good!
Stock up on supplies from the boxes
and get ready to fight your nemesis
Boss Battle: Dark Samus 2
Dark Samus has a few new tricks, and
she’s just as speedy as ever, making it When the fight is done go tireuan
very difficult for you to use either the the broken window and walk along
Power Bombs or the Sunburst. Stick the edge until you find a portal. Hop
with more traditional, faster weapons through it to visit the Dark World
to get the drop on her. Keep moving and look for a Spider Ball Track, then
at all times—a target in motion is roll to the top floor. Use the Spinner
harder to hit. to rotate the middle track, then
@ The Screw ~» Ing Hive
Sanctuary Fortress

Look fora red Spider Ball Track in the Return to the Minigyro Chamber
Culling Chamber, then use it to roll and boost past the drones. Head
=: a
into the glass-enclosed area, which for the yellow door on the far side
The Checkpoint Station is locked up holds a Dark Temple Key. Drop a of the Reactor Core. On your way
tight; use the Echo Visor to destroy bomb on the obstruction, then roll through the Transit Station, drop a
the invisible device that is keeping it on through and get the key. When Power Bomb in front of the cracked
shut. Afterward, head back to Dynamo you emerge, head back to the Light glass and get ready for some good,
Works and through to Central Area World. old-fashioned portal-hopping.
Transport East. Take the elevator
down, then activate and use the portal
in the Hall of Combat Mastery.

Ing Hive

There are two reasons to enter the Dark World at this point. The first is to
add the Dark Ingsmasher to your Log Book, and the second is to finda
Power Bomb Expansion. Dispose of the creature as you would a normal
Ingsmasher, then use the portal behind the spot where it was standing to
return to the Light World.

Sanctuary Fortress

Power Bomb Expansion & Missile Expansion 24

Roll through the m oe Once you get
nearby tunnel your prize, head
and take another for the far door
portal to the and proceed to
Dark World. Use Main Research.
the Spider Ball Roll along the
Track there to Spider Ball Track
access another on the wall there,
portal, then use another track to cross the room and avoiding the moving machinery on your way to grabbing
reach a Power Bomb Expansion. Take the track back out an easy Missile Expansion.
afterward, dropping from the middle to land in the main
Next, use
the Echo Visor Take down the
to open the Hunter Ing, then
door in Main use the Echo
Research and ah Visor to disable
access a portal. (Opa) the beacons
Before you step sd (CF around the room.
through, scan So i) When all are
the Caretaker Class Drone, which is located at the top of down,a door
the glass-enclosed cylinder in the middle of the room. You lowers to reveal a panel. Scan the panel, then jump to the
won't have a chance to get it later. bottom of the room and enter the portal there.

Sanctuary Fortress

Use the nearby Spider Ball Track aid After disabling the Geuker Class While you're riding the moving track,
bomb yourself upward at the end. Drone, roll up the Spider Ball Track drop a bomb just as you come to a red
When you do, robot arms appear to reach a door on an elevated ledge set of bars. This propels you to the next
and start circling the track. Circle and and go through. stretch of track, and out of harm’s way.
boost-jump around the track to avoid Beam Ammo Expansion 3
them.When a red bar pops down
from the middle of the machine,
boost-jump across the track hit it.

At Central Area Transport West,

use the Echo Visor to locate a When ee reach a mass of Spider Ball
troublesome audio menace, then Tracks, roll to the far left edge and
eliminate it to free up a Kinetic Orb drop to another track. Bomb-jump
Cannon. Shoot up to the top and from there to another pair of moving
Strike two more red bars in the
same manner, then hit the large
head for the Watch Station. tracks, and bomb-jump as you pass
cylinder that drops in the middle the red bars again to leap to the next
of the room. Follow the Caretaker stretch of track as you did before.
Class Drone upward and repeat this
process twice more on successively
smaller sections of track. The boost
jump is your best friend throughout
this ordeal.
Jump onto the platform and head
for the other side of the room, then
find the Spider Ball Track and use it to Roll into a tunnel and go right until
reach the Kinetic Orb Cannon, which you see yourself through a pane of
launches you to another track.

——S .
glass, then roll away from the camera Ing Hive Sanctuary Fortress
(into the background) to claim a
Beam Ammo Expansion.
=e —_

“ ,

At the Aerial Training Site, take out Back in the Light World, go through
2s: ; the Dark Pirate Commandos and the blue door above the portal to
Return to the mass of Spider Ball then head through the nearby blue reach the Vault. Once there, walk
Tracks, and this time, go right to reach door. Blast all the Dark Preeds out to the center of the large cage and
a Bomb Slot. Bombing the slot lets of the way before you attempt to descend one level.Scanapanel,
you access a portal—make a trip to grapple across the gap, then swing then cross the bridge and enter the
the Dark World. through and use the portal on the portal.
other side.

Ing Hive

Ing Hive The Annihilator

Sanctuary Fortress
Y :

Once in the Dark World, swing all
the way across the gap, then turn
Grapple back across the gap and
around and scan the Dark War Wasp.
enter the other portal.
It's a rare creature, and this is by far
the easiest place to locate it. After the Sanctuary Fortress Use your new Screw Attack to cross
Log Book entry is made, go through
the gaps in the Vault and Grand
the portal and back to the friendlier ee, : Abyss, then head for the Watch
confines of the Vault. Station. Grand Abyss is a great place
Sanctuary Fortress to practice your Screw Attack leaping
technique, which can take some time
to get used to.

Return to the middle of the room

and activate the Bomb Slot on
the bottom portion of the cage to
gain access to the Screw Attack. By
There's no boss guarding the Screw double-jumping and then pressing
Attack—just five Rezbits. Make short a third time, you can activate the
work of each with your Dark Beam as Screw Attack and leap as many as
you leap from platform to platform, five more times (by continuing to
activating Spinners to lock four lasers press 8).
in place. With that done, head back to
the portal and go through it.
Missile Expansion 25

Defeat the pirates in the Watch Station, then use the Screw Attack to reach
the far door on the same side of the room as the entrance to Grand Abyss.
Fall down the elevator shaft in Sanctuary Station and look for three holes
in the ground. Drop into the left hole, then keep rolling right and dropping
down shafts to claim a Missile Expansion. Enter Main Research afterward
and go through the portal.

Ing Hive
< RTS Msn =
ELE Be Be LS els
beer aa ns
PERM eta ics Niels nas

Wall-jumping is a little tricky at first. Sanctuary Fortress

Perform a Screw Attack toward the
Wall Jump Surface, wait until Samus Energy Tank 10
touches the surface and grabs on,
then press 8 again to leap to the
other side. Keep it up until you reach
the top.
i ap —
In the Staging Area, jump onto the Missile Expansion 26
raised platform that rings the center
cylinder, and leap to a platform = i '
on the wall. Turn left and jump to Enter Watch Station Access and grab
another platform, then head through your 10th Energy Tank from the
the blue door. ledge. Then either scan the panel to
lower some Grapple Points, or simply
perform Screw Attacks to cross the
Pe Y
chasm. Proceed to Dynamo Works
Grab the Dark Temple Key from the
and use the portal there to enter the
Aerial Training Site, then scan the
Dark World.
panel and lower the shield. Get over
ey to the portal and wall-jump up to
find a Missile Expansion, then charge
Use the Screw Attack to wall-jump the portal and return to Aether's
up the Central Hive West Transport. Light World.

Ing Hive

b=) hn ied
eau BCT iar
ben uy
are mC Deut
SS uot
nT Mug UCT) Aue reneged
ammo, use the Boost Ball to roll
under the feet and strike them-two
hits will disable a ball and spew
pick-ups all over the place.
Once in Hive Dynamo Works, go om AS e aS
through the Light Beam door. Defeat The top door in Hive Gyro Chamber ———
the Warrior Ing waiting on the other vf CAUTION
leads to an Ammo Station. Use it to
side and use the Echo Visor to unlock restock, then go back to the chamber
the next door. and boost to the red door and a Save
Station.When you're ready for battle,
go through the door that has red
beams of light on either side. Don't
touch the light—it will damage you.
around you. When this happens,
Boss Battle: Quadraxis Quickly morph and boost to break
The fight against Quadraxis is the lock.
multipart affair, and there are
Jump to the large orb in the several new scans for your Log Book
middle of Hive Gyro Chamber, and throughout the battle, so be sure you
assume your Spider Ball form to don't miss them.
reach the top. At the end of the track,
boost up to another track, then boost
across the circle to snag the last Dark
Temple Key. (If you fall off the orb,
you'll need to Spider-Ball back up.)
Once Quadraxis’s head separates
from its body, the second phase of
battle begins. Use the Echo Visor
to find the antenna that emerges
In the first stage, Quadraxis's
from the body, then destroy it with
‘Gyro kneecaps periodically glow blue.
Darkling Tentacles will likely kr the Screw Attack or a charged Light
Lock on to one and blast it with a
you off Instead, line yourself Beam blast. This stuns the head; use
pair of Super Missiles while the joint
up with the room of choice and the same visor to find the head's
boost-jump your way into it from
is glowing to collapse the leg. The
antennae and destroy them with the
the orb. massive robot speeds up as you blow
Sunburst. Scan three things during
off each knee joint, however, making
this part of the fight—the body, the
the last one fairly hard to hit.To
head, and the stunned head.
simplify things early on, try firing just
one Super Missile at each of the four
knees before destroying any—that
way you'll only need to hit each of
the remaining knees once.
yellow symbol in the middle of the
door with the Annihilator Beam.
Listen closely to the pattern of
sounds and try to remember the
tone of each note.

In the boss's final form, stun the Return to the middle of Hive
head with Super Missiles or the Temple and pass through the only
Sunburst, then watch for a moment door other than the one you came
to see which way it drifts. Boost to through. Scan and then boost
the next leg it will pass, then Spider- through the Ingstorm, then follow
Ball up to the top of the leg and the path until you reach the Aerial
boost off when the head floats by. Training Site. Next, shoot the nearby Echo Key
(A full boost is usually too much, so Beams in the corresponding order
tone it down a bit.) Hold @ so that to recreate the note pattern and
you attach to the head, then roll open the door. It takes a bit of trial
into one of the two holes and drop and error to open these Echo Doors,
a regular Morph Ball Bomb. Repeat as you won't know what sounds the
this and bomb the other hole to send keys make until you shoot them.
Quadraxis to the scrap heap. Any incorrect notes you strike reset
the sequence—keep trying until
Shoot your Annihilator Beam at a you get it right and claim a Missile
Light Crystal to make a Super Crystal, Expansion.
The Annihilator Beam is your and at a Light Beacon to make a
reward for defeating Quadraxis. Super Beacon. (You'll need to stand
This awesome weapon uses both close to your targets when you shoot
Light and Dark Beam ammo to tear to avoid tracking other enemies
foes to shreds, and its attacks
within range instead.) You can scan
track enemies to ensure you never
miss. It's easy to burn through
both of your creations for new Log
beam ammo with this weapon, so Book entries. Use the nearby portal
keep a close eye on your reserves. afterward to return to the Light
World. Reach the acu frcgs
Controller to transfer the energy
Restoring the Serr
. Sanctuary >? you're carrying back to the temple.
Congratulations. All the energy the
Temple ystalsand Super Beacons Ing have stolen from Aether’s three
draw in ing and destroy them. Make temples has been restored!
Ing Hive liberal use of this new advantage!

Sanctuary Fortress
Missile Expansion 27

After defeating Quatlads use the

Spider Ball to climb to the top of
the platform, then jump over to the
door that’s surrounded by small red
At Sentinel’s Path, you encounter
squares. Enter the room beyond and
perform a familiar ritual—take the a new Echo Door that’s sealed
power from the Dark Aether Energy with a system of locks. Put on
Controller. the Echo Visor, then blast the
SO. Sky Temple
Not content with oozing around the ground like overgrown mud puddles, the Ing have taken up residence inside a
flying fortress. Their leaders have nowhere to run—the time has come to purge this dark blight from existence.

@ Sonic Boom
Sanctuary Fortress
OUI Main Gyro Chamber

Missile Expansion 28 the Echo Door to reveal a Kinetic Orb

eee un Cannon. Use the cannon to reach a
Power Bomb Expansion.

When you land, use the Echo Visor

Before returning to U-Mos, make a to disable an audio signal, then run to
short detour for a valuable upgrade the cannon and shoot yourself over the as
and several worthy expansions. Go barrier again to earn a Missile Expansion. Go through Dynamo Access and
to Temple Access and turn on the Dynamo Works to Central Area
Dark Visor to locate four red circles Transport East and take the elevator.
on the wall. Use the Seeker Missile to Head toward the portal in the Hall of
hit them and activate a Kinetic Orb Combat Mastery, then drop a Power
Cannon, then blast yourself over the Bomb while you're inside the glass-
barrier. enclosed walkway to clear a path to
a door. Go through the door to reach
an elevator, then ride the lift to Agon
Enter the Main Gyro Chamber
and take the elevators all the way
down to the bottom floor. Scan the
Luminoth Lore on the wall, then open

Agon Wastes

Se -
Ee ee ed p=) a)e li)

@ PevaCociurs ered
Missile Expansion 29 timing your leaps so you fly through
psy ma the gaps in the metal walls. At the
end of the line, drop a regular bomb
on the glass circle to claim another
Missile Expansion.

Use a Power Bomb to get through Scan the Luminoth body in the Main
the door and enter Ventilation Area Reactor, then locate a Spider Ball
A.Roll right, dispatch a Pillbug, then track on the bottom floor near the
double bomb-jump onto the block. elevator. (Not the track that leads
Double bomb-jump again to reach up to a fallen Luminoth—the one Make for the portal in the
the level above you, then roll to the to the right of that.) Take the track Command Center next and enter the
left to pick up a Missile Expansion. and boost-jump to reach the next Dark World. Move with purpose until
Proceed through the Light Beam track that wraps around a piston, and you reach the Phazon Site.
door afterward. continue boost-jumping to the right,

Dark Agon Wastes


@ The Light Suit ©

Dark Agon Wastes

: a
At the Phazon Site, you find a swarm The door leads to Ing Cache 2,
of Dark Tallon Metroids. Hit each where the Sonic Boom upgrade
one with a charged Light Beam shot for your Annihilator Beam is stored.
followed by a missile. If they land The attack demands 30 units of
on you, drop a Power Bomb to blast both Light Ammo and Dark Ammo, After you add the Sonic Boom to you
the critters into nothingness. When plus five missiles. It’s pricey, but collection, head back to Dark Oasis
the coast is clear, hop to the middle the ensuing explosion is powerful and enter the portal that whisks you
platform, then use the Screw Attack enough to wipe out nearly anything. to the Light World.
to reach the far door. Charge the Annihilator Beam and
press $p to unleash a Sonic Boom.

Agon Wastes
Temple Grounds

LI no
Go to Sand Processing and boost up A, where you must activate a Bomb
Head through the Industrial Site and
the half pipe to reach a small tunnel Slot to open the way forward.
into the Collapsed Tunnel, then move
that leads to a little control room. on to the Temple Assembly Site. Make
Scan the panel and use a Bomb Slot for the lift and go to the Great Temple.
to drain the sand from the other
section of Sand Processing, then roll Great Temple
back out and collect the exposed
Missile Expansion.
Missile Expansion 32 SS .
paps . ere Main Research is infested with
Infant Tallon Metroids. Scan them and
their cocoons, then proceed to the
Command Center.
Missile Expansion 33 Continue to the top of the temple
and pay a visit to U-Mos at the Main
Energy Controller. With the all three
temples’ energy restored, the grateful
Luminoth is now able to bestow the
scan the control panel on one side of
awesome Light Suit upon you.
the room to raise the central platforms.
Then roll up the Spider Ball Track
located behind the control panels on i nn ees 4
the opposite side of the room. The Light Suit fully protects you
Exit the Command Center through
Command Center Access, then head to from the Dark World's atmosphere
Mining Station A.Use a Power Bomb to and poisonous waters—no more
shatter the cracked east wall (spot the energy sapping for you. In addition,
it allows you to ride on beams of
wall with your Scan Visor) and reveal
light, using them as transports
a Kinetic Orb Cannon, which launches between Aether's temples.
you to a high Spider Ball Track. Roll to
reach a Missile Expansion. The Sky

Boost-jump along the track as Energy Tank Il ™ Temple Keys
necessary, and when you reach the
middle of the room, boost to the track Temple Grounds
that wraps around the middle raised
platform. Roll to the platform's other
side and boost to the ledge with a
green door. Open the door with a
Super Missile and claim the Missile =
Expansion from the room beyond.
Proceed to the Mining Plaza, turn on
your Echo Visor and blast three audio
devices in the area to reveal a small Bid U-Mos farewell and take Temple
alcove in the cliff face. Climb to a high Transport C back down to the Temple
vantage and use the Screw Attack Grounds. Go through the half-pipe
to reach the Energy Tank stashed in the Meeting Grounds and into the
within. After claiming the prize, head Hall of Eyes, then jump up and use
to Transport to Temple Grounds and the portal to enter the Dark World.
ride up the elevator.
ees! ® Getting Started @ eee eee) eeu
< Eee ens! > (Ere Meine -a ed < EES

Sky Temple Grounds

behind—the first of the nine. Enter

the nearby portal afterward to return
to the Light World.

Temple Grounds

- i ae

Sky Temple Gateway is your portal

At Base Access, drop off the ledge and to the stars. To use it, you must find
blast open the green door, then walk nine Sky Temple Keys that have been
until you find a large structure with a scattered all over Aether’s Dark World.
door in it. Use the Dark Visor and the For now, just scan everything in
Seeker Missile Launcher to open the sight—there’s quite a list—then leave Cut through the Landing Site (save
door and claim a Missile Expansion, the room with new clues in hand. and refill your ammo and Energy at
then head for Shrine Access. your ship), then head for the Temple
Assembly Site. When you arrive, look
for a block with a Dark Crystal on it,
then shoot the crystal with the Light
Beam to expose a portal. Head on

Head out of Sky Temple Gateway

Roll through the tunnel at Shrine and keep walking until you hit a
Access, using bomb jumps as necessary green door. Pass through it, then use
to clear obstacles. On the other end, the Dark Visor to detect a Flying Ing
blast the Corrupted Sentreyes with Cache. Shoot it once, scan it with
the Power Beam to stun them, then go the Scan Visor, then blast it out of
through the purple door to reach the existence. It leaves a Sky Temple Key
Sky Temple Gateway.
Now that
you have
Grab the the Light
Missile Suit, you can
Expansion dive into the
that’s sitting Accursed
all by its
Lake’s purple
then turn without fear.
aroundand The Flying Ing Cache is in the far corner of the room—
go through blast it once with the Dark Visor, then wait for it to drift to
the purple door. Blast the Venom Weed to avoid a position where you can grab the key before finishing it
off. If the key is in a tough spot, use the Screw Attack to
reach it. Return to the Light World after you get it.

Temple Grounds

Power Bomb Expansion 4 backtrack out, using Power Bombs to

Sky Temple Grounds
pay ers obliterate the gates you encounter in
d the Trooper Security Station as you Beam Ammo Expansion 4
head toward the GFMC Compound.
Missile Expansion 37

Use a Power Bomb to blast through

the security gate in Dynamo
Chamber, then drop another of Use the Echo Visor to open the
the big bombs next to the cracked ae S door in Profane Path and claim the
section of wall to find a Power Bomb final Beam Ammo Expansion. Then
At the GFMC Compound, leap to
Expansion. Leave the chamber and proceed to Phazon Pit, dispatching
the top of the battered ship by
head for Storage Cavern A, just to the the Dark Tallon Metroid with a few
performing a Screw Attack from the
side of the Communication Area. charged Light or Dark Beam blasts.
ledge where PFC |. Crany’s body lies.
Missile Expansion 36 The expansion sits at the far end of Missile Expansion 38
the ship's roof. > an
Energy Tank 12

gee | se

Jump to the ledge on the left At Phazon Grounds, either use the
side of Communication Area and . Dark Visor to find floating platforms,
use a regular bomb to break the Next, take a quick detour to Fortress or leap to the far Missile Expansion
round glass structure for a Missile Transport Access and step into the with the Screw Attack (which has the
Expansion. Leap from the nearby bright yellow beam of light for an added bonus of killing any roaming
square statue afterward to reach the Energy Tank. Return to the GFMC Metroids that get in your way).
other side, then cross the bridge to Compound afterward and work your Proceed through the purple door
reach Storage Cavern A. Once there, way to the portal in Sacred Path. when you're done.
scan the fallen Luminoth and then
le up to tha top of fe Dleatch He Warrior Ing, then
Reliquary Grounds and make for the Head back to Sandcanyon and use the Dark Visor to detect some
blue door at the end of the room. use the Screw Attack to reach the moving platforms. Carefully leap
Inside the Ing Reliquary, use the Dark sculpture in the middle of the room. to the other side of the room and
Visor to find another Sky Temple Drop a Power Bomb to break off blast the Flying Ing Cache for a Sky
Key. You've now collected all of the part of the sculpture and get a Temple Key (your fifth). Then proceed
Sky Temple Keys in Temple Grounds. Power Bomb Expansion. Head to the to Warrior's Walk. Avoid falling in
Make your way back to the Great Command Center afterward and take Battleground or you'll have to go
Temple. the portal to the Dark World. back through the Double Path and
try again.
Great Temple Dark Agon Wastes Missile Expansion 0

Step into ve port in the center of Take the Dark Beam door and move
the Main Energy Controller area to In Warrior's Walk, scan for a weak
through Oasis Access. When you section of flooring and bomb it to fall
activate the energy transport system. reach Dark Oasis, use the Scan Visor
Move your cursor so Agon Wastes is into a lower area, Roll to the far-east
to find a weakened wall, then lay a end of the Phazon-filled trench to
the highlighted map, then press ® to Power Bomb to blow it up. Fall into
be sent on your way. claim your 40th Missile Expansion.
the water beyond and use the Dark
Agon Wastes _ Visor to find the Flying Ing Cache and
another Sky Temple Key.
Missile papegaol) se
Power Bomb Expansion& Even the Light Suit won't protect |
you from Phazon, so move swiftly.

Missile Expansion 41

Make a quick stop in Mining Station

B and blast the cracked wall with Go back through Doomed Entry
a Power Bomb to access a Missile and head to the Feeding Pit. Drop
Expansion. into the water and walk to the west
end of the pond, where you find a Escape the Phazon trench
Power Bomb Expansion tucked inside and continue to Junction Site.
a small nook. After grabbing the Bomb-jump to the Spider Ball Track
goodie, swing back around and take there, then roll up and activate a
the top section of Double Path to Bomb Slot to rotate the entire room
and reveal a Missile Expansion. Rotate
reach Battleground.
the room again to leave.
Missile Expansion 43 Torvus Bog
Missile Expansion 44
a sa

Next, go through the Dark Beam door Backtrack to Torvus Grove and scan
at the base of the Duelling Range. the giant tree to find two weakened
Walk forward and then turn around. legs. Drop a Power Bomb right Go to the top level of Forgotten
A Missile Expansion is tucked inside between the legs to blast them both Bridge and head through the red
a small tunnel; roll inside to claim it, at once, felling the tree and revealing door at the end of the hall. In Plaza
then return to Portal Site and step a Missile Expansion. Afterward, use Access, use bomb jumps to move up
back into the Light World. the half pipe in the grove to loop and around the tunnel. Access two
around to Forgotten Bridge, then go Bomb Slots to rotate the flooring so
Agon Wastes through the portal there. you may pass through. Afterward,
rec bomb-jump to reach the background
Dark Torvus Bog tunnel above the second piece of
flooring. Roll down the tunnel and
Power Bomb Expansion 7 boost up the half pipe to claim a
eens aaa
Missile Expansion, then backtrack out.

Energy Tank 14
ee Ye
Back in the Light World, return to
the Transport Center and use the
half-pipe to boost up to the ledge.A
door there leads to an elevator that
Drop and take the yellow door that
will deposit you in Torvus Bog.
leads to Putrid Alcove. Shoot the Dark
Phlogus to stun it, then leap into the
Torvus Bog
water and drop a Power Bomb next Go to Torvus Plaza next and use
Energy Tank 13 to a cracked wall, exposing a Power the half-pipe to reach a high Spider
Bomb Expansion. Ball Track. Follow the track to a log,
roll down, and grab another track,
following it to a second log. Continue
along and beware the Sporb—defeat
it with the Annihilator Beam if it
knocks you down.
on ee LD nk
Take the Underground Tunnel to
reach the Meditation Vista. Spy a
Continue on to the Poisoned Bog,
moving platform in the distance
drop underwater and find a Flying
among some trees. Aim at the middle
Ing Cache. Claim its Sky Temple Key
tree, wait until the platform begins
and then head back to the Dark
to slow as it moves to the right, then
Forgotten Bridge. Leap up the side ee iy
leap and use the Screw Attack to land
ledges and hop back through the You eventually reach a rotating
on the platform as it moves left, in
portal to the Light World. piece of track, at which point the
front of the tree. Ride the platform to
a hovering Energy Tank. camera moves so it's difficult to see
what you're doing. Let the track
rotate all the way toward you, then
bomb-jump up to a higher track.
Ride the track to its end, then release
& a
(VET isaatanics
eo creer pete
as ts)
CS Meta t-10 8
r Beer ue

@ and quickly reengage to grab it. Ride the track to its end, then drop the north or east ledge. Blast either
a lower track. Roll left until you and grab a lower track. Ride this one one with a Power Bomb to reveal a
can go no farther, then just keep to its end as well so you may roll onto tunnel, then roll through to claim
bomb-jumping while holding @ the left stretch of track. You're out of your final Power Bomb Expansion.
and attempting to roll upward. You'll the woods now; keep going until you Travel to the Hydrodynamo Station
eventually make it to the stationary reach a cannon that launches you next and drop to the bottom. Keep
track above. over to the final Energy Tank. heading down to reach the Hydro-
chamber, then use the Spider Ball
Power Bomb Expansion 8
Track on the far wall to reach a

At the second set of rotating tracks,

let the closest one rotate all the way Head back toward the Great Bridge
toward you, then release @) and and look for a pile of rocks on either
quickly reengage to drop and grab

Dark Torvus Bog

< bs ba at
@ Meret Dungeon

Missile Expansion 45 ft .
i z Once you're Bombs to
. in the Dark break the
World, notice barricades
a nearby over the
Wall Jump doors in the
Surface. Use Sacrificial
the Screw Chamber,
Attack to then roll through Undertransit Two to reach the
leap up toa Dungeon. When you arrive in the Dungeon, drop into the
high Missile Expansion. Remember to wait for Samus to purple water and walk until you find a creature called a
touch the surface and grab on before jumping to the next. Watchdrone. Shoot the beacon above it with the Light
Continue on to the Sacrificial Chamber. Beam to make the beast move, then roll through the
tunnel and do the same thing to a second Watchdrone.
Destroy the Flying Ing Cache in the room beyond for a Sky
Temple Key, then surface and go back to the Light World.

Torvus Bog
< ls see esi]
1a = ee NAME ered
Dead cly Training Chamber
current and use bomb jumps to reach a Sanctuary Fortress
high Missile Expansion. Make your way
to the Training Chamber afterward. Missile Expansion 48
Missile Expansion 47
peepee pa

Fire the Annihilator Beam at the striped

as a
door to access Transit Tunnel South. As
Revisit the Sanctuary Map Station
you pass through, activate a Bomb Slot
and stand in the beam of light to
to change the current, then bomb-jump Defeat the Dark Bloggs within the warp to a Missile Expansion, then
up so you're over a yellow dot. Double Training Chamber with charged continue to the Hall of Combat
bomb-jump up and right, then go to the Light Beam assaults, but scan one Mastery and utilize the portal at the
other Bomb Slot and use it. first to add it to your Log Book. Latch far end.
on to the Spider Ball Track near the
statue afterward and boost-jump
across, then head up. Drop onto the
front part of the statue and trigger
the Bomb Slot to expose a Missile
Expansion hidden behind the statue,
as well as a yellow door.Go through
the door and leap across the moving
Make your way to the upper path platforms, then take the elevator to
and head right until you see a third Sanctuary Fortress.
BombSlot. Activate it, then exploit the

Ing Hive

to the bottom of the Hive Reactor

(beware the Dark Ingsmasher), then
go through the yellow door at the
front of the room.
upgrade and weapon expansion in
the game!

Hang a right from the portal and

enter the nearby door to Hazing
Cliff. Battle the Dark Tallon Metroid : - —=_
and Dark Diligence Drones (a new On your way to the entrance to Ing
creature to scan), using charged Light Hive, you encounter a troublesome
Beam shots on both. Grab the final swarm of Nightbarbs. Shoot the
Missile Expansion that the drones Retrace your steps and exploit central Nullified Beacon with the
were guarding. the Spider Ball Track shortcut in the Light Beam to clear them out, then
Culling Chamber, then use either go down the tunnel, scanning the Ing
the Screw Attack or the Dark Visor Larva Swarm you encounter as you
to cross the gap in Unseen Way. (The move through.
visor reveals hidden platforms.) Drop
Ing Hive The Final
er a ay < Battle -
Se Sky Temple Grounds

At the Hive Entrance, use the Screw

Attack to get across the gap and to
In the Hive Dynamo Works, roll on s
smash the Dark Preed into dust. Then
the Spider Ball Track and boost-jump agus
ride the beam of light to the top of
to the moving sphere. Roll onto the S, . _
the mountain and use the Screw
red dot and wait until your sphere Now that you have all nine Sky
Attack to jump back over to the other
is higher than the neighboring one, Temple Keys, you can end the Ing’s
side. Blast the Flying Ing Cache there,
then boost to the second sphere. reign of terror once and for all.
take the Sky Temple Key and return
Next, boost to the Spider Ball Track Head back to Sky Temple Gateway
to the Light World via the portal in
along the wall and use the Dark Visor _ via the portal in the Temple
the Culling Chamber.
to locate the final Sky Temple Key. Ground’s Hall of Eyes, and step
Sanctuary Fortress into the red light to place the keys.
ee Sanctuary Fortress _(There’s no Ammo Station nearby,
so restock at your ship along the
_ way.) When the keys are in place,
_ they unlock an energy transport to
the Sky Temple. Step into the yellow
light to travel there.

When you enter the Light World, head

upstairs via Central Area Transport East, Return to the Light World and ws
then go to Dynamo Works. From there, take the Spider Ball Track back to \
loop around to the other side of the Worker's Path. Use the Kinetic Orb
room by using the Kinetic Orb Cannons Cannon to clear the gap, then
in Worker's Path. When you reach the head into Sanctuary Temple and
place where you fought the Spider the Sanctuary Energy Controller,
Guardian, follow the track to the room where you're able to warp back to
at the far end. Go through the yellow the Great Temple.
door and use the portal beyond.

Sky Temple

aaa Reseed
Weta Tela il) Sanctum
Inglets roaming the surface—they
Come in unlimited numbers, so bomb
Save your game the moment you During the first stage, blast the Emperor them for all the energy and ammo
enter the Sky Temple. Go through the Ing's tentacle arms with the Annihilator pick-ups you desire.
blue door, then wall-jump up the side Beam—the shots will home in on the
of the shaft until you reach another tentacles, so use only a few shots for
blue door. Brace yourself—the Ing's each one to conserve ammo.When
great and terrible leader awaits on the ing swings the tentacles around,
the other side. double-jump to avoid them.

Boss Battle: Emperor Ing

The battle against the Emperor Ing
plays out three stages, and the boss The Emperor's third form is a
can be scanned five times. massive creature. Keep moving at all
times to minimize the effectiveness
of its attacks. Pay attention to the
a color of the Ing’s mouth, and counter
Once all of the tentacles have with the appropriate beam weapon.
retracted, the Emperor Ing transforms The Annihilator Beam is effective
into a large eye. The only weak against all three colors, but using it
point is a narrow slit between two for everything will burn through your
half-spheres, and you must target ammo. As an alternative, use Super
it manually. The Sonic Boom will Missiles for orange, the Light Beam for
take off a ton of the Ing’s energy purple, and the Dark Beam for white.
in a single hit, so use it if you can.
Otherwise, launch Super Missiles.
Dash to the side to avoid the red
laser that the eye shoots out.

ings occasi
appear around the boss—these
often appear when you are low on

In the second phase, the Emperor
forms a hard shell. Spider-Ball along
the surface and wait next to a hole
until you see purple bubbles, then
drop three bombs and scoot away.
The bombs damage and destroy
the tentacle that soon pops out of rg ———_— =
hole. Keep this up until every hole’s After you defeat the Emperor Ing,
tentacle has been blasted to bits. a countdown starts up. Stay cool
and jump atop the middle platform,
then perform a Screw Attack over to
the door and flee back down to Sky
Temple Grounds.
Sky Temple Grounds

Bau kta)
eres SM RCL)

Final Boss: Dark Samus the opportunity to scan her before strafe to dodge the projectiles she
sidestepping the beam. Wait for fires. Keep your Charge Beam revved
Thought it was over, did you? The
Dark Samus to land on the ground, up at all times—your evil twin will
Emperor Ing was just a warm-up for
and when she does, hit her with a occasionally fire spreads of smaller
the true boss of bosses: Dark Samus.
Super Missile. Do it quickly, or she'll Phazon bullets that you can absorb
You'll must use whatever energy and
disappear and force you to track her with the Charge Beam and shoot
ammo you have left over from the
with the Echo Visor. If that happens, back at her for huge damage. This
Emperor Ing battle, as there's no stop
punish Dark Samus while she's is the primary way to defeat Dark
in between.To make matters worse,
zooming toward you, dealing as Samus; repeat the process until she
the countdown timer continues to
much damage to her as possible with goes down for good.
tick down throughout the entire
the Power Beam.
fight. Work fast, hunter.

