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PAZ Agood night’s sleep AVocabulary preview 1 Match the words in bold with the cortect definitions. 1 exercise (n) 2. the process of becoming heavier 2 mental health (n) the standard to which someone does 3. performance (9) something such as a job or an examination 4 physically (adv) © working hard and producing or achieving 2 lot 5, productive (adj) d. inanimportant way 6 regularly (adv) e. the condition of your mind 7 significantly (adv) Fina way thatis related to your body or 8 weight gain (r) appearance g often physical activity done in order to stay healthy and make your body stronger 2. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. 1 lam more ___and achieve a lot more when! sleep well 2 |___get less than six hours’ sleep a night, 3 My___ improves with good sleep. | feel calmer, more relaxed, and less stressed. 4 When | workhard___, for example in the garden, I sleep @ lot better. 5. leat a lot of sugary foods to stay awake. Unfortunately, this leads to 6 When!do___Iget better sleep. Especially when it is outside. 7 My __at work is much worse when | don’t get a good night's sleep. The standard improves with sleep. 8 When! don't sleep well fora week it________ impacts on my health, 3. Check (Y) the sentences that you agree with in Exercise 2. Compare your choices with a partner. B Before you read Preparing toread Think of three ways a lack of sleep can affect your health. Compare your ideas with a partner. FT Mevicine | EF | | | Gea ‘immune system (n) the body's way of dealing with illnesses and keeping us healthy obese (adj) too ft, in a way that is dangerous for your health type 2 diabetes (n) when your body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin. This type of diabetes is usually caused by lifestyle ae 1 Many people enjoy a good night's sleep, but we often feel guilty for spending too much time in bed. However, a good night's sleep is just as important for our health as a good diet and exercising, Unfortunately, modern complex lives are making it harder and harder to sleep at normal times and to sleep well. So what effect does a poor night's sleep have on our bodies? 2 One of the biggest negative health effects is that people who do not sleep well are likely to gain ‘weight. It is in fact one of the biggest causes of obesity. People who sleep for a short amount of time have between a $5% and 89% chance ‘of becoming obese. This occurs largely because people who sleep less tend to eat more because they feel tired and need more energy. They also ‘eat more of the wrong things. When we do not get enough sleep, our bodies produce higher levels of the hormone ghrelin which makes us ‘eat more. To gain more energy quickly we also tend to seek out comfort foods that are high in fat and sugar. At the same time, we do not have ‘enough of the hormone leptin. This hormone does the opposite—it tells us when to stop eating. These hormone changes dramatically affect the way we consume food. 3. In addition to weight gain, poor sleepers are also at a much higher risk of various other serious illnesses and diseases. Firstly, people who sleep less than seven to eight hours per night have an increased risk of a heart attack or stroke. It also significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. In one study, reducing sleep to four ‘hours per night for just six nights led to the people developing pre-diabetes symptoms. Sleep is also important for boosting our immune system and helps in the process of recovery from minor illnesses. People who sleep less than seven hours a night are much more likely to develop a cold than those who sleep eight or more hours a night. 4 As well as affecting people physically, extreme tiredness, or fatigue, can have severe negative mental effects. Bad sleep, tiredness, and fatigue also cause, and can be a symptom of, depression. Our ‘mental health also depends on our social groups and interacting with other people. Unfortunately, if we do not get enough sleep, we are not able to interact as well with others. We cannot read other people's emotions well when we are tired so we cannot recognize when people are angry or happy. In other ‘words, we cannot judge how people feel and how wwe should react. MEDICINE 5 All of these effects show how sleep, or lack of sleep, can change individual people's lives. However, they also can have an impact on society as a whole. When it comes to work and education, our ability to concentrate, focus on work, and be precise can depend on how well we've slept. How much we achieve is also reduced when we do not get enough sleep. We are much more likely to make a mistake at work or during school when we have poor-quality sleep. While this might not matter in some roles, for those who can put others in danger of injury or even death, such as doctors, drivers of vehicles, and operators of machines, it can make a big difference. Good sleep, on the other hand, can increase our ability to solve problems and improve ‘our memory performance. 