Moruzzi y Magoun, 1949

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G. MoRuzzb M.D. ' and H. W. MACOUN, M.D.
Department of Anatomy, Northwestern University Medical School

Transitions from sleep to wakefulness, or natural stimuli. Alterations produced by

from the less extreme states of relaxation acute lesions in this system are presented in
and drowsiness to alertness and attention, a succeeding paper. The effects of chronic
are all characterized by an apparent break- lesions within it are under investigation.
ing up of the synchronization of discharge of
elements of the cerebral cortex, an alteration METHODS
marked in the EEG by the replacement of The experiments were performed in cats
high-voltage slow waves with low-voltage under chloraiosane anesthesia (35-50 mgm./
fast activity. The magnitude of the electrical K. intraperitoneally) or in the "enc6phale
change parallels the degree of transition, and isol6" of Bremer, prepared under ether,
that most commonly observed in clinical with exposure margins infiltrated with pro-
electroencephalography is a minimal one. caine. Ephedrine was administered intra-
consisting of an alpha-wave blockade dur- venously immediately after transection of
ing attention to visual stimulation. Such the cord at C I. At ieast an hour elapsed
activation of the EEG may be produced by after ether was discontinued before work
any type of afferent stimulus that arouses was begun.
the subject to alertness, or it may be cen- Concentric bipolar electrodes, oriented
trally generated, but the basic processes with the Horsley-Clarke technique, were
underlying it, like those involved in waking used for stimulation of, or pickup from, the
from sleep, have remained obscure. brain stem. Condenser discharges from a
Recent experimental findings which may Goodwin stimulator were employed routine-
contribute to tlais subject have stemmed ly. Lesions were made surgically or electro-
from the observation that EEG changes lytically, and their positions, together with
seemingly identical with those in the physio- those of electrode placements, were verified
logical arousal reactions can be produced by histologically.
direct stimulation of the reticular formation Potentials were recorded with a Grass
of the brain stem. The following account model III amplifier and inkwriter. Some
describes such features of the response and cortical records were taken directly from
its excitable substrate as have been determin- the pial surface, but usually as much of the
ed, provides an analysis of changes in cor- brain case as possible was left intact, and
tical and thalamic activity associated with most cortical pickups were between two
it, and explores the relations of this reticular screw electrodes, 5-10 mm. apart, inserted
activating system to the arousal reaction to through burr holes in the calvarium until
their tips rested on the dura overlying func-
tional areas. W i t h bipolar leads and by
1Aided by a ¢lrant from the National Institute of groundin 9 the scalp, stimulus artifacts were
Mental Health, U. S. Public Health Service.
2 University of Pisa, Italy. Visiting Professor of negligible. Other technical details are given
Neurology, supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. in the legends.
[ 455 1
~t56 (; MGRLIZZI and H. \V. MAGOHN

RESULTS Responses were seen to best advantage when

The response to reticular stimulation con- the unanesthetized brain exhibited some re-
sisted of cessation of synchronized discharge laxation (fig. 2 B and C) or when light
in the E E G and its replacement with low- chloralosane anesthesia had induced syn-
voltage fast activity. T h e intensity of the chronization without greatly impairing neu-
alteration varied with the degree of back- ral excitability (fig• 1 A and B). W i t h
ground synchrony present. Conspicuous e f - deeper chloralosane, slow waves were block-
f e c t s were thus observed against the high- ed, but low-voltage fast activity was not
voltage slow waves of chloralosane anesthe- elicited (fig. I C and D ) .
sia (fig. 1 C, D ) , while a fully activated T h e response was a generalized one,
E E G was not further affected (fig. 2A), being observed in the sensory-motor cortex

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Fig. l
Effect of stimulation of the brain stem reticular form ion upon electro-cortical activity o~ chloralosane
/N and B. "Enc~phale isol6" with 7 mgm. chloralosane/I(. Replacement of high voltage slow waves, present
in A and more pronounced in B, with low voltage fast activity during left bulbo-reticular stimulation
( 1.5 V, 300/sec.).
C. Intact cat With 50 rag. chloralosane/K. Left bulbo-re~icular stimulation (3 V, 300/sec.) blocks chlo-
ralosane waves bilaterally, but more rapidly and for a longer time in the ipsilateral cortex. Note that low
voltage fast activity does not appear.
D. Like C. but ~requency of reticular stimulation reduced to 100/sec. Effect limited to ipsilateral cortex
and doesn't outlast stimulus.
In all records, the origin o~ activity in different channels is given at the left: L. SEN. MOT. signifies
left sensory,motor cortex; L.-R. CI~LL, le~t to right cruciate gyrus; L.-R PRO., left to right gyrus pro-
teus; L. VIS., left visual area; L. ALID., left auditory area; L. THAL., left thalamus• The period of bulbar
stimulation is marked by a heavy line beneath the record. Calibration and time are stated.

(fig. 1), where it was often most pronounc- tions between the reticular formation and
ed, and in the visual (fig. 1 C) and auditory the cerebral hemisphere.
(fig. 2 B, C) cortical areas as well. W i t h The distribution o[ the excitable area is
minimal reticular stimulation, alterations projected upon a reconstruction of the mid-
were best obtained in the ipsilateral hemi- sagittal plane in figure 3, and includes the
sphere and were sometimes limited to it (fig. central core of the brain stem, extending
ID). from the bulbar reticular formation forward
The response was readily obtained with through the pontile and mesencephalic teg-
low intensities of reticular stimulation; vol- mentum into the caudal diencephalon. At the
L SEN-M01". . I


'~ I SEC

L SEN-MOT. ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~:~ ,

LAUD I M ~ Y ~yl~

LSEN.MOT . . . . . . .
L AUD. j J

L QOT-AUO. , , ., ~ e '~ ~ , ,,~' , ,' ', ,

C (oo~v

Fig. 2
Effect of reticular stimulation on electro-cortical activity of the unanesthetized "enc~phale isold'.
A-C. Left bulbo-reticular stimulation (3 V, 300/sec.) is without effect upon the fully activated cortex (A),
but evokes characteristic low voltage fast activity when spontaneous synchrony is present (B and C).

