Lydic Et Al, 1984

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Forced activity alters sleep cycle periodicity

and dorsal raphe discharge rhythm


Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts 02115

LYDIC, R., R. W. MCCARLEY, AND J. A. HOBSON. Forced specific hypotheses: the DRN may actively modulate (12,
activity alters sleep cycle periodicity and dorsal raphe discharge 14) a number of specific physiological events during
rhythm. Am. J. Physiol. 247 (Regulatory Integrative Comp. wakefulness and have a permissive disinhibitory role in
Physiol. 16): R135-R145, 1984.~Single-cell activity recorded generating physiological concomitants of D sleep, such
from the brain stem dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) of cats showed
a regular firing pattern during wakefulness (2-3 spikes/s), as muscular atonia (34) or pontogeniculooccipital (PGO)
decreased activity during slow-wave or synchronized sleep (1 waves (22). In addition to controlling specific physiolog-
spike/s), and cessation of regular discharge during desynchro- ical traits of D sleep, DRN cells may represent compo-
nized sleep (0.05 spikes/s). DRN discharge was negatively nents of a distributed central pattern generator involved
correlated with the onset and maintenance of the polycyclic in initiating and maintaining the ultradian oscillation
desynchronized sleep rhythm. These findings were derived from between S and D sleep states, as postulated by the
analyses of DRN firing rate sampled during different behavioral reciprocal interaction model of sleep cycle control (13,
,states. The present time-course analyses of DRN discharge 21). These physiological trait-vs.-behavioral state hy-
described for the first time the period, amplitude, and phase potheses concerning DRN function are not mutually
characteristics of DRN activity relative to the timing of behav- exclusive. Pharmacological (32) and surgical (29) manip-
ioral states that comprise the complete sleep cycle. The time
course of both DRN discharge and the occurrence of wakeful- ulations of the DRN have been used to determine the
ness, slow-wave (S) sleep, transition, and desynchronized (D) degree to which DRN discharge is globally related to
sleep were behaviorally manipulated. Forced locomotor activity behavioral states and/or specific physiological variables
imposed by a treadmill task shortened the period length of the comprising the states.
sleep cycle and the duration of the DRN discharge cycle. The Another way to examine the contribution of DRN to
magnitude and direction of these shifts in period length were control of behavioral state and incidental state signs is
consistent across multiple sleep cycles, and there was a high to manipulate the behavior of intact and unanesthetized
degree of coherence between the period length of the sleep cycle animals from which DRN cells can be recorded. This
and the DRN discharge profiles. The DRN discharge rate also paper describes experiments designed to induce major
displayed phase dependence within S and D sleep. These results shifts in the temporal distribution of sleep states while
support the hypothesis that the DRN has a physiological role
in regulating the timing of the ultradian sleep cycle. monitoring the discharge of single cells in the DRN of
intact spontaneously sleeping cats. Using forced loco-
cat; ultradian rhythms; time-normalized cycle averaging motor activity to manipulate the sleep cycle, this study
examined the null hypothesis that there is no consistent
relationship between the sleep cycle and the DRN dis-
MAMMALIAN SLEEP occurs in two phases distinguishable charge cycle. Although forced activity significantly al-
by the electroencephalogram: slow-wave or synchronized tered the periodic properties of the ultradian sleep cycle,
(S) sleep, characterized by slow-frequency, high-voltage the sleep cycle could not be dissociated from the DRN
electroencephalogram waves; and desynchronized (D) discharge cycle. The high degree of coherence between
sleep, characterized by fast-frequency, low-voltage elec- the period length of DRN discharge and the timing of
troencephalogram waves. After the termination of wake- the sleep cycle supports the alternate hypothesis that the
fulness, these two phases of sleep appear in an ordered temporal characteristics of sleep are tightly linked to the
sequence and with periodic regularity throughout the time course of DRN discharge. The results of these time-
sleep interval. D sleep occurs as an ultradian rhythm in course analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that
most mammals and displays reliable period lengths (7) DRN is a control element involved in regulating the
in consolidated sleepers, such as humans (mean y = 90 ultradian sleep cycle.
-min) (4), as well as polycyclic sleepers, such as cats (mean
7 = 22 min) (36). METHODS
Putatively serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe Neurophysiological and Behavioral
nucleus (DRN) of the cat have discharge profiles that
are related inversely to the onset and maintenance of D Nine adult male cats were chronically implanted with
sleep (22, 33). The negative selectivity of DRN neuronal electrodes for recording electroencephalogram (EEG),
discharge during D sleep (D off) has led to general and electroocculogram (EOG), and nuchal electromyogram
0363-6119/84 $1.50 Copyright 0 1984 the American Physiological Society R135
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(EMG). The electrographic data obtained from these tions: 1) forced activity in which cats spent 12-16 h in a
electrodes were used for conventional scoring (36) of treadmill that moved at 0.05 m/s or 2) ad libitum waking
sleep and wakefulness. For extracellular recordings, two and sleeping in which cats spent an equivalent amount
sets of microwire bundles, each comprised of six 62-grn- of time in their home cage. After either of these two
diam and three 32-lrn-diam wires, were aimed for im- conditions, the cats were placed in an electrically
plantation in the DRN (P = -1.5, L = 0.0, H = 1.0, f) = shielded chamber, and recordings were obtained through
45” posterior). Microwire electrodes provided stable re- a standard commutator-swivel system. Once attached to
cordings of single-cell activity in behaving animals. As the cable and swivel, cats were either free ranging or
detailed elsewhere (9), the microwires were inserted into head restrained within the shielded chamber. When the
guide tubes, which are part of a miniature microdrive data from head-restrained and free-ranging recording
assembly. The tips of the stainless steel guide tubes were paradigms were systematically compared, there was no
stereotaxically aimed at a point several millimeters above significant difference in the time course of the D-off cell
the DRN target site. The microdrive was permanently activity curves or the period lengths of the sleep cycle.
attached to the skull with dental acrylic; the microwire
bundles were then inserted into the guide tubes to a Time-Normalized Sleep Cycle Averaging
depth of about 1 mm above the DRN. The microwire
bundles were held at this position by gluing them to the The period length of the sleep cycle was defined as the
guide tubes. Each of the 18 microwires was soldered to amount of time from the end of the D sleep episode in
an electrical connecting plug, which was also chronically one cycle through the end of D sleep in the subsequent
implanted on the skull. Each cat was then allowed 2 or sleep cycle. Each sleep cycle was comprised of a regular
3 wk to recover from the surgery before recording ses- progression of behavioral states. In the cat, D sleep is
sions began. During the recordings, the 18 microwire typically followed by waking (W), then S sleep occurs
electrodes were advanced along the dorsal-to-ventral and is followed by a transition state (T) (operationally
plane by turning an 080 machine screw on the micro- defined here by the occurrence of eight or more PGO
drive. The cats were maintained under constant illumi- waves per minute), which heralds the onset of another D
nation in their home cages as well as in the recording sleep episode.
apparatus. In spite of this orderly progression of sleep cycle com-
On recovery from the surgery and immediately preced- ponent states (W, S, T, D), the ultradian D sleep rhythm
ing the single-unit and electrographic recording session, in the cat has been noted (35, 36) to vary by amounts
the cats were exposed to one of two behavioral condi- ranging from 5 to 40 min. Although it was appropriate
A B -
Cyde 4

