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BAI HOC QUGC GIA THANH PHO HO CHi MINH TRUONG DAI HOC KHOA HOC XA HOI VA NHAN VAN Fé Minh Thank GIAO TRINH Nott nghia hoc Tiéng Anh English Semantics NHA XUAT BAN DAI HOC QUOC GIA TP HO CHi MINH — 2007 LOINOI DAU Gio inh Ngi nghia hge riéng Anh duige bién soan mot cdch e6 hé théng, dua trén co sd tham khao c6 chon loc nhitag tw ligu ciia nude ng ve mén hoc nay ctia téc gia va tap thé giang vién trong BO mén Ngit hoc Anh. Day 1a tap gido trinh duge bién soan ding dé ging day mén hoc Ngit nghia hoc tiéng Anh (English Semantics) cho sinh vién nim thit tr Khoa Ngit vin Anh, Trrong Dai hoc Khoa hoc Xi hoi va Nhan van, Dai hoe Quée gia Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Gigo trinh gém bén phan: Introduction (phan dan nhap) Word meaning (nghia cia ti); Sentence meaning (nghia ciia cu); Utterance meaning (nghia ciia phat ngon) Ree Lan dau tién bién sogn giéo trinh nay, chting tdi khong trinh, Khéi nhitng sai s6t, nhiing khuyét diém. Rat mong nhan duoc nhieu ¥ kién déng g6p ciia ban doc va cia ban bé dong nghiép dé irinh ngay cang hoan thign hon, phuc vu ging day sinh vien dat chat lugng tét hon. ¥ kién déng gép vé tap gido trinh nay xin giti ve Hoi ng Khoa hoc Khoa Ngit vn Anh, Tring Dai hoc Khoa hoc Xa hdi va Nhan van, Dai hoc Quoc gia Thanh pho HO Chi Minh, so 10- 12 Dinh Tién Hoang Quan 1, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh. Dign thoai: (08)8243328. Thanh pho Hé Chi Minh, ngay 14 théng 12 adm 2006 Fe Minh Thank iii CONTENTS Preface oc coennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnnnne th COMES cron ennnnenennnnnennnnnanennnnaninennnnen’ Notational symbols ........c.cc0scnsnneneninnnienenneenns Vii TL INTRODUCTION....ccsesseeeeense 1.1 What is semantics? 1.2 Semantics and its possible included aspects .... 2 WORD MEANING 2.1 Semantic features .. 2.2 Componential analysis. ....snrinnnnnnnnnenrnsene 20 2.3 Semantic fields ... 24 Lexical Gaps -nnesnnn 2.5 Referent, reference and sense ... 2.6 Denotation and CONNOTATION .......2:c.cccceeesseeeseeseeeceeeeee 30 2.7 Multiple senses of lexical items «crs 34 2.8 Figures of speech .ccense 36 2.9 Hyponymy . 2.10 Synonymy 2.1 Antonymy cs sess OT 2.12 Homonymy secs sone 72 2.13 Polysemy .. 2.14 AmbIQUITY se evens 8 2.15 Anomaly ccc severe 87 3 SENTENCE MEANING 3.1 Proposition, utterance and sentence ... 3.2 Sentence types (classified according to truth value) .. oe . . 22.96 3.3 Paraphrase . 3.4 Entailment 4 UTTERANCE MEANING ...... 109 4.1 Presupposition assent LOD 4.2 Conversational implicature . 128 4.3 Conventional implicature ....... 145 4.4 Speech acts .. 4.5 Performatives and constatives .. 165 4.6 Politeness, co-operation and indirectness ..........171 AT DOIKIS cee seceeseesesne LTB Answer keys List of English- Bibliography jetnamese equivalent linguistic terms vi NOTATIONAL SYMBOLS ‘Most of the symbols used in this text follow conventions, but since conventions vary, the following list indicates the meanings assigned to them here. A: adjunct AdjP: adjective phrase AdvP: adverb phrase C: countable dO: direct object Ex: example mono-trans: mono-transitive verb nn: noun NP: noun phrase op: optional opA of Means: optional adjunct of mea Pro: pronoun PP: prepositional phrase RP: Received Pronunciation S: sentence Vgrp: verb group VP: verb phrase * sunaccepted form iv related in some way []: embedded unit 7 =: one-way dependence «© : two-way dependence = : be equivalent to +: with the semantic feature specified —: without the semantic feature specified +: with or without the semantic feature specified

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