tages of 1-3 being usually employed. Brief

shocks, with a falling phase of 1 msec. were
used routinely and were as effective as
longer lasting ones. Stimulus frequencies of
50/sec. were the lowest at which definite al-
terations could be elicited and the response
was considerably improved by increasing fre-
quencies up to 300/sec., which were regu-
larly utilized. Thus the EEG response to
reticular excitation was best obtained with
low voltage, high frequency stimulation.
These responses were not secondary to Fig. 3
any peripheral effects of brain stem stim- Reconstruction of midsagittai plane of cat's brain
ulation. By direct test they were inde- stem upon which is projected, with cross-lining, the
distribution of the ascending reticular activating
pendent of changes in respiration, blood system.
pressure and heart rate. They occurred in Abbreviations are as follows: A, aqueduct; CER,
the isolated brain after full atropinization cerebellum; IC. interior coUiculus; MI, massa inter-
media; OC, optic chiasma; P, pons; PY. pyramidal
and curarization. As will be seen, they were crossing; SC, superior colliculus; Ill, third ventricle;
unquestionably mediated by neural connec- IV, fourth ventricle.

bulbar level, excitable points were distribut- central grey and extending in a paramedian
ed in the ventromedial reticular formation position beneath it (fig. 4B). In the caudal
and the area of their distribution coincided diencephalon, effective points were located
with that from which suppression of motor near the midline in the dorsal hypothalamus
activity ( M a g o u n and Rhines, 1946) could and subthalamus (fig, 4 C ) . From this re-
be elicited (fig. 4 A ) . Exploration of the ,qion, the excitable system is evidently dis-
overlying cerebellum has revealed excitable tributed to the overlying thalamus, through

Fig. 4
A-C. Transverse sections through bulbar (A). mesencephalic (B) and caudal diencephalic
(C) levels, with cross-lining indicating the area from which reticular responses were elicited
with lowest voltage and without complications from exciting other ascending or descending
neural connections.
D. Reconstruction of midsagittal plane of the midbrain upon which is projected, with stipple,
the position of tectal and peduncular lesions which failed to block the EEG response to
bulbo-reticular stimulation. Cross-lining marks the position of a tegmental lesion which
abolished this response to bulbar stimulation.
E, F. Transverse sections through the midbrain of two cats, showing the extent of lesions
which interrupted the medial and lateral lemnisci and spinothalamic tracts, but which failed
to impair the EEG response to bulbo-reticular stimulation.
Abbreviations are as follows: A, aqueduct; BIC, brachium of inferior colliculus; BP, basis
pedunculi; CM, centre median: IC, inferior colliculus; L. lateral thalamic nucleus; LG, lateral
geniculate body; MB, mammillary body; ML, medial lemniscus; O, inferior olive; P, pons;
PY, pyramid; RB, restiform body; S, subthalamus: SC, superior colliculus; ST, splno-thalamic
tract: VP, posterior part of ventral thalamic nucleus; 3, oculomotor nucleus; 5, spinal fifth
tract and nucleus; 12, hypoglossal nucleus.

points in its fastigial nuclei, the responses which its effects are exerted upon the cor-
possibly being mediated by connections ot tex, and some data bearing on its thalamic
the roof nuclei with the brain stem reticular mediation will be given later.
formation (Snider, M a g o u n and McCulloch, T h e distribution of this ascending system
19't9). In the midbrain, responses were ob- within the midbrain was studied further by
tained from the teqmentum bordering the observing the effect of lesions here upon the

E E G response to bulbo-reticular stimulation. (fig. 't D ) . Furthermore, single shock sti-

Such responses were unimpaired following muli to effective reticular sites did not evoke
sections of the cerebral peduncles or tectum, antidromic potentials in the sensory-motor
but were blocked by injury to the mesen- cortex (fig. 5 C and E) (fig. 10 A ) , nor
cephalic tegmentum (fig. 4 D ) . Typical cor- did direct stimulation of the bulbar pyramid
tical responses to bulbo-reticular stimulation reproduce the E E G response to reticular
were still obtained after bilateral destruction stimulation.
of all laterally placed mesencephalic struc- A cortico-bulbo-reticular path from area
tures, including the medial and lateral lem- 't-S is distributed to the excitable reticular
nisci and the spinothalamic tracts (fig, 4 E, area of the lower brain stem (fig. 4 A)
F ) , leavin.q intact only the paramedian re- (McCulloch, G r a f and Magoun, 1946), but
gion from which responses were obtained on it is similarly impossible to attribute the
direct stimulation (fig. 'tB). E E G responses to its antidromic stimulation.
L N- ,j


[" I I I I i I I ~-
Fig. 5
Comparison of the effects of stimulating the right posterior column (A, B) and the left
reticular activating system at bulbar (C, D) and midbrain (E, F) levels, under full chloralo-
sane anesthesia. Stimulus frequency is l/see, in left records (A, C, E) and 300/see. in
right records (B, D, F); intensity is 3 V throughout.
Single shock stimuli to the posterior column evoke sensory potentials in the cortex (A),
not elicited by similar reticular stimulation (C, E). High frequency stimulation of the
posterior c~c,lumn causes some desynchronization of the EEG (B), but more pronounced
effects are induced by reticular stimulation (D, F).