FIG. 1. Schematic representation of time-normal-

Minufes ized sleep cycle-averaging technique. A: individual
c cycles (e.g., cycle 1 and cycle 4) are chosen on basis of
established criteria from a series of cycles. B: cycles I
28 Cycle f und Cycle 4 and 4 have similar amplitudes but different period
24 lengths. C: period length in minutes is normalized to
100%. For a cycle where T = 20 min, each of 10
normalized bins (abscissa) would reflect 2 min of neu-
ronal activity. Total discharge activity in cycle is
calculated and amplitude of histogram at each of 10
bins represents % of this total activity (ordinate). D:
once individual cycles are time normalized, they are
arithmetically averaged. Additional details are pro-
vided in text.

0 1- -I i--L.--
oi- 20 40 60 80 100
% Cycle Completed

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to consider the sleep cycle as a rhythmic unit, the vari- 20 min could not be averaged with neuronal activity
ability in period length precluded arithmetic averaging associated with a 25-min cycle. Rather the phase of the
across cycles of physiological or behavioral events that separate behavioral states and the relationship between
are specifically related to sleep cycle phase. For example, the sleep cycle and simultaneously recorded neuronal
neuronal activity associated with a sleep cycle where T = activity had to be considered.
It is, however, possible to average any dependent mea-
sure across multiple sleep cycles if the period length of
each cycle is normalized with respect to duration. This
process of time normalization transforms the period
length in minutes into a standardized length expressed
as a percentage of the cycle completed (Fig. 1).
Time-normalized sleep cycle averaging of DRN activ-
ity involved a four-step analytic process. I) The poly-
graphic records were scored at l-min bin intervals for
behavioral state (W, S, T, or D), and the DRN discharge
rates were tabulated during each of these 1-min intervals.
2) Cycles to be time normalized (Fig. 1A) were selected
according to criteria of period length and the presence of
normal state progression. 3) Individual cycles (Fig. 1B)
FIG. 2. Cellular discharge of dorsal raphe nucleus cell during wake- were expressed as the number of DRN discharges per
fulness. Calibration bars: horizontal, 1.0 s; vertical, 200 PV. second (ordinate) during each minute of polygraphic

NC:. 3. I’hotomicrograph of midsagittal view of brain stem of cat. This section, roughly corresponding t,o laterality 0.2, shows lesion (arrour)
made by microwire electrode within dorsal raphe nucleus. Calibration bar, 1 mm.

