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THE (PUNJAB) POLICE ACT 1861 WITH RULES......................................................................- 2 -
THE PAKISTAN ARMS ORDINANCE 1965.................................................................................- 8 -
THE PROVINCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE ORDINANCE 1965 AND RULES..............................- 12 -
MOTOR VEHICLE RULES, 1969.................................................................................................- 17 -
PAST PAPERS................................................................................................................................- 18 -

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Section 1 : Interpretation
Section 2 : Constitution of the force
Section 3 : Appointment of S.P by Provincial Government
Section 4 : Appointment of I.G Police by Provincial Government
Section 5 : Power of I.G Police under Police Act
Section 7 : Dismissal, Appointment and punishment of Police Officers
Section 8 + 28 : Issuance of certificate of appointment of every Police officer at the time of initial
recruitment / appointment. Punishment of non-surrender of certificate when he ceases to
be Police officer. This is not applicable to Police Officers placed under suspension.
Section 9 : No Police Officer shall resign unless he gives two months notice to his appointing authority.
Section 10 : No Police officer shall engage himself in trade without the permission of I.G. Police.
Section 12 : Powers of I.G. P to frame Police Rules
Section 13 : Appointment of additional Police Force by S.P. D.M at the request of individual for safety of
life and property at the cost of individual.
Section 14 : Appointment of additional force for the safety of neighbourers near Railway work or other
major project work after approval of I.G.P when the conduct of labourers working thereon is
doubtful. The cost of such Police Force shall be recovered from the proprietor of that work.
This force is withdrawn when the work is completed.
Section 15 : Quartering of additional Police Force for maintenance of law and order at the disbturbed
and dangerous / sensitive area notified by the Provincial Government. The I.G. P after
issuance of notification shall at once depute the additional Police Force to the concerned S.P
who shall deploy the same at the disturbed area. The cost of such Police Force shall be paid
by the inhabitants / residents of that area as determined by the District Magistrate. This
Police Force is withdrawn when the situation becomes normal.
Section 15-A : Compensation to be paid to the persons who sustain loss of life or property in disturbed
area to the sufferers by the Provincial Government on the recommendation of District
Magistrate provided such application is made within the one month from the date of
Section 16 : Recovery of the amount payable u/s. 13, 14 and 15-A shall be made by the Collector as an
arrears of Land Revenue.
Section 17 : Appointment of Special Police Officer (SPO) by the Elakka / Taluka Magistrates at the
request of Police Officers not below the rank of Police Inspector for maintenance of law and
order at any disturbed and sensitive place within his jurisdiction.
Section 18 : S.P.O shall exercise all the powers f regular Police Force of that area.
Section 19 : Penalty Rs. 50/- for each refusal to become S.P.P on conviction before Magistrate.
Section 22 : Police Officer is bound on duty for 24 hours. All the day around.
Section 23 : Duties of Police officers.
Section 25 : Disposal of unclaimed property by District Magistrate
Section 27 : When any unclaimed property is found on public Road and streets by any Police Officer, he
is bound, to bring the same at once at the Police Station. The Incharge Police Station shall
prepare the inventory report showing the description of property and submit the same
along with property to the District Magistrate for its disposal. On receipt of such report the
District Magistrate shall issue a proclamation for wide publicity showing the details of
property therein for information to the general public requiring any person having claim in
such property to appear before him within six months. If any claimant appears and satisfies
the District Magistrate about his claim, property shall be delivered to him by passing such
order. If no claimant appears, the property shall be confiscated and revered to Government.

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Section 28 : Every Police Officer to whom the certificate u/s. 8 of Police Act has been issued at the time
of enrollment shall surrender it to his Head of Officer when he ceases to be Police Officer. In
default of surrendering it he shall be liable to be punished before the Magistrate to fine not
exceeding Rs.200/- or imprisonment not exceeding six months or with both.
Section 29 : Every Police Officer who is found disobedient in discharge of his official duties, shall be
liable to be punished by appointing authority.
Section 30 : S.P of district is competent to grant licenses for holding processions and assemblies for
peaceful purpose, subject to the control of the District Magistrate with certain conditions.
Section 30-A : Powers of Police to disperse the unlawful assembly by violating the condition of licence
granted u/s. 30 of Police Act, 1861.
Section 31 : Every Police Officer is bound to keep the roads, streets, landing places free from
obstructions of the general public.
Section 32 : Provides punishment of fine of Rs. 50/- who violates the orders of Police Officer u/s. 30-A
and 31 of Police Act, 1861.
Section 33 : Every order made u/s. 30 and 31 by S.P shall be subject to the control of District
Section 34 : Every Police Officer is empowered to arrest any person without the warrant of Court if he
finds him doing any of the following act (total eight points written in the book)
Section 44 : Police diary or Roznamcho is maintained at every Police Station for registration of F.I.R for
cognizable offences and movements of the Police Officer and the names of persons called at
Police Station to be entered, required during the Police investigation.

Question no. 01
Whether any assembly or procession having valid licence can be convered into unlawful assembly? If so
what are the powers of Police to control it?
If any assembly or procession which is being held under a valid license issued by the S.P u/s. 30 of the Police
Act, is found violating the conditions of the licence it shall be treated as unlawful assembly.

According to section 30-A, the Police Officer on duty has power to disperse the assembly by issuance
warning to the members of the assembly / procession and if any member disobeys his orders he shall be
liable to be punished to pay fine of Rs. 50/- (Vide Notification dated 02.06.96 Rs. 5000/- has been fixed) on
conviction before a Magistrate vide section 32 of Police Act, 1861.

Question No. 2
Under what circumstances additional and special Police Force can be appointed and by whom?
According to section 13, District Magistrate on the recommendation of S.P is competent to appoint
additional Police Force for the safety of life and property of any individual moved on an application by him.
The cost of such Force shall be paid by that individual. It is withdrawn when one month prior notice is given
by the individual.

According to section 15 ibid, when Provincial Government declares any area as dangerous and disturbed, the
I.G. Police shall forthwith deploy the additional Police Force at the disposal of the concerned S.P for
maintenance of law and order. The cost of such Police Force is recovered from the inhabitants of that area as
determined by District Magistrate. This Course is withdrawn when the situation becomes normal.