A series of ascendin¢l reticular rela.qs is This path accompanies the pyramidal tract
presumed to constitute the structural sub- in the basis pedunculi (McCulloch, Graf
strate of this brain stem activating system. and Magoun, 19't6) section of which, as
T h a t responses are not attributable to the noted, left reticular responses unimpaired.
antidromic excitation of corticifugal paths, T h e absence of antidromic potentials in the
nor to the dromic stimulation of known sensory-motor cortex, on single shock stimuli
afferent paths, bordering the reticular area, to the bulbar reticular formation (fiq. 5 C;
is indicated by a variety of data. 10 A ) , might be explained by the small size
As regards the pyramidal tract, move- of the suppressor areas in the cat (Garol,
ments referable to its excitation never ac- 1942), but a more likely possibility is that
companied E E G responses to reticular stim- the unmyelinated terminals of this extra-
ulation, and the latter were still obtained pyramidal path were never excited with the
from the bulbar level after section of the low intensities of reticular stimulation em-
fibers of this tract in the basis pedunculi ployed in the present experiments. Reticular

responses elicited from brain stem levels alic sites, however, suggesting that a number
cephalad to the bulb are. moreover, impos- of relays are present and that the synapses
sible to explain on the basis of antidromic involved are iterative in nature.
stimulation of this extrapyramidal pathway, Having now described the desynchroniza-
It is equivalently impossible to ascribe tion of the E E G induced by brain stein stim-
reticular responses to the dromic activation ulation and presented evidence that this al-
of known afferent pathways ascending to teration results from exciting a system of
the cortex through the brain stem. The reticular relays ascending to the dienceph-
medial lemniscus is adjacent to the excitable alon, attention may next be directed to the
reticular area through much of its course. effect of reticular stimulation upon types of
and high frequency stimulation of the lem- evoked activity in the cortex.
niscal system, like that of the sciatic nerve Effect upon evoked sensorq potentials,
(Gellhorn. 1947), exerts a desynchronizing In the chloralosane cat, a single afferent
influence upon the EEG (fig, 5 B), This vol!ey, initiated either by natural stimuli or
influence is not as pronounced as that of the by shocks to the sciatic nerve or posterior
reticular formation and higher voltages of column, evokes primary and secondary '
stimulation are required to induce it than cortical potentials and sensory "after-dis-
those which yield primary and secondary charge" succeeding them. The secondary
cortical sensory responses. response and after-discharge occur generally
Three lines of evidence clearly show, in the cortex and are readily observed in the
however, that the desynchronizing influence EEG. During stimulation of the brain stem
of the reticular formation cannot be attribut- reticular formation, such secondary re-
ed to activation of the lemniscal system, sponses continued to be evoked by afferent
either through physical spread of stimulating volleys, usually without alteration (fig.
current, or by antidromic excitation of pos- 6 A), but sometimes with reduction of am-
sible lemniscal collaterals to the brain stem plitude and simplification of potential form,
reticular formation. First, single shock particularly in cortical areas outside the
stimuli to excitable reticular points at bulbar sensori-motor region (fig. 8 B). F~llowing
(fig. 5 C) or midbrain (fig. 5 E) levels conclusion of reticular stimulation, tran-
never evoked potentials in the sensory-motor sient enhancement of the secondary re-
cortex, as was invariably the case when sponse was occasionally observed (fi 9. 6 B).
such shocks were applied to the lemniscal The succeeding high-voltage slow waves,
system (fig. 5 A), and this simple control called sensory after-discharge, were in-
was routinely applied throughout the work. variably abolished during reticular stim-,
Second, the distribution of the excitable ulation (fi 9. 6 ARC). In full anesthesia, the
reticular area was distinct from that of the cortical record then became flat between
course of the medial lemniscus through the secondary responses (fig. 6 A, B), while, if
brain stem (fig. 4, A-C). Third and finally, anesthesia was light, low-voltage fast ac-
EEG responses to bulbar stimulation were tivity was present in these intervals (fig.
unaffected by mesencephalic lesions which 6 C). The abolition of sensory after-
bilaterally interrupted the medial and lateral discharge might thus be simply another
lemnisci and the spino-thalamic tracts (fig. manifestation of the desynchronization of the
't E, F). E E G induced by brain stem stimulation.
Elimination of these possibilities and the
distribution of excitable points through the 1 These "secondary potentials" resemble those of
brain stem both indicate that this response Forbes and Morison (1939) recorded, in deep barN-
turate anesthesia, in and also outside of the somatic
is mediated by a paramedian system of as- receiving area and disappearing when the frequency
cending reticular connections. Single shock of afferent stimuli rose above 5/sec. Since under
chloralosane anesthesia, they are associated with py-
stimuli to effective bulbar sites do not evoke ramidal discharge they correspond to the "efferent
potentials at effective midbrain or dienceph- waves" of Adrian ( 19~1 ).

Such sensory after-discharfle was not im- desynchronization resultin9 from reticular
paired, however, during cortical desyn- stimulation (fig. 5 B, D, F) opposed simul-
chronization induced by high frequency taneous discharge of a sufficient number of
stimulation of the sciatic nerve (fig. 8 D). interneurons connecting the sensory with
L ~N-~I'. • ,

II ~N-MOT. -- + -- + _ + -- +-

E~ i
I 5[C

4" @ 4" 100.¥

Effect of reticular stimulation upon cortical sensory responses.
A. Tapping skin of ankle. B. Make and break shocks to the sciatic nerve, under full chloratosane anesthesia
as in A. C. Single shocks to the upper end of the posterior column, in "enc@hale isoti" with 7 mgm.
chloralosane/K. In each instance the evoked sensory spike is unaffected, while consequent after-discharge
is abolished. Note low voltage fast activity during reticular stimulation in C, with minimal anesthesia, and
its absence in A and B, with full anesthesia.

Effect upon evoked pyramidal discharye.