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recording. The period length of the cycle (abscissa) was end to D sleep end, were categorized for time normali-
converted from time in minutes into 10 standardized zation and averaging into four groups on the basis of
bins (Fig. 1C). These normalized bins may be read as a period length. Sleep cycles were defined operationally as
percent of the cycle completed and range from 0 to 100. short (T < 15 min) and usually involving an abortive D
The corresponding DRN discharge level was converted sleep episode, regular cycles (T = 15-30 min), long cycles
to spikes per second and in each normalized bin was (7 = 31-45 min), and extended cycles with period lengths
expressed as the percent of total DRN spikes in the cycle. in excess of 45 min.
4) Additional cycles were transformed in a similar man- The present results were derived from sleep cycles
ner, and once normalized any number of cycles could be with period lengths ranging from 15 to 30 min (regular
summed and averaged (Fig. 1D). Although the sleep cycle cycles) and from cycles where 7 ranged from 31 to 45
period lengths vary, the cellular activity associated with min (long cycles). All time-normalized sleep cycle aver-
each cycle received equal arithmetic weighting, since aging occurred within one of these two groups, and in no
discharge level per bin was expressed as a percent of case were regular and long cycles averaged together.
total spikes per cycle.
The variability of the ultradian D sleep rhythm has RESULTS
been noted (35,36), and in the present study sleep cycles Characteristics of Spontaneous DRN Discharge
were selected for time-normalized averaging according to
period length. Sleep cycles, each defined from D sleep Long-term recordings of single-cell activity were ob-

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FIG. 4. State-related changes in dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) activ- D: termination of desynchronized sleep and resumption of wakefulness.
ity and relationship between DRN discharge and polygraphic variables EMG, electromyogram; EEG, electroencephalogram; unit, Schmitt trig-
used operationally to define behavioral states. A: wakefulness changing ger output of DRN activity; unit/lo, Schmitt trigger output divided by
to slow-wave sleep. B: slow-wave sleep and transition characterized by 10; EOG, electrooculogram. Time mark above EOG trace indicates 1
increased pontogeniculooccipital (PGO) wave activity and decreased min.
DRN tiring. C: state change from transition to desynchronized sleep.