Congratulations, you've beaten

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes! The
ending you're treated to varies,
depending on how many extras
you acquired throughout the
game, such as Energy Tanks and
as ’ After you blast away a good Missile Expansions. See the "Maps,
Dark Samus begins by rising into chunk of Dark Samus's health, she Checklists, and Extras" chapter at
the air and unloading a massive assumes a different form, which
the end of this book for complete
beam of pure Phazon. You can't details!
merits another scan. Lock on to Dark
damage her at this point, so take Samus while she floats in the air, and
SS LE) re
ees a.
led ee alli Cee oa = s

cishg &
@ Dre Tred eee iC) ry ee oe va Pe
Cia ec cs iartaa aru Lr eusay,
= ai 0. Marca y ccorea mmr) co
[crc cits yy : Serres ir
i BET Cos i} ae My eT rit s
“ Ci Meee , ay fea Deck
2s ott ss UM - A uta aL aE
ea Training Drone: | Friend enti) i)
se Tuna ats ce cue MCCS nit :
- @ | DockingB Ee} eK
aE TiceNMS) ret S 2 aa
7 ité A
J @ Dre Ee RC meme era) A ee Emergency Door . :
- ae* @ Me el Tetfei gtri eee eC) L
ee Mar cane) Ga Red
Le [cc ey dbatieie | ieee wes
3 HY Cec ca ore ane errr co) "
‘ @ Dee ec _ steeds ee c/a cure) (eric i

Ci Metric n eco mE ag ec) a bu Bomb Slot Research

. ™ Cece g cease aa aac Se eeu ud
: a “| @&® | Docking Bay Access Eee a iJ Repair Bay Shaft Trooper Saved ig
ry Peet Lore: Olympus-Class ate @® CR st ye} tam coe |

Sal : DS asaeratog
4P ci) Te 9 ENE) 7) ar
x @ Mie tecas} Save Station RSC
Zz, eas 2 5
ba Ps * * ee a nde

<< aon stata 3 > A BS oon /code input screen. Match the
Begins © Ee : : ~ four green symbols at the top of the
5 een This guide poets felare
a =a e lt ae] ec ea
LigeMe(=if- [limes gamete

As you attain control, you're

felkelaayelccre Rca era Milam Cal Par the correctnoieee code
Gunship’s cockpit controls. Pan your grants you permission to land on
Just outside the Gunship’s seinen the fleet's command ship, the GFS
view around the cockpit till you spot
is a Galactic Federation fleet consisting Olympus. Pan to the left side of the
the red screen in the center, between
of several large vessels orbiting above cockpit and interact with the circular
Samus's feet. Place your reticle over
the planet Norion. Having oriented green button. This extends the
the flashing hexagonal control and
your ship, you must now transmit your Gunship’s thruster controls. As Samus
press ® to yaw your ship in the
identity code to the fleet. Interact with grips the thruster, push the Wii
direction of the Federation fleet.
the green circular radio interface at the Remote forward, toward the screen,
top of the viewport to bring up the to fly the Gunship to the Olympus.

i cd PRIMA Official Game Guide

sad ae 4 OES 2
# * ; jel

awe lett] e itadcmc pec imate c Walkthrough e Maps & Checklists

iia batt Li iciepaleceaincs = ‘irl
is) ics Metroid
Prime 3: Corruption

rn Westen - Ce duseling
fetal PP ————


ne Sei) Station you must ee :

scanned before you can proceed to o
PLU Ma mel ieee ella cute stb ed
without playing this minigame. Not
Ge Uoutate ioe MM ce
ead lands‘the me ime Tay only is it a good way to practice switch outside the scafining booth, .
Dockii Bie) dato Clg) (ora tes os aiming, but it can earn you a gold SUn Ela for NA scan.
Aza = ela ce Kell Reel eae RUC RU su eel ill Next, intéract with the biohazard
the walkway asks you to calibrate- fire at one of the Training Drones »scan,terminal inside the booth— wi
Rd ele a aOR Ue ey Flite aniarst (er laCeiaed oe the booth, ae 5
your weapons, Aim at the four blue hitting the drone in midair to make it
_ hexagonal targets and fire away— interact \ay peace uicanyLocale) Cale *
PPM eae Cae
you must hit the small circles in the PR eee een oo Coleg i} i
center of each target to register a hit. PMU Ke Kecta a Cues
PIU le eR RC

ie you hit all Rou eigeks one of Before leaving fae a Oe

_the Marines welcomes you and tells bette] a0] g =] et= PRR B=] == ead
% you to report e Briefing Room From Docking Bay 5 head to the Cy (im tele= la] BREST
next room, Docking Bay Access. pag 08/2 )77/ oem doe ele ae
to meet with Admiral Dane. Before
Talk to the trooper at the back of (rl M alee peleeRe lg Ba) (0 -Reiw lela
leaving, scan one of the Marines
the room working on a console. He Lore entries are automatically
and'the nearby Mechanic to earn a downloaded to your Log Book,
a couple of red credits. needs you to unjam the gears of the
allowing you to read them at your
walkway mechanisms. Look above

the consoles and hit the two Lelie
flashing mechanisms with a charged
Make a habit of scanning all new shot to release the two walkways.
fa-ta[ [pra 188g (Me) 8) l= eRe = eo
and objects. Most scans earn
[eye]efetg =a) |a=H)e/0p ere nel=i-B tenon (ele 4
Co eeue Bets nti

eee a fits ey
Access corridor and up Command
Pcentione oF thetmat Flare} Lift A to reach the Flag Bridge. Climb
| continue to Docking Bay 4. You'll to the upper level of the bridge
come to a door secured witha — and approach the NET guarding
security lock control pad—you must the corridor leading to the Briefing
/ Rave the code to pass. Scan the Room. He tells you to use the nearby
security lock control pad, then turn Save Station before continuing to the
around and scan the information meeting.
laa Comic e\ om nn eere( Uae
the code (13576) into the keypad and
pass through the unlocked door.
e through the next doorway
in the Xenoresearch Lab to access
ee = Cae Access corridor. As soon a
bere aon ta alo (oem Renata CoNVTaxe (Pratap aca
Flag Bridge and advance to the Flag | thé.red emergency button abo
Bridge Access room. As nA Eras Pai) orway to seal off the breach.
MEE lat lek 9)| engage the two. | you're quick enough, you can save
Pirate Militia enti Te 7 Ey trooper and a ourself a friend
Ream i tote Te voucher.

~« — Return to. the Marine guarding

the corridor leading to the Briefing:
eae he'allows you to pass.
aa rstel burst Ue Te Lol aero Ee - ; aa onl ~
Deseret meeting se aah flne ee eee ee ~ With the Lab Eee) cool tateloy
with several'othePbounty hunters, | and head for ts Observation _|_ Sealed off, backtrack to the Xenore-
Vicar oe caer
1c te) ramets tere ict take _| search'Lab. Inside, three pirates (two
DUNS or ecm elesre-lof ols (rela eaveaimiteent cae Sey of them Armored Pirate Militia) bust
wormhole and begin attacking the. }*pirate Perils kaee! into the lab and steal the Portable
fleet'and'the:Federation’s instal>_, - mance neko Dt Energy Cell from its socket. These
lations on Norion. ° : UN Sane pirates and gun_ pirates are more intent on avoiding
3 a : ; ee ae Mc the a PO VeTR UE Tar-rtccceclaromelt areh ald
Roane eee ek cic | Energy Cell back and forth, like an
fecelelst=c9 hm Piatra ‘annoying game of hot potato. Go
after edie ata tifhe, chasing <
Pail ai)between the upper and lower
levels of Fearsareo unt ROW -Uruitcl ee
_ Pirate Militia Se won't take
errr till their armor isfol“ qce)y{re
Several ape hits rock the 2 you don't have any missiles
oe Were. ae pene N-le Tie eaTaMOTLeANe Ke pt-lcelso ls stele)
Bridge. Admiral Dane needs you mg SS ele SCY Rau
down on the’planet now! Before iivele ae RN RUT nec ’ =
leaving the Flag Bridge, scan Admiral | Lab and rush to the aid of another “4
Dane to score a red credit—this is pinned Federation Trooper. Kill the ~ és
the only opportunity you'll have to two Crawltanks attacking the trooper
do so. to earn another blue credit. If the
re trooper dies during the attack, you
bed get nothing.

Armored enemies a yellow

when hit by your weapons. During
this time they sustain no damage.
Vou can tell enemies are taking
far=Tunr=)=| Rael l= le
e 3
Patera C citations ptctaaie Melee1) Ce ercpoe Male
ttc 4:]
Metroid Prime Dewan cto Sag i
RD ry . *

oe [ame
hen all the’pirates are down,
as ==
ain - aT suesties
Return ars Bay +fraleN {<3
Ruel coy eR . ack thi lau srr tothe floorand locate the debris:
stare escolar] Oem an ECs ae . Rug re ElntoRearea sted] onslleleela tele inre Rulers door.control panel.
lelelel-) and returniit to its socket Diels eles aos the room. Change | Shoot the renin pe hs re}
the p Cec me RUT Le to Morph Ball form and roll secs Ao a path, inte canta)
restore: Rue) : beneath the Bomb Slot. Drop a bomb” contro} panel to open the door.
Bes eced is (olU en) COR Une ea tla ae
drop a second bomb,(in the slot) OMe
release the air lock. Samus is violently
ejected into space but grabs hold of.
the Olympus andpulls herself back
into ene vouch an underside
porthole. / “ *

Easy [ape 2)
As the lights flicker back on, a ts fies ee yey pe A
dozens of Crawlmines descend from the bridgé by shooting these four red
the lab’s ceiling, accompanied by
a couple of Crawltanks. Keep the
Crawlmines at a safe distance and
kill any that get too close. But focus
orl teccal ete the two Crawltanks,
aarti) oe as possible. een the door te ae access
Repair Bay A. Your path to Docking
a=ty=Tt lna Bay 5 is cut off by a large blast door,
closing as a result of a firefight. You'll
need a missile to clear the debris Once ie bridge is ended
away from the blast door’s control eight Aeromines block your path, .
Panel.Jump up along the perimeter each protected by its own force
catwalks in the room while Carer (e) field. Instead of engaging them one
baalel cco by one, switch to Morph Ball form :
and simply roll past them,
vering esa ean ats gaps
Find one of Mc: two open hone : lower line. As soon as you pass, all
in the floor (they're glowing red)» Aeromines will self-destruct—this fg
and press © to change into your the preferred method of dealing witl
Morph Ball. Roll down into the hatch BUatevom ole)SVAN Nee SIMO Ts
and.maneuver through the tunnel the trooper on the other side of the
“running beneath the floor to exit bridge to earn a blue credit.
the lab. Roll through the adjoining — Pee eicineeueh tisha
Ventilation Shaft tunnel free Tee tics Tay an reach the door to the Munitions
Energy Tank for your suit. UE) ela) Room, on the upper floor of faerie
to ascend the vertical portion of the A.Rush inside and grab the
shaft. f SHE Tareas

eading to Dotking Bay 5, rr am Rae oe fe Eo Fre eRe welro)

Tauaony-1\, a off aaa) purple orbs ie you, shoot at attacks get more erratic and violent
r Bay Shaft. A’boss is waiting | orbs to knock them back. They,fly , - Blois reer Cae CRI al o)
in the next room:A he switch | back and explode on the ee roc otate an expanding ring of
* next to the blast ’ alk into bab Lord's head, dealing significant firé.emerges, requiring you to jurr
Docking Bay 5,” * » ‘| damage to his head armor, but hone js eid Space jump over the fire Wie
b>, 7 , oT Relea as four purple |} -strafing, keeping your sights on the
Boss Battle: OnE Tlola Gaia. e Berserker Lord at all times.
Berserker Lord a ad 2

Seat ere clanaeltele (leh ag Melina)

Drone juggling mini-game in Docking
» Bay 5, you can still play after .
defeating the Berserker Lord.
However this is your last chance.

After you hit an pee Weekes a . ee

Mii casicleccla
cla Mole KM tr | Releccle cork aa with four of his ownpurple orbs, his Cs gd
fairly easy toravoidiSimply sidestep MSCee renmeys uEace | &
UTP ACOs SUE its glowing nub on the top of his head.
PCM R lie \Vaet eu loco aes eae
make tracking easier, hold down @) _ stu Ure
to lock onto the Berserker.Lord while .
erie N sielatenite ne 3

Aim for the red glowing orbs \_~

MMU Users aug olgoRI prestl(c Cen
Destroy both orbs to force the
Berserker Lord into its next attack

e N PRIMA Official Game Guide

‘ Ses a oe

De i a eT


De TEU iC) Ca ie LITT acl Cay Oa ac ita)

DTS OleleC ACC e Big Rooney
Cargo Dock A
Wen aes
DT CSS cl Blue
rer iiay Sa CCL a ey
(EEN e)
Conduit A EYES ms130) Research Maintenance
Tn Cc Ca)
Conduit A aT uit it)
Cargo Dock A ICU Tag Lt eC iar
Cargo Dock C
LET eg.y Breda Lt Without Taking seg
eT Cey Sa en te _ Red
CTI LIe Meta Ridley Red
eT rCey yg Red
CTC mis Defeat Meta Ridley
Tela PMSend ng Red

< Power
acter elveiiln

phUtoa meee st ru)|) A pirate and two Crawitanks

room containing the Grapple Lasso occupy this shaft of the Hub Access
upgrade. Shoot the lock on the door, corridor. Finish them off, then jump
alee ANU eR CLOT ok Tale 1a} then step inside to grab the upgrade. across the gap in the perimeter
course for Norion, ps. Fa Brora. iaye) UTatsfel
a ent -e-lan Melo CR RCRA lL vey acom eo ATU RLU a
Hub Alpha. scah it to download the eae Cou
Hunter Rundas.

g Lasso to pull rae
Unlock this door on Docking” Titles] Moyle | Nace UaTM Ls
Hub Alpha to access the reellalule door. Lock’on to the door first (2),
rotamer at aieiaiare els otto) then whip the Nunchuck toward the
unlock the door. nearby elevator controls. Interact screen to attach the lasso. Once the
Vitek irene ELM iceamenlslancte( Grapple Lasso is attached, pull back
| the elevator to the next level to reach CovaMUaomN Uae alee a CMVy mien Uns
ie Hub Access corridor. screen) to rip the barrier free. Move
into the Cargo Hub.
until you reach the opposite side of
the room. If you slow down you'll end
up on the electrified floor.

et eial ety 1te 4

Map Station
fon re Troopers _ You finally come to the Missile
a cel aleloMU isa] -}line fei ; Sveasey Drop a‘bomb tboost |
Drones ‘| yourself upward for the grab. Follow .S
ROTA LLR Menuet Lele) ae
id return to the Cargo Hub.

Sertoli msileverat cil : k

Gales creeds Vel MCL
reveals the4 cw fal colel a ARE
facility. Scan theterminal in eee
Move to this pile of debris in the
rodm to download the Lore entries
Cargo Hub and rip away the three
on Hunter Gandrayda and MSs
loose sheets eae with your
. Grapple Lasso, revealing a short tunn
axe ao) ¢-i-)Cae eee inthe Roll through the tunnel to access tne i
Cargo Hub,aa loose’panel next branch of i ce ee
* it free with your Grapple
METTOM ate R a eines egy
Panel to opena nearbytube access ,
foleliatg “

Return to Conduit A and follow the

descending switchback corridor. Hit
ule ole) meleliky its charged shot
to cleara path.
cee ae i ewe the short
alah cant doorway on’ oe
Roll into this newly opened ile]aa coR ah ccmele Sic] elt Le na
REICaRMU ate Ree Levees co) oe decking of this U-shaped room is
connecting tube. Follow the tube” electrified, so use the perimeter
faeresnUrsiale] Perel oT necessary to tunnel to pass. Change to Morph Cre
destroy barriers and to ascend short | form and"jump" up into this ledge
ledges. You'll need to carefully time an Energy Tank is yours! = i
some jumpsand drops to avoid or aa Watch out for the Ne Oe
take advantage of the gusts of air Mecat URI ace a ul
flowing through the shaft. Later in Corridor. Move slowly and scan ahead,
the tube a Jolly Roger Drone attacks. engaging them at a distance before
Dodge its ineéoming energy blasts by they activate. They can be destroyed
rolling left and right. with a single hit from your beam
weapon. Remember to scan them for
your Log Book to earn a red credit.
Don't roll through this passage yet.
Study the timing of the metal panels
pushing in and out of the wall. As
soon as the nearby panel retracts,
begin rolling and continue moving
& *
« ¥ .
introduction Getting Started C Metal: Cee Cis abylcie atcaa sy
Metroid Prime ISHN mip eons
a De ct i eitue)le en} ~ ee

rend Oncaea ama crs

Bo aelementett ne) Rial}
can be pulled free iil your Grapple »
Lasso, Eres you can enter sere] Colg ee
— coma
| PNET a
—~ — 4 AerotrooperScan fo *
me the AN arn WVTaale-) ae ren oot wn tl osertes ale
Mee mG te Rut Ks Crea Csl 11: ie
+ fee Cargo Dock ATWoPirate + . wet tra isarmored, but ORC Me neu Rane}
MEY and two Pirate Treopers » ary} Reels Ba rant p oh olga iconate a Assault Aerotroopers inside will take
await a on this platform. Use th Aim for the red grill toinflict damage Oia TUG eRe Le}
erin ver during this firefight, while dodging the ATC’s attacks, 5 PM icles MEN Co ay
fo [ble dial oKolelmicoMcleeltaRilcm tay Cra Cl Re eC ere 1)
one of the two Assault Aerotroopers em
to scan the Pirate Troopers before.
standing next to the Plasma * ‘
killing them to earn a red credit.
Generator. This is the only point in en
] the game where you can scan this } ai
Bice ocd e

on Pincers nn Penne
your command visor and order your
ship to land in the center of Cargo
Midway through the firefight, a Dock A.This unlocks this landing
Space Pirate ATC arrives, dropping off site, allowing you to return here
two Shield Pirate Militia. Scan both, later. As your ship lands, the door
then engage. Shield Pirate Militia to the Generator A Access corridor
Enter ee A parr move out
are equipped with shields capable is opened. Save your game before
onto the center platform. Several
mo psig respon emia proceeding.
Jolly Roger Drones appear. Circle-
shield away ur Grapple Lasso
strafe around the platform while
first, then shoot the pirate. Without
shooting down the drones—be sure
their shields, these enemies are easy
to scan one, too.
Baht) kella

_ Enter Generator A eee and

P engage the four Crawltanks inside.
You must perform a space jump to
clear a high ledge midway through
ey all the Jolly ee ae
Once all the pirates are down, two this corridor. Simply tap ® twice to
to lower the energy barrier blockin
Aerotroopers appear. Lock on to perform this'jump.
Sir [eer COR a areal -16-) (ol)
these flying enemies and use missiles manual override controls, Jump
and your energy beam to knock over to the control's platform and
them.out of the sky. Aerotroopers can Tay cicero LU am Un AIL
Cel AMEN ATi (oN 169
withstand serious damage, so keep the Plasma Generator back in place,
up the fight while strafing to avoid ready for activation.
Tatas loco

This door is covered by a blast

shield, equipped with an odd locking
mechanism. Shoot the yellow light
on the top first, then hit the purple
light to the left. Finally, shoot the blue
ere sa Sirs
Was Sine

Lay ee] gre eae lag ape

Ait lnie n= ele B= lp) lel alee ld eM 8) 8) 8] =H
en Bimal ee RY 81g (ee) 8 gel
to scan the pirate before the PED
Marine kills him. If you miss your
fej gr= [emo [eB er= gem V= le ele] =|
a " ~~ a ect! xs MT = le mele)=] laa t= lo
a eronuia ce (la mal cle Erle aching Ra curicaa cage to
the room's d 4 Morph Ball form again and drop a
bomb to clear the hatch and en
, sm vier
Generator A is back aT otitis
get power.up to the other generators
quickly—the pirates have aimeda ~
massive asteroid at the planet, only
CAA oa ry ico oreo
cannon can destroy it, but etd eS Return to the central hall of the
need ta restore power to the other ecole aU owen uallace ales
generators first. “Hunter Ghor fighting off a Berserker
Lord. Ghor tells you to head for Rollre the tube till Meta Ridley ~
Generator C. Flic la stopping.your progress. Roll
back and forth to avoid Meta Ridley’s
attacks, dropping bombs as it tries
BRCM UA arnm i eehsi(e Mme) cars
damage from one your bombs, it lifts
its right foot, allowing you to roll free.
It attacks one more time while you're
Return to Cargo Dock A, where a |) in the tube. Use the same tactic to
lone Federation PED Marine holds off escape.
several pirates, aided by his Phazon- Shoot the four cable locks
enabled suit. Scan him before ETTacolP
al Ue eALEMesisc)s)/ Lome
returning to your ship and saving. ye sic with your Grapple Lasso
oa mM VE Lalla e110) You earn a Friend Voucher if you
> fof= [ah =1=1er=)81-0itp vel =e aa}
Cargo Dock C tube without taking
~ efTy tele jae) Bs zy damage.

Carefully ety up the rampsin

Conduit A, watching for Crawlmines
and Aeromines. In Substation East,
roll through the same narrow tunnel,
Continue through Conduit C,
timing the metal panels before avr) eit the tube, continue
engaging Crawlmines and Jolly
moving out. to the Generator C Access corridor,
Roger Drones. At the end of the
& walkway, locate this tunnel opening fighting off Crawltanks along the way.
and roll through in Morph Ball form. Before entering Generator C, stop off
Elmenlomr- lll elo m Un Reelarrelela

PRIMA Official Game Guide

ss =
cg : a * “
ieee ett ig) Getting Started Co Mae 1) Dy fece sayin dicta)
pu oia mse sim lat cs Ay ciuuneal ain Noe ates gs ics
= ; = .

somewhat ardund'the shaft. Circle’

around the perimeter of the shaft
POR le( Mem (eS AN (LaVellecc
You ean also. shoot the incoming
Rese tan Tegae! tu a P
MES ‘ x
- a

Jnlock the door to Generator,C - Maintain an aggressive posturg re

a er. As in Generdtof A, start throughout the battle and don't ©
Don't forget to scan Meta Ridley
ChaNA crete Rano PETE] eee Snel =(- [Man u=(e teu
16 || od =tl
be afraid to SVU et
Veet CR Nicene acetic CKomt Tee Me a emg R naan ee) Vo) fart don't have4 clear shot.
room. However, LUIERC ana reU(e anor separated by some distance. LeOnce Meta elon nates
eligi Lo rolling. is deplet@d, Sanus i's saved from 4
«the Su Rundas and returned Bi.
to Generator C. Generator ey
online—it’s up to you to ner +
powertoGeneratorc.. +

As you get Amey i,

ee a toward the door and
ieee (re mOLm AER Lec le ce Wall (cil inal ale)

turn right to locate this tube. Roll
at his mouth—this is one of his weak
inside and maneuver through the
spots. Try to land some charged shots
tube to locate three Bomb Slots. Drop
emu (uae
a bomb to reach each slot, then drop
another bomb inside. This connects
5 ea felicracn . track above. resin’ mene rere Wire
over to Generator C’s.control panel
and activate the Plasma Generator
by interacting with the hand-shaped
EVIaM oA URL a tara le ae leg
is restored, you must make it to the
Control Tower and fire the defense
Your best opportunity to weaken
cannon at the incoming meteor.
Meta Ridley is when you're falling >
fo you've dropped a bomb in down the shaft side by side. During
Celene erercerreiattc) through the tube
binlnxma (este TaCcie ere[6 (1n(a ca)
to access the track running above Palle ieee om Oc lca canna eS od
the room. It leads to another tube,
and charged shots. Target Ridley's
mouth to prevent him from initiating
eventually droppingyyou into another
Bomb Slot. Drop a bomb inside the his fire attack. But watch out for his
claws, too. Red orbs glow on his feet
slot to prime the Plasma Generator.
when he's about to strike, Shoot
Boss Battle: these spots to halt his attack and
Meta Ridley ee Liew alerlieamer 1a
Once you've fea power
to Generator C, you only have a
few minutes before the meteor
Tan) stelek=mae| 11am)
8 (Beles geala
4 Notice the orange meter reading
ending your adventure early. Get
erated solace telat Eee a loan
to the Control Room as quickly as
indicates how far you are from the
days) deli nel mag) -¥Cl=1pl-1u-]0s]ee=)gC= liam (a1)
must kill Meta Ridley before you
reach the bottom.
While falling down the Generator
Shaft you have very little control.
However, you can still maneuver
-—.lUC<“ re
3 a.
Ue .
4 a

*7 en

LXoae-le a ifollg Ee and an Peele coo elge} ae > Cargo Hub. Once there, turn
tight and roll through the small tunnel (through the eel icok-lee tras Ts
door leading to the Tower Elevator. The green monitors on the door indicate
that all generators are online. {nteract'with the hand-shaped switch to open the
door. Run ul-T0) eau pan 4 to enter the elevator, where a sudden blast _
“og Samus Dc i -
i denes’
:X Olympus nea :


Lore: Phazon OTe Mw

cA Cc) rant @® | Aurora Chamber ea}
Dig (automatic)
) MedLab Delta ay) Bi

me UMC coNs al o-oo eel

for the Phazon Enhancement Device
ir Phazon to ey, iaiven ol le(ekegsre lic

BS Samus and her hunter peers ~ =a ar
er the Niel} eae
«to eneyn 3 wt Viiaa} and interact with this console inside to
ae eahaaiehreciienta Bales oe speak with the Aurora Unit. Aurora Unit
which allow them to harness the z mae ana eet . | 242 is one of many organic supercom-
At Lear rola fe) Aca) ‘Olympus anetke) a Ce er ete oo AUlter ales ec ielas
eo STUerU en doa Perens Ue k@-lnizel a Po CRT Ione |
ordered, enter Hypermode by pressing Pecati aaertontoCommand Ries
and holding ©, then shootall the a
Ele life aca colele)s} RU it Neco Peeler -y Wace] eres
panels that make up thi rotating i sie to fe Flag Bridge. PeaeeeetasnUe heel neil nhs big
BN To} tecM ato UaoM nile aaa on co] OKO)M ATS
Se Mire texerd echt -Y ee T-tree
Prersanke socom Miaks enna ae * your credits before leaving. You can 4
2 how much Phazon isieftin = “ travel throughout the ship to make
Leal PME CT te kale) teol Lal sale Tate N eee Petar -8 eel eet Nur an
Cols CNR Tot Lal ROM TehV Ile a game at the Save Station in the -
s os Lift Access before heading for the
NTT ge) g 18=I
ae el= Mae l-0u-8) 8 ate gRieeg =u |e
Bp cela =f ig) ieid-lel gidekar= ge =e}
body. So always monitor your health
feje= [Ml s)o
ie eed =p] e Be] boeneliaray

Pica ciuenmiub ticle ate

242, Samus goes straight to her ship
= a and leaves the Olympus.When you gain
In the Flag Bridge, approach the control of Samus's ship, set a course for
trooper guarding this door on the the Cliffside Airdock on Bryyo.
upper level. The corridor beyond
leads to the Aurora Chamber—speak
Following your PED test run, and with the trooper to get clearance. ;
) before leaving MedLab Delta, scan You can travel to Elysia before
i)i5)) |MMMM oMee lato) (Melman le AL ele Nef ee es ele eee
“> the appropriate suit upgrades to

UN __- pc tata tom


ee ee a

aca ang
Fe ae 1S lta Pl ste Mae = lta
a = cd
| Ce Canister Ucela'4 Penmaes aye.) cai) @® | Grand Court Path SCS LI) ti)
CMGCL Uc rca Mec Coa rn tam mercer Cy Cr kCliag PoC renicls Lia)
CMTS CE eam me OSL Ce gam eC CJ re ketige Lore: Age of Science | Blue
eer ern) ce @ Hillside Vista Tet ca
es Crary are ra eT @ Teh ie) Pony) PY
@ rary Small Bryyo Coffer | Research @ CCN MmMMCC Raa cc)
@ (rey Gel Puffer Red CMe Ona Uy Pernt ea}
@ Frey] ney i] @ ayia ivi cya
@ Perret Trac cay Crs nin @ rrenry aad Alpha Hopper ea)
. si ET aN RC mmr)

.< musniey
2) eee A

. - - Ff
Roll into the solar energy collector
Berek Colona adjoining Morph
Ball tunnel to the Bomb S ab )io)-)
the meta eres Pest] your. Ever ohn tatoos Pe ead
Bring on the platform connected to system and unlock the orange seal.
co} Ma uece lita ¢ ofan ars locked door. Space jump plete Reese roan) Pelee
Sauce Federation oS foyal fur Raa the le allowing you to unlock A
eo eureatiicled areas] Cato rar ie -
adjoining Gateway Hall and [scan one
RRC role acy Creel
credit. Although small, Gragnols can
be dangerous in large ca, Litaay Unlocking the orange seal causes
them off one by one to clear Cs Fle) ua -M aint P4el go = (pide
t= [Mele -1 gs
bin =-1u-t-ee=]et= lala Bie aA -1 tax
credit, then blast them out of the
Fo) Ome es eel Bag =n 18 |e
Ne the locked ee rea) mei Flare] interfere with your space jumps.
Neral Mamal ameelkcre Noll to lana Pe LLAT)
omg UMAR Rec cimels
ea and space jump toward the
etc Po luceMne Ren eos
‘solar energy collector.
Upop entering the Gateway, turn
Teieeichservecn ule acon tates
Jump onto the
id move through
ENG with the orange
Rr] Kelana emileea

a Melanin (o)Rel many

[Keng Seti and drop a ee fea > ane Locate this statue on the wall of the
Reliquary Il to ee an eV cue % -| Grand Court Vaal a Elm icel nm Us
Seen teiy feet ot, growth. The statue is fil
_| grapple the panel at the back of the ~ h fuel gel, a highly volatile liqui
room to reveal Flare) aus eoyeeRoial
ag a the statue to reveal a ledg
them down. (Golden Age). Scan it, then return to . ap onto the ledge and jump across
Ys eer ‘lhe ba elf oa] Bea be East Coat erage ee oe
aren VIeeils(2)-1a
ue Court a

Nene your way toward the

Lol open. doorway to enter this acai to bits ae Court,
In the Morph Er ea ae Pee dropping to the floor Iara arom color
clo with a Morph Bal tunnél—
the Gateway entrance point and ecw Ca oliotan nei
don't enter ityet. An object blocks
continue rolling‘left, toward bal
the tunnels right side-Use your ground, three Reptilicus Hunters
. ‘ough "appear. Scan one for your Log Book,
Grapple Lasso to’pull it out of the,
oViad Pralamea arom alimualuam ile m nal cord
iT ace ra] path—it cera
-pulls of the lasso to — the: or charged shots to inflict heavy
Be Sure co scana ci UE . + damage. Strafe around the perimeter.
object. #
BaeEWA of the Grand Court's floor to keep
your distance—if you get too close,
they may attack with an electrified ©
* whip. Take.on one Reptilicus Hunter
at a time till all three are down for the
moc le *

Enter ae Morp! eT rant) Ahel (with

These vines block your way in the
a bomb) and take the right passage
Grand Court Path. Enter Hypermode
first. At the exit, change out of Morph
and blast all four Phazon nodules
Ball form to scan and engage a
to destroy the vines. Beyond the
couple of Hoppers blocking the path vines are a couple of Hoppers.Stay
to Reliquary Il.
in Hypermode to quickly dispatch When all three Reptilicus Hunters
stun are dead, move to the T intersection
at the back of the Grand Court. Turn
right to head to the Hillside Vista.

PRIMA Official Game Guide

In the Grand Court, opposite the
DAU CRU ae Me ora
panel, hiding a Lore entry. Shoot the
red dots in the sequence that they
appear to unlock this panel. If you're
RT SMeete nSfe oe ot
not fast enough, the panel resets,
requiring you to restart. Once the
ae net er
Prue ere ac RUB Cull)
Deuce RO aur ta ia
aia your Log Book. Be on the lookout
for similar locked panels throughout Me
le eRe CRs

Once on: ihe lentts fy e of Hillside

Niemi a mconegi Grand Court
and enter the side err Ta
At the tunnel exit, scan| ORAM) Bert acolo
Taal lala Teena eile pals passage till you reach this high
eek NE CI ore taniae] platform CMclaleled dare ereen
fuel gel. Shoot the Nal) circle to eerger Very Rul SC
ignite the fuel gel and destroy the ere yooe Swing Points. ~
SCHL el liao RH ore] aCe)Reliquar I.

Before entering the Morph Ball

tunnel, scan the Snatcher and
Korba creatures along the wall to
Barna couple of red credits. You
fora a =nS= Ie TS SRA
_ Morph Ball form. tt “fefoal Bes to
ancy Paras it to attain 4 to reach the opposite side bi
(ete Jele) io Swing suit upgrade. This room. Release @) to let feloRel Relate
lows you to use Grapple Swing. Grapple Swing Point, ria quickly
1s to cross wide spans Tarzan- tap@ again to attach your
Now you can reach the (era Sienna smite elias0%
Tr eR ade aees lel URC eRea ard(e(oa cee. ee
hha and try again.

Back Ane from the are erst

ed piece of rock in

scan mode. Blast an opening in the

rock with a Morph Ball bomb and roll
CiaesCea eres CeMLaLIe RCCL
ttn 4
t CementlI Solel ian : Mec ever Ball tui
Ae f Peiae restored, the satellite
e.Grand Court. Using your Reema seu yell) aeic-tCoNAST oNALaLcoucCe eZ tan)
~ “Grapple Lasso, pullt ight loose | debris blocks the entrance.Dropa, Reiss Wiicaacok aco CRU Olas
eae eu belle Ber roll tee Themaps for all remaining area:
SD aacktanance! eETak-aienyA ENE tate os Bryyo automatically download to"
rs‘si through the side- Secure) eet ea “| yourLog Book, opening two new
up yeleh-lc-3 ee ital the. o spits sites. *

“Continue through the Grand Court

Lame D LUMEN ARC ICN eee: your eieps ee to 7
Along the way you encounter a lone eee: Sree A tae ye | Cliffside Airdock.In the Gateway Hall,
Reptilicus. Scan fhe new creature, Ball form to scan and engage an _ use your Grapple Lasso to pull free
aloe) poids iheBu Ea Atomic Corporeal Energy sphere.” — this lower block, creating a step so
Dodge its explosive es while you can reach the high sea above.
circle-strafing around it. .

Use the Morph Ball tunnel to returh es tereteNATE Aote 4

tothe Gateway. At this ledge, turn fe ]ae-3 Pree Calcite ES -acelee ae or uMCoM Ua AGlllicle Pie ela aie) orate]
éast and locate the Grapple Lasso on this panel nor ites by two by a large blast shield covering the
Point, Use the Grapple Lasso to yank security clamps. Shoot both of the * door. Suddenly, three Alpha Hoppers
this Enola down, creating aspot _ clamps to lower the panel. * - Switch to Hypermode to finish
for you to jump aetoss. If you ceed them off quickly. Once all’of the Alpha
you can get out of the aréa before'the Hoppers are dead, the blast shield over
Reptilicus creatutes approach. the Cliffside Airdock déor lifts, allowing
you to pass.

Next, restore power to the vessel

by using your Grapple Lasso on-these
four power rods, pulling each rod
Move through the darkened corridor into place.
behind the Gateway area and pass Proceed to your Gunship and save
through the doorway (on the upper your game. Once you're ready to

» ledge) to enter the Crash Site. The GFS Tl mole Reel et aol m taal
Theseus lies directly ahead. Use the cer re Ne lola a
Grapple Swing to cross the gap.
IW — a PRIMA Official Game Guide
Ss f—
clang |
/ ETM elas oe terme CHIT Ay eta eet peg el rey
t / MaRconacters BIC MA) ea
= aap LITE Red
C / MERChaccees RC ese Cena ins
os oan) Dae Cera
@® | GelProcessing Site | Gragnol Adult ea ;
: Ss = @ Aaa Cg RCT) Red
@® | Gel Processing Site | Phazon Pillbug i) :
* @ aaa Tt Red
@ Wa Kecasy Gelbug Ltt
Be < @® | TempleGenerator | Lore: Downfall Blue
* A ee EVacaen eed Red a
sigpaiit gis ie eet 2 ci} Tee em CIES Ce a ae)

Roster es, Ge Sa ae
MD be! Luan of

pe of dropping down on the

Les ee let the Korba Boe

cence er Cie el ania

pai el down with lt fereiyals Lasso.
oR Tea tue koec nee tunnel to grab the Tse ae
g dis Scan the image into your ‘Log Book to ae co way you came in
ms the gel Peatiey witha pag ? CST eet ol oy Pen acera acre re
P oa) Mein fants gel, t cron Then use the Korbas to lift you to the
ars as cod ten a Re ik Site. . lower ledge.

