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GATHER RUMOURS – About a specific person, place or event. DC based on obscurity, Investigation
check, Warden receives proficiency if related to warded lands (LotRR p112).
HEAL SCARS (YULE) – Heal a Shadow Scar (LotRR p113).
MEET PATRON – Must be in same location, free bonus undertaking for Messenger (LotRR p113).
Various effects depending on who the Patron is.
PONDER STORIED AND FIGURED MAPS – Library access required, will give advantage on all
pathfinding checks during the next Journey, free bonus undetaking for Scholar (LotRR p113).
RAISE AN HEIR (YULE) – costs 50 silver (LotRR p113).
RECOUNT A STORY (YULE) – Swap Tool Proficiency (LotRR p114).
STRENGTHEN FELLOWSHIP – Temporary +1 increase to Fellowship Points for next adventure phase.
Free bonus undertaking for Captain and Player-hero’s with brewers supplies or gaming sets (LotRR
STUDY MAGICAL ITEM –Learn about a magical item. Free Bonus undertaking for Treasure Hunters
and Player-hero’s with Old Lore proficiency (LotRR p115).
WRITE A SONG – Choose either a Song of Victory or a Walking Song. Once during any future
battle/journey you may sing the song successfully with a DC15 Charisma (performance) check,
receive advantage if using a musical instrument. Success = advantage in council/battle/journey
fatigue check (LotRR p115).
RECOVERY – Heal all exhaustion, poisonings and a lingering injury (DMG p272) which is non-
permanent (PG p200).
TRAINING – Advance a level, sufficient XP required (you may gain no further experience if you have
not trained to gain the next level) (home brew but also see (PG p200).
GAIN NEW TRAIT – At Player and Loremaster discretion (PG p200).
HEAL CORRUPTION – Attempt to remove a shadow point, DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check, or
Charisma (performance) if proficient in a musical instrument (PG p200).
OPEN SANCTUARY – Must have prior friendly relations (PG p201) see below for specific places.
RECEIVE TITLE – You receive a culturally appropriate title (PG p201-2) see specific examples below.
RESEARCH LORE – Attempt to answer a specific question. DC based on obscurity (PG p202).
TROLL HUNT – Attack AC15 a number of times up to heroes’ level, each hit = 100xp. If a 1 is rolled
then a lingering injury (DMG p272) is sustained (ERIADOR p60).
CONFER WITH GANDALF – Gain counsel dice during the next adventure (ERIADOR p125).
RESEARCH THE BARROW DOWNS IN IMLADRIS – Adventure specific information (ERIADOR p125).
JOURNEY TO THE STONE OF THE HAPLESS – Remove a number of shadow points equal to the
number of shadow scars (TALES_FROM_ERIADOR p.40).
HUNT WITH THE LOSSOTH – Create a sanctuary on the coast of the Ice Bay (TALES_FROM_ERIADOR
GUARD THE EAST ROAD – Roll on a random results table (BREE p10).
BUILD A REFUGE – Multi stage endeavour, all five must be completed for a safe refuge on Girdley
Island and a favour from Gandalf (BREE p13).
GUARD BREE AND THE SHIRE (YULE) – Successfully done on a DC15 Wisdom (perception or
survival) check, grants up to additional three patrol dice on the next Journey (BREE p39).
WRITE A LETTER – Choose up to four different types of letters, each of which if successfully
delivered, grants some type of bonus – Letter of Introduction; Letter of Supplication; Letter of
Appointment; Letter of Farewell (BREEp40).
RECEIVE TITLE (REGULAR AT THE PONY) – A lesser title which grants some benefits at Bree’s
Prancing Pony Inn (BREEp42).
CHANCE MEETING IN THE INN – Meet a significant stranger whilst frequenting the local inn (BREE
LEARN THE PATHS OF CHETWOOD – Gain advantage for all survival checks in the Chetwood or Old
Forest during the next adventuring phase.
RESTOCK RANGER STOREHOUSE (RANGER ONLY) – Nullifies a point of shadow (BREE p59).
GO SEE A LORE-MASTER – In Rivendell only, learn about an item, its origins and history and possibly
its name and the identity of its maker (RIVENDELL p23).
OPEN RIVENDELL AS A SANCTUARY – Also makes it easier to find your way there (RIVENDELL p23).
RECEIVE TITLE (FRIEND OF ELROND) – A number of benefits accrue (RIVENDELL p24).
RESEARCHING LORE IN THE HOUSE OF ELROND – Prerequisite is to have Rivendell as a Sanctuary.
Roll to see what information may be gleaned (RIVENDELL p24).