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tained from nine D-off cells across 300 complete sleep TABLE 1. Behavioral state and dorsal raphe
cycles. All spike trains, such as those illustrated in Fig. single-unit activity as a function of 7
2, displayed three characteristics indicative of stable
recordings. 1) The amplitude and waveform of the re- Behavioral State
corded potentials were similar throughout the recordings. Wake- s sleep Transi-
D sleep
2) The state-related firing rates (W-to-D selectivity ra- fidness tion
tios) were similar from cycle to cycle. 3) DRN unit Regular cycles (7 = 25.2 ,t 2.8 min)
activity was consistently related to specific phases of the, Percent of time 4.9 35.4 17.0 42.7
sleep cycle. After the experiments, the individual micro- (F = 27.9; df = 3,40; k6.1 t10.8 k8.0 k15.8
wires from which a D-off cell had been recorded were P < 0.001)
histologically localized (Fig. 3) by passing a direct current Dorsal raphe discharge 1.6 1.0 0.45 0.17
rate, spikes/s
(20 PA for 10 s) to mark the recording site with a small (F = 85.6; df = 3,34; kO.31 to.16 _tO. 16 *0.09
lesion. P < 0.001)
The state-specific firing pattern of DRN cells (Fig. 4
Long cycles (7 = 38.3 t 4.2 min)
and Table 1) has been characterized elsewhere (12, 22,
Percent of time 22.5 43.2 8.0 26.3
33) as maximal during W (2-3 spikes/s), slowing during (F = 28.8; df = 3,56; k13.1 HZ.8 *4.9 k8.8
S and T (5 1 spike/s), and stopping during D sleep. One- P < 0.001)
way analyses of variance revealed statistically significant Dorsal raphe discharge 1.2 0.69 0.34 0.03
differences in dorsal raphe discharge rate across these rate, spikes/s
four behavioral states during both the regular- (P < (F = 47.6; df = 3,55; kO.41 zko.30 *0.19 *0.03
P c 0.001)
0.001) and long- (P C 0.001) duration sleep cycles (Table
1). Figure 4 illustrates the relationships between DRN Values are means Z!ZSD. 7, cycle period length. Sleep cycle of cats is
comprised of 4 polygraphically defined behavioral states: wakefulness
activity and specific physiological variables used for be- (W), synchronized (S) sleep, transition (T), and desynchronized (D)
havioral state classifications. Particularly striking is the sleep. These behavioral states are expressed in an ordered sequence
negative correlation between DRN firing and PGO waves and occur rhythmically with period lengths in &radian range. Individ-
and between DRN firing and nuchal muscle tone. The ual sleep cycles were defined from end of D sleep in 1 cycle to end of
samples of behavioral states shown by Fig. 4 do not D sleep in subsequent cycle. Regular 7 cycles (n = 11) had period
lengths ranging from 15 to 30 min. Long r cycles (n = 15) ranged from
sufficiently emphasize that behavioral states are contin- 31 to 45 min in length. Within each of these 2 groupings based on 7,
uous and that state transitions do not occur as step one-way analyses of variance revealed a statistically significant behav-
functions. Figure 4 clarifies the sampling problems in- ioral state effect (F) for 2 dependent variables: 1) percent of time spent
herent in such static snapshot visualizations of neuronal in each state and 2) dorsal raphe (DRN) single-unit discharge rate.
Independent t test comparisons of regular and long cycles revealed
activity, since each frame can show only a small portion statistically significant differences in percent of time spent in W (t =
of a complete sleep cycle. To address the precise phase 4.14, df = 24, P < O.OOl), T (t = 3.6, df = 24, P < O.OOZ),and D sleep
relationships between DRN discharge, behavioral states, (t = 3.4, df = 24, P < 0.005). Similar comparisons for S sleep revealed
and specific state variables, such as PGO waves, numeric no statistically significant differences. Period length in minutes of
or conceptual representations of neuronal activity across regular and long sleep cycles was significantly’ different (t = 8.9, df =
24, P < 0.001).
time require data that represent the entire sleep-wake
cycle. dorsal raphe discharge rhythm. The DRN discharge pro-
files typically had longer 7 after no forced activity (Fig.
Forced Activity Alters Period Length 5A) and shorter 7 after forced activity (Fig. 5B). Table
of Dorsal Raphe Discharge
1 summarizes the average differences in DRN discharge
Prolonged periods of forced wakefulness or locomotor rate observed in association with the regular (15-30 min)
activity immediately before the recording session dra- and long (31-46 min) 7 sleep cycles. Cosinor spectral
matically altered the neuronal discharge profiles re- analysis of a typical 5-h sample of DRN discharge re-
corded from DRN cells (Fig. 5, A vs. B). Forced activity corded after forced activity revealed (Fig. 6) a dominant
tended to regularize the time course of DRN discharge period length in the 15. to 20-min range. This period was
(Fig. 5B). Figure 5A illustrates the discharge pattern significantly different (P < O.OOl), by the least-squares
from the same D-off cell that generated the profile in method (30) of wave fitting, from the null hypothesis
Fig. 5B. However, for 12-16 h before the recording ses- that the amplitude of the D sleep rhythm was zero. The
sion, the cat remained in its home cage and was not ? value associated with the 17-min period indicated that
subjected to the forced activity paradigm. With no forced a sine wave of this duration accounted for the largest
activity, the subsequently recorded DRN single-unit dis- portion of the variance displayed by 300 min of DRN
charge profiles (Fig. 5A) were comprised of cycles with activity. When no forced locomotor activity preceded a
longer period lengths. The observed relationships be- 6-h and 7-min DRN recording, this same cell discharged
tween period length of DRN discharge and the preceding with a dominant period length of about 37 min (P <
behavioral condition does not imply exclusivity. Regular 0.001). The ? value indicated that the best-fitting sine
period length cycles do occur, though less frequently, wave of 36.5 min accounted for the largest degree of
after no forced activity. variance in the 367 min of DRN recording. When these
The two behavioral conditions preceding the recording data (Fig. 5, A and B ) were detrended, similar results
sessions altered the ultradian period length (7) of the concerning period length of the ultradian DRN discharge

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FIG. 5. Single-cell activity profiles recorded from dorsal raphe nu- an activity wheel. Ordinate gives spikes/s; abscissa gives time in min.
cleus after 2 different behavioral treatments. A: DRN activity profile Black bars indicate periods of desynchronized sleep. Open circles denote
recorded from a cat that had spent preceding 12 h in a standard cage. periods of wakefulness.
B: DRN activity recorded from a cat that had spent preceding 12 h in

