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Smart Vision Classes

Model Question Paper I GDS to MTS 2020

Prepared By Smart Vision Classes

Time:1Hour Marks:100

Part A

1. A main office of group of post offices consisting of itself and a number of smaller
offices called sub and branch office which have been placed under its Account jurisdictions is
called as
a) Head Post Office....
b) First class post office
c) General Post Office
d) None of these

2. Post office which is situated on a line of through mail communication receive & sorts
bags intended for office in advance, without opening them is
a) TMO
b) SO
c) Transit office....
d) None of the above
3. Mark correct option
a) Sorting mail office charged with the duty of opening the sorting mail bags received
by it and deposing of their contents.
b) AMPC mean automatic mail processing centre sorting is done by machine.
c) CRC mean computerized Registration centre. Regn work is done by computer
d) All of these. .......

4. Mark correct options

a) A post office or Sorting office or section which wxchanges mails with offices in foreign
countries is known as ‘Office of exchange”.
b) A Foreign post office is an office of exchange in which the work of assessment of
customs duty on foreign mail is also carried out.
c) A Sub foreign Post office is does not close and receive any bags but in which the work of
customs examination, assessment and accounting of custom duty is carried out.
d) All the above......

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5. Journey performed by a set of Section traveling on duty from one end to the
another end of its beat is called
a) Section
b) Beat
c) Trip .....
d) None of these

6. Letter posted after the prescribed hours of closing the mails but within the time
permitted for posting and without affixing prescribed postage and late fee are
a) Too late letters...
b) Late letters
c) Missent letters
d) Non of the above

7. Mark the correct option

a) Changing station is a Railway station is where the beats of two transit
sections join and where the mails brought by one of them are handed over to
the other
b) A connecting station is an RMS section working in a train in immediate
connection with another train in which another RMS section works
c) Regn of newspaper, renewal or canceling any registration will be issued by
Head of the department
d) All the above ........
8. For providing postal services, The whole country had been divided into house many circle
a. 16
b. 22
c. 23..
d. 24

9. Head Of The Postal Circle Is headed by

a. DPS
b. PMG

10.The Public business hours of Post offices are fixed with regard to
i)Local Convenience
ii) The arrival timing of the Mail
iii) The departure time of the mails

a. (i) only
b. (ii)and (iii) only
c. (i),(ii) and (iii)
d. None of the above

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11.The working hours of the post office are generally fixed by

a. Head of Division
b. Head Of The Region
c. Head Of The Circle….
d. Director General

12. Post offices are divided into how many classes

a. 1

13. Which of the following post offices does not transact all types of postal business?
a. Head Post Office
b. Sub Post Office
c. Branch Post Office…
d. General Post Office

14. Post card of private manufacture size limit is

a) Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm, min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm
b) Max 15 cm x 10.5 Cm min 10X7 cm…..
c) Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm, min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d) None of these

15. Size limit of letter and roll is

a) Min11X7cm & max 60X90cm, min 10X17cm & max 88X100cm…..
b) Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm, min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm
c) Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm, min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d) None of these

16. Max size limit of parcel is

A) Length 1 mtr and length and girth is 1.80mtr……
B) Length 2 mtr and length and girth is 1.900mtr
C) Length 3 mtr and length and girth is 1.20mtr
D) None of these

17. Prepayment of postage on cash facility is authorized by and how much letter may be
posted to have these facility.
a) HOC, UR-500 big city and 250 small city, Reg -50……
b) DG post, UR-1000 big city and 500 small city, Reg -100
c) Head of the division UR-5000 big city and 1000 small city, Reg -
d) None of these

18. Fee for availing post box facility is

a) 150 per year and 50 per quarterly…..
b) 250 per year / 100 quarterly
c) 100 per year / 50 quarterly
d) None of these

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19. Fee for availing facility of box and post bag is combine is
a) 150 per year and 50 per quarterly,
b) 250 per year / 80 quarterly…..
c) 100 per year / 50 quarterly
d) None of these

20. Postal articles in transparent covers and in open panel envelopes if not confirm to the
conditions should be
a) Taxed and sent to office of delivery
b) Sent to RLO
c) Returned to Sender…..
d) None of these
21. Franking article can be posted by
a) Any post office
b) Only two post office…..
c) Head office
d) All sub offices

22. Franking machine license is issued by

a) Head of the cirlcle
b) Head of the division……
c) DG posts
d) Any of these

23. Recall of postal article fee for each article is

a) 9/-
b) 6/-……
c) 3/-
d) Free of cost
24. Postal Restante article can be detained in post office
a) 7 days
b) 1 month…
c) 15 days
d) Cann not be detain

25. The weight limit of book pattern and sample packets is

a) 4 Kg
b) 2 Kg….
c) 20 kg
d) 5 kg
26. The following charge are exempted to blind literature packet
a) Registration
b) Fee for ackn
c) Fee for the attested copy of receipt
d) All the above ….