Locate oe popes aT vita

Sa ETM ease coll Ceol] to
fer this Cavern. eS again, use the

up onto the nearest ledge to the and et Lae ga] zie) %

Beet u Suna est ee
quickly by switching into Hypermode |
and dousing them with lethal
amounts of Phazon.When
the fight
e room's south
se two parallel gel

shot. The spouts rotate and reveal a

Scan the fiery fresco behind the
console in the Gel Processing Site
to download a Lore entry [Age of

growth in the
» — corridor, acti icy Pi ic and
begin shooting the Renton ere tc

sik one of the Warp Hounds first

to attaina eleceis Next, go to. "wpe ae Swe

work on them.Warp Hounds are an

PS al
cree Eeeleg
Moree ele Peele
don’t vent the-Phazon’
die! he - Cross this beamand jump over
into the next room. At the center of
*two fuel channels is a pump attached
to the wall. Interact with the pump
Mosel uN) Leuktad
and forth, toward and away from the
phe ps this four times to get
| the fuel

From this point on, Samus coud: is

Parl diale Bah y sl auiere EB sealed
dangerous option.When Hypermode is When the fight is over, approach % «
Elec lee Hairy on etc ate ie) this console on the room's far side
Pea mule: nul Peele)
To adyance through this area, you
ele teem eke ean ance)
meter at the top of the screen—f it gets must reach an upper-level walkway
close to being full, vent some Phazon by raising the central platform. Start Bisi-le.e-NiNAOURLR ACL CLAS RL)
by discharging your weapon. Each by shooting the fuel gel spouts on ~ one of the streams of fuel gel.
Beet eee tanya the side of this console with charged Power up a charged shot and shoot
preventing the PED from overloading. ‘shots. Once both spouts are ignited, the source of the fuel gel (aim high)
ide uker eek eee ee a Bomb Slot opens in the center of to ignite it, causing the implement
RT TR Raat aren Cm tiie]
the console. Enter the Bomb Slot in inside the shaft to rotate. Ignite the
Hypermode. Instead, try to keep the
are ee Rae eel Morph Ball form, then drop a bomb second stream of fuel gel in the same
etna eeeti nce mele] inside the slot to raise the central fashion. This opens a Morph Ball
cannot exit Hypermode by pressing ©. platform up one level. Araya ela UalB oy Mel mR olee
The only way to exit Hypermode is by the fuel pump. Roll into the Morph
expending all your Phazon or by waiting Ball tunnel and follow it back toward
ete U TS Pees celle the main shaft and into the room on
——_ ae
the opposite side.
PRIMA Official Game Guide
’ Before entering the Morph Ball
beM gla =lteiet=1 ns] a= aaS] Es
you can't scan them once you 4
See Lan tn Be a1 t=] B ere t= |e ly
CTalar=)s]iee ial
=l i=l p eer( =)
& destroyed with Morph Ballbombs. ~
vert Page fuel ge
Boe feline lah ta Keliy are
sees alee a RAT) Eyeyo
lh ee

door at ne tS ers elec
ra re F
From the central platform, space
jump over to this alcove to find the ~ «
Morph Mareaeg ee Tica
to Morph Ba ind drop a bomb
to reach the opening. Tanita
watch out for peek and
flame jets. The Phazon Pillbugs can
NV luau =o al=la(e wa =a eel m= 16 pa] rarer eltelto Kelas (oer ra)
fiespetmiere lara (=\V/=1eC a= le ge -V|8) tad with Morph Ball bombs, but you'll een aiestep as you e Gel
appear in the Gel Processing Site. need to work your way around and Hall—a massive pooloflethal ae Pas
Scan one for your Log Book. These een ucR i elutes [cn 3 gel fills the room's floor: Stand on
creatures are easiest to kill with the entry perch and engage the Gel
~ your Grapple Lasso. Simply attach aU lem e\acelfd A EVN Aecossi [ite]
Pe falelad Ccl=t=te hes) a= Hl gree) 8) elle ae attempts. .
Begl=B\ ep ere a
Niet t=t Bre ea EI

MDM ColeoaM srl MCU aa Ran ot iasy

into a room with another fuel gel
console—you know the routine. Hit
both spouts with a charged shot,
Hae tothe ane fol verela and then drop a bomb in the Bomb Slot Next, en rs RS
look for a green plug on the tel ae | to raise the platform another level. that is spinning about the Felon 'S.
the shaft—you can pull it off with Oe eC TAR dle ~ ceiling, spewing fuel gel from ies a
NeW mele] ofe)[NE-eeroM
Ola M ete) fe mouth. As the head pete the fuel \
removed, fuel gel'pours out. Hit the line on the left side of the room, hit
Berane earls Reiner ated (cali cae URAC MRO LM ULM Lea Relate 1ce [=e]
Suddenly,a second, parallel ery ry (={jiulu8] Elgg ge pat) aden ag =Bel=lelae=lt Seu Tle sof ett
PeeeOMU eM elle Kell wel meal platform, engage the newly cuts through the fuel line
~ shoot it too. Igniting both fue l(-tololie pst lee pelle roland) 1a a Mine enced iia)
inn eae tile Elaine age) the center of the room with a Missile
of fuel gel sets offa chain reaction,
any jumps. Otherwise, they can
destroying obstructions ina Morph Expansion on top.
gee ets ad tele yer s) ele ign] 8)
Ball tunnel lining the shaft’s upper causing you to fall all the way
fered icici fal) anneal arid
a po nea ae
i elie) etic a
’ re you enter reac attacks—and avoiding
Bee Cav ke) e manages to freeze yo!
a 4 above. Jump out of the
incoming energy blast:
temple floor.

Role the brief bombardment, _

eee throtigh a corridor to Byer le A iclcea Le cele e) Li
_ feach the Gef'Cavern, where you Better crel alc-leo Ul e OEEae pete
Pe elo mu Fetes e alate lee ca tele
«gel whileeo eo miiaiels Metin iNACey > aR uTan cloaks
ereo es clih of fu ale acolo) Leola elu] bother shooting, as you're unlikely to
: sn, ay Eli Tole Cause any damage.

an opening. Avoidi i

Sareea Selo nea Low on health or missiles? Watch
explosion would railed] Sed We leva [e-Fell)s)-F-lnecleae oat
stand atop one of theice pillars

F Tale tl]
fe a= B=1=
1m -1-fe) mele
8) -1=)
Hypermode is also very effective at you. Shoot the cubes before
against armored threats, but they impact; most contain health
aR An=e nie emia is power-ups and missiles.
tu t=la=)0 Tn eis) a =e 1]
boss battle.

Cross the ee Cavern to reach

Boss ees Pane .
the Temple Access corridor. Slowly Immediately scan Rundas to Ricco
work your way through this passage his weakness. Rundas is protected by
shooting Gelbugs as you go—be ice armor, making him invulnerable
sure to scan one for your Log Book. to any of your weapons. But you
‘ean tear away his-armor once he’s Wait till Rundas is on the ground,
Bs Satlalatcen then hit him with missiles and
charged shots in an attempt to stun
him. Once he’s stunned,a Grapple
Lasso icon appears on his armor. Use
your Grapple Lasso to rip off his ice
armor. You must be fairly close to use
the Grapple Lasso.

cs PRIMA Official Game Guide

Meri ite) es con next to
; ur rotating hologramto ride the lift hy
down tothe en Cae + Se arenialc ae iis
Mole erenes ec leld
“is oui While you're here, turn to
Taal ire a) aurea ey
Oil ae A =e

aS me paren more eee Lal Fuel at fills the fl ua rcusTol. 3

attacks become more elaborate and i Xet-) Vol toa emi ano)
desperate. Watch out when he hops the gel to create a small temporary
on one of the ice pillars and begins island. Jump over to it and create
swinging around a large ice club. another island with a second Ice
Missile farther down the corridor to overlooking the shield generator.
After a few swings, he'll hurl the giant Bring.up the Command Visor and
chunk of ice at you and there's very reach'the room's exit.
order your Gunship to attack it.
Tica] cand it. Shoot Unfortunately, your Gunship doesn’t
at his grip onthe club to make him have adequate armament yet.
drop the ice before the release, In the Temple Generator take some Backtrack to Cliffside to or your
time to scan the Scorch Bugs on ship. ‘
bag=RUY == en ag ACO tle nag Bele
gel to earn a couple of red credits. atetM PV mele) od a=) ae)
SOE ep shel mel een Bin =1es|=10
periodically, so be ready to scan
TetaCB b(t atts) gh]
them while they're in midair

Keep the pressure on Rundas

by stunning him, removing his *o
armor, then hitting him hard with
Hypermode attacks till he falls: After
defeating Rundas, pickup the lee Retrace your steps back Remecht
-Missile suit upgrade. Ice Missiles can fala Au os but watch for
be used to open new areas as wal as a “a Sees oe Hall, locate
oR iralrCem ca laa reer Ke ump on the right side of the Hall, use your Ice Missiles to
Pecos and interact with it to get islands in the fuel gel. Turn down the
ae Streams of fuel gel pouring out ReROMMuMie aac Iter ccs
1e nearby wall. Shoot the closest Expansion, then use more Ice Missiles
stream of fuel gel with an Ice Missile to cross the Gel Hall, toward the Ice
to temporarily freeze it, creating Missile door. Hit the door with an Ice
a solid platform. Jump over to the Missile to access the Gel prea
frozen platform and shoot the next Tics
fuel gel stream with an Ice Missile.
Repeat the process till you reach the
OMAR =M ate lee) @cean nie =i-8 (Mele) alg
ie= |b ul=4sr= 1h n=e Beeld) ==)
uah-ier= pele R CMe Renn me RYU |)
Ice Missile, then scan it.

but don't let ig
from the first point, shoot the next.
switch to release

; a =
a See ea #@ CREDITS

* a " GOT
Ls Ce UC UT) eC UCC e ec)
ea. se CAC) eerste fe) ah eae, Pere

Now Baur Bo NatacuteRem tar iel lel elcor ten)

exit through the door a [ela aa a ane Labor Golem in Morph
‘as 7" COMUNE ok OReacmenrey zelda cman Merl LUM ef MaCon eR Cle aston)
Upon landing at the Cliffside Just as in the Temple Hall, eS » Slot and drop a bomb,to activate
Airdock, head Colfer WACeMIKe RTs) Ice Missiles i Ruiner) Ol na The Golem acts as et elevator, a
(eer TtrAs aCe) Ra UNO RUA fuel gel into solid platforms oficeto | dropping down an extremely deep e
ship, enter the Morph Ball tunnel at cross. ~»| shaft, allowing you to safely reach the —
the Crash Site. Maneuver through To) cele ALO Ne AU Ae ololg
the hazardous tunnel to climb your “ at the corridor’s end to enter the
way to the 4 of the Crash Site and ‘ Hidden Court.
Relomenairen sted econ :

A Nn aed
ee for the era inne . [e} ree e i
ao aa] Taka ciel Dolake _ large vertical pipe on the left si
massive Wegcocut Melolnaliarelescy - Sica iit: lau Beier ele oie el itup.
ea Court, but (lela {Ice Missile at the erenteker) Destroy the first cabl
it distré Tacha Ren toda tocreate a temporary iice bridge. Me ras eee
Nelrod ste fee Vien ecielcs) Quickly enter the tunnel and cross") * Selec tecasatenieck ais
Nelp Acie st Warp Hounds the ice bridge before it melts. Follow e Sn up with a charged shot.
hit. Once they're | the tunnel upward.till you come to”
frozen, hit the Warp Hounds with the fuel line source attached to the
charged shots to blow them to War Golem’s left ankle. Drop a!Lorelle}
pieces. Kill all the Warp Hounds to to destroy it. Use bombs to bypass _
reveal a Bomb Slot at the base of the siamo g fuel gel on the way
War Golem can't use it just yet— out of the Morp ean
the Golem is tethered by four fuel
lines attached tots limbs.
Destroy the second cable by
targeting the Small Bryyo elite)
on the landing across aft. Thi
dislodges the pipé, creating pas
bridge across the shaft and allowing
you to access the Hangar Bay.
Return to the Bomb Slot near
the War Golem’s feet and drop a Energy Tank 4
rise to the el Tintselaccre aise co) bomb inside. Once activated, the
RUMI tacrol mite needle ag Golem removes a large cylindrical
with a charged shot to ignite the fuel block from the floor, opening a new
gel inside. Next, follow the fuel line Passage.
on the War Golem’s right wrist to this
cramped alcove. Charge up a los Ruined Shrine9»
and fire away to watch the fuel line
Ceolrialecre ea cce Besa

is at the bottom of the sh side

ree outcasts Rta koie) Golem
statue. Scan the statue for ra weak
SS oTelSRU-aSL aLe ae
charged shot. Roll into the hole in the
Follow the new passage to reach the arm to attain the Energy Tank. Use
ined Shrine. Hold on this ledge and the nearby ledges to climb tla up
ate the yellow crystallized fuel gel Paneer lie
it on the right side of the shaft.
gel pouring into a small pool. 7 : ae with a charged shot to set off
the stream with a charged shot to ee seolte Inada
light up the fuel line dangling nearby. lowers a loose pipe, creating a bridge
Meese tn Teer ea oiis across the shaft’s upper level and
Eline providing a Grapple Swing Point you
can use to reach the other side.
3 oS F

alm al— a

| After exiting aeaten lig ft e anc ea wh rel ELeiold

‘ spot two ducts, Change mae a perform
* * .

. <» Landing Site yA

ajo Deri
room by entering paerae duct on Seely i
Roe "

you need to look for throughout the

aa ice aa)attaining thant -ne
game. Unlike Energy Tanks, they f
Expansion. Icé| Missiles rere eda stale fs lies) [a]e ==] no =e a
pe bstesoepkte belie. gel ye ere Loe ee ee era % ae Hangar Bay floor and
A ls Sr NAL CA spare, | upcertainareas. There are nine Si nena oo rf E
mo ssutels AERC ates titaeh peers epee Ce ee eure
- After you defeat the Warp feerteen ree sa ae Polat Lee CMU eS
x . Byelie@
: rie Aurela
4 Keim corte
cats Reptilicus CAs
ete see Har ea ee aU ee
Bay. Dodge their attacks anc fon pe i ee Me
for them to move into close cure : Mee UU MAUI UL Cea
before laying into them with imissiles does fr rest, adding missiles to your
Piereae ter) alee ules rane Solel gycoalek cB (ole
| gaine?

pie Yahueesnicc! platform . «

and leap toward this Grab Ledge in
Hives (and any Gragnols that escape)
Ficolm mane sells eC esU CoM CL)
i are eliminated before making any ‘
Fae aKoia ras velireUeaa Vinnie ee CML BLS
(Oo) ie -ByelUUrco-leVa OlmCl<olif
gain access to this Gunship Missile *
set a course for the Fiery Airdock.
Expansion terminal. You can’t land
Because your ship has landed at the
your ship yet because the hatch on
Federation Landing Site, you can
the ceiling is closed. Still, interact
return here at a later date, now that
the site's icon appears on the ship's
platform you can use to reach the
navigation screen.
hatch controls. Now move to the lift
and take it to the upper level.

Se Pam a are
Sa en C3 eee
. GoT

@ Corrupted Pool | Remorse-Class Turret | Red (eet) Advanced Shield Red

@ Temple of Bryyo | Armored Aerotrooper| Red Ue ee
Tyme) @ REN Ta) LUT acalia de
Reece o crf Treg

Destroy A,
en aE de
a Bhs preity :

Butera ace on ; ys a ee
overlooking the shield
ped rngfeo UU a coach this odd sculp: . :
_ | the end of the passag&and ees :
into Morph Ball form.Dtopabomb
mes goth is ob
Piauts sculpture's base to lift yourself —
earns you a gold credi'
up and into the small iceltate opening|
5 at the center. This is a shortcut that a
RiveterEy Turret i : 4 ; Rech Voll to the Tartu ‘Hall.
euler and an Armored mew CT Male) voucher just fiicorg
i SS ae . a using it. 2
f 2

Mini =iplel ane ea gag 8-18 = \=e)

re back to the Fiery Airdock.
one-way route. You cannot use it
Nolen reo ciae MAU Rea $eele-]eie--1- Bag)-0C 10-1
: of Bryyo—the Advanced Imperial Hall.
Shield Trooper. Start off by ripping
away the shield using the Grapple
Lasso. Next, go ta work onthe armor,
At the Temple of Bryyo, the liftleading
using Ice Missiles to blast it. Once the |
tothe aa (earloaty obstructed
shield and armor are gone, these ugly
Loa.) een eel riemRO Neotel
beasts drop like all other pirates.
of the hatch are two jamming beacon
devices. Dodge the attacks from the —
Armored Aerotroopers and
sUTeD Anal =e ola D
~ Continue through the Imperial Hall
Lasso to pull the switches on bs :
to the Fiery Airdock. Save your game
Toru ORM Uge etn he in your ship, then set a course for the
do this quickly because they won't
Thorn Jungle Airdock.
stay off for long.While both jamming
beacons are ee use your
Mee through the Gel Cavern,
eon hiseia ker ag your Gunship
turn down this passage on the left
to come in for an air strike, targeting the
Elec elaM acm torre alm iU lol mel]
Co) ofS Ui lal are Mele Nea
x z a
rc SUNGLE aaa Fi ea
ish GOT ae
eee a Fee =a LE tah
Y Wernencner | ser a re] @ BOSC aC Le Cece a
M ona Fiat C/T acura eT LITT
. Vi
Ci) Eee tyvf ee Red @ ~~ fe BY [e ifl cI yore
: @® | Ancient Courtyard | Berserker Knight ea)
. Z & | South Jungle Hall rat Lara
. Caer na) Era seg cya
CWry t SCAN nC carl
@ aS nay OC Lasechig Lt) rl Daas eas UPL

X . Ruins

ahead. Teron ;
ee off by heading fo O second eae :
cS Pent) [OM —relcey high vo on ‘— af EWS oy-lact
a ce ULM Ten (<1 en
Wien you enter the Nea : eae room and drops off a feSac
Me Recltitelemencon oir es enhanced. i MVM Kom alten ike entec]
a Peron attack. Coun with Phazon.Try to eliminate them
entering Hypermode, ei Celtaaol cele e- mLe
EME meltsown'tocol ) MN Re mayaul oe
ea ee *

7 At least one of the Pirate Militia in

the Ancient Courtyard is equipped
with a hand-tossed Phazon bomb.
if hit by one of these grenade-like
devices, you'll suddenly enter
Use the Morph Ball tunnel Er
in Hypermode with dangerously
passage to access a small control high levels of Phazon threatening =
room. Interact with the switch (next to overload the PED. Immediately
When both pirates are down, turn discharge Phazon [by rapidly
to the Morph Ball entrance) to drain.
toward this crystallized fuel gel pressing ©) to lower the levels.
power from the energy shield in Ps
f= /Wima lela mele |e)8 ae Pell
deposit and shoot it with a charged the Overgrown Ruins. Return to the completely. Take the opportunity
shot. This opens a new passage foolarte oleate h ECM alco.
fe aR Ualmarel] arena ana
leading to the Vault. Hit the red blast accessible doorway to énter the Hypermode.
shield over the Vault door with a Ancient Courtyard.
missile, then proceed inside to grab
Elance Nal-laLa

. PRIMA Official Game Guide

ATA Cols
Ge citeh a yout progress. Ps anus aca neat
STTatealR NEIL cL be destroyed by eter la kel tna tipsy uaa 4 Sree eee PYateveamtclo} eG
your ( Gunship.Beforecalling iin an Fa Reemeaic head must be destroyed ed in it ‘
before you can eee damage. Poult ae two:Aerotroopers
When the Berserker Knight fires its”) * float ab: ve. Ste Maen utso acon .
large purpleorbs toward you, shoot Pee toca leucine cun ecg iy
‘them to volley the orbs back at its ~ with Ice Missiles till they plunge out pss .
large wall for your ere ieee head, damaging the armor, |t takes” of the air. ele PN iret ecole) e169 l(a
must do this before the jamming four hits from these orbs to destroy ,| down,a ac = (Uta enter ionic ae
LoXrLeol M(t) CC oAm Cet LLeLAT] the Berserker Knight's armor. nN clenurs Ticeie
attack blows a large hole in the wall, rg Eros
giving you access to the second half
Prater Uteicinis agate ato ‘Battle: Korrak
ret off Ny scanning the Pirate® + <i
Ppltccrte tateRtael cote econ)
separate scans, earni you two red
credits. In Erelelietolg t
Pecan ecient oli a3
With the Berserker Knight's armor
destroyed, aggressively target the
red nodule on the top of its head
Soon after the air strike, an Assault toinflict Col TisT Tel otha eA cr lesa)
Pirate Trooper, an Advanced Pirate dodge its fiery attacks too. Space
Trooper, anda Berserker Knight jump over the expanding rings of fire
“emerge through the hole in the wall. Wa MccltUialiaeMiLMmNeNoe ete
Scan them quickly before entering Knight's weak spot with Ice Missiles
Hypermode and engaging the _ . (old ait oem Conon alate
PCN reco R aim ireel cae NN ea ola aiecas race gs
ela NML eMC ar-r de) 1c fires an orange energy.beam from his
then finish it off while avoiding lance. a to the a au leg
Clee aceon
ia alle a
remeron Menara| bai:
UST MLM ol clrlecace aise
knocked free of the Korrak.
a=W \=t=t-]8) tee Eee)=) telat
tay=lgT ees |e goto pyres) tS Bersetee Knight first,
[alee qe n= B =e i= all nee then focus on the few pirates
Pal anne [n ne A Ei |e) st ampering Ecole ate-\aral-nid
In any case, don't bother shooting aS Ike MO aetna Ba (1A
him. Let the Berserker Knight deal the courtyard and enter »
Via oe (8 =ied eB =t-]e|8 Rae de|s)
a) eB] Fa next door leading into the
incoming body. lightened Walkway. Fight your
ay past a few Crawitanks in the Having killed the Pirate Hussar,
Enlightened Walkway on your way to now focus on the Korrak. Wait for the
the Jousting Field. Korrak to lash out with itst
Tinta ateley aa Rtaaa tTel cA) :
causes the Korrak to enter a rae
eon len
i icoyame(-i(--1018)
the Jousting

Aulaeerlany Bien)
by a blast shield as two

the a and use your G

Lasso to pull the creaturet

> < sea clotee : >ae

NV Ie t= CEM der lt=is] n=

: Paice
a glowing blue sp i
ea oto
After defeating the Armored Pirate
7 lol enter the door leading
as many shots as Hes the- =) elma Mle (as
oTat Lae e Re) om stele ge T NTS “this canister of fuel gel to reveal a
process to gain access to Grab Ledge on the ot side of this
Areca vale (in Nar ore Lae oa crevasse. ; =
bomb its belly, then shdot é
glowing blue vulnerable sp

Men igh ag 0 Cela] qelaae lee cen ltl

Cale s]=lauels|=F-it- ieig -l-e le) se) |
San(=9 Cue) 40) eesee Wl yng)
blasts go a long way in defeating
Jump up to reach the Grab
Sag =S=}00]
8) 8) 6] Maney i=) K0 eM Bag=]
Korrak earns you a gold credit.
Ledge. On the ledgestuirn around
and watch for two more Armored ;
Pirate Troopers rushing through a
Next, move to the large window ; the corridor on the opposite side.
overlooking the Leviathan shield Immediately open fire with Ice
se Ne Coler eee p Vole Solin lale} Missiles. If necessary, drop back down
Visor and order your Gunship to into the crevasse—this gives you
commence an air strike. Unfor- more room to maneuver, making it
tunately, the shield generator is easier to dodge attacks.
protected by two large anti-aircraft
Once the Korrak is down,a couple turrets, chasing away your Gunship
Celica mtn melee iaren a(R ai) before it can fire its payload. You
. futile attempt to stop you. Deal with must knock out both anti-aircraft
them, then collect all the power-ups turrets before destroying the shield
floating about the room, left over
hen you reach this corridor . ae ate [ole]
of theGenerator EE llaSeleicaia ey (eee! * rear lise everal Jolly ey
ule eed fy TamicM ltrs4 DICu ay Me relia
Tals AVe te (oom a 3Sealey advancing oe Na NO aele
| gel to pass in front » PYM Murer egal ut the ee oe
Cree fra line of Fungus growing on the walls—scan * Eta eo es is locked in
| it for your Log Book. Brokle-1oy Peete ters connected to Pia,
levershigh above the ee ag
reaction, Clesuoviitel both turrets Gunship Missile «
climbing to ers of the lever oly ~
in the process. Watch for one more (elles) n=) aaa icrs SUM ae ele
ceiling-mounted Remorse-Class cals elite aya across to
Turret in the adjoining corridor on eco platform surrounding theturrét.
oleaeNa to the South Jungle Court. ren cN elt Kec oeeN Aol)
pe teplatfoams. Ps
<« South Jungle z

In the Auxiliary Dynamo, locate this

stuck piston. Dislodge it with your
Grapple Lasso to clear a path through
a Morph Ball tunnel. Enter the Morph
EER TaN Calm ta -mcnuclala=) clare] (eirloy nate) Kol Kenalxol tay vlcaVita}
follow it to reach a Gunship Missile your Grapple Lasso and pull it back to
MS ee Tecra aan Expansion, increasing the amount of release one of the clamps. Next, deal
South Jungle Court. But it’s guarded missiles your Gunship can carry. with the Aerotroopers swarming nearby.
by several pirates.Don't waste any - Navel Tara uae) hole) ey
ins engaging the pirates—there’s lal they'll pull the lever backin place,
endless supply of them. Instead, drop to eralen Xe lelanekehualse rian ialiteng)
the ground and rush beneath the turret release valve. More Aerotroopers will
Aer erode CEA aCe iCal eno re aU aL Se
Yank it down with your Grapple Lasso to to [cole] alec} Soe :
expose the fuel gel-based ammunition
canisters on the sides of the a
The North Jungle Hall is filled with
rola reac) Licey uli S aon Only two Aerotroopers appear at *

a time in the North Jungle Court—
Simply roll beneath the Aeromines,
Ieee Ga ean yee |e) 8 11
eran elcaa) your step around the
but with a noticeable delay. Use
: Proximity Mines—if you get too close Sag i=fel=]t-e pee a 0 ale e= ah]
8] =e
ey'll explode! Inch forward a few E=}=
In eae Ce aM aia =1 alga
s at a time and scan ahead to quickly kill both Aerotroopers
furore iekeaneteni evens using liberal amounts of missiles or
Once the canisters are exposed,
step out from beneath the turret
and hit one of the canisters with a
walls. Detonate each mine with
ne shot, but stand back because
ae Meneame ele tee
Lae Tal=Iuatiele(Ai ag) -lei iit]
Mee tele)
WV welegels)s(iyoe-1p eee) apart G
the first lever. Quickly make your
charged shot. Repeat the process way to the next two levers and
fullGen =1unhe)=1ie ly Man Vn ia lamas
three more times (on each of the
Aerotroopers can respond. There
magazines) to destroy the turret.
Coliae lune
IM ee Me ete | cee
This also opens a path to the South fu)ae (a Oa Olan elle Reg BUR1e
Jungle Hall.
“Western Energugy

to pass by, just above a) fartalss

| The resulting oleh) ee Ea coe .
: le dropping 4 ONE Ng fated
Upon your return to a Biel cae
jf ee (via the North Jungle Hall),
; Ss istoNehohuar Aiiate(od ON Tiferel dale a
shield generator Ere aavees your
Command Visor to initiat :
Mien re ery y "
metlO Rael Gagi8 (eR agree
no pr pel-ialsir
an enemy flipping any of them
: back, you're awarded a Friend
and delivering itsdevastating ‘payload
o Nielretar i on target, The Leviathan’s Eretei cite .
. : Cross the walkway and ae ‘down, giving you access
to the Seed.
umareniish:. latekcaneteniel lace
ee tN Fate 8] open a Morph Ball tunnel leading to:
To claim this expansion, don't Cleo | the Missile Expansion to the right.
- down into the crevasse in the North There are no pick-ups on your way
Roll through the tunnel to 2% bul
back to the Thorn Jungle Airdock.
Jungle Hall.Instead)stare up at this Missile Expansion.
btn) sO peli gne=[e) e=|glepa| ele ete eel)
BILAN secured in place by clamps. , for the Bryyo Seed.
5 - * — os
p “ es e . -

* - _ = 7 * “ly _ ;
< SS = ]

, csi iciah . 4
ek SAME es cae em TUT Cc am esc ee erruruneard scree ues (rr
- - @ AT Ure Crug Red

etree Fis gy tl two charged shots to destroy them, * sending a large ring of energy out
» < Fi ‘ f , 4 | then continue into the Leviathan'Core | along the floor. Space jump over
Leviathan See to spot a giant Reptilicus War Golem the ring of energy Frere Welie] taking
in the center of the room. Drop to the damage. Watch for this same attack
floor to initiate the boss battle. throughout the battle and dodge it
Boss Battle: Mogenar

After setting down at Landing Site

Delta, jump across these organic
_ jellyfish-like platforms on your way to
» the Core Access tunnel. Once there,
ces starts the nate ai Target the three red orbs on
scan these barricades to reveal their | Mogenar’s torso, destroying one
eT Paiecaiess alsa om ce cal en Lag away by stomping the ground,
PRIMA Official Game Guide
Mekal ad Eanes lio
Be teeta R-rleniserace
a ;

LV [a)=(=Tar=laY= 1m e=lgy ee 18 t=] ood iS

i TEA aN Pee
Fla Ohe|-titwele ee lg a As) eh)
ae theSen of the oR F=infelaig Cea ou cll aes
fneMn Mutsy ssas]= (ela eheg =] cn oe This
Deel Tete heel ey ena en eos cee a ending re
SiurnN= Telia T alsa BMC Kear- rel ec Cecn 1e in, hie ce s - ~ eg,
oi sc Precla caeoke ery n uy (aah) :
: ay each foot. After each sci
exit Morph Ball form and prepat
to space} (Noelak
_as Mogenar prepares for another
charging attack. ;

AC Uarealialey
Mea lanieireicsiir-] pay at erect?
ut Rua
mals an mare Sal Emit
all the i orbs on pee cnet
a burst of Phazon energy (®)
eet) uyare Boectilcs charging
when prompted to destroy the
behind him and Bifefel aaa -iiislel ae a We tie ey) Seed and free Bryyo of er Phazon
and target another one of his
Pic kegel adie destroyed. a x ae k corruption. 7. Q
elite) Err iay feared ela o oy ee Aes
ma ou en a a rim with Phazon till it explodes.
Having suffered another lost socket, .
regain these red orbs. * « ~@ . :
Mogenar once again er)
charging attack phase. Dodge out of
his way and place Morph Ball bombs
Vat his feet (while his back is turned)
to eliminate the Phazon crystals.

ora selon ategMSTte- heel ct (olga

Once all four red orbs are Elysia, landing at the Main ee
destroyed, enter Hypermode and LST Wa
target one of the empty sockets on ”
Mogenar's front side—the
socket is a good place to star
"Keep hitting Mogenar's sockets
Instead of targeting the center of
Phazon to finish him off. Don't
the socket, shoot the outer rim. After
forgetto hit the socket on his back.
a few hits, the socket will overload
Once all four sockets are destroyed,
with Phazon and explode, rendering
Mogenar explodes, releasing
fiero e-laeN ai ietare ee Lalieclalg
amount of damage.
@® | Main Docking Bay oe Pre G 4 bey aid ra

C/U ecco magpie Pence Sse cmon ce

b: C/O ecm MUS oe CO oo md SOT rer
2 Neal Bridge without
. VE CC Bt aC ce it sd Sore sy “bia a eit g

5 Ws Red CCL meme AUB Crs cy

Ak A cits ry Perret iere:slumber ate
r mar eae era (Re echort ae mee cis ct cel
Ps 5 8 ys ela
7 ae ne Las i CBRL a eee | cl
~ oe > @ Arrival Station ATG CITT CW sesort rs Peete
E F . i Acie) ee Re acca) (eS oascirteG Pea Perit}
:i e (Acoust Seas ce & | Main Docking Bay a Red
Ve ok SSC oernclcd BS Ltt CaM Tt ecetciita atl
. C MSc nesea cl cum Nacreser inc rar] Vy ee eee a
Kos Peg es i]
. i pc sphcaetAie a & | Security Station ae aio tC
® @ Aurora Lift Pea cs cy ha
c/a eC RC.) ere Vo rine


ee | ~ Th Main Docking Access, enter the

Bomb Sela meneame] mene e1 ey
Dea) Sass
ila and initiate Hyperfnode. Hold down

revere hac Rue

Welcome to SkyTown. Start off by RirreeMCucue Ree ® to activate the Hyper Ball, shooting
heading to the Main Docking Access Petr acu Mie Mile Lcen Ly bolts of Phazon at the surrounding
corridor. But before leaving the Main rooms. To retrieve the Lore entry, Phazon growths. Destroying all
Docking Bay, be sure to scan the shoot the Databot once. When hit, the growths causes the statue to
the Databot projects a holographic descend into the floor, clearing a
nearby objects and drones for your
image, revealing the entry. Quickly
Log Book. ATransportation Drone, » scan the hologram to retrieve the
Aerial Repair Drone, and Databot are Cs Ceca CaCl)
Farle) a Docking Bay reveals the “Creators”
Role ete a
\ a /

a. PRIMA Official Game Guide

CSc _—
If you're having trouble reaching
the Missile Expansion in the Transit ©
FWaM =laie=lphag=H 0] ]e [lenge raelgl=
Feira dal=M =| pie fm ltl pe 2 ee)
_, Morph Ball on the edge of the
vertical shaft and drop a bomb.
> Coat chatged as to ee i Eiceltiatek As soon as the bomb explodes,
— Ad nr PED ucerah ilo Cam corridor. Blast them roll left. ff your timing is right, the
When both panes are dae fayep ne e=feds]geldl—t=iie gy eee
your ere eur (and the two© | shots—Ice Missiles Bees ia] Morph Ball upward, allowing you to
Grappl enka nua effective. When they're down, ignore ~ felled 8-1-1)(-8 cel 1
e door Flacscnaclire relay the nearby Grab Ledge for now and’ *
ee fred-laacor) lia wsietelaW.\ one | continue through the lower passage
to locate another Databot. Hit the ~
Databot and scan its “Gift” 'S eaep
for your.Log Book.

The-Morph Ball a eee

Pacuieuta ti ecieeatcts motel
Most of the platforms in SkyTown Syor-le-NUaalemconeats ean Tansy
are linked by Zipline Cable Rails. next Zipline Cable Rail. Attach your
There is a Grapple Swing Point on each aimee am
the rail above Zipline Station Alpha. Proceed through the Hub Access
the Barracks Access. Along the way,
Attach your Grapple Swing and hold corridor to this platform outside—
energy orbs are dropped in your
on as you head toward the Arrival there's no Zipline Cable Rail here.
path. Shoot them to avoid getting
sSir-]e(0]a 4 Instead, enter Morph Ball form and
knocked off the zipline.
roll into the yellow orb-shaped
hologram to enter the Kinetic Orb
Cannon. This device fires your Morph Barracks 7
~ While on the Zipline, watch for Ball across the wide span toward the
obstructions in your path and Transit Hub. Ae ae 12
Fine)s) ag]
Si Transit Hub
ees pl 4 Missile Expansion 1

In the Barracks Access corridor, . \

change to Morph Ball form and
roll beneath these security lasers
panning back and forth. As you drop
Enter the Arrival Station and turn Colimta-a (10 o(-M otal s-Lean aoe)
DAs Ueno aged recent ialorla oY
right—look for a coupie of Tinbots oy ela clase CULAAL Ila RCo iars(e rol{ backward to locatea Missile
in the corridor ahead. These ancient- Expansion hidden in this alcove.
Not far from the entrance is a
looking Mechanoids poselittle threat, Grab it and continue on through the
ee Expansion in a vertical shaft.
but they attack as you approach. Stare coat
Chee Ml honceanienurcakeolr att
Scan one for your Log Book (anda
through the tunnel.
ircleNac-xelLO Men ORL amolia tala Mlalecere}
with charged shots.
Ec Peete kei eee 1h
shots. It won't take WiC
LTT aRoni mt esicr-Tan|[e)
the [else Minis

cls re scanning a SteambotElite

Cruel ncaa Re) Pee oil
z Sa two,red oe Tiere Dracrliateniresiesctlty
gold credit. Also,
Tank. Grab the Energy Ta
charged shots and rmigsi les to knock Moraes ra ea
LAT aM [ol Mca Tle co :
en Maar Cellet en Way
matter how many times
Riel) hae
_ Return to thé Aurora Lift corridor
and i urate are LC ty
hand-shaped switch on the wall.
a aE the lift to the lower level and
enter the Aurora Chamber. Inside,
» Aurora Unit 217 is offline and secured
the blue door, pull or of these behind a gate fixed with a kinetic
Einar RVI enol heh ee [eleSula Vea ote
Lash out against the Steambots alm datast i tl cod ac *
first, knocking down as many as you
can ina short time. You can't effec-
tively engage the Steamlord until
at least one Steambot is down. The
Steamlord then appears to resurrect
each Steambot. The busier you can
keep the BS Tulse eal aod
to hit. q Pass ae new celi}
Enter the Barracks Lift and locate Chamber and on into the adjoining
a Databot flying above the room. Maintenance Shaft AU. Several Sky
Shoot it to reveal the “Discovery” Puffers float above this corridor.
Lore entry. Continue moving through Mia -crMecar- 1a cree]c mil (ce MI aed Le]
the corridor until you spot a hand- gases. Scan one for your Log Book,
atom aCre ULC aCe} then start shooting. Be careful when
activate the lift, indicated by a yellow engaging these creatures at close

es Sol

Puella) @ Getting Started @ MET eases 1a) Re ati)

Dianeiad eam iab zs ishaSea Bles aoe ae Nay OVCEiamelen cult eco age he
= r A f

range because their blast radius is.

very large. When the path is clear,
space jump across the shaft and
enter the blue door at the end of curs
corridor. s

Varela BVol acer lan men clade

Cosmet Melare(° omcLae N UaT Aon ae
Piscean Btls ea geet: Set and gate with your Reyes
Kea away with your Grapple Lasso. Peer re ue eR
This triggers the appearance of aS bridge colla behind you, along
Dragoon Battle Drones. Scan one Oi with the’Steambots and Steamlord. a
ny vn rb ane waits
CoUresrel MeatMV sar le teceslar- Leal} ‘| the new hostiles to earnared credit |* If you didn’t open fire on any of Pi
Ele McVor Mua im Lager-e nes ats STi eere Nel LAT 101° a
door. Enter Morph Ball form and roll
shooting the Dragoon Battle Drones, voucher for this stylish kill
into the hologram to load yourself
into the cannon. |t shoots you toward simply target them with your Grapple
Lasso and lal off their thrusters. With Ballista’ ~~ X ¥
the large Spire Dock, a central hub in
SkyTown’s west side. Turn right and no lift, Lp cc the ground ae
1m inl ag he
head toward the zipline leading to and crash. But you must be telatively

the Junction. close to pull off thisELT
WY retail C=} Sane ie}

Investigate the center of the Spire
Dock to locate Ghor's powered
fat=}a ==] Mtns] p18 =] YB =I ==)
[ciple] eee lay (ell Rg Helle a) -ie= [wee | ara soa Hee to the door
to vaccinating Aurora Unit 217 ahead and enter Maintenance Shaft
Something strange is going on here. GP. Cross this corridor by jumping
onto the platforms lining the walls.
hwy moving on to se next gate, Go through the door at the end to
approach the vertical pipe on the
enter the Construction coy
platform between the two gates—a
Missile-Expansion is hidden inside.
Locate the opening on the pipe (nearest
the closed gate) and enter in Morph Ball
Sola CON Colt CM Utomo (cd 5 eee
After you land at.the Junction
Emme the Junction corridor
and turn left. The corridor ahead is
blocked, but there's a small tunnel are} ae the re Melee alee che
at floor level. Change to Morph Ball on the platform, you must maneuver.
form and roll through to reach the through the Construction Bay. Start
other side. Move to the opposite end by space jumping between these
of Junction, toward the Ice Missile round floating platforms. On the last
door leading to Skybridge Hera
“Tear away the second gate with round platform, look right to spot
| your Grapple Lasso and cross the three Grapple Swing Points—you
bridge. As you cross, three Steambots can't use them yet, however. You
afe resurrected by a Sica felce} must release three large panels
‘on the bridge, blocking your path. before crossing.
ceo ked engaging the Steambots
and Steamlord on this narrow bridge,
simply roll past them in Morph Ball
form—be careful not to roll off the
sides and don't drop any bombs
along the way.
wy ¥
as far as you can, then space jump
Poco MUNA dao) -luol gan ok-ee 4
the Ballista Lift corridor. Watch out
for more Dragoon he ie s
oro Coe Co ig

er Clamp. Hii ice you've oe FI ageree

Team Eiic BEC tal nel ola ee Real16]
ici Use this opportunity to ripits
Pras open with your Grapple L.

enter the nearby Motph Ball tunnel. ."