In the chloralosane cat, afferent volleys ar-
riving at the cortex there evoke pyramidal
discharges which are responsible for the
jerky movements characteristic of this anes-
thesia (Adrian and Moruzzi, I939). Al-
though afferent volleys continued to reach
the cortex during stimulation of the brain
stem reticular formation, such pyramidal
discharge, recorded from the basis pedunculi, m

was reduced or abolished (fig. 7 A ) and + ÷ ÷ 4.

contraction of leg muscles, induced by it, Fig. 7

disappeared (iig. 7B; 8 F ) . This disap- Effect of reticular stimulation on pyramidal discharges
pearance of movement was not attributable and chloralosane jerks.
to spinal inhibition, for reflexly induced" A. Bleak shocks to sciatic nerve cause sensory cor-
tical responses and corresponding pyramidal dis-
contraction of the same muscles was not charge, recorded from the basis pedunculi (channel
affected by such midbrain stimulation (fig. 2). The latter and sensory after-discharge are almost
8 G). The movements induced by this pyra- abolished by buibo-reticular stimulation (3 V, 300/
midal discharge were not reduced during sec.), which leaves cortical sensory spikes unaffected.
B. Break shocks to sciatic nerve cause chloralosane
desynchronization of cortical electrical ac- jerks, recorded in myograms of the quadriceps and
tivity by high-frequency sciatic stimulation tibialis (channels 3 and 4). Movement was abolish-
(fig. 8 E), and the facilitation observed ed during stimulation of the midbrain tegmentum
(3 V, ~)0/aec.), although cortical sensory potentials
might have been due to spinal alterations. were still elicited. Such midbrain stimulation had no
Whether the more pronounced cortical effect on spinal reflexes.
462 (; MORUZZI and H. W ~. M A G O U N

the motor cortex to prevent threshold activa- tion of the diffuse thalamic projection sys-
tion of the cells of origin of the pyramidal tem consists of a series o[ high-volta,qe slow
tract, or whether these cells were somehow waves, one for each shock, which recruit to
rendered incapable of being excited by af- a maximum during the initial period o[
ferent cortical volleys, during brain stem stimulation (figs. 10, 11, 12, 13) (Morison
stimulation, remains unsettled. and Dempsey, 1942; Dempsey and Morison,
• s[ ~-u01

! L? ~,. 4,¢,-*- . . . . . . m

~*- *- .- ._ ÷_ +

L 5 t ~ UO t
~ ,e,~,, -.ff.~ .1.t . . ".T ,' '. ',

"-)("'~'~q"4' " ~ ' ~ > ~ ' - h ' * " - ~ ' ~ ' ~ ~ + ( ~ "
t ~15

C O . - . _ +- *- + -

L S[ ~1 u ~ t


~le,, i

÷-- * - ~-- * - ÷ --
F"*- j,,,,

Fig. 8
C o m p a r i s o n of effect of reticular and s e n s o r y stimulation upon s p o n t a n e e u s and evoked
electro-cortical activity.
A. C. Abolition of ch'.ora!osane w a v e s during ( A ) bulbo-reticu!ar stimulation { 2 V . 300/sec.)
and ( e l sciatic nerve stimulation ( 3 V . 3 0 0 / s e c . ) .
B. D. S e n s o r y cortical potentials evoked by make ~md break shocks to ,,;ciatic nerve are
reduced by bulho~reticular stimulation at 2 V , 300/see. IBI. but not by stimulation of the
contralateral sciatic nerve at 3 V , 300/sec. {I)).
Iz.. F C h l o r a l o s a n e jerks evoked by break shocks to the sciatic nerve, and recorded in
myo~lrams of the tibialis anticus, were a u g m e n t e d ( g ) by contralateral sciatic nerve
stimulation ( 3 V . 300/see.) and abolished {F) by stimulation of the midbrain t e g m e n t u m
I:~V, ~O0/sec. t. Such midbrain stimulation did not influence tibialis contraction in the
ip~+lhlteral fh'xor reflex {(~,).

E[[cet upon cortical strqchnine spikes. t 942: Jasper and Droogleever-Fortuyn, 1946;
The recurrin,q spikes produced by local Jasper. 1949). These waves may be confin-
strychninization of the sensori-motor cortex ed to the ipsilateral hemisphere, but are
were not prevented by exciting the brain usually present, thou.qh smaller, contrala-
stem reticular formation, nor was conduc- termly as well. Depending upon the site
tion of this discharge to the opposite cortex of thalamic stimulation, they may be dis-
interfered with (fig. 9 B ) . Synchronized tributed anteriorly, posteriorly, or generally
convulsive waves in a cortical fit, induced by in the cortex.
supramaximal stimulation of the motor cor- In the unanesthetized "enc6phale isold', such
tex, were similarly unaffected by bulbo*reti- a recruiting response, in both sensori-motor
cutar stimulation. cortices and the ipsilateral auditory area
E[[ect upon recruiting response. The {fig. 10 D ) , was either abolished or greatly
cortical response to low frequency stimula- reduced in all regions during intercurrent

bulbo-reticular stimulation and recruited Of the different types of evoked cortical

again upon its cessation (fig. 10, E, F) . Ex- activity upon which the effect of reticular
citing the rostral end of the reticular system stimulation was tested, certain ones, then,
in the subthalamus had a similar effect (fig. secondary sensory responses and strych-
11 E) . Another instance is shown in figure nine spikes, exhibited little or no alteration,
9 A, in which case, strychnine was then while others, sensory after-discharge and
applied locally to the cortex. T he recruiting recruitin 9 responses, were abolished. Of the
response was transiently abolished follow- two types of transcortical conduction ob-
ing strychnine spikes interspersed in its served, that from the sensory to the motor
course, suggesting that identical cortical cortex, underlying the pyramidal discharge
neurons were involved in these two activities to afferent volleys under chloralosane anes-
thesia, was blocked, while the other, from a
strychninized area of the cortex to the op-
posite cortex, was unaffected. It is not at
present possible to decide whether any com-
-A ..................
mon factors underly these similarities and
Thalamic mediation of response. The
t t tt t t t t t tt~ generalized distribution of the alteration in
B the E E G induced by reticular stimulation
i ,m.,
has implications for the manner of its me-
diation by the thalamus. It seems likely that
t t t r t