FwcT,kAkity first half of the averaged sleep cycle, the cat spent most
j =
of the time in S sleep (Fig. 7A2). However, throughout
the progressing sleep cycle the time spent in S declined
and the time spent in T increased (Fig. 7A3), reaching
maximal levels by 60% sleep cycle completion. From 0
to 60% of the cycle (abscissa) DRN activity showed a
steady decline. During the final 40% of the cycle (70-
100% cycle completion), D sleep (Fig. 7A4) accounted
for the majority of the state distribution, and DRN
discharge declined to its lowest level.
Figure 7, Bl-B5, shows the time course of DRN dis-
charge and simultaneously measured behavioral state
FIG. 6. Time series analysis period spectrum of dorsal raphe nucleus sequence, but these data were obtained from sleep cycles
(DRN) discharge. Function outlined by closed circles shows spectral with long period lengths. Note that for each of the
components of DRN rhythm following 12-16 h of forced locomotor
activity imposed by treadmill task. Open circles show DRN rhythm component behavioral states (W, S, T, and D) the pro-
recorded from same cell when cat spent preceding 16 h in its home cage files of the long cycles are shifted to the right and all
(no forced activity). Peaks of most dominant period (7) are indicated states extend into later phases of the sleep cycle. Long
for each behavioral condition. These results were obtained from least- cycles also revealed a significantly greater (P < 0.001)
squares-based time series analyses (30). percent of time spent in wakefulness (22.5%) than did
the regular cycles (W = 4.9%). Although the state profiles
rhythms were obtained from time series analyses based for wakefulness are strikingly different for the regular
on the BMDP time series analysis (PlT), which uses and long period-length cycles (Fig. 7, Al vs. BZ ), the
DRN discharge profiles during the first half of the sleep
Fourier transform techniques (5).
cycle were very similar (Fig. 7, A5 and B5). A larger
percent of time was spent in S sleep during the long
Sleep Cycle Duration, Time Course of Behavioral
cycles (43.2%) than during the regular cycles (35.4%),
States, and Dorsal Raphe Discharge but these differences were not statistically significant
Figure 7 illustrates the time-normalized multiple sleep (Fig. 7, A2 and B2, and Table 1). During the long sleep
cycle average of DRN discharge and behavioral- state cycles, 8% of the time was spent in T as compared with
associated with the regular period-length cycles (7 = 25.3 17% of the time during the regular 7 cycles, and these
t - 2.7 min) and for sleep cycles with long period lengths differences in T were statistically significant (P < 0.002).
( = 38.3 $- 4.2 min). The duration in minutes of the D sleep tended to occur at later portions of the average
Ggular and long sleep cycles differed significantly (t = cycle (Fig. 7B4) when sleep cycle 7 was increased. The
8.9, df = 24, P < 0.001). percent of time in D sleep during the long cycles (26.3%)
For the regular cycles (Fig. 7, Al-A@ waking was was significantly (P < 0.005) less than with the regular
maximal during the initial 10% of the sleep cycle (Fig. cycles (D = 42.7%). DRN firing levels were increased
7Al) as was the DRN discharge (Fig. 7A5). As early as slightly in association with the long sleep cycles (Fig.
20% into the sleep cycle, both DRN discharge and the 7B5); the D-off firing pattern was not as pronounced,
amount of time spent in W began to decline. During the and the minima of neuronal discharge occurred later in

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PEGULAR CYCLE: , LONG CYCLES , individual states comprising the sleep cycle (Table 1)
were in part a function of the behavioral conditions
immediately preceding the recording session. During
both the regular and long cycles, DRN activity was
60 60 maximal in the initial 10% of the sleep cycle.
The T profiles (Fig. 7, A3 vs. B3) were similar during
long and regular cycles. For both the regular and long
cycles, DRN unit activity accounted for about 12% of
’ 0 20 40 60 80 IO0
the total neuronal discharge when T was maximal.
The time course of D sleep (Fig. 7, A4 and B4) dis-
played similar phase positions during both the regular
80 and long cycles. DRN discharge associated with the
60 regular sleep cycles (Fig. 7A5) increased during the final
40 portion of the cycle. This increased DRN discharge was
less marked in association with long-period sleep cycles
(Fig. 7B5).

Phase Dependence of Dorsal Raphe Discharge
T within Slow- Wave and Desynchronized Sleep
The previous section has shown the strong state-de-
60 pendent discharge of DRN across the behavioral states
comprising the ultradian sleep cycle. The time-normal-
ized multiple sleep cycle averages of DRN discharge (Fig.
7) strongly suggested a continuous modulation of firing
0 20 40 60 80 100 rate rather than an abrupt or discontinuous alteration in
DRN discharge associated with changes in behavioral
state. If DRN discharge is continuously modulated across
the sleep cycle, such changes in firing rate should be seen
within S or D sleep. This possibility was examined quan-
titatively by characterizing the phase dependence of
DRN firing rate within S and D sleep. To evaluate any
discharge rate changes within sleep states, linear regres-
0 20 40 60 80 100 sion analyses were performed using DRN discharge rate
in spikes per second as the dependent variable (y) and
2 22 time in minutes within a single behavioral state (S or D
.% 18 sleep) as the independent variable (x).
@ 14 Synchronized sleep. During S sleep associated with the
$ to IO regular-7 cycles, the average slope (spikes per second
t$ 6 6 across each minute of the state) was -0.02, with 10 of 11
& 2 2 individual cycles showing a negative slope. During S
sleep, 10 of 15 long 7 cycles revealed declining discharge
20 40 60 80 100 0-o
rates and an average slope of -0.02. For precise statistical
% Cyde Complefed evaluation of these DRN discharge rate changes, the S
FIG. 7. Histograms illustrating time course of state components (W, sleep epoch of each sleep cycle was divided into three
S, T, D, waking, slow-wave, transition, and desynchronized, respec-
tively) comprising sleep cycle and time course of simultaneously re-
phases: early, middle, and late. The DRN discharge rate
corded dorsal raphe neuron (DRN) activity. Frames Al-A5 were ob- was then rank ordered (3 = maximum rate to 1 =
tained from 11 sleep cycles (7 25 min) with period lengths ranging minimum rate) during each of these three phases of
from 15 to 30 min. Frames BI-B5 were derived from 15 sleep cycles synchronized sleep. This ranking procedure revealed a
(7 38 min) with period lengths ranging from 31 to 46 min. For % state monotonically declining discharge rate (a rank ordering
histograms, each portion of cycle completed sums to 100 across 4 states.
For example, reading 10% cycle completed bin from Al to A4 indicates of 3,2,1) in 10 of 15 long-7 cycles and in 6 of 11 regular
that W accounted for about 20% of state distribution, S for 70%, T for 7 cycles. The multinomial probability (P) of obtaining a
about lo%, and 0% of time was spent in D. For DRN histograms (A5 3,2,1 ranking vs. the null hypothesis of observing this
and 85), neuronal activity at each portion of cycle completed (abscissa) ranking by chance alone was calculated. The observed P
is expressed as % total spikes (ordinate).
< 0.01 for the regular-7 cycles and P < 0.001 for the
long-T cycles supported the hypothesis that during S
the sleep cycle. sleep the DRN displayed a phase-dependent decrease in
Comparisons within the regular 7 (Fig. 7, Al-A5) or discharge rate, irrespective of sleep cycle T.
long T (Fig. 7, BI-B5) cycles reveal, in further detail, the Desynchronized sleep. Similar linear regression anal-
relationship between the DRN discharge profiles and the yses revealed an increasing DRN discharge rate from
time course of specific behavioral states comprising the early to later portions of D sleep.
sleep cycle. Both the neuronal activity profiles and the For the regular--r cycles, the average slope was +0.02

