2015-Occurrence of Rare Coralline Red Algae Mastophora Rosea (C. Agardh) Setchell, in Little Andaman, India

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Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences

Vol. 44(12), December 2015, pp. 1894-1896

Occurrence of rare coralline red algae Mastophora rosea (C. Agardh)

Setchell, from Little Andaman, India
P.Karthick1, R. Mohanraju1, Kada Narayana Murthy1, CH. Ramesh1 & M. Palanisamy2
Department of Ocean Studies and Marine Biology, Pondicherry University, Brookshabad Campus,
Port Blair, 744112, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Botanical Survey of India, Southern Regional Centre, TNAU Campus, Coimbatore -641 003,
Tamil Nadu, India
[E.Mail: karthickmicrobes@gmail.com]

Received 23 July 2014; revised 16 September 2014

Coralline red algae Mastophora rosea (Corallinaceae, Corallinales, Rhodophyta) were collected from tide pools from Little
Andaman during August 2013. Collected sample was found to be bluish purple in color, dichotomously branched, round shaped
carpogonial conceptacles were found on the surface of thallus, tetrasporangial open pore size 120 µm was spherical in shape. The
algae was identified up to species level and was found to be a new distributional record to Andaman and Nicobar islands.

[Keywords: Coralline algae, Little Andaman, Mastophora]

Introduction formalin. Samples were also shade dried and used

Coralline red algae are found to be hard for measuring the conceptacles, epithelial cells
due the presence of calcareous deposits and are were measured directly under the Nikon SMZ
mostly found in coral reefs, intertidal rocky shore, 1500: WD54 and Nikon Eclipse 50i microscope.
tide pools and also an epiphytes on other algae Based on the morphological features identification
and some are epizoic. Mastophora are coralline was carried out following the key3 and also
algae classified under the subfamily following the revised checklist of Indian marine
Mastophoroideae (Corallinaceae, Corallinales, algae6, Catalogue of benthic marine algae of
Rhodophyta)1,2. Three different species of Indian Ocean7 and Algae base was referred for the
Mastophora, M. rosea, M. pacifica and M. conformation of new distributional reports.
multistrata have been described (Keats et al, Mastophora rosea (C. Agardh) Setchell (1943)8
2009)3. Recently coralline algae Cheilosporum
cultratum and green algae Caulerpa lentillifera Description
have been reported as new distributional records Sample was found to be coralline red
from Little Andaman Island4 and also its algae showing bluish purple in color, surface was
commercial importance of Little Andaman4,5. A much pigmented blue in color than the rhizoids
coralline red algal samples was collected from the (Fig 1), dichotomously branched, end of the
intertidal pools of Harminder Bay Bridge, in Little thallus were shaped like a fan. Thallus was small,
Andaman during a survey conducted in the month thick, with rectangular shaped cell arrangement
of August 2013. with surface of thallus possessing cylindrical or
ring shaped conceptacles (Fig 2). Microscopy
Materials and Method observation revealed that the outer cell
Coralline algal specimen were collected arrangements were rectangular in shape (Fig 3),
by the hand picking method from tide pool of the diameter of the round shaped conceptacle was
intertidal splash zone region of Harminder Bay ranged from 764 -887 µm (Fig 3) and diameter of
bridge, Little Andaman (lat 100 45’N, long. 920 open pore was between 81-120µm (Fig 4).
80’ E) during low tide during the month of August Distribution: China (Tseng 1984; Zhou &
2013. Samples were washed properly with sterile Zang 1987), Guam (Agardh 1824; Turner &
seawater. For the identification herbarium sheets Woelkerling 1982), Indonesia (Verheij &
were prepared and maintained in our database and Prud’homme van Reine 1993; Silva et al. 1987),
a portion of the sample was preserved with 4% Micronesia (Lobban & Tsuda 2003). Papua New

Guinea (Littler & Littler 2003), Philippines (Silva Taiwan (Huang 1990), Vietnam (Abbott et al.
et al. 1987), Japan (Yoshida et al. 1990), 2002). Ryukyu Islands3 (Keats et al, 2009).

Fig. 1- Bluish purple Mastophora rosea coralline red algae Fig.3- Microscopic view of carpogonial conceptacles and
rectangular epithelial cells.

Fig. 2- Dichotomous branch with conceptacles on the dorsal Fig. 4- Close view of carpogonial conceptacle open pore
surface with bundles of Carpogonial conceptacles clearly visible under the microscope.

Discussion Australia region as ‘rose, orange-pink to purple in

Coralline red algae are mostly found in color, whereas its purple red in China. In the
coral reefs, tide pools and in intertidal rocky present study Mastophora rosea was found to be
substratum. Mastophora rosea were observed in bluish purple in color during the collection of
the littoral zone of Hsiau- Liuchiu in Taiwan9. specimen and retained its pigmentation even in
Earlier this algae Mastophora rosea had been pressed herbarium sheets but lost its pigmentation
misidentified by various authors, and only recent when the samples were preserved with formalin
studies define a clear distribution pattern of after a long time. Little Andaman is situated in the
Mastophora rosea based on their morphological middle of Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands
and characteristic features well documented by in the Bay of Bengal, where most of the intertidal
microscopic observation3. Color configuration of regions are not disturbed because of the
Mastophora rosea was observed to vary with inaccessibility to these place and the west coast of
different color patterns in Indo-Pacific and this island comes under the restricted region and
1896 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 44, NO. 12 DECEMBER 2015

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algae Cheilosporum cultratum as new Sivaperuman. (Springer, Heidelberg), (2012):
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the National Academy of Sciences, Washington,
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Island. Bot. Bull. Academia. Sinica., 31 (1990):
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