According to section 17 ibid, when any Police Officer not below the rank of Inspector of Police finds
necessary for appointment of Special Police Officer (SPO) for maintenance of law and order at any place
within his jurisdiction where the serious tension is between two groups he shall make a reference to the
Elakka / Taluka Magistrate for appointment of SPO. After appointment of SPO, such Police Force is

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empowered to exercise all the powers of regular Police force in that area only, vide section 18 of Police Act,
1861. Such Police Force is unpaid employees and are appointed from neighbouring villages of that disturbed

According to section 19 ibid, if any person of above the age of 18 years and below the age of 50 years
refuses to become SPO, he shall be liable to be punished to pay a fine not exceeding Rs.50/- on each refusal
on conviction before Magistrate.

Question No.03
What is remedy resting on a person who sustains loss of life or property in any disturbed / sensitive area?
According to section 15-A, if any person sustains loss of life or property in a disturbed area declared by the
Provincial Government u/s. 15, he may intimate to the District Magistrate within the period of one month
from the date of incident. The District Magistrate shall assess and determine the loss and recommend the
case tot eh Provincial Government for payment of the compensation to the sufferers after holding enquiry. If
the sufferer is not satisfied with the compensation being the low amount he may prefer / file an appeal
before the Commissioner / Provincial Government.

Question No.04
What are the Road Offences under Police Act ? Can a Police Officer arrest without warrant?
According to section 34, every Police Officer is empowered to arrest any person without warrant, if he finds
him doing any of the following acts at Public Places:
1) If he is found showing cruelty to driven animals.
2) Is he finds any person slaughtering animal or cleaning carcasses in the streets.
3) If he finds any person parking his conveyance in the street for more time than necessary.
4) If he finds any person exposing goods for sale.
5) If he finds any person throwing dirts, rubbish and pelting stones in the public streets.
6) If he finds any drunkard riotous or dangerous on the public roads.
7) If he finds any person exposing private / special parts of his body or doing any act of nuisance at the
public bathing place.
8) If he finds any person who willfully fails to fence the well or tank of water.

Question No.05
What are the duties of Police Officer under Police Act?
The duties of Police Officer are defined in Section 23 and 24 ibid, which are explained as under:
1) Every Police Officer shall obey the lawful orders of his superiors.
2) He shall serve the summon and warrants issued by Court.
3) ……..
4) He shall bring the offenders t justice and arrest all the persons who are found / required in
commission of cognizable offence.
5) He shall inspect any drinking shop and other place of resort of loose character without the warrant
of Court. According to section 24 ibid, he shall lay information to the Magistrate about non-
cognizable offences.

Question No.06
What are the duties of Police Officer regarding maintenance of order on public road?

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According to section 31, every Police Officer is duty bound to keep the public roads, streets, landing places,
religious places and all places of public resort free from obstructions so as to avoid inconvenience to the
general public.

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Question No. 07
Does a Police Officer commit any offence when he remains absent from duty? Who shall deal with him?
Unauthorized absence from duty by any Police Officer amounts to desertion of duty and he has committed
an offence u/s. 29 ibid, and can be punished by imprisonment not exceeding three months or fine not
exceeding three months’ pay or to both on conviction before a Magistrate.

Question No. 08
What penalty is provided for the inferior Police Officer who disobeys the orders of superiors?
According to section 7, which provides penalty for inferior Police Officer by the S.P if he finds any of them
disobedient, negligent and careless in discharge of their duties. Any of the following penalties can be
awarded to such Police Officers:
1) Dismissal or removal from service
2) Deprivation of good-conduct pay.
3) Quarter guard confinement for the period not exceeding fifteen (15) days.
4) Fine not exceeding one month salary.
5) Transfer from distinction post to indistinction post.
6) Extra drill fatigue.
7) Reduction in rank.

Question No. 09
A Police Officer opens a shop of sundry articles in the neighbor when he is off duty. Comment.
According to section 10, no Police Officer shall engage himself in any trade or other employment except with
the permission of I.G. Police. If he does any trade without the permission, he shall be liable to be awarded
sentence of imprisonment not exceeding three months pay or to both on conviction before Magistrate.

Question No. 10
A Police Officer is given order to arrest the culprit but he does not do through fear that culprit might hurt
him. What offence if any is committed under Police Act?
According to section 29, it is an act of cowardice on the part of Police Officer and therefore he shall be liable
to be awarded sentence of imprisonment not exceeding three months or fine not exceeding three months
pay or to both on conviction before a Magistrate.

Question No.11
What are the duties of Police Officer when he finds unclaimed property lying on public road and streets?
What shall be procedure about the disposal of such property under Police Act?
According to section 25, if any Police Officer finds any unclaimed property lying on public road / street, he
shall bring it at once to the Police Station and shall open it in the presence of Incharge Police Station who
shall prepare the inventory report showing the description of property and submit the same to the District
Magistrate for disposal. According to section 26, the District Magistrate on receipt of such report shall issue
a proclamation for wide publicity of the people at large, requiring them to appear before him within the
period of six months with their claims if any. If any claimant appears within the said period and the District
Magistrate is satisfied with his claim, the property shall be delivered to the claimant by passing such orders
u/s. 524 of the Criminal Procedure Code. According to section 27, if no claimant appears, the property shall
be confiscated to the Government.

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Question No. 12
What is General Police Diary and for what purpose it is maintained?
According to section 44, the General Police Diary is maintained at every Police Station in the proforma
prescribed by the Provincial Government. In this Diary following entries are made:
1) Complaints are registered of cognizable offences.
2) Names of the accused persons arrested.
3) Names of witnesses called during investigation.
4) Movements of Police Officers in or out from the Police Station.
5) Case property secured by Police.
6) The persons released u/s. 169 of the Criminal Procedure Code. The District Magistrate, SDM and
FCM specially are empowered by District Magistrate to inspect this diary so as to verify that no
innocent person has wrongfully been confined and detained at Police Station.

