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A Seclore Whitepaper

Complying with the General Data

Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU
Leveraging Persistent Data-Centric Security to Achieve Compliance Objectives
Complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU

The General Data Protection Regulation The Role of Data-centric Security

(GDPR) is an EU regulation designed to in the GDPR
unify and normalize the data protection The scope of GDPR includes all personal data processed by
framework within the EU. It will replace organizations based inside the EU – as well as personal data of EU
citizens by organizations based outside the EU. Thus, the scope of
the current data protection directive GDPR is absolutely data-centric in nature. No matter where in the
(Directive 95/46/EC) and will be world the information resides - even outside the EU - it should
remain fully private, secure, and monitored at all times.
applicable to all EU member states. Traditional perimeter-centric security tools fail to secure data in this
data-centric manner. However, Enterprise Digital Rights
Management (ERM ) technology is capable of persistent, granular,
centralized, data-centric controls that secure information wherever
it goes. Simply put, ERM security controls always stay with the data.

Complying with GDPR using Seclore ERM

The table below illustrates how Seclore can help organizations comply with various clauses of GDPR.

GDPR Clauses Compliance with Seclore ERM

Article 25 The extent of data processing (i.e. data in use) is an aspect of data
Data Protection by Design and by Default security that few technologies can fully control. With ERM however,
“…The controller shall implement appropriate technical… it can be easily controlled with granular usage permissions such as
measures for ensuring that, by default, only personal data viewing, editing, printing, copying, screen captures, as well as
which are necessary for each specific purpose of the time-based controls.
processing are processed…the extent of their processing, the
period of their storage and their accessibility…” ERM can also integrate with various enterprise applications such
as EFSS, ERP, ECM, and core banking systems. Documents
downloaded from these applications can be protected by default
just before being downloaded. This ‘Policy Federation’ gives
applications the capability to extend their security and governance
to public networks or third-party networks – or even another
country. Thus, data protection can be designed into the IT
infrastructure by default – ensuring that data is always private.

Article 30 ERM also provides data-centric auditing capabilities. Thus, the

Records of processing activities scope of auditing – just like protection – is wherever the data
“1. Each controller and, where applicable, the controller’s travels. Even unauthorized activities attempted by authorized users
representative, shall maintain a record of processing are logged to support compliance reporting. Captured usage details
activities under its responsibility…” include: The nature of the activity (viewing, editing, printing, and so
on), the user who performed the activity, the time and location (IP
address) of the activity, and much more. Logs are generated in real
time and can be accessed from a central web-based console.
GDPR Clauses Compliance with Seclore ERM
Article 46 Outsourcing is such an integral part of business models today that
Transfers subject to appropriate safeguards most enterprises simply choose to live with its third-party security
“…a controller or processor may transfer personal data to a risks – or just turn a blind eye.
third country or an international organisation only if the
controller or processor has provided appropriate With ERM technology, data controllers can have complete control
safeguards...” over their information – regardless of where it goes or is ultimately
stored. Copies of the data within and outside the EU both are
governed with the same policies. Thus, Seclore ERM will help
organizations maintain free and secure movement of data to other

Article 16 When a new version of a document is updated and circulated, the

Right to rectification older version needs to be deprecated. When these documents lie
“The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the with third parties, their actual deletion may be difficult to achieve
controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate using traditional technologies.
personal data concerning him or her.”
Using ERM however, the data owner can revoke access to all copies
Article 25 of previously distributed documents or even modify their usage
Right to rectification policies remotely. Thus, effectively, unstructured data can be
Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) ‘erased’ from anywhere in the world.

Article 32 In Seclore ERM, communication between Seclore agents and the

Security of processing Seclore server (as well as that between an integrated application
“The controller and the processor shall implement and the Seclore server) is extremely secure and robust.
appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure
a level of security appropriate to the risk, including inter alia Organizations can align Seclore’s key exchange mechanism with
as appropriate: their overall cryptography strategy and policies. With Seclore’s Bring
(a) the pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data;… Your Own Key (BYOK) feature, organizations can take control of
data encryption themselves by generating their own key pairs.

Complying with GDPR - Where ERM Comes Into Play

Repeated non-compliance with the GDPR can invite fines reaching up to 20,000,000 EUR or 4% of the total worldwide annual turnover of the
preceding financial year, whichever is higher.

ERM technology has helped numerous EU organizations reduce security risks and align data privacy strategies to modern regulatory
requirements. With GDPR coming into effect on 25th May 2018, organizations should begin exploring how ERM will enable them to
collaborate securely while addressing the GDPR.
About Seclore
Seclore offers the market’s first fully browser-based data-centric security solution, which enables organizations to control the usage of
files wherever they go, both within and outside of the organization’s boundaries. The ability to remotely enforce and audit who can view,
edit, copy, screen share, and redistribute files empowers organizations to embrace mobility, file-sharing, and external collaboration with
confidence. With over 2000 companies in 29 countries using Seclore to protect 10 petabytes of data, Seclore is helping organizations
achieve their data security, governance, and compliance objectives.

Learn how easy it now is to keep your most sensitive data safe, and compliant.
Contact us at: or CALL 1-844-4-SECLORE.

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