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Competitive exams like JEE Advanced are a challenge for many candidates appearing in

it. Maths is one of the compulsory subjects in the JEE Advanced exam. Solving Maths
problems efficiently needs time and patience. With many tricky Maths problems that
need to be solved in a small amount of time, one wonders what it takes to solve Maths
problems faster during JEE Advanced 2023.
7 Tips to Solve Maths Problems Faster During JEE
Advanced 2023
1. Understand the question before solving it:
Many students get nervous when the question papers appear. They want to get done
with it as soon as possible. So they start solving the questions without understanding
the question fully. This results in silly marks and writing wrong answers to questions
that the students could otherwise solve. So, read the question thoroughly and
understand it before starting to solve it. Decide which category your Maths problem fits
in; it will help you get the best solution faster. Going through the questions carefully will
help you take the next steps correctly.
2. Memorise the formulas:
Form a list of all the Maths formulas in your syllabus. Write those on a chart and paste it
on a wall that you occasionally face so that every time you pass that point, you get to
revise the formulas. Knowing the correct formula for the problem will help you solve it.
If you do not remember the formula for a question or if you have to invest time in
deriving the formula during the paper, you will lose time just like that. The trick for
memorizing a Maths formula faster is to develop visual memory around it. It also helps
you to recollect those faster during the exam. Another trick is to memorize a formula to
know its meaning. If the formula makes sense to you, it will help you remember it more
effectively. Do not undervalue the importance of remembering basic formulas and
multiplication tables. This will help you solve Maths problems on paper faster.
3. Form a plan to solve the problem:
You need to develop a strategy if you want to solve Maths questions faster. First, you
need to decide on the correct formula that fits your question. Then you need to recall
the steps of the solution to the question you are working on. If there are shortcuts to the
solution you were taught about in your coaching classes, use those to decrease the
number of steps and solve the question faster.
4. Practise Maths problems before the exam:
Solve as many Maths problems as possible during your practice sessions. Give JEE
Advanced 2022 Mock Testswhenever you get access to one. If you don’t know where to
give the mock tests, you can check out this link JEE Main Mock Tests. Practising the
questions with the formulas that apply to them will help you remember them longer
and solve the questions faster. Even if you are good at Maths, but haven’t practised the
problems, you won’t be able to solve those in the exam quickly. Maths is a subject where
practice matters more than talent. Consider solving previous years’ JEE Advanced
Questions and attend mock tests. If you don’t practise, You won’t be able to understand
the question or think of the quickest approach to it. Your calculations will be slower;
even the easiest calculations will be time-consuming.
Even you won’t be able to decide which of the formulas you have memorised fit to your
question. When you have solved lots of similar pattern questions, you can estimate the
answer to the question before you start to solve it. This will help you review all the
steps of the solution and then if you haven’t left out anything, in case the answer you get
while solving doesn’t match your estimation. Practising maths problems demands your
time and patience. But once you develop the habit and gain confidence, the whole
process gets more interesting. Moreover, it is better to invest more of your preparation
time in solving Maths problems than to be unable to complete the paper in the JEE
Advanced exam due to lack of time.
1. Prepare well:
You can not imagine solving JEE Advance level Maths problems fast in the exam if you
do not prepare well. You will need to be a magician to do so. Not everyone gets lucky!
Revise JEE Advanced 2023 Important Chapters multiple times. Repetition leads to a
strong memory formation. While preparing, start with an easier set of problems. Once
you gain confidence and proficiency in those, you can move on to the moderately hard
ones. The hardest questions should be left for the last as those demand more time and
motivation. By that time, you will have covered most of the JEE Advanced syllabus, so
you won’t be in a hurry to finish it off. Once you move from easier to more difficult
problems, you will feel more at ease with the complexities of Maths. Here are some
important Maths Concepts discussed comprehensively.
2. Learn the shortcuts to solving length problems:
Be attentive in your Maths classes. Teachers often suggest tricks and tips that will help
you solve lengthy problems faster. As they have been teaching the same syllabus to
students repeatedly over a long time, they know ways of tackling a problem faster. You
should take note of all this information and apply it while solving your questions in the
exam. There are tricks for addition, subtraction, division, algorithm, etc. Knowing the
tricks to solve mathematical problems faster will save you a lot of time in the exam.
3. You don’t need to follow the sequence while solving questions in the
Many students try to solve the questions by maintaining the sequence they are asked. If
they can’t solve a problem confidently, they try different ways of solving it, spending too
much time on a single question. This wastes a lot of time, and by the time it is the
moment to hand over the answer sheet, there are still a lot of unsolved questions left.
Examiners deliberately put tough questions here and there in the paper to trick the
students into getting stuck. They do this to analyse your skills.
It is, therefore, advisable to tackle the paper in three stages. In the first stage, the first 45
minutes of the exam, go through the whole paper and mark the questions you can solve
confidently. Solve the easiest questions first. The second stage should cover the next 1.5
hours of the exam. It is the most deciding stage in the exam. During this stage, you
should solve the problems that you know but are a bit hard to tackle or are time-
consuming. The third stage of the exam, which constitutes the remaining hour or so of
the paper, should be dedicated to solving the problems you don’t know the solutions to
If you don’t know the answer to a question, mark the most probable answer through
elimination. Elimination is a process where you figure out the dummy choices given in a
multiple-choice question and eliminate them as a probable answer to your question.
Narrowing down the options helps you solve the problems faster. This trick can solve
any MCQ-based exam faster, not just JEE 2023.
Also See: JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus
Maths books for JEE Advanced 2023 exam
1. Compulsory books:
You have to study your NCERT textbooks thoroughly and understand all the concepts
therein at a fundamental level if you want to crack JEE Advanced. Another compulsory
resource to study is your coaching notes. Top coaching centres teach from the point of
view of the competitive exams, so they are very high yield. If you study from only these
two resources, you will be able to solve about 90% of the JEE Advanced paper.
2. Accessory books:
RD Sharma Solutions and RS Aggarwal are good reference books you can study. The link
to these books has been provided here for quick access to RD Sharma Solutions and RS
Aggarwal Solutions. It would help if you choose a good quality objective book to solve
MCQs. It would be best if you also had a book containing the previous ten years’ exam
papers to solve those. Here is quick access to JEE Advanced Previous Year Question
Papers and JEE Main Previous Year Question Papers compiled together for your
convenience JEE Previous Year Questions.
How can I overcome mental blocks and maintain focus while solving
math problems in JEE Advanced 2023?
Overcoming mental blocks and maintaining focus during math problem-solving can
significantly improve your speed. Here are three techniques to help you stay focused:

