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Credits INDEX






Jamie Trollope
Jamie Trollope is a researcher and writer best known
for the NPC Index line of books. He loves to tell
stories and help others do the same with products ALTERNATE SUBCLASSES PAGES 15-16
that provide players and GMs with exciting tools to REBEL CHAMPION (ALTERNATE LIBERATOR) 15
enrich their games. Check out his products at SHANTY BARD (ALTERNATE MAESTRO) 15
pathfinderinfinite.com and say hi @the_jam_troll
Dorji Sanjiev
Dorji Sanjiev is a game design enthusiast who first
started to write character options for his players and
friends to let them bring their wildest ideas to life,
which somehow resulted in becoming a playtester for VEHICLES 20-22
Team+ and successful writer for Pathfinder 2e. Look at BODY UPGRADES 20
his work on pathfinderinfinite.com, including such PILOTING UPGRADES 20-21
products as Elemental Blaster and Sources of Power! PROPULSION UPGRADES 21
Derry Luttrell UTILITY 22
Shawn Pommier (page background)
Tony Saunders CREW LEADERS 23-24


Coming Soon! CREW FORMATIONS 25-26

Coming soon!
Liam Eckles, tobsomatix, Graham Starfelt, Anna
PLUSTESTERS Sonnie, Alan-Michael Havens, JustAGoose,
Arkon, Cerapter, Conner Berkheiser, Dire Dragon, eyepatch9, Scott Carpenter, Greg, mae Cohen,
Dorji Sanjiev, Loks, Koncookie, Mark “Kas” Clark, esther tealeaf, deklarus, Eduardo Martinez, Lorie,
Otmi aka Matteo Scarnera, River Ray, SokinAshrah, Brandon Smith, Ni Tro, Uri, Conner G Ness, Reds
Solatra AKA Sasha Laranoa Harving, Tali Kinsley Silk, Tigertom 2004, Arivae, Melissa Velasquez,
AKA Failed Lil Cat God, Venture, VitaminB aka Shade Moss, Nick L, VibraphonicMarxism, Capitol
Floyd Tang Crusader, R Chauncey Gummere, sundronsun,
James Duclos, Cody Bowen, molotgor, Alex, Ryan
And others who choose to remain uncredited Gueldener, Duncan Walker, Rayce Buford, Joshua
White, Nova, Ashley Love, Mitali Tase, Alexander T
JOIN THE DISCORD! G, ricothebold, M, Liam McGowan, athume,
https://discord.gg/yHQbmVzDfR doom3607, Adam U., autumdidact, Ethan Ratliff,
Luca Gutzeit, Joel Hahn, Lyon, Sam, Josh King,
FOLLOW US ON TWITTER Justin Marcotte, SokinAshrah,YeetimusMaximus,
Peter, Sarffe, Taya Koyaki, LoKs22, Aidan, Lars,
Darlene, Zach H., Conor Sterling, Alarion Irisar,
Alendor, Gold, Mason Roberts, Sam Fitch, Andrew
Hirst, Flameslicer, David Mcgregor, Dom, S L Hall
Become a Supporter!
Those that would seek to become Firebrands do so with a yearning for justice, liberation, and
sometimes even absolution. But those that seek will find they likely already carry the mark in
their hearts, the reception of one being the formal process of acknowledgment of this virtue. The
new age is dawning with a light that will shine on all, and the Firebrands both a symbol of its
dawning and the instruments that bring the new light over the horizon. Freedom is a virtue that
all are entitled to, and Firebrands are those who would restore it to the oppressed.

Pasts of the Firebrands EXILE

Some who find the Firebrands were born in to it, others UNCOMMON
found it through a tangential calling, and others still Forced to leave your home country due to political persecution,
you have developed a deep understanding of different cultures
may have ignored this call. Regardless though, freedom and customs. You can quickly adapt to new environments and
rings eternal and the deafening sound cannot be ignored easily navigate unfamiliar social situations. Able to blend in
for long. Firebrands come from many backgrounds, but seamlessly in new cultures, you may have lost your home, but
have gained the ability to call many places home.
their past matters little when compared to the futures
they hope to forge in the name of liberation. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or
Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
ARSONIST REBEL You are trained in Society and Lore of the terrain you traveled
RARE through. When you spend at least 1 day in a settlement, you gain
You found that fire was a means to an end, perhaps even placing insight into their customs and culture, granting you a +2
you in dire straights in your past. You may have started the fires circumstance bonus to the first attempt to Make an Impression
of rebellion in a literal sense, or be a devout follower of Lubaiko in that settlement.
who seeks to spread glory and flame.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence, and one

is a free boost. UNCOMMON
Others may have fallen for their propaganda, but you have
You are trained in Crafting and Arson Lore. You gain a formula always had an uncanny ability to sense when someone is lying,
book with the formulas for a 1st-level smokestick and a 1st-level even at the highest levels of government. After years of
tindertwig. You gain 1 infused reagent which you can only use imprisonment for speaking out against the corrupt regime, you
for these alchemical items, and an advanced alchemy level of 1 managed to escape and refuse to ever be imprisoned again.
for the purposes of making these items.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Wisdom,
and one is a free ability boost.
UNCOMMON You're trained in Acrobatics and Politics Lore. You gain the
Born into poverty under an oppressive government, you did all Considered Escape reaction.
you can to obtain the things you needed to survive. Skilled in
navigating underground networks, you became a key player in Considered Escape (concentrate, fortune) � Frequency
the black market, using your connections to acquire goods and once per round; Requirements You are restrained by
information for those in need. bonds, manacles, or similar object; Effect You have broken
free before, and you will do it again with careful
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Charisma, and one is consideration. Roll a d20. If you attempt to Escape the
a free ability boost. required bonds, you must use the result of the roll you
made to Escape for your check instead of rolling. You make
You are trained in Deception and Underworld Lore. Additionally, this substitution only for the first attempt to Escape that
your connections to various Black Markets allow you to treat any turn. Once you make this substitution, you cannot use
settlement you are in as 2 levels higher for the purposes of Considered Escape until your next daily preparations. Using
purchasing items and accessing spellcasting services. Access this action does not alert creatures to an attempted Escape
to illegal, Uncommon, or Rare items may be easier for you unless that creature uses Sense Motive or has other means
(determined by the GM). to discern your intentions.


You spent many years at sea, perhaps as a crew member of the Growing up in a war-torn or politically volatile country, you were
Nightwave or Salt Breakers, or serving on a more ordinary ship, a bystander during a time of oppression, trying to keep a low
and at some point found yourself drowning with no one to save profile in order to survive. However, your time observing has led
you. Be it through innate magic or blessings of the spirits, the you to develop a unique ability to detect when someone is being
ordeal left you stronger rather than dead. watched or followed and now use this ability to keep others safe.
Though you didn't actively collaborate with the oppressors, you
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or now use your abilities to aid the resistance.
Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or
You're trained in Sailing Lore and you gain the Breath Control Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in Stealth and Lore related to the settlement you
came from. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your

Perception DC against creatures that attempt to follow you
unseen and the DC to Track you increases by 1.
The Firebrands might be all flash and foolhardiness, but the
whole thing would fall to pieces if it weren’t for good
GRAFFITI PROPAGANDIST organization and lists! As a seasoned quartermaster, your
sharp eye and attention to detail help you keep track of a
personal stash and manage the supplies of a group.
In your younger days, you were a daring graffiti artist, leaving
your mark on city walls and structures. Your unique style
garnered both praise and scorn. You honed your skills not only Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or
in artistic expression, but conveying grander messages for other Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.
rebellious souls to find.
You are trained in Society and Sailing Lore. You can also
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or maintain your own personal inventory more efficiently. If you
Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. spend 1 minute organizing your possessions, you can treat one
stowed object as having 2 less Bulk to a minimum of L Bulk if it
You become trained in Deception and the Art Lore skill. Once per would be of 0 Bulk. If you retrieve the item, it returns to its
day, you can spend 1 hour in a settlement to leave behind your normal Bulk value.
graffiti. If you do, you can reduce the DC to Gather Information
on one topic of which you have knowledge of by 2. This topic
must be simple and able to be reasonably communicated in few POWDER BRAVURA
words, such as a single word, directions to a location in the UNCOMMON
settlement, or the general whereabouts of an individual. You were responsible for handling explosives, firearms, and
siege weapons on a ship, battlefield or in a siege camp. Whether
MITHRAL CHEF STAFF you were conscripted or volunteered, your life has been shaped
by the roar of cannons and the smell of gunpowder. You know
RARE the ins and outs of weaponry and have learned to maintain and
You number among the famous staff of the Mithral Chef repair them in the heat of battle.
restaurant, cooking delicious pastries or candies and fighting
oppression as a Firebrand all around Absalom, sometimes trying Choose two ability boosts, one must be to Dexterity or
to one-up your Bladed Bastards rivals, and sometimes working Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.
together with them behind the scenes.
You are trained in Crafting and Firearms Lore. When attempting
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or to Repair a firearm or siege weapon, you gain a +2 circumstance
Intelligence, and one is a free boost. bonus to your check and if you get a critical failure, you get a
failure instead.
You are trained in Crafting and Cooking Lore. You gain a formula
book with the formulas for a 1st-level journeybread and a 1st-
level missive mint. You gain 1 infused reagent which you can SAILMAKER
only use for these alchemical items, UNCOMMON
and an advanced alchemy level of As a Sailmaker, you service ships in bustling harbors. Your
1 for the purposes of making expertise in fabric and rigging repair lets you quickly patch up
these items. sails, getting ships back to sea fast, earning you the trust and
respect of many captains. You may not traverse the seas
yourself, but your sails sure do!

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or

Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You are trained in Crafting and Engineering Lore. When

attempting to Repair clothing, sails, or other cloth items, you
gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your check and if you get a
critical failure, you get a failure instead.

As a Vidrian Unionist, you have honed your negotiation skills to
the point where you can read the body language of others with
ease, giving you an edge in any negotiations.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Charisma or

Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You are trained in Society and Union Lore. You can cast 1st-level
read the air at will as an occult innate spell.

Firebrands Archetypes
Firebrands walk many paths on the road to liberation, and no two roads are alike. The bumps
and stops along the way to collecting marks or freeing the oppressed are numerous and
demanding. Nonetheless, they tread with gusto and daring, their steps exuding purpose and
confidence with each impression. Firebrands will often utter the phrase, “Leave your mark, and
gain one as well”, one that carries with it both truth and expectation.

Firebrand Revolutionary REMOVING SLAVERY

The Firebrands Revolutionaries are freedom fighters and agents of change, Paizo announced internally in
working to overthrow oppressive rulers and inspire others to join their cause. December, 2021, that they were
They are counterpoints to the brash and cocky Braggarts and excel at acts of removing mentions of slavery in their
inspiration, freeing captives, and bolstering their allies to greater feats of setting, and we should adhere to this
heroism. guideline as well. For the Firebrands,
this means that we should not be
Additional Feats: Crew Leader [4], Rebel’s Map (Firebrands 79) [4], Watch This! (Firebrands 79) referencing them fighting against
[6], Seasoned Crew [8], Professional Crew [12], Veteran Crew [16] slavers or liberating slaves, even in a
FIREBRAND REVOLUTIONARY DEDICATION � FEAT 2 past context, and can safely assume
that slavery is gone from Golarion.
Where necessary, let's instead focus
Prerequisites Charisma 14; first mark member of the Firebrands
on how the Firebrands fight against
You have joined the ranks of the Firebrands, dedicated to fighting against tyranny and
oppression. Your optimistic attitude and boundless enthusiasm inspire your allies even oppression and provide economic,
when you face grave odds. You declare a pledge about a particular skill action, such as social, and emotional support to
Balance, Demoralize, or Recall Knowledge. The first time you attempt this action within the displaced, oppressed, and liberated
next minute in a context the GM deems both suitably challenging and meaningful, you
must roll twice and use the lower result. people.

If you succeed at this check, your allies within 30 feet that witness your skill action are considered to be under the effects of your
pledge for 1 minute and gain a +1 status bonus to their next check to attempt the same action. If you fail this check or don’t attempt
the action within 1 minute, you instead take a –1 circumstance penalty on checks to attempt the same action for 1 hour.

If the chosen action can be used with multiple skills, such as Identify Magic or Recall Knowledge, you must specify which skill you
are using for that particular action, such as using Arcana to Identify Magic, and yours and your allies bonuses or penalties after the
pledge applies only to checks using that skill for that action. Once you declare a pledge about a particular action, you cannot declare
a pledge about the same action until the next time you make daily preparations, regardless of whether you succeed or fail at the

Typically a challenging task is one with at least a standard DC for your level, though the difficulty may be higher depending on the
situation. A meaningful context is one where the action’s success or failure is relevant to the pursuit of your goals, rather than a boast
you made simply to gain a bonus later.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the Firebrand Revolutionary archetype.


Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication; trained in Diplomacy
You are adept at swaying others to support your cause or convincing them to question their allegiance to oppressive regimes. When
you make a pledge to Make an Impression, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your Diplomacy check. In addition, your allies still
gain the circumstance bonuses from your pledge if you get a failure on this check, but not a critical failure.


Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication
Requirements An enemy has an ally under the effects of your pledge grabbed or restrained.
You've learned how to strike precisely at your enemies' weaknesses, helping free your allies from their control. Make a melee or
ranged Strike against the required foe. If your Strike hits and deals damage, the required ally can attempt to Escape by spending their
reaction with this Strike as a trigger and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their check.


Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication
You are skilled at rebuilding communities and infrastructure after a revolution. If you successfully Aid an ally under the effects of
your pledge, you also grant your ally a +1 status bonus. If you roll a critical failure on a check to Aid an ally under the effects of your

pledge, you don’t give your ally a –1 circumstance penalty to the effect with a +2 circumstance bonus to their save.
their check.
ARCHETYPE EXPLORATION Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication
Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication Frequency once per hour
Frequency once per day Your leadership and dedication to the cause can turn the tide of
You have a knack for teaching others the skills necessary to fight battle. When you make a pledge and succeed, you can replace
against tyranny. During your daily preparations, you can spend the benefits granted to your allies with one of the following:
10 minutes to grant an ally trained proficiency in a skill until your
next daily preparations. You must be an expert or better in the • You grant allies who can see you within 30 feet
chosen skill and the ally chosen must be untrained in the chosen temporary Hit Points equal to your Charisma modifier for
skill. If you are legendary in the chosen skill, you can grant your 10 minutes.
ally expert proficiency in the chosen skill if they were already
trained in the chosen skill. • You grant allies who can see you within 30 feet a +2
status bonus to their next saving throw against mental
effects for 10 minutes.
Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication; expert in ARCHETYPE
Diplomacy or Performance
Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication
Trigger You are critically hit with a melee strike by an enemy you
can see. You channel your defiance against oppression and rally your
allies to join you in your stand. You Stride toward an enemy and
Your experience in fighting against tyranny has made you adept Strike them. All allies under the effects of your pledge can use a
at turning your enemies' strength against them. Attempt a reaction to Stride up to half their Speed, but they each must end
Diplomacy or Performance check against a standard DC of your their Stride closer to the creature you hit than where they
level. If you succeed, you grant all allies who can see you within started. If you succeed at your Strike, allies who used their
30 feet a +1 status bonus to attack rolls and a +2 status bonus reaction to Stride also gain a +1 status bonus to their next Strike
to damage rolls against the triggering enemy for 1 minute. If you before the end of their next turn or a +2 status bonus if your
are a master in the skill you used for this reaction, the status Strike was a critical hit.
bonus to damage increases to +4, or +6 if you are legendary.

Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication; master in
Requirements You are grabbed, immobilized, or restrained.
Your dedication to freeing others has made you especially
adept at escaping bonds and restraints. You attempt to
Escape from the required condition rolling twice and taking
the better result.


Prerequisites Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication; expert
in Intimidation
Frequency once per hour
Trigger An enemy targets an ally under the effects of your
pledge with a Strike.
You channel your revolutionary spirit to defy your enemy's
assault. You Demoralize the required enemy and it
cannot reduce its frightened condition from your
Demoralize until it spends 1 round without taking a
hostile action against the targeted ally. The targeted
ally gains a +2 status bonus to damage against the
triggering enemy while frightened from this
Demoralize. The status bonus to damage increases to
+3 if you are a master in Intimidation, or +4 if you are


Prerequisites Liberator’s Strike
Your Liberator’s Strike can also free allies from
mental oppression as well as physical. You can use Liberator’s
Strike against an enemy that has an active effect or spell with
the mental trait on one of your allies that required a save. If your
Strike hits and deals damage, your ally can spend their reaction
with this Strike as a trigger to make a new saving throw against

Firebrand Fashionista HASTY ADJUSTMENT � FEAT 4
Many Firebrands not only thrive on the daredevil ARCHETYPE
lifestyle of the more rebellious side of the organization, Prerequisites Firebrand Fashionista Dedication
but actively seek out as much attention as they can. Trigger A creature targets you with an attack or you would roll a
Whether adventuring in your own spectacular and basic Reflex save and are aware of the creature or effect that
targeted you.
highly customized outfits, or making sure your Requirements You are not encumbered and are wearing an
companions are equally well-dressed, the Firebrands outfit of your design.
Fashionista mixes style and practicality in their clothing You deftly make tiny adjustments to your armor or clothing,
with an adventurous free spirit. After all, what’s the tightening a buckle or doubling a fold or pulling your cloak over
your face to make it more robust in response to an attack. You
point of doing good if you can’t look good doing it? gain either a +1 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering
attack or a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering save.
Additional Feats: Crew Leader [4], Seasoned Crew [8], Statement
Strut (Firebrands 80) [8], Big Debut (Firebrands 80)[10], Professional TAILOR’S EYE � FEAT 4
Crew [12], Veteran Crew [16]
FIREBRANDS FASHIONISTA DEDICATION FEAT 2 Prerequisites Firebrand Fashionista Dedication
Requirements The target creature is wearing clothing or armor.
You quickly evaluate the quality of your opponent’s clothing or
Prerequisites first mark member of the Firebrands; trained in armor, looking for weak spots in the craftsmanship to exploit.
Crafting Choose either clothing or a suit of armor worn by an enemy you
Wherever you go, your spectacular outfits are the talk of the can see within 20 feet and make a Crafting check against a
town. You are never satisfied though, always making tiny standard DC for the creature’s level. Regardless of the outcome,
adjustments to the clothing you wear in pursuit of the perfect fit. the creature is then immune to Tailor’s Eye for one minute.
Choose Deception, Diplomacy, or Intimidation. You become
trained in that skill or become an expert if you were already Critical Success You find a significant weak point in the
trained in it. creature's armor or clothing. You grant yourself and allies a
circumstance bonus to damage rolls against the target
You can create outfits that grant you bonuses to certain skills until the end of your next turn. This damage bonus is +2 if
and special actions. Creating an outfit takes 1 hour and can be you are trained in Crafting, +4 if you are an expert, +6 if you
done by making a Crafting check against a standard DC of your are a master, or +8 if you are legendary.
level. You must have access to sufficient materials and tools to Success As critical success, except the circumstance bonus
make these outfits. You can have 1 outfit active at a time, or 2 to damage rolls is half the normal amount.
outfits active if you are a master in Crafting. If you create a new
outfit that would exceed the maximum number of active outfits Failure You are unable to find any weak points in the
you can have, your oldest outfit immediately becomes ordinary creature's armor or clothing.
clothing and does not count as an outfit of your design for Critical Failure You are so distracted by the creature's
abilities and feats. clothing or armor that you become flat-footed until the end
of your next turn.
When you create an outfit of your design, choose one of the
following benefits: SNAGGING SLEEVE � FEAT 6
• While wearing your outfit, you gain a +1 circumstance ARCHETYPE
bonus to Make an Impression or to Request. Prerequisites Firebrand Fashionista Dedication
• While wearing your outfit, you gain a +1 circumstance
bonus to Demoralize or Coerce. Trigger A creature within your reach critically fails a melee
• While wearing your outfit, you gain a +1 circumstance weapon Strike against you.
bonus to Create a Diversion or Impersonate checks that Your custom outfit has specially designed sleeves made to
would be affected by clothing. catch incoming weapons. You can immediately make an
Athletics check to Disarm the opponent. You gain a +1
While wearing an outfit of your design, DCs to Gather circumstance bonus to your Disarm, or a +2 circumstance bonus
Information about you or Seek you are reduced by 2 and you if you are a master in Crafting. If you succeed, the circumstance
receive a –1 circumstance penalty to Stealth checks to Hide. bonus and penalty from Disarm last until the end of your next
turn, instead of until the beginning of the target's next turn. The
Your outfits have 1 Bulk and take 1 minute to don. Unlike target can use an Interact action to adjust their grip and remove
ordinary clothing, you can create outfits to be worn on top of this effect.
armor or as part of it. After you have worn an outfit for 1 day or
if you remove a worn outfit, it becomes dated for you and you UNWANTED ALTERATION � FEAT 6
cannot use it for class feats from this archetype or benefit from
the circumstance bonuses it provides (though you still take any ARCHETYPE MANIPULATE
penalties). You can re-purpose a dated outfit by using it for Prerequisites Firebrand Fashionista Dedication
materials for a new outfit as part of your Crafting check to create Requirements The target creature is wearing clothing or armor
an outfit, but you must still have access to sufficient tools. and you have a hand free.
Using a free hand you quickly alter a creature’s armor or clothing,
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have loosening buckles or otherwise making it ill-fitting and clumsy.
gained two other feats from the Firebrand Fashionista Attempt a Crafting check against an adjacent creature’s Reflex
archetype. DC. Regardless of the result, the target is then immune to your
Unwanted Alteration for 1 minute.

Critical Success Your adjustments are incredibly effective.

The armor hampers the enemy's movement so badly they
could get tangled in their outfit and fall. The enemy

becomes flat-footed and must make an Acrobatics check TEAR-AWAY GETAWAY � FEAT 8
against your Crafting DC to Balance in order to perform any
action with the Move trait. The effect lasts until the enemy ARCHETYPE
Interacts to remove it. Prerequisites Hasty Adjustment
Success Your adjustments are temporarily effective. As Trigger Your use Hasty Adjustment and are critically hit or
critical success, but the effect ends at the start of your next critically fail a reflex save.
turn, even if the enemy doesn't Interact to end it. You design your outfits to be easily removable, allowing you to
Failure You do not make any alterations. escape from dire circumstances. You can destroy your outfit as
part of your reaction to make the critical hit, a hit or your critical
WE REBEL FEAT 7 failure, a failure. You cannot reuse the materials of an outfit
destroyed in this way for a new outfit.
Prerequisites Firebrand Fashionista Dedication and Crew GRAND SASHAY � FEAT 10
Leader; master in Diplomacy
Requirements You and your crew must have been in the current ARCHETYPE MANIPULATE MENTAL VISUAL
settlement for at least 1 full day. Prerequisites Hasty Adjustment
You establish yourself as a fashion icon within a settlement, and Requirements You are wearing an outfit of your design.
quickly gain a following of devotees to your fashion vision. You You pull back your cloak, unfurl your robes or simply stand tall
can call on your following to perform subtle acts of rebellion. and demonstrate the full magnificence of your outfit. Step and
This may include activities such as vandalizing public then make a Diplomacy or Performance check against the Will
monuments, anti-establishment graffiti, providing you with a DC of a creature within 30 feet with the following results. If you
safe space to rest, forge documents, scout locations, or secure get a failure or the creature is no longer fascinated by you, it
disguises. You can spread information to the right people, and becomes temporarily immune to your Grand Sashay for 1 hour.
fool the wrong, suppressing knowledge by having your crew
spend 1 hour performing these actions. Checks to Request the Critical Success The creature is dazzled, fascinated, and
information, Gather Information, or otherwise get someone to stupefied 2 by your outfit’s incredible style until the end of
divulge the information in question when you’re actively your next turn.
attempting to suppress it, must exceed your Diplomacy DC, in
addition to all other relevant DCs. If they succeed at the other DC Success As critical success, except the target is stupefied 1.
but not against your Diplomacy DC, they learn of your Failure The target is unaffected; Some people don’t know
magnificent designs but no other knowledge. You can choose to fashion when they see it.
allow specific individuals access to this information, such as
members of a specific guild or citizens of a specific town district, FASHION REVOLUTION � FEAT 14
and if you do they automatically succeed at the check against
Prerequisites Firebrand Fashionista Dedication and Seasoned
Crew; master in Diplomacy
Frequency once per day
Requirements You and your crew have been in the current
settlement for at least 1 full day.
You establish yourself as a fashion icon within a settlement, and
quickly gain a following of devotees to your fashion vision.
Unlike the entourages that follow Firebrand Braggarts, yours
represents the fashion counter-culture, making subtle
statements that can help kindle the sparks of rebellion into a
roaring flame. While your fashion following rarely openly
demonstrate their following of your fashion for fear of reprisal,
you may notice hints of your influence around the settlement in
the style of dress of people you meet. As your style spreads to
all corners of the settlement your crew sparks your following
into action. You form your crew into a Battle Formation at an
area within 60 feet of you and they immediately make a 3-action
Troop Attack. Your crew gains the following action during this
Battle Formation:

Rebellious Chant � (emotion, fear, mental) Your crew

and following chant your name and sing the song of rebellion.
All enemies within 30 feet of your crew must attempt Will save
against your crew’s Troop Attack DC with the following
effects. After using this action, your crew returns to its Labor

Critical Success The creature is unaffected.

Success The creature is frightened 1.
Failure The creature is frightened 2.
Critical Failure The creature is frightened 3 and fleeing.

Liberated Phantom Aberrant You have been warped by the seas themselves, or
gazed into the Dark Tapestry and survived. You gain the
RARE aberration and amphibious traits, as well as a swim Speed
Not all those that die pass into the next life, especially of 25 feet. Like all creatures with the amphibious trait, you
can breathe both water and air. Your liberated phantom
those who were lost before they could finish the duties of tradition and spells are occult.
rebellion. Though not a phantom in the traditional
sense, these unyielding souls liberate themselves even Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have
from the clutches of the afterlife to complete unfinished gained two other feats from the Liberated Phantom
business as returned spirits in a new semi-mortal coil.
You are among their number, clawing back to life to HAND OF JUDGMENT FEAT 4
continue your fight. You may have a heart filled with the ARCHETYPE
need for revenge, a strong devotion to the Firebrands Prerequisites Liberated Phantom Dedication
and their mission, or another motive entirely, but you When you first gain this feat, one of your arms becomes a tool of
have returned with the common ambition: To strike punishment with a nature appropriate for your new form (such
terror into the hearts of would be oppressors. as a gigantic pincer claw for an aberration or skeletal hand for a
corpse). The hand can hold items and can be used for Interact
Additional Feats: Crew Leader [4], Familiar [4], Enhanced Familiar actions but cannot be used to wield weapons. Your hand
unarmed attack deals 1d6 damage bludgeoning or piercing, or
[6], Rope Runner (Advanced Player’s Guide 185) [6], Seasoned Crew slashing damage chosen when you first gain this feat, is in the
[8], Professional Crew [12], Veteran Crew [16] brawling group, and has the agile, finesse, and unarmed traits.
You gain the Grasp of Judgment reaction.

