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Elite Ball Handling System- Month 5

Week 1, Day 1 - Combo Workout/Agility

Workout Date: ________________ Total Workout Time: ________________

Exercise Sets Reps Weight Distance Time Rest Notes

Jumpers Yoga 1 00:20:00 --:-- min
Wall Acceleration 3 00:00:30 30 sec
Step Back Absorption W/ Quick Chops 3 1 30 sec
4 Cone Agility Matrix 4 1 30 sec
3 Cone Ultimate Cuff Drill 3 00:01:00 30 sec
Between/Behind Float Dribble/In-N-Out 4 00:00:45 30 sec
Cone Linear Taps/Between Legs 3 00:00:45 30 sec
Off Hand Freestyle 3 00:01:00 30 sec
Staff Member Notes:
Jumpers Yoga:

-Follow along with the video. Don't forget to complete the mental visualization

training at the end of this video! Complete the yoga portion/visualization training

in a quiet place with no distractions.

Wall Acceleration:

-Push into the wall at a 45 degree angle.

-Drive your knees high in an alternating fashion 3 times.
-This drill is great for developing proper acceleration mechanics.
Staff Member Notes:
Step Back Absorption W/ Quick Chops:

-Use a line 12-15 feet long.

-Jump forward and land on your right leg as you absorb force with your chest over your knee and your knee over your toe. Hold this position for 1 seconds, then
chop your foot as quick as possible 2-3 times before jumping backwards as far as possible.

-This drill is great for improving your ability to decelerate (stop on a dime) and develop explosiveness on the step back.

4 Cone Agility Matrix:

-Place 4 cones in a line about 3 feet apart.

-March over the cones laterally over/back. Zig zag through the cones over/back. Slide laterally around the cones over/back. Sprint through the cones to finish
the drill.

3 Cone Ultimate Cuff Drill :

- Pound the basketball on the outside of the right cone with your right hand, go behind your back, pound on the left side with your left hand, behind the back
pound to the inside of the furthest right cone, go behind the back to the left, pound to the inside of the furthest left cone, go behind your back to the right,
pound to the left of the middle cone with the right hand, go behind the back to the left, pound to the right side of the middle cone with the left hand, go behind
your back to the right, pound all the way to the left side with your right hand, go behind your back to your left, pound to the outside of the furthest right cone
with your left hand.

- This full cycle completes one repetition.

Between/Behind Float Dribble/In-N-Out :

-Complete 2 sets one way, then 2 sets the other way.

-Emphasize the relaxation on the float dribble.

-This drill is great for getting quality reps with the float dribble.

Cone Linear Taps/Between Legs :

-Place 2 cones about 1-2 feet apart.

-Tap the ball in a figure 8 fashion around the cones and between the legs as seen in the video.

Off Hand Freestyle:

-Perform a freestyle strictly using your left hand. Come up with different move combos and keep the ball on a string, but remember you can't touch the ball
with your dominant hand!
-This drill is great for exposing and working on your non dominant hand. This drill works wonders when it comes to off hand improvement.
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