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{All about ME} “Art is the most intense mode of

individualism that the world has known.” –Oscar Wilde

1. What are your favorite classes in school, and why? ______________________________
2. What extra-curricular clubs or activities do you participate in at school? ______________
3. How do you like to learn? (Circle one) By myself With a friend In a small group
4. What is your favorite thing about school? ______________________________________
5. What is your least favorite thing about school? __________________________________


6. What are your hobbies? ____________________________________________________

7. If you like to play sports, which ones are your favorite? __________________________
8. What do you do with your free time after school? ________________________________
9. What activities do you like to do with your family? _______________________________
10.Who are some of your favorite authors or what are some of your favorite books? ______
11.What kind of music do you listen to? __________________________________________
12.Who is your favorite music artist or group? _____________________________________

Visual Arts Class

13.Do you like to listen to music when you create art, if so, what kind? _________________
14.What is your favorite medium to use when creating art, and why? __________________
15.What is your favorite thing about art class? ____________________________________
16. If you could change one thing about art class, what would you change? ______________

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