LIBERATED PHANTOM DEDICATION FEAT 2 Grasp of Judgment � (attack) Trigger You critically
RARE ARCHETYPE DEDICATION succeeded at a Strike with your hand of judgment;
Requirements The creature you hit could be Grappled by you;
Prerequisites You have died an unjust death from an oppressor Effect Your hand of judgment seeks its retribution. You grab
and returned as a liberated phantom. the required creature. The creature remains grabbed until the
You were changed by your death, but your devotion to duty end of your next turn or until it Escapes, whichever comes
remained. You become trained in a Lore associated with the first.
settlement you died in or Sailing Lore if you died on a ship or at
sea. If you were already trained, you become an expert in that Special This action has either the divine or occult trait,
skill instead. matching your liberated phantom tradition.
When you become a liberated phantom,
your bound site is the location of your
death or a place of importance to your
unfinished business. You should work
with your GM to determine your
unfinished business, but it should
involve the oppressors that caused
your death. Unfinished business keeps
you from passing to the afterlife. If
someone resolves your unfinished
business, you decide whether to accept
the change and pass on, or to fight it. If
you pass on, you get a few minutes to say
your goodbyes, and then move into the
River of Souls and the afterlife. Your
character ceases to be. If you fight the
change, you remain, though you and the GM
might determine a new unfinished business. If
you are physically destroyed, you cease your
existence as a liberated phantom but still might
not be able to pass on to the afterlife if your
unfinished business is incomplete. If your unfinished
business is still incomplete after 1 year of being
completely destroyed, you return again as a liberated
phantom but you lose all memories of who you once were and
no longer remember what your unfinished business is (though
you may harbor many of your original motivations).

When you first gain this feat, select one of the following

Corpse You returned to fulfill your duty. You gain the

undead trait, and the basic undead benefits. You gain
resistance equal to half your level to either piercing or
slashing damage, chosen when you first gain this
dedication. Your undead craving is to settle your unfinished
business. Your liberated phantom tradition and spells are

MEMORY OF SELF � FEAT 4 liberated phantom tradition traits if you pilot it in this way. Finally,
once per 10 minutes, you can cast clairvoyance on any location
ARCHETYPE CONCENTRATE POLYMORPH TRANSMUTATION at your bound ship as an innate spell of your liberated phantom
Prerequisites Liberated Phantom Dedication tradition.
Frequency once per day
Special This feat has either the divine or occult trait, matching
Requirements You are holding your bound trinket. your liberated phantom tradition.
When you first gain this feat, select an item of 1 Bulk or less to
be your bound trinket. While holding your trinket, you can
transform into a specific alternate form; a memory of the ENTROPIC GRASP � FEAT 8
liberated phantom’s previous form for 1 hour. This form appears ARCHETYPE MANIPULATE MENTAL VISUAL
as that of your original ancestry without the traits you gained Prerequisites Hand of Judgment
from becoming a liberated phantom. Using Memory of Self
counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Frequency once per hour
Deception, but only to appear as your original self. You lose all of Requirements You have a creature grabbed.
the effects of your liberated phantom’s form while transformed You take back a small fraction of what was taken from you. The
in this way, including negative healing if you gained the undead target must make a Fortitude save against your class DC or spell
traits. You can Dismiss this effect as a single action with the DC, whichever is higher.
concentrate trait. If you lose your bound trinket or it is destroyed
while under the effects of Memory of Self, the effect Critical Success The target is unaffected.
immediately ends and you cannot use Memory of Self until you Success The grabbed foe becomes drained 1, and you gain
spend 1 week binding yourself to a new trinket. temporary Hit Points equal to half the target's level that last
for 10 minutes.
Special This action has either the divine or occult trait, matching
your liberated phantom tradition. Failure The grabbed foe becomes drained 2, and you gain
temporary Hit Points equal to the target's level that last for
10 minutes.
SITE OF PROTECTION FEAT 6 Critical Failure The grabbed foe becomes drained 3, and you
ARCHETYPE gain temporary Hit Points equal to twice the target's level
Prerequisites Liberated Phantom Dedication that last for 10 minutes.
First and foremost, you strove to protect. You gain the site of Special This feat has either the divine or occult trait, matching
protection focus spell. If you don’t already have one, you gain a your liberated phantom tradition.
focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can regain using the
Refocus activity to recall your unfinished business; if you already
have a focus pool, increase the number of Focus Points in your GHOST SHIP FEAT 10
focus pool by 1. When you gain this feat, you become trained in ARCHETYPE
spell attacks and spell DCs of your liberated phantom tradition.
Your key spellcasting ability for liberated phantom spells is Prerequisites Ship Bond
Charisma. Your bond transcends the limits of possibility. You learn a unique
version of the phantom ship ritual; it doesn’t require an undead
SITE OF PROTECTION FOCUS 3 member of the ship’s crew present, but it can only target your
bound ship. Your bound ship gains a semblance of a will of its
UNCOMMON ABJURATION own, becoming an intelligent item with alignment within one
Cast � somatic, verbal step of your own and Intelligence modifier of -3, Wisdom
Area 20-foot emanation modifier of +2, and Charisma modifier of +0. Its level is equal to
yours, and it’s trained in Will saving throws, Perception, Sailing
Duration 1 minute Lore, and Survival. Its only sense is a precise wavesense (60
Whispers of unearthly power gather around you. When you Cast feet) and its method of communication is empathy (you only).
this Spell, select one of the following effects:
Your bound ship is capable of making its own piloting actions
Endure You and all allies in the area gain temporary Hit Points and piloting checks using its Sailing Lore, gaining a single action
equal to 2 plus your level. every turn. Usually, it only does so when it becomes
Hide You and all allies in the area gain a +1 status bonus to uncontrolled, but it can contest the piloting actions of an
Stealth checks. unwelcome pilot at the GM’s discretion, automatically
superseding them.
Special If you cast this spell within your bound site, the spell’s
area increases to a 40-foot emanation and you can select You can’t designate another ship as your bound ship unless your
both options at once. current bound ship is destroyed or you sever your bond by
retraining this feat. If you do so, the current bound ship loses its
Heightened (6th) Increase the status bonus to Stealth checks to special qualities and becomes a normal item.
Heightened (9th) Increase the status bonus to Stealth checks to At 14th level, your bound ship’s swim Speed can be used
+3. underwater and it can move vertically while underwater, and it
gains a magical propulsion method. Crews and passengers on
SHIP BOND FEAT 6 board your ship while it is underwater can breathe as if they had
the amphibious trait and they can use their Speed to move
around the ship instead of swimming while aboard.
Prerequisites Liberated Phantom Dedication; you died aboard a
ship or at sea. At 20th level, your bound ship gains a fly Speed equal to its swim
You are bound to your ship, able to pilot it through supernatural Speed.
means. During your daily preparations, you can designate a
single ship you own as your bound ship. You gain a +2 Special This feat has either the divine or occult trait, matching
circumstance bonus to the piloting checks of your bound ship. your liberated phantom tradition.
You can pilot your bound ship even if you can’t Interact with it as
long as your bound ship is on the same plane as you and within
10 miles, and your piloting actions gain the concentrate and your

Prerequisites Liberated Phantom Dedication Prerequisites You are or were a crew member of the Nightwave;
You fell once, now it is their turn. You learn the grasping grave trained in Sailing Lore
focus spell; if you cast this spell within your bound site, the You joined the crew of the infamous Nightwave, famed as
targeted creatures take a –10-foot circumstance penalty to their freedom fighters and reckless troublemakers. You become
Speeds for 1 round on success, or a –20-foot circumstance trained in Deception or expert if you were already trained.
penalty to their Speeds for 1 round on failure. If you don’t already
have one, you gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point, which you can In addition, you're surrounded by a nightwave crew's aura in a
regain using the Refocus activity to recall your unfinished 10-foot emanation. Your aura has the emotion, mental, and
business; if you already have a focus pool, increase the number visual traits and grants you and allies within the aura a +1 status
of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1. When you gain this feat, bonus to Stealth and Deception checks to Initiative. This aura
you become trained in spell attacks and spell DCs of your counts as the marshal aura for the purposes of feats that require
liberated phantom tradition. Your key spellcasting ability for it.
liberated phantom spells is Charisma.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat except
INEXHAUSTIBLE DUTY FEAT 14 Firebrand Braggart or Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication feat
until you have gained two other feats from the Nightwave
ARCHETYPE Crew archetype. This feat counts as the prerequisite
Prerequisites Liberated Phantom Dedication; ability to cast dedication feat for the purposes of qualifying for additional
liberated phantom focus spells feats listed for this archetype.
Death may be the end of duty for some, but not for you. Your
bond strengthens your power. You become an expert in spell CANNY FOOTWORK � FEAT 4
attacks and spell DCs of your liberated phantom tradition. If you
have spent at least 2 Focus Points since the last time you ARCHETYPE FLOURISH
Refocused, you recover 2 Focus Points when you Refocus Prerequisites Nightwave Crew Dedication
instead of 1. Devrin Arlos taught you how to distract the enemy on the move.
Stride up to half your Speed. At any point during this movement,
you can Feint an enemy.
Prerequisites Liberated Phantom Dedication; ability to cast ARCHETYPE
liberated phantom focus spells; you died at land Prerequisites Nightwave Crew Dedication
You gain a measure of control over your bond with the land of Trigger You become grabbed or successfully used Create a
your unfinished business. During your daily preparations, you Diversion against an enemy within your reach.
can designate a 100 feet by 100 feet area within 20 feet of you Any foe that tries to restrain you quickly learns what a bad idea
as your secondary bound site. It counts as your bound site for that was. Make a Strike with an agile melee weapon or an agile
the purpose of your liberated phantom feats, and it lasts until unarmed attack against the creature that grabbed you or that
you designate another area as your secondary bound site.

Additionally, you can cast teleport as an innate spell of your

liberated phantom tradition once per day. Its level is always 1
level lower than the level of your focus spells, and you can only
teleport to a location within your bound site or your secondary
bound site.

Finally, whenever a creature within your bound site utters your

name aloud, you gain knowledge of that creature's name and
they must attempt a Will save against your spell DC or class
DC, whichever is higher; they may willingly fail their save. If a
creature fails its save, you learn vague details about the
creature and the situation they are in, and their exact

Special This feat has either the divine or occult trait,

matching your liberated phantom tradition.

Nightwave Crew
You number among the crew of Nightwave, the
notorious jet-black ship that leaves mayhem and
amusing stories in its wake, ranging from a treasure
hunt to aiding revolutions and explosively ending
tyrannical regimes.
Additional Feats: Devrin’s Cunning Stance (Firebrands 78) [4],
Devrin’s Dazzling Diversion (Firebrands 76) [6], Rope Runner
(Advanced Player’s Guide 185) [6], Nightwave Springing Reload
(Firebrands 77) [8].

you successfully used Create a Diversion against. This Strike Strike for your Shove against the target you struck; if it hits a
doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, and your vehicle, it opens a hole in its hull or shatters a wheel, taking a
multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike. You may –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds until a Repair action is
Interact to draw an agile melee weapon as part of using this feat performed on it with a Crafting DC equal to your class DC or spell
before making this Strike. DC whichever is higher.


Prerequisites Nightwave Crew Dedication Prerequisites Nightwave Crew Dedication, trained in Crafting
Frequency once per hour and Performance
Trigger You fail a Reflex save. Frequency once per hour
Long experience of reckless dares and destructive scenes left You are a master of making a scene, even if bystanders don’t
you well-suited to avoiding embarrassing (or fatal) mistakes. often appreciate this. You prepare a loud, eye-catching
You can reroll the triggering Reflex save and immediately fall distraction in a 5-foot square adjacent to you, whether it’s a
prone after the result. You must use the new result, even if it’s cosmetic explosion, an important building ready to ignite, or a
worse than your first roll. screaming crocodile dancing to a catchy tune. Within the next
hour, you may trigger the prepared distraction as a single action
with the concentrate trait. Every creature in a 60-foot emanation
ETHEREAL SAILS FEAT 8 centered on the distraction that wasn’t already aware of it must
ARCHETYPE attempt a Will save against your Deception or Performance DC,
Prerequisites Nightwave Crew Dedication whichever is higher.
The purported ability of Devrin’s ship to call a ghostly crew to Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
raise ethereal sails is, in actuality, a specific enchantment; still,
you learned the ritual this enchantment was based on, Success The creature is fascinated by the distraction for 1
perfecting it in the process. You learn the ethereal sails ritual. round.
When acting as primary caster, you can perform the ethereal Failure The creature is fascinated by the distraction for 1
sails rituals in 10 minutes instead of 1 hour and you gain a +2 round and is flat-footed and stupefied 1 while fascinated.
circumstance bonus to your primary check. You can also Critical Failure As failure, except the fascinated condition
perform the ritual without the aid of a secondary caster, in which does not end if you or your allies take a hostile action
case you attempt the secondary check. against it.