-C the reticular formation could exert its in-

i~.v .
fluence upon all parts of the cortex either
t st~u0r . • . . . . .
by actin 9 generally upon the thalamus or
by influencing its diffuse projection system
alone. At present, each possibility appears
Fig. 9 relevant, for there is indication both that the
Effect of reticular stimulation upon recruiting re- diffuse projection system is involved and
sponse and cortical strychnine spikes. - that the reticular influence may not operate
A, Recruiting response to left thalamic stimulation exclusively through it.
(5V, 7.5/sec.) in "enc6phale isol6," abolished by Evidence for the mediation of the reticular
left bulbo-reticular stimulation ( 2 V , 300/sec.).
B. Strychnine spikes in both sensory-motor areas, in- effect by the diffuse thalamic projection
duced by local application of strychnine to left motor system is presented in figure 12. The low-
cortex, were not decreased by left bulbo-reticular frequency stimulation of a portion of this
stimulation (2 V, 300/sec.).
system, on one side of the midline, induced
C. Decrease of recruiting response {evoked as in
A), following interspersed strychnine spikes. recruiting responses not only in both cortices
D. Recruiting response (evoked as in A) markedly but in a corresponding region of the opposite
decreased by left bulbo-reticular stimulation (2V, thalamus as well (fi.q. 1 2 A ) . This evoked
300/sec.) which did not affect strychnine spikes. intra-thalamic activity was then abolished
during intercurrent bulbo-reticular stimulation
(fig. 9 C ) . Subsequent repetition of re- and returned again upon its cessation (fig.
ticular stimulation again opposed the re- 12 B. C), thus demonstrating a reticular in-
cruiting response without, as noted above, fluence upon the diffuse projection system
alterin.q the spikes induced by strychnine at the thalamic level. It is uncertain whether
(fig. 9 D), It should be noted that low the corresponding cortical changes were
frequency stimulation of the ascending reti- secondary to those in the thalamus in these
cular system, even in the subthalamus, did instances, however, for though cortical re-
not itself induce a recruiting response (figs. cruitin 9 responses were greatly reduced,
10B; 1 1 D ) . small cortical waves were still present dur-
'}64 ~i. MORUZZI and H \\". MA(;OLIN

ing r e t i c u l a r s t i m u l a t i o n at a time w h e n all This same preparation was next lightly

s y n c h r o n i z e d a c t i v i t y w a s a b s e n t from the a n e s t h e t i z e d with c h l o r a l o s a n e , with the
r e c o r d of this t h a l a m i c s a m p l e (fig. 1 2 B . D: d e v e l o p m e n t of c h a r a c t e r i s t i c h i g h - v o l t a q e
c o m p a r e left cortical a n d t h a l a m i c c h a n n e l s ) • slow w a v e s both in the c o r t e x a n d s u b c o r -

R S~. ~OT

L. A U D


k. ~ ) [ N - I~101

C iii i


,~-'~,~'-4 Ci ,,,'~,~<•b ~'~v"~L~#J,dJJ~'J~,',~M,~'d~

J,~~V.j".,--~~ ~
R $[ N-MOT

L SEN-MOT , , - , ~ ,

..... . ~ l , y ~ , j ,j ..],%>~"~.A_,'k,~3..;~%'~k %k.~..Z .;,~',~'~', / .',~ ~'~ J~'~k~, ' J ~ \ ~ % ~ J ' ~ " ~ ' ~ ' k u k - kd~- ~ ' - ~

R AUD. ~ ' ; " • k

Fig. 10
Effect of reticular stimulation upon recruitin9 response. Left bulbo-reticular stimulation
at 3 V in "enc4phale isole".
A. Single shocks to bulb do not evoke cortical potentials.
B. Bulbar stimulation at 7.5/sec. does not evoke recruiting response.
C. Bulbar stimulation at 300/sec. activates EEG.
D. Recruiting response evoked by left thalamic stimulation ( S V , 7.5/sec.).
E. Recruiting response to left thalamic stimulation reduced or abolished by left bulbar
stimulation (3 V, 300/see.).
F. Recruiting response to right thalamic stimulation reduced or abolished by left butbar
stimulation ( 3 V, 300~see. ).

tically, within and between components of the thalamogram as in the EEG (ri0. 12 D, E).
diffuse thalamic projection system. Bulbo- Further indication that the reticular in-
reticular stimulation then desynchronized fluence may be mediated by the diffuse
this activity as effectively in the electro- thalamic projection system is provided by

~.SE.-Mot d.;/./.<;j/.,t A..)L,~),.t.>Kb~.4s.;I>-U,j <U,,',',..V_' . ~


. . . . .






C :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


R .?~N-MOT.

I ~rv
I ~rc.
L ,T~ N - M O T , ~ ') I ,~ ~/,) ~ 4 1 ~ ~ ~ ' q



Fig. 11
Reproduction of reticular response by high frequency stimulation of diffuse thalamic
projection system.
A and B. Recruiting responses induced by left (A) and right (B) thalamic stimulation
(SV, 7.5/sec.) in "'enc~phale isol~".
C. Recruiting response to left thalamic stimulation reduced or abolished by stimulating
the same right thalamic site as in B, but with 5 V, 300/sec.
D. Right electrode lowered into subthalamus, the stimulation of which wich 5 V, 7.5/sec.
fails to induce a recruiting response.
E. Subthalamic stimulation, with 5 V, 300/see., reduces or abolishes the recruiting
response to left thalamic stimulation.



L . qurN-MOT.

~. ~N-k~'.




L. T H A L , . • . . .

~ , , , . , , , , ~ r , ~ ~


R. T H A L .

L. S E N ' ~ .
~ , ~ , ~ . . ~ f - _ . _ ~ / - ~ s ~ J ~ r ~ . ~ . ~ . ,
R. ~ N . W T . - -

L. "f~L ,

L" ~. THAI..