Question No. 13
A Police Officer who ceased to become Police Officer refused to surrender the certificate and other
equipments which were given to him during the service. How shall he be dealt with?
According to section 28, if any Police Officer who ceases to be Police Officer (conditions: dismissal, removal,
resignation, retirement) he shall immediately surrender the certificate issued to him u/s. 8 ibid, at the time
of enrollment and other equipments supplied to him during the service to the head of the office. If he fails to
do so he shall be liable to be punished by six months imprisonment or fine not exceeding Rs. 200/- or to both
on conviction before a Magistrate.

Question No. 14
What are the powers of I.G. Police under Police Act?
The I.G Police is appointed by Provincial Government u/s. 4 ibid, he exercises general control / power for the
maintenance of law and order throughout the Province. According to section 5 ibid, he is also FCM but he
can exercise the Magistrate powers without the permission of Provincial Government.

According to section 12, he frames rules with the approval of Provincial Government, for efficient police
administration throughout the province. He issues the instructions to his subordinates for proper
maintenance of record and funds placed at the disposal of the S.Ps and such accounts are inspected by him
to verify that there is no misuse of funds allocated by him.

Question No. 15
Define the following?
SP is appointed by the Provincial Government u/s. 3 of Police Act, it means SP, DSP, ASP or other persons
appointed by Provincial Government as a special case to perform the duties of SP under Police Act. He is
called head of general Police District.

According to section 1 ibid, the General Police District is an area given in charge of SP ad determined by the
Provincial Government. There may be one Revenue District but there can be several general Police Districts
in one Revenue District. For example: Hyderabad District: There are two general SPs one is called urban and
other is rural. Beside this, SP Railways, SP Crime Branch, and SP Intelligence are also called the heads of
General Police District.

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Question No. 16
What offences are made punishable under Police Act?
The following offences are made punishable under the Police Act, 1861 by the Magistrate:
1) According to section 19 if any person refuses to become SPO, he shall be liable to pay fine of Rs. 50/-
for each refusal on conviction before a Magistrate.
2) According to section 28, provides sentence of imprisonment not exceeding six months or fine not
exceeding Rs.200/- or to both for a Police Officer who after being ceased from service fails to
surrender the certificate issued to him u/s. 8 ibid at the time of enrollment and other equipments
supplied to him during his service.

According to section 29, provides punishment for imprisonment not exceeding three months or fine not
exceeding three months’ salary or to both for a Police Officer who is found negligent, coward, absent from
duty, engaging himself in other employment or trade without the permission of I.G. Police on conviction
before Magistrate.

According to section 32, provides punishment for every person who violates the conditions of licence
granted u/s. 30 ibid, and disobeys the orders of any Police Officer regarding obstructions caused by any for
keeping the roads clear for traffic. This section provides sentence of fine not exceeding to Rs. 50/-.

According to section 34, provides punishment for a person who does any of the following acts:
1) Who shows cruelty to animals.
2) Who finds slaughtering any cattle or cleans any carcass.
3) Who finds parking his conveyances in the streets for more time than necessary.
4) Who exposes any goods for sale.
5) Who finds throwing any dirt, filth, rubbish, building materials or cowshed in the public streets.
6) Who is found drunk or riotous r who is incapable of taking care of himself.
7) Who exposes private parts of his body or doing any act of nuisance at the public bathing place.
8) Who neglects to fence any well, tank or other dangerous place.

This section provides sentence of imprisonment not exceeding eight days or find not exceeding Rs. 50/-
or to both on conviction before a Magistrate.

Question No.1
How the record of a bad character person living within the Police Station is maintained at the Police
Station and how their movements are watched?
According to Rule 23.16 of Police Rules, 1934, when any person is declared as a history sheeter, his name is
entered with full particulars in the surveillance register kept at a Police Station. The Incharge Police Station
has to watch his movements of outgoing and incoming to and from, so as to know the whereabouts of such
persons, whenever it is found that he has amended his character, his name is withdrawn by District
Magistrate, on recommendation of SP.

Question No. 2
How the record of proclaimed offenders is maintained at Police Station?
According to Rule 23.23 of Police Rules, 1934…..

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Question No. 1
What offences are made punishable under the A.O, 1965?
1. Section 13 of A.O, 1965 provides punishment for the offences which are explained as under:
(a). Section 13(a) provides punishment u/s. 4 who keeps, offers or exposes for sale of any arms or
ammunition or repairs the arms / weapons without the valid licence.
(b). Section 13(b) provides punishment who fails to give a notice of sale of the Arms & Ammunition and
name of the purchaser.
(c). Section 13(c) provides punishment who uses another route for transportation of arms and
(d). Section 13(d) provides punishment for the offence made u/s. 8 when he goes armed for commission
of offence.
(e). Section 13(e) provides punishment for the offence u/s. 9 for unauthorized possession of arms
though covered with licence.
(f). Section 13(f) provides punishment who fails to deposit arms and ammunition as required by section
(g). Section 13(g) provides punishment who intentionally makes any false entry in the record u/s. 11.
(h). Section 13(h) provides punishment who intentionally violates the provisions of section 11 (violation
the conditions of licence)).
(i). Section 13(i) provides punishment fr violation of Arms Rules 1924 framed u/s. 11-B of A.O, 1965 for
displaying any arms.

All the above offense provides punishments of imprisonment which may extend to seven (7) years (not
exceeding 7 years) or fine or with both.

Provided if there are canons, grandees, bomb or musket, light or heavy automatic weapons, riles of 303 bore
or over, musket of 410 bore or over or pistol or revolver of 11 bore or ammunition which can be fired from
such weapons. The offenders shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than
three (3) years.

2. Section 14 provides punishment who conceals the arms and ammunition from public servant. The
offender shall not be arrested without the prosecution sanction by the District Magistrate.
3. Section 15 provides punishment for breach of licence (for non-renewal of arms licence).
4. Section 16 provides punishment for a person who purchases the arms and ammunition from unlicensed
person (as from Peshawar or any other place or persons).
5. Section 17 provides punishment for breach of Rules.
6. Section 18 provides punishment who fails to give information having the knowledge of an arms offences
to the Police or Magistrate which he is bound to give u/s. 23.
7. Section 19 provides punishment for a licence holder who refuses or neglects to produce arms as
required by Police or Magistrate.