Salt Breakers
You are one of the members of the elusive Vidrian navy
UNCOMMON NECROMANCY founded by Shimali Manux when she stole the Free
Cast 1 hour; Captains’ ships and turned them into a symbol of the
Cost pearls or other gems worth a total value of 50 gp
Vidric Revolution. Now, you pursue righteous causes
Secondary Casters 1
throughout the waters of the Inner Sea alongside the
Primary Check Arcana (expert), Occultism (expert), or Religion
(expert); original Firebrands.
Secondary Checks Religion, Driving Lore, or Sailing Lore
Additional Feats: Broadside Buckos (Firebrands 78) [4], Deft
Range 100 feet;
Cooperation ( 23)[4], Rope Runner (Advanced Player’s Guide 185) [4].
Target(s) 1 vehicle no more than 175 feet long with a wind
propulsion method.
You attempt to pilot your vehicle with the power of those from
Critical Success The vehicle gains a +30-foot status bonus to Prerequisites You received a number of Salt Breaker voucher
its magical, rowed, and wind Speeds for an hour. tokens required by a crew’s captain; trained in Sailing Lore
Success As a critical success, but the status bonus is only You are one of the famed Salt Breakers, whether as a new
+20-foot. probationary member or one accepted in truth after a year of
Failure The ritual has no effect. sailing with the crew. You become an expert in Sailing Lore. You
Critical Failure The ghostly crew rebels, fighting your efforts gain the Keen Follower general feat, and once per day, you can
and causing the vehicle to become immobile for an hour, grant Keen Follower’s bonuses to an ally for the duration of a
unless you fight and disperse the crew, in which case you single exploration activity.
can’t cast this ritual again for a month. The ghostly crew
has statistics of four CN ghost commoners (Bestiary 167). Special You can’t select another dedication feat except
Firebrand Braggart or Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication feat
until you have gained two other feats from the Salt Breaker
MOUNTAIN-FOLK SHOT � FEAT 8 archetype. This feat counts as the prerequisite dedication feat
ARCHETYPE CONCENTRATE for the purposes of qualifying for additional feats listed for
Prerequisites Nightwave Crew Dedication this archetype.
Requirements You are wielding a crossbow or firearm.
It is said that Grarm Dannthor’s musket might as well be a BOTTLE OF NAVIGATION FEAT 4
cannon, for the impact it has. Make a ranged weapon Strike ARCHETYPE
against a creature or vehicle. This Strike gains the razing
weapon trait, or doubles the amount of additional damage it Prerequisites Salt Breaker Dedication; trained in Survival
gains from this trait if it already had the razing trait. If it hits and You obtained – or were gifted – Yana Mashilene’s enchanted
deals damage, you can make an immediate Shove against the bottle, and you learned a bit of her navigation skills as well. You
target using your ranged attack roll modifier you used for this gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks to Sense
Direction or Predict the Weather, and you don’t take an item

penalty without a compass. You also gain the Predict Weather COOPERATIVE STANCE � FEAT 8
skill feat. You gain access to bottles of navigation, immediately
gaining one the first time you gain this feat. ARCHETYPE STANCE
Prerequisites Broadside Buckos
BOTTLE OF NAVIGATION ITEM 4 Requirements You can see at least 1 of your crewmates.
UNCOMMON DIVINATION MAGICAL Shimali Manux teaches cooperation to every member of the Salt
Price 100 gp Breakers, and you bring her teachings to another level. You
count as sufficiently prepared to Aid your crewmates on their
Usage held in 1 hand attack rolls. When you use the Aid reaction to help a crewmate
This enchanted bottle functions as a lensatic compass, giving in such a way, you must roll a melee attack roll in place of the
you a +1 item bonus to Sense Direction or navigate, provided usual check.
you're in a location with uniform magnetic fields.
Activate � Frequency once per week; Effect You use the
bottle’s magic to predict drastic changes in weather. You ARCHETYPE
learn if a weather event will occur in the region during the Prerequisites Salt Breaker Dedication
next 24 hours, but not what that event will be or when it will You are always on the lookout for moments where an ally could
take place. The GM rolls a secret DC 6 flat check. On a use a helping hand. At the start of each of your turns, you gain
failure, the result is always “no event.” an additional reaction that you can use only to Aid an ally.

Activate � Frequency once per week; Effect You open the ILLUSORY TRICKS FEAT 14
bottle, calling for Salt Breaker aid. Every bottle of navigation
within 100 miles flares up, showing your coordinates and ARCHETYPE
direction to your bottle of navigation for 1 day. Prerequisites Salt Breaker Dedication; expert in Arcana or
Salt Breakers often use illusions to mask their true numbers and
ZAZS’ CUNNING FEAT 4 positions. You are now able to contribute to this effort. Choose
ARCHETYPE false vision, illusory object, illusory scene, invisibility sphere, or
phantom crowd. You can cast this spell as a 5th-level innate
Prerequisites Salt Breaker Dedication; trained in Deception arcane spell once per day.
Zazs is quick to teach any prospective Salt Breaker the skills
needed to fool the oppressors, even as he sometimes fools Special You can select this feat multiple times, choosing a
them first. You become an expert in Deception and gain the different spell each time.
Backup Disguise skill feat. When you use the 3-action activity to
Impersonate using your backup disguise you can Hide before
you switch into your disguise as part of the same activity. By Silver Ravens
hiding in this way, you can assume a backup disguise even while From defenders of Kintargo during the Chelish Civil
observed. If you succeed your Hide and Impersonate checks, War to liberators of Ravounel, the Silver Ravens are a
creatures do not recognize you. If it would be unrealistic or
incredulous for you to be another creature (such as being symbol of hope in the war against tyranny. They bring a
trapped in a jail cell), you may take a circumstance penalty to tempo and levity to revolution and raise the spirits of
your Impersonate or may have to make additional checks those who suffer through their endeavors.
(subject to GM discretion).
Additional Feats: Hymn of Healing (Advanced Player's Guide pg.
BEAT THE SYSTEM FEAT 7 228) [4], Cutting Flattery (Firebrands pg. 79) [5], Melodious Spell (Core
ARCHETYPE SKILL Rulebook pg. 101) [6], Accompany [10] (Advanced Player's Guide pg.
Prerequisites Salt Breaker Dedication; master in Society 113), Silver's Refrain (Pathfinder #147 pg. 73) [12]
You follow in Adjeri’s footsteps, fighting the systemic oppression
and enacting strategies that would hopefully last. You can use SILVER RAVEN DEDICATION FEAT 2
the Society skill to perform the special downtime activity UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE DEDICATION
Research Political Infrastructure, spending at least one day of
downtime to investigate the probable nexuses of the Prerequisites trained in Performance; non-evil alignment.
settlement’s tyrannical elements and the ways to thwart them. You are a Silver Raven, a hero trying to spread revolution
The difficulty of Research Political Infrastructure is determined throughout Old Cheliax. With a mix of stylistic flair, cutting wit
by the GM based on the size of the settlement and the relative and revolutionary fury, the Silver Ravens rise when devils fall!
competence and pervasiveness of oppressive elements, but it Upon being accepted into the ranks of the Silver Ravens, you are
typically starts with at least DC 15 for a small village and presented with a silver pin resembling a bird— the namesake of
increases to at least DC 20 for a town, at least DC 30 for a city, your cause. Once per day, you cast animal messenger as an
and at least DC 40 for a metropolis. If you succeed, you gain innate occult spell, except it is cast on your pin. During your daily
knowledge related to oppression each day as if you had preparations, your pin somehow always manages to end up back
successfully taken the Gather Information exploration activity. in your possession, even if it was destroyed.
This knowledge is related to current events related to oppression
such as the whereabouts of perpetrators, locations of the Special You can’t select another dedication feat except
oppressed, or key events related to the political landscape in the Firebrand Revolutionary Dedication feat until you have gained
settlement. You must be in the settlement to gain information two other feats from the Silver Raven archetype.
this way and if you leave the settlement for longer than 1 week,
you must Research Political Infrastructure again. POISON PEN FEAT 4
Prerequisites Silver Raven Dedication
Hell No! Thrune Must Go! The Silver Ravens owe much of the
public support they gained during the Kintargo Revolution to
their excellent use of propaganda. Through soap-boxing,

inflammatory literature and distributed pamphlets, you turn the harmed by revolution. You Stride up to half your speed towards
tide against the elite. Creatures aware of your recent efforts to the creature that would cause harm and make a Strike against
spread propaganda (Firebrands p.94) have a -2 circumstance that creature. If your Strike is successful, the ally or bystander
penalty to saves against emotion effects you create. gains a +2 circumstance to their AC and saves against the
triggering Strike or effect.
Prerequisites Silver Raven Dedication; trained in Crafting ARCHETYPE
The partaking of mint tea was a symbol of rebellion against Prerequisites Silver Raven Dedication
Barzillai Thrune (who outlawed the drink on a whim), and has Silver Ravens have long clashed with fiends, and you are no
stuck around as a habit among Ravens even today. You gain the stranger to battling them. Lawful evil fiends do not gain status
Alchemical Crafting skill feat. In addition, during your daily bonuses to their saves against your magic and gain a weakness
preparations you can prepare a cup of mint tea, an alchemical to silver equal to their weakness to good while within 30 feet of
food item which grants you a +1 circumstance bonus to Sense you. If they already were weak to silver, increase this weakness
Motive against lawful or evil creatures for 8 hours when by half your level.
consumed. If you are an expert in Crafting you can create 2 cups,
if you are a master you can create 4 cups, and if you are THE RAVENS RISE! � FEAT 14
legendary you can create 8 cups.
PROTECT THE PEACE � FEAT 6 Prerequisites Silver Raven Dedication
ARCHETYPE Frequency once per day
Requirements You are holding your Silver Raven pin.
Prerequisites Silver Raven Dedication
Your pin shoots argent power through you, and beautiful silver
Trigger A creature targets an ally or a bystander that has not crow wings erupt from your back. You gain a fly Speed equal to
taken a hostile action with a Strike or effect that would require your Speed for 1 hour. You can only fly while holding your Silver
a saving throw. Raven pin, but you retain the ability to fly for the duration if you
From saving civilians from Hellknight punishments to fighting in hold your pin again. If you are at least 18th level, the duration
streets of blood, you refuse to let bystanders be increases to 4 hours.


Prerequisites Silver Raven Dedication
You have learned how to perform the song of silver ritual, the
greatest tool the Silver Ravens have in their struggle against


Cast 10 minutes; Secondary Casters up to 6 targets
Primary Check Performance (master); Secondary Checks
Range 1 mile; Target(s) Up to 6 creatures
You sing the Song of Silver, an old mining song turned anthem of
Kintargo as you lead a chorus with the ones you bestow its

Critical Success You grant the effects of Silver's Refrain to all

targets for a week. Targets also gain a +1 status bonus to
Will saves and a +2 status bonus to saves against fear
effects that originate from fiends for the same duration. If
a target of this ritual would die as a result of a fiend giving
it the dying condition or a fiend’s death effect, another
affected target can spend their reaction to grant the effects
of breath of life to the dying target, but this immediately
ends the effects of the ritual for all targeted creatures. You
cannot perform the song of silver again for a month.
Success As a critical success, but the effect lasts 1 day.
Failure Your song is lost and you cannot try the song again for
1 week.
Critical Failure As a failure, but your singing attracts the
attention of a fiendish enemy who interrupts your song and
attempts to slay you. A devil three levels higher than your
level appears and engages you in combat. You cannot cast
this ritual again for 1 month.

SCION OF FREEDOM FEAT 20 Critical Success You move through the hazardous terrain
treating it as normal terrain. You ignore any effects caused
ARCHETYPE by moving through the hazardous terrain including any
Prerequisites Silver Raven Dedication saving throws you would be required to make as part of this
You have transcended from more than a person—you are a movement. You still suffer any effects that would result
symbol to those who fight for the same things you do, gracing from ending your movement in the hazardous terrain.
the pages of books and the lips of whisperers looking for a hero. Success As a critical success, but you treat each square of
So great are your heroics that the patrons of revolution have hazardous terrain as difficult terrain.
blessed you, leaving a token of their gratitude atop your raven Critical Failure You fall prone in the first square of hazardous
pin one morning—perhaps a rose, or a feather. You always count terrain you attempted to move through.
as holding your silver raven pin for the purposes of feats or
abilities that require you to do so. You can bestow silver raven Special Your construct companion gains this action and it can
pins to others, granting them the ability to take the Silver Ravens use your Acrobatics modifier instead of its own if you are
Dedication even if they would not normally have access. In mounted during this movement.
addition, you can cast avatar as an innate divine spell with a
target of yourself, but you must select Milani as your deity and
after you use this ability you cannot cast the spell again for 1 SCRAP HARVESTER FEAT 4

Wandering Embers Prerequisites Wandering Ember Dedication; expert in Crafting

Back on Scrapheap, breakdowns weren't rare, but the right parts
Not all those who join the ranks of Fire's Finest stay to fix them were. You became accustomed to seeking out parts
forever—though this is by design! What is the point of to help the crew jury-rig the annihilator robot back into action.
Now that you've been adventuring on your own and caring for
seeing the world if you don't take your journey into your your own robot, you've since developed those skills to find
own hands? Wandering Embers, the nickname given to exactly the right parts in any machine. You gain the formulas for
adventurers who have taken a different path to that of two common or uncommon gadgets. Each day during your daily
preparations, you can create one temporary gadget from your
Scrapheap, are gifted a construct companion when they formula book. Gadgets prepared in this way don't cost you any
leave—and are told by Passenger that when their paths resources to Craft and don't have any sale value. They are
intersect again, they hope the machine will be as mighty temporary items and fall apart the next time you make your daily
preparations if you haven't already used them.
as the lumbering annihilator!
Additional Feats: Advanced Construct Companion [6], Incredible
If you're a master in Crafting, you can create two gadgets per
day, and you gain two additional common or uncommon gadget
Construct Companion [10], Paragon Companion [16] formulas. If you're legendary in Crafting, you can create three
gadgets per day, and you gain another additional two common
or uncommon gadget formulas, for a total of nine.
When you have access to the remains of a destroyed construct,
UNCOMMON ARCHETYPE DEDICATION you can spend 1 hour pulling through parts of its body to create
Prerequisites trained in Crafting a gadget equal to half the construct's level or your level if the
You are a member of Fire's Finest who has taken your journey on construct destroyed was your companion, but doing so means
a different path to Passenger and Scrapheap, though your you must spend 1 day of downtime to reconstruct your
mission is the same: explore the world and seek out adventure. companion. Gadgets created from re-purposed constructs are
You do not travel alone. You gain a prototype construct temporary like the other gadgets you can create and becomes
companion gifted to you by the engineers aboard Scrapheap inert during your next daily preparations.
resembling some other form of arachnid or crustacean. Your
construct companion has the following changes to its base FLASHY EFFECTS FEAT 8
• It gains the mount special ability Prerequisites Wandering Ember Dedication
• It has a Speed of 15 feet and a swim Speed of 15 feet As you walk down the streets of somewhere new with your
construct companion at your side, you announce yourself with
Special You can’t select another dedication feat except style. Your construct companion can produce flashy effects
Firebrand Braggart or Firebrand Fashionista dedication feat such as fireworks, twirling colorful rods, or brandishing arcing
until you have gained two other feats from the Wandering electric attachments allowing you to draw admiration and
Ember archetype. attention. Your construct companion becomes trained in
Performance and increases its proficiency with Performance
RUSH THROUGH PERIL � FEAT 4 any time it would increase its proficiency in Acrobatics or
Athletics. It gains the following action:
Prerequisites Wandering Ember Dedication Flashy Effects � (manipulate) Frequency once per day;
Fire's Finest are well known for their risky stunts, and you are no Effect Your construct companion puts on a tremendous
different. Hazardous terrain, traps and more won't stop you! You display that either frightens or impresses others. Your
Stride up to your Speed. During this movement, the first time you construct companion Performs at your command and you
would move through hazardous terrain you can make an choose to frighten or impress all creatures within 30 feet of it
Acrobatics check against the DC of the effect that caused the as it makes a Performance check against their Will DCs.
hazardous terrain or a hard DC of your level if it was not from an
effect. If you attempt to move through multiple hazardous Critical Success If you choose frightened, the creature
terrains with different DCs, you use the result of your initial is frightened 2 and can’t lower their frightened
check against the DC of any hazardous terrain you attempt to condition below 1 while within 30 feet of your
move through. construct companion. If you choose to impress, the
creature is fascinated and dazzled. The frightened and