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with 8 of 11 cycles showing a positive slope. The time- epochs of most (7 of 11) individual cycles. The regular-7
normalized average (Fig. 7A5) indicated an increased cycles exhibited a 177% average increase in DRN firing
DRN discharge rate during the final portion (90-100% rate within D sleep (Fig. 7A5,90-100% cycle completed),
cycle completed) of the regular-T cycles. The binomial and the burst of DRN activity before the termination of
theorem was used to calculate the probability that the D sleep was present in the majority of these recordings.
DRN discharge rate during the final third of -each indi- The finding that the conservative nonparametric statis-
vidual sleep cycle was greater than the mean firing rate tic did not achieve a P < 0.05 significance level may be
during the preceding two-thirds of each cycle. The result a function of the small sample size, and this possibility
of these calculations (P = 0.3) did not achieve statistical can be examined by future analyses of a larger sample of
significance, although the trend of increased firing during regular-7 cycles. Considered together, the results of the
the final bin was present in 7 of 11 regular-7 cycles. linear regression analyses, the outcome of the probability
Only 10 of 15 long-7 cycles displayed any DRN dis- calculations, and the observations by others (18, 33) of
charge during D sleep. For these 10 long-7 cycles, the increased DRN firing near sleep cycle end, all demon-
average slope was +0.02, and 9 of 10 individual cycles strate the presence of phase-dependent DRN discharge
had a positive slope. For the long-7 time-normalized cycle within (Fig. 7) and between (Table 1) behavioral states
(Fig. 7B5), 9 of 10 individual sleep cycles displayed the comprising the ultradian sleep cycle. These findings em-
greatest DRN discharge rate during the final third of the phasize that the precise temporal phase of the sleep cycle
D sleep epoch. Again the binomial theorem was used to must be considered when characterizing the relationship
calculate the exact probability that the DRN firing rate between DRN activity and the onset, maintenance, or
during the final thi rd of each D sleep epoch was greater offset of a behavioral state.
than the mean rate during the preceding two-thirds of
each D sleep epoch. The probability of this ordering (P DRN as a Putative Neuronal Regulator
= 0.011) supported the hypothesis of a statistically sig-
Considering only the dorsal nucleus of the extensive
nificant phase-dependent increase in DRN discharge
during the D sleep epochs associated with the long-7 raphe complex, a large body of literature suggests that
sleep cycles. the DRN is involved in regulating multiple physiological
systems. For example, the DRN has been shown to be of
functional importance for the regulation of ovulation
DISCUSSION (24) and the neuroendocrine control of progesterone (37)
Phase Relationship Between DRN Discharge and luteinizing hormone (1) secretion, to exert pressor
and Behavioral State effects on the cardiovascular system (40), and to mediate
stimulation-produced analgesia (28) and the function of
Global classifications of behavioral state (W, S, T, or endogenous nociceptive systems (31).
D) are traditional and offer a useful scheme for studying Neurophysiological studies investigating the cellular
cellular elements or physiological systems during sleep basis of sleep cycle control have long associated levels of
and wakefulness. However, the precise phase relation- DRN activity with behavioral arousal (33), the onset of
ships between DRN discharge and physiological or be- S sleep (3), and/or the ultradian D sleep rhythm (22).
havioral events comprising the sleep cycle may not be More recently, serotonergic input to the hypothalamic
readily apparent when DRN activity is averaged accord- suprachiasmatic nuclei from the midbrain raphe has been
ing to discontinuous classifications of behavioral state suggested (39) to be of potential importance for the
(Table 1). The present time-course data, derived from functional organization of neural elements comprising
the cycle-averaging technique, provided phase-aligned the circadian system (25). The diversity of these data
comparisons between DRN discharge profiles and con- emphasize the utility of pluralistic concepts regarding
current behavioral state fluctuations (Fig. 7). Such com- the functional role of the DRN. The hypothesis that the
parisons using intact unanesthetized animals are critical DRN has a continuous neuromodulatory role influencing
for examining the temporal relationships between DRN the probability of a set of behavioral states (11, 12, 14)
discharge and behavioral states comprising the ultradian is probably a more appropriate general concept than
sleep cycle. exclusive hypotheses that DRN activity is related either
For example, a distinctive finding that emerged from to behavioral states (i.e., causes D sleep by disinhibition)
the present approach is that DRN discharge shows phase or to single physiological traits (i.e., causes PGO waves
dependence within S and D sleep. Furthermore it appears or motor atonia by disinhibition). Although specific func-
that the period length of the sleep cycle also influences tional relationships may also be true, such relationships
the profile of the DRN discharge (Fig. 7, A5 W. B5). alone fail to describe the global functional role of the
Within S sleep, DRN discharge exhibited a statistically DRN.
significant decrease (mean slope = -0.02 spikes s-l l l Investigations (12, 22, 33) that have assessed the de-
min-‘) for both the regular- and long-7 sleep cycles. gree of DRN involvement in behavioral state control
During desynchronized sleep, regression analyses re- have relied exclusively on rate and pattern analyses. The
vealed an increased DRN firing rate (mean slope = present time-course analyses extend these findings con-
+0.02) for both long- and regular-7 sleep cycles. This cerning state-dependent firing of DRN by focusing on
phase-dependent increase was statistically significant for the relationship between DRN activity and the temporal
the long-7 cycles. For the regular-7 cycles, the trend of organization of the sleep cycle. It is clear from Figs. 5
increasing DRN discharge was present during the D sleep and 7 that the time course of DRN activity was strongly