Just inside ra Ballistatift felolel ary
Roll through the end tunnel
another Databotiwith the“Slumber” »
and trigger three Bomb Slots to *
Leo Kota e area aera) tla
ees Rite! erUro essere leire mays
with the green hand-shaj itch
a, 7 ones ~ on the wall to activate the lift.Step
onto the yellow lift hologram and
aide it down to thé next level.
as tsPeo Bones 'S armor
is ra as Hypermode and target ©
thé ted glowing sphere on its head,
exposed by the narrow gap in.its
Elauoe sie ietegia B)-1iclacics P) colt MUfolaKe
sit still. Instead, it retaliates with a
new attack of its own, launching
»begin’swinging across. [rela hon these large energy orbs toward
first point, but don't let go.Instead, you. Shoot the orbs as soon as they
while swinging on the first point, _ appear. Otherwise they'll bounce
(rede) ele a acen iam elect ae] Oita) around the room, tracking your
the next two points.When you're where-the néw Chozo A ae is
faa ua aca MUA ae aM alco (010 B
lined up, swing across each point to located. Inthe corridor straight ahead
the platform on the otherside: a) Pats betel Tel cis rer nattes june
" anewboss oes it!

Boss Battle:
ON ee) g l0 mr ge=lgle=iae= |e coy Defense Drone
on the underside of the Grapple
cD Be) t= imie wee de —ier= [n= 9 |
» shoot them before swinging
across. By the time you hit the DY c—ahym DI Kola MWA
ee rl 2
F{-fefalgfagelu=/e)a|(= el QV inl hase) ge =1e feline alae Clamo old
take off. flying directly at you. If by destroying the Sar TS and
age Dnlie see Ce r=) cracking open the Co saelanls
with your Grapple Lasso. Enter
ait eae Dronei iy ae ir Hypermode and target the red spot
armored with no exposed weak imo
.an \alcMelcolaleHCy-loRt [alana —o.dol(0lecy
points. However, if you target and you've earned a gold credit and the
fo(otro) ae) tale Roa ce talcoanaeCon ort) Boost Ball upgrade.
can stun the drone, which allows you
to temporarily open its armor shell.
While targeting the Defense Drone’s
Advance to the top of this platform antennae, watch out for its jump
using the lower bridge and Morph attacks. As the drone lands, it sends
. Ball tunnel. Hit this green switch to out an expanding ring of energy.
) rotate the nearby bridge toward the Space jump over these energy rings
| main platform. Roll across the bridge to avoid taking damage.

—e PRIMA Official Game Guide

we “Vepanete :
Aurora Unit Ftv

« “ a od
From Juncti Furr. c ard es. ten es
ca Dock, o thezipline to reac te, emerging fr f
it.On the ere lel eT
Kinetic Orb Cannon Fer
Pict P ecole aa
Ruri es ba pe Be He After
at «finishing
Off the Steambots, look for
orb-shaped rolectenin olaectacite(sy one Ripe ite} the outer wi
down ® to drop down into the Spinner. MMs con ee
ha tee corr
Once inside, hold down and release +s
ina repetitive rhythm to activate the
SoU Aol ChE la ALUM EeLOe (crekad
armen Morph Ball Opening is lined
7 s
up with the lit arrow at the top. This
activates the lift, returning you to the EIEN ata a iii
upper level of the Ballista Storage shaft. - Maintenance Shaft AU before
attempting the space jump over to
the Grab Ledge. Once you've made it
across, enter the nearby door into the
Aurora Chamber. Samus, destroying some of Aurora a
Unit 217’s vital circuitry. You can’t
chase after Ghor directly—the door
he exited through is secure. Instead,
return to Aurora Unit 217 through
ENTo VAnarL co ol0 MAW or-CeaiCo aT the Morph Ball tunnel. Interact with
NTT} Chamber. Start by heading the AU’s control panel fo learn that
outto the Construction Bay. Instead you.must find a way to repair the
of crossing the round floating . circuitry before Aurora Unit 217 can
platforms, turn left and locate this* amene Uo M@ Tule acm be of any use—Ghor's Plasma Beam
Morph Ball tunnel—it leads to the kinetic lock (in Morph Ball form) should do the trick. _ —
Construction Bay's lower portion. - and use the Boost Ball to rotate it.
Keep spinning until the Morph Ball
opening reaches the top. This unlocks -
| the gate, giving you access to Aurora Before chasing after Ghor save
_| Unit 217. Interact with the: ronal your game at Save Station A, just
fins front of the unit. This opens a elie e wale 2 elie eel
a ee)
necal Clase nome rer scia
leading to the maintenance level. Roll
rough the open hatch and follow
From the lower Constructi cu) down inthe Warts ase
Bay area, head back through _
Maintenance Shaft GP and
Skybridge Hera. Although the bridge ~
is gone,a Spinner waits outside the
doorway. Enter the Spinner and
rotate it 180 degrees to reveal a
Kinetic Orb Cannon. Use the cannon
to sail toward the Junction platform.
Pee J
eiteere tice)
ee a
ing atop your Gunship,

Ro Uianonure the cannon to get shot

* Zipline Station’Brave,b the Hub Access.Watch out forDrago
EeUicre etme tt ENA celia. la rae APC ca nen
alert from your Gunship Warning of an corridor.
approaching alts eeee (sid ohn TT
Plela Taree Ral Rrrtinlelore stercvelch
eter Teou ena fala mera natn 118 eles
inside and rotate the Spinner 180
degrees (with the Boost Ball,
clio in the center of the room.

eR On Uae Ielah
fighting your way past a er Pen ie
ARMM ecm eo Vie elt aniellb
Stay near the perimeter of the
fala)e dns ps) tcinieMaaae= le] engdae =e
Gel on the ground. If you walk over
Bin 4 g0)=)0C/=l Aaya mee a =leoe
~ Now enter the half-pipe and line © Try freezing the Fuel Gel with an Ice
yourself up, faeing the top of one of the. * Missile to cause Ghor to slip when
ramps at a perpendicular angle. Change felar=lue|=p 00sOF lef eel eh RUT]
Fool olaer form and begin using the
Boost Ball to build momenttm irge
the Boost Ball byholding down®).Once
Reariencecack eri! Eveereia
ood ooo MMe elMTe ie sa A
you can roll right onto the ledge high
above the room.
In the Arrival Station, locate.this ;
Grab Ledge to pull yourself up onto — Asyou dodge Ghor's charging
EM eleCela nian) otal na attacks, circle behind him and shoot
the Spinner to activate a Kinetic © this energy pack. It provides power
Cette Tararody areca ar Kec tatgro la) to his shield. Keep hitting it until it
Esra mec meni mri NEE! explodes. This stuins Ghor, tempo-
platform in the distance. The Energy rarily deactivating his shield. As Ghor
Tank rests on a small pedestal at the ~sits-on the ground, locate the large
yoy Ta Som cleo Lecol tus aCon CaCO Lace) loli] IheeeNVcem telco=te lM ATM ater-CoR-TaVe]
raceem alice iam tal eae pmo) fire away—this is his weak spot. If
Liaw ACYL BSIccl (Ce lamtallm tal Marla9)
call thelift. This is a mini-puzzle. Place possible, try to land some missile hits,
each lit rotatable notch in the proper Spinner to activate another Kinetic
Orb Cannon and fire yourself back or enter Hypermode to deliver some
slot of the three concentric circles. heavy damage with Phazon blasts.
Once all three circles are complete,
the lift lowers, giving you access to
Salou silat,ce eats ae) dilo (ola LAT ity
doing the puzzle you receive more
reports from your ship—it's now
taking damage.
PRIMA Official Game Guide
After recovering, Ghor stands up
and fires a massive Plasma Beam.
Be ready to space jump over it as it
sweeps the floor

below 50 percent, he adds a rly

Elecre SMa Coleg Colto Mine arms
spread out wide,he serie spinning survive this onslaught very long,
like a top, charging roel ce)Neth ial -3 Enter Hypermode and aggressively
Clee A CTS ole iret attack Ghor's head with Phazon
keep your distance. If you get too Em EMR Caan aleraeella ela
nen ie Gh Tay ones close, it’s impossible to get out of the don't rapidly fire unless you're certain —
Pury stationary Eraency way in time—though you can duck you're on target. If possible, make
E] Reeaer it) Plasma Beam in a under his arms in Morph Ball form. each Hypermode peril ECan aie |
spinning arc. Space jump over the Dodge these attacks and wait for him 25 seconds. It takes CoN] a few direct
beam as it sweeps toward you. Before Roesclid ee Maoh auricle Phazon hits to. Anish off felitold
landing, enter Morph Ball form and attack so you can stun him again.
"toll between Ghor’s legs, just below
the flashing orb;Drop three bombs
Close to the flashing red and blue orb. ©
If they're close enough, oy ara)
Ghor upon detonation.

iaIf you're close enough, you can Ng a acer health, Ghor gets
Ghor leaves behind io Plasma
Crm eceameIe eMac
duck under Ghor's spinning Plasma teally dangerous. His charging attacks center of the docking bay, along with
T=T n=} 4k] ae Une 1 m8) | become quicker and more direct.Do any other power-ups. feliteSS orth i
EEG otiaoaat to stay out of his way while retrieved the Plasma Beam upgrade,
ig at his head. There's no way to Samus calls her Gunship back to the
in Ghor now, so you must finish Main Docking Bay. Take the oppor-
him off in a balanced one-on-one tunity to recharge and save your
olOCOPe Uta cov omi eine R-Tm cared ole)
| Ka game inthe Gunship.
on his head. ee
. —_ eae fai ity Station,shoot
rena (ecalcaA SS ran elt
This wavy weld is a bit
to make. Just move slow! Era the shaft’s on
mas ees of metahop ends are finally connecte 0. way up. You need thi
Gunship, using.a ch:
your Plasma Beam. Locate this piece
of metal (below the win ) and
melt it With a charged shot 4
melts EE fevealing a Sr Ecos
reoe lei Mesa =torUursiol Nalco
up into, the alcove in Morph Bal form
as le
Once all three. welds are made,
rN] Peele AE eae] -
i Se >
Priced BelaLey WAIL) fully operational.
Unit 217 Peeveh etre aco tate tire lent Te
yoy ox-ra AVI Gcalcolele]ament\ (01fe],
ey eMac
EERO DE Taen incites ian te o corridor and Press a iclmcalere
Aurora Unit to adva, pe rolle) entering the Morph CE Rit eet
Among other thi the nearby lift to gain entry. |
the location of a’nea
ni Soe , Gunship Missile
. ele in 3

ir elcUgam Con al nn os
the same path NortTiceyer at eaten :
When you arrive, the aed fallacciley
you to go down to the maintenance.
level and weld the damaged wiring
with your new Plasma Beam. ac
the maintenance level eect its
Frm R@ar Tul AltLe Coc ing to Landing Site
Morph Ball tunnel and approach this
ferclaKelmelcaeliegae) Rens [cu a Pree el Cue ties ia Un cra) ys locate this metal panel in the
use the Kinetic Orb Cannon to reach * Security Station—on the left just
wall.While standing nextto the \
the Spire Dock. On the Spire Dock,.
as you exit the Morph Ball tunnel.
panel, press ® when prompted to.
use the eastern zipline to ores tal Melt the panel with a charged shot
enter welding mode. Aim at the
Security Station. Lice B Vola aus A sin CoC)
glowing yellow piece of circuitry in
another Morph Ball tunnel. Roll inside
the bottom left corner. Hold down
fos MAUR UL Rola A)
® to begin welding with the Plasma
Gunship Missile Expansion.
Beam, dragging your aim slowly
up the diagonal channel toward
the upper-right corner, connecting
the weld to the existing piece of
circuitry. If completed correctly,
the circuit panel turns green. Find
another damaged circuit panel on
the perimeter wall and make the
necessary repairs.

~_s PRIMA Official Game Guide

lele wr leading to. 5 Rees ORerae ars
ner ean uel cece i mae
ae. Se al your Eis isor—order your
behind the Mere PERO ants] ae ciEa cece by Ghor. Gunship to land-on Landing Site A.
Just Ce aca is a Datab a ea cleeare]
Tee Acute Rete pre ae rae pad and eer ea forever talon a 1 you need
flaacorea fisFre the end of a bomb. % aaya es Sate aNT
the passage bare corA) ence Therefore set a course for
landing site. Ei oyAirdock. ey) ae
that you cid Tol ioot9) (els
roe poe ee
eile all a Revisited
Ren ata aoa aera hs ‘
= be

ried . 4 ;
Pie a
@ Lap ccasd RCM aC ie LITT 3 ae: a

»< ae erate 7 the Morph Ball tunnel and follow

it into the upper level-of the Gel
Beam door, then shoot the door to
Talat pa ae th eomde(ela
bacole Sale ts

Upon ee Elgin loa acces In the Refinery Access, locate this

proceed directly:through the When you come to a dead end, locked panel and shoot the red ae :
Tiaot acl M ali lare nelcon tary Gel }drop.a bomb to knock over the: ente sequence they ap
Processing Site. A few Reptilicus obstructing pipe. Just past the pipe, this fiery fresco. Scan it to re
Carre crea Mer ece eaeK onc a you need to jump a gap. Back up “Prophecy” Lore entry.
on guard—though they're no match through the tunnel and use the heat
for your new GC tT Nearest en hleca rel cas
across the gap.A well-timed Boost
Refinery Access ay Ball can also help you cross this gap

dian iN ae RUE Ran)

Beam door at the end of the corridor.
You're high above the Imperial Hall—
don't drop down. Maes core ole10c nals
Blast the ice deposits in the Morph Morph Ball tunnel on the =
Ball tunnel in the Gel Processing Site. You emerge on a landing high This takes you to a small perch on the
Use charged shots from your Plasma above the Gel Processing Site. hall's right side.
Beam to melt each obstruction. Enter Destroy the ice covering the Plasma
op ie) aT yao iE
fora Relam Carag
the left panel! Tt
downward, creating a new
above the’ Imperial Hall.

space jump to reach thele

eravon area trillent:
GroR aM Cec er

Enter the Spinner and use your ©

From the Gel P. ocessing Site, head
Boost Ball to rotate the rib-like cage
directly to the Main Lift. Use the
eco are ohtalea cero ue oc ae
Morph Ball tunnel (and Korbas) to
Keep rotating this cage until an open
reach this chamber and melt the ice spot in the chamber’s wall is revealed,
on this ornate wall carving. Shoot just opposite the battering ram—this
Bate) Va Kelnam ear ts CeLU Lea ccd
is a weak spot.
tunnel opening, then roll through ne
Teta Cols olan c-Rel e lanl celta
side, shoot the Plasma Beam door
and walk through to enter Warp Site

po - NS PRIMA Official Game Guide

<r . Se. ee =e
ied —
Pelee) tet Pa Pac ae ss lia aes le c
é : ry cM Sir i Re Naud eycoa f ta ais) nis <i
acta : :
® | ImperialCaverns | WallJump Surface | Research :
ae: at of a med aay pee
oo rela
ahead;then rey j Eee eo .
r’Screw Attack mode. Keep ee
spinning across the SUSU LL voltae
reach the MMC ae ue .

Exit t jerialCavernsto 8”
Fleer a Toa) AWN Aca taTS
Imperial Crypt. The door ahead is not
Samus emerges at Warp Site Brav: (o} accessible, so shoot ie. aii i
in a new area, which is covered in pathway with a chargec cites to drop
ice. Move through the passage (and to the lower level.
doorway) Ellen to enter the Imperial
Caverns. x Hall of
icra ien Naa MeM Nem Zidane ie)
Ds sue green Wall Jump slabs. Jump up
and bounce off one of the walls in
Screw Attack mode.Keep pressing
IO esr ale eM VelCMRI mT) E ae ral

Beyond the door, the Imperial

Caverns appear to come toa dead alt oa (G@ayelus erg es h
end, with a green Wall Jump:slab a Spinner in the floor, but ignore it
occupying one wall. Aim Clay Fla for now. Instead, pass through the
the icy floor adjacent to tHe Wall Uc CLR NaCl Lo) ACTA]
Jump slab and firea charged shot | Attack suit upgrade resting on a
into the ice. The ice areca aoe Sisco nats og sian At the top of the Tower shaft,
Coldi na) ol (eee VC Aca ero Late RMAL brance. The Screw Attack upgrade role lfm coh cal M arc Roe Remembrance *
shaft below. Continue shooting t it Fl omem Veco Mann -lBI in) ) looking Om Ream iel falc
eM olen Teel KelemenLe ole) slabs to reach new areas. It can also aimitlimae vel cean ats
rertaaard elem Ares rats be used to jump great distances Cel itey os COLMA AeA Nang
bottom is the “Our Plea”Lore entry— | Polat) INA the hand rotates to a horizontal _
scan it for your Log Book, a position, creating a ples rmfor you
to stand on.

Try ea your new Screw Attack now

by heading toward the Tower on the
the upper level to oe
‘Caverns. *
~ horizontal positio
Attack ete
hand, turn left and locate a Gunship
Missile Expansion on the
statue ELT) Serteaitlulskoiain ener
Golem to. eels curr orelclso a

* PES tars ee (ee lid

using the Wall Jump slabs to Screw
Attack upward, You need to conduct
Mosc crem li octets) Way up,
resting in a side alcove aC ro). f
uraia ‘ ; ae ee ie
‘ S wants you to investigate the ship. But
you can do that later, For now, head
: | back to Elysia, and return to Landing
ECR your GrappleLassoon . aoe aaa site
: A. es
faslever Ronee cache ate « ' : :

Cee ata
= a — = ea rl F
rat ely] eer) C4 eos ae

icisig eh
se rN SM Cee rare aT) ® | Chozo Observatory | Ship Grapple Point | Research
Aree s
c+) LIC) alg ac} LIC
RCo ens eee ucd ag 1X 7
r SURG LL aes car
i) rar A Red (yeaa) ec)
Meee DT re ersm is ae) @& Ose) i Red
@® Sia) ee Ronco cele Blue @ Darrcai PEP) Le)

(Meer pay Tere aus in Cs RCo gry ees Mm Osh ts cis

{Landing Site Ay and destroy these Phazon vines with

Ma olsiasr-]l i 1ae-eoO) alee R VIN
At Landing Site A, backtrack through are gone, enter the Morph Ball tunnel
di oVa)e] elem tata ETAT] and follow it toward the Skytram
Beam door. Inside, use your new West platform.
Screw Attack to ascend the tall shaft, At Skytram West, enter the Spinner
bouncing off the green Wall Jump w in the floor and rotate it 180 degrees
slabs. In the adjoining Security Tube, with rhythmic Boost Ball thrusts.
enter Morph Ball form in Hypermode Once it’s rotated, a yellow hologram
—_——\ PRIMA Official Game Guide
S . e
Ere ecm a al sau
Step onto the hologram toinitiate
the transit system. A large cage
: icice() Samus as the platform.
»=.moves along a zipline cable to the
Pecunia arava Revealing
Suc) Cla Welt ature}
Niel fein =] aa a
Pelate-n al eael lal 0 Moltretel eta
Aero Uaoiel aon ol a 2
side to enter Maintenance ShaftTA. "”
eo cleared| he,Chozo Obser-
Meicoln elke) Crea rae
the room and locate this green
hand-shaped switch. Interact with it
ey lee tao Lea nea (ore CO
‘| corridor running beneath the room.
Zool Cod tal elated
es -¥ fate el=2
with the Armored Pirate Troopers Follow the lower'Chozo:Obser- ,
* inside. Use the lift in one of the side vatory corridor into the Obser-
passages to reach the upper level vatory Lift corridor. Interact with the eicleetieag
and proceed to Concourse Venti- damaged citcuit panel on the wall and SE ce) ae] ’
lation via the upper-level corridor. . repair it cert Beam to fix Jeration Lore entry. The
FareM ik Oncol or- lice eacloKolal Ce) fey oka ic Me AMUN TLO LORS) AL ClRS
the lift’s yellow hologram to reach Girertearene loca ules ioe Rta
Statoa (eo) -igl(\V.o afoleai idetoa © ENTS Ss Aste Ong
platform overlooking the Gearworks. Screw Attack across

Skybridge Athene.
In the Landing Access corridor,
Seno) alaolt Ntilation, look fo! destroy the two panes of glass
this Bomb - s wall next toa hanging from the ceiling—charged
green Wall Jump slab. Drop a bomb. shots do the trick. Once the path is
in the slot to open the floor below, clear, Screw Attack to the other side.
Poise) a lower level. Drop into the At the Gearworks, turn to your ~~
lower leveland use the next Bomb Slot right and look for a cluster of
Swarmbots—scan them, then shoot
to eee another floor below. Drop to
the bottom of the shaft and turn down them out of the sky. Then aim toward Federation
the open hall toward Maintenance this platform to the right of the gears % LandingSite 7
Shaft 08.if you hang around too long, a and Screw Attack toward it. From the (A.K.A. Landing
Space Pirate ATC attacks: ‘ platform, Screw Attack again toward
Swing across Maintenance Shaft 08 the Broken Lift platform, bypassing ‘ lide =f)
Wistate Role Melcle)o\ acy Mialem
sie la /-1 Cte the gears altogether. BEV eutteaa etesNa ime ony code tel. el
for a pirate waiting on the other side— Roll beneath the Aeromines in the Site B. Aurora 217 agrees to unlock

Iola lolol melale Vole cca-li(—r- (eh, Broken Lift corridor and continue to site for your use. Approach the Bom
attached to the Grapple Swing Point. the next door, which leads into the Slot at the center of the pad and dro}
Either finish him Off while swinging or Via olinrX@ ays) a bomb inside to lower the security
land next to him and take him out at panels. Next, bring up your Command
close range. If he hits you while you're Visor and order your Gunship to land.
attached to the swing poin'
Coleen ua earli
Enter the adjoining Chozo Obser-
vatory and scan one of the new
ADatabot hovers above the lift at
Landing Site B—-look straight up \
Advanced Aerotroopers for your Log 7 =e P pda h—ja)e) |e )n lee) eg lg ler= lane}
Book. There's nothing remarkably "Agreement" Lore entry.
different about these Aerotroopers. Enter the Turbine Ch mber’s core
Keep hitting them with missiles and by hitting this round pane of glass
charged shots until they crash into with a charged shot. Jump through
the ground. the window to enter the chamber.
ae imelielen ce]
ove, grapplingt
pulling the eet) up
revealing a damaged

Sah Etinse
UT tils oll a Rolm eal delelaa]you mit
build cette Theronian Transport
Module accessible from the upper Interact with the circu
level of the Turbine Chamber, So the center of the room and|
head back in that direction. At welding. This curvy weld can be”
* Skybridge Athene,a Space Pirate ATC completed in two Ese emia!
We nearby, tian front relally a from the top to center, thet
center point to the ras
Repairing theprouee
Bomb Slot in the side of eaters _ ete Ereretlter)
Enter the slotand drop corridor, using another loose block
ae to Ro ai’ co frlaamear Mey ottee a are Viet
module from the'lPi ‘
alot leading into Ree canis
realest eT tcoa
“Pass through the upper level of the
through the lower level—wat h out
Broken Lift corridor on your way to
ECol mia-esal (| at —
the Turbine Cereals nation ocerta
Erol) fe at w
the Databot carrying the “Aurora”
oles) Vola RRNA

9 > Boss Battle:

.Berserker Lord

OLYSd at od (ale
le (Mel p meat [6(c of room
At the Gearworks, wait for a Space
and the platform in the center to
Pirate ATC to destroy the gears, climb to the top of this. shaft.Look ~
opening a clear path to the other for the circular passage on the side
side. Shoot down the ATC, then Screw The Berserker Lord is the same boss
‘of the shaft and jump toward it to you faced back on the Olympus. Start
Attack Oe als span, collecting a access the Botanica corridor—shoot
Missile Expansion along the way. You off by targeting the glowing red orbs
the Plasma Beam door at the end of on the Berserker Lord’s shoulders.
must line up your Screw Attack just the corridor. You're now on the right
right to collect the Missile Expansion Destroy both of them to force the
track to reach the upper level of the hostile into its next attack phase.
floating in the middle of the span. Turbine Chamber.

. 5 PRIMA Official Game Guide

d S o

lock each notch Tan ote MeN sl eho

Rules ality Rerun eee nas
Se Module. 7 =
Activate ance! Pt
Memos e ket nollie
Theronian es gs Module with the
Ship (eler)e\i system. You now have
ones a nm tse Mi machiscecutelelcis ae bomb! ee ciae tes fre ieee re
“’re feica-tyani-lceakelele (elm agis a the Gunship lifts the module away, eee el weld the damag ‘
incoming purple orbs. Shoot them ae Eman Morph | Eri ATC] aieig rela a “doorway.
rele UU aa ne a oll a0) behind Samus. MB aeccchalc hate Gute
Alec cccaceltig paar ee Es déof straightahéad po i 6

Lord’ ca atsr-)
reboun: oe recone armor. Maintenance Shaft CC.
Look eri Maintenance Shaft
(Re aleag COT ip) eh-fer-la Mella E 1g) CC to locate a green Grab Ledge.
object, don't order it to land. If you na
Space jump toward the’Grab Ledge
Stay on your toes when the do, before the Gunship lands it will
.| and gue joining Morph Ball
Berserker Lord starts firing return the object it's carrying to
the place where it retrieved the
Lavras acekas the ee 4 &
purple orbs. On the first attack, it
eM reigl =e Bs) fue)
0 gs 18l =] =) object. An rae, Aa Eland
can't be rebounded, so be ready to to stop youatrar ota Screg OLCe
dodge. aeananaKos with Ice Missiles, then
etn) =fej ee Mh Meter mecnetaierteite) ES
“ Second Bomb platforms ahead. Screw Attack your
Component NEV con ela) platform \ Calera ea
on the upper level,j ‘out loli ae
Roll through the Morph Ball tunnel!
and proceed through the next
doorway to enter the Turbine Access
corridor. Pay close attention to the
Phazon-enhanced Crawltank here—it
int its
shead armor erent the has entered Hypermode. Retaliate
Mslagaacmkecoh aa OCA Relia with charged shots and missiles
“Your Plasma Beam inflicts enormous while dodging the Crawltank’s
- amounts of damage on the Phazon blasts. Afterward, shoot the aii Brent Sey mos a
outgunned beast. Just target the red debris blocking the corridor and platform rotating 360 degrees with
nodule on the Berserker Lord’s head advance to the next doorway leading a barrier covering one-half. You must
and it should be down for the count ohn aati elgma LLB time this jump just rightto reach the
within seconds. There's no need to fol com aN eel
enter Hypermode., * fined oY a ela Ua oa oie)
Following the boss battle, locate platform to begin your Screw Attac!
the four yellow orb holograms spread Nal enUant-) (oUcsevoah tate \citeauimc ae
out across the room's floor. Enter barrier will be out of your way, allowin
each hologram and use your Boost Melodie Racoumensace create) ciety
Ball'to power upa wall switch. Screw Attack toward the next large
fe) tela MC ai[lola
~~ Inthe Piston Hall, you must Screw
Niece eelarestneMenr Sue cait)Ny Xenoresearch
timing the opening and closing In Transit Tube A, turn right in the
au sliding door on the distant corridor and shoot the Plasma Beam
atform. As soon as the door closes, door to access Save Station C.Recharge
begin your jump. As you get closer, and save your game, then proceed to
the door opens, giving you a spot to the Research Pod Lift corridor, taking
land. Continue to the next door down the doorway on the right to enter the
You'v Nema aly aes eesant
the adjoining hall. Pieler cage Wale alice inal
before. Twist the Wii Remote to line
up the notches in the slots of all green hand-shaped switch to activate
three concentric circles, pressing ® to Lialed ietearsia Miecai ae)ol CoP. -iale (oka n a

y 3 4
elt iailes ae
Dreier Ten ALS Paice)

Phazon Metroids have a keen

Fe\e)| tine hams) aye) s(n i=in] emi ad
best to stun them with a few
aot) Res S
plasma hits prior to launching a
Se iesi el nar cl Cars missile. If your missile hits, the
deactivated. Turn Ke Phazon Metroid will be encased in
ice. Hit the frozen creature witha
reveal an charged shot to shatter it intoa
wall between two doors:Enter the. Keri be Mataripe stains
Spinner notch and eee tt a
Boost Ball. When the door on * oi
Pena de eae felreraa se) thréugh
the adjoining corridor. oI
If you're not careful, Phazon
Enter Xenoresearch B Lift and

WW feidualis|=RU Goat iy |= Bele einai
activate the lift with the green hand- » Seapl re 8 ede) -F-1ehe-1ge010 le) el O el
* shaped switch. Ride it up to Xenore- health. if this happens, immediately
Freee Uue Bucoe AS Removing the Energy Cell transform into Morph Ball form
corridors till you,find a Morph Ball fal=rm ima T= 1e=io El Ag -lg me Cea) and drop bombs until the Phazon
ener lee) between in every containment unit. This Metroid releases you. *
two containment iesHop i into the means all the Phazon Metroids you ©
mou Eaehal eta Po room. passed earlier are now roaming
Flyellig han-Seieigy alsa Sel (-1g ae
You emerge ftom the fora] 1g =ig 8) 1-11 = .
tunnel in’a round roomwith only Stay on guard!
one open eee el open.
passage and take’a right at theT
intersection. You even’ colts
to a dead end. Bur Creel ed 7
wall to locate ae Morph Ball Shoot the Seeker Missile door
ee cag on Ar ~ Sitcl(e) ead, then follow the
nak conics Gene eiaokit Cuts
By i caia) r) Lift. Ride the lift back down
BaP alele rea auld fight your
Ah ete Fy. slots keg
lors and to the Xenoresearch
A Lift—there’s only one open path.
Locate another Seeker Missile door
The doorway you entered earlierIs PRPC a eM AVENau icclll¢]. Mmm
now sealed bya blast shield with five
Exit the Morph Ball tunnel and yellow locking mechanisms—all locks n=] Ela
proceed through the next.corridor must be destroyed simultaneously. ©
till you come to a round room—the Aim at the door and hold down 9
Seeker Missile upgrade is straight Your Seeker Missiles will lock onto
ahead, insidea containment tank. evasion twill ole <5 (eon ce}
While in this room, look on the fire, destroying the locks and clearing
surrounding walls and scan a a path. Find your way back through
harmless Steamspider for your Log the darkened hall to the Morph Ball
Book. tunnel and roll through.
Before entering the lift at Xenoresearch
In the next corridor, continue Lift A, turn to the containment unit on
forward and take the first left, the right to spot an Energy Tank. Hit the
heading toward the Seeker Missile glass with a charged shot, then step
door. In this corridor you're likely inside to retrieve the Energy Tank.

3 PRIMA Official Game Guide

vail nals a Cole aong ee
components Meo
component a ited on Mr Se
Vers ae rio
LU RColerol tte nel ccd tauren a
paees=laalize\eMiiaeorat(«|0) aa peal
Ee feksics cia itcal Xe (ote) g Coe lin rs is.thenext bomb Missile en Ta=l) a) TE
eer lute lift. This one goes up Recuecue: efore your Gunship can
aon Cao Once there, Pigs secuaia yes Car the four
*~ | locking mechanisms attached to the
cables above the unit. Use Seeker :
PECMn cil Collec Vs] tm aKele te] '| Missiles to destroy each of the yellow
erase tes esac ile CMEC s ee nell eee al
acouple more Phazon Metroids before unit and opens a hatch in the ceiling.
attaching to the zipline, crossing over *
toward Concourse Access B. ETOfolc he feelers Ire :
un Molto Feta Nie) small
Concourse Lime (alee (geed (ele)ae Res =| Gel Role. iffected [Neat B. Roll
PRN ureMtalcolt(e h@e colt Cee y yellow locks from the Concourse's through fr tunnel to grab cars
scanning the Databot along the way midlevel walkway, try dropping to Missile Expansion.
ION iat VM Uno.
01-1| [eae en UR ANG fire =im ea == nella =f e } 4 .
the end of the corridor, shoot the Ice foreleil=lag a R=] Me) =e =A ele Cone
Missile door to enter the Concourse. lower angle. 2 ee
mesa cele dala Telco aliale] Sa
passage with Seeker Missiles to 4
reveal another lift. Ride it down to the
~ Concourse’s | perimeter corridor.
Ps b a :

WM West Revisited
; << Se a ee j

GoT iciah
PTT B Cae) 4 By emg el
A] ei | ny se iJ Sa Assault Skiff Bed :
ci) Escape Pod Bay | Destroy Seed Shield cot)

eer ael aan eye

: Pee Barracks to access the upper-level»
ot uni 2 Bruel Ce caeenecate a vice esi)
ar cra ea Cee sees tao
Advance through Concourse Access Orb Cannon to launch yourself
A to return to Skytram East. Walk onto Rocha aa Men Nace) iio nels
the hologram to activate the i the Transit Hub.
system and ride it to the S
West platform. Ele Bella UMC aia aloe
e Spire Dock, take the zipline to
the Junction. At the Junction, head
From the Barracks Access, you
north across the Hoverplat Docking can use the zipline to reach the
Site platforms. Perform a Screw objective area of the Transit Hub,
Attack from one platform to the next jlE tgs Bie) Ge) eelelmidw oleae
until you reach the platform outside making it riskier than using the
utara eo Mie Kinetic Orb Cannons.
While moving through the Aurora ~ In addition to Space Pirate Assault
Wa aioe ip =iis\- tesa)
s sl RE S\A lel} Skiffs, Dragoon Battle Drones join
Station A, especially if you're low bag (-e-lae-]e)48-1 Me SIL S)8( gee)
on health. Pts) eae eel R REL ome
foray 8)s| = Mayg = 1meldwe)s) elie d=) (ole R tH <od
@n appearance during the space
4 Arne i pee: pirate assault. Finish off these
hae eI threats quickly, then return your
cas anton -2- aie

* central portion oO} finish you off, the Space

Enter the Mor, Clim Panel gree atl
taking it to the central rors
High above this platformi isthe final rent é
orator oy your Theronian bomb, [pyore elated ere) Pp. in
Ererat ici yar) A ete tet mechanism. Use
Roca Vet eo) ev eu 9 we Gunship to Ae
Colattco Va UY MiNeB YE (o) Wa lole col a Tolu oy Once the bomb is in
Finally, activate your Command Pemikeka. Wc keneuiscai
Visor and order your Gunship to pick the nearby Kinetic Orb Cannon for a
up the last component. Now that mission update, against thi
. your bomb is complete, Aurora Unit Return to the Spire Dock via - Sic
i 217 instructs you i) celle it to the DET aie Bite Oe) ci
a Spire Dock, ae into the cargo Kinetic Orb Cannon. acne
hold of the Spire <3 PERT IANOR Ce Coan elit
re ale ee ra coe FT
beQeatiys)estele|=15 1)
in Spire Pod
oecdeat ta incoming eee
Clnaclan veh ceumursice eration
In between the waves of trooper
attacks,€oncentrate on the Space
Once the:“el a —
|. Pirate Assault Skiffs. Once all skiffs
ElieKe[errece teh fiatee oi cclcreTss-1ULe
Pretiatseutslleteta it approachirig
_ comes to an end. By now, the Spire is
Space Pirate Assault Skiffs—notice
hovering directly over the Leviathan
ree eliesatatt caitlin cig
Space jump over to the Transit Hubs Sy ek
your HUD. Prioritize the Space Pirate
eastern platform and target nas
Assault Skiffs, as these inflict the most
aac] keen -iilale) this old cannon. Hit
damage on the Spire. These small »
4 Deliver 4>
it with a charged shot to restore the
iat lie oreL a | UNOCAL AC) the Bomb
cannon to operational use. Once it’s
smaller and incapable of carrying Now that the Spire is in place over
restored, enter the cannon in Morph
troops. But they have the same Sales (eM acre e iltan eal ee C18)
Ball form and sit tight as it launches
weakness as the ATC-—the red grill console directly in front of you. This
you toward the Zipline Station Bravo
on the front. Keep hitting this spot display shows a-diagram of the
platform, near the Aurora Lift.
with your Plasma Beam until the skiff platform.Touch each of the three
Prva ulre enue er Baie Cyto) [elec green brackets over the thrusters.
Aurora Chamber, and Maintenance This initiates a countdown (displayed
Shaft AU. Exit Maintenance Shaft AU on the console) till the thrusters
and enter the Kinetic Orb Cannon to are deactivated. It also activates an
r-la amin-isye) (a Blea a
escape pod, which appears directly
behind you.