fascinated conditions last until your construct Success As a critical success, but you only move half the
companion does not spend a round using an action to construct's Speed.
Perform or 1 minute has passed since it first used this Critical Failure You fall prone by the construct's side.
action, whichever comes first. You gain a +2
circumstance bonus to Make an Impression on
creatures who were frightened or dazzled by your MELDED MOUNT FEAT 12
construct’s flashy effects. ARCHETYPE
Success As critical success, except the creature is Prerequisites Wandering Ember Dedication
frightened 1 if you chose frightened, or dazzled if you
chose impress. You and your construct fight in tandem while mounted.
Whenever you and your construct companion are adjacent to the
same foe and you are mounted, you re both flanking that foe
Special If your construct companion is an Advanced Construct with each other, regardless of your actual positions.
Companion, it adds Perform to the list of actions it can use if
you did not use Command a Minion this turn.
ARCHETYPE Prerequisites Wandering Ember Dedication; trained in Athletics
Prerequisites Wandering Ember Dedication Trigger Your companion targets a creature within your reach
with a Strike.
You've ridden around on your construct enough to get a feeling
for how best to grab and move around on the back of much more Your construct has been specially trained to follow your fighting
dangerous machines. Your construct companion increases its style, and you know how to set it up for devastating blows. You
Speeds by 10 feet while you are mounted. In addition, when you attempt an Athletics check against the triggering creatures
attempt an Athletics check to Grapple a construct, you can Reflex DC.
replace the normal tiers of success with the following:
Critical Success Your maneuver connects and puts your
Critical Success You and the construct both move up to the opponent in a compromising position. Your companion
construct's Speed in a direction of your choosing. If you gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the triggering Strike and
were mounted when you attempted this grapple, you can if they get a critical hit the target is knocked prone in
dismount as part of this action. This is forced movement. addition to the normal effects of their Strike.
Success As a critical success, but the bonus is +1.
Critical Failure You accidentally move the target out of the
way. Your companion takes a -1 status penalty to their


Prerequisites Wandering Ember Dedication
You have successfully upgraded your construct into a machine
that Fire's Finest would be proud of—one big enough to house
folks and take them on journeys, just like Scrapheap would.
While yours might not have the same mystique or legendary
crew, you've accomplished the task Passenger gave you when
you left. Your construct can reconfigure itself into a walking
fortress, 20 feet square and 30 feet high. It has a move speed of
15 feet and up to 5 rooms of your design. Creatures that are
inside your construct castle cannot be targeted by effects
unless those effects would be able to target creatures without
line of sight or line of effect. If your construct companion is
destroyed while there are creatures inside of it, those creatures
immediately appear in the squares where your construct
companion died.

While it may still perform all the actions it could previously, it can
eject a smaller version of itself (the form it held previously) as a
3-action activity. When it does so, its construct castle becomes
immobile, but still otherwise functions as a building of its size.
The smaller form can use the same 3-action activity to rejoin
with its construct castle, becoming mobile again.

Alternate Subclasses
The makings of a life may be similar in nature, but expressed in different ways. While one champion
might foster the fight against tyranny by freeing the oppressed, another may inspire the oppressed
to stand and face their oppressors. A piece of music from a bard might bear the melody of the sea,
helping soothe the mind on long voyages. A druid who listens to the calls of the ocean might hear
something beyond the crashing waves, something… deeper.
(Alternate Liberator)
Some subclasses are representative of similar
themes or mechanical niche to existing
UNCOMMON subclasses, but have a more tailored approach
You’re focused on defying oppressors. You gain the Rebel’s Defiance based on the type of campaign or the region
champion’s reaction and the lay on hands devotion spell. After the where the characters may find themselves.
tenets of good, add these tenets: These subclasses can be treated as distinct
• You must seek and root out tyranny wherever you go, using any from others of their type, but they serve as
means you deem necessary to accomplish this goal. This tenet doesn't conceptually similar themes of existing
force you to take action against tyranny at an indefinite time in the subclasses expressed in differently. While it is
possible to have two subclasses that are
future, or to sacrifice your life while acting against it.
alternates of each other in the same game
• You must demand and fight for others’ freedom to make their own
without issues, there may be overlap in roles.
decisions. You may never engage in or countenance tyranny.
A GM may allow selecting from either subclass
CHAMPION’S REACTION interchangeably with no restrictions, restrict
REBEL’S DEFIANCE � them to one option per feat level, or keep them
isolated to their respective subclasses as they
are originally designed depending on
Trigger An enemy damages your ally, and both are within 15 feet of you.
You inspire the spark of defiance. The ally gains resistance to all damage against the character and table needs.
the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level and gains a +1 circumstance bonus
to attack rolls and a +2 circumstance bonus to damage rolls against the
triggering enemy until the end of their next turn.
No foe is safe against those they oppressed. If the triggering ally damages the
triggering enemy while under the effects of Rebel's Defiance, that enemy takes
persistent good damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

You inspire your whole group. When you use Rebel's Defiance to grant
your ally a circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls against the
triggering enemy, you can apply this bonus to you and all allies
within 15 feet of you, including the triggering ally.


Prerequisites rebel cause
Your allies are inspired by your unyielding will. Instead of granting
a circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls to the
triggering ally with Rebel's Defiance, you can grant them a +2
circumstance bonus to Will saving throws for the same


Prerequisites Defiant Spirit
Your refusal to let your allies be cowed extends to mind-
affecting magic. You can use Rebel's Defiance when an
enemy Casts a Spell with the mental trait on your ally, and
both are within 15 feet of you. If you do so, attempt to
counteract the triggering spell. Your counteract level is equal
to half your level (rounded up), and your counteract check
modifier is equal to your class DC – 10.

Shanty Muse Deep Sea Order
(Alternate Maestro) (Alternate Wave Order)

The sea, with its endless horizon, crashing waves, and While you always feel the sea, you feel its depths too.
mysterious depths, inspires a sense of wonder. If your You're trained in Survival. You also gain the Oceans’ Call
muse is a creature it could be a powerful creature from druid feat and the reef barrier order spell. Hunting or
the watery expanse, if it is a deity it might be Gozreh, or killing ocean creatures other than for survival (such as
even the tides themselves. You gain the Sea Farer feat for trophies, chemicals or for delicacies where the bulk
and add gravitational pull to your spell repertoire. of the creature is wasted) is anathema to your order.
Additional Feats: Natural Swimmer [4], Advanced Elemental Spell (wave
SEA FARER FEAT 1 order) [6]
Prerequisites shanty muse OCEANS’ CALL FEAT 1
Even in the roughest waves you stand strong to your course, and DRUID
can lend that stability to your allies. While under the effects of Prerequisites deep sea order
one of your compositions, you and your allies gain a +1 status You have a deep connection to the creatures that inhabit the sea
bonus to Acrobatics checks to Balance and to saves against and can call on these creatures to fight alongside you on land.
water effects that cause forced movement or the prone When you Summon a creature with the aquatic, amphibious, or
condition. You become trained in Sailing Lore. water traits using a spell or ability, a miasma of water surrounds
them, allowing them to use their swim Speed as if they were in
RESIST THE SIREN’S CALL � FEAT 4 water and use any abilities that would be dependent on them
BARD FORTUNE being in water (though not other creatures unless they are
already in water).
Prerequisites shanty muse
Frequency once per hour REEF BARRIER FOCUS 1
Trigger You would roll a saving throw against a spell with the
mental trait that would compel you to take an action against UNCOMMON CONJURATION DRUID
your will or give you the controlled condition. Cast � material, somatic, verbal
You have become hardened to the alluring call of the siren, and Range 60 feet
gird yourself against other compulsions. You may roll twice on Duration 1 minute
the triggering saving throw and take the better result. You conjure a barrier of sharp coral that is 1 foot thick, 10 feet
high, and 20 feet long. The reef deals piercing damage equal to
SEA DEVIL’S DITTY FEAT 6 your spellcasting modifier to each creature that's in the wall's
space when it is created with a basic Reflex save. On a critical
BARD failure, the creature also takes 1 persistent bleed damage. A
Prerequisites shanty muse creature that resides in the area the wall is created is pushed to
You learn the sea devil’s ditty composition cantrip, which causes the nearest space on the side of its choice after taking damage.
your enemies to become seasick. The wall stands vertically and can be of a shorter length or
height. It provides cover and the wall's spaces are difficult
A creature that moves through the area takes 1 piercing damage
UNCOMMON BARD CANTRIP COMPOSITION TRANSMUTATION for every square of that area it moves into.
Cast � verbal Heightened (+1) The Hit Points of each section of the wall
Area 30-foot emanation increases by 10 and the piercing damage increases by 1d4
Duration 1 round and the persistent damage on critical failure and damage for
You rouse the unsettling oscillations of the sea by playing a song passing through its squares increases by 1.
said to be written by a sea devil. Enemies within the area are
clumsy 1 as they experience the feeling of sudden roiling waves. FETID SPELL � FEAT 12
SEA LEGS FEAT 8 Prerequisites deep sea order
BARD You have learned to taint the water within a creature's body. If
Prerequisites shanty muse the next action you use is to cast harm targeting a single living
You learn the sea legs composition cantrip, which grants your creature, you can attempt to corrupt the life-giving water in the
allies the ability to fight more effectively in water. creature's body and hasten their ongoing afflictions in addition
to the other benefits of harm. If you do, harm gains the water
SEA LEGS CANTRIP 4 You can use your knowledge to manipulate the water within a
UNCOMMON BARD CANTRIP COMPOSITION TRANSMUTATION creature's body, causing it to become tainted and harmful. In
WATER addition to the normal benefits of harm, if the target is afflicted
with a disease or poison, you can attempt to worsen their
Cast � verbal condition by using this feat. On a failed save against your harm
Area 30-foot emanation spell, their affliction worsens by one stage. On a critical failure it
Duration 1 round worsens by two stages. If they are already at the highest stage
You grant yourself and allies sea legs, literally, gaining the ability of the affliction, they take a 1d6 persistent bleed damage if it is
to breath in water and swim swiftly. Yourself and allies within the a disease or poison damage if it is was a poison. If they are
area gain the amphibious trait allowing them to breath in the air afflicted with multiple diseases or poisons you must choose
and in the water, and gain a Swim speed equal to their Speed. which to affect with this feat.