THERE AND BACK AGAIN (YULE) – Preparing for the next journey, you gain inspiration equal to your
proficiency bonus which may be used anytime until your next Fellowship Phase (RIVENDELL p24).
VISIT THE TREASURY OF YOUR FOLK – Return a Cultural Heirloom for advantage in next audience.
Or return a Legendary Weapon or Armour for XP bonus award. (RIVENDELL p25).
ELVEN SMITHING (YULE - HIGH ELVES ONLY) – A Player-Hero that is proficient in Smiths Tools may
attempt to improve a weapon (RIVENDELL p119).
HONOURING THE FALLEN (RANGER ONLY) – Travel to the site where Arador was slain and gain an
additional Inspiration (RIVENDELL p42).
FIND AND PREPARE ATHELAS – Look for Kingsfoil and prepare it as a salve (RIVENDELL p58).
WATCH UPON AMON SUL (RANGER ONLY) – Keeping a watchful eye on the realm from Weathertop
gives a +1 bonus next Adventure Phase to rolls on the Journey Event table within central Eriador
RETURN TO AMON DUN (RANGER ONLY) – Travel to the ancient Tower of Twilight to remove
shadow with advantage (RIVENDELL p61).
TAME THE STEED OF THE MOON – To tame a specific wild horse, many ability checks required
GATHER FIREWOOD IN THE ELFWOOD – During the next adventure phase, whenever you recover
exhaustion, you also gain inspiration.
OPENING THE EYRIE AS A SANCTUARY – Must be rolled for individually and then only applies to the
successful Player-Hero (RHOVANION p39).
HEAL CORRUPTION AT THE EYRIE – Once it is a sanctuary, any Player-Hero spending a Fellowship
Phase here may automatically reduce shadow by 3 points (RHOVANION p16).
OPEN THE OLD FORD AS A SANCTUARY – A number of Beorning Farmsteads are clustered around
this Ford (RHOVANION p45).
RETURN TO THE CARROCK – Heal corruption at Beorn’s House, if it is a sanctuary, with advantage
GUARD THE OLD FORD – Roll on a table to see the result (RHOVANION p45).
BEFRIEND THE BEAST – If the Carrock is a Sanctuary, then spending time at Beorn’s House allows
you to befriend a particular animal (RHOVANION p47).
HUNT GRIM HAWKS – Must be near the Mountain Hall and if successful, the Player-Hero becomes a
friend to the River Folk for one year (RHOVANION p49).
VISIT THE MARKET AT TRADERS ISLAND – Roll to see what you find at the River Folks market
COMPETE ON THE FIELD OF HEROES – Must be in a Woodfolk village, 5 silver entry fee, take 5 skill
checks to see if you win (RHOVANION p57).
OPEN THRANDUILS HALLS AS A SANCTUARY – Each Player-Hero must do this, some restrictions
VISIT THE SENTINEL OAK – If Thranduils Halls is already a sanctuary then visiting the Sentinel Oak
grants a lowering of the next Journey by one point of Peril rating (RHOVANION p88).
FEAST IN THE GREAT CLEARING - If Thranduils Halls is already a sanctuary then Feasting in the Great
Clearing allows you on the next Journey to gain Inspiration every time you gain Shadow
STUDY WITH THE LAMPMAKER (ELVES ONLY) - If Thranduils Halls is already a sanctuary then
Studying with the Lampmaker allows the Player-Hero to learn one of Ormal’s secrets (RHOVANION
ENTER WUDUSELD – Spending a Fellowship Phase at Wuduseld (in the Woodmen Hall) grants
special Inspiration in the next Adventure Phase to choose your roll for an Intelligence (History or
Lore) check (RHOVANION p109 ).
GO HUNTING WITH THE WOODMEN – Roll on a table to see what happens (RHOVANION p100).
DOOMS OF DEPARTURE / OATHS OF RETURN – As an undertaking, the Player Hero is able to swear
either a doom or an oath to gain additional XP (TRGEO p33).
OPEN THE EASTERLY INN AS A SANCTUARY – If not completed by 2951, the inn is destroyed
TEND TO HOLDING – The Player-Hero may either create a new holding or must tend to it, otherwise
a Holding Upkeep check must be made (MIRKWOOD pp9-10).
CLEARING THE OLD FOREST ROAD – This road is the one through Mirkwood and to complete this
task, five separate undertakings must be done (MIRKWOOD p31).
SEARCH FOR ANSWERS – If in an appropriate place of learning, a question may be answered though
a roll is required (MIRKWOOD p33).
DRUMMING UP SUPPORT – Doing this in the home or