Question No. 02
What are the powers of Court with regard to arms and ammunition conveyance used in commission of
offences OR what are the powers of Court regarding disposal of the arms and ammunition and conveyance
used in commission of offence?
According to section 20 of A.O 1965….

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Question No. 03
Under what circumstances a person carrying arms with a licence or without licence can be arrested and by
According to section 7 of A. O., 1965…

Question No. 04
Junior Commissioned officer of Army applied for grant of arms licence directly to District Magistrate which
was refused by District Magistrate. Comment.
The order of District Magistrate is legal to refuse to grant the licence vide Rule – 33 (iii) of A. Rules, 1924.

Question No. 05
How can search be made of any place of storage of arms and ammunition concealed and by whom? Is
there any exception to this rule?
It is the power of Incharge Police Station and Magistrate to make search of any place where the concealment
of arms and ammunition s made / placed vide section 21 of A.O. 1965. According to section 2, the following
places of concealment of arms are not to be searched (ship etc).

Question No. 06
A sold out a personal licensed revolver to B a licence holder of same weapon. C a constable objected to
this transaction on the ground that A is no authority to sell any weapon without the order of competent
authority. Comment on the action of the Constable C?
The action of constable C is illegal because every license holder is authorized to sell his arms to any person
holding arms licence of same weapon vide section 4(2) of A. O. 1965.

Question No. 07
What are the conditions, the licence authority may refuse to grant of arms licence to a person?
According to Rule – 43 of A.R, 1924, the District Magistrate may refuse to grant arms licence to any person
whom he finds not eligible to obtain or hold arms licence on the grounds shown therein (Q.R). The refusal
order made by District Magistrate can be challenged by filing an appeal before Commissioner.

Question No. 08
What is the procedure of grant of arms licence to a person killing the wild animals, to Military Personnel,
for target practice, bona fide travelers, mess club cultivators?
According to Rule – 32 to 36 of A. Rule 1934……

Question No. 09
Can a cultivator get arms licence for protection of his crops? If yes, by whom, under what conditions?
The District Magistrate or SDM (Specially empowered by Government) is competent authority to grant arms
licence to cultivator for protection of crop under the conditions as laid down u/s. 36 of 1924.

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Question No. 10
Under what circumstances and when and where the arms be deposited?
According to section 10, Para 1, 2, 3, the arms may be deposited either at Police Station or with arms dealers
on the following circumstances….

Question No. 11
A person wishes to open arms & ammunition shop for sale of short-guns, revolver, pistols, and rifles.
Please explain what licenses are required for the purpose and who is competent authority for grant of
such licence?
The procedure of grant of licenses to arms dealers is laid down under Rule 28 of A. R. 1924. In this case, two
licenses are required: one for non-prohibited bore by District Magistrate and other for prohibited bore by
Provincial Government (Home Secretary).

Question No. 12
What is the procedure for renewal of arms licence at Post office?
The procedure of renewal of arms license at Post Office is laid down under Rule – 42-A, which is explained.

Question No. 13
What procedure shall be adopted by Railway Authority for delivery of arms consignments to arms
The procedure of delivery of arms to the dealer by the Railways Authority is laid down under Rule 12 of

Question No. 14
The blade of 4” wide (knife & hatchet) is an arm and requires arms licence?
It requires arms licence as explained under section ____item (iii)……

Question No. 15
What is authorized and unauthorized possession of arms? Explain.
According to section 09 _____every person is forbidden to retain possession of any arms without the valid
arms license issued by the competent authority (Magistrate, District Magistrate and Provincial Government).
If any person possesses the arms without licence it shall be treated as unauthorized possession and he shall
be liable to be punished u/s. ___(f) of A.O., 1965 on conviction before Magistrate.

However, the following unauthorized possession is treated as an authorized possession in the following
1) Possession of arms with a servant in presence of his master (means Retainer).
2) Possession of arms with son who is living (residing) and using together with his father in the same
3) Possession of arms with wife in his house who is not neglected (but he or she shall not carry the
arms outside the house).
4) The possession of arms with the pledgee having the valid licence for pledging the arms by District
5) Possession of arms with a person outside the premises of Court while the licenceee attends the
Court in any case.

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6) Possession of arms with the retainer.

7) Possession of arms with a person by licence holder at the time of answering of W.C (Cater closest)
and Urine on the way.

Question No. 16
Explain joint possession. How the accused persons are dealt with?
If several persons are in unauthorized possession of any arm, this is called a joint possession of arms. All are
guilty of offence and are liable to be punished u/s. 9 along with section 13(f) ibid or 13-D as the case may be.
(13(f) of within house and 13-D on the way)

Question No. 17
State whether the Government can regulate the routes for transportation of arms & ammunition?
According to section 05, the Government (Federal or Provincial) is competent to prescribe routes for the
dealers for the transportation of arms and ammunition and for this purpose, Government establishes check
posts u/s. 6 ibid to see that there is no violation of routes. Any person (dear) violating the route shall be
liable to be punished u/s. 13(c) ibid.

Question No. 18
Can any person be exempted from the operation of the provisions of arms ordinance 1965? OR Can
Government exempt any person from operation of the provisions of arms and Ordinance 1965?
According to section 27, the Government is competent to exempt any person from operation of any of the
provisions of arms ordinance 1965 by issuing a notification showing the names and particulars of the
exemptees and conditions shown in the proforma prescribed under Rule – 3 A. R. 1924.

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3 : forbids any person to drive a vehicle without Motor Driving Licence.
4 : Qualifies or disqualifies any person from obtaining Motor Driving Licence.
7 : Documents required for obtaining Motor Driving Licence.
4 to 7 : Procedure for grant of Motor Driving Licence by Licencing Authority (S.P)
16 : Power of SP or his authorized officer not below the rank of DSP to grant Motor Driving Licence
light as well as heavy (Bus and Truck). The SP or his authorized officer is competent to disqualify
any Motor Driver from driving a Motor Vehicle.
17 : Secretary RTA is also competent to disqualify any M. Driver from driving a vehicle if he is found
violating the conditions of route permit of for any offence committed by him though he is released
by the Court.
18 : The trial Court is competent to disqualify the M. Driver from driving a vehicle on conviction before
Court (Magistrate) for any offence.
19 : Endorsement by the Court on the licence of Motor Driver on conviction.
20 : Direction of the Court to the licencing granting authorthy (SP) for making endorsement on the
licence of M. Driver incase the license is not produced in the Court u/s. 19 of M.V.O. 1965.