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27. No compensation will be payable in case?

a) For loss or damage caused by the fault or negligence of the sender
b) Article is prohibited by transmission by post
c) For damage in case in which the contents of the registered article are liquid or
perishable articles or articles of and exceptionally fragile nature.
d) All the above….

28. The following cases insurance is compulsory when article contain?

a) Coin
b) Currency
c) Jewellary
d) All the above

29. Identity card are issued by

a) Circle office
b) Head office
c) Branch office
d) All HOs and SOs

30. A post card is treated as violating the conditions for posting

a) If any communication is on the address portion
b) If the Postcard is cut/altered/folded
c) Any attachment other than stamps for payment of postage, label containing
name & address of the sender is attached
d) All the above

Part II
31. Which of the following rivers does not flow into the Arabian Sea?
[A] Tungabhadra….
[B] Sabarmati
[C] Mandovi
[D] Narmada.

32) Which of the following mountain ranges form a dividing line between the Ganges
Plain and the Deccan Plateau?
[A] Aravalli
[B] Vindhya…
[C] Satpura
[D] Ajanta

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33) The Kutchi New Year is celebrated as which of the following?

[A] Uttrayan
[B] Bestu Varas
[C] Bishuva Sankranti
[D] Aashadhi Beej…

34) The Sangai Festival is celebrated in __

[A] Assam
[B] Manipur…
[C] Mizoram
[D] Nagaland

35) In which year, the Danish East India company was formed?
[A] 1614
[B] 1615
[C] 1616…
[D] 1617

36) Who founded the Ramakrishna Mission in 1896 to carry on humanitarian relief and
social work?
[A] Ramakrishna Paramahansa
[B] Swami Dayananda Saraswati
[C] Swami Vivekananda…
[D] Swami Parmanand

37) Ethical code is

[A] We push the customer from the shop
[B] Do and Die
[C] Our first responsibility is to our customers…
[D] Let's go money.

38) Which are the techniques to improve ethical conduct of business?

[A] Transparency in working
[B] Ethics committee
[C] Ethical code of conduct
[D] All of the above…

39) Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded India for the first time during the reign of which among
the following Mughal Emperors?
[A] Muhammad Shah
[B] Ahmad Shah
[C] Shah Alam-II…
[D] Akbar-II

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40) The silver coin which was introduced by Sher Shah and continued by the Mughals
was :
[A] Rupaya…
[B] Dinar
[C] Asharfi
[D] Muhar

41)The average of fist five multiples of 9 is


42)Find average of first 97 numbers


43) Find the remainder when 73 × 75 × 78 × 57 × 197 × 37 is divided by 34.

A. 32…
B. 30
C. 15
D. 28

44)Let N = 1421 × 1423 × 1425. What is the remainder when N is divided by 12?
A. 0
B. 9
C. 3…
D. 6

45) A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12% on selling a book at 10% discount on the printed
price. The ratio of the cost price and the printed price of the book is:

A. 45 : 56 …
B. 45 : 51
C. 47 : 56
D. 47 : 51

46.A sells an article to B at a profit of 10% B sells the article back to A at a loss of 10%. In
this transaction:

A. A neither losses nor gains

B. A makes a profit of 11% …
C. A makes a profit of 20%
D. B loses 20%

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47) If A and B together can complete a piece of work in 15 days and B alone in 20 days, in
how many days can A alone complete the work?
A. 60…
B. 45
C. 40
D. 30

48) 14 expressed as a per cent of 1.9 is:

A. 6%
B. 10%
C. 60% …
D. 90%

49) Half percent, written as a decimal, is

A. 0.2
B. 0.02
C. 0.005…
D. 0.05

50) What is the least number of soldiers that can be drawn up in troops of 12, 15, 18 and
20 soldiers and also in form of a solid square?
A. 900..
B. 400
C. 1600
D. 2500

-----------------------------------------------------:Thanks :-------------------------------------------------------

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