Nursing Seminar 1 SAS Session 16

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NUR 099 (Nursing Seminar 1)


Session # 16


LEARNING OUTCOMES: Book, pen and notebook, index card/class list

Upon completion of this lesson, the nursing student can:

1. Review the different types of sexually transmitted diseases

and how they are managed;
2. Discern the common viral diseases in childhood and the References: Handbook of Common
proper nursing management for these diseases; Communicable and Infectious Diseases, Third
3. Learn the transmission of vector-borne diseases and how to Edition by Dionesia Mondejar-Navales, RN, MaEd
treat them.


MAIN LESSON (55 minutes):

I. Management of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

b. Hepatitis B
c. Human papilloma virus
d. Gonorrhea
e. Syphilis
f. Chlamydia
g. Herpes
II. Management of common vector-borne diseases
a. Dengue fever/dengue hemorrhagic fever
b. Malaria fever
c. Filariasis
III. Management of common viral infections in childhood
a. Measles
b. Rubella
c. Chicken pox
d. Mumps
e. Roseola


You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to correct
answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in you answer/ratio is not allowed. You
are given 25 minutes for this activity:


SITUATION: Freddie a 38-year-old male working as a banker has tested positive for HIV. Upon interview, he has
disclosed that he has had unprotected sex with multiple male and female sexual partners. He also has told the nurse
about his sexuality and considers himself as a bisexual. Based on the findings of his signs and symptoms, his condition
has already progressed to having acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
1. In the diagnosis of HIV, which of the following tests would confirm that Freddie is positive for the virus?
a. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test
b. Western-blot test
c. Viral load test

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d. Home access express test

ANSWER: ________

2. Freddie is asking Nurse Freda on how the virus is transmitted. The nurse must know that Freddie must have gotten
the virus through unprotected sexual intercourse. Which of the following sexual acts would least likely transmit HIV?
a. Anal sex
b. Vaginal sex
c. Oral sex
d. None of the above

ANSWER: ________

3. Nurse Freda is planning for the confinement of Freddie at the infectious disease ward. Which of the following types
of isolation precautions will Nurse Freda implement with regard to Freddie’s diagnosis?

a. Contact precautions
b. Airborne precautions
c. Reverse isolation precautions
d. Droplet precautions

ANSWER: ________

4. Freddie has stated to the nurse, “I think my friends have abandoned me when they learned about my condition. I
feel so hopeless.” The nurse’s most appropriate nursing intervention for his statement would be
a. Powerlessness
b. Deficient knowledge
c. Social isolation
d. Disturbed thought processes

ANSWER: ________

5. When doing the discharge planning for Freddie, the nurse must advise the patient to avoid which of the following
types of food?
a. Lean meats such as beef sirloin and chicken breast
b. Raw fresh food such as sushi
c. Soft fruits such as bananas or pears
d. Peanut butter on toast and crackers

ANSWER: ________

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SITUATION: A 10-year old child named Rolando was brought to the hospital with signs and symptoms of fever with a
temperature of 38.9 degrees Celsius; complaints of headache; and nausea. Serum laboratory tests show that Roland has
lower than the usual platelet count. His doctor diagnosed him to have dengue fever.

6. Nurse Kim is currently attending to the needs of Rolando. Nurse Kim must know that the prevalence of dengue
fever in the Philippines is
a. Epidemic
b. Pandemic
c. Endemic
d. Sporadic

ANSWER: ________

7. Based from the laboratory results of Rolando, Nurse Kim must formulate which of the following appropriate nursing
diagnosis for this patient?

a. Risk for bleeding

b. Deficient fluid volume
c. Ineffective tissue perfusion
d. Risk for shock

ANSWER: ________

8. Since Rolando has a low platelet count, the attending physician has ordered to infuse platelet concentrate to the
patient. After blood typing and cross-matching, Nurse Kim together with her colleague Nurse Joyce has started the
transfusion of the blood product. How many minutes will the nurse stay with the patient after starting the transfusion?
a. 30 minutes
b. 5 minutes
c. 15 minutes
d. 45 minutes
ANSWER: ________

9. Nurse Kim plans to give antipyretics to Rolando to help control the fever. Which of the following antipyretics would
Nurse Kim question from the doctor’s order?
a. Paracetamol
b. Acetaminophen
c. Ibuprofen
d. Aspirin

ANSWER: ________
10. Signs of plasma leakage in dengue fever appears after how many days after the fever breaks out?
a. 1 day
b. 2 days
c. 3 days

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d. 7 days

ANSWER: ________
SITUATION: A 45-year-old male banker named Arturito presents to the health department with complaints of a sore on his
penis. The patient says that it is painless and started out as a “small red bump” and “turned into this”. You note the area is
ulcerated, red, has sharp borders and is approximately 2.5 cm. The patient reports to having multiple sexual partners the
past 3 months. A blood sample was collected from and results show that he is positive for syphilis.