PRIMA Official Game Guide

Mitsanalsy eats
Unfortunately, there’s something
_ wrong. . The escape pod won't launch,
Pe eure elolae Ball Rta Re) las
* at the base of a launch pad.

ire sche sele

ey “pod from interact PL
unebinell Id the cir Reames ooeeculmncreoueh aoa
3 Bae suc Cee iNTe) Oe e circuits are Re) (toward'the screen)
located behind Perea ts ee soe
Panels away with your Grapple Lasso* justparas bs oliKarchalery MT ace)
to access the circuits. Once all three » the Leviathan Shield, detonating the
tease lett oie
Peas lear leo aCe Ron pean et acts colec clue
Flom nai
Morph Ball tunnel, taking the interior liar the shield,earning youa gold +.
your Plasma Beam. Proceed into the
lift back.up to the cee 1 Boa cae i c] cla the G Gee
adjoining passage and look for a
damaged circuit panel on the left. ai

Use your Command Vi soko) (ea Vole am

Gunship to land here. rd the Gunship
and set a course for th Cook

F Pe = = 2 Paice eS as
* Ci Landing Site C Phazon Leech it) | RTE Rec Talay ctf]
TUE nears Red

r Destroy nee - TSE coker Catron an Roi Ccim scorn]

Gtarriah te ay a esate Umea at e—tar ig oa
organ with charged shots to finish
At Landing Site C, jump across the '| them off. Proceed to the Leviathan
round floating platforms toward the # ee and a to Au floor.
Core Access tunnel. Before entering the
door, turn around and scan the: ground *
Boss Pets Helios
neaf the landing pad to spot hundreds
Rod aay eh tte eed crawling around—
Begin the battle by scanning Helios.
ha t bother hoot Peed ata) i
scan them for yourLogBook. => C Sie shaped Mechanoid is
LTR oon Un ROL rolling around cnr)
tected by thick armor and an
reLo NATIT cre MOD Ae Lace Lelie set]
y field. You must find a a4
Attack directly at Helios. While in the
remove these protective layers Screw Attack form, you'll pass directly \
NTT aTiale Role onus MeL oly
‘varies through Helios’s energy barrier
.d without taking damage.

Ta) the Core Access tunnel, target

these organic barriers with Seeker
Lille tei rola eel

Bee Eee a CIr liceg

Wait till Helios is finished Sa
the ring intothe ground, a) eau seu XeN
smut ce
sis ice) orbs (in the center of a eem rela sal—ice)Vaciaren <r
Mga oa Mss ew Dicer hte this form, ea
Fre Kolters Cuno UNaCcueN in ere MT a Nolin Cee ay ela at cid
Aone) aie ware MAR ela 91.) leg joints rol dntee da aks
Eccles Tag Sai ol Perea (etree Helioss
4 Bene acas EONAR UROm Taha iry-018 econ ca enteral
aay a Tes ea ail Seen er * i ue .

ityoli= or-lalare no)Berns an Co-lo the

Pirate eke telcos auld
Command leans landing site on the
Pirate Homeworld, s

. fie <a Ng .
fae] nr Pea Ere ].
cig lg
Re Rc me DCT Red ® rath Sg CC a ees
(eet Aa y) R ry tigi
ng keen feniny ae CMC RSet RCL ENT itr
@ Mia Mera ta ess ran
* a ec
. Landing Site Sa flying around. Scan it for your Log Hub—the lift in the center. Béfore
< > 4 Book, then continue to:the Lift Hub ~~}~entering the lift, scan.the round
Bravo Access corridor. display on the right wall to retrieve
the Our Mission Lore ‘entry. In the lift,
turn to the control panel on the left
and press the top button to access
the Command Coustyard.

While at Landing Site Bravo, look Currently, you can access only
around for a Pirate Cargo Drone Meme ealcerccle ane ei

PRIMA Official Game Guide

< »*
Taran ae BAe
eran Borel sicleg to aaatcy iC Taeand Cet
een rad tie o wr

Ball RU iuetekilae |
Flux Leelee) Passage. EY fealcelt ea
| the Seeeeoies through a small
A oiiscirekcoarcrve\Z-atanre ee lolale ne
ay the Flux Control's lower passage. This
runiceu ea CUS aid leads to a dead end. But look for a
blocks the path into a Morph Ball Morph Ball tunnel next DoT cola med My ar on ee
tunnel. Space jump to the Grab on the wall. your Grapple Lasso® a eMnV Tk i i.
Ledge above and enter another to open v5 ee analy left, flipping u) aBrent with hg ° inge
Morph Ball tunnel running above the it to cover the Morph Ball Rint non ee on the ells ue M7Visor
Command Courtyard. the right. Now roll Ho ag F Erementar Borararireti buttons
Missile Expansion 19 Opened tunnel on the| is reroll rnKelte) ENA tei -
uo cet code on the display roll
@- Command
»< Station A
Missile Expansion 20

aia very Ball tunnel above the

Command (ole ay treme m MII
Expansion.When you elas on al
Seen CeCe) cial enon ce) BCom UNITS Turn around from the switch to
STare Coc laut-iae (eM aR a Cae spot a small Morph Ball entrance
retunecunmeck crc a
At this branch, go left and follow blocked by a hardened Phazon _
crawl space passage just beneath the
the adjoining tunnel to the WS hatch. Look up and wait for ag ee
decking of the Command Station—the
Expansion. Backtrack to rs junction }*pirates working above won't even the Phazon canisters to pi
and take the right branch to pres above the hatch, then she
notice you. Ignore the two vertical
with your mission. . _ ~ Teen alae drops i in ine ol
shafts for now and look for a small
the hatch. The resulting explosion
abe er 3 nook containing a Missile Expansion.
destroys the hardened Phazon, ~
Once you've retrieved the Missile
providing access to bl ifelee)aist-)|iumae
Expansion, backtrack toward the
tunnel. -
orange-lit vertical shaft and ride the lift
inside up to another tunnel passage.

ae ke * z we

Follow the winding Morph Ball

tunnel to this small room. Locate the
Energy Cell on the wall ahead and
pull it out of the socket—you now
Laren mata icey GS anne] Follow the adjoining tunnel to
the Energy Cell deactivates the the Command Vault. The X-Ray Visor
Eel eael-)
en iancent

itsPr ENaely isor

before interacting with it, As with the
elK ALOE Nene aw oe aa aig
input Puen Mela as 7: ibols
rnc display. This as lift.

«grab thepepe 2
geek’ straight ahead.

Bite murcaiatls)
rate NOMeaurn a Sarl
Re Manco oN
room fe] contains ry) eos Secs)an
Command Station. W
Pico) the room to download all
‘scan the round displ Nace}
ent maps for the PT Rea)
the“Stowaway” Loré STA
De hecrlale ea landing site not
finished, ride the lift |
far from the Federation Uc as is
ques Defense Teen co
ae e

Exit the lift lero ela right,

Assault Pirate Troopers are now sey to your Gunship at Landing
positioned atthe end of the Defense Sar VOM EMMg View \ae=cd
Access corridor. Expect to be hit by corridor. After saving yourgame
a Phazon grenade, which forces you Deactivating the locks activates a inside the ship, set a course for the
into Hypermode. If this happens, turntable-like device on the room’s™ Bae revealed Research Facility
repeatedly press ® to vent Phazon floor. Roll into the gold: hologram to landing site.
from the PED until safe levels are rotate the turntable, which transports
(| attained. While in Hypermode, finish you to the opposite side of the
off the Assault Pirate Troopers. passage.

Game Guide
can event See Facility -
eee ae tee
RESEARCH Ea) ca) a |
fis fied *
Face ts] Bd Pa = = Poti maet= miaae
i) eT TIS Tre CUR cra A nen YAR Gc Bue
@ Reel QE aie Lr) é eevee
: com @® | Proving Grounds eye co
& | Processing Access | Lore:First Disciples | Blue '
Assault Shield C/T ect ci Mea CEC LEN rT)

Sar Sy ad Ue CMBR CLNesc Mm C0

- A iris Puffer Mine

eee ests aaa

DS eerie-t cla y

pr ars os tu enter
a small room with a econ]
window-like : Brel ake KeliRIVC LN
cdg aoe rus sl
Price erieaieainea ie RUT ev ie ete onal merely
PCCM erence Ree] Roll back Ledge, turn right to spot a Missile
through the Morph Cont nel and 1 fore Mele Moan haere
roa to the Bern Mica eeelern ele Siam eametecaans Ton ita
Mth orelmentea cele ncoh ty cise aae
ICR pais mate CUTSa sol od SUC aCe
Pook el the red oleic Ride the Seka toward this ledge. one hrtietEleriV
Scrapvault— evemen Meena celeron Cran at saal elton
Grab Ledge to.reach the WIS
eeyieen platform. Ratan) onl
first Grab Ledge Eli SAY Ice) and ence
Syne: Maga ri) pong

. At the top of Prarie Peet rear ay oe a Siehng

Sy eaten Urtragiante .
hatch bars the passage ahead. Scan
the loose panel on the right-hand Scrapvault.Try to scan one before
wall and hit it with a charged shot to they explode. Jump onto this low
gain access to a Morph Ball ee ‘orm, then use it to reach the
» ete ou Emre iene) eo
eC Ao ee eet Peek grea cue tages a
Ul e RRS RLS roll off onto the right lift to reach the
ol Te ooo MUNRS ROU Raa les
piel maths Fe Meloni
Commi eae While in here, scan
Cresey to download the
ae inate ele Silay
14uells age lst=-1-1001

Bator yeu
Lael Paes erent
Be ae ont aar ie ak
~ Bomb cm to acti
5 to the Scrapvault, —
rye a it. can get —
CARTY Tels mse On right.
mur an Ur Rollo ae Care
faaremsfalr-lonVc-l0 lane ef ool hV(<)h *

aU on acacia
ETE alee Aaa
Commandos appear. Scan one
for your Log Book, then enter |
Spy ouucers CeCe UaTLuNr1
Pirate Commandos
to eliminate pl ae
ciatouallie) Bi matchin: eos Pag hf
(using the X-Ray Visor) eke) neh
passage in the Seca
meee with this terminal using
Nolte AU e a NelAY eeu eeelas
Colmaniat eee up the three
Balla with the three EliHe lc aie
Melis e,a liftappears to the
Rennhe 's right. Ride it to the lower-
mor pees er) the room.
= = the Rretent 9cee nan *
Backtrack to the main Morph Ball passage you opened log arigeye] rel
LUT SS CIC Ue Lola) Gels a Perit ire neo urls seit
4 rose Ronen door at the end of the corridor to
half-pipe feature. Use the Boost Ball
to launch your Morph Ball up the
right side channel until you can reach
) the top ledge.

aaa arelag auld enone s

aN Fs and turn left. Pull the Energy Cell out
of the wall socket and add it to your
0 . . inventory. Instead of returning to the
Molise lola cell oll ORAL lift, stay in the lower passage beneath
Ce Tonle ROL ae kell Metroid Processing and locate a
aUel Mele en Tica Chl R Oleg damaged circuit panel in the hall's
X-Ray Visor to spot the lasers. Step opposite branch. Repair the circuitry
past each laser as it shuts off. Repeat NYTUAB ele matt Msicr RB COM CeUN 7-1)
the process until you reach the lift in the room above.
INS a \ PRIMA Official Game Guide
iS me ens ae By
CCAM gots
Saale atl slab. Scan Maa Bites aig -
_ | Mines floating in the shaft before * *
i ing wake | performing the Screw Attack ascent.
ElaoKeurtreliive]e-.ccle col

bie Js

Se rete aeone
erie ee eV cc iaelgo)
Pon eset of Pate 4
ae fats een [vy eye} Bye and chai acteristics r
keep jumping upward onto nearby
Move to the cylindrical structure in
platforms. Be sure to scan“The
the room's center and locate a Morph
Source Discovered” Lore entry along
» Ball slot. Roll insideand ride the lift to
the way. Follow the passage to the
the upper-level platform, giving you
~-access to the’Airshaft and the Creche
blue door, leading into the Craneyard.
Miclelsimeoltirole. am
\ im Acie)
el ala
Missile Expansion 24

1 Ta Vela Sere atin Prete]

the Proving Grounds platform, firing
bolts of purple energy toward you.
lea TOR e aC
Pass through the Craneyard and your HUD and beready to
ore nCon ats adjoining Proving Eee
Brae en eee)
through the Creche Transit , | Grounds Lift. Eliminate the two
with an Ice Missile. ates or s pirates inside, then approach the
left and locate.a Morph Ball tunnel trooper you'ye been tracking. He
blocked by some.deébris. Blowthe gives you new intel regarding a suit *
felleaty Peni) abomb and Ona upgrade? %
Stam laLaC-iBUL ARC T aT aL Ii r-Celo Cel]
_ Spinner-like device. Entert
and use your Boost Ball to
Gandrayda also chai
the Spinner until it links up
Aerotrooper-G—the G stands for
the tunnel on the opposi'
Gandrayda. As with an Aerotrooper,
the room. Bomb-jump through the
counterattack with Ice Missiles until
ea Ua nconcscten mente VIET
Gandrayda gives up on this form.
Expansion. Return to the Morph Ball
tunnel entrance, then go back to The trooper offers to take you
Metroid Processing. Do not attempt directly to the special suit, using the
to cross the acid rain in the Creche nearby lift, but he needs your help to
Bic lattice OUR UIC lo activate it. Walk over to the nearby
When Gandrayda becomes a flack
faye \UVe Mane]
sLe MIN eg =i
forms early in the battle, destroy
them to release some health and
aed eles
os coupling —
by wall to try out the
fa f\letelw ANae-le anol el-10)
P Favela =¥ sid getares n=l (= = ara press the control stick
aie s eels =F lasle alge sn drain energy from the
Petes t etnies tm Wee A Suelo
break free of her grip, shake the Wii
Remote and the Nunchuk rapidly.

BCT Be ered
er relaye eles scl iste, coe
rel ome tueketiao mats :
way. Watch outsfor Samus-G's Power Bol
term ocelann ods (om OM Mile sel Ns Beam attack, too, and be ready to a ie
significant damage on Gandrayda. Ai erte-e ul okie Wiis ines
Sete ore a] form she’s ray pans in your direction. Noliaarcur
x) on Carrer elt) 2 STM ee muesFale nee
4 Prout Youttknow youremaking damage against Sai Nm cmiesrc cen Mesei!
_. Polrele eR MAREE DeLee Mla) ee soy WK ate las interact with this terminal on the
~ Caco m aC cel ie Barres aeacacseMie latest Jere)
: Mater Reucers lata eto “switch. Get on the train that arrives
percent health. Stayongu
c a _ and use the controls inside to get
it rolling renre MICes ert a
SAD eek anole al ele Ra
Bec \claallole(akener oka ce
Pry rd found on SAE ee Tee
inti Mectolite back i) SkyTown

Vea a cexena omer pe

er Mne eGR card A formof Rundas-G. With less than 25 percent health
Approach this the same way you did remaining, Gandrayda stops taking.
the real Rundas: stun Rundas-G with on different forms. Instead, ais
missiles, then tear away the ice armor Perera are Relea acceler lie)
before engaging in Hypermode. the platform while firing various was the train at Transit Station 1-A
energy attacks. If you have an Energy ? scan the round display on the
AEVales orn alma oc tere Elite} NV) CoN ClentNoMM MAM OUR A elect
inish her off quickly. Otherwise, keep entry for your Log Book. Approach
chasing her with your Plasma Beam the power coupling at the doorway
until she falls and you're awarded a and drain its energy with the Grapple
gold credit and the Grapple Voltage Voltage to gain access to Landing
suit upgrade. Site Bravo and your Gunship. Enter
your Gunship and save your game
Later, Gandrayda takes the form before plotting a course back to
| of Ghor-G. As with the real Ghor, Elysia. Select Landing Site A as your
wait for the spinning plasma attack, destination.
Err Sea 7
ccshg fereg
Pee sma a Pg= Dc Peace sae ls Pe
i} aL cd RNa acre Blue CMM et aM mares are rc CoE oi
@ Pea Saat MCC am eeCe 7 a DL a er ee eee A ec “
° . fia
CMe ERY ea] -
: rN eu eerie BI
@® | Construction Bay Re aeryayt a) ra sep le fe
Cs Mere Lore: Attack cites ® eg eer cat *


Once the gate is unlocked, use the

zipline. Your trip along the zipline
The newly discovered Chozo is cut short by a sudden energy
“technology reported by Aurora Unit surge, and you drop ontoa platform.
242 is located in the Powerworks Complete the trip by performing a feller alamennecta mela caro uan
~ area of SkyT oVunom eS Screw Attack toward Zipline Station It must be returned to its original
Junction. Fro ding Site A, move (Ger lalle ecole
ta -gan oe lacel fishes position. Jump onto this nearby ledge
through the: Senn) Station toward and use your Grapple Lasso to flip
the western reli cel tte i tclancan|o\= A the gear upward.While iS gear is
Put ac Dock is no elate oa ation twirling through the Ponte it with
Fortunately,a Kinetic Orb Cannon, a charged shot from your Plasma
is available for your trip toward the Beam to knock it back in place. As the
Junction platform. fel eeiC lemon iUaaelolaneNey-laila lice
revealing the Spider Ball suit upgrade.
P . e

_ In the Powerworks Access corridor,

turn to this terminal and drain its
energy to drop the green energy
barrier. Roll through the adjoining
Morph Ball tunnel and enter the next
doorway leading into the Powerworks..
Enter the Junction EMR Vital aie
ae punts ns opened Morph
heading toward Zipline Station
Ball tunnel to try out the Spider Ball.
Charlie.The gate blocking a
At the end of the tunne feces and
the zipline is secured with a
hold down @ to activate the Spider
lock, Use your Grapple Volta:
Ball, attaching to the track. Continue
lock—only this time, push the control
holding down [I to remain on the
stick forward (©) to send ere iiag
track. When you come to gaps you
to the lock, draining some of your
Tana -aaroda role reliant Hele lara} must cross by falling downward,
health in the process. ‘
power nodes with Seeker Missiles to irda areal
Cla ae
open a new Morph Ball tunnel. Roll into Morph Ball will begin to fa +
the Morph Ball tunnel to access the again to activate the Spider Ball and
central gear room of the Powerworks. latch onto the nearby track.
Os Fer Sr a anes Satie
send power to the purple switch to
Ela eNcca aM mamta eat leoy alco) olny
SEV RAUa eI esir melo aMe nn maa Calite
just yet. Instead/turn toward the
floating platforms to spot a Phaazoid
in the distance—scan it for your
ook. This white entity consists
5 eli eleierlt Phazon energy. Enter
cc Spider a oe to Use the Boast Ball to cross gaps
aymode to destroy-it.
ical acevo iutts like this in the Spider Ball Track.
fareksai celal one eee nee acon tits Simply hold down @), then release oe
other using theBoo ‘ora blast across the Eel LamstLeroelai frelielag
holding down pr See een oleae ho vanes
to activate the Boos ELAN aram cele) -*
release ® your Morph Ball shoots
eta en ae
across the shaft, Elrctentiaence the *
next Spider Ball Track. Continue
Erecuellate nue e ei Bol ics len
to the Powerworks entry, io * ift y
earlier and ride it fe tothe
Powerworks Access corridor.
upper-level a just outside
Sl Ls slapd Ge Rarer Malia oh aM celt
EY eee ae lis Splits into two:a
CYouMon lene: coh tale calle ela normal Phaazoid and a Red Phaazoid.
of track. Once attached, roll to the top Mineo R-aleie eeetal CmOn tn
Colm tatmerclecp User] even(om tail este ale) standard Phaazoids but are much
Energy Tank. Release @) to deactivate more durable. Enter Hypermode and
the Spider Ball and grab the Energy strike quickly with Phazon blasts.
Tank on your way down. Follow the
SolfelTaist-l Marcle. ae (N20 ont aal
Reto) ecole MMI ts oon eae PIR eimregiserswt « - or
Spider Ball Track onthe underside of tats m8 ees ser agl pele) gi mage leew Gira eel
several Red Phaazoids. Killing each
the Powerworks.
Red Phaazoid earns you a gold
foly le) jam Salt doe [ge pew =lel |e BH
Zipline Station jy iugl=t1-Meig lel eB ag emis B el) c=is a)
a=e lsh eed * manually. Be on the lookout for #
these rotating gold icons floating
around after each battle.
In the Miitateaneta left and head
TES care Talila ad
toward Skybridge Hera. Use’the
Spinner to activate a Kinetic Orb
Cannon, thercross the span toward
Maintenance Shaft GP.
Advance through the Powerworks
Access corridor and return to Zipline Construction f
Tr] olan Garam ars (rele nelm eran uals Bay
zipline, Screw Attack to the platforms
After eae ge Red fee
N on the right.A large Spider Ball Track
turn toward the distant structure
| ERace elo) (maleicime clean
with the Grapple Swing Points. Just
Attach to the track and follow it
above this structure is a Missile
A Mme NN ke
Expansion. Screw Attack toward
the top of the structure to retrieve
it.While up here, locate the nearby
Databot and retrieve the “Attack”
Cross Maintenance Shaft GP to enter Lore entry.
the Construction Bay. Turn right and

8 Ee ee

Pte “ye
» Sean “

- ek i
fete leanne v.e r
ton, ie Tare (olaie the falling piston 5
| Screw Attack across the Hoverplat and blowing up barricades along
élowerlevel.Five Docking Site platforms until you spot the way.When you reach a Spider *
Steambots and a Steamlord attack Pus sel aperycele Marcia eli interes Sel Mircle enccl<olae lo) to grab EY ia
when the lift reaches the bottom. and strike quickly with Phazon blasts. Sees ae er a
Circle-strafe around the room while
melting the Steambots with your.
Palate MLaeeUaey ee KeCel(e eacetelien
sure to g
etetrer Nac
Plasma ae 4 using Seeker eaten Vistai eM aes nn
Missiles to engage multiple targets
at once. >
Energy CellS

Cross to SkyTown East via Skytram

West to reach the Concourse Venti-
Navigate this twisting Spider Ball lation shaft. Inside, enter Hypermode
Track to grab a Gunship Missile and kill the Red Phaazoid to earn a
7 - ae Expansion. Use the Boost Ball to jump gold credit. .
to new pieces of track and grab the
SMole-}cou tala) Peele kits
rere alone
Missile Expansion rt]
eg wall, flanked by two Te =
rotating turbines. Approach rte
the turbines and send power to it.
through the Grapple Voltage. This
overloads the elie motor, and io
it explodes. Overload the second
RM ele aaa ican sac
_ the open hatch to Rote cllareisatg on Cc ~,
Energy Cell, then backtrack tothe Drop to the very bottom of the
Locate the Databot hovering above
Junction platform, — * « SPiea Mr Maret eeetd fo) ot
the highest platform. Shoot it and
window to access an outdoor ledge. —
scan it'to retrieve the “Conflict” roan ORM ucelteas Ne (ast|
Lore entry. You don't have to reach
Track and follow it up the wall.Drop _
high platform to scan the a bomb to jump a vertical gap. Drop
= Grabbing the fifth Energy Cell ram—engage and scan froma
8 completes your mission-critical off the Spider Ball Track to access a
{ay E=i[gt=i=i= Help pte l= mee] em] platform holding a Missile Expansion.
Can return to Landing Site A and Drop off the side of the platform
Siep et-let qieeR ng-M asa 1e=M a enn Ws) Bd to return to the ledge below, then
Research Facility to retrieve the return to your Gunship at Landing
Hazard Shield. However there are Site A (on SkyTown’s we:
a few more pick-ups and credits on save your game. Plot a cou
=i(el=f-Ragt=|me |e] ele -lde VM Pirate Homeworld, landing
Research Facility.
fish ied s
ace = ahi 21s Mi lcs aa cP xt? | LocATZON | SCAN/ACTION
[cr cus a sae cA Y rerten Meera eu)
Me eat ecard Ite ecateg Lt)


afte setting down at Landing Site

agesenter Transit Station 1-A and cl Return
“ ; VST Tarol|
Enter the Spinner on the
Eerea co)oa) AAU e
TTaTTereNCcy ai
eee Pirate Commandos.
i Weekend ieveclgaty oe [cuts
bee PAE RCoN ts Ta gh ateM of o1-1al e-em
_| Keep movingin‘an attempt to avoid
the Pirate Commandos.When you
Mc toamur-we)ole-ig rls rush toward
fur -_ Clore ao oe
“Inthe Craneyard’s upper-level.» Com iy Se
Peerle (elem at eel(o (1g ted
and follow it to a Morph Ball
The Morph Ball tunnel leads to a
Tir cole R GLa Lokenag
Return to the ground
level. Locate a second Morph Ball"
Reo amare ola aaNet!
SO Moles on Mu Ta clol
half once to reveal a Spider Ball Track.
Climb the track to the tunnel above and
followit to a small room. Press the
Ta} fh Airshaft, do Pee descend P
LU lar ee Mago Nie Rola
the shaft with the green Wall Jump
Eye sIey i
: instead, drop to the lower-level
passagé, entering the Plasma Beam
door to access Metroid Processing.
Pass directly through Metroid
Alarge column eee the center Processing's upper level, dodging
ColmaAG clay (leo Mbalerae) (Oana nccLeel cory (or freezing) any Phazon Metroids
small, internal channels accessible to along the way. Head straight for the
your Morph Ball. The upper and lower doorway on the opposite end of the
halves of the column can be rotated, room, which leads into Creche Transit.
Soonsr you grab the ree
allowing for the creation of different
Shield, two Assault Aerotroopers attack.
tunnels. Rotate these sections by
LS ie-l iMag aL-y ola ol Lie @) slack ole)8)
WY > PRIMA Official Game Guide
ae appenda'
Niet Gre

au aut
on uo Load) oe es
Wella ieleriaer lice
Akfe] Stas :
iy a, Tolar a
eres eure pas Cl} ca ri Bi Slot and drop a -.
o ae Savia) raMictezer(e PEt oo
bo Ee cu Sele . hy
Ura o-18 ee Before leaving the by firing rapidly at its mouth
whenever it opens to release
: ratty: ETN nN,
Creche Transit, scan the round display on a
the wall in this corridor to download the Phazon Me’ Ror n cn
“TakingMe cad alin eats everal Grapple Lasso »
Points appear on reece
underside. Quickly attach your
< Creche Grapple Lasso to one oft *
points and pull back to permanently
CTT Rolie UTA Litcolle} Geena
tentacles, causing significant damage.
One down, four to go.
this opening at the top. oie jump
up through this opening to access a
Spider Ball Track runningalongthe
OH eeu eM Un) 2) tM A=) ceiling. A series of tunnels and clas
Enter the Metroid Creche and look for Hatcher is capable of producing leads to an Energy Tank. Make several
Pu ES control (gold hologram) Weheeh AWeh oa tP4eg(id melee] a] Boost Ball jumps along'the roy to
in of this round holding cell. Sauna AY/B =O =A gr] ) 8] =19 it
lls from track to track.
: Roll inside and use your Boost Ball to pan=E r= rae (=1dme) eB eal 18
Sysilwa igs heskag=O (sipelel sting =p
raise the holding cell.When it reaches
eT na =e=Tee ete Voto) (=== B= |
its maximum height, it tet you
effective against Phazon Metroids.
CO Usor leks omean arses liglen yee
a bomb inside to’activate another
Spinner control onthe floor.Repeat the
Tut ellen uaa (ollale soa
raising it and placingabombinthe ~
Bomb Slot aboye it. Screw Attack up the new VE) ae
Jump slabs to reach an upper-level
sitet =f ledge overlooking the room. Enter
Metroid Tete =1y € aa the nearby door to rece
St iceloRa lnm ZI) Teele mUneumUerat seo) (ciate
Weare ac CRLe el le Sr oneal COMtea C0 SORT
acles. Stay on the offensive, Wrollime CTs ancora acc) (o)h)
ting the remaining tentacles BOWMAN Ciccce a1Uam tat olden erm Co)
with Seeker Missiles, then pull them call the train—press the red hand-
out 0 the roots one at a time with Carleen eam aalcm unr eclaLare|
your Grapple Lasso. Remove the final Tica aan controls to get i it
Soon after you place a bomb in the
rennelel RoR ARO MUNN tcelre! rolling toward the Comma
Hatcher, earning yourself a gold
second slot, a Metroid Hatcher bursts
fa (celha
through one of the holding cells.
The Metroid Hatcher’s weaknesses
clang GOT a.
POET Carle C Memes ri) Peet Tern ta)
@ COTS ary be S
@ CVE Lore: Purification LIT

a ? ee

mS courtuard 7

Ele Eee Raita] d

». After arriving at Transit Station 3-B of Belcan ale Bio) Mua damage.
Ra Command a net Se Before exiting this Ee a a
cr) and ot ae)

in this gate to ide

Marareerearts ee OU ae

< nels
Ee} t=) ae] 4-A

_. Several pirates greet you hice

eT TCU CoG CCH Polke om
Else stepping on the toxic parts Cs
this Cl2 eee celts argos al -1(¢ AVI tai 8
FolercsteaVUMOlt MeN eltanters tater blocked by several thic
Eatelel be adequate to rho Eliminate the Pirate Co
Fede CN Cm as fight, use t engaging Hyperniode if nec ae Pacuve hiatal eyi(e sia selma a
efled eee lenorlaen Nace org aie oC aaa cco °) Na using bombs to reach,higher pieces.
NEE Mame] cain aya pie these foes. ae
Nol Ta Narcr-ro ale d (ec (ANTI
a doorway leading into Transit
Scie Ce Wasces]aM amine iaT- Mamta
ian cea lean tal ac-re}
hand- -shaped switch to call the train.
Hop aboard and activate the train's
controls, riding it to the Mining Site.

The door to the Courtyard Passage When the Pirate Commandos are
is blocked by an energy field. Drain Color Rie WU (ela) Calne
this nearby terminal with your one emerging from a new Morph
Grapple Voltage to shut down the Ball tunnel. Circle-strafe around the
energy field. Crawltanks while retaliating with

jal Game Guide


. <r aeons a site

Pe a aoa CJ ra]
re 2.
ish cia é
(4 Tes oa ur re er | as baa ee
ny H ti rela cs Red or
beled coli) ee i tron am mee sin nt
TS Liat Cae a occa 1 CS Py
ES 3 vos me 2 ci
Pe siCtse siren 30°

mea 5 Ball
ner—don't drop a bsiiled
Science lac lesi@sic lion nes} ie to activate
pressing the button on i tight side
and proceed through the adjoining of the console. This causes the drill
corridor to the Phazon Quarry. As to carve a rough set of ledges out
you enter, a couple.of pirates on drops to PaaemmLtg rca
of the wall on the right,revealing a Scan the round display to download |
the other side of the quarry go into Missile Expansion.Jump onto the
__Hypermode:Activate Hypermode the “Vanguard” Lore entry.
angular ledges carved out by the drill
yourself and tar sanel ia to reach the Missile Expansion. Then
Mecha aielia rel Aolak aac
< -Phazon ~
opposite side and use your Boost Ball Rae
to reach the ledge above. Enter the
ore to access the Mine Lift

< Mine Lift Z

Sat elaW i cMt=] Cora cle](aco eg)
console (near thedoorway) and
activate the drill. It takes tw oye
button presses to erosion 3
N CaM Lats UA8 Dela Cola ota Ere Ta ella elOMB aon iel-.°1L01°i ale
the lower left first, then follow. up by keine naurevenicctch hice
pressing the button on the u aoe Elect ikd ice Ey (etekeiie(-o acoliy ts
As the drill rotates, it cuts a half- alle : Wag vataaoa Lasso to Pate away lower a point, space jump across
out of the left wall. PeeCMee Regrea urea etien tea the broken bridge. Race up
the Spider Ball Track. Jump to switchback ramps while keeping an
per track with a bomb. On the OV RoaMt aaron cia cols
Ipper track go right or left and drop As long as you keep moving, it'll have

TaMe aL Mel Ugg eee AT a hard time hitting you.
: a control is in each.
When Croc i8 Bi eae a ) ‘or is destroyed, two.
appear, engage Hypermode and more Assault Pirate Troopers enter the
pe GI maa okot crn with a Pirate Commando,
| pirates while avoiding bealSuaialiaT2 9 ccslnlale takai gkrce lt (grea ze
cannon in the center of the room. same game plan:kill two of thepi
Colo Ulan nen ke] ccicia) ATR UrcceKen Zeltser Vaca PRU st the third into the mine cannot
blast and jump over to CL aa to the aie! jomand use |} vorte Oactivate one of the holographic
(ete oM Efe
(e( Mia umes ln) led the vertical piston rods for cover.|t’s proj these Baer at the
Take the same precautions on i fant muirve ial sietiasysy-[<1 a3 left a ay isde
second landing. * alive until the right moment.

