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Online Attendance Management System Using Face


Group Members:

Ayesha Kalsoom, Mishal Ahmad

Roll Number:

4544, 4546


Prof. Noman-ul-Haq


BSSE Mor (A)

Table of content:

Chapter 1: Introduction............................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background of the Study................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Project Definition................................................................................................................3
1.3 Objectives of the Study......................................................................................................3
1.4 Specifications of the Study................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Scope of the Study............................................................................................................ 4

Chapter 2: Literature Review...................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Existing Attendance Management Systems...................................................................... 4
2.2 Application of Face Recognition........................................................................................ 4
2.3 Review of Current Face Recognition Techniques..............................................................4
3.1 Basics of Face Recognition............................................................................................... 5
3.2 Overview of Attendance Management Principles.............................................................. 5
3.3 Role of Linux in Development Environment.......................................................................5

Chapter 4: Technology Overview............................................................................................... 6

4.1 Role of python in Face Recognition...................................................................................6
4.2 Overview of OpenCV: Features and Utilities..................................................................... 6
4.3 Understanding the Face Recognition Library.................................................................... 6

Chapter 5: System Analysis and Design................................................................................... 7

5.2 System Requirement Analysis...........................................................................................7
5.3 System Design Overview...................................................................................................7
5.4 Software and Hardware Requirements..............................................................................8

Chapter 6: Face Recognition Module........................................................................................ 8

6.1 Design of the Face Recognition Module............................................................................8
6.2 Implementation of Face Recognition Algorithms............................................................... 9
6.3 Facial Features Recognition from Every Angle................................................................. 9
6.4 Performance Analysis of Face Recognition Module......................................................... 9

Chapter 7: Student Module......................................................................................................... 9

7.1 Design and Features of Student Module......................................................................... 10
7.2 Integration of Face Recognition with Student Module..................................................... 10
7.3 Functionality in the Attendance Management System.....................................................10

Chapter 8: Teacher Module.......................................................................................................10

8.1 Design and Features of Teacher Module......................................................................... 11
8.2 Teacher Module Functionality and Interface Design........................................................ 11
8.4 Functionality in the Attendance Management System..................................................... 11

Chapter 9: Administrator Module............................................................................................. 11

9.1 Design and Features of Administrator Module................................................................ 12
9.2 Administrator Module Functionality and Interface Design............................................... 12
9.3 Functionality in the Attendance Management System.....................................................12

Chapter 10: Database Design and Management.....................................................................12

10.1 Overview of Database Design....................................................................................... 13
10.2 Data Management using Python and Face Recognition Library................................... 13
10.3 Security and Privacy Considerations............................................................................. 13
10.4 Functionality in the Attendance Management System...................................................14

Conclusion and Future Work....................................................................................................14

Summary of the Project......................................................................................................... 14
Recommendations and Future Work..................................................................................... 14

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

In the digital age, technology plays an integral role in simplifying various processes, one of them
being attendance management. Conventional methods of managing attendance, such as roll
call or sign-in sheets, are time-consuming and prone to errors. To address these inefficiencies,
this project explores the implementation of an Attendance Management System using Face
Recognition. The system will allow the automation of attendance tracking, thereby enhancing
efficiency, reducing errors, and preventing practices like proxy attendance.

1.2 Project Definition

The project aims to develop an Attendance Management System using face recognition
technology. The system will identify students through their unique facial features and
automatically record their attendance. The system will consist of three primary modules - the
Student Module, Teacher Module, and Administrator Module. The technology stack for this
project includes Linux, OpenCV, Face Recognition, and Python.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The project has the following objectives:

● To develop a reliable, efficient, and user-friendly Attendance Management System using

face recognition technology.
● To automate the process of attendance tracking and reduce human intervention.

● To ensure accuracy and eliminate fraudulent practices, such as proxy attendance.

● To provide an effective solution that caters to students, teachers, and administrators


1.4 Specifications of the Study

The system will be capable of recognizing facial features from every angle. It will be developed
using Python as the primary language with OpenCV for image processing and the Face
Recognition library for identifying unique facial features. The system will be designed to run
efficiently on Linux. It will include modules for students, teachers, and administrators, each
offering distinct functionalities. The system will also include robust database design and
management to securely store and process the information.