Firebrand Denominations
The gods smile on the Firebrands, some say more than they do for other factions. Though liberation
is fostered by many, some gods are more known to contribute to the cause than others. Still, there
are denominations within deities, such as Lubaiko and Cayden, that see the path to freedom differently
than their larger counterparts. There are also denominations of gods not normally concerned with
the plights of Firebrands that subscribe to these new ideologies or a different lens why which to
view life, like Norgorber and Pharasma or that view the beauty of art and expression courageously
such as Calistria and Shelyn. These denominations provide the Firebrands even more blessings than
they already possess, blessings they exude in their day to day fight against tyranny.
CAYDEN CAILEAN, followers throw balls, organize exclusive cabarets and
CAPTAIN CAILEAN [CG] nightclubs, and follow their goddess’ rule to seek personal
freedom and hedonism to new, primadonnic heights.
Those lousy Absalomites don't
know half the tale of Cayden Edicts dress in dramatic and flamboyant clothes, love yourself
Cailean! Yes, he was an radically, perform under a raunchy pseudonym
adventurer who braved the Test of Anathema judge another for their presentation, allow others to
the Starstone on a drunken dare— be insulted, dress shabbily when you have no reason to
but who was he before that? Why, Areas of Concern fashion, performance, gender, parties
he was the greatest sailor there Follower Alignment NG, CG, CN
ever was! Captain Cailean has
braved the High Seas thousands of DEVOTEE BENEFITS
times. He's tied the tentacles of krakens Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma
into knots! He's had steamy affairs with Besmara, who Divine Font heal
personally wants him dead! He was my great grandfather's Divine Skill performance
captain, you know! All of this may be true, or it may be a lie— Favored Weapon fighting fan
but none of that matters. To seafaring folks, Captain Cailean is Domains change, creation, passion, trickery
an urban legend, an eternally shifting boast that sailors can Cleric Spells 1st fashionista, 2nd instant parade, 3rd enthrall,
look up to… and entertain themselves with as they share stories 4th fey form*, 5th cloak of colors*, 6th vibrant pattern*, 7th
and grog under the stars. prismatic spray*, 8th uncontrollable dance*, 9th prismatic
*Indicates spells for those using Clerics+ expanded deity
Edicts embellish all your stories fantastically, seek out grand spells
adventures to go on, sail the High Seas
Anathema doubt someone's boasts, use your bragging to
belittle others, act humbly LUBAIKO, THE METHODICAL
Areas of Concern sailors, storytellers, braggarts
Follower Alignment CG, CN
Lubaiko’s purview is violent change of
DEVOTEE BENEFITS all kinds, yet some churches focus on
Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma long-term plans rather than
Divine Font heal immediate results—not an explosive
Divine Skill performance turmoil of a powder keg beginning to
Favored Weapon rapier detonate, but a long-awaited flame of
Domains confidence, freedom, luck, trickery revolution methodically burning until it
Cleric Spells 1st biting words, 2nd sea surge, 3rd wall of water, would overturn the oppressors and
4th fly*, 5th lightning storm*, 6th mislead*, 7th true target*, 8th tyrants. Such clerics of the The Methodical
deluge*, 9th unfathomable song*; Wick cast her as a more pragmatic deity in
*Indicates spells for those using Clerics+ expanded deity her approach to bringing forth judgment
spells through fire. Each spark a decision, each
tongue of flame a vaulted statement with
purpose; a purifying combustion that seeks to cleanse the
CALISTRIA, THE blood-soaked soil under the blooming rose. Followers of The
SHINING NEEDLE [CG] Methodical Wick are usually those you would least expect to be
revolutionaries; lawmakers, bankers, academics, the like. They
Though often the Sacred Sting of organize their praxis from the shadows by setting dates for
Calistria is a goddess of lethal protests, anonymously paying fines for those who cannot do so
retaliation, a particular sect of themselves, arm rebels who need weapons, etcetera. They are
worshippers have found a creative way of less explosive than the majority of Lubaiko's followers, but this
expressing themselves; unorthodox fashion is of no consequence to them. The spark that travels the wick
design and performance. The Shining follows a planned path with an efficacious result: freedom.
Needle’s popularity is recent; a retaliation
against certain restrictive laws in pre-civil war Edicts forcefully confront oppression, act boldly and
Taldor which attempted to codify men’s and ambitiously, destroy tyrannical institutions, establish new and
women’s clothing, and the intermixing of the benevolent order
two as illegal. To combat these laws, the Church of Calistria Anathema abandon a good cause, enslave or oppress others,
began distributing racy women’s outfits to men, and douse a fire
exaggerated men’s fake facial hair to women. It soon gained Areas of Concern revolution, inspiration, turmoil, fire
viral popularity among followers who saw this new art form as Follower Alignments LG, NG, LN
a personal vengeance against the patriarchal system of Stavian
III’s Taldor. Now, in Eutropia’s Taldor (where such preposterous DEVOTEE BENEFITS
laws have been abolished), the Shining Needle thrives, and has Divine Ability Intelligence or Charisma
since grown to have followers throughout the world. Their Divine Font heal

Divine Skill Diplomacy sometimes struggle to find meaning in life on their own.
Favored Weapon fire poi
Domains change, fire, freedom, zeal Edicts Wonder at life and its many gifts, travel to places you’ve
Alternate Domains ambition, destruction never been, bring joy to the hearts of others
Cleric Spells 1st agitate, 2nd ignite fireworks, 3rd blazing dive*, Anathema Desecrate the dead, end a day without doing
4th fire shield, 5th incendiary fog*, 6th fire seeds*, 7th fiery something that brought you satisfaction, refuse to give mercy
body*, 8th burning blossoms*, 9th meteor swarm* Areas of Concern life, death, journeys, happiness
*Indicates spells for those using Clerics+ expanded deity Follower Alignment LG, NG, CG
NORGORBER, THE FALL OF THE Divine Ability Dexterity or Wisdom
Divine Font heal
MIGHTY [CN] Divine Skill society
The mystery behind Norgorber’s life and Favored Weapon bostaff
ascension makes for a potent fuel for Domains death, life, introspection, travel
reinterpretation of his edicts. To some, Cleric Spells 1st object reading, 2nd sonata span, 3rd firework
the true meaning of his dogma lies not blast, 4th daydreamer's curse*, 5th glimmer of charm*, 6th
in selfish search for wealth and hidden teleport*, 7th magnificent mansion*, 8th dream council*, 9th
knowledge, but in using any and all bilocation*
means to bring down the arrogant and *Indicates spells for those using Clerics+ expanded deity
powerful. The idealistic followers of spells
The Fall of the Mighty rarely get along
with other Norgorberite cultists, who SHELYN, MISTRESS OF THE
totally dismiss the notion of a 5th face to
their shadowy god. Most common in the city of sin, Vyre, the MURALS [CG]
secret home of Norgorber, Fall of the Mighty assassins most Shelyn's art is often sought
often aid the Silver Ravens of Kintargo. They meet in secret by after even by tyrants, who
candlelight in the basements of government buildings, planning commission pieces of their
what other revolutionaries refuse to. A tragedy is sometimes cruelest leaders as a sign
necessary for the greater good in their eyes, and they often use of power. Followers of the
brutal— if effective— methods to take down their targets. Mistress of Murals give
them exactly what they
Edicts target those who abuse their power, use any means want in a way they
necessary, work from the shadows absolutely hate. A demagogue
Anathema allow your true identity to be connected to your may awaken to find their home
secret endeavors, harm innocents unnecessarily, show mercy defaced with stunningly beautiful
to tyrants graffiti. Streets may have colorful
Areas of Concern vengeance, assassination, poison, secrets paintings expressing rebellious sentiment pop up overnight.
Follower Alignments CG, N, CN, CE Sometimes, this guerrilla art is a political statement, meant to
encourage the oppressed and downtrodden. Other times, they
DEVOTEE BENEFITS contain coded messages and symbols for revolutionaries to
Divine Ability Dexterity or Intelligence interpret. Mistress of Murals' followers do not attend church—
Divine Font heal or harm rarely, they ever meet each other, praying through street art and
Divine Skill Stealth leaving messages for one another this way. When a tyrant
Favored Weapon dagger paints over their art… they come back, and create their art
Domains change, death, secrecy, trickery again, as many times as it takes.
Alternate Domains ambition, destruction
Cleric Spells 1st true strike, 2nd invisibility, 3rd shadow spy*,
4th nightmare*, 5th passwall*, 6th purple worm sting, 7th true Edicts Create art in public places, inspire those who walk the
target*, 8th disappearance*, 9th unspeakable shadow* streets, speak your truth no matter who says otherwise
*Indicates spells for those using Clerics+ expanded deity Anathema Deface the street art of another, bow to authority's
spells demands, produce offensive or crude graffiti
Areas of Concern Street artists, individuality, expression
PHARASMA, THE JOYOUS Follower Alignment CG, CN


Pharasma is seen as a gloomy and Divine Ability Dexterity or Charisma
grim goddess throughout the world, Divine Font heal
her symbol a period to the sentence Divine Skill crafting
that is life. But to some, she Favored Weapon piranha kiss
represents far more than that. What is Domains ambition, cities, creation, glyph
a goddess of death but a librarian of Cleric Spells 1st color spray, 2nd faerie fire, 3rd painted scout,
life? Should one focus on the end, rather 4th chromatic ray*, 5th wall of stone*, 6th vibrant pattern*, 7th
than the path to it? Observers of the prismatic spray*, 8th prismatic wall*, 9th prismatic shield*
Joyous Journey are celebrants of living and joy, with the many *Indicates spells for those using Clerics+ expanded deity
challenges that come with it. Though these followers still often spells
wear black garbs and thick white makeup, they decorate with
colorful accessories such as rainbow-hued shawls, travel the
world to experience as much as they can, eat delicious foods
and take part in cultural celebrations. They profess that when
they meet The Lady of Graves themselves, they will do so
knowing that they have used her gift of life to the fullest, so
they have nothing to fear from death. This has made them very
popular among Firebrands in darker lands such as Ustalav or
the Gravelands, and curiously, among Androids, who

Firebrand Equipment
Firebrands like any other adventurers need equipment and affects to meet their goals, for relinquishing
the reigns from tyrants is not easily done without the proper tools to pry it from their dastardly
fingers. Ships and vehicles serve both as means to transport those that would seek refuge as well
as bases of operation for planned attacks against unsavory political enemies. The tools of any job
are just that tools, and while a Firebrand might consider themselves the ultimate tool, a few extra
provisions are certain to help them out of tight spots.
Firebrands need trinkets and effects that can suit many MAGICAL PLANT
needs, give them direction, and help aid their friends. Price 130 gp
Whether it be a fire starter or a supernaturally reliable Hands 2; Bulk L
rope, a Firebrand is equipped for anything. This 50-foot-long rope is made from the barbed tendrils of an
assassin vine plant. Once per day, you can cast 1st-level animate
rope. If you command the rope to Bind, it deals 2d6 points of
FIRETRACKER FLINT ITEM 3 slashing damage to the target at the end of each turn it is still
bound by the rope.
Usage held in 1 hand
This flint and steel is etched with runes that empower its user MAGICAL PLANT
with a supernatural understanding of fire. While holding the flint Price 340 gp
and steel, you gain a +1 item bonus to Survival checks and can Hands 2; Bulk L
determine the age of a fire, whether currently lit or extinguished, This 50-foot-long rope is made from magically reinforced fibers.
within 1 hour of its creation. Once per day, you can cast 1st-level animate rope. If you
command the rope to Loop, it can support up to 1,000lbs in
BRAVO’S BOOTS ITEM 4 weight and the rope gains a Hardness of 5 and 20 Hit Points for
the duration.
Usage worn shoes; Bulk L
These stylish red leather boots are adorned with intricate INVESTED MAGICAL TRANSMUTATION
buckles and embroidery. Price 180 gp
Usage worn headware; Bulk L
Activate � Interact; Trigger You critically hit with a Strike or get This distinguished tricorne hat is adorned with gold braiding and
a critical success on a spell attack roll; Effect You gain a +10- an elegant feather plume, signifying the authority and leadership
foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your next turn. of a ship's captain. You gain a +2 status bonus to skill checks to
sailing or operating seafaring vehicles.
Activate � envision (mental, visual); Frequency once per day;
DIVINATION MAGICAL Requirements You are aboard a seafaring vehicle; Effect The
Price 90 gp wearer of the tricorne can grants all allies aboard the required
Usage held in 1 hand vehicle a +2 status bonus on skill checks to sailing or operating
This ornate brass compass is adorned with intricate engravings the vehicle for 10 minutes.
of magical symbols. It glows faintly when detecting magical
auras and can guide its bearer through difficult terrain. After GALESHIELD OILSKIN ITEM 8
you cast a divination spell by activating the compass, you can
Step into difficult terrain and ignore the first 5 feet of difficult AIR MAGICAL WATER
terrain you would move over when you take the Stride action for Price 475 gp
1 minute. Usage worn clothing; Bulk L
This heavy, dark-green oilskin cloak is embroidered with intricate
Activate � command; Effect You cast know direction. patterns of gusting winds and stormy clouds. While wearing the
coat, you gain a +1 status bonus to saving throws against
EVERSPOOLING ROPE ITEM 5 effects and spells with the air or water traits or a +2 status
bonus if the saving throw is against a forced movement effect.
Bulk 1
This lightweight spool provides a limitless supply of silk rope DIVINATION MAGICAL
and includes a belt loop to carry easily and secure to the user. Price 400 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This exquisitely crafted spyglass features delicate engravings of
Activate � Interact; Effect You can unspool 50 feet of silk rope, constellations and celestial bodies along its brass casing. When
to a maximum of 500 feet unspooled at once. The rope can be used to observe the night sky, it grants a +2 item bonus to
cut or broken like normal silk rope but cannot be detached from Astronomy Lore checks. You can spend 10 minutes observing
the spool. Any cut rope immediately vanishes so that it can’t be the night sky with your stargazer’s spyglass to produce the
stored or sold, but the spool replenishes the rope that was cut effects of augury, as you draw insight from the movement of
back to its maximum. The rope can be tied to another rope, but the celestial bodies. If your course of action is related to
not rewound while connected. seafaring travel, the flat check is 3 instead of 6.