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influenced by the behavio ral cond itions that preceded been recorded from intact unanesthetized animals, the
the recordi .ng session. Cats exposed for 12 -16 h to forced level of cellular discharge has been found to be positively
activity had DRN discharge profiles that were shorter correlated with W and inversely related to the onset of
and more regular (Fig. 5) than DRN activity recorded the ultradian sleep cycle. These observations support the
from cats with no forced activity before the recording hypothesis (6,12,18,22) that the period length of the D
session. Thus the temporal organization (Fig. 7 and sleep oscillator is strongly modulated by the synaptic
Table 1) of both DRN discharge and the sleep-wake cycle activity of aminergic systems. In the present experiment,
were predictably modified by behavioral experience that the prolonged locomotor activity imposed by the tread-
preceded these recording sessions. mill condition was probably accompanied by an increase
in the amount of time spent in W (7), which in turn
Significance of Observed Behavioral Influence abnormally prolonged the activity of DRN cells. Since
on Sleep Cycle Regularity DRN cells are known to have recurrent inhibitory col-
laterals (27,38), these extended periods of DRN activity
During the treadmill task associated with forced activ- would predict the development of a cumulative autoinhi-
ity, there was no fine control over the physiological bition. When the cats were removed from the activity
response to the exercise challenge. While in the tread- wheel and placed in the recording apparatus, signaling
mill, no measures were taken of 02 consumption, core the onset of the sleep interval, this accumulated auto-
body temperature, cardiovascular parameters, or EEG inhibition would reduce the synaptic efficacy of afferent
variables. Although the precise physiological concomi- input to and efferent output from the DRN. On the DRN
tants of the treadmill task remain unspecified, Fig. 7 afferent side, this would mean DRN discharge profiles
reveals that the prolonged period of forced locomotion would be more regular after forced activity (Fig. 5B) and
dramatically reduced the amount of time spent in wake- more noise dominated (Fig. 5A) without prior intervals
fulness. The length of the sleep cycle is strongly corre- of forced activity. Consistent with these predictions,
lated with th .e amount of W that is present. Studies using during the sleep interval that followed forced activity,
rats have noted that longer-7 sleep cycles were associated the amount of W decreased (Table 1 and Fig. 7) and
with increases in W (8). In the present study, shortening perturbations of DRN discharge were fewer (Fig. 5).
of sleep cycle period length was associated with a reduced These changes in behavioral state and DRN discharge
amount of W. levels are also influenced by reticular systems (23) that
This spontaneous reduction in W after forced activity mediate arousal. In consideration of DRN efferents, pro-
is analogous to the sleep cycle scoring technique longed intervals of forced W and the build up of auto-
(compression) in which naturally occurring epochs of W inhibition would result in a diminution of net aminergic
are excluded from the behavioral state data. Sleep cycle output corresponding to a diminished synaptic efficacy.
studies (35) with cats have noted that the compression This decreased aminergic modulation is hypothesized by
technique increased the goodness of fit (r value) between the reciprocal interaction model to d&inhibit putatively
autocorrelation functions of the sleep cycle and best- cholinergic cell populations in the medial pontine retic-
fitting cosine waves. This degree of fi t was estimated ular formation (mPRF), which have firing levels posi-
from ? values used to quantify the amount of variance tively correlated with the onset of D sleep (13, 21). One
in the a utocorrelation function accounted for by damped result of the DRN and mPRF interaction postulated by
cosine waves. The p values were thus used to estimate the reciprocal interaction hypothesis would be an in-
the most likely period length of the ultradian sleep cycle. creased frequency of D sleep epochs (Fig. 5B) and an
These data revealed a stronger periodicity in the ultra- increased duration of D sleep episodes (Fig. 7 and Table
dian sleep cycle when W epochs were not included in the 1) following forced activity.
analyses. These findings were interpreted as supporting
the notion that the D cycle may be a purely sleep- Dorsal Raphe Involvement
dependent process rather than a manifestation of the in Behavioral State Modulation
basic rest activity cycle (BRAC). The BRAC hypothesis
(X5), reviewed elsewhere (16, 26), hypothesized that a Several lines of evidence reinforce the explanatory
single, neurophysiologically unspecified, driving oscilla- value for the foregoing interpretation of the present
tor might underlie all ultradian rhythms. findings. Anatomic evidence, reviewed elsewhere (19, 27,
Alternatively, one may interpret the foregoing con- 38), supports the notion of recurrent collaterals, which
cepts emanating from the BRAC hypothesis in light of are autoinhibitory to DRN, and the idea of synaptic
the present data and recent findings at the cellular- contact between DRN and mPRF. For example, recent
molecular level concerning the activity of cholinergic and physiological studies reported that electrical stimulation
aminergic neurons. The time course of DRN activity of mPRF enhanced the discharge of DRN cells and that
(Figs. 5-7) does not suggest, as implied by the BRAC this mPRF-induced facilitation of DRN activity was
hypothesis, oscillations that display a relatively fixed 7 absent after the administration of chloral hydrate (10)
and variable amplitude. The discharge profiles of puta- and during the spontaneous D sleep intervals (17). Phar-
tively aminergic DRN activity emphasized the presence macological elicitation of a behavioral state resembling
of continuous modulation (Figs. 5 and 7) rather than a D sleep (2) by the microinjection of carbachol, a cholin-
fixed discharge pattern across behavioral states (Table ergic agonist, into the mPRF is congruent with single-
1). Whenever putatively aminergic DRN neurons have unit studies (20) demonstrating that putatively cholin-