According to 25, the vehicle has to be brought before E.T.O and after examination of all the
documents and vehicle also, if the E.T.O finds that all the documents are correct he shall register
25 to 41
the vehicle and in other case he may refuse. His refusal orders are appealable before Director
Excise u/s. 36….
Gives the powers to E.T.O for the cancellation of registration or suspenstion of registration if he
34 to 36 finds that fabricated documents or forged registration plate has been prepared by the owner.
The cancellation or suspension order of E.T.O are appealable to Director Excise u/s. 36.
Procedure of grant of rout permits to the transporters for plying the vehicles on hire. There are
four kinds of route permits (vehicles):
(1). Stage Carriage Permit (2). Contract Carriage Permit (3). Public Carrier Permit (4). Private
Carrier Permit. According to section 61, the conditions are imposed in permits. According to
--to 66 section 64, power of RTA/PTA to issue special permits in special cases for using the stage
carriage vehicle on other routes than the sanctioned route for marriage parties, repairs to
workshop to Islamabad or Lahore or for carrying dead bodies or injured person to the Hospital
on an accident. According to section 66, order of RTA/PTA are appealable to PTA (RTA) Provincial
Government (Minister) (for PTA).
The tribunal is appointed by Government now ADM to decide the compensation for the death
67 (A to F)
and injury caused to passengers in an accident.
SRTC Chairman of SRTC exercises full control on the administration of SRTC. All the transport
__to 72 Government vehicles are plied without valid documents viz. no route permit, no fitness
certificate issued by Motor Vehicle Examiner.
Control of traffic (conduct of drivers) Driver while driving the vehicle shall observe all the
--5 to 95
precautions of signals shown on the road.
--2 to 112 Penalty for offences under M.V.O. 1965 and M. V. Rules 1969.

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Question No. 01
How many kinds of transport vehicles are?
There are four kinds of transport vehicles (means vehicles which is plied on hire for transportation of
passengers or goods) which are called:

Stage Carriage: having a seating capacity of more than ten persons. The transporter shall ply the vehicle
after obtaining route permit u/s. 44…… by making an application to R.T.A / P.T.A. After grant of permit the
transporter shall ply the vehicle on the sanctioned route and no other route.

Contract Carriage: means a vehicle having the seating capacity less then ten person (Taxi, Car, or Bus given
on carriage parties or Edhi type work). It shall be plied after obtaining permission from R.T.A. The Contract
carriages are not granted any prescribed routes and are not allowed to pick up the passengers on the way.

Public Carrier: means a vehicle plied on hire for transportation of goods only and not the passengers, viz.
truck, Pick-Up, Datsun. The route is sanctioned RTA/PTA.

Private Carrier: means a vehicle used for the transportation of good of its owner and its is not plied on hire
(any kind of vehicle of the owner to use for transportation). The route permit is sanctioned by RTA.

Question No.02
What punishments are provided under M.V.O, 1965?
1. Section 92 provides punishment for transport motor driver who fails to stop vehicle on the way when
required by Police Officer in uniform. Fine not exceeding Rs. 500/- and the punishment not exceeding six
months or with both.

2. Section 94 provides punishment who fails to stop vehicle when injury is caused to a person or animal, six
months sentence or fine of Rs. 500/- or with both.

3. Section 97 provides punishment who drives the vehicle without motor driving licence. Two years
sentence or fine of Rs.1000/- or with both

4. Section 97-A provides punishment who uses the fabricated registration number plate on the vehicle,
sentence two years or Rs. 1000/- or with both.

5. Section 98 provides punishment for driving a vehicle in excess speed. Fine Rs. 100/- for the first offence
and for the repeated offence Fine. Rs. 500/-

6. Section 99 provides punishment for reckless driving, 6 months imprisonment or fine of Rs. 500/- or with

7. Section 100 provides punishment for driving a vehicle under influence of drink and drug, sentence two
years imprisonment or fine Rs. 1000/- or with both.

8. Section 101 provides punishment for driving vehicle when mentally or physically unfit (sentence of fine
not exceeding Rs. 500/-

9. Section 103 provides punishment for racing or trial of ___ sentence not exceeding 6 months and fine not
exceeding Rs. 1000/- or with both.

Page 15

10. Section 104 provides punishment for driving a transport vehicle without fitness certificate issued u/s. 39
by M. V. Examiner. Sentence not exceeding 6 months imprisonment or fine not exceeding Rs. 1000/- or
with both.

11. Section 106 provides punishment for plying the transport vehicle without route permit issued by
RTA/PTA as required u/s. 44 not exceeding 2 years or fine not exceeding Rs. 1000/- or with both
including the owner of the vehicle.

12. Section 108 provides punishment (for every kind of vehicle_____or other) who fails to stop vehicle or lay
information to Police or Magistrate incase of accident, sentence not exceeding 6 months and fine not
exceeding Rs. 1000/- or with both.

13. Section 112 provides punishment for the offences other than the shown in M.V.O, 1965 for which no
punishment is provided in M.V.O. 1965. Fine not exceeding Rs. 500/- only.

Question No. 03
Describe the conduct and duties of drivers?
Every motor driver while driving the vehicle shall abide by the precautions and instructions and signals as
defined u/s. 78 to 92 ______

Question No. 04
What is the different age limit for a person who apply for obtaining Motor Driving Licence for various
classes of vehicles? and what prerequisite documents are required?
Every person apply for obtaining M. driving licence should possess the under-mentioned qualifications vide
section 7 of MVO 1965……..