1.5 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is confined to the development of an Attendance Management System
for educational institutions. The use of this system can significantly reduce the time and effort
spent on tracking attendance and improve the overall efficiency of the institutions. The study
focuses on utilizing face recognition technology and does not include other biometric methods
like fingerprint or iris recognition.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Existing Attendance Management Systems

Attendance management systems have evolved significantly over the years. Traditional systems
involve manual record-keeping, such as roll calls or sign-in sheets. These methods, while
straightforward, are time-consuming and susceptible to errors and fraudulent practices. To
overcome these shortcomings, digital attendance management systems were introduced. These
systems typically require users to sign in using a unique identifier, like an ID number. However,
they still present the risk of proxy attendance.

2.2 Application of Face Recognition

Face recognition technology is one of the most promising solutions to the aforementioned
challenges. It offers a seamless, non-contact, and efficient means to verify individuals' identities.
This technology has found application in numerous fields, including security, surveillance,
access control, and indeed, attendance management. Face recognition technology can
significantly eliminate the possibility of proxy attendance, as it uses unique facial features for
2.3 Review of Current Face Recognition Techniques
Various face recognition techniques have emerged over the years, including Eigenfaces,
Fisherfaces, the Hidden Markov model, and the most recent deep learning-based techniques.
These techniques vary in complexity and efficiency. One common and highly effective method is
using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), which forms the basis of the Face Recognition
library employed in this project.

Chapter 3: Theoretical Framework

3.1 Basics of Face Recognition

Face recognition is a biometric method that identifies individuals by comparing and analyzing
patterns based on facial features. In the context of the Attendance Management System, face
recognition will serve as the primary mechanism for authentication and identification. It entails
the following steps:

1. Face Detection: This is the first step, where the system identifies the presence of a face
in a given image or video frame.

2. Face Capture: The system captures the face for further processing. The captured image
is then converted to grayscale to simplify the subsequent steps.

3. Feature Extraction: Here, the system identifies key facial features such as eyes, nose,
mouth, and the relative position of these components.

4. Face Recognition: After extracting the facial features, the system matches them against
the stored database to recognize the individual.

3.2 Overview of Attendance Management Principles

Attendance management is a crucial aspect of administrative processes in any educational
institution. The primary principles include:

1. Authentication: Confirming the identity of the individual attending.

2. Authorization: Checking if the individual is permitted to attend the event or access the

3. Accounting: Recording the attendance and keeping track of it over time.

4. The proposed system aims to streamline these principles using face recognition
3.3 Role of Linux in Development Environment
Linux, as an open-source operating system, has diverse applications, especially in development
environments. It offers greater control, customization, and strong support for Python – the
language we will use for developing our face recognition system. Key benefits of using Linux

3.3.1 Stability and Performance: Linux is known for its stability and performance, reducing the
risk of system crashes during the execution of the face recognition system.

3.3.2 Security: Linux is recognized for its robust security features, which will ensure the safety of
the face recognition data.

3.3.3 Compatibility: Linux is compatible with many programming languages and libraries,
including Python, OpenCV, and the Face Recognition library, making it an ideal choice for this

Chapter 4: Technology Overview

In this chapter, we delve into the specifics of the technologies used in the development of the
Attendance Management System. Namely, we will discuss Python, OpenCV, and the Face
Recognition library, which together form the technical backbone of our project.

4.1 Role of python in Face Recognition

Python is a high-level programming language known for its readability, versatility, and robust
support for libraries. Its simplicity and ease of learning make it a popular choice for a wide range
of applications, from web development to machine learning, and in our case, face recognition.

Python's wide array of libraries plays a significant role in face recognition. Libraries such as
OpenCV and the Face Recognition library make complex processes like image processing,
feature extraction, and face recognition much more accessible and efficient. Python's built-in
support for database operations also facilitates the handling of large sets of data, as in the case
of storing and retrieving face images and attendance records.

4.2 Overview of OpenCV: Features and Utilities

OpenCV, or Open Source Computer Vision, is a library of programming functions mainly aimed
at real-time computer vision. It has C++, Python, and Java interfaces and supports Windows,
Linux, Mac OS, iOS, and Android.

OpenCV is used extensively for image and video processing. It can process images and videos
to detect objects, extract features, and even perform image transformations like cropping,
rotation, and color transformations.
In the context of our project, OpenCV is used to capture live video feeds, process images, and
detect faces using its Haar Cascades. It's efficient, fast, and its algorithms are robust against
many kinds of image variations, making it an excellent choice for this project.

4.3 Understanding the Face Recognition Library

The Face Recognition library in Python provides robust face detection and recognition
functionality. Built using dlib's state-of-the-art face recognition built with deep learning, the library
contains simple, easy-to-use commands to implement a comprehensive set of face recognition

In our project, the Face Recognition library is used for extracting facial features and recognizing
faces. After the faces are detected using OpenCV, the Face Recognition library is used to
extract unique facial features and compare them against known faces in our database. This
allows the system to identify students, teachers, and administrators.

