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1. Beginnings of Employee-Employer Relationship

An introduction discusses the beginnings of the employee-employer relationship. It
shows the history of employee-to-employer relationships, I was able to learn the beginnings
of how works process during the early years. It was fascinating how feudalism and
manorialism work. Feudalism is a social system that existed in Europe during the Middle
Ages in which the employer was able to provide protection, food, and the use of land in
return that the employees need to work for them. On the other hand, the manor system was
able to provide landowners with a system of land management to produce goods, necessary
to provide for themselves and people who worked for their land. The difference between
the two is feudalism was a social structure build for the exchange of land for military service.
On the other hand, manorialism was an economic structure that discusses how pieces of
land were managed. This chapter also discusses the guild system, domestic system,
industrial revolution, factory system, mechanical production, mass production, digital era,
and cyber-physical system. The way how we produce goods are needed to be modern due
to the high demands of supply, due to the increase in population, the goods and services
are also increasing. After the Industrial Revolution, the demands become so high that’s why
a lot of employers invent machinery to produce triple times their products to meet the
requisite supply.

2. Introduction to Labor Law and Labor Code of the Philippines

The Labor Code of the Philippines is a legal code that regulates all employment
practices and labor relations in the Philippines. This helps to protect employees and
employers while ensuring that both parties are neither subject to unfair treatment or
exploitation. I’ve learned the 4 components of Labor Law and these are labor policies, labor
relations, labor standards, and social legislation. I was amazed by the topic of Labor
Standards, it discusses the normal hours of work, overtime work, night differential,
computation of additional compensation, and any other body of laws that discusses the set
of minimum standards prescribed by law in relation to terms and conditions of employment.
Through this, I will know the basic standards to expect when I begin working after
graduation. I am now aware of my basic rights as an employee.

3. Book 1 of the Labor Code of the Philippines

The first book of the Philippine Labor Code contains 3 chapters and 42 articles.
General Provisions, Regulation of Recruitment and Placement Activities, Miscellaneous
Provisions, and Employment of Non-Resident Aliens are the main topics covered. Article
38, which deals with illegal recruitment, is the one that keeps coming to mind. It states
that any recruitment activities, including the prohibited practices listed in Article 34 of this
Code, to be undertaken by non-licensees or non-holders of authority, shall be deemed
illegal and punishable under Article 39 of this Code. Under this Article, complaints may be
started by the Department of Labor and Employment or any law enforcement official. We
were all aware of how prevalent illegal recruitment is in the Philippines, our country. Without
the proper authorization from POEA, it is illegal to hire, recruit, or obtain workers for
employment abroad. This is because there are cases where an employee signs up for a
new job only to discover upon arrival in a foreign country that the work is not what the
recruiter had represented it to be. Because of this, we must exercise caution while dealing
with these unauthorized recruiters. In order to avoid fraud and scams and to receive a job
guarantee abroad, we must use an accredited agency.

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