Question No. 05
State the grounds for cancellation of route permits and what remedy is against such orders?
The RTA and PTA is competent to issue a route permit to transporters under Rule 96 of 1969. They are also
competent to cancel the route permit u/s. 62 of MVO 1965, if any of the permit holders violates any of the
conditions attached with the permit u/s. 61 ibid, the cancellation orders are appealable as under:
1. Appeal against the order of RTA shall lie to PTA. Appeal period is 30 days.
2. Appeal against the order of PTA shall lie to Provincial Government (Transport Minister or if Assembly
dissolved then Chief Secretary will be appellate authority).

Question No. 06
State the circumstances under which the licensed motor driver is disqualified from driving vehicle and by
The licensed driver is disqualified either by licence granting authority (SP) u/s. 16 or by RTA u/s. 17 or by Trial
Court u/s. 18 on the circumstances shown under each action which is explained as under……

Question No. 07
What are the powers of Government for controlling the road traffic?
According to section 45, the Government is responsible to provide transport facilities to the people at large
by issuing a route permit for plying the vehicles on hire for transportation of the passengers and off good
either arranging service by RTC (First) or Private Transporter (Brief by Sir…)

Page 16

Question No. 08
State reasons if Railway engine or side car attached with M. Cycle is a motor vehicle?
According to section 2(41) ….. the Railway engine is not a M. Vehicle and side car attached with M. Cycle is
vehicle. Therefore, the provisions of MVO are not applicable to Railway engine but they are applicable to
side car attached with motor cycle.

Question No.09
Define the following vehicles:
1. INVALID CARRIAGE: it is defined u/s. 2 item 15……
2. MOTOR CAB: it is defined u/s. 2 (20)…….
3. PUBLIC CARRIER (Load Truck): is defined u/s. 2 (28)……
4. STAGE CARRIAGE (Bus, Wagon): Is defined u/s. 2 (37)….
5. PRIVAT CARRIER: is defined u/s. 2(27)…..

Question No. 10
Explain under what circumstances the certificate of registration of a M. vehicle is suspended and cancelled
and by whom?
According to section 34…. The Registering Authority (ETO) is competent to suspend the registration
certificate on the ground shown therein. According to section 35…. The Registering Authority (ETO) is
competent to cancel the registration certificate on the grounds shown therein…..

Question No.11
A person produced a vehicle for registration but the Registering Authority (ETO) refused. State the reasons
for refusal of registration and what is the remedy against the refusal order?
According to section 28 …. The Registering Authority (ETO) is also competent to refuse the registration of
vehicle on the grounds shown therein….
The orders of the Registering Authority can be challenged in an appeal before Director Excise u/s. 36 ibid.

Question No.12
In case a motor driving licence becomes unreadable due to spread of ink or water, what action be taken by
licence for obtaining its duplicate copy?
When any motor driving licence becomes unreadable for ……… authority for grant of duplicate copy. The
licensing authority is empowered to grant its duplicate copy in accordance with the procedure as laid own
under Rule – 15 of MVR 1969 (Q.R……

Question No. 13
In case a motor driving licence is lost. Please explain the procedure for obtaining its duplicate copy?
The licensing authority according to Rule – 14 of 1969, to issue duplicate copy on the application made by
the licencee. Detailed procedure is explained ………Q.R

Page 17

Question No. 14
What are the disqualifications which disqualify a person for obtaining motor driving licence?
According to section 4, a person applying for obtaining motor driving licence stand disqualified on following

Question No. 15
Whether the route permit is required for plying the vehicle on hire?
Section 44 _____ forbids every transporter to ply the transport vehicle without the route permit issued by
RTA/PTA as the case may be. There are four kinds of permits. Stage carriage permit which is used for
transportation of passengers on hire in accordance with the fare list sanctioned by the RTA/PTA. Contract
carriage permit which is issued to transporters who ply the vehicle on contract service on the mileage rate
fixed by the Government (RTA/PTA). the Contract permit holders are forbidden to pick up passengers on any
route. Public carrier permit which is sanctioned for transportation of goods only at the mondage rate fixed
by the Government per mile. The transporters holding such permits are not allowed to pick up passengers.
Private Carrier permit which is issued to owner of vehicle for transportation of his own goods. The RTA and
PTA are competent to issue any of the

Question No. 16
Vehicle was used in commission of cognizable offence. State the circumstances under which the license of
the motor driver shall be disqualified from driving a vehicle and by whom?
According to section 18, the trial court is competent to disqualify the motor driver for driving the vehicle on
conviction before the Magistrate. Q.S….

Question No. 17
What is the remedy for a person who is refused from obtaining the driving licence?
The licensing authority is competent to refuse any person from obtaining any motor driving licence is the
person stands disqualified u/s. 4…..
Remedy: the refusal order can be challenged before DIG in case of light licence and I.G incase of heavy
licence under Rule- 24 and 25 of 1969.

Question No. 18
How the RTA and PTA are constituted and what are their functions and powers?
The RTA and PTA are constituted by the Provincial Government under Rule 4 of 1969 and their powers and
functions are shown under Rule – 55 to 57 of 1969. (Q.R)

Question No. 19
What are the powers and functions of Sindh Road Transport Authority (SRTC)? How is it constituted?
The SRTC is constituted by the Provincial Government u/s. 70 …. Its powers and functions are shown under
Rule – 133 to 137……

Page 18


Power of Director Excise to hear appeals against the orders of E.T.O
Rule – 30
Power of SP to hear appeals against the orders of Motor Vehicle Examiner.
Exemption from payment of registration fee and road tax. Power of Provincial
Rule – 43
Government to exempt any person.
road Rollers are exempted from obtaining the fitness certificate issued u/s. 39 by
Rule – 53
Motor Vehicle Examiner.
Power of Commissioner to hear appeals against the orders of tribunal appointed u/s.
Rule – 96 67. Power of PTA to hear appeals against the RTA. Power of Provincial Government
(Transport Minister or Chief Secretary) to hear appeals against the orders of PTA
penalty for defective meters used in Taxi and Rickshaw (even now available the
Rule – 124 and 125
In Sindh ban on installation of music instruments in the transport vehicle (Private
Rule 265
Vehicle is exempted from fine or offence)