R. T H A l . .

Fig. 12
Effect of reticular stimulation upon electrothalamooram of diffuse projection system.
A-C. Llnanesthetized "enc~phale lsol~".
A. Recruiting response to right thalamic stimulation ( 8 V . 7.5/sec.) is recorded both
from cortex and from and between thalamlc sites yielding recruiting responses or
response on stimulation.
B, C. Recruiting response in cortex and left thalamus, evoked by right thalamic stim
ulatton as in A. is reduced or abolished durino left bulbo-reticular stimulation ( 3 V ,
D. E. Same preparation with 7 morn. chloralosane/K. C__,hloraloamle waves recorded
from cortex and from left tha!amlc site (channel 3), which itself yielded a recruttln0
stimulation, are abolished in all areas and replaced by low voltaoe fast activity
durino left bulbo-rettcular stimulation (2 V, 300/sec.).

comparin 0 its effect upon the E E G with stimulation has the same effect upon the
that of direct, intra-thalamic stimulation of electrogram of its thalamic components that
this system. Recruiting responses were ob- it does upon the E E G . and this influence
tained by successively stimulating portions of upon the E E G can be reproduced by the
the diffuse system in the left (fig. 11 A) and direct high-frequency stimulation of this sys-
right (fig, I1 B) sides of the thalamus. T h e tem within the thalamus.

R StN-I//tII.

L SEN.MOT ~ . . . . . . . , . . . . ,

~1 S£ N -MO'(

t .
5E N - M O ? . •. . , . •. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . • > , , . , . , ,
~' -~'~"'-:.-*"'~'."~,,""V' " " .~ . . . ; ." ~ ^ : ,,, - / . , / , ,. ", ",..~','"(,'¢~ ' I : - ~ " ~ "/<~-. ~ ~ ' . , : , d . , , ,~. * " - , . . - ¢ ~. - , , " " ,.' '--'," : ,.- ,. , ' - - - . . ~ -'~'" ' . " , ' '. ,<,- ,"
R SE N - M O T ~ •

L $(N-MOT " ' " 1 ' ~

)) ' . ' ~ . ' : . . ¢ " . " ' ± , ' - ~ - - . ' " - ~ . . . . ~ 2 . " ~:~V,4"~.,.~,'~ ,4 d . / ' - : ; ' ".~'.,~ .*' " r ' + " x ' - " . ",'~ ~ ." " , : "~; ' " ' . ' . . " ; " ' . ,' .",'" "/" "': ~" .," "',," "J." "', ' - - ' .. " " "' " "~'', " ' ..',." ' ~'. " "
R. $ £ N - M O T .

I5 I O0~V
L. $[ W-MOT. ' . . . . , . . . . • ~" ~ ~. z

L 5,[N-MOL " " i ~ ~ .

)i. ~ w -),lOT.

Fig. 13
Abolition of recruiting responses by sensory and reticular stimulation.
Recruiting responses, evoked by left thalamic stimulation (SV. 300/see.) in an "enc0phale isolc"
identically reduced or abolished by loud whistling (AI. blowing air on head (BI, rubbing nose (CI.
blowing air on eyes (D), stimulating the right posterior column at 2 V, 300/see. (El. and stimulating
the left bulbar reticular formation at 2V. "~00/sec. IFI.

recruitin 9 response to left thalamic stim- Similar desynchronization, both of spon-

ulation was then repeated and intercurrent taneous activity and of the recruiting re-
stimulation of the same right thalamic site at sponse has been observed, however, to resuh
300/sec. abolished it as effectively (fig. 11 C) from high frequency stimulation of the
as did subsequent stimulation of the rostral discretely projecting, posterior part of the
end of the reticular system in the subthala- ventral thalamic nucleus, and the effect was
mtts (fig. 11 E ) . As regards the diffuse .qeneralized in the cortex. It remains for
thalamic projection system, then. reticular further study to determine whether such re-
~68 (; MORLIZZI and H. V~:. MAGOLIN

sponses were mediated by direct cortical curing stable testing conditions, attempted
proiections or. as seems more likely, through repetition of arousin.q natural stimuli after
other subcortica] systems. differential interruption of ascendinq sen-
After ipsitateral destruction of the intra- sory and reticular paths in the anterior brain
laminar tha]amic region, bulbo-reticular stim- stem was abandoned in favor of chronic pre-
ulation still desynchronized the E E G bila- parations,
terally and as markedly as in initial controls. DISCUSSION
After extendinq the lesion until the massa
T h e evidence given above points to the
intermedia and intralaminar regions of the
presence in the brain stem of a system ot
thalamus were destroyed bilaterally, bulbar
ascending reticular relays, whose direct
stimulation still seemed to have some effect
stimulation activates or desynchronizes the
upon the E g G , but cortical activity was then
so reduced that it was difficult to draw
EEG, replacing high-voltage slow waves
with low-voltage fast acnvity. This effect
conclusions concernin,q the significance of
is exerted generally upon the cortex and is
the results. T h e s e findings only serve to
mediated, in part, at least, bv the diffuse
introduce the problem of thalamic mediation
thalamic projection system. Portions of this
of the lower brain stem influence upon the
activating system, chiefly its representation
E E G . and much added study will be neces-
in the basal diencephalon, have previously
sary to clarify this subiect.
been identified.
TtTe reticular e[[ect and arousal reactions.
In the pioneer studies of Morison and his
In the acute study of arousal reactions, anes-
associates, in which the foundation for so
thesia cannot be employed, for its major
action is to block them. nor is the unanes- much current work upon the EEG was laid.
thetized e n c ~ p h a l e isole" suitable, for its hypothalamic, subthalamic and medial tha-
E E G is typically activated and only rarely lamic excitation was found, in 1943. to sup-
press intermittent Dial bursts without af:-
exhibits spontaneous synchrony. In the latter
preparation, however, recruiting responses fecting other types of cortical activity, such
as responses to sensory stimulation (Mori-
sometimes provide a background of cortical
son, Finley and Lothrop. 1943; D e m p s e y
activity upon which the arousal effect of na-
tural stimuli can be tested. Figure 13 shows and Morison, 1943), T h e effect was con-
a series of such instances, in which the hi qh- sidered to be inhibitory in nature and v,,aq
attributed to the excitation of afferent path-
voltage slow waves of the recruiting response
ways simply passing through this region.
were abolished and replaced by low-voltage
fast activity, during loud whistlinq ( A ) , T w o years later. M u r p h y and Gellhorn
rubbinc ! the nose (B). and blowinq air on (1945) found this suppression of Dial bursts.
the head ( C ) and eyes ( D ) . Indistinquish- on hypothalamic stimulation, to be accom-
able from these chanqes to natural stimuli, panied by dispersal of strychnine spikes and
except for somewhat faster low-voltage ac- by prolonged increase in the frequency and
tivity, were those produced by electrical amplitude of low-voltage, background, elec-
stimulation of the posterior column (E) and tro-cortical activity. T h e y pointed out that
bulbar reticular formation ( F ) . these latter alterations were excitatory or fa-
Such abolition of recruiting responses by cilitatory in nature, and attributed the disap-
natural or bulbar stimulation was observed pearance of bursts to an associated lessened
only when the frequency and intensity of deoree of synchrony of firing of cortical
thalamic stimulation yielding the recruiting neurons, rather than to inhibition. Connec-
response was just above threshold, and in tions from the hypothalamus to the dorso-
some cases reticular stimulation could still medial and intralaminar thalamic re qion,
abolish the recruiting response at a time and thence to cortex, were suggested to
w h e n natural stimuli were ineffective. Be- provide the channels by w a y of which these
cause of these and other difficulties in se- effects were produced and, though the study