6 So, what can be done to help improve the quality of sleep across society? One important issue is to consider the circadian rhythm of the body. ‘The circadian rhythm is our natural sleep pattern, in other words, the natural time our bodies want 10 go to sleep. This varies from person to person to some extent but the biggest differences are between different generations. Firstly, young babies need significantly more sleep than adults, and teenagers need slightly more sleep than adults. However, even more importantly, because of the hormones released in our body, these different ‘age groups need to sleep at different times. For MEDICINE example, a ten-year-old child cannot focus on academic work before 8:30 in the morning whereas a teenager or college student cannot really work well before 10 a.m. Studies in the | U.K. have shown that when schools change the ' hours pupils start school, there is a significant improvement in academic performance. Even ; with adults, the normal nine-to-five routine of work does not match our body clock (circadian rhythm) until we reach the age of 55, 7 Arguably, the health of societies across the world is suffering because we do not get enough sleep and we are not allowed to sleep and work at the right times. Working shifts can significantly increase your risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It can make your life shorter. While not uite so severe, even just working or studying during the “wrong” hours can affect people’s health and performance. Simply changing the start and finish time of school and work could improve the health of whole generations. Academic performance would improve and employees ‘would be happier and more productive, One factor that wins many arguments is money—what is something worth? Arguably, the countries | and companies that are willing to change their ‘working day to improve the health of employees could ultimately become the richest and most successful as they have the most productive staff. C Global reading Oars Read Agood night's sleep and complete the summary. People who do not sleep well tend to eat more of the wrong foods. This is Summarizing information because the body produces more which leads to people consuming more, We also produce less*_____which tells us when we have eaten enough. People who do not sleep enough also have more chance of getting an*______ When we don’t get enough sleep, we can become depressed and we can’t*_______as well with others. ur ability to perform tasks is also reduced. In some jobs this may cause an s___oreven result in people dying. The®__ is the body's natural clock and this changes over different ages. Starting work at nine and finishing at five only works for people aged D Close reading When you write an academic essay, you will need to do research and read Researching information articles to find information that supports your ideas. Make notes before to support your writing you read on questions or ideas you have. Then as you read, record any information you find that does or doesn’t support these ideas. Read the text and underline support for these ideas. People who lack sleep may gain weight. Our bodies want to eat the wrong foods when we are tired, Poor sleep could lead to serious medical conditions. Poor sleep can affect our mental health, People of different ages need different amounts of sleep. 6 People should not start school or college early E Critical thinking 1. What do you think would be the main benefit of better sleep for you? | think the main benefit would be ... it would be a good idea to change the hours of school and 2. Doyou thi work? Why? Ido / don't think it would be a good idea because ... meoicine [DETTE Were Te ET evicine 2» Vocabulary development Words to describe medical symptoms 1 Match the words in bold with the correct definitions, 1 ache (n) painful and uncomfortable, usually as a result of an 2. cough v) injury, infection, or too much exercise 3. dizzy (ad) to force air up through your throat with 2 sudden 4 fever (n} noise, especially when you have a cold 5 immediate adj) © haPpeningordonenow, without any delay 6 sore (ad) d_ needing immediate attention 7 urgent (adi) © not having much strength or energy 8 weak (adj) fa continuous pain but not a strong pain feeling as fyou or the things around you are spinning, especially when you think you are going to fall h_ amedical condition in which the temperature of your body is very high and you feel ll ‘Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. My legs are after going for a run yesterday. Ihavea My temperature is really high My throats really sore from my bad | think I stood up too quichly. eel I feel really | don’t have the energy to get out of bed. ‘The pain isn’t strong but it’ a constant I think you need —__ medical help. That does not look good. You should only go to a hospital for problems era eune Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 How important is healthy living to you? 2. How do you feel when you don't sleep or eat well? 3. Are the physical or mental effects of poor sleep worse? ele EGY Academic words 1 Match the words in bold with the correct definitions. 1 concentrate(y) 2 physical damage done to a person or a part of, 2. consume (v} their body 3. injury (0) b to communicate with and react to another person 4 interact (v) not very important in comparison with people or 5. minor (adj) things of the same type 6 precise (adi) ¢_‘t2eat ordrink something 1 process (n} © exact and accurate 8 recovery (n) a series of things that happen and have a particular result & becoming fit and healthy again h togive all your attention to the thing you are doing 2. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. 1 Im tryingto__less sugar. 2. He has broken his leg. Its a serious 3. Ican__on my work better when I drink a lot of water. 4 Itsonlya____injury. | don'tthink | need to go to the doctor. 5 It’simportant to use a_ amount of medicine. Too much is dangerous, 6 feel depressed when | don't ____with other people for a few days. 7 There are four stages in the 8 It takes about three weeks to get better and make a full 3. Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 What injuries have you had in your life? Which had the hardest recovery? 2. Doyou agree that both physical and mental strength are important if you want to succeed? 3 What helps you to concentrate better? CET MEDICINE

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