Page 19


1. The (Punjab) Police Act with Rules

2. The Prisons Act 1894 with Prison Rules
3. The Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965
4. The Provincial Motor Vehicles Ordinance 1965 and Rules made thereunder

Q1. In which circumstances, firearms are to be deposited at Police Station or with Licence dealers? (30 th
July, 2001)
Q2. What are the powers of the Magistrate for seizure and search of firearms under the Arms Ordinance,
1965? (30th July, 2001)
Q3. Give different classifications of Prisons and Rules attached with them regarding their property? (30 th
July, 2001)
Q4. Can the Government prohibit or restrict the conveying of long distance goods traffic generally, or of
prescribed goods, by private or pubic carriers under the Motor Vehicle Ordinance, 1965. Please
explain. (30th July, 2001)
Q5. Write short notes on any five of the followings: (30 th July, 2001)
a. Ammunition
b. Juvenile offender
c. Registering Authority
d. Certificate of Registration
e. State Carriage
f. Right to possess firearms and licence to possess firearms.
Q6. Explain “Probation” and “Parole” with relevant provisions. (30 th July, 2001)
Q7. (13th February, 2010)
a. Explain control and duties of officers of prisoners and what are the duties and
responsibilities of Jailor under Prisons Act, 1894?
b. What are the powers of different authorities to disqualify a person from holding a license
under the Provincial Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1965?
Q8. (13th February, 2010)
a. What are the powers specified in Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965 regarding making of rules
as to licenses?
b. Can a person conveying arms etc. under suspicious circumstances be arrested? What
procedure is specified in the law?
Q9. Q3 (13th February, 2010) Write a detailed note regarding the discipline of prisoners as specified in
various provisions of Prisons Act, 1894.
Q10. Q4 (13th February, 2010) Please explain who is a special police officer, as described in the Police Act,
1861. What are the circumstances warranting appointment of a special police officer, and who is
qualified to be appointed as such?
Q11. Q5 (13th February, 2010) Can the government prohibit or resist the conveying of long distance
goods traffic generally, or of prescribed goods, by private or public carriers, under the Motor Vehicle
Ordinance, 1965. Please explain.
Q12. Q6 (13th February, 2010) Sindh Police established several check points along the border of Sindh
with other provinces and Karachi Toll Plaza on the Superhighway to search for arms and
ammunition. Is this action of the police lawful under Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965? Please explain.
Q13. Citing the relevant section of Police Act, 1861 indicate the circumstances in which the quartering of
additional police in certain areas is permissible under the said Act. (20 th June, 2009)
Q14. Explain who bears the cost of such additional police (20 th June, 2009)

Page 20

Q15. What are the powers of Police Officers and Magistrates under Police Act, 1861 with regard to
unclaimed property. (20th June, 2009)
Q16. Describe the procedure to be followed by Police Officers and Magistrates for seizure and disposal of
such property, under the said Act, (20 th June, 2009)
Q17. Citing the relevant section of Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965 explain the circumstances under which
an SHO or a Magistrate of competent jurisdiction have power to search and seize Fire Arms, even
though covered by a valid licence. (20 th June, 2009)
Q18. Citing the relevant section of Prison Act, 1984 describe five acts declared to be prison-offences,
under the said act. (20th June, 2009)
Q19. Explain the procedure adopted for punishment of any prisoner guilty of frequently committing
prison-offences. (20th June, 2009)
Q20. If a person going armed without Licence, under what provision of Law he may be prosecuted and
what is punishment? (20th June, 2009)
Q21. If the Licence Holder hands over his weapon to another person, whether Licence holder can be
prosecuted and under which section of Arms Ordinance, 1965? Discuss. (20 th June, 2009)
Q22. What is difference between Operation Police and Investigation Police? (20 th June, 2009)
Q23. How do you define special Police Officer and his duties? (29 th November, 2008)
Q24. Under what provision of law going armed without licence is prohibited, whether person so going
armed without licence may be prosecuted? (29 th November, 2008)
Q25. What authority is competent to cancel the License of arms, disclose the reasons for cancellation of
arms licence? (29th November, 2008)
Q26. Describe the requisite formalities at the time of admission of prisoner in prison whether the prisoner
can be admitted in prison without proper warrant? (29 th November, 2008)
Q27. Describe the Classificatio of prison and classes of District Prison. (29 th November, 2008)
Q28. How to be dealt with lunatic prisoners? (29 th November, 2008)
Q29. Define classes of Criminal Courts in Pakistan and power of Magistrates in awarding sentence and fine
to accused. (29th November, 2008).
Q30. In which cases Arms to be deposited at Police Stations or with Licence dealers? (31 st May, 2008)
Q31. Differentiate between (1). Sale and Repair of Arms (2). Sale and Delivery of Arms (3). Right to possess
Arms and licence to possess arms (31st May, 2008)
Q32. What are the duties and training of Mounted Police and also define the composition? (31 st May,
Q33. What are the powers of the Magistrate for seizing and search of the Arms under the Arms
Ordinance, 1965? (31st May, 2008)
Q34. Define types of licence, who can acquire and what will be the consequences of driving vehicle
without licence? (31th May, 2008)
Q35. Give different classification of Prisons and rules attached with them regarding their property? (31 st
May, 2008)
Q36. Define different categories of officers of Prison with respect of their responsibilities and duties. (31 st
May, 2008)
Q37. Describe the rules for maintenance of General Crime Register? (10 th May, 2003)
Q38. What are general duties of Police Officers according to Police Act? (10 th May, 2003)
Q39. Write detailed note about the investigation of a crime from beginning till its end and maintenance of
various diaries with reference to Police Act? (10 th May, 2003)
Q40. What offense are known as offfences on roads, what are the powers of Police Officers according to
Police Act in such offences and what is their punishment? (10 th May, 2003)
Q41. Under what circumstances the court can disqualify the driver? Explain in detail. (10 th May, 2003)
Q42. What are the powers of the Government to control road transport? (10 th May, 2003)
Q43. Write short note on any four of the following : (i). Driving Licence (ii). Route Permit (iii). Arms and
Ammunition of prohibited bore (iv). Arms Licence (v). Inquest Report (10 th May, 2003)