~ Among the Kuri Cs mining

eat ae When CMT eke eb ae Se eT OER UT ENC tiie
Before exiting Ps turn
turns from green to purple, allfay upgrade: Hop up onto the cannon
. around and loeate this small platform
in the room are sucked Neco debris to grab it. Although not quite
‘ above the room. Space jump across
BULL Masta. (oer h i ae so powerful as Phazon blasts, the
and scan the round display on the
fetal cor) e)[6| sucl Nova Beam still packs a heavy punch.
eeu SANE Roh t=te(e\(-1 11a ca CelpVA
ata ent ele(=i2 a) Lela “Plus it utilizes a high-frequency beam
and Loss” Lore.entry.
Assault Pirate Mee ole fatty that can be used to/penetrate some
is oes byant aca) Pema th | solid objects, like Phazite.
~ < Vein Cavern > 4 he's sucked upward into the beam. —_
This triggers an'explosion, temporarily | ~ :
releasing four bell-shaped holograms
near the cannon on the (ei Tae MOL ay
aim upward and destroy one of the ~
emeauelerecl eure sce) ice
takes one directhit with yourPlasma
or Beam, but you can only destroyone *
=. SAE >
projector at a time. Nia melt a ole maraia Non Z-Meir-leaKelan tals
Enter the Main en era room Phazite door. There iss6ne power node
and turn right. Look for the red hand- hidden behind this slab of Phazite.
shaped switch and interact with it ey CRT TON | kh Activate your X-Ray Visor to see it—it C
to activate a nearby lift. Enter the lift Be extremely careful when using !-appears as a yellow dot. Shoot the
and take it down to the Main Cavern Hypermode during this fight. There node with your Nova Beam.
floor. eV =e meg ns Ree <=)
Fd track of so don't neglect the PED's
Laar=P4mga =it=)
poe 1B Ce =) 8
dead. In addition, some of the Pirate
Commandos may throw Phazon
fey =igrela tee ene gt eines | eel = ay
your Phazon to critical levels. Make
a habit of venting Phazon by firing
a blast every couple of seconds,
whether you have a target or not. After you hit the node, the switch
on the door becomes active. Keep
PRIMA Official Game Guide
Ee rotiee fy vere) se a’
each dial on this switch so’all the BUR AU HLA =r-16)
= Pees Ur eka Baloo AUIS Gell fronmits Soc|
ain the Phazite door, providing
lee ORI eeu! Tecoma
~ upper- so oe room. to pull you
Neti Caveri
fe *

v re}
aa Mo until you reach
ind Tense Reta]
of tock with your Nova Beam
i toan ct ey landing site is free of all
ey iene eee your X-Ray Visor Psraretey Fea 1 Sols
and shoot the yellow node behind Command Vi Cries Velae
the Phazite to power up the nearby Gu a aboardand, ~
X-Ray Visor on and sa ur gagame. Before initiat
switch to open the Advance through tl ie 1 Cavern Redes (ic e(o)A) eros ai tate
(ol olel ar acon BUA BSi at Lia control room and shoot the Nova Becta velt Mi ic Relerere fe hekerte
Beam door to access t on down thé St remaining Energy ee
SX orill Shaft2 7 Mine Entry corridor. Before exiting
this corridor, locate this Phazite panel
Cells and pay a Mes the GFS
Valhalla. Plot a course for Norion: first,
Tanta eters your X- iY sy down at Car
Visor to reveal a set of gears on the
other.side. Target the four hexagonal
shapes in between the gears with
your Nova Beam. This completes a ae URW elnino de ae) ag =)
circuit, causing the gears to turn, Lt=ta|=1ur=1esa aN las) gel ada od
lifting the Phazite panel to reveal a Homeworld, go straight to the
hidden chamber. Command Center and destroy the
= mining drill in Drill Shaft 2 is defense system at the Command
Ria ae laa again, activate your X-Ray bj
ia le] Ne sO}
~ Visor to investigate. A piece ofdebris more pick-ups [and the remaining
is stuck between two rods inside * Lip l=iye lef B=) t=) Peleg tle hee (ele
AKL Eccl imal Miee celeron e(oly b= [yeeene [g eR naw eae) p=) Del
rau eR are Mcele Roh celeen tt 1a) =t=ja]]e= Mag -Bim=le|8 =n grea)
mining drill to full | functionality. ais fetal ania e al et=14 81a Reel 3 +
cold pment TCO) e iT ; Lala i= legge Mg ee
Haron ilelolmca—rlleYe) Pook on initiating the Pirate Homeworld
Don't rush inside the hidden invasion. Feel free to explore!
Energy Cell ie ‘chamber just yet—a Phazon Metroid
Waits inside. Hold at the doorway and e
engage it with Ice Missiles and your
Nova Beam. Once the path is clear,
om Kena teckel el Nata
sion inside. While inside, scan
round display to download the
10 Falls” Lore entry.

1B feje} as ils eg and shoot the

ToS7 Nsi-rluake ole erel aaaa laleh oN acs
an upper-floor control room of the
Phazon Quarry. From the doorway,

2 | LOCATION | SCAN/ACTION emis ema aa es

@ nia Liquid Phazon ce ci) erence) Pai Ce :
@ DEES Ce (mmm Co oo) i) CargoDockB | Lore:PlanetNorion | Blue
DEER eT Ray SACL) cits ci} ead Doar
Ha we (Ct)

The two Energy Cells on Norion

and Bryyo are optional. At this
fala piege ele her= [gna =r lehmida=||=
pi ts
=n =e 1a es] er]
eRe r=lagr=lan ele Mg UY =A Ue)p ede |
board, you'll have to closely monitor”
7 ail Energy Cell usage. .

Before heading directly:

Stee lod mena tlial
Station. You cai con et to use it if you
fas Messer ela ur: Missile erence aac
Mar Fe} | end. Asin Substation East, the panels
“lining this chamber felt akel LaAr-lfe)
er lacsel ella la | ea) addition to
tere) Stars meno nna)
each panel's color. It’s safe to pass
eWViasamaals peut ire reli and ifracnti-16|
against the tunnel. When the panel is
After Ae ig acl
_ turn left and approach ror gra 2 about t6 push outward, it begins to
structure—a Spider PET macts | glow again—get CU mola ea AUN, a!
the side of this building. Climb the if it medns rolling backward. With
sSyelfellal rel Mc-le a coreg (01421) ig Erol lle ela timing you'll have
cong Follow the Morph Ball | oa crossing this ledge to
tunnel to SU, oe onl BUI en ora Tel
Track. A Missile ese Wier le Marine BCluels ete eM Nila
the top. 4 ce ANCL oan comm X Conduits y
aaa) isco mel cuit panel. Like
Plasma Beam, your new Nova Le
(era er- lime cae (0 Cate ca-l
channels in this remove the
blast shield over the nearby doorway.

LO) ate VelUN ar-\ MUA ESIC) In Conduit B, scan the darkened
Expansion, advance to the Cargo Hub corridor ahead for Phazon Liquid
via Conduit A and Substation East. flowing along the walls, floor, and
In the Cargo Hub, turn left and roll ceiling—scan it for your Log Book.
through the small hole in the debris. This entity spawns Phazon Grubs—
small creatures capable of melee
5eLS Sirolens eee ee
Ptetclareccunmeh rata, crete
_ to destroy.them. Avoid direct contact
Ss bs ith the Liquid Phazon and any,
4 azon Grubs it Bena io olen Ss
aay] a Fae

: uid
arate) ie fioma ie ilas
Elicia Vi oRel-tyecoy enone (01-0, Si
2 they spawn any Phazon Grubs. - i a Tiepis co ere ol) ao te
NMC Ke LeeloM Belang ice eke Col same game plan you did earlier back *
your Gunship to land. This isa good rove aalc¥ii Siu Ses Lae i
Ice Missile door securing the Data
Opportunity to save your re a ware . 7
Storage room. Hit the door with an fe yeas
re AV Teal
[omg calcialeic oN ase a oer a I) Pa Me
Ceol) o) Melani AULA Relea Tod
olga rise ro” and “SkyTown" are
both inside. There's also a redundant
entry on the“Olympus-Class
Battleship,” which you can scan if
you missed it earlier while on the
BE ae tars ty Sc ielae

Your Gunship helps you reach

o Dock By
Nocernrefele tate (oa Cclcenie
an upper-level terminal. Space MiteaB Vella N-Mot eT oC aed arta]
jump onto your ship, then jump to approach its underside and pull a
this nearby platform. The terminal away its tentacles with your Grapple
contains the “Planet Norion” Lore Lasso. Repeat these steps until all five ~
entry—scan it for your Log Book. tentacles are removed.Killing this
Metroid Hatcher earns you another
gold credit. g

As you step out onto Cargo Dock.

SFr Wo) E-ciatalcire Ral Uic mo) -1a) 910 myZel0 Your new Nova Beam can
and three Hopping’Metroids appear penetrate the Metroid Hatcher's
latTe lice| er ec lie Lelel | fae ful n=loe— 1g =| Eee] =i ng =H eta |
matess eR iUall Miten Le} Vier cee The door leading to the Generator fnfayelOR ee <llU iam r= r=l=(-He len aang =
Setar Rae] Sue aauarcanies ‘| B Access corridomis secured by a manner does not register on the
WTSI Meola ola econ a) Hopping To ERretay (cite BY=cttCo)Va Un MALV=R Y=) * DV T=ie ue) (e ate 1eet gles == =i
Metroid. While they’re frozen, hit but keep up the attack to kill it
locking mechanisms above the shield
them with charged shots to ER attS fale let d(en
WVtast clad RU are) ed alae)
Hopping Metroids into a De ol ey

(a ie?
lor, roll through the Morph —
fe) sracen (ale Mole eae lia ol (tlaaR Ul)
rator B doorway.
* :
8 te &

ee od
coat dite tan - | ¥
Docking Hub Alpha. Use the Grapple
sia au Swing Point above to reach the
far ledge and retrieve the Missile
Expansion. ©
_ Now order your Gunship to land
ocking Hub Alpha and climb
“ice May Naseae ace NAGLE
on Bryyo. Set a course for
ce i ie Outpost landing site
puts Pereels EEN ceim en Reco

Ree) (oi Sra _ ur Gunship

at Cargo Dock B,g (eco
Hub, then advai 4, a
ra Energy Gell'out of the socket te open Voit ie gel ie
the blast Uc CVs
Eee ene
- . % « =.
& se
[om eo nt J

ciahy icishg ,
: G Hall of Golems ae CaT itt A eh ——— nie
de Ci Beart) Trea g Lia 5
CMC ecuRrca Fiemme Orcs) Tc) cnt
. @ PACS ETM ES nt) % :
i) Colossus Vista Coa teri Blue
Px ~ a .

Locate the flashing red dot on the

* panelin between the two Golems.

Fajglele mda-Mu a0 e)e- Ee)g Rag eel - a -10
to reveal the "Victory" Lore entry.
Scan it for your Log Book.

There is a Fargul RE Ncau ogo E]

Tetelotcteelenem tnied sXefel ola it -te(- ae ;
MU attcme cr) UL Ce koala) ~
aun al enters BBay, advance
through the Plasma Beam door to durable and spawn Fargul Wasps.
access the Hangar Bay Hall. Enter the Scan both the Fargul Hatcher and
Hall of Golems and locate the purple Pr Te AN eS men saelniomeit
security clamp on the nearby Golem. Tee arlene eli e eye)
Use your Grapple Voltage to send out wasps—this is the only way =e £ —

to inflict damage. Be patient and Approach the next Golem (left of

energy into the clamp to overload ian MolC MANU ELC MIN imal] okog
it.Afterward, enter the Golem’s oon shooting the Fargul Hatcher's
mouth until it dies. If necessary,
metal on its belly to reveal another
Bomb Slot and drop a bomb inside Bomb Slot. Drop a bomb in the slot
to activate a Spider Ball Track above enter Hypermode to expedite the
process. to activate the Golem. |t ignites a
the room—this leads to Missile blowtorch-like implement and melts
Expansion 36, which you'll soon grab. a nearby barrier, opening a path to
the Colossus Vista—don't go there
Nan ITs re not
rs Sethe oe
allae ni the side-scrolling portion of the :
fesyole(sact Reed crea Ieee seca olanEy iece ena 8 a *
erator ata it rut tun Crm ie Ai 5 re lar cero) TTA A ae 0
arnt fuel gel ao with bombs.» lat uaV Re | ots tintiste eltae
aT MR Clout EM ole Vch okie laa DVS U NAW m ero Romie lod of place. Before using you ae +;
over. Study the orientation of the left and bs jump your to lift the headpiece, hop onto .
track carefully before determining ledges to.reach the ITS Sr S rota irereTeah
whether a bomb or a Boost Ball jump tigre rela) fetal i Tox)
is the correct ethod of jumping - _the Hidden Cou SC Pre LeU aM it
from one pie Ko) Rer-la.@ on ualona ca Pai8 ai your Gunship rey rot
x aeleleta So 7 [Tfecca Comes cd a ae
Py tencolm a aero RCo ic eM]
Expansion 39.

See a \

IFlICM IU tayo} enchant upper-

level platform to spot another Golem. ES oe salea iS are hare
Hit the security clamp on the Golem's large gate blocks your path—shoot
eA Se AIS a ae Iona LCS the round. red locks at the tap. This
PMc eu eirnlece lowers the gate, creating a horizontal
ineterol eee flee Keele) platform. Stand on the new ei : Now fie) ra to return the Colossal
gas, freezing the fuel gel falls cont and use the GrappleSwing (and War Golem’s head to its owner in the
opposite’side of the room. Use sie the point above) to swing to the Colossus Vista. Backtrack through itary
fertaantel coum ele]-ca CONC s-Tagn he] Pole teres side of the room. Follow Hidden Court and Burro
of the frozen fuel gel, then advance the adjoining upper-level path to eu eva meme SU
EealrelUeAR UAt) 9) oleae ol tie(o) _| the Plasma Beam door and enter the fel emcee nacaalctt| ren S
Hidden Court Hall. “ from this vantage point. *

i;Yo)|] rete cuits Morph Ball relate Pe

as agerre (Ror cee Rta i ngade more Hoppers in the Jump down to the floor in the Hall
Burrow. Use bombs to detonate Hidden Court Hall on both ends of of Golems and turn left, heading
crystallized fuel gel deposits blocking the Morph Ball tunnel.At the end of through the passage the Golem with
the tunnel. As you exit, turn around the hall, look to the left and scan the the blowtorch cleared earl
and shoot the red dots on the panel “Salvation” Lore entry, then proceed iM oUrRSLoc Luke Coleg Tete x1 Kell
above the tunnel to reveal the to the Fuel Gel Pool. this corridor to enter the Colossus
“Struggle of the Exiles” Lore entry. ACh
alate : 4
Gunship Missile Meroe
Se Tie <

; _ | Bomb-jump up through the ee

Naat Cre Bridge, on oui the terete to return to the ©
. scan the pane] o .
Sau Cleve santa elelg and :
use your BoostEonome thec eee
Flare.) ae onual foleteCol
mR oiccaotia a
you're nee by adead’end anda -
halfway across the ces Eh aia a
wt cage containing a Gunship Missile
half of the bridge feted
: aii * .*
from the Thorn Jungle Tee ane
linking it to the Cliffside. vs
f a Si eT ar — b

FE PE ij
Now head to the Thorn Jungle.
Backtrack to the Hangar CEN aealcelele] se
Peel RoaCle uct ttel steam
Hall. Inside, recall'your Gunship,
orderingjit to land.Glimb aboard and
Rules War: Golem headpiece :
set a course forthe Thorn Jungle,
rT ante ol -tielaunian atv cles Walk onto cet 4
landing at the Thorn Jungle Airdock.
The platform does not register Ce Ri aitells and turn to
Wali keieia Lolth drop'the eed er ere Wall Jump rena
ET ANS Aelare Leg) Werte snes) * cic apart eye sides
_ Colossal War fer) Burro ied fist . ‘bridge. lzleskenas fait ae .
oleae NZL Chistesaetarten Pack untilit’s moving toward the
Ce oes cage and Cui) EM Mstare(o(siers (017 beginning your Screw
‘new passage to the right.Grab'the . | “Attack ascent. Quickly jump between*
Gunship UTES A eke Lats (olan 18) Emma AY (oN) MeN (= together to |*
Peitceltol am Uaemar-l ie colar)a TAA saoueALC ULGL sae
ks .
b oli Ih Jungle
ee }

ish iciah
Ci) Jousting Field | DefeatRed Phaazoid | Gold @ MG ae TROUGH
(a aC

era eRe tpl esl pC tials)

From the Thorn Jungle Airdock, advance through the Overgrown Ruins passage
to the Ancient Courtyard. Here you come under attack from a Phaazoid.
Immediately enter Hypermode and engage the Phaazoid with Phazon blasts
and Hyper Missiles, destroying it before it becomes a nuisance.
Aca ret eat
Tad s half.pipe iia) the-center of
c fa
err form baat] tals
Cea Cele] car Tiare)
Ancient Courtyard focal Et Mitel
eesfor this large Si eles
Expansion‘on the upper ledge to the. rm Attack
on one of the upper-!aly feteve) <a}
left. ae Aan eae Hog el P
the room's perimeter. As the Gunship*
lamer hal
| lifts the generator away, a new tunnel
aCe} your Boost Ball to build up :
igher and o- Merny nie) WSS (oa eodo)-late] as
| is revealed below the generator's oS
socket. .
onthe Tu Tauie bay “ es

e En lus] ‘Cell é Mi

Ta) “3 ete Field you encounter

a Red Phaazoid. As with the earlier Enter the new tunnel to access the
Phaazoid, engage Hypermode and Machineworks Bridge. Use your Boost
attack with Phazon blasts and Hyper Ball inside the Spinner device to and order your Gunship to drop the
Sitesi tocar grab the gold rotate the second half of the bridge, energy generator near the offline
credit once yo Savalas completing a new passage to the Gel Pumping Crane. Once power is
elit fo(orettom oriKel ( eM RecA iaelam CaM ae- lat
will spin, then stop, exposing an
Restore Power. ea ree ga al Energy Cell
faa at sci from the crane's socket—you-now
have eight! You're finally ready to
el Te) a Tn = CTV =sielel Leona ele lire) Mee ta)
to the Hall of Golems and take the
Hangar Bay Hall back to the Hangar
Pass through the South Jungle — Bay, Order your ship to la
Court to reach the North Jungle aboard.
Goll Clea olla color.)
Reptilicus creatures while moving
through this area. (Race past them
in Mroleola) EER Cole Mim oO RM Nn od
avoid any time-consuming battles.) Cross the Machineworks Bridge and
PCN ecmancelte nurses witht]c) pass through the Colossus Vista to
Lal aCe hdl p APD Area Cel/48) Banos the Hall of Golems. Once again,
Jungle Hall to reach the No JIL MUNMele [UM aClCeaieL
Court. yascend the frozen fuel gel falls
PoEEnE Lt Sl eras a) SCANS ee
GOT IT?| APER (eee) tae 4s ae [= aed
G@ Fiery Poca IC TT Wau LTC
4 : ry ae van anand Missile Expansion 42 Jump to the backward C-shaped platform in the fuel

@® ite Tower CELL UY a ey Enter the room beyond the Wall Jump shaft.
= eet = ae ; ee RS eC aU AECL Ly
@ ania Falls of Fire Missile Expansion 43 | 0, pac a a en

@ Cliffside Ceri or) PUL ercn

ae ‘ Se , Sa UCC MSR et Cu)
on ® Cliffside STE SAL Missile Expansion 44 ae

a @ Cliffside TTA tt) Scan the Geemer.

a ES on 5 At the Dragon door, take the right-hand path and
@ Cait CT Missile Expansion 45 break theice with your Nova Besim.

s 5 Sed a
ere = . = cS r 3
\< GFS Ral ealel Lda Es[=a
ie cise
pe Sic cee a
a Ca ccs) FAC ta) aie cb cer cee wee nie
Ci) Pel Miniroid ce : :
A Rn Galactic Federation eens
@ Stairwell ME iu tI DTG '
ret ale 5
Cece era ray 4J
. ci} SCAT Prec) Red Ee da euros a
= ; @ Xenoresearch Lab a) Ce Red @ er Lore: Anhur Incident | Blue

ais eae tee ofa aren ee

fighter sits undisturbed on the right
side of the docking bay. Lying among
the wreckage is an Energy Cell—
follow the green glow to grab it. This
is the ninth and final Energy Cell.

os PRIMA Official Game Guide

uty lesen
The nine Energy Cells in your possession power up various areas of the dilap-
Freee CIE EME Rm murat lelcee Cate Lae)
rei Run ae Re arCmts
=a ean ie RARER eee
i Ce canis Hangar Bay
2 Ly SARS { i)
5 ie Ct Command Center Command Courtyard
4 ic i Research Facility rest
5 aE SSCUN is Ballista Storage
- 6 ICU (i Sc HEP CLS
ul RC _— G i ~
7 8 a ist Gag
* 9 GFS Valhalla = Puree
Possessing all nine Energy Cells allows you to retrieve all the pick-ups and scans
aboard the GFS Valhalla. But technically, you only need five Energy Cells to reach
Pee EUR ert Re RUE TL cele
BeBe Lele ciety} *1in the Port Observation Deck
*1 in the Auxiliary Lift Sree ie Meri eltg

Like Liquid Pare ennai

can slither along floors, walls, and
ceilings. Instead of Beare) aye
enn eaaar Phaze- Ings eee
Fe Jelcalette] Sauna amarolin cd
Retaliate with your Nova Beam.
joor leading to ity one remains of tw aretaets ert ye Notas
is deactivated. _ Federation Marines stand ete) at the feta ae Amino i
one of the Energy Cells into — © | next blast door. Shoot the Marine on killing oon
ee cacan tte ig Sea aie aren leech taleke elas EY iice mam 7
Once power is restored; carla with | your Nova Beam reduces his armor to re e.
the blue hand-shaped Aue) onthe | dust.Interact with the switch to open x
Ha side of al to aa in er (lu) to the Repair ce fale=nR= UnleyOR el n= P4eme nl =A
your Grapple Voltage to slowly
< tennelp rN > 4 2 Xx van ea y etele Tt nr
yA et ot =f=) nee ;

repared to face several Phazon

As ene ene acl @aw ace ctmColelg Metroids and Miniroids in the Repair | Take an ramp to the Stairwell’s
Pernice ET Viarealiare} Bay. Prioritize the Phazon Metroids upper-level catwalk. Scan th
themselves directly at you. Try to scan first, hitting them with your Nova aTAIANT lenin elle)
toils ee lit Se Beam and Ice Missiles. The infant TAA CaN cles
feo se gap in this area with your Miniroids aren't aggressive—they Pena yall
Grapple Swing. float above the center of the room. leading into the Weapons Cache to
Scan one for your Log Book. ret reM Ilse UuNiean
: * Station. Whenyourte
Ute Kel oS oli
path, pause and shoot an

discharges,then space jump

Col taloiatre ome] oA oa aonde
Te veh sat -es-Lele
LA 9 fs) (088

So eet Sey)

| and locate a
mt | You enter the Xenoresearch Lab on
toav _ | the upper level. Locate this damaged
Eo tisyaiarelaUe Te Maa AULA
Bess gira | Missile to create an opening.
room. Next, turn to the i * fs

cracked glass—hiti
BoM arelaccmi el go)oi icollCe] acon ant
Baar lule) 18 -

Before dropping to the lab’s lower
level, locate and scan the Phazon
Hoppers on the floof below. These
— creatures are covered in crystallized
Scan the tall rectangular piece of Phazon, but they’re still vulnerable to
glass in the next area—the bottom- BByota ev) Beam. Engage them from
[ois te Karlee SUC) a distance and sidestep as they spit
Nida Muales sl acon ol (oilU atts venom in your direction.
N damaged section of glass, then roll
Proceed to the Port Observation
Deck and roll through the small hole
through. Watch out for the Phaze-Ing
in the debris near the entrance. After
on the other side and prepare to take
passing the debris blockage, enter
it out at close range, preferably with
the window-lined portion of the
your Grapple Lasso. Pass through
passage. Several Phazon Metroids
the door ahead to enter the Security
inhabit this section. Sidestep their
Access corridor.
charging attacks while engaging with
your Nova Beam and Ice Missiles.

Cera Lost)
<0) se - ; ,
ee eelkel Con lab’ Belo
_and approach one of the energy
center of the ow :
Ae} Ce In ae Acceés ¢corridor, Gels 4 ‘
ere ete MedLab rela i Munitions L a satcieey ae esc ae
‘, mass) Missile Expansion awaits, Perec ekecaiccimom acest lincoln acre aes
oe eer mee belated ice Flag chenanenscutin hc intact
Cell in this socket. Now find a Liter T eMC RU Ke Segoe and shoot the green ie Be (olofo) ar :
loose panel on the second energy Ice Missile to reveal the eos Erearureko cu eerste (are e
Tae enV ire Pea to | CIE Naact) oat ca
generator and repeat the same steps.
After you Sas 1a Energy eco) cee

fe, restoring eaves to

the lab. You can now download the
“Valhalla Incident” Lore entry from

Gunship Missile
Finish off the Phazon Hoppers that
come falling down, then approach
the Morph Ball tunnel’s entrance—it's Rush through the Aurora Access
blocked by a small panel. Pull the corridor to reach the Aurora
panel away with your Grapple Lasso, Chamber. Pass the two jammed
then roll into the tunnel to retrieve Energy Cell stations inside and
Fare WiPStcaer TAR (ela proceed to the nearby ramp. Scan

UH Ley mai
ce lke TUT
the malfunctioning security hatch
channel opens up at the base of ola rol un Se of) Ua Cole
the energy generator, revealing a Laima lan Cac) Pela it
Gunship Missile oder is the elt ia) again, which re
foreo Bole ea sucked down
an adjoining Morph Ball tunnel.
Cte] M arse
(M enon CU Lalas nat -y ceed
dead Federation Marine. Follow the
eecaaa ‘to the pe aac e
svar Relay Mie
corridor,return to the Auxiliary
vanes ieurn int by Foliar
Lift and ride it up toward the Port
in the opposite direction. You'll
re servation Deck. Deal with the
eventually drop through a ect) the
en Metroids in the Port Obser-
Cli TaTe Molise eves eaves (<0 (ole
ee ion Deck, then turn right toward one to the two rea Cell
stapes station. Push one of your stations on the lower level. Insert
rgy Cells into the socket to drop your remaining Energy Cells into the
the blast shield over the nearby sockets to lower a series of walkways
doorway. Enter Junction A. on the room’s upper level, Mele)
Flea teach Reel col ella
The clanging of walkways ¢ ir
MMe Leccun ele M Crecente a rlcetei
deep within the chamber’s lower
4, 4
one es is =

P Xen eye teePsreshasta na ena=)

feferarame) celal glslelay4=tcr= 18k
* keypad. This code is found on the
fy Wa etg eM em tg B11]

away the tent.

Lasso. Or, you can ie Hi pale
Hatcher's head with your N Enter the Con’
alts Py Ter lecm ic
outer Eel lamaging the ee Gg x
— left cra) t
TiaNecUicelel Ua mua teAtele KCL
Prole)credit for defeating th rs Approach the
bcd spod and use er i foc.

~ Cross x olen ister

Els Fee egele hat (elu I
by ablue and white hole
is alift.Ride be

“Ke ee | CENTER a aera]

risky es. awe
Fie ee ae esa aa ora a \ 7
&® | Commandstation | Destroy Defense System tf 4 *
@ ANC Ecce Demolition Trooper ts) e: :
é pon
t/a A Hk CE ttt es
A Coram 6
CM sa) alive (12/12) rar
Scum eycLu) .
i) Pen Pirate Commander ya)
Ae eycL) ;
ri) pies Waa Ck Gets Te)

~— . am | PRIMA Official Game Guide

ae or Ce

a en
Noefense Tee :
WYSE 5] Tnt=dle la}

Bal lelSel ead

eid pone Taal
the ad curd core. Space jump upward
|»DefenSe Access corridor, Activate your

ya AKelg to Le Ch aos Pos

iY “se | tomy fs Bak (Me , "
Shoot all four of the orange-it Sie: tian enon Bes : 8
From Landing Site Bravo, acco} 5 hexagonal shapes next to the gears. .
» Slotto deactivate the base's defense
olittetVaContnI Mijas Vio DLCs ccoy ate ‘| The panel rises once the sequenceis «
Cs which earns youa role) credit.
Remorse-Class Turret near the lifts,
completed, revealing the Nova Beam:
then approach this terminal and door leading into the Command
Station. Shoot the door and stepinside. « INCI! se "
use your Grapple Voltage to send
power into the lift’s controls, causing eel UT =1¢=1 91"), Now that you've disabled the defense _
the door to slide open. Enter and Fie ee er=]g ie wanes) og -y48) |
peer through the small window-like Harvesting and bomb the Harvester
opening in the lift to spot a Missile ieyuelg eee0 = pees 0 = \iele Reels eo)
Ser TasreaM arte (Maria lie lacie Via = lee Aol ep ie 8 ehcpaaa) =ife a}
defeating Omega Ridley, or you'll miss
is malfunctioning, indicated by the
FO Tee teint lee ee kel] ea =o ao S
slight drop and the dimming of the
control panel as you enter. >. e. we.
» Meet Up with
The defense system’s energy core < Admiral Dane y
is currently shielded. The security me
Sieg terminal is at the top of the
room. Space jump across the room's
edetcls le uelencontscleanc
top. Once there, activate your X-Ray
Visor and interact with the security
Back out of the lift and target the CTte lB lata talel eae aA a hele oo
cable above it. Snap the cable with a sponding code shown on the ele
charged shot from your Nova Beam IoC UNL CcL agar) ceil 6] The remaining Commando Pirates have
to send the lift plummeting. Now hop Talolel-c Mela m ualn-lal-ice)Vacol (om retreated from the Command Station.
across the shaft to retrievethe Missile i . Drop to the bottom of the si
Expansion resting on the cre fet approach the Grapple Voltage:
Enter the functioning lift (to btn a) Pye TaN UTAlar ce) Micon SR CL ar
Ericaielce Reine Rapleversnatey-eo]ae ae to lower the nearby red energy shield
floor as your destination. This takes covering a Morph Ball Cv
you to the Security Air Lock.

bushers, then proceed down the

ift to the upper Phazite node on the
ireNace AaB OU Gat VAULOlg
to spot three orange orbs bouncing
around inside the Phazite-shielded Roll into the Morph Ball tun nel to
At the Security Air Lock, roll into the Ele Male lege menls-nelge Ri 7itan oe] g access the crawl space be! the
gold hologram and ride the turntable IN Co\V7- Mirna Coe (rele NVI ata aldo) Kol Control Station's floor. Ent
to the opposite side of the chamber. bial-eeo) (sol Lm n oat Bae ela alo vertical shaft and ride the lift up to the
Pass through the doorway ahead to other two Phazite-shielded sections next horizontal tunnel—this leads into
nici meg a Bolla Naa saeel ticle A farther down the core. the Flux Control passage.
Mircea tateltatag
MSO Manu tea)
Control's central core. Cl
Spider Ball Track inside t
Missile Expansion.
at the door—scan
MATa oaalcolgaatn (010)
Bits ec uaa 31<0)

ok up to spot a couple of | .
fava a= Rag)(=e =1=(el8) ean =1=1le nag} ‘ona eT ailaiate Keron
number of Demolition Troopers couple of ureliierern Troopers. Rush
Wale W=M yet lele) gms) B ieee en) a
Expansion, continue forwar |and eee state od cclcn 1a
on the HUD, indicated by the
Spider Ball Track, SL ly following Ice Missiles and your Nova Beam
helmet icon and the 12/12 number
it back to the Flux Conti Remember you need a minimum
Me URielea eke Wat aire Ng
Niece] Eker ich) of four troopers to detonate the - from the Demolition Troopers. Hold
and enter ren Mtelseiy be) t=ieis| [elle alg Snag 1g rl this eve until bothSAUNT ig are
"the passage's dead end. Dees ae ee h el=t- Beeline enn == 8] eliminated.
a failure and the game ends. But if
you manage to get alllé to Transit
Tunnel 0205, you earn a gold credit. 4

us Station 1104.
oe ;

EA the DemOlition Troopers

Advance mee eee the acid-filled recess RUT Ric reco icon O ue RCeLin
Courtyard Passage and on to the Wolgamott alle ra
Skyway Access. Soon after you level platform occupied by two more
arrive, Admiral Dane sets down. He fey cocoon41 Le) a-ha 10 ole) 3] 0) (a
needs you to lead a contingent of The terminal ahead is drained of Bs a ANien Choe cna!
12 Demolition Troopers down the ower, preventing access to Transit Ever leea ect lee iin ee LeStI o-aLe|
pirate a toward a large tation 0203. Send power into the charged shots from your Nova Beam.
door blocking access to the Seed. terminal with your Grapple Voltage,
At least four Demolition Troopers supplying the nearby doorway with
must survive to plant the explosives “energy.
necessary to destroy this barrier.

aw. PRIMA Official Game Guide

asses pier: clea

ition meee into Pu res ol eae pees a

Su CSAs eo) eo
hi’ Aero fleas pe and tite)ah et Mees
u Manca antepas Claes
soon as you enter Transit Station lira lara Eee Ni a ,
0204. Two Advanced Pirate Ue eS Ice pe ae ce F
| appear: Brees Elal=r-leMi sia\e[ [eam oe fir eliretcone aeRO 4
Hypermode and charge forward,» tacking the Demolition Troopers
clear, follow the troopers up a series
TTA LeLaeR Lea oC Lordol coset emcee occu
can attack the Demolition Bicerollaiee to arnt iu Woy Wc ee
of ramps to the upper-level doorway
Keep pushing f SoMa
Ice M IRM aDY o\-1u8116 ii
leading to Transit Tunnel P68.
and en es Pelee oh :
ce Tunnel P68 Trooper in fy jacent passage.

At the doorway, oe Ss pare

aside and lets two Demolition
~Lead the wai ugh Transit Tunnel Ay ae passnme eal marelecel Troopers pass ahead. Don't lag
P68, hopping upia series of ledges point where you encountered the behind—as soon as the cinematic is
until you encountera couple of Armored Shield Trooper, turn left to over, rush into Transit Station 0205
Tila Calaana uel aa og spot two Armored Pirate Troopers on before the Demolition Troopers step
cautic ously proceed through the aleat oeie nel eiecelcm ay elec | into anasty firefight. © -
feoE Stoo in Hypermode, quickly finish them off
with Phazon blasts and Loe) Missiles. meade celal taped a} =)
Praia vetimay autres sears ee
elie CCLRC (od and
charged shots from your Nova Beam.

At this turn in the corridor, watch

out for an Armored'Pirate Bela Neuere Koma ccie act abe
running toward you anda Renee cea i r-lalslasicclelolaMOPA0 Reelin)
Glass Turret mounted on thefeaiinten view, as do a couple of Aurel)
Knock away the pirate’s armorwith nce the pirates.on the upper SalisleMicelel veken net eee
Hee VISTI meneame) Ele a alee may ene) 6) Broa arertecmits tal cont
with your Nova Beam. Destro eld Troopers rush through the Troopers’ weapons are Riese
Remorse-Class Turret with a cha ower-level passage ahead. Enter against these enemies, so charge to
shot, then continue on to Transit : wmode again to eliminate these the front and attack in Hypermode.
Station 0204. threats and the reinforcements that
take up defensive positions in the
corridor ahead. When the path is
clear, lead the way through the next
doorway to Transit Tunnel P69.
Layali) SS OVS
d hand- Beeleeh a
urs’ sare Cx euhat ian iene
acks. than. Hop up to the
er d ta(-micla cor-lale] er the open doorway.
Prue a keuih: el canto ae
Troopers, positioned on'the ee is
side of ue tracks.
around with?
lied with P

A Turn to the rampon theri

Unlike i aS een 4 ane en eC-lgle ly alain aes (sl
-1 a
PUR Ca MC slectcl i * longer! ha to'wait for the back away and hold near the
1e)=TunTe) lise aM ele)
e) =u deg Mag) =ie) ch olais toan uppe!
Berserker Knight
reappear. rucplatform ia alneclalcclg
*orbs at you. The Ph
Wareah Rhu ele
covering his head ca
Grab Ledge. As you reach the top of the
ledge, the Pirate Commander appears
.and pushes you off, knocking you
cee aig Knight's heat
down onto the station floor.
damage. Keep hitting
acta ta ain * Boss Battle:
Pirate Commander

PMP taMin cater<e) es

the red hand-shaped Briceputeds
to this trooper to open the hatch *
leading to Transit Tunnel P70. ~
The Pirate Commander.isn’t alone. He
18) a) ged (imag =e =i coe nea
ae at ga) attacks with four Commando Pirates
at his side. Confront the Commando
distract you from the two pirates
BicCMLE Le A CK moo ee)
sneaking through the opened
doorway on the tracks. These Tie CelUa
el oCh eau mUNatke-ler-1o Kod
pirates will go straight for the inflicting heavy damage. Stay near the;
fa) =Tun fe) lial ge]
8) 8) =e =] et =t=i=r=]
Be en mem UE COMIN eee h (ca
Feel siojt=la Rag== (ium col as to maneuver, and engage Hypermode.
and enter Hypermaode to deal Try to finish off all fourCommando
DWitah tg -tm1=0" (010 Melee B ag ep} Pirates with one Hypermode
fala WiaMiM ITU Rage el=iaa(RU dan =) Enter Transit Tunnel P70 and drop session—Hyper Missiles are your best
Berserker Knight. to the area below the tracks. Scan option. If your Hypermode expires
the round display to download the before they're all dead, use Ice Missiles
“Mistress Gandrayda’ Lore entry. and charged shots from your Nova
Beam to finish off any survivors.
INS a zz PRIMA Official Game Guide
aa einen enacts re rO cia
in, take cover nearone of + 2 3
neta a
Cue projectile attacks.