11. Nurse Monica, who is currently assigned to Arturito, must know that syphilis is caused by which of the of following
a. Clostridium perfringens
b. Treponema pallidum
c. Chlamydia trachomatis
d. Serratia marcescens

ANSWER: ________

12. Rapid point-of-care test has determined his diagnosis of syphilis. Along with syphilis, this method of testing also
detects the presence of
a. Hepatitis A
b. Neisseria gonorheae
c. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
d. Human papilloma virus (HPV)

ANSWER: ________

13. Arturito asks Nurse Monica about the complications of syphilis if it is left untreated. Nurse Monica must state that
its complication is
a. Epididymitis
b. Epididymo-orchitis
c. Meningitis
d. Immunosuppression

ANSWER: ________

14. Nurse Monica must expect the physician to prescribe which of the following drugs for the treatment of syphilis?
a. Penicillin-G
b. Cotrimoxazole
c. Ceftriaxone
d. Amikacin

ANSWER: ________

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15. Nurse Monica is doing patient education prior to patient discharge. Which of the following statements from Arturito
would require further education?
a. “I must abstain from sexual contact with anyone until the skin lesion is healed.”
b. “I will be immune from the disease once I am cured from it.”
c. “When I resume sexual activities, I must wear condoms at all times.”
d. “It is better if I limit my sexual partners to one.”

ANSWER: ________

SITUATION: A 3-year-old boy named Denver was sent to the hospital for the presence of fever (38.5 degrees Celsius),
rashes all over the body, and presence of the white spots on the patient’s oral mucosa. Upon assessment, Denver is
diagnosed to have measles.

16. Nurse Raquel is assessing the patient’s oral mucosa and saw spots that look like tiny grains of white sand
surrounded by a red ring. The nurse must note this on her chart as
a. Rose spots
b. Cullen sign
c. Koplik spots
d. Forscheimer’s spots

ANSWER: ________

17. Nurse Raquel must know that measles is transmitted through which of the following methods?
a. Airborne respiratory droplets
b. Mosquito bite
c. Direct skin-to-skin contact
d. Fecal-oral

ANSWER: ________

18. The average incubation period of measles is around

a. 7-21 days
b. 10-14 days
c. 17-23 days
d. 12-25 days

ANSWER: ________

19. The causative agent for measles is

a. Rubella virus
b. Paramyxovirus
c. Varicella zoster virus
d. Rubeola virus

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ANSWER: ________

20. The mother of Denver is asking Nurse Raquel if there is a cure for measles. Which of the following statements by
Nurse Raquel would be correct?
A. “Yes, there is a cure. The doctor can provide an antiviral for this disease.”
B. “Yes, we can give your son a vaccine in order for him to be free from this disease.”
C. “There is no cure. However, your son’s immune system will be fighting off this disease with proper treatment
of his signs and symptoms.”
D. “Sadly, there is no cure for this disease. Doctors are still trying to find the cure for measles.”

ANSWER: ________

The instructor will now rationalize the answers to the students. You can now ask questions and debate among yourselves.
Write the correct answer and correct/additional ratio in the space provided.
1. ANSWER: ________
2. ANSWER: ________
3. ANSWER: ________
4. ANSWER: ________

5. ANSWER: ________
6. ANSWER: ________
7. ANSWER: ________
8. ANSWER: ________
9. ANSWER: ________
10. ANSWER: ________

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11. ANSWER: ________
12. ANSWER: ________
13. ANSWER: ________
14. ANSWER: ________
15. ANSWER: ________
16. ANSWER: ________
17. ANSWER: ________
18. ANSWER: ________
19. ANSWER: ________
20. ANSWER: ________

LESSON WRAP-UP (10 minutes)

You will now mark (encircle) the session you have finished today in the tracker below. This is simply a visual to help you
track how much work you have accomplished and how much work there is left to do.

You are done with the session! Let’s track your progress.

AL Strategy: Turn and Talk

1. The instructor will pose one question to the class.
2. The students will begin to discuss their answers to their seatmate (with observance of social distancing) on a set
allotted time.
3. When the time is up, the instructor will randomly ask the students to share their thoughts and ideas from their partners’
discussion in the class.

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Reading Reflections and 3-2-1
1. The instructor will assign a particular section of the text to read for homework.
2. For the next Session, the instructor will have the students prepare and write down the following:
1.) three things they learned from the reading,
2.) one way that learning might affect them in clinical practice, and
3.) one question they hope to have answered in this topic
3. In the next session, the students will hand in their written reflections, and then discuss the various takeaways as a

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