Page 21

Q44. What are prison offences? What are the punishments for such offences under prisoners Act, 1894?
(10th May, 2003)
Q45. Write a complete note on the action of investigation Offficer at the scene of death? (18 th May, 2002)
Q46. Write a note on Police Force in the light of Police Act? (18 th May, 2002)
Q47. Write a note on classes of prisoner in your own words. (18 th May, 2002)
Q48. Discuss the duties of various officers under Prisons Act. (18 th May, 2002)
Q49. Write a note of issuance of licence of arms and ammunition (18 th May, 2002)
Q50. Write a note on the following in your own words: (i). Arms (ii). Ammunition (iii). Cannon (18 th May,
Q51. Write a complete note on Road Transport Corporation. (18 th May, 2002)
Q52. In which cases a driver is required to stop his vehicle. Discuss in our own words (18 th May, 2002)
Q53. Define any five of the following: (a). Cannon (b). Flick Knife (c). Ambulance (d). Delivery Van (e).
Magistrate (f). Police. (29th November, 1997)
Q54. What is the procedure to cancel or suspend Arms Licence? (29 th November, 1997)
Q55. Who can go armed or possess arms? IN what circumstances he can be prevented and by whom?
(29th November, 1997)
Q56. What are the powers of Inspector General of Police to make rules? (29 th November, 1997)
Q57. What are the certain offences on road etc. and what are the powers of Police Officers in this
respect? (29th November, 1997)
Q58. What is the inquests procedure, give in detail as laid down in the Police rules? (29 th November, 1997)
Q59. In what circumstances registration of any vehicle can be suspended? (29 th November, 1997)
Q60. What are the general conditions attached with all permits issued under Motor Vehicle Ordinance?
(29th November, 1997)
Q61. What is the procedure for additional Police Officers employed at the costs of individuals and how
such officers can be withdrawn? (29th November, 1997)
Q62. Q1 (13th November, 1999) In what circumstances, the licence holder of motor vehicle can be
disqualified from holding licence by the licensing authority?
Q63. Q2 (13th November, 1999) When the Court can also pass the order of disqualification for holding
vehicle licence in addition to imposing any other punishment authorized by law?
Q64. Q3 (13th November, 1999) In what circumstances the Registering Authority can suspend the
Registration Certificate of a Motor Vehicle?
Q65. Q4 (13th November, 1999) What kind of special particulars shall be recorded by the Registration
Authority on the registration of Transport Vehicles?
Q66. Q5 (13th November, 1999) How the Provincial Transport Authorities can be constituted?
Q67. Q6 (13th November, 1999) What are the powers and functions of Provincial Transport Authority?
Q68. Q7 (13th November, 1999) What are the duties of motor vehicle drivers in case of accident and
injury to a person, animal or damage to property?
Q69. Q8 (13th November, 1999) What are the duties of the ordinary and special Police Officers under the
Punjab Police Act?
Q70. Q9 (13th November, 1999) Write short notes on any four of the following:
a. Village Police Officer
b. Illicit Arms
c. Black Sheep in Police Department
d. Habitual Criminals
e. Absconder in Criminal Police cases
f. Magistrate
g. District Superintendent of Police
Q71. Who will issue certificates to Police Officer and in what circumstances such certificate shall be
surrendered? (26th May, 1994)
Q72. What are the powers of Inspector General to make rules? (26 th May, 1994)

Page 22

Q73. State the circumstances under which a property can be confiscated, if no claimant appears? (26 th
May, 1994)
Q74. What are the powers of Police Officer for punishment for certain offences on road? (26 th May, 1994)
Q75. In what cases arms to be deposited at Police Station or with licensed dealers? (26 th May, 1994)
Q76. What is joint possession of arms? (26th May, 1994)
Q77. In what cases the arms may be ordered to be confiscated? (26 th May, 1994)
Q78. What is the punishment of knowingly purchasing arms etc from unlicensed persons? (26 th May,
Q79. Define special requirement for registration of transport vehicles? (26 th May, 1994)
Q80. State the circumstances under which a permit can be cancelled and suspended? (26 th May, 1994)
Q81. State the procedure and powers of claims tribunal? (26 th May, 1994)
Q82. Define the following : (i). Parking Places and haulting Stations (ii). Main Roads (iii). Duty to obey
traffic signs (iv). Signals and signaling devices (26 th May, 1994)
Q83. Write short notes on the following : (a). Penalties for neglect of duties by Police Officer (b). Powers
of Inspector General of Police (c). Certificates to Police Officers (23 rd May, 1992)
Q84. What are the privilages and liabilities of Special Police Officers? Can a Special Police Officer withot
sufficient excuse refuse to obey lawful order? Is there any punishment provided under Police Act for
disobedience? (23rd May, 1992)
Q85. What are the powers of District Magistrate regarding making rules for the use of streets? Also quote
Penal Section contravening the orders of District Magistrate. (23 rd May, 1992)
Q86. What are the powers of Police Officer Incharge of Police Station in respect of maintenance of law
and order in his area (jurisdiction). (23rd May, 1992)
Q87. Enumerate the offences under West Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965, which are made punishable
under the said ordinance. (23rd May, 1992)
Q88. Whether a person being a bona fide tourist may bring with him arms and ammunition in reasonable
quantities for use by him for the purpose of only sport? Is so, under what terms and conditions? (23 rd
May, 1992)
Q89. What do you understand by the words “Arms” and “Cannon” as given in the Arms Ordinance, 1965?
(23rd May, 1992)
Q90. What is the criterion for finding a particular weapon or instrument as an “Arm”.? (23 rd May, 1992)
Q91. Explain the procedure and conditions for the grant of Driving License to Drivers of Motor Vehicles
quoting the sections of Motor Vehicle Ordinance 1965 and Rules made thereunder in brief. (23 rd
May, 1992)
Q92. Who is the authority to hear appeals against the orders of Licensig Authority? Explain as to against
which orders appeal could be heard and state the procedure of conduct and hearing of appeals. (23 rd
May, 1992)

----------------------------------THE END-------------------------------------

Page 23

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