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UNIQUE NO : 65O420
DUE DATE : 06 JUNE 2023
Contents page

Question 1

The first person narrative fashion used in this story lets in the reader to ride the activities
from the standpoint of extraordinary protagonist. This creates a larger intimate and private
connection between the reader and the principal character, which can have an impact on
our hold close of the things to do that occur. Because we are seeing everything through
the protagonist’s eyes, we are confined to their facts and grasp of the situation. This ability
that we may additionally we now not have get entry to all of the facts we need to surely
understand what is happening.
At the same, the first person narrative fashion additionally approves us to join with the
protagonist on a deeper level. We get to understand their thoughts, which makes them
feel extra authentic and relatable. This can make a contribution to the story’s that means
by way of enabling us to empathize with the protagonist and apprehend their experiences
more fully.
Overall, the first character narrative trend used in this story lets in us to day trip the
activities alongside the protagonist, which can affect our perception of what is happening.
It additionally helps us be a part of with the protagonist on a deeper level, which can make
contributions to the story’s that skill by way of permitting us to recognize their experiences
and motivations extra fully.

Question 2

In “The Rock”, Zibusiso manages to describe her environment and the hardships her
household is dealing with wry humour, bringing a experience of levity to an in any other
case difficult situation. The inserting of the story is a rural vicinity in South Africa, the place
Zibisiso’s family live s in a small, rundown residence on a rocky hillside. The description
of their home is bleak with no electrical energy and a leaking roof, on the other hand
Zibusiso strategies it all with a sensible mindset and ride of humour. For example, when
she describes the water dripping by using the roof in to a pot, she quips, ”My mom
consistently says we ought to look on the fantastic aspect that at least we are going to
have a pot of water to wash our face in the morning”.
Zibusiso additionally use her humour to illustrate difficult stipulations they are residing in.
she describes the stray goats and chickens outdoor their “guesthouse” (hole in the ground
that her youthful brother made to hide from the chickens). When Zibusiso goes to school,
she is teased with the useful resource of the different college students for her dirty
garments and lack of shoes, but she take it all in stride, announcing that she’s “too terrible
to care”. Overall, Zibusiso’s viable to describe her surroundings with humour suggests
her describe her environment with humour suggests her resilience and willpower to make
the great of a hard situation.

Question 3

In “The Rock”, Bra Phandi takes over his wife’s job of advertising produce at the close by
market when she becomes ill. Despite the truth that this job has historically been carried
out through women, Bra Phandi excels and is in a position to supply for his household
through his sales. His success is generally due to his capability to be a part of with his
customers. He listen to their desires and preference, tailoring his produce decision to their
tastes. Bra Phandi additionally has a deep understanding of his merchandise won from
years of working alongside his wife and makes use of this understanding to promote his
wares effectively.
Bra Phandi’s success in a position traditionally reserved for girl is a testament to his
potential to harm down gender stereotypes and venture societal norms. He proves that
with tough work and determination, each physique can succeed in any job, regardless of
their gender. His characterization additionally illustrates the importance of flexibility, and
adaptability in the face of adversity. When his wife falls ill, Bra Phandi does not hesitate
to step up and take on a new function to furnish for his family. His terrific mindset and
willingness to attempt new matters are key to his success.

Question 4

The praying mantis serves as a photograph of each aggression and survival in the story.
The narrator describes it as a “perfect killers”, and an insect that “never misses” it prey.
This symbolizes the harshness and violence of the herbal world, the location thoroughly
the strongest and most cunning survive.
Additionally, the praying mantis can be considered as metaphor for the narrator. Like the
mantis, the narrator is a survivor who has had to use aggression and cunning to overcome
the challenges in his relationship with distinct boys at camp, whom he views as his prey.
The praying mantis also serves to illustrate the mantis because of its manage over
distinctive insects, which he sees as a reflection of his private choose for electrical energy
over others. However, in the end, recognize the limits of his own electricity, and the
inevitable cycle of life, and death that governs all dwelling creatures.
Overall, the praying mantis symbolizes the harsh realities of the natural world, the
narrator’s fight for electricity and control, and the state-of-the-art steadiness between life
and death. Its presence in the story contributes to the capability through the use of
emphasizing the brutal nature of survival and the finite nature of power.

Question 5

The title “The Good and Bad News” refers to things to do in Zibusiso’s existence that are either
tremendous or negative. The story explores these events and suggests how they are
interconnected, and affect Zibusiso’s life.
The “good news” in Zibusiso’s existence is that he is a informed soccer participant and has been
scouted with the aid of a nearby team. This news brings him appropriate size pleasure and a
experience of accomplishment. However, “the horrific news” that follows is that the ought to go
away his family, and move to a new town to play with the team. This facts is difficult for Zibusiso
as he will have to his buddies and family behind.
As the story progresses, we see how Zibusiso struggles to alter to his new lifestyles in the city.
He misses his family, and feel lonely in his new environment. However, he moreover enjoys taking
part in soccer, and soccer turns into passionate about it.


Name and student number: CHAUKE CONCILA 659404
Assignment topic: SHORT STORIES
I declare that this assignment is my own original work. Where secondary material has been used
(either from a printed source or from the internet), this has been carefully acknowledged and
referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and
am aware of the department’s policy in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to borrow or
copy my work.
Signature: CHAUKE. C
Date: 06 JUNE 2023
Published by African Books Collective
Martin, Karen and Makhosazana Xaba
Queer Africa: New and Collective fiction.
African Books Collective, 2023.
Project MUSE.muse,
Review of the Short Story “Rock” by Lindiwe Nkutha. (2019, JUN 27).

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