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More often than not, we asked to talk about our family in French in an examination or when

we visit our neighbouring French-speaking countries. This lesson focuses on the guidelines to
clearly and simply describe your family in French with little or no difficulty. This lesson will
focus on three main objectives: 1. Knowing how to call the members of your family in
French. 2. Knowing how to describe the structure of your family in French. 3. Write an essay
on the topic “ma famille” (my family). I./ Knowing how to call the members of your family
in French Les membres de la famille (members of the family)  

II./ Knowing how to describe the structure of your family in French

To describe the structure of your family in French, you need to follow the guidelines below:
1. Ton nom (your name).
Here, you need to mention your name in any of the following formats:
 Je m’appelle Elvis Fiati. Mon est Fiati, mon prénom est Elvis. (My name is Elvis Fiati. My
surname is Fiati, my First name is Elvis)
 Je me nomme Elvis Fiati. (I am by name Elvis Fiati)
 On m’appelle Elvis Fiati. (I am called Elvis Fiati)
2. Ton village natale (your hometown)
Here, you need to talk about where you come from as shown in the example below:
 Nous sommes de Hohoe dans la région de la Volta du Ghana.
 Nous venons de Krobo Adumase dans la région orientale du Ghana.

3. Combien de membres comprend ta famille (how many members is your family made up
In this case, you need to mention the number of members in your family depending on the
type of family (nuclear or extended) you want to describe as shown in the examples below:
 Ma famille comprend neuf (9) membres. (my family is made up of 9 members)
 Il y a neuf membres dans ma famille. (there are 9 members in my family)

4. Nomme les membres de ta famille (name the members of your family)

Here, you need not to mention their real names but who they are to you (your relationship
with them). See the example below:
 J’ai un frère, deux sœurs, mes parents, ma grand-mère, mon oncle, ma tante et moi-même
(I have a brother, two sisters, my parents, my grandmother, my uncle, my aunt and myself)

5. Tu aimes ta famille? Pourquoi? (do you like your family? Why?)

Here, you need to say whether you like your family or not and state why you do or do not like
your family. See the examples below.
 J’aime ma famille parce que nous sommes courageux et gentils. (I like my family because
we are courageous and kind)
 Ma famille est riche et honorée dans ma localité. J’aime bien ma famille. (My family is
rich and honoured in my locality. I really like my family)

III./ Write an essay on the topic “ma famille” (my family)

Ma famille
Je m’appelle John Mahama. Je suis de la famille Mahama. Nous sommes de Bole Banboi
dans la région du nord au Ghana. Il y a cinq (5) personnes dans ma famille: Mr et Mme
Mahama, mes parents, mon frère ainée Ibrahim Mahama, ma sœur Alima Mahama et moi-
même. Nous habitons à Accra.
Mon père et ma mère ont soixante-dix (70) et soixante-cinq (65) ans respectivement. Ibrahim
a trente-huit (38) ans, Alima a vingt-cinq (25) ans et moi j’ai trente-cinq (35).
Mon père est docteur, ma mère est comptable, mon frère est ingénieur, ma sœur est
commerçante et moi-même je suis cultivateur et politicien.
Notre plat favori est la Banku avec la sauce de gombo. Nous sommes chrétiens donc nous
allons à l’église chaque dimanche. Mes parents dont riches et bien honorés dans la société et
nous les enfants sommes très respectueux. J’aime beaucoup ma famille.

Try Yourself With This Exercise

In not more than 180 words, describe your family to a friend in French.
Thank you for reading. Kindly share the lesson for others to also benefit from it. Do you have
a suggestion or contribution to make? Kindly drop it in the comment box. Merci.
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Elvis Fiati

Fiati Kossi Elvis is a French teacher in the Volta Region of Ghana and an education blogger
who owns His greatest passion is to propagate the teaching and
learning of the French language in English-speaking countries especially in Ghana. He
created numerous platforms which he uses to teach and engage French teachers and learners
in basic teaching and learning methods in French. His greatest achievement will be to see
most Ghanaian citizens speak French fluently.

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