Chapter 5: System Analysis and Design

In this chapter, we explore the analysis and design of the Attendance Management System
using face recognition. We'll delve into the system requirements, design considerations, and the
software and hardware prerequisites.

5.2 System Requirement Analysis

The system requirement analysis is a crucial phase in our project as it identifies the needs of
our end-users. It involves capturing, analyzing, and managing changes to the requirements.

5.2.1 Functional Requirements: These are the features and operations the system should be
able to perform. For our project, these include:

● Recognizing and distinguishing between different faces

● Marking and recording attendance based on face recognition
● Providing an interface for students, teachers, and administrators
● Allowing teachers to view and generate attendance reports
● Allowing administrators to manage user and teachers profiles and schedules

5.2.2 Non-functional Requirements: These are the criteria that can be used to judge the
operation of a system. In our case, these include:

● Performance: The system should be able to process face recognition quickly and

● Reliability: The system should correctly recognize faces and not mistake one individual
for another.
● Usability: The system should be user-friendly and require minimal technical knowledge
to operate.

● Security: The system should ensure that the data it stores, especially face images and
attendance records, are secure.

5.3 System Design Overview

Our Attendance Management System is designed to be user-friendly, efficient, and secure. It
utilizes face recognition to automate the attendance process, eliminating the need for manual
roll calls or sign-ins.

The system is split into three modules - Students, Teachers, and Administrators. Each module
provides an interface for its users and has its unique functionalities. The system also includes a
database for storing user profiles, face images, and attendance records.

5.4 Software and Hardware Requirements

5.4.1 Software Requirements:

● Operating System: Linux. This project uses Linux due to its stability, security, and
compatibility with our selected tools and libraries.

● Programming Language: Python. Python's ease of use, along with its powerful libraries
like OpenCV and the Face Recognition library, make it our language of choice.

● Database Management System: SQLite. Python's built-in SQLite library is used for
database operations.

5.4.2 Hardware Requirements:

● Processor: A modern multicore processor capable of running the face recognition

algorithms smoothly.

● RAM: Minimum of 4GB RAM to ensure smooth operation.

● Storage: Sufficient storage space to hold the system, its database, and the face images.

● Camera: A camera with decent resolution for capturing face images.

Chapter 6: Face Recognition Module

The Face Recognition module forms the backbone of our Attendance Management System,
providing the primary method of user identification. In this chapter, we will explore the design,
implementation, and performance analysis of the Face Recognition Module.

6.1 Design of the Face Recognition Module

The Face Recognition module is designed to perform three main tasks:

● Face Detection: Identify and locate human faces within an image or from a video stream.
● Feature Extraction: Extract key features from the detected face.
● Face Recognition: Match the extracted features against known faces in the database.

This module interfaces with the Student, Teacher, and Administrator modules to provide identity
verification, and with the database to retrieve and store face data.

6.2 Implementation of Face Recognition Algorithms

The module utilizes two key libraries for its operation: OpenCV and the Face Recognition library.
OpenCV's Haar cascades are used for face detection, which involves locating the position and
size of a face in an image.

Feature extraction and face recognition are performed using the Face Recognition library. This
library uses deep learning models to extract key facial features and compare them against
known faces in our database.

6.3 Facial Features Recognition from Every Angle

A robust face recognition system must account for variations in lighting, facial expression, and
pose. Our system is designed to recognize faces from multiple angles, using the 68-point facial
landmark detection model provided by the Face Recognition library.

This model identifies 68 key points on a face, such as the corners of the eyes, the tip of the
nose, etc. Using these key points, the system can account for variations in the face due to pose
changes and facial expressions, providing accurate face recognition even when the face is not
oriented straight towards the camera.

6.4 Performance Analysis of Face Recognition Module

To evaluate the performance of the Face Recognition module, we used a dataset of face images
with varying lighting, poses, and facial expressions. The performance was evaluated in terms of:

● Recognition Accuracy: The percentage of face images correctly recognized.

● Processing Time: The time taken to process a face image from detection to recognition.

The module demonstrated high recognition accuracy and acceptable processing time, meeting
our project requirements.
Chapter 7: Student Module
The Student Module serves as an integral part of the Attendance Management System using
face recognition, facilitating students to register their presence swiftly and accurately. This
chapter will delve into the design, features, and interface of the Student Module, explaining how
it is integrated with the Face Recognition Module for a smooth user experience.