was undertaken principally to elucidate hy- In addition, when an activation pattern was
pothalamic facilitation of the motor cortex, so induced, it was by no means confined to
the generalized distribution of the E E G the receiving area of the afferent system
changes was emphasized. stimulated (see also Bremer, 1943), nor did
More recently still, Jasper and his asso- it appear first in this area and radiate from
ciates (1948) observed a generalized ac- it. Whether somatic, auditory or, to a lesser
celeration of spontaneous electrocortical ac- extent, visual stimulation was employed,
tivity, simulating an arousal or waking re- when an arousal reaction was evoked, it ap-
action, from stimulation of the periaqueduc- peared simultaneously in all parts of the cor-
tal portion of the midbrain, the posterior tex and often continued for considerable
hypothalamus and the massa intermedia of periods in it after afferent stimulation had
the thalamus; and W a r d (1949) obtained a ceased.
prolonged generalized increase in both volt- More recently, Monnier's (1949) anal-
age and frequency of the E E G following ysis of the sequence of E E G events induced
stimulation of the bulbar reticular formation. by visual stimulation in man has shown that
While interpretation of these findings has alpha blockade is not initiated for a con-
been varied, their basic similarity can leave siderable period after the electrocortical
little doubt that each of these investigators changes evoked by the afferent volley are
has dealt with manifestations of the same completed, and its prolonged latency mi,qht
system as that described above. The present more easily be explained by invoking a sub-
work thus confirms, extends and interrelates sidiary mechanism than by accounting for it
these earlier contributions and, from the through direct cortical action. Furthermore,
mass of observations brought to bear upon the generalized arousal reaction to vestibular
it, the existence of this brain stem activating stimulation has been shown by Gerebtzoff
system now seems firmly established. (1940) to be still elicitable after ablation
of the cortical receiving area for this af-
In discussing the general significance of ferent system.
these findings for electroencephalography,
In the present experiments, typical E E G
attention should certainly be focussed upon
arousal reactions have been reproduced by
the arousal reaction. The breaking up of
stimulating the brain stem reticular form-
synchronous cortical discharge by afferent
at/on, without exciting classical sensory
stimulation, first observed by Berger (1930)
paths. Crucial evidence that the reticular
as alpha blockade on openin 0 the lids, and
formation is involved in the arousal reaction
since found to be a common response to any
to natural stimuli may not yet be obtained
type of afferent stimulation, is currently at-
but, in addition to being suggested by the
tributed to the desynchronizing action of
data at hand, such a possibility might offer
afferent volleys arriving directly at the re-
an explanation for the failure of afferent
ceiving areas of the cerebral cortex (Adrian
stimuli to evoke arousal from somnolence.
and Matthews, 1931; Adrian, 1947; Bremer,
lethargy or coma, resulting from injury to
1938, 1944; Walter and Walter, 1949). A
the upper brain stem, which left the major
number of relevant observations are difficult
sensory paths to the cortex intact (Ingrain.
to explain on this basis, however.
Barris and Ranson, 1936; Ransom 1939;
More than a decade ago, Ectors (1936) Magoun, 1948). A conception of the arousal
and Rheinberger and Jasper (1932) observ- reaction in which collaterals from sensory
ed that serially repeated stimulation soon paths first activated the brain stern reticular
failed to induce activation, though afferent formation and exerted their influence upon
volleys presumably continued to reach the cortical electrical activity indirectly through
cortex, and it was noted that, in order to it, seems a logical postulate from all these
be effective in this re0ard such stimuli must observations, and was, in fact, proposed as
arouse the subject to alertness or attention. long ago as 1940 by Gerebtzoff to account
470 (~ MORUZZI and H. X,V. MAGOUN