Once youre comfortablé
with your
Pe Pecan iecunes enclsoi|
PE Uaren neha yecm Ulla re th oll ae Activate yourCommand Visor and
| can.This is the best way to knock away Melia Vell ReU salem scle arly
alse a emacsarmor’s gone, all tae door blocking the tunnel tothe See
ela Languedoc ey ania MoM Rea al oe reclure UCN I}
OAC lla Ra Mie CeeaiuT
ele lta) .| the opening i ee ee o
you a gold og ce * 7 Volley of mi Frag tsxe(oteimke oanBe
Frustrated by your dodging yun oe AAs
skills, the Pirate Commander may lands, hop inside and Ena
Felna=]aule)mdat=)(-15]5]Mmgl =) omen yes =] p18)
eral cues te Lees slau aielcy
Tne Mun alias Oana)
Homeworld Laeren ‘ee |:
Pirate Commander disappears ina
SValiteM atl Cells | nea -ee allele a
Fl eagle d=-9 0s) 8 mee Beene) n 4 ae
you stand in one spot, he'll appear
ful=ami nog] e BE p eid CRAY Mahe A=
The Demolition Troopers enter the
Being Puoimie team
ag |
Sel iColaMiaalen creo ac ical aa colt

Gane Homeworld-Seed
cng ey
Pe = =e <=) mts Pga cl Pee ae a aa cle
kr VT ry &® | LeviathanCore | Defeat Omega Ridley | Gold
A ad 3 a
. 4 a) =E-jayale peg >2 este tess
Leviathan Seed 4; bade =t=Fe de] (=12)
ae o——— a

the Core Access corridor, your

is blocked by a large tentacle
ing out of the floor. Activate your
Hop across the three round platforms ‘ay Visor to locate the tentacle’s
Ridley’s attacks. Early on he spits
in Landing Site Delta, moving toward terior weak spot. Shoot the orange
round plasma-based fireballs. These
the Core Access doorway. On the area with your Nova Beam to instantly
kill the tentacle; it crumbles. Use the
fireballs have limited tracking ability,
third platform, Screw Attack across soa simple dodge might not |
the gap to reach the ledge in front of same tactic against the next tentacle
in the passage. Once you reach the enough. Instead, shoot the
the door. moving fireballs. When they explode,
' Leviathan Core, drop to the floor to
trigger the arrival of Omega Ridley. they leave behind a health power-up.
When Ridley jumps, prepare to
Fofur=[et=y One h yam gM mn ele
Bigl=}a=)st= [ne Bim elt n al =gt=1a
(8) n= p=)8] 819

rece alo
‘both orbs to -
.While he’s stunned, activate
Visor to view the we: :
I Merete Maca (olla
a ; . Tae lee] c ides show up, as does
(rietaeRaeMiFetaaterantcon” (cle <a long as you'r Mast faecal RT UN Co)
attack, Omega Ridley ote tone nol iS remo you can deploy ~
solid stream of plasma, pannihg attack. :
it in a wide arc across the room's”
floor. Space jump laterally over thi
surprisingly high wall of fire.

Look for more Coffea Ute to if 7 ’

Mele Mi Meh ge ear tNaCey Uo elt ats
i all Elio alia aCenscecsAis i Omega Ridley initiates this spinning
Just as Oméga Ridley IA a elmo attack. Space jump over the fire
flamethrowerattack, Biel aR Pe ACCC ae Oe euccKelabaielcelaacoire Koleos
TN a RC ACT oo) po ae oP Yefele RUE alae R aT
MICS W VW Tal lu score a looking for opportunities to destroy
Mel aVeMMataniukcatel tenuis the internal joints in the Phazite
reea * a Gas Me

At 75 percent health, Omega Ridley |.

fertaeee ere Natya)al fnalole Gl
protect his torso. You can pénetrate .-
this new armor with your Nova Beam;
While Omega Ridley is dazed, targeting the’heart directly.
rush forward and use your Grapple Phazite armor, he takes to the sky.
Lasso to pull open the armor over E * Keep an eye on him and dodge the
his torso. He raises up on his hind incoming plasma bombs. He drops a
legs, revealing a glowing red orb on mas)R MIA RSEC-](e lai Lal avon (e101)
his chest that emits Phazon energy. usually dodge them by strafing or
Quickly engage Hypermode and be oreraW Ulan) dial Maciel Na
hit this spot with Phazon blasts and
Hyper Missiles before Omega Ridley’s

PRIMA Official Game Guide

or removed, the . Pacic oh Utah 7 lig ele)o) ol eels
teehee ice Biiel (S49 Jel tel oremteeen 4 beiele[ tema) f
Nea Taree tunragN na Kerc oo As with the previous Seeds, press ®
ia Weictoudianonm le aeeat Pace) foe e e ures see aoa
Phazon energy when attached to an oe to rupture an, utsast=t=teh
object. On cue, two large growths *) * (eyeR Tu Retro k nt acct ae
EMail TSR al emerge from the mouth-like Beir cea eel DAC UL ele
Telcom uray Taaaerol Loe openings in the cavern. While in’ Pte iekey si eeu) 1
_ Either way, you're seconds away from Hypermode, attach to the white node Homeworld. Aurora Unit 217 has ba 9

scoring the kill and earning a gold at the end of the growth and push fe] icenccha terre Masi aE
credit. to send a fatal dose of Phazon energy | Prarcla cy eae i
TalCMiaUatcie a ancellefe (cM DLs ereyyaaal Peernie iceaon
second growth itthe same fashion. Elect 1dlol ale pa a)course for fits —
se « :

Se : Homeworld-Command Center a
at) =Fe Ae) mangle)
ee Gant
~ SX forFederation F Nee
Pale sa

In the Command Station, turn

a toward this purple alien growth
blocking the passage to Transit
Just off Transit Station 2-B is the
Station 2-A.Instead of shooting
Leviathan Access Portal. From the ~
it, enter Hypermode and use your
doorway, turn right and clim
Center is now.partially occupied )Hyper Grapple to overload the entity
with Phazon energy and blow it up. : ICT) MOM ARMS TeTo heh)
by Federation forces. The warp site Locate a grating along the outer
leading to the Leviathan battleship » and use a Morph Ball bomb to access
is accessible via Transit Station 2-A. the tunnel beyond. , :
Return to the Command Station to
Flee -ccu ate ice wet sa Migs ele fc)<3
the lift to the second floor. From
there, advance through the Security
Air Lock and the Defense Neato
corridor to reach the Command
Station. “ j Dana EnETs Station 2-A and
Bi ract with the terminal to call the
train—press the red hand-shaped
switch. Climb aboard the train and
interact with its controls to get it
rolling toward Transit Station 2-B.
Voltage. This I oie even lect
Ecol ell) he portal,put not the © the GFS| UIE

14 hrough the Mo
ritchie! return to the ir Cr aca
Climb the ramp and aC i ee
esi at thé center of the portal
to Lis to the Leviathan battleship.

100. ae ps ‘0 backtrack and retrieve them if yc

Do aut i ups.and credits on the as

Seas] Beri ees ANG Esa ETS THE RE bale) ]

ra -
| BOT IT?| AREA [ee ee ee [= aie I
“a ci} ‘oa Proving Grounds Cte) Dara aa eet

@ yee 3 NVerea herve rr acrachaier yin

‘| : id ETL Obs Expansion 8 HU Ym LLC Cesc LOL CULL) Se Once
@ Ia) - ae CTU oes CUS UCAS ROU arr uence AL
ol EONS 9 ee UES Jump slabs. At the top, shoot th field with a missile.

dee @ —_ AICUNesc Lei cf) Ware a

@ CTT Si MICO ELAS CL) Tf] a rraMrTale


PRIMA Official Game Guide

Elissa Cee Psa Fa)


@ ETT BSc IEE Ya Cg SCF @ Sanctum TUSSI Red
@ Entry Canyon oTe.14 cr @ cere Repulse DarkSamus | Gold
ci) Cavern Alpha NLU Le) @ RET CM ea By Red
i) OR Lig BET aera ti) ry es nore ciB ra

J BE a gow ira @ Serre) Defeat Aurora Unit313 | Gold .

Csr a Red vhs

SA ark TD) a
aelle eM aR tg eee MEN
Hypermode, firing Phazon blasts
does not decrease Phazon levels.
However, any health power-ups
acquired after killing enemies
lower Phazon levels slightly. Still,
you must move through this world
reeled QCM ae) cgT=MET=1(8 Vd ol r=P4e)
meter as a timer—the more it fills
Wem ag Mri R alan=H elaEl] Ne

. alta ee
cs phe the door at fers Peon
cece ieee ee On of the shaft and change rou ened
at als Ell aes Lace) ETAL Ce) PeRouukhollecue none
eens eld cette oli Races strands of Phazon. If Youtry to pass
now in r} uuu aN esuatele (oe ’ through while upright, you'll get
stuck and your eel) LOVE Nv

| Froma distance, scan and engage the

Jelsacs floating above the Entry Canyon.
If you get too close, they Coo ele Aare
TID (eV MNCL any. Y en Ie
eR dowmnthe passage, four Phazon
Notice the Phazon meter at the Hoppers drop from the ceiling. Try to
top of the screen—it's now Cas avoid contact with these creatures while
Continued exposure to the planet's. Sere UTA MLA/2 U ee mien you reach this cluster of
atmosphere and taking dama ‘ bee aC EM aa ens) oi
fills this yellow meter up, inden Missile to open a path. You run into a
PMC AC ICM AVa emai ro.8 brad aary<om alec a iamea realesdel orto
You must find Dark Samus before Finish them off as quickly as possible,
teat de Lar Pcol Rol aceSaar [eg ty then press forward.
this critical level. Pass through
the doorway ahead into the Entry
Next, move toward this large alien
growth blocking the path. Using your
“After per
a and follo Era Mercola keds a
aol lMeta log
Rod Renemecer-leel carla)
eof eects
e free, rush through
Hold down ® i ene -
r the Metroid Cavern.
Ball, using it to destroy Sense
growths blocking the tunnel Metroid Cavern

At the end of this Welfela rll

tunnel, look for this Phazon Puffer
floating inthe — ; Roll into the Morph Bal
Ser oll Lehi Seam Caer colo Ee emu colAN USS fac auleles
A large Phazon Preeti space to maneuver. ome strafe
ec this roun ) cc) the cavern while firing at the
DNA eas ees ie

sale ai date 4e) nL)pea hm :

ee ohio eg en

in the eecued iuaToaco)

and drop inté the nex
When the’Phazon Metroids are
-| defeated, turn to this organic barrier
blo€king the next passage.A optical
device pops out of the wall next
to the barrier—this isthe weak,
spot. Shoot the optical appendage
Cavern Beta is filled with Jelsacs and wherever it pops up. After you score a
Phazon Metroids. Use Phazon blasts acy hits, the barrier explodes.
and Hyper Missiles to clear a path along Repeat the same process through
the cavern’s perimeter ledge. When you the next two chambers. The third
reach a dead roi) on the ledge, turn chamber is occupied by another
right to eens age eg aon Phazon Puffer. Use this creature to
crystals on the opposite side of the siphon off some of your Phazon
Cecilie canema Bay sa oe before you drop through the tunnel
then space jump across the shaft to in the center of the room.
reach the newly exposed ledge.

PRIMA Official Game Guide




< Ree eed avert en Keep hittin: eee Tels be |

Re m
ye drop from thécelling. . .* Urea An yoluyl ox ollole| al as
Engage'these quick-moving creature: Destroy Jelsacs or ay Phazon _ womb leaves behind’several health
Attn yper Missiles. Eliminating all De weolbiur les sacle aura) power-ups. Hold down’® to draw
examine the Leviathan womb,
TMU Cece Ua Say
40) therh towardiyou; they feduce your
c e next passage, and suspended from the chamber’s «. me
[J ryder) sea Afterward,
| ceiling—a Leviathan Infant swims ,
faery ool ae Rufel i tent aec « drop through the shaft where the -*
| around inside. Use your Grapple
ERM AecsT-ip aCe) <3 oll Me Celle Pe AERO mea at
Mi cCMeMenesen alc iCclm (olU R(t
Lasso to tear away the mémbranes
them, move through the next on each side of the womb. isfetstofct- Tae MT y et-T
an Va Con=ni imitate (mse
Descend the shaft.

eres glia all

a Si SS Spates nde dae Fe

Next, target the Leviathan Infant DePaul INara ceases a
inside the womb. The Leviathan the Sanctum. It’s up to you to stop
Infant swims from one side of the her and avenge Rundas, Ghor, and
womb to the other, requiring you to Gandrayda. Start off by scanning
Ve MVE RelW 70 oi Marleen asia circle around the womb. If you lose Dark Samus for your Log Book.
you're grabbed by this large creature. Rel acmtaReVerariMi cient)
Shoot it in the mouth to overload your X-Ray Visor.
Pleo) up the five antennae on its
-head.The creature drops you once all
five antennae are finally destroyed.
Enter the door at the bottom of the
Phazon Metroids and Jelsacs
irae on-Veests nM ar ca ataigaca aon
continually appear in the Genesis
[earls ieee ee Raw eel Gag)=)
liar n-ne = =| ne Dark Samus is vulnerak
surroundings at all times and Phazon attacks. Take an a
flulet[=[B= lgefgrelm in| ng =| =e)
stance early and charge forward
close for comfort. But don't let
while firing Phazon blasts. If you ge
- these creatures distract you too
much. If you waste too much time
Cafes Ma ames eal
engaging them, your Phazon levels to inflict some heavy Crete isis
Ve Una) Bera tees] 0a avoid getting too close, or else Dark
More Phazon Metroids occupy the
Samus retaliates by conjuring this
(ero) elim aU mel meal Marlan-alien
a 8
expanding wall of Phazon energy.
Clear a path or slip past. Beyond the Bid
Phazon Metroids, shoot rola

red hardened Phazon panels in the
ground with a Hyper Missile and
AV allan B)=1y l= [Ue Age lyf] lao)
drop through the hole. The door at
sep Ewe] En = ==) = ee)
the bottom of the shaft leads to the fue |g -e-E=) 81-18]
e 8) hg -P48) 9
Genesis Chamber. from the planet, slowly restoring
her health. Hit her repeatedly with
Hyper Missiles to prevent her from
recovering all of her health.
aati tale a
Boss aes 2 Be trois aie ciate eeesens
away from the purple energy ring
Aurora Weel
EleTVae ca UU KeUlaiaNe RUE Tela
sequence. «

X-Ray Visor to disti Scan the Aurora Unit for you

* two: Dark Samus wi - Book, then immediately target
¢ | tentacle-like appendag s swinging
Zeneiacla tel cles a from the red sockets in Cre
after taking only a few hits. After you» Target the round'g|c
oa a con Dark Echoes, Dark Samus tentacles feore| =o
Peony or Elekta giving Motul)
targets to engage.

Ly Beare ey 20 percent. at
ive] BWite arent wildly, follow up
Mian arroyo) em

Once a tentacle is destroyed, its

socket emits a LOW oN ACola
seconds. Hit oo ney If you die during the Aurora 313
Elderol acona ie) ae Tole ReaT far=jan =e Mw tiegy Bele 8 eel =l p=)
Pelee atic)a oh atte prior to the fight with Dark
to move. These energy pulses slam into fees eel Eas) neat] ta)
the ground with devastating results. flay =Iubel Oe Bded e)Y=lan ella t= P4e)
eT jump while MIN IE to ENMU ee eee lege =i =i e-
EN Velfo hunts Se eM a reccelen hold down @ [charged shot) to
try to Reet] Dy ae ares draw them toward you.
Sac iare} eee eee one of the
few times she’s standing still.
When stunned, the a
wildly, Benny dropping its
down onto the ground. Rush over a
its head and use your erase Lasso
Tolle Ceo 7-1 oe
weak spot. Hit this spot repeatedly
VItan a aly lane Kiee- neha 9-18 When the AU's health has dropped
UVTEStI (cma ate Uke (ostomanoM ircicagr liccls below 50 percent, it drops.its head
Wait until Dark Samus begins
EVs Lola MoM are] Coke gore to the floor and activates these
somersaulting and conjuring more
count. Sol i lolce-Teea Real mel mca
Dark Echoes to resume your assault.
etl aane vertically fire red energy
CO) neM ata teatime lan) olga aL
balls that come crashing down into
falls backward and any remaining Dark
the floor. Space jump to avoid the
fo felR Cuma elt Sine BY t asreaO
explosive impacts, orshoot the red
earns you a gold credit—but she’s not
energy balls to destroy them.
PS h aati elcav Pet echt
is a massive Aurora Unit. It emits a red
beam and absorbs Dark Samus within
its brain-like body. Hopefully your Once it recovers, the AU retaliates
Phazon levels are low, because you with a projectile attack of its own.
have another boss to fight. Dodge or space jump over this

WN — PRIMA Official Game Guide

i “ AU's weak spo! t ! vel :
oO a maeeeemanciee ie ica Reames charging Peels (e-i0)iaelg ems ea asl e ig)
Me pepe tee depleted. At this. Rue ae ol a eae enure felt : slim eap ae =ecM Male ee) ore e le a=)
Kona way. During this‘attack, the 16 fTuralins Re (ale ==1= RV e =l=9 (1818 a2)
INU tore Re gel eaon us (Cocoume at * ann ae) ALLE In ef =ydamelope |e Ue= [eel] = la
spins, charging directly at you. While * Sa wele)=) are [8 imag-Mer= inna 0 ea J
Coco Melee) ‘| moving, keep shooting the AU's head. |» as Energy Tanks and Missile
TSR RNAI 18 le. cH alla eiaeLolcy As it spins, you're bound to score a * Expansions—see the "Maps,
_alarge energy beam downward,a few hits on the exposed weak spot. fa =leiUtoiec a=] ge ces MPL)
8) Cr
large purple ring of energy expands rer rais)|e\ r=Rielmere seit del sie] Co
outward. Be ready to space jump over
Team ZeLUNWclcoael[ol <1) Zp ol ecole)
small metal cylinder descend from
the underside of the AU's head prior
ROM UU Uine pho) calee- luce ens sree a UK)
cylinder to stun the head.

ify you cause enough damage

during the spinning attack,
the AU will be stunned.

arena AON ass fairelo

eta) behind it and target the
glowing purple socket where its
spinal column was previously
attached—this is the new weak spot.
BroMmCUE Late Muutt
(el olCeM aN tian eeil eae
on this spot before the AU recovers.

mary nw defends itself ini a ones

attack, shooting beams of eu
out its sides. When this attack oak)
underway, rush directly beneath
DUN ANU acon e-Taneal| @ (el allo
shadowing the AU’s movements,
try to score some hits on the purple
weak spot.

4 TIT) an CDSS
Use the following Seed to keep track a oli oicetet teal in recording Log Book scans and collecting valuable pick-ups
throughout each eu Following ud ie cel isa complete breakdown of Metroid Prime: Trilogy secrets and extras.

Seeds aia Maps & Checklists

€ Space Pirate Frigate P

Ruinz West


aaa t=
AU eld

ro) Energy Tanks

Css conc
@® Ue lacd leh.

® Power Bomb Expansion oa

Isc ; wl ‘By } Cy
1) Map Station
C Bice
ee ered es
SO denen Mines East
\ Nee —

ec N PRIMA Official Game Guide

© TEN AU ely

@ Energy Tanks

@® Missite Expansion
@ Artifacts
@ aa Se ULF Os
[S] Save Station
iM ED co
e@ acl
CO ee
a tna Overworld South
Expansionsand Artifacts

<~ Erte Pees > 4




Den iu

ened oe
Dh Ta

> >

Legend toPhendrana
t=] Pon
© Primary Upgrades
® Energy Tanks
@ Artifacts
2) Ds CUCL)

[1 Map Station i
e acl id
Ct a ede aoe ea ed
ar ed

4S — a PRIMA Official Game Guide

% = CT cg

a yy

Bacay Lin
Fri if ey

to Magmoor

® TUE Ue ed }

® Energy Tanks
COM urced
©® Power Bomb Expansion
1) Map Station
e Michb is

De D
on Primary Upgrades, Energy Tanks Missile
Expansionsand Artifacts
~ Mi

( —
Legend }
©® Primary Upgrades
Ceara : H
@® Missile Expansion :
®@ Artfacs a
® Power Bomb Expansion :
OD Map Station F



a. . | PRIMA Official Game Guide

Co} UE AU cl d

® Energy Tanks

® Missile Expansion
® Artifacts
® Power Bomb Expansior
1 Map Station

Dee Mirus
@ Note See page 196 for additional information
Ca ee ee ee
Vy, a :
<q Lede lel Leet) ] X ARTIFACTS
GoT sh
i ala se] felt) IT? | # | ARTIFACT =| =e oll)
@ ATESCoa Tea a Cero TTL aol @i1 a SEM ec Kea us
@®@ 2 POT oon ins Ruined Shrine (a rr sabe (eens
.Ea era Ty Watery Hall 7 R
rere c/a ie) Gon Ty Sunchamber
@ 4 Cert) ST Sr (a Chozo BERR CLL MCC
ae CE) CE) Magmoor
. ae pierre ae ate . ae eric Caan evr aeycs
F Ad 2 Boots Oar ele) 3 eid Cy 6 Lifegiver ey TTY (off Tower of
| ea CE (Ors aur ee Light)
cA Tr ae ane aru tag
| Shania oo os i. rT Chozo Ruins (off Hall of
c/a oa sd pore WSO) bad Elders)
steal E eee een a ICE) ey coNc
: c/a eg are re ane @ \38 STL} Drifts iano


. ear Aral OME @\9 hoe _ are Og

Py a Fin e
Wavebuster pat
arty epee
Bragg eel rN = Phendrana SOT
Le Td ;
ir eae Se aT} Sig i Via CueRy
[a iret) ChozoRuins | Antechamber gs ae
ne z
Cormier Ca Warrior IEPA oa)
r (eye Cee \ aU Gn)

cy | Cy) as PO spt oe it —_
a : 2 Sse had)
| En) :
@ 6 olde at es isha
Tea acd =|] Room
@ | 17) keeSpreader CO a Sei (a Lara Transport Access North
rey Processing . a) GON hind Tee
Coa — (off Geoth ~ ;
ee fey @ 3 evan ity Ernere
SOIL tee Mee ac Transport Tunnel A
Cu ame ae) (off of a @ 5 Phencvada Diifts Miler
| Security Station) :
@ | 2 Phazon Suit Ey sd aC LAC) @ 6 MC Researctt Lab Rethey
@ | 7 | Magmoor Caverns ENUM eel)
a Gry ey Emon any
eT a are mac tad
f @i9 SFO aan Cay ae

7& wht
. et
e ENERGH TANKS [contrnued) | <a Peas Tay ieee) i

cish ish
aed rs] -[a] eli Paid =| -ye-| ert)
OC sno LEM ceas LT c/a Yee Nite Saale
. Rey Ventilation Shaft @& | 33| Tallon Overworld Lira el
@ | 12 avon tity MTU c/a att Arita ‘
( /EREMM ce ic Transport Access @ [35 ay ONE Training Chamber Access
Cae array ast Rg (ccax} ® | 36 airom Ty WET aye)
® | 37 orem ny eral
< ete ee J ci} Bis) (Gym TS Furnace
| GoT @® | 39] Phendrana Drifts CUCU
IT? | #
<a salah OR ea Ice Ruins East
[a aoa} ERC CaT : ‘
(aie Quarantine Monitor
| ae Crean iy Watery Hall Access ‘
me fear fan | @&® | 42] Phendrana Drifts ee
@® | 43 | Phendrana Drifts (CSG ysg
(7 eo Cue &
(ee PETC Dream cane Y
. ae aon tiny ETM LO x 2 =
@ | 45 Phazon Mines eC RUC TaN
(a aeons TT Reel =
a pane a [Oe tu TT EME cad
CUTTY fault
@® | 47) — Phazon Mines i ELI}
@ |s Cue pynamne @ | 43 | ayo ar i OE LTiat
(a) Eg eC Storage Cavern wr Ph rm Ph 5 ne
azon Mines EO cas iT eu Cs
@® | 10} Magmoor Caverns NRG euienee gl Mare Aaa eis
@ | 11| Tallon Overworld Transport Tunnel B 4 ae BOWERBoOMG EXBANSIONS
PPO ues re
& PERC CUCM ics CRS ae iu Cag aie Es [ita( (m= aTalal
@& | 14] Phendrana Drifts Pen eT C) , eo Yee TTS
@® | 15| Phendrana Drifts ene ls ;. ae UNS Magma Pool
C/O eaten ics eaniene @® | 3| Phendrana Drifts Ice Ruins West
. (rea Tiy (Erna ey @& | 4 | Phendrana Drifts Sy SC
r : COPA)
@ | 18 eryon ity Melun arya
@ uk} Qn sy TST 5 eS ALRPATE dATA
Ce) Chozo Ruins Tener aa a
@ \2 Coyon tris Gathering Hall csi laut a eee el
= SP Teaa tts PPL
.A Du +d aoa ar CCT
yz) arn ns Crossway i
A es @ Artifact Site SFA puigte seal)
(ae ea Overgrown Cavern Laid ea eae ol CL
@ a ee ae 3 LCT nn]
25 | Tallon Overworld Tire CYC @ ATL aan CenaLicd ri
26 | Tallon Overworld OEP RCC UTS
cd C/E enero ment ene iG Meeaeale
. ey Pryor tits ETM OT Hydra
. aed EP} Elite Research @ EAU a UC Ld ote
29 aievn Vy TOE ec)
@ @ Csicikine || Shearierangig|| WeIRue
& | 30 | Tallon Overworld eos) wile)
5 A : tT en Le
@ | 31 Tallon Overworld (irae eirag 7} LO FTer a Ens cay CEM ei Cy iigera
; <a Ca i | Ce []s=1=a a e ]
cish [t= ed
IT? | ATA NAME se] JT] Fai aud DI
Cy (Ciietag Phendrana Drifts | Observatory ( esc Se AAU CSCLY CL erg
@® | Phazon Program | Phendrana Drifts | Observatory a ees as JOUIBE IE
eer @ TSS] CELA ees a nee)
@ Coy uC ete pee ENT LR SOL RS LS CO RT
Scan any Small Energy dropped by
ci) CO cM CUCM LiCl — & | Small Energy | enemies or found in crates. Small Energies
Wt UCR) ) cs
@® rear LUD pores @ | savestation Scan any of the Save Stations throughout
“ ; Dar eer renee
C/A eos aU cd pee @ ane CUBES TUM ST a
Research Lab Lane
cM coc ecm eT gL res peer aL e
@ aac IEPA Ly aera) se] abe RTM needa Sette
m2 UT ba a PL rn Missile Door | Scan any door that requires a missile to
® | HunterWeapons | Phazon Mines Lar a Rye open before you shoot it.
@ SY Phazon Mines EliteControl |.) .| & sae: Cr enieee
& (areas crcs aus area ecy| oS Tf
~ . vA ere Scan an active Spinner to add it to your
@ (ETRY PEP} eC PI Log Book.
() ancy IEPA Sy aC Se AUC RU yA RS
@ Tin elea eri og POM aera .aL] ee Te
@ euctse Penns AO] a ers cen Hone ema
(Vy Sena cls EO UO ec Cel) them down to form bridges or pl
f Scan the planet Tallon IV in Phendrana
@ erates ays Wane 5 Drifts’ pia
‘ SL a ® rata rr i _ PT a CUE icy
Ce CHOZO LORE en é oie
7 Sar INCUBUS Ces) mL Ce CRC
GoT eres NOTE oka Wm cc Ces
ee ete ee s ete) RC caus ROUEN}
Ly Ey USAC an area until you defeat an enemy within.
Harmonization | _ Chozo Ruins Ems egy The following doors are locked when you
eremats = = : te Dm S Rua Ce CS Ua od
MeL) OOM TS LL the Elders in Chozo Ruins, the door across
Spreading Evil eT Sun Tower Z Oi
z an f A Missile eT NCC ce Oar)
Fountain pe cs SETI Dota esd eTtaraa
Cs GU CU iL SUE on UCR e LER nds
Entrusted One | Phendrana Drifts | Phendrana Canyon UL SSCA ch
og Dae nme ree Moc ba Peace is
Contain PRA C UeeceeC
aay OOM res ENEMIES Be
ee eos eT] ee ai] RTT Poel Bea]
i eT CerSS TE @ IC) Aaa clu Cd
rt Ly SEN] } Prema ta) Space Pirate Frigate (Boss)
SET ass OTS ees ) eit SRR sco te
Shining One Se Da @ Blastcap a a Recon TLS
<a Nar ee a <a Re ]
= el | Daud fas) Ne ai Daud Dale ed
® Pee Tallon Overworld; Magmoor @ emacs Phendrana Drifts
@ Sty Phendrana Drifts (Boss)
@ Curd Oot ® ee non Ce
aea ay)
@ TRS 1e EU) wT
rerra) (rraa tityj LeSead cage sine me)
id @ Bea CC CO MICE ee
@ Eyon eon tiny LCOS
i} War Wasp fanoca tit ® ee iciaine* DATS
= = ines
i] ug be on epee Phendrana Drifts; Magmoor
@ arya CQO Tris aes Cem ELUR Cane

@® Tangle Weed —_| Tallon Overworld; Chozo i @ WS) pro ac

i) yr OES) femal @ Thardus Phendrana Drifts (Boss)

4 Co MO @ Eta or Magmoor Caverns
i) ents Chozo Ruins (Boss) A Peete Lea ee
i) Saris CO a ICU CER Ly @ Oculus fac tit
@ Toa OTA OMe Ae @ drake ayn Tits
@ BSL POON ty A Hunter Metroid Mipelere ica aera
z x WIT reser
@ Incinerator Drone Chozo Ruins (Boss) 5;
vA Glider LUCE CMe
@ PALA ay Gyn AN Maer N Td
G@ Venom Weed | Tallon Overworld; Chozo Ruins @ aT) lle een Ae
@ Flaahgra Chozo Ruins (Boss) ® Nel aan PE aan
iv} EEL Mele Chozo Ruins (Boss) ‘ Ps Drifts

CT: Magmoor Caverns J Fer)Crab

Tallon Eom
TY ld 4 a
rn eee Magmoor Caverns; Phazon @ ENaC PEC
Mines @ IVTeTN
ra no * |
i) UE De @ res Te arog
@ aes DU AC CL @ Iremtiag PEO
@ e airs) WUTLk cL @ Maran EY td
@ Onan NTT eo ® ae arnt Pere tnt
Turret CL MMI LEN EL Cy s ® . an ee Ti = ail Eau
= ite Pirate azon
@ Crystallite CLE MU iLiy ry ey —= ji 22
se at) tag IEPA Vd
@ ey UCL cd u 5
Set @ Plated Parasite | Magmoor Caverns; Chozo Ruins
iV) eatrai(y Cen tied ay = eS oe ees eat ECTS TEES
azon Elite EAT}
Cy TMNT ee 5 :
@ Scatter Bombu (eTn Ae U ED tice @ Plasma Trooper MU
en J Phazon Mines * @ earl Phazon Mines (Boss)
@ Ces a UU ti/) Meta Ridley | Tallon Overworld (Boss)
@ eae LU eur @ MT se Impact Crater
@ Ce ara @ Se Urea er lccg

i) Se TT ORL ® poets Impact Crater (Boss)

cv) PSE UR CELL) Terres ry
to Sanctuary

Owe ars
OTT cg Cisse
® Power Bomb Expansion

1 Map Station
O Elevator
e@ MCU ts
(requires Light Suit)
ron FO
oc corn Cad
ee ed
Corny Pr ee ae

AWS —_ AD PRIMA Official Game Guide

: ee
@ CTESU ed
ier US

8 aC ELC

@® Missite Expansion


2) Ens SCD

< b=] 4] Temple D
I i

IME Se rc

A\ SkyTemple Key
@) ag

C ie)
(requires Light Suit)
er agra)
‘on Primary Upgrades, Energy Tanks, Misile
Beam Ammo Expansions and Power

Pe oe

emis Coe eC)

ren ass

COM ccd seco
(Omen S A SkyTemple Key |
Ces iy AX Agon Temple Key
® Power Bomb Expansion Oeenncs
® Beam Ammo Expansion @ Portal
a PCAC UN ts
is] Payee Jp (requires Light Suit)
Note Seepage 207 for additional information on Primary Upgrades,
Energy Tanks, Missile Expansions, Beam Ammo Expansions and Power
a an
a /
Ce etc nd
rn od
OMT cd
Oe rea
® Power Bomb Expansion

POTTS Oe Uns Is)

oe Bsc
iM scr
A AA Loy
O Elevator
@ Energy Transport
erica nett)
Cee ee cE
on Primary Upgrades, Energy Tanks Missile
Expansions, Beam Ammo Expansions and Power
Bomb Expansions.
— /

Lc Dark Torvus Bog > 4 :


© Primary Upgrades
COM ar
@® Missile Expansion
@ Cause CCD

sie | Oe st ict ae
Bsc :
1) Map Station

O Elevator
@ Portal
@ Energy Transport
(requires Light Suit)
(on Primary Upgrades, Energy Tanks, Missile
SE a ee
Bomb Expansions.

me Guide

© Primary Upgrades
® Energy Tanks
© Pant UND

® Beam Ammo Expansion

1 Map Station
A SkyTemple Key
@ Portal
Energy Transport
ee SST)
Cee eee ee LLU
‘on Primary Upgrades, Energy Tanks Missile
Expansions, Beam Ammo Expansions and Power

fromIngHive fromIngHive Wastes.