Develop a problem-solving routine: Create a consistent problem-solving routine that

includes techniques such as reading the problem carefully, identifying key information,
and planning a systematic approach. Following a routine can help you stay focused and
organized throughout the problem-solving process.

Practice mindfulness and concentration exercises: Incorporate mindfulness and

concentration exercises into your study routine. Meditation, deep breathing, and
visualization techniques can help calm your mind, improve focus, and enhance your
problem-solving abilities.

Eliminate distractions: Create a distraction-free study environment. Turn off

notifications on your electronic devices, find a quiet place to study, and eliminate any
potential interruptions. By minimizing distractions, you can maintain better focus and
concentration while solving math problems.

How can I improve my problem-solving speed in math for JEE Advanced

Here are three effective strategies to improve your problem-solving speed in math for
JEE Advanced 2023:

Solve previous years' papers: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and types of
questions asked in JEE Advanced by solving previous years' papers. This will help you
identify recurring problem-solving patterns and enhance your speed in tackling such

Take timed mock tests: Regularly practice mock tests under timed conditions to
simulate the exam environment. This will train you to solve math problems quickly and
efficiently, improving your overall speed.

Break down complex problems: When faced with a complex math problem, break it
down into smaller, manageable parts. Identify the key concepts involved and apply
appropriate problem-solving techniques for each part. This approach will help you solve
the problem more effectively and save time.

What are some effective tips to solve math problems faster during JEE
Advanced 2023?
Here are seven tips that can help you solve math problems faster during JEE Advanced

Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your problem-solving speed.

Solve a variety of math problems regularly to build your speed and accuracy.

Understand the concepts: Develop a strong understanding of fundamental math

concepts and their applications. This will enable you to approach problems with clarity
and solve them more efficiently.

Learn shortcuts and tricks: Familiarize yourself with mathematical shortcuts, formulas,
and tricks that can save you time during calculations. Speed-enhancing techniques such
as mental math and approximation can be particularly helpful.

Focus on problem-solving techniques: Master problem-solving techniques specific to

JEE Advanced. Identify patterns in previous years' question papers and learn how to
apply appropriate strategies to solve similar types of problems quickly.

Time management: During your preparation, practice solving problems under timed
conditions. Learn to allocate time wisely to different sections of the exam, ensuring you
have sufficient time to attempt all questions.

Enhance calculation speed: Improve your mental math skills by practicing quick
calculations. Learn multiplication tables, square roots, and cube roots to perform
calculations swiftly without relying heavily on calculators.

Analyze and learn from mistakes: After solving math problems, review your solutions
and analyze any mistakes you made. Understand the concepts you missed and work on
improving your understanding to prevent similar errors in the future.

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