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Symbolic integration

In calculus, symbolic integration is the problem of finding a formula for the antiderivative, or indefinite
integral, of a given function f(x), i.e. to find a differentiable function F(x) such that

This is also denoted

The term symbolic is used to distinguish this problem from that of numerical integration, where the value of
F is sought at a particular input or set of inputs, rather than a general formula for F.

Both problems were held to be of practical and theoretical importance long before the time of digital
computers, but they are now generally considered the domain of computer science, as computers are most
often used currently to tackle individual instances.

Finding the derivative of an expression is a straightforward process for which it is easy to construct an
algorithm. The reverse question of finding the integral is much more difficult. Many expressions which are
relatively simple do not have integrals that can be expressed in closed form. See antiderivative and
nonelementary integral for more details.

A procedure called the Risch algorithm exists which is capable of determining whether the integral of an
elementary function (function built from a finite number of exponentials, logarithms, constants, and nth
roots through composition and combinations using the four elementary operations) is elementary and
returning it if it is. In its original form, Risch algorithm was not suitable for a direct implementation, and its
complete implementation took a long time. It was first implemented in Reduce in the case of purely
transcendental functions; the case of purely algebraic functions was solved and implemented in Reduce by
James H. Davenport; the general case was solved by Manuel Bronstein, who implemented almost all of it
in Axiom, though to date there is no implementation of the Risch algorithm which can deal with all of the
special cases and branches in it.[1][2]

However, the Risch algorithm applies only to indefinite integrals, while most of the integrals of interest to
physicists, theoretical chemists, and engineers are definite integrals often related to Laplace transforms,
Fourier transforms, and Mellin transforms. Lacking a general algorithm, the developers of computer algebra
systems have implemented heuristics based on pattern-matching and the exploitation of special functions, in
particular the incomplete gamma function.[3] Although this approach is heuristic rather than algorithmic, it
is nonetheless an effective method for solving many definite integrals encountered by practical engineering
applications. Earlier systems such as Macsyma had a few definite integrals related to special functions
within a look-up table. However this particular method, involving differentiation of special functions with
respect to its parameters, variable transformation, pattern matching and other manipulations, was pioneered
by developers of the Maple[4] system and then later emulated by Mathematica, Axiom, MuPAD and other

Recent advances
The main problem in the classical approach of symbolic integration is that, if a function is represented in
closed form, then, in general, its antiderivative has not a similar representation. In other words, the class of
functions that can be represented in closed form is not closed under antiderivation.

Holonomic functions are a large class of functions, which is closed under antiderivation and allows
algorithmic implementation in computers of integration and many other operations of calculus.

More precisely, a holonomic function is a solution of a homogeneous linear differential equation with
polynomial coefficients. Holonomic functions are closed under addition and multiplication, derivation, and
antiderivation. They include algebraic functions, exponential function, logarithm, sine, cosine, inverse
trigonometric functions, inverse hyperbolic functions. They include also most common special functions
such as Airy function, error function, Bessel functions and all hypergeometric functions.

A fundamental property of holonomic functions is that the coefficients of their Taylor series at any point
satisfy a linear recurrence relation with polynomial coefficients, and that this recurrence relation may be
computed from the differential equation defining the function. Conversely given such a recurrence relation
between the coefficients of a power series, this power series defines a holonomic function whose
differential equation may be computed algorithmically. This recurrence relation allows a fast computation of
the Taylor series, and thus of the value of the function at any point, with an arbitrary small certified error.

This makes algorithmic most operations of calculus, when restricted to holonomic functions, represented by
their differential equation and initial conditions. This includes the computation of antiderivatives and
definite integrals (this amounts to evaluating the antiderivative at the endpoints of the interval of
integration). This includes also the computation of the asymptotic behavior of the function at infinity, and
thus the definite integrals on unbounded intervals.

All these operations are implemented in the algolib library for Maple.[5] See also the Dynamic Dictionary
of Mathematical functions.[6]

For example:

is a symbolic result for an indefinite integral (here C is a constant of integration),

is a symbolic result for a definite integral, and

is a numerical result for the same definite integral.

See also

Definite integral – Operation in mathematical calculus

Elementary function – Mathematical function
Indefinite integral – Concept in calculus
Lists of integrals
Operational calculus – Technique to solve differential equations
Risch algorithm – Method for evaluating indefinite integrals
Symbolic computation – Scientific area at the interface between computer science and
Meijer G-function – Generalization of the hypergeometric function
Fox H-function – Generalization of the Meijer G-function and the Fox–Wright function

1. Bronstein, Manuel (September 5, 2003). "Manuel Bronstein on Axiom's Integration
Capabilities" (
m6IJ). Retrieved 2023-02-10.
2. "integration - Does there exist a complete implementation of the Risch algorithm?" (https://m
algorithm). MathOverflow. Oct 15, 2020. Retrieved 2023-02-10.
3. K.O Geddes, M.L. Glasser, R.A. Moore and T.C. Scott, Evaluation of Classes of Definite
Integrals Involving Elementary Functions via Differentiation of Special Functions, AAECC
(Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing), vol. 1, (1990), pp.
149–165, [1] (
4. K.O. Geddes and T.C. Scott, Recipes for Classes of Definite Integrals Involving Exponentials
and Logarithms, Proceedings of the 1989 Computers and Mathematics conference, (held at
MIT June 12, 1989), edited by E. Kaltofen and S.M. Watt, Springer-Verlag, New York, (1989),
pp. 192–201. [2] (
5. algolib
6. Dynamic Dictionary of Mathematical functions

Bronstein, Manuel (1997), Symbolic Integration 1 (transcendental functions) (2 ed.),

Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-60521-5
Moses, Joel (March 23–25, 1971), "Symbolic integration: the stormy decade", Proceedings
of the Second ACM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation, Los Angeles,
California: 427–440

External links
Bhatt, Bhuvanesh. "Risch Algorithm" (
Wolfram Integrator (
m/) — Free online symbolic integration with Mathematica

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