There is a group of one-way portals in Transit

callout U and work your way through.
(O. PT AU ed

® Energy Tanks
® Power Bomb Expansion
CO ust Suey
IME esc)

A Sky Temple Key
De ae ee
Onion cg
e RC Le a
De UA Le
(on Priniary Upgrades, Energy Tanks, Missile o—_|
Expansions, Beam Ammo Expansions
and Power DUST g
oe Le easy

ee aa = |] ENERGW TANKS [contrnued)
e ice l= ==) etl a ce hele
~ | @ | 1 | Missiletauncher | Temple Grounds | GFMCCompound 6ZG
- Sean ten Mion (MCS erat Ula lac
aE Peat F Pit . ae BET
U rN UE sy FYB Clee Cecsnsd
. STU LCe CNN ca Mm Ua
ee wr here eee rere Lebo, a Agon Wastes Mining Plaza
Cw LightBeam | Dark Agon Wastes ingGachel (Pam keer PP aasM ICLae ccasy
: 7 . ane) Bast) Meditation Vista
5 AER (ae Bags.) OA 7)
( Aes
Tass acs
Oat te forvus eauTemple
@i3 Boost Ball PETA
a td sim mea
o ated a) @ K pao pd dle
e neler
ai) Rye gs aoe PE =
Eats vet
ice) |= [e] ei
C CONE vance) uprebiten @i1 By meron ie Transport to Agon Wastes
Paar .a Pn Ey Sand Cache
Ses) Dark Tc Lh)
@ aaa le ae ue ae} POR Eo ec lp ccaey |
@ | 12) Darkburst AgonWastes | Mining StationB . ae PORE Munna
(EM Ad Pace) ee . ae) Ey TEU Rg
@ \6 Agon Wastes STC La)
5 SS TeTa
J Ue St Fortress DLS Ci) 2 Beer tes aan esran oN
@® | 15| PowerBomb | DarkTorvusBog | Undertemple ae Great Temple BEM ee eco
YS Sunburst Temple Grounds coer) . a) Marae) OCC
@ | 10 BOTA sy) Terral
ry Bret 3 = z zs
Ag eee Aerie (ucts IMAGE.)
wen ne 5S faye @ | 12| Temple Grounds Genta
wali . ane) aaa ey EOS C LOL}
5 Ud ad . COM acy) UT aera
6 ee os ML ed Cee en ered Crossroads
ad ieiestie errand gm rreg . Bat) PETC MN esc
@ | Torvus Bog Prag
ate get} . ARE Te uaa
Bae .a aa re) Torvus Lagoon
Sui = [ Te} Coll) asa ACU oe cco
ha kr BCU (Payer nace POEUN Lcd
@ |2 By Mining Station Access tae rec incu ECU La Ea
. ae EO Ed Bioenergy Production Ee eT Poet nl
. Torvus Bog US assy MPL Omer acre ust) Neca)
.2 UT UU [MAP Leer cca uc Mcno tals
‘a BE WUC . els Tis Aerial Training Site
ae aT I ero C MAPA cdr neg SRL)

gat mol—n a
MISSILE Sie ers) eee) Se
csi cli tn
Esicie [|e] 11) Eau aul rs] -[e-] ert
. aes BTCC TAM cUt Us} Boe Ceca @® | GSGTC.Benet | Temple Grounds | Command Chamber
. ED) Agon Wastes Main Reactor @® | PFCM.Veroni | Temple Grounds | Collapsed Tunnel
. ae Agon Wastes Sarees ( eee unetortt oe
. ey PO Ec} See er:
, es Een SLC) See UMMC
U Lg perth
, MLA aCe TCL Rata @® | CAPTA.Exeter | Temple Grounds | GFMC Compound
. RLER acu s FO ca LCT Ceo A EC TY
(MMe CCC tc C ication Area @ JG RT COUT CTC
. RAR ckecr GFMC Compound @® | PFCS.Milligan | Temple Grounds | GFMC Compound
@® | 38 | Sky Temple Grounds FCT Ce Ac CUT TY
@ | 39 MERCY SETH @ PFCI.Crany | TempleGrounds | GFMC Compound
CORD eon eres Eee El @ PFCE.Denys | Temple Grounds Se
ae On Ey BIT
a Co ry res ear) perc
(A ao en Ing Cache4 TEE
| . ae) aa C0) BNL CNT @ Hes Ry TSC es
. Torvus Bog LETC Kee 3) ®| ourteritage | Temple Grounds gsi or)
aa cc) A pl fi 2 wi
Ce SCAT) Besant CS Guan eee
a U2 ACTA Rear UL a @ PEC Pn Sey Ta aed
, ALC aues} BL ITe CSC BIC LOO C Senco Cuca meen Pea ane
49 TS Lean alia
@ sae 4 /) yer, Agon Wastes | Mining Station A
<< cal eel eT sa)
i) reco) AgonWastes | Command Center
clei ent
Sic Ts] -[a] ll)
Log 48853 Local
a PE Central Mining Station i) Conflict BT a UC
, ae ac) (erury | LE
@® | 3| Sanctuary Fortress ETS elec)
@ G cle
jon Wastes UTA
ommand Center

y, @\4 Aa uke cy Cel) vA Log Pai Rift rons ae enter


Agon Wastes | Command Center

# ie] =f] Perel el ci) — ONES Cy ee NCL

Perec c oni at STIS Crema eC lc

Hse AR calli 8 a c/} 5 be,cilisd “ Agon Wastes RY cl nd
PRBS cr cs) Transit Station Ss
0 :
EMS Uap Mego) Main Gyro Chamber @® pene Or ET Lacs
A ones Sandcanyon & para EME cy Security Station B

Ce uN) tas ny pao) feareees ee nn

aC Ly Peery LOLS BLU
ty a ATES Lye) borates i) 5 Hs EME cy pal ag

OWN _.. ©
; va Ae y -
< bs = eee) Xe = | J

GOT tT iia rd
Esuicd Naud r=) -)a=) oom Pai Tau =|) srt)
(4 Cel MCC cam Mme tet R TC @ eC einai Sh mane ep
CMe cs mm LCT uaa) :
ASA ci} ey A SACU acne oe
E eee Aa
& aa rants Caen, aaa sy i) J-Fme's Key ee SACRA]
er Cola er
CR Ecce OR Mere TU le eee CACC CM OCC Ln)
@ ca Temple Grounds | —_ Landing Site a a A
@ rca Bags) Training Chamber a caEy
ig oe Bail aud rs] -Te=] fost)
@ ts eas aaa SNe) Catacombs GRE
@ it Barca sy Catacombs + canst
Od 2 [Cac AAO a LOLS
A an co AU i @® | BombSilot | Temple Grounds | Command Chamber
4 New Weapons | Agon Wastes DT Chg cy cea titeCm CUT LOI Cy Ter co
Dark Aether Baresi Pou cd aTig ha n
Fortress Transport @ ae Tue Try
® | The Sky Temple | Temple Grounds in
sou @& | GF Gate Mk vil BRC ECORI
®@ aaa ST Tat TIN STG May
Crusade Fortress ferry @ Co Na ANRC CT LTT)
@| hts Soca aes , ac aC TI
@® | Shattered Hope Cer
=e ay EG)
ue far Wasp HiveHive|| Temple
© _| WarWasp Temple Ground
Grounds Frat
ae ea) @ U-Mos CC Tau EL COCCI Cog
‘ortress @ eet Clana ene

ci) BT se Sanctuary
nat | sanctuary ui Entrance ri aan
Ooo renee Transport to Temple

@® | Sanctuary u Falls Beals)

ius) Main Research @ BET CCasEy Agon Wastes ae
aPC Neat}
i) ag aco u MRC Cn ® | BluerootTree | AgonWastes | Agon Map Station
Dey s
@® Ett pcan Main Gyro Chamber J BERETS! Wastes se
m0 : Ta.) 5
+) Es en EON Cy Main Reactor ee Wastes PERI:
e ; Ee eC 9 5
ri) i.A-Kul’s as
Ae H SACU C ET i) Tel rastrleo) re ae ASIC)

DET GUT aaa CMTC) Command Cente:

Ce a] - a I Rare © at
: ee zt y @ Aether Agon Wastes Command Center
Pap AY aL 2
iv) be Gounde: SACU ALL] @ Ero) PT Ee Ne cveClg
He aC iy DE Ta Ty
Ci) SS pei SMU ACE] @ One eee Doomed Entry

, fou,
eo) ac
Pm EAC) i} Ne
ae ara
rien DT ly

@ SPIEL ag MUR IENy @ 8 _ — TT Rae)

ae cy oy peas Cmca te A sonst in ee Hall of Stairs

TRILOGY a hae || :
: © . : Se le
R= Talal es ce Xe CREATURES [contznued]
ciah tr) SCANNED?) = NAME =) ] [a= /1)
ois ae aa ee @ CTC RCL TELE
G Trey Wastes ETDS vA gras Temple Grounds a

Ci} TT rane eT ae cas) @ Dark Splinter | Temple Grounds | GFMC Compound

ry A
aca) Dark Agon Mea @ War Wasp Temple Grounds | Sacred Bridge
(cu Wastes 5 aS
: [ES LT
® aac ra) Eee) tee SLUTS
eT Wastes iu A DET aL} eer Temple
CMa ees) Wace cere ne
sa /) arias arrau(s A
@ Light Portal Be Dark Oasis ry se
Wastes eT MES} EPCs}
Ce ae ON MT CMU RSC @ Sele Agon Wastes | Mining Plaza
@ Dark Portal Agon Wastes ec @® ATT Ley EME I par)
ry , aay ‘ Re — aaa * c0/) IMC) ae CC UU TCL |
ia s Bae : | @ ee Agon Wastes | Mining Station A
@ Hanging Po d BTR Te) paula ‘ Wee @ Siarls POR Ee csy Neca
+ a ir)
@ 7s ACT) resi J per BE Buu
@® Bloatsac Torvus Bog CTC @ Bae F ENN EM ELLIE CHE)
itera - i
@ ne CAAT Mm Lame eum CS ri" price CO Ocoee CTT

@® eh Wa nea ct Bog | Dark Forgotten Bridge i aL) Agon Wastes | Portal Terminal
eta Dark Agon Wast q d
@ Sg Torvus Bog eC @ Lad eT el oad sb
7 = @ Nc ae a CCUN CMe SSCL PA
MERC ee ae mmo ROTI ag . .
A - @ TT mC Eom MS LL
Mean aCe ecm mmr Roc wr. 2
as & l DLN CMT GeUrTs
i) ae UT eT RES g PP A Le oN MMe urna
Or eaer nen A TTT Ten @ 139 Cee Te)
i] Track on HARES @ ua us SCI
AEB ; (ana a9 @ | umility class een eas Sr
if Siete HN MUS ks uss us
CS arc Ts ETM @ Tallon Metroid | Agon Wastes pred

i ST P taste
: 9 YS ETT 9 Bt ® aIf Agon Wastes fl

@® Asay Agon Wastes Ber eI Cle = /Sulgioy

1r) i) Deer a MEY WET recs
UL SAU 2 5 dice Command
® clu CSTE Ua @ Grenadier EES Center
Cu a je Ene (4) Pape LUN eco a
a Tite CTY rer
i) ae DET eM ame) ala
i) OTL ee eR ed deo
Ean tale au a] T= Temple
Ci) esaCam mT Aca Ce mR i) Oem een cs ea
c : Temple
@ Dark Trooper | Temple Grounds ae @ Harmony Class Ceca Transport C
ht Elccss
@ Sy) cag AU RCM EBC

pw. < PRIMA Official Game Guide

SS J—\.
; ., a sa :
CREATURES [contrnued) t= eget

NAME [=|] l=) SCANNEd?| NAME is] -]e=1 eli)

@ — erat PV EU Oe nsr a cy goa STIG
C ramets CLUE cat} ee

@ Sg Rae) SATE Cc i) Mechlops | Sanctuary Fortress | Dynamo Access

@ LLL Ee Areas e) Torvus Lagoon 7) Peat MM MTSU NARS SCC NMS
fi) Saag Bara Tye) Si (a co) PETA Re MLS
fv) ira tag AOA") GO ue cy DSCC SARA MSCACC

[ane ate) a ig Ci) Bates STC age me EO

@ 2 a vet BSS mmc eC e serene Maa ta Coe eed
ri en STE Tt peony (ea i ST SU ames aCe Cat}
a ( EE ere UeC asst cera
@ : Torvus Bog Bacco ® ed Ing Hive Tiere
@ HunterIng | Dark Torvus Bog | Polluted Mire Sot —
Boost oe i eee SUL MULL ku
@ fen Tea Aen. rn
weet use ® Pe eae Teme
@ Krocuss yeast] CoCr ecany Wasp bel 2 vac)
@ mera Saeco | ae eer TEC cy ce Un Hive Temple
Damaged _ rs
r cee eee CEI ci) eres nS NU

a ® ey nN Murs
+) Liye Clara) enwnes urs 2 u
CCE TL) @ Sela Ing Hive eau
i) ETT Torvus Bog Hales ut
Station ® eee ; ean
ri BY are Mapas) UTE eed] Module | ls) jive Temple

(Eo TCC re ® | Tha eT esol

@ eum ACA eT Co / Cy ws Tallon Pe ae mT
ny (errr Pentel uta
Guardian Dark Torvus Bog eae ®@ Mca ees ECCT
iA} clr aT a") DS lC in | Met ann Bed
ci} Chykka Larva | Dark Torvus Bog priate J WE Grounds woe
@ DCS el aL MCAT" pons, Ad EY (Nears (qu) ta
ETC a ve aula topes
@ diye) PETE a Claes) oe © nit re Peau:
D. ae rN ten E:Ta eens ates
Ci Lee CMLL ACa TCS Le pig BE i Defense Hall
aU Cat)
@ avi alursy PE alanast gots J Cy CMa en
; ‘ Beau aca)
Tera) atc . eH Sauls Sanctum
@ mCi be Transport Access 3 ee
ry SIC AGL tS9 Breccia y PMC Ln ae @ Sky Temple Sanctum
iS lacs) EXSca39 ere
ci lec) TUS Ac ns MmE eet ® rein SSA u 4 SUT
: ST uae |g
(/) aa eell race ec Cy Dawes! SAGs errata
ci) Quad MB Sanctuary
Pa at ila ola Gly & NE ae e ) STAC
pars Sky Temple
Sanctuary aun Aug
ci) eT ha ue Perec ee erie eae Gateway

Seer] ee PC tees wee HT) ae
ES |
= e

Te a er


h Lab Fo

Nya 2 7 kab ,
= 7 Access Nene Sis

yee Be * pocking a

"i Foon

a pe ead rere)

oO Energy Tanks
® Missile Expansion
@ Energy cells

® Gunship Missile Expansion

1 Map’station
Cee tue
Ge ed LRSM
Energy Cells and Gunship Missile

ec eg
cele Per

ae .


® Energy Tanks
@® Missite Expansion
@ fay Calg

® Gunship Missile Expansion

EP eScuicu)
COM uric
® Energy Tanks
@ SoC)

®@ Energy cells
bys @ CTE Ua tency

yN PEL 8


11) Map Station

Cee ee aay

Aloe Nereis

ae ae artes
Som Ge ad ane re pes
auewe eae a . > fea Sais

Imperial Halt

Sai ave aes)

ere ia) Purification
= Cd

Bouse aac} SeWoe

en fence aril
Gel Proccessing Site

Ro celia

Temple Generator
@ Primary Upgrades

® Energy Tanks ureT tM ein3)

@ Missile Expansion
® dary aly

exo ee
Nae ST
PME ee

< Bryyo: Thorn Jungle > 4

Colossuss Vista
Bing scr Nigeole 4

Lee re em UT)
: e Enlightened North Dee)
Walkway Seeot

Rieter mm (ace|
Atte Generator Hall. North
Pye nme aacire) Arar

Save Station B {s}
Field Access

Generator Hall South South

BiTarm aris
South Jungle Court
Legend ;
© Primary Upgrades
oO Energy Tanks

@ DS oars)

CO ly
co) Gunship Missile Expansion

7 Landing Spot
iE} Save Station

IME se roy
Cees ee LLC LULy
‘an Primary parades Energy Tanks Mise

ind ct

ie » Sane Tn ey West ?


ea Lc
< aNeres ee ate) Ya) East Dy
he ye

sarch ‘ e
i xen Fea
ee r
eee ae C

eet nae ——— @ Energy Tanks : °

Pisa isc
Ea #
a .
ipeeett @ arse acl
@® CTT Vs oe)
: e s ee PNET
iM ers :
. ceCa Te ae
ed ae Ree iad 2
St au H Me se Sa Dene me aa ‘
fag es
2 co
5 eka

Pe i. Reva pre a ale a

Suse ce


See eran
A ‘
a . Ytoy
ve Fel
ein Aging ha)

ct es
@® Energy Tanks
C Mueeest uy
®@ Energy cells
® OST Ss

A Landing Spot

4 Bcc
iM Ber escrcoa
Cee ea
‘on Primary Upgrades, Energy Tanks, Missile
aac eer Ld
Transit Station Br

rd OUTS rn
ae « Commang SE elt
Pee Courtyarg rat Serre arene



( Legend }
© Primary Upgrades
® Energy Tanks

@ OSs cus Cy

@ aac AGIs

CO Ren eas eu)

[5] Save Station
IM UEP eselcc
Co tem ad
‘on Primary Upgrades, Energy Tanks, Missile }
Ce hee ea

PRIMA Official Game Guide

€ Pirate Homeworld: SELt rialsst
Lee) Ute} ferret


Proving Grounds Lift

IS igelie)

Tete] el cd
sa r Masi eclel ica
Leads to Command Center
iS tell Orley oa
feito Mr laig

Scrapvault Lift

Landing Site Alpha

, See ee
OMT cc
ci) aC ALLL

®@ Missile Expansion

® TT Ves CO)


1) Map Station
Coe eo ee eae
Expansions, Energy Cellsand Gunship Missile
\ a

2 '
Bel aerate MiningWD
. ule RS ica e Lat ne
Z 8 ¥

a >
fe aa fed
bof | Phazon Mine Entry
* F
eae i eet i
| |

Transit Station 4-B | f : 1

Leads to Command Center H i ' |
@® Pease
Phazon Quarry %
BETO can)

| Drill Shaft 1

la not
‘Zs ® Primary Upgrades
CO ea
Case cunco
®@ Energy cells
® Gunship Missile Expansion
yr Landing Spot

MBE eser eu)
Ce ete a
a eed n
Se ee tat ae eg

=> PRIMA Official Game Guide

aire nel eaZelaCe}
RAVE} eel)

Core Access

as ret
Legend j
ry TNA Cod

@ Energy Tanks

CMs struc
@ Energy Cells
@ Gunship Missile Expansion

Landing Site Delta
iM BE eSe rico)
on Primary Upgrades, Energy Tanks, Missile
fase antes

eS *
S 2

< GFs Valhalla >Ae

re hat


© Primary Upgrades
Se 2 © Energy Tanks

: Cees cer)
©®@ Energy Cells
® Gunship Missile Expansion

1 Map Station
ecm ae
Crd )

at Game Guide

GOT icish
Bie ald [| =Te | Celt) Fc | -Te | sl
CWe ered tron yaad (a Oey VeU OUR
i ie .a Nit Cer neti
Ce De an @® | 3 | Bryyo:Cliffside Ported
. a) PED GFSOlympus | MedLab Delta @ | 4| Bryyo: Cliffside Ruined Shrine
CS ORT Cerne (ARAL Ue Ae
, ees CON en CULT cE DCO Sees earte
a eas RT| Ture (Aye InN ess OTC)
eet ae eee &® | 8| Elysia:SkyTown East yuu Weg
Pe und
[ey sg ag a dill UEC Seas
rm ~ oh ® | 10 | Elysia: skyTown West PSC Me EL
@ | 9| ScrewAttack LoS = CTCL ;
Tea al LoL SG
So East Landing Site B @® | 12) — Bryyo:Cliffside Machineworks Bridge
@® | 11| SeekerMissile sirens cry 2 eu iad
Ce an rey Munitions Locker
@ | 12] HyperMissile Src Leviathan Core

CSA ge oan alae Reeet

Command Center
eat pe Stel PsN I
i é oT
C Lem aoe at He oe. mores mT? | # fit=(= fae} cern
a . NOC Cargo Hub
rc eer > tec 2S
eas @ \2 aN aie CTR gael
@® | 16| Hazard shield Fs cnet . ae CORA Ten)
ee rar ; : anit
a rn aby Erna
+ LA acl gag wba @is ONC (OEE
Cece Wc ati eer er @ \«6 Laan) (a F]
@\7 CHET Gel Refinery Site
-SSoreee , @ \3 CMTC (ern RC
. CeOU CBI PT eae gs
bac Ps Pre ate] oom aC LCC Tm Ot

Cys Federation Landing Site @® | 11| _Elysia:skyTown West MC

(RAP roa ons esc i. CR es enn os Bor rs
ae) fl
ae — A Coinmand Courtyard @® SEM SNSyy : y SU ie at
u i auc)
UAE Jal hs LM cess ne AEC sty
HI reau CU ‘i A om z
ae eect ey aca . ae ei iN) Ton ecu el
@is Elysia: SkyTown West ERIC cl = SS OMG
ICi uaa 5 AMC n ts Ecc)
La Sc ery CMEM R SIC OTe
. ae Norion Tea ®@ | aT a Gonmnand courtyard
PTE Aca lcg
STC PI ueatitd
@i9 ancy Docking Bay 5

PRIMA Official Game Guide

: / 5 Coon Se es
RT eae Bee aloe Boe
oT esi i
Ee [| 57a] ==) Foe ela] ell)
(er Larue dB (een ear C/O BO Peace
sd Command Center a :
= ce) EATS Cette
Sa ee
kes Sama
y eyes . ae) eae , O| amen
ay) ail MSs Peet ®@ 8 Tame aa
sees UE) Cee a LACS ET a aL
c/a} eseneon
Cy Degas @ 45 sis e nee
ey iboaersahe eee . ae CSN CUE) Weapons Cache
a ae as Eley rsa eis
Pe LOU OTR as3 Powerworks
Ld ~ aad @ 4 ead liraey eer)
c/a TICES LOMCU IR is (Cee ost yy Ta TS
C/A Sys Con Sena scarred ia Command Center Lift Hub
@& | 28 Elysia:SkyTown East COT MN nT es Br Mule Flux Control
® |2 ICU Tanti Gee 3 UES)
bse CUCL i <
Sc td
(ey dors nia en ata Sic =|] l=)
UI Pos . Bryyo: Cliffside Rec En CIT C
EL Nonon eSeily & | 3 | Elysia:SkyTown West Reel
aE sie SenellsOWEY .a CNA Toa u ere
es 0 JEN) [ES OI oe le cect sic
Ed Sees AA Sug ca Teoma (OUTST Tc)
@ (37 ee U La) ce Sarre) Narn ey
Eu Net) a rer naar é ,
ts Stes ery LG
@ | 39 CC Tact Lee neCaisd P
@® | zt 40 OPPO Cai MELT Lg rt TeA ae
i tN) i @i9 eu uae
eeeeyeniy ast‘ Pech}
aes |

eae Ts] A
a ahd e eae ee Po lalla san ie d="1A Ma ela cad
(MMe mec ns) Cae DTT tN} =
(Ree an en eter) Eau eT Dryi) oe
C/N ele erence EAC CCT hry i) s
[Berra cp lacticFederation Crate ENACT CT Rey ie} im
CMa ence rat(a Lead e Y OAS ret Bsr) Bs) =
teeae une Au me Dre Ce Tent
[eee cra ENACT rete Bs PT \ecstsy
Meee eea cas Ries CCT nye) Ne MUL eered
CMBR cos LTT TCT Tee aCe iclag =
Caesar cag Let TC Docking Bay Access ETM Tce UR CoaiCg
Croan tag AT Pre Brym cas) MedLab Delta i
aati Cy
<a | od tenet)

ial ahdar
glo ne Ga A a eel incon od N= el
P ECT OR cen en ir) | aie) Dred =
CMe inegcig i acs BCS ICU ele)
acs uy emereset lee ouille) Any time Security Station Drip Ee
C Reem ac) Any time ilia \eca39 =
Cree ees Once barren see
oe Lm CL -
teen tc) eT Laren a tee tech} POUT Lec ed
@® Sear nae) eulic eat pred DC tame)
,acs EAS ST rene aC
te ocnaicrcn ie} Limited DCs (ce)a -
Mer Any time Xenoresearch Lab | read
CMe eesules(y8 ACS WS err Ge lulls ao
Cee Limited Cra UICLG CE taereg
Cees cae RT Docking Bay 5 | Gels
C/o ate pues Peet TE iC) | = x
eq . emcee! Atte) Hub Access a
. Re eee) ic (orm - =
ce eacicg UU DT SIC e (1 ca
( Ca ace cy ey PUR SOLE l(a a
| C Ma rene ce Any time Dees ele od
cae css) eneia:| rear rCs a RLiS
Cacao ene (eee reg.) -
@ Shield Pirate Militia Limited eee | Se
co) Per) Lag ere lel eC reg.) ~
CMa es ace ce] Cargo Dock A -
C Mascara ccs Limited ee.) fonrina@
C eer ei el Cargo Dock A -
Cela ic lontiiia.y ET CuE CCl)
C eon cena erie Maintenance Station =
Ci Meta Ridley ithe Omura
CMe Iey Ey ies Bored acl rae ceas -
Cetus Once Tower Elevator: before cutscene -
. aaron Puy adi oleae) Cel ar
C Metica aroun ae ieaena aie Puy RCuls Pell aie) WED Tr)
/ C Meee ee yaeMcuris) Once CRG ulag
| Crier) ACUI eae eoreg Ll uneliag
CM eee Coa ACUI Tra icerag -
@® Research: Mature Kashh Plant EAC Cliffside Airdock
Canaan Ne PU RCs star icrag ~
C7 Gragnol Any time UCN AaCHE Cree
C emai rg Cul rane ASC

PRIMA Official Game Guide

I Bey

saa Daa eg eee a acs tA Meas laced

Cnr ener EAS (ETE Ny lec
C cdi rt rer] edits
cg Any time rey -
Can CTy EAS ea -
@ PPS Urg Eau Crna ue
cla EAC EHR ga Toc
@ acs attics) CCRC tag Dr ate
[ae erased Oyu Bou onas --
Ce) Nt Psa ee) ~
MBs cur Hillside Vista =
. ME eranec uri acurs ACS PSR) =
cae rter PACS Grand Court Path Gateway
@ | Atomic ni GFS Theseus Ue ae
@ cee Tau GERD RI CN Ten Aer
Ceo ire ere -
Meenas kc) ETA Tard sy
[are era PTY Mean ei “
[Mao eta eg Any time Te Cres RI =
CMA aus Rares BSC eae
[area t) Rute) sles i ==
Mooney ers Any time aes RIC EBSCO)
ci) Ta TT) ACS Boa Neen) =
Cera Large Space Pirate Crate Tau | Temple of Bryyo -
CMa Paine cad We aap) a
Ce Once aN pT) =
Meron on LU cU ca ag PACS Ie unetiae 5
(MEd ace Tic eee Oe ITC =
CM anc ietags etc eT eleg Any time SET me Te II .
CMey rea cick eri Any time Temple of Bryyo 5
ec poy lg Once Baan) -
Ceara Bug ACU aaa =
, RT Pas auc B
C Seatac onic EUR couric -
® ieee St Trooper MTT) Lap) =
eimces Limited PU eaciga ec) -
CMCh d ari scl Tag Mth) eae tae I] -
Cec ca cris Limited Ancient Courtyard MiCUNi@ eC PAlb)
Manag teed Ley iTecy Sree m a(S) a
C Or aicas Once sens =
ase eg
=] ot os I ee]

Lala ahd eee lal laconic

Tau ec aus Snes =
Suet mace Any time TC m Cy Miiauity
Ce emg al nog au Ear SOLU me
Research: Leviathan Door FA) Lio) PR de OUST
NOY ura Once Leviathan Core ~
er ORTON RULE CAC Main Docking Bay =
OSC Un CMR SIC UBC Ui e t eau Main Docking Bay a
MC cleo : Uae ICT Le en) =
Eira acu ET RUS Main Docking Bay 2
Databot Eau Main Docking Bay =
Re cer1 9 ENaC Main Docking Bay ~
See ORC aus Main Docking Bay =
Tce al ne) EU RUuS PTS CHO i) =
arog Neu EBSCO) ae te
Lore: Gift RCS Arrival Station -
arma Ot eC) Eau Transit Hub a
Steamlord mri] Barracks Access POC RrUINC ROCs
CaO 8 PACU Barracks Lift =
LETS ERC Ce ats >
aa ica PACS Are a
Dragoon Battle Drone EAC Rae Main Docking Access
ITN Tg EAS Ballista Lift =
Waa ite Ballista Storage a
iT rey Se ect POC ROE s
| Lt Be EAU Based oe
acu WiTe DCT Rte es
VEC s EY ACUI Main Docking Access 2
| Mea eT) EER) ag oe
A OOM ag ENACT Security Station ee
eee EN AUS enti pic A =
Raa say ERIS Specs} *
ley csa0 i aa) ais Tale ty co
Seca Mureacicd Eau TU cae tS oe
Erie ce a Limited iO Talay =
Swarmbot ‘Any time TANG =
Rael) TRUS ECU Cs Urey
aCe oui Emu ETT Scat ~
GCS CC Las Ac) ON Sala Be

4 WNSee SS
tI ‘ ey

a Gaara ee a oD als) tac i tN a cn

. Bas ry RU Crees -
@® It Any time aay Escape Pod Bay
ee PRU Pen .
@ | Lore: Loss eR Concourse Access B -
Cy ST eae res (ie Once Spire -
® | Armored Shield Trooper Oi wird -
tar ee Landing Site C -
@ | Helios Once errors =
CBA eran naa ry ok U cd ACS ETH Ry cl) a
Maine cs ACS ETT pS abc) te
Caesar es Any time Lift Hub a
CM rns rick ea Ng PACU Lift Hub a
Em edgier uD cg PAU Sinan ect} ce
(es SOE Any time Command Station “
Cee Ee Ur’ Ast Scrapvault =
COE Laird cy Seer =
Caste cer meus CaS ESCs) ~
&® | Assault Shield Trooper CTT acces) ~
@® | Puffer Mine TT TS ris oe
CMR aera cnc AUS Velie oa
( Fas ire OO Rec are
@® | Lore:The Leviathan AUS Transit Station 1-A oo
(Maes rn Laan cd S
(Maar) Micros Nae aa LC) cS
t/a airy TRUS CQTest
te RU Torey ua ceca es cd =
CMa erycrr Limited Poreira cece =
Cea rg Any time ar arr SC a
a oson arise ur NaS ARIAL Cay ae
CMa an aria el Onl NAC yaaa od Se
CPSs Wires Cer Oe
CRO ELE Any time Creche Transit nee.
tata Meroe) EAS Command Courtyard = i
Ca rare PACS CON 9 erie STCuaIC)
Caer tare NACI STEN Scat) S
Mao re) Cur Mine Lift =
Meru aca cry Wruies Phazon Harvesting ea
@® | Lore: Victory and Loss Any time OBS ria “
cars Payoh cy EAC IEPA MVC o =
tM atu Cae cs
= eee

sad Pada mg eesk a al lod lacy nO md" N= Mad lla

Coser er RUS CRG aac -
As) CW Hall of Golems -
C Rn es Rt eos 4
Cd sent Eau Colossus Vista -
asa as ERS Burrow a
tunic ad Limited Sa Ie S
CMe eect (ea ERS Besta =
Cage ue Once Transit Station Leviathan =
® | Omega Ridley Once Leviathan Core Se
Ceca ey. ACS (OU a sy os
C ok tur nrg) S
Mogens) EAS DCR -
® | Lore: SkyTown NRC DEERE TG =
(oars) orc Eau ETC egy Ea
Cie ee ETC reg &
@® _| Research: Multi-Lock Blast Shield Once eed) a
Cerrar Limited . Tag) =
Cares Urs Limited TIE cccsd -
Ca ACU DATE ccs} ay
C Meneorsa Fnac ss ETAT Sealy =
. Marra) PNAS SIC] Se
CMO tog ERC ACT area n el -
CMA eeronc
eddie eee cg TRUS VATELE) oa
Rese ate cg Eau Ce oa
CMA escn aid EAC ETT TT =
cbt AT) Re =
C BS Ont ea airy cok en ese] eT eT iE) Em Urlis
CMaer ati ATT) LEN ccs) Drop Shaft
MMe ad ire RSET -
@ RUC Cie (Cara a
@® Dark Samus ites Sanctum =
C) CUCM eH E} Lire Ayre a
< eit Credits —
The grand You accumulate credits of various colors as you complete
Bilas BVe UNC milestones and special tasks throughout Metroid Prime:
treated to at Trilogy. There are far more credits to acquire in Metroid
theendof ~ Prime 3: Corruptions, compared to the first two games,
each game but all three offer credits for you to earn, which in turn are
vary based on CET oRCo IU CeaEs UL eleeRe CLS Ue Lees
ua lomes coded credit breakdown:
suit upgrades 4
and weapon a J
expansions you ate during Samus’s mission. Scans are not
taken into account; only primary upgrades (which you must {oe ;
collect to pass through the game) and optional expansions jae =) el HOW TO GET

(Cerap ira ia-1ce Ma coe 1aCe NY [ts](ou orcaoa) rel KR@ele lal cron i Complete major milestones,
Orange DC La pee ora
Special messages periodically appear onscreen to let you
know how far you've progressed. Here are the progression ee Pee OL RUE ML
ae ares
milestones that affect the endings across all three games: ss Tae OLEH
etae) eM ad ae Re Ce Ce Cy
BIg dat Pee eee (aL MCU)CS
0-99 percent: Normal ending aay Keys (MP2)
100 percent: Normal ending, plus special ending De tata A
Lt) aia Scan creatures and enemies.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and
Yael ee eae ee) a2) a eC ec RUN O RCE
LITT : ;
(a ee ecu
0-74 percent: Normal ending
75-99 percent: Normal ending, plus special ending 1 cd) eS Z such as defeating bosses and
100 percent: Normal ending, plus special endings 1 and 2 4 i Me Es
Complete special tasks and
Can Me RCL ee ORR)
(On) vouchers, then trade them (see 1
et EO i
A /aTO r=le Ru =1=18 Ree RW =| eae |an=)Qh ng)-Hee =e lee wel een (=\Nd
special endings. i : Sea |
Friend Vouchers
< eau a aitIP
CUB Ree Bl RC Cellet Reece LLe
challenges in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. But these do not
Pre eae eM Dl merle RR ume Rie ley
In Metroid Pee Meare BC mel eee oR Celle]
Prime: Trilogy. hopefully they'll respond with some vouchers for you.
special bonus OTe ee Cee te RUC RU CUT lacs
oval ccinig Me eet
must first
be unlocked
before it can beste tse ney
ts jefe 1
lotom LU Caareti-1e}
with colored Finding every-credit in the first two Metroid Primes is
credits. Save your ane credits so you'can purchase simple—just'play the games to completion, and you'll
Concept Gallery art, items from the Bonus.Gallery, and find them all. (There are 10 orange and 15 silver credits in
Metroid Prime, and 15 purple and 18 more silver credits in
music from the Soundtrack Gallery!
Echoes.) However, Corruption’s credit system is far more
involved, with loads of credits for you to acquire. Use the
following table, which lists all credits in chronological
order, to ensure you don't miss a single one.
ao is :
Se = ce

ele) ard esd

rey ee ae CMC Co am CUR CLT Td}
Dery) a UC PUR Ts Tag
tal oar tad STW) Cg LHI

Xenoresearch Lab STV kE Pa) rit

EL ec CT RUC CUS RUM RCT ny ig Aaa
Ear BELG Save trooper Blue
rec sy i) Defeat Berserker Lord CTL}
Docking Bay 5 Ween om CRT CCU LULL Gold
(ee Cag Escape Meta Ridley (in Morph Ball Tube) without taking damage ICR
ICOM IFLig alana CT[i
TIPO mFS aac HMM Tamu nL cdl}
EU) Ee emi Ce ce dy am LURE) ye ESS) TTA ag
ETC) Kill 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1,000 enemies POA ara nom)
[c= STN sed 10]

asa Waray CTT}

aaa Defeat Rundas on Hypermode Difficulty of
au kc og TE CUNT aC TIPU ctf

Ret US icalg Pia antag

Any Room pace soe Mil TS RUM est RTL RU eT re

bee = ieee)
= ee nt
TST n aL) Defeat Korrak Beast cde}
SOS mat Darla Cicer eM CeO] cdl
North Jungle Court Throw all three switches without a pirate resetting one TTA arg
a eae lg Destroy Western Energy Signature Tl

Leviathan Core Defeat Mogenar Cr()

Leviathan Core Sra UE NEL oe PLL tf

SCT WSU ale}
Bua Defeat Steamlord on Hypermode Difficulty edt
ar Drop bridge with Steambots on it Tia
PRIN CROC(4 alain ced}
Ballista Storage SETURL LCL cere
Main Docking Bay WSC lacig cer
Main Docking Bay Defeat Ghor on Hypermode Difficulty eT}
EA) EO UM) Cem Uttar] CUR eo
ES Se es [= |—auoay Lest

ee a

ERS nicl | ema) TCR g

Soe eee a

Skytram East | ey Tact) uN ata g


a TRG ag | Sires Gold

aR ug Defeat Berserker Lord on Hypermode Difficulty Ce

Escape nr TEI) : cr
ae |

‘Leviathan Core | PSC crt)


Rarer | Defeat Helios on Hypermode Difficulty CT


OTT ROCCE eeny Cr) rf

Proving Grounds Defeat Gandrayda on Hypermode Difficulty Tal

(Greco ra Sra nae rl

Hoverplat Docking Site Drea) oT)

ae ae)
OETA Cy [Defeat uA) | Tf
Coe ats lg ee
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Ci) | EAC C1) en PCa | TTR eae
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©® | cenerator Sra) Seat ca | or)
ci) | CC Um ay Defeat Metroid Hatcher on Hypermode Difficulty | TT}
@ | Gel Processing Site _ | Daca mero Ct
eee hal oa ae ea ld
& | Jousting Field Waren ra TT
fae ee aha
CMe Reais Mara aL) a cart
eda ae
Ce ren Drea aug ; Poe TT}
i} Aurora Chamber Dra ae Mel araaeL) ete Dery

CROC Panera OCA ER CLO mn rear PA arg

reo ue eee
G | Proving Tey acre una eyall} : Gold
ila y I
<< j ae [a= se rae - CHRONOLOGICALLY [contrnues]

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C /Menicusarin ta. Keep Demolition Troopers alive (12/12) Ct)

(a Kill 20 Commando Pirates Friend Voucher

Meese rae alee RCE ag df)
(MER eset Rare Slag ROUEN UN ecu CeO dl}
MMR ese rut 0) Defeat Red Phaazoid rf
@ | IEPA) Sera MCV) TT}
ae Maa
sl |
[Meare Sera Co)
Cerrar Defeat Omega Ridley on Hypermode Difficulty ctl}
soa Ma a Oe =
: @ | TU rst Repeatedly shoot eye-like organ above Leviathan terminal aR aad
Carre Repulse Dark Samus ror
Care Repulse Dark Samus on Hypermode Difficulty cr}
/ CMe Defeat Aurora Unit 313 Ceryre]

CRS are CM SRE R UE tei ian

Trilogy Walkthrough
na sem mM eet cet (1g
all three! Our walkthroughs for Metroid.
Ue eR)
, Aran’s most challenging adventures.
Solve every puzzle and annihilate
claiming suit upgrades and
weapon expansions at the most
PC ae

Labeled Maps
there are enhanced 3D maps
OORT Ue tay
throughout the epic Metroid
down something vital. Each map
Rec UL
interest, using numberedicons —|_ |
that correspond to the walkthrough
Ea hoe


Uae gin
e Sogo oa

COPS Sa Tt 4
a mT

Metroid Prime:
Trilogy, you'll find
EM a cic (H cd
Cae sa ay

convenient place at the

Tau Um Cc HT |
never miss a thing!

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Stephen Stratton
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