FEATHER TOKEN CANNON ITEM 10 Tiers of vehicle map onto vehicle levels according to the
following table:
Price 350 gp Level Number of Upgrades
Activate � Interact
This small, feather-shaped token can transform into a functional 1-5 2
cannon when activated. The cannon can only be conjured on a
stable surface and appears loaded and ready to fire. It remains 6 - 10 3
for 1 minute before vanishing. While the cannon is present it can
be operated as normal, using the appropriate actions to load, 11 - 15 4
aim, and fire.
16 - 20 5
Each upgrade requires a Crafting check in order to
Price 3,000 gp successfully install. This is a Downtime activity and
This wand is also a simple, wooden everburning torch adorned takes one day per level of the upgrade with a DC equal to
with a small, engraved flame symbol at its base. When lit, the the standard difficulty for the item’s level. Some
Torch of Hope emits bright light in a 20-foot emanation that upgrades may have additional restrictions or
feels warm and instills hope and courage in those who see it.
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day, plus overcharge;
Effect You cast a 6th-level remove fear except it applies to all BODY
creatures within the torch’s area of bright light instead of the
normal targets.
Craft Requirements Supply a casting of remove fear of the
appropriate level. ABJURATION MAGICAL
Price 350 gp
Vehicles Usage etched onto the body of the vehicle
This magical reinforcement adds a layer of durability to the
Vehicles can play an important role in many campaigns, vehicle's frame, increasing the AC of the vehicle by 1 and the
serving as modes of transportation, plot devices, Hardness by 2.
providing characters with flair and options and purely as
Craft Requirements expert in Crafting
mobile fortresses to change the dynamic of combat. To
make vehicles even more versatile and effective, players STRUCTURAL REINFORCEMENT (GREATER) ITEM 13
can upgrade various aspects of their vehicles using the Price 2,800 gp
rules described below. Usage etched onto the body of the vehicle
Upgrades are divided into five categories: Piloting, The AC of the vehicle increases by 2 and the Hardness by 4.
Weapons, Body, Utility, and Propulsion. Each category
Craft Requirements master in Crafting
represents a different aspect of the vehicle and contains
a variety of upgrades that can be added to enhance the STRUCTURAL REINFORCEMENT (MAJOR) ITEM 20
vehicle's capabilities:
Price 65,000 gp
• Body upgrades improve the vehicle's overall Usage etched onto the body of the vehicle
toughness and durability. The AC of the vehicle increases by 3 and the Hardness by 6.
• Piloting upgrades improve the vehicle's handling
Craft Requirements legendary in Crafting
and piloting ability.
• Propulsion upgrades improve the vehicle's
speed and mobility. PILOTING
• Spellcores upgrades grant special powers and
actions to vehicles similar to spellhearts. QUICK-TURN STEERING ITEM 7
• Utility upgrades enhance the vehicle's versatility MAGICAL TRANSMUTATION
and functionality. Price 2,250 gp
• Weapons upgrades improve the vehicle's Usage affixed to the vehicle’s steering mechanism
This magical upgrade to a vehicle's steering system allows it to
offensive capabilities. turn up to 90 degrees after moving only half its length, rather
than its full length. This allows for much greater maneuverability
in tight spaces, granting the driver of the vehicle a +1
Each vehicle can have a maximum number of circumstance bonus to any checks made to avoid obstacles or
upgrades dependent on its level according to the hazards while driving. This upgrade has no effect on a vehicle
following table. A vehicle cannot have two upgrades in that is Maneuverable, but a vehicle that is Sluggish needs to only
move its length before turning up to 90 degrees.
the same category.

DIVINATION MAGICAL MENTAL TRANSMUTATION Spellcores follow the same rules as spellhearts, but are
Price 4,250 gp designed specifically to be affixed to vehicles or
Usage affixed to the vehicle’s steering mechanism buildings. Spellcores provide a range of magical effects
This magical steering system, such as a ship or land vehicle’s that can grant a permanent effect to creatures within the
wheel, links the mind of the vehicle operator with the vehicle vehicle or building, or be triggered by creatures
itself, allowing the operator to remotely pilot the vehicle from a
distance of up to 1 mile away. After a character has used the remotely, allowing characters to activate them without
Invest an Item action, they can use up to three actions per round touching the spellcore itself.
to control the vehicle as if they were actually in the driver's seat
and are able to perform any piloting actions using their own
skills as usual. This item remains invested as long as you remain Spellcores only provide their bonuses and can only be
within 1 mile of your vehicle.
activated by creatures that have spent ten minutes
PROPULSION affixing them to a vehicle.

VELOCITY RUNE ITEM 5+ When casting a spell from a spellcore, you can use your
own spell attack roll or spell DC if it's higher. Crafting a
spellcore requires the spells the spellcore can cast.
Usage etched or sewn onto the body of the vehicle
This rune can be etched or sewn onto the propulsion system of
a vehicle, such as sails, oars or engine, to increase its base
Speed. The rune glows with a faint blue light when activated, and VAULTSTONE ITEM 4
the vehicle moves with an almost supernatural swiftness. AIR MAGICAL SPELLCORE TRANSMUTATION
Price 150 gp
VELOCITY RUNE (LESSER) ITEM 5 Usage affixed to a vehicle
Price 160gp While on board the vehicle, attuned creatures gain a +1 item
Usage etched onto the body of the vehicle bonus to Acrobatics checks to Balance, Athletics checks to
climb ropes or rigging, or Thievery checks to use rope.
The rune increases the vehicle’s base speeds by 5 feet.
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast
Craft Requirements expert in Crafting jump.
Usage etched onto the body of the vehicle Price 360 gp
The rune increases the vehicle’s base speeds by 10 feet. Usage affixed to a building or vehicle
Craft Requirements master in Crafting A radiant sphere of pure positive energy, the Lifebringer's Orb is
said to grant a haven of healing and rest wherever it hangs.
While inside the building or on-board the vehicle, attuned
WINDBORNE SAILS ITEM 10 creatures regain twice the normal amount of hit points during
UNCOMMON MAGICAL TRANSMUTATION an overnight rest and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to
Medicine checks to Treat Wounds or Treat Disease on other
Price 1,000 gp attuned creatures.
Usage affixed to a vehicle (sailing ship)
These sails are crafted from a rich blue fabric adorned with Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast
shimmering silver flecks, resembling a clear, star-filled sky. heal as a 3rd-level spell.
When fully unfurled, the Windborne Sails magically generate a
strong wind that fills the sails, propelling the ship forward at its ENERGY FIELD SPELLCORE ITEM 8+
full normal speed, regardless of the natural wind conditions. The
effect ceases when the sails are furled or otherwise taken down. ABJURATION MAGICAL
Price 150 gp
WAVECREST RUNE ITEM 12 Usage etched onto the body of the vehicle
A creature can activate a field of magical energy around the
vehicle or building as a two action activity with the concentrate
Price 1,000 gp and interact traits. Once active, the invisible magical field
Usage etched or sewn onto the sails of a ship absorbs some of the impact of direct attacks and the magical
The vehicle gains the ability to create a small tidal wave that potency of spells or effects. Gasses and light pass through the
pushes it laterally, allowing it to perform a sudden sideways field normally.
movement of up to half its speed without turning. The pilot of the
vehicle can spend one action with the manipulate trait to The shield becomes active after you cast an abjuration spell by
activate the rune. This ability can’t be activated again for one activating the spellcore, the vehicle gains a number of
minute. temporary Hit Points depending on the field’s power. All
damage dealt to the vehicle or to passengers within the vehicle
is subtracted from the field’s temporary Hit Points first. This
applies if your vehicle is dealt collision damage as a result of
ramming another. The magical field has fast healing, meaning
that it regains temporary Hit Points at a fixed rate each round at
the end of the current round, up to its granted temporary Hit
Point total. If the field’s temporary Hit Points are reduced to 0, it

is inactive until the end of the next round, when its fast healing to Speed to board vehicles the ramp touches if creatures use the
restores some of its Hit Points. This effect lasts for 1 minute. ramp. On subsequent turns, the ramp becomes unstable and all
squares of the ramp are counted as uneven ground. If the
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast vehicles ever become too far apart for the ramp to reach one
sanctuary. another, the ramp falls lengthwise beside its vehicle and can be
retracted by spending 2 additional actions to restore the ramp to
ENERGY FIELD SPELLCORE ITEM 8 its retracted state.
Price 340 gp DIVING BELL ITEM 5
The field has 20 temporary hit points and the shield’s fast
healing is 5. Price 125 gp
This heavy metal contraption resembles a large bell of iron and
ENERGY FIELD SPELLCORE (GREATER) ITEM 14 wood with thick glass portholes and is used to explore deep
water. It can hold up to two Medium creatures or four Small
Price 3,440 gp creatures. It is equipped with an airlock and an air pump system
The field has 40 temporary hit points and the shield’s fast that allows its occupant to breathe comfortably while
healing is 10. submerged in water and ensures the bell does not fill with water
as it descends. A stout cable attaches the bell to a ship and
ENERGY FIELD SPELLCORE (MAJOR) ITEM 20 allows it to descend at a rate of 10 feet per round. The Bell
cannot move horizontally, but has an open bottom allowing for
Price 49,440 gp easy access for swimmers. A Diving Bell can descend up to 300
The field has 60 temporary hit points and the shield’s fast feet. So long as the Diving Bell has its air tube attached to the
healing is 15. ship on the surface it will continuously fill with air. If detached
the Bell has enough air for 4 Small or Medium sized creatures to
breathe for 10 minutes.
Price 150 gp
Usage affixed to a vehicle
Price 1,200 gp
This spellcore is crafted from a small, clouded glass orb
containing a swirling mist. After you cast a conjuration spell by Usage affixed to the lower deck
activating the mistveil, your vehicle is enveloped in a cloudy mist This ingenious compartment is designed for those who wish to
in a 20-foot emanation around the outside of the vehicle that keep their cargo hidden from prying eyes. The Smuggler's Hold
lasts for 1 minute. This emanation moves with the vehicle for the functions much like a Bag of Holding type IV. The items within
duration or until dispersed by a strong wind. Creatures inside the the hold do not affect the vehicle's weight or balance. An item
emanation are concealed and creatures outside the emanation inside the hold provides no benefits unless it's retrieved first. An
are concealed to creatures inside it. item in the hold can't be detected by magic that detects only
things on the same plane.
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast
obscuring mist. WEAPONS
Price 1,250 gp CLOCKWORK
Usage stitched onto a sail or etched onto an engine Price 720 gp
This intricate mirror shimmers even when in darkness. While on Usage attached to a siege weapon
board the vehicle, attuned creatures gain a +1 item bonus to This contraption consists of a series of rails and gears attached
Stealth checks. to a piece of siege weaponry to make the loading process easier.
In order for the quick-loader to function, it must be wound for 10
After you cast an illusion spell by activating the mirror mirage minutes once every 24 hours. Once activated, it can operate for
that would affect your vehicle, your vehicle, its crew, and 1 minute and reduces the load time of a siege weapon to a single
passengers become invisible for 10 minutes. If a creature made action. If the weapon requires the load process to be carried out
invisible by this spell leaves the vehicle, it becomes visible and multiple times, each attempt is reduced to one action but any
remains so even if it returns to the vehicle. If any creature made skill checks required to load a weapon are unchanged.
invisible by this spell uses a hostile action or the vehicle deals
collision damage, this effect immediately ends for all creatures. THE RAM’S HEAD ITEM 13
Activate Cast a Spell; Frequency once per day; Effect You cast EVOCATION FORCE MAGICAL
invisibility sphere. Price 2,700 gp
Usage affixed to the front (prow) of the vehicle
UTILITY The Ram's Head is a fearsome magical battering ram that can be
attached to the front of a vehicle. When the vehicle uses the Run
Over action or rams a creature or another vehicle, The Ram's
BOARDING RAMP ITEM 4 Head amplifies the collision damage with a burst of force,
causing immense destruction to the target. The ram deals an
CONJURATION MAGICAL additional 9d6 force damage to any collision damage listed
Price 85 gp under the vehicle statistics, but this additional damage is not
Activate � Interact suffered by the pilot of the ramming vehicle. Additionally, if the
The boarding ramp is a magical gangplank that can be extended target is another vehicle, the wave of force ripples through it,
up to twenty feet long and five feet wide from the side of a dealing 4d6 force damage to all crew and passengers on board.
vehicle. When extended, it creates a ramp that makes it easier They must make a basic DC 32 Fortitude save. On a failure they
for allies to board the vehicle or to board an enemy’s vehicle. The are shoved 5 feet away from the point of origin of the ram’s
first turn the ramp is extended it provides a +5-foot status bonus effect and on a critical failure they are shoved 10 feet.

‘A Firebrand is never alone, they are only temporarily displaced from good company.” Adorning a
mark means attracting more than just the ire of tyranny, would be followers often seek Firebrands
for companionship, forming small crews that seek to serve a greater purpose. This is not however
unique to Firebrands for even their common foes, Hellknights, form such small units of leadership.
In fact, many paths are tread better when they are in greater numbers, from the boisterous cheers
of a gladiators fans to the small dedicated battalions of a marshal, these paths are forged by their
leaders and the faithful and dedicated members of their crews.
The following archetypes gain Crew Leader and its subsequent feats as Leading a crew requires consistent effort on
additional feats: part of the leader, usually with praise,
persuasion, gold, or mutually sought after
goals. A GM might decide that maintaining a
Bellflower Tiller, Celebrity, Dandy, Firebrand Braggart, Firebrand
crew requires you to meet certain criteria
Fashionista, Firebrand Revolutionary, Gladiator, Golden League Xun,
periodically. These can be as simple as
Hellknight, Hellknight Signifer, Liberated Phantom, Marshal,
payment per week at an Earn Income DC of
Overwatch, Pirate, Ritualist, Viking, and Zephyr Guard.
your level, achieving mutual goals, or specific
edicts and anathema that correspond to the
If the level of the dedication feat required for an archetype is above crew's codes of honor. When first selecting
the level of the Crew Leader archetype feat, the Crew Leader feat level is your crew, you and your GM should decide
2 higher than the level of the required dedication and all subsequent what the maintenance criteria of your crew
crew leader feats become a level 2 higher than its immediate should be and the role they will take in the
prerequisite feat or its original feat level, whichever is higher. campaign.

For example, if a crew for a Bellflower Tiller

had not performed enough acts of liberation
or if a Gladiator resolved too many conflicts
without a show, a crew risk disbanding.
Disbanding should be reserved for moments
when players have repeatedly or egregiously
violated your crews management criteria.


The second in command for the crew should
be an overarching reflection of your crew's
demeanor. While some crews may be defined
down to their last member, others may
simply use the second in command as the
primary facing NPC that stands as the face
of a nebulous group.

It is important to recognize that a large

number of NPCs present at all time could be
difficult for a GM to roleplay, but it can be
useful to provide narrative hooks with
members of a crew or allow a revolving door
of NPCs to be among their gallery. This can
allow a GM to use members of the crew to
introduce new information or provide
insights for the players.