for his observations to which reference was ascending reticular activating system ? Two
made above. lines of evidence favor this latter possibility.
The proposed participation of the brain As regards barbiturate sleep, Forbes et
stem activating system in the arousal reac- al (1949) have recently pointed out that the
tion, if established, might represent an ready conduction of afferent impulses to the
aspect of its function concerned with alert- cortex under deep barbiturate anesthesia is
m.q the cortex to abrupt and more or less inconsistent with the view that the sleep-
pronounced alterations in the external en- inducing properties of these drugs depend
vironment. It may next be proposed that upon functional deafferentiation2 Conver-
the presence of a steady background of less sely, it has been found in the present study
~ntense activity within this cephalically that under barbiturate anesthesia, bulbo-
directed brain stem system, contributed to reticular stimulation is much less effective
either by liminal inflows from peripheral in activating the E E G than in a chloralosane
receptors or preserved intrinsically, may be or unanesthetized preparation. The fact that
an important factor contributing to the main- hypothalamic stimulation is effective under
tenance of the wakinq state, and that ab- such anesthesia (Morison, Finley and Lo-
sence of such activity in it may predispose throp, 1943; Murphy and Gellhorn. 1945:
to sleep. Jasper, Hunter and Knighton, t948) su,q-
Bremer's fundamental discovery (1935, .qests that the blocking of reticular relays
1938) that the E E G of the unanesthetized within the brain stern may be involved in the
cerebrum, isolated from the rest of the production of sleep by barbiturates.
nervous system by mesencephalic transec- As regards sleep induced by rostral brain
tion, resembled that of an intact brain in stern injury, prolonged somnolence has fol-
natural sleep or under barbiturate anesthesia, lowed chronic lesions in the basal dienceph-
led him to the conclusion that sleep is the alon and anterior midbrain which did not
result of deafferentation of the cerebral involve afferent pathways to the cortex, but
cortex. Afferent impulses from olfactory which were placed medial and ventral to
and visual receptors are still accessible to them in the region of distribution of the as-
such a "cerveau isole", and more recent work cending reticular activatinq system (Ingrain,
has indicated that sleep changes in the E E G Barris and Ransom 1936; Ranson. 1939), and
are best produced by basal diencephalic in- similar results have followed injury to this
jury (Lindsley. Bowden and Magoun. rec/ion from tumors (Fulton and Bailey,
1949). But putting these qualifications 1929) or encephalitis (yon Economo. 1918:
as/de, it should be pointed out that at the Richter and Traut. 1940) in man.
time Bremer's discovery was made. classical Thou qh somnolence was incontestable.
sensory paths were the only known con- E E G studies were not undertaken in the
nections ascending through the midbrain, to animals or patients to which reference is
the interruption of which the ensuinq sleep made. but more recently Inqram, Knott and
changes in the "cerveau isole" could be at- Wheat l ev (1949) have studied alterations in
Iributed. The present identification of a the E E G following chronic, experimental
second, parallel system of ascending re- hypothalamic lesions, and the results of
ticular relays, whose direct stimulation in- acute basal diencephalic and lower brain
duces E E G changes characteristic of wake- stem destruction are reported in the suc-
fulness, no,,,,' raises a possible alternative in- ceeding paper (Lindsley. Bowden and Ma-
terpretation of Bremer's observations, for the
obvious question arises: is the production I This argument would appear to apply onlv to the
of sleep in the cerebrum, following mesen- conduction of a single afferent volley. W . H. Marshall
cephalic transection, to be attributed to de- l[. Neurophysiol., 1941, 4: 25-43) has observed im-
pairment of conduction of repeated afferent volleys
afferentation in the strict sense, or to the to the cortex under nembutal anesthesia, due to great
elimination of the waking influence of the prolongation of thalamic recovery time.

goun, 1949). In the latter investigation, chloralosane anesthesia, the effect of reti-
sleep changes in the EEG, identical with cular stimulation is strikingly like Ber0er's
those of barbiturate anesthesia, resulted from alpha wave blockade, or any arousal reac-
basal diencephalic and anterior midbrain le- tion. In full chloralosane anesthesia, high
sions which spared sensory pathways to the volta0e slow waves are blocked but no in-
cortex, but interrupted the rostral distribution crease in lower amplitude, fast activity oc-
of the ascending reticular activating system. curs. With barbiturate anesthesia, the re-
Conversely, extensive deafferentiation of the ticular response is difficult to elicit or is
cortex, by section of ascending pathways in abolished.
the lateral portion of each side of the mid- 4. In the chloralosane preparation, the
brain, together with bilateral interruption secondary cortical response evoked by a
of the optic and olfactory tracts, failed to sensory volley is generally unaffected by
induce such alterations. reticular stimulation. Consequent sensory
The conception of sleep as a functional after-discharge is abolished, however, as is
deafferentation of the cerebrum is not op- pyramidal tract dischar0e and jerky move-
posed by this evidence if the term "deaf- ments referable to it. Outside the sensory
ferentation" is broadened to include inter- receiving area, secondary responses them-
ruption of the ascending influence of the selves may be reduced or prevented.
brain stern reticular activatin 0 system, the 5. The convulsive spikes produced by
contribution of which to wakefulness now local strychnine and those of a fit following
seems more important than that conducted supramaximal cortical excitation, are not
to the cortex over classical sensory paths. decreased by stimulating the reticular forma-
SUMMARY 6. The cortical recruiting response induc-
1. Stimulation of the reticular formation ed by low frequency stimulation of the dif-
of the brain stem evokes changes in the fuse thalamic projection system is reduced
EEG, consisting of abolition of synchroniz- or abolished by reticular stimulation.
ed discharge and introduction of low voltage 7. There is some indication that the cor-
fast activity in its place, which are not tical effect of reticular stimulation may be
mediated by any of the known ascending or mediated by this diffuse thalamic projection
descending paths that traverse the brain system, for synchronized activity within it is
stem. The alteration is a generalized one similarly prevented by reticular excitation,
but is most pronounced in the ipsilateral and direct high frequency stimulation of this
hemisphere and. sometimes, in its anterior system, within the thalamus, reproduces the
part. reticular response. It is possible, however,
2. This response can be elicited by stim- that other mechanisms may be involved in its
ulating the medial bulbar reticular forma- mediation.
tion. pontile and midbrain tegmentum, and 8. The reticular response and the arousal
dorsal hypothalamus and subthalamus. The reaction to natural stimuli have been com-
bulbar effect is due to ascending impulses pared in the "enc~phale isol~", in which
relayed through these more cephalic struc- E E G synchrony was present during spon-
tures. The excitable substrate possesses a taneous relaxation or was produced by re-
low threshold and responds best to high fre- cruiting mechanisms, and the two appear
quencies of stimulation. identical.
3. Some background synchrony of electro- 9. The possibility that the cortical arousal
cortical activity is requisite for manifestation reaction to natural stimuli is mediated by
of the response. In the "encephale isol~", re- collaterals of afferent pathways to the brain
ticular stimulation has no additional effect stem reticular formation, and thence through
upon the fully activated EEG. With syn- the ascendin 0 reticular activating system.
chrony, in spontaneous drowsiness or light rather than by intra-cortical spread follow-

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