7.1 Design and Features of Student Module

The Student Module is designed to provide a simple, user-friendly interface that allows students
to verify their attendance with minimal effort. The main features of this module include:

● Face Recognition-Based Login: Upon facing the camera, the student's face is captured
and processed through the face recognition algorithm. If the student's face matches with
a profile in the database, their attendance is marked.

● Attendance Status: Post successful login, the interface shows a confirmation of

attendance registered for the day.

● Attendance History: The students can access a comprehensive view of their past
attendance records, helping them keep track of their attendance record over the term.

7.2 Integration of Face Recognition with Student Module

The integration of the Face Recognition Module with the Student Module brings seamless
functionality for attendance verification. Upon entry, the system captures the student's face
using the camera interface. This image is processed by the Face Recognition Module, which
checks the database for a match.

The system is designed to handle multiple student logins simultaneously, providing efficient and
swift attendance verification. This eliminates traditional, time-consuming methods, allowing more
time to be spent on academic activities.

7.3 Functionality in the Attendance Management System

In the context of the Attendance Management System, the Student Module's primary function is
to facilitate the marking of attendance using face recognition. It not only automates the tedious
process of roll calls but also makes the system more reliable and efficient.

Furthermore, this module enables students to be accountable for their attendance, offering a
transparent way to track their attendance record. This level of accessibility and accuracy
significantly enhances the overall efficiency of the attendance management process,
contributing to the project's core objective.
Chapter 8: Teacher Module
The Teacher Module serves a pivotal role in the Attendance Management System, enabling
educators to monitor attendance and manage student profiles effectively. In this chapter, we
delve into the design and features of the Teacher Module, highlighting its specific functions
within the attendance management system via face recognition.

8.1 Design and Features of Teacher Module

The Teacher Module is designed to provide a comprehensive platform for educators to access
and manage their students' attendance records. The primary features of this module include:

● Attendance Overview: Post login, teachers can view the attendance records of their
students, providing them a clear overview of each student's attendance status.

● Student Registration: Teachers can register new students into the system. This process
involves capturing the student's facial data for future recognition.

● Attendance Reports: The module allows teachers to generate comprehensive

attendance reports for individual students, providing detailed insights into their
attendance patterns.

8.2 Teacher Module Functionality and Interface Design

The Teacher Module's interface design is focused on usability and efficient navigation. Upon
successful login, teachers are presented with a dashboard that displays an overview of the
class attendance. Options to register a new student or generate a student's attendance report
are clearly marked for easy access.

The student registration function opens a new interface where teachers can input the student's
details and capture their facial data using the integrated camera interface. The system
processes and stores this data for future face recognition-based attendance.

8.4 Functionality in the Attendance Management System

In the context of the Attendance Management System, the Teacher Module plays an
instrumental role in managing student profiles and monitoring their attendance. It provides a
critical link between the system and the educators, enabling them to have direct control over the
registration of students and monitoring their attendance trends.

The ability to register new students in the system, coupled with the direct overview of class
attendance, equips teachers with a powerful tool to manage attendance records. This tool not
only reduces manual workload but also increases the transparency and efficiency of the
attendance process.
Chapter 9: Administrator Module
The Administrator Module is a pivotal component of the Attendance Management System,
allowing for system management, user administration, and overall supervision of the system.
This chapter will discuss the design, features, and interface of the Administrator Module and its
role within the attendance management system via face recognition.

9.1 Design and Features of Administrator Module

The Administrator Module is designed with a wide range of features to manage the Attendance
Management System effectively. The main features of this module include:

● User Management: Administrators have the privilege to manage users in the system.
This includes adding, editing, and deleting student and teacher profiles.

● System Supervision: The module allows administrators to monitor the functioning of the
system, track attendance records, and ensure that the face recognition module is
performing optimally.

● Data Management: Administrators have control over the system's data, including the
ability to back up and restore data when necessary.

9.2 Administrator Module Functionality and Interface Design

The Administrator Module's interface is designed for ease of use and quick navigation through
various system management functions. The dashboard provides an overview of the system's
status, including the number of registered students and teachers, and overall attendance

The user management functions are neatly organized, allowing administrators to browse
through profiles, add new users, edit existing user details, or delete users from the system.
Similarly, data management functions are intuitively designed for easy backup and restoration of

9.3 Functionality in the Attendance Management System

Within the Attendance Management System, the Administrator Module is vital for system
regulation, user management, and data security. Administrators ensure the smooth operation of
the system, manage user profiles, and maintain the integrity of the data.