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ergic mPRF neurons exhibited increased discharge rates lated to the ultradian sleep cycle. It can be fairly con-
that were phase locked to the D sleep cycle. Finally, eluded, however, that 1) with no forced activity the
behavioral evidence concerning manipulation of the period length of the sleep cycle and the period length of
polycyclic sleep cycle suggests that forced activity de- the DRN discharge cycle were tightly linked in the intact
prives cats ofD sleep (,7). Durin .g subsequent sleep inter- undrugged cat: 2) the &radian sleep cycle and the DRN
vals, cats exposed to forced activity exhibit an increased discharge rhythm always exhibited similar period
frequency and intensity of D sleep, a phenomenon re- lengths, yet both were altered significantly and with a
ferred to as a D sleep rebound (7) (Fig. 7, A4 vs. B4, and high degree of coherence by forced activity; and 3) the
Table 1). If the rebound of D sleep is, in part, modulated DRN discharge profiles exhibited significant phase de-
by a cessation of DRN discharge that is inhibitory to the pendence across the behavioral states comprising the
expression of D sleep, one would expect to see a reduction ultradian sleep cycle and within S and D sleep. .These
in DRN activity (Fig. 7, A5 vs. B5) during the D sleep conclusions, derived from time-course analyses, are con-
rebound that followed forced activity. The foregoing sistent with a large body of evidence obtained from DRN
evidence derived from anatomic, behavioral, pharmaco- discharge rate analyses (12,14,18,19,22,33). Both time-
logical, and electrophysiological studies strongly sup- course and discharge rate analyses support the hypoth-
ports the hypothesis that the DRN influences the ultra- esis that the DRN modulates through disinhibition many
dian D sleep rhythm. of the physiological events associated with S and D sleep.
The present data provide the first description of the
correlations between the time course of DRN single-unit
activity and the time course of behavioral states that We thank Dr. H. Baghdoyan and Dr. P. Lavie for helpful suggestions
comprise the ultradian sleep cycle. Although these data and Dr. S. Massaquoi and A. Strassman for computer programming.
characterized the complete time course of behavioral This study was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants
state and DRN activity profiles, such correlative evi- MH-13923, MH-280 to R. W. McCarley, and MH-14275 to R. Lydic.
dence cannot prove that DRN discharge is causally re- Received 11 July 1983; accepted in final form 6 February 1984.

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