A GM may also decide that size increases on

your crew make them too difficult to manage
at the table, and may restrict the size
increase aspect of the crew leader feats,
favoring of a smaller more battle-hardened

RECRUITING A CREW hands to gain their benefits, such as wielding a bastard
Recruiting a new crew can be done by spending 1 sword in two hands, and crews must still take the
week of downtime in a settlement and attempting a Release and Regrip actions for the purposes of using
check using Diplomacy, Intimidation, or a Lore these items.
appropriate for your crew against an Earn Income DC
with a task level equal to your character level or greater.
Your crew has a second in command with which you
Subsequent attempts to recruit in the same settlement
interact primarily when giving it commands,
might become more difficult, such as if your previous
communicating, or having your crew complete
crew was disbanded (subject to GM discretion).
downtime activities. While the general makeup of your
Typically, you must be in a settlement of your level or
crew may vary or even change from time to time, your
greater to recruit an appropriate crew, but a GM might
second in command is consistent and remains with you
allow recruiting in lower level settlements by making
until your crew would be disbanded. Your second in
multiple checks or by recruiting in multiple settlements
command must have an alignment within one step of
over time. Unless otherwise stated, you can only have
your own and must have an attitude of Indifferent or
one crew at a time.
better towards you to remain able to receive commands
DISBANDED CREWS from the Command a Minion action.
A crew risks being disbanded if it is ever reduced to 0 Your second in command is can be targeted with
Hit Points in its Battle Formation, you fail to meet your effects that would normally target a single creature, but
crew's maintenance criteria, or your second in these effects only apply to your crew if targeting the
command would flee or die as a result of an effect. second in command would affect their ability to relay
Disbanded crews may be mortally wounded, headed for your commands (such as fear or sleep) to the crew.
other work, or simply tired of your leadership, but Effects that would damage your second in command
whatever the reason, you must spend time recruiting a damage your crew for the same amount. If your second
new crew if your crew is disbanded before you can use in command dies, but you successfully make your check
any abilities or feats related to having a crew. to prevent your crew from disbanding, one of the
remaining crew members immediately becomes your
Base Crew Statistics new second in command provided your crew would not
The following are the base statistics for a crew. You be reduced to 0 Hit Points from the same effect.
adjust these statistics depending on the type of crew you
choose. Your crew has the humanoid and minion traits, PROFICIENCIES
and gains 2 actions during your turn if you spend a Your crew speaks one language you know plus a
single action with the auditory and linguistic traits to number of common languages equal to its Intelligence
command it while in its battle formation. A crew has the modifier. Your crew is trained in unarmed attacks,
same level you do. As you gain levels, you might make unarmored defense, one simple weapon of their choice,
further adjustments as your crew grows in experience. and all saving throws, Perception, a Lore associated with
its profession, and one skill of your choice that reflects
its professional skill.
Crews calculate their modifiers and DCs just as you
Your crew gains additional trained proficiencies and
do with one difference: they can only benefit from item
abilities based on their choice of professional skill at
bonuses if you can provide your crew with enough total
level 1. If your crew gains proficiency in armor, it also
items that it could outfit your entire crew, which starts
gains proficiency in armor lighter than the listed armor
at 5 items. If your crew possesses 5 items that provide a
proficiency. If your crew selects a skill that would make
benefit (such as an item bonus to a skill, weapons, or
them trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs, they also
armor), your crew gains the benefits of that item to its
gain a single cantrip of the appropriate tradition and
corresponding modifiers and abilities. For instance, you
their spellcasting ability score is either Charisma,
could outfit a crew with shields to grant them the Raise
Intelligence, or Wisdom chosen when first selected. If
a Shield action or thieves tools to allow them to Disable
your crew would gain advanced alchemy, they gain 1
a Device. These items have the same requirements for
infused reagent and immediately add the formulas for
your crew as they do if they were used by a single
two common 1st-level alchemical items to their formula
creature, so crews with shields would only be able to
book and they are trained in weapons in the bomb
wield one-handed weapons and a crew with medium
group. These selections are made when you first recruit
armor would apply its Dex Cap, Speed Penalty, and
your crew and cannot be changed unless you spend 1
Check Penalties to its abilities and modifiers. Items that
week of downtime recruiting new members to your crew
are required to be used in a certain number of hands still
or by retraining current members for their new roles.
require your crew to wield them in the same number of
Weapon traits, such as reach, do not modify your crew's

troop attack. exploration activity, they become fatigued for 1 hour. If
they perform a downtime activity, they are fatigued until
Below are the proficiencies gained from your crews your next daily preparations. If your crew is fatigued
professional skill choice: they cannot perform exploration or downtime activities
and they cannot be organized into their Battle
Acrobatics - light armor; 2 additional Dexterity- or Charisma- Formation.
based skills and Speed is Increased by 5 feet For the purposes of determining what tasks you can
Arcana - arcane spell attack rolls and spell DCs perform, what vehicles or siege engines can be piloted,
Athletics - medium armor; Speed is increased by 5 feet or 1
simple or martial weapon in the sword or flail group or other requirements that involve a required number of
Crafting - medium armor; An advanced alchemy level of 1 or additional creatures (such as a Gladiator’s spectators or
1 simple or martial weapon in the firearm or hammer ritual’s with secondary casters), your crew counts as 5
group creatures while it is in Labor Formation.
Deception - light armor; 2 additional Intelligence- or
Charisma-based skills and 1 simple or martial weapon
with the concealable trait
When you use the Battle Formation activity, you form
Diplomacy - 4 additional Intelligence- or Charisma-based
skills, 1 simple or martial weapon with the nonlethal trait your crew into a troop of 4 squares, or larger if you have
Intimidation - medium armor; 1 simple or martial weapon in the apprpriate feats, that is led by your second in
the axe or club groups command. Your crew gains the Troop Defenses, Form
Medicine - light armor; 2 additional Intelligence- or Wisdom- Up, and Troop Movement abilities, a reach of 5 feet, a
based skills and 1 simple or martial weapon in the dart
or knife group Speed of 25 feet, and has a weakness to splash and area
Nature - primal spell attack rolls and spell DCs damage equal to their level.
Occultism - occult spell attack rolls and spell DCs Unlike a normal troop, your second in command is
Performance - light armor; 2 additional Charisma-based considered to be a valid target for any spells or effects
skills and 1 simple or martial weapon in the brawling or
polearm group that would target a single creature and effects that would
Religion - divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs apply to targets of these effects apply to your crew and
Society - 4 additional Intelligence- or Wisdom-based skills its actions. Your crew does not automatically take
and 1 simple or martial weapon with an ancestry trait damage or reduce its squares for incapacitating effects
Stealth - light armor; 2 additional Dexterity-based skill and 1 like a normal troop unless those effects would apply to
simple or martial weapon with the agile trait.
your second in command or would deal damage
Survival - medium armor; An advanced alchemy level of 1 or
1 simple or martial weapon in the bow or spear group normally.
Thievery - light armor; 1 additional Dexterity-based skill, 1 If your crew is reduced to 0 Hit Points while in its
additional Charisma-based skill and 1 simple or martial Battle Formation or your second in command would die
weapon with the finesse trait
or gain the fleeing condition from a targeted effect, you
ABILITY MODIFIERS must succeed at a Diplomacy, Intimidation, or
A crew begins with base ability modifiers of Str +0, appropriate Lore check against the DC of the effect or a
Dex +0, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0. Each crew has hard DC of your level (whichever is higher) or your crew
its own strengths and increases two of these modifiers is disbanded.
by 3, one of these modifiers by 1, and reduces one of Your crew gains the Troop Attack activity with a basic
these modifiers by 1. You make these choices when you Reflex DC equal to 10 plus your crew’s level plus their
first recruit your crew and they cannot be changed. Strength if they are wielding a melee weapon or
unarmed attack or their Dexterity modifier if they were
HIT POINTS wielding a finesse or ranged weapon or unarmed attack,
Your crew has 8 ancestry Hit Points, plus a number of whichever is higher. Your crew’s troop attack deals the
Hit Points equal to 6 plus its Constitution modifier for same type of damage as what their wielded weapons
each level you have. These Hit Points are used only when would deal, including nonlethal damage if the weapons
the crew is in Battle Formation. had the nonlethal trait.
Crew Formations
Your crew has two types of formations, referred to as TROOP ATTACK � TO �
their Labor Formation and Battle Formation. Every day Frequency once per round
your crew starts in its Labor Formation, but can be Requirements Your troop is wielding an unarmed attack or
coached into a Battle Formation if you take the Battle weapon with which it is trained.
Formation activity. Your troop barrages all enemies in a 5-foot emanation or a 5-foot
burst within the first range increment if the required unarmed
LABOR FORMATION attack or weapon is a ranged attack and enemies in the area
must attempt a basic Reflex save. The damage depends on the
While your crew is in Labor Formation, they can use number of actions chosen and the type of damage is the same
skills in which they are trained to perform downtime as the wielded weapon would deal. Weapon traits, such as
and exploration activities. If your crew performs an reach, do not modify your crew's troop attack.

� one damage die of the required unarmed attack or CREW LEADER
Crew Leader Feats
weapon. If this was a melee unarmed attack or weapon, FEAT 4
also add your troops Strength modifier to the damage. RARE ARCHETYPE
Prerequisites a dedication feat from an appropriate archetype;
� one damage die of the required unarmed attack or trained in a skill capable of recruiting a crew
weapon plus half your level. If this was a melee unarmed You have learned how to recruit a small crew that you keep in
attack or weapon, also add your troops Strength modifier to close proximity in settlements and on the road while
the damage. adventuring. You gain a crew with a Lore appropriate for the
archetype that granted you access to this feat and your crew’s
Special If your crew is wielding a weapon that requires a reload professional skill in which you are trained. You gain the Battle
or other preparation to make attacks, your crew must use Formation activity.
those actions before they can use their Troop Attack.

SEASONED CREWS Frequency once per hour

Requirements Your crew is in Labor Formation, is not
To advance a crew to a seasoned crew (usually a result of fatigued, and you can communicate with your crew.
one of your class feat choices), increase four of their You shout to align your crew into a troop formation by making
ability modifiers by 1. Increase their troop attack a Diplomacy, Intimidation, or appropriate Lore check against a
damage from one die to two dice (for instance 1d8 to standard DC of your level.
2d8), and their proficiency rank for Perception and all Critical Success You successfully form your crew in an
saving throws to expert. Increase their proficiency rank unoccupied area that could fit them within 30 feet of you.
in their chosen Lore skill to expert and one skill in which It remains in its Battle Formations for 1 minute or until it
is disbanded. If they are still in Battle Formation after 1
they were already trained to expert or another skill in minute has passed, they return to their Labor Formation.
which they were untrained to trained. Success As critical success, except your crew becomes
fatigued for 1 day after they return to their Labor
To advance a seasoned crew to a professional crew, Failure You fail to organize your crew into their Battle
increase three of their ability modifiers by 1. They Formation.
increase the DC of their Troop Attack by 2. If your crew Critical Failure As failure, except your crew is fatigued for 1
was trained in spell DCs and spell attack rolls, they
become an expert. If your crew had an advanced SEASONED CREW FEAT 8
alchemy level of 1, it instead has an advanced alchemy ARCHETYPE
level equal to half their level. If your crew is trained or Prerequisites Crew Leader
better in firearms, they can Reload wielded firearms as Your crew becomes a seasoned crew. If your veteran crew would
part of the Stride action. They become an expert in one become fatigued for 1 day as a result of performing an
skill in which they were trained or trained in one skill in exploration activity or by the Battle Formation activity, they are
instead fatigued for 1 hour. When you first gain this feat, you can
which they were untrained. The number of items needed choose to grow the size of your crew’s Battle Formation to 9
to outfit your crew is reduced by half. squares and if you do they require 5 additional items to be
outfitted. When your crew reaches ½ of their total Hit Points,
VETERAN CREWS they reduce their size to 4 squares.
To advance a professional crew to a veteran crew,
increase one of their ability modifiers by 1 and one by 2.
Increase their troop attack damage from two dice to ARCHETYPE
three dice, and their proficiency rank for Perception and Prerequisites Seasoned Crew
all saving throws to master. Increase their proficiency Your crew becomes a professional crew. You can spend an
additional action on your turn to Command your crew to give it 3
rank in their chosen Lore skill to master and one skill in actions instead of 2.
which they were already expert to master or another
skill in which they were trained to expert, or untrained VETERAN CREW FEAT 16
to trained. ARCHETYPE
Prerequisites Professional Crew
Your crew becomes a veteran crew. Whenever your crew would
risk being disbanded and you would roll a check to prevent it
from doing so, you can roll twice and take the better result and
if you do the check gains the fortune trait. When you first gain
this feat, you can choose to grow the size of your crew’s Battle
Formation to 16 squares and if you do they require 8 additional
items to be outfitted. When your crew reaches ⅔ of their total Hit
Points, they reduce their size to 9 squares and when your crew
reaches ⅓ of their total Hit Points, they reduce their size to 4

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of the Product Identity, and which specifically distribute any Open Game Content originally
excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” distributed under any version of this License.
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a
designs that are used by a Contributor to identify copy of this License with every copy of the Open
itself or its products or the associated products Game Content You distribute.
contributed to the Open Game License by the 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not
Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to market or advertise the Open Game Content using
use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate the name of any Contributor unless You have
and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open written permission from the Contributor to do so.
Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You
licensee in terms of this agreement. to comply with any of the terms of this License with
2. The License: This License applies to any Open respect to some or all of the Open Game Content
Game Content that contains a notice indicating due to statute, judicial order, or governmental
that the Open Game Content may only be Used regulation then You may not Use any Open Game
under and in terms of this License. You must affix Material so affected.
such a notice to any Open Game Content that you 13. Termination: This License will terminate
Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
this License except as described by the License herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days
itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
to any Open Game Content distributed using this shall survive the termination of this License.
License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall
Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of be reformed only to the extent necessary to make
the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for


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