In the context of face recognition, administrators can oversee the performance of the face
recognition module, ensure its accurate functioning, and manage the face data of all users. The
module allows for the registration of new faces into the system, updating of existing face data,
and removal of face data if required.
The Administrator Module, in essence, holds the responsibility of system maintenance, ensuring
that the Attendance Management System operates efficiently, securely, and accurately.

Chapter 10: Database Design and Management

In the context of the Attendance Management System using face recognition, the database
serves as the central repository storing critical data including user profiles, face recognition
data, and attendance records. This chapter will explore the design and management of the
database, and address critical considerations around data security and privacy.

10.1 Overview of Database Design

The database for the Attendance Management System is designed to efficiently store and
manage diverse data entities and their relationships. The primary components include:

● User Profiles: This section stores the profiles of students, teachers, and administrators,
including their details and user role.

● Face Recognition Data: This is a critical component of the database where the face
recognition data for each user is stored. For each user, their facial feature data extracted
by the face recognition algorithm is securely stored.

● Attendance Records: This segment of the database records the attendance of each
student, marking the time, date, and status of each attendance entry.

10.2 Data Management using Python and Face Recognition Library

The management of data within the database is handled through Python, which interfaces with
the face recognition library and the database. Python's extensive library support provides robust
tools for database interactions.

The Face Recognition Library's role is twofold. First, it processes the face data during login and
registration processes, extracting the necessary facial features. Second, it facilitates the
comparison of the live-captured face data with the stored facial data during the attendance
marking process.

10.3 Security and Privacy Considerations

Given the sensitive nature of the data, particularly the face recognition data, a high level of
security and privacy is required. Several measures are implemented to ensure data security:

● Access Control: Access to the database is strictly controlled, with only authenticated
users (teachers, administrators) having access to specific sections of the database
relevant to their role.

● Encryption: Sensitive data, including face recognition data, is encrypted before being
stored in the database. This ensures that even in the event of unauthorized access, the
data remains secure.

● Data Anonymization: Personal details are separated from attendance records and face
data to ensure privacy. Each user is assigned a unique ID, and this ID is used to link the
different data entities.

10.4 Functionality in the Attendance Management System

The database plays a central role in the operation of the Attendance Management System. It
serves as the foundation where all critical data is stored and retrieved, enabling the functioning
of the face recognition system, user modules, and attendance recording.

In the context of face recognition, the database stores the critical face data required for
recognizing users and marking attendance. It works in tandem with the Face Recognition
Library, facilitating the seamless operation of the attendance management process.

Conclusion and Future Work

Summary of the Project

This project presented the design, development, and implementation of an Attendance
Management System using Face Recognition. The system, designed with distinct modules for
students, teachers, and administrators, uses face recognition technology to automate the
process of student attendance management.

The system's architecture was based on three primary modules - Student Module, Teacher
Module, and Administrator Module - each designed to cater to different user roles. The Student
Module was designed for students to mark their attendance, the Teacher Module was made for
managing attendance records and registering students, and the Administrator Module oversaw
the entire system, including user and data management.

The database was designed as a central repository to store critical data, including user profiles,
face recognition data, and attendance records. Python and the Face Recognition library were
leveraged for data management and face recognition implementation, ensuring efficient and
secure operations.

Throughout the project, emphasis was placed on system usability, data security, and privacy.
The system was successfully deployed on Linux, meeting the outlined project objectives.
Recommendations and Future Work
While the current system has met its primary objectives, there are areas that could be explored
in future iterations:

● Multimodal Biometrics: While face recognition provides a level of security and ease,
integrating it with other biometric measures like fingerprint or iris recognition could
enhance system security.

● Real-Time Attendance Dashboard: Future versions could include a real-time dashboard

that allows teachers to monitor attendance as it happens. This could be particularly
useful in larger classrooms.

● Mobile Application: To extend the system's accessibility, a mobile application could be

developed. This would allow users to mark attendance or access records from their
smartphones, enhancing system usability.

● Enhanced Face Recognition Algorithms: As the field of face recognition continues to

evolve, future work could include incorporating more advanced face recognition
algorithms to improve accuracy and robustness against varying lighting conditions, facial
expressions, and poses.

● Integration with Learning Management Systems: The system could be further integrated
with existing Learning Management Systems (LMS) to provide a unified platform for
managing all aspects of learning and teaching, including attendance.

By building on the foundation established in this project, future work can continue to innovate
and improve, providing increasingly efficient, secure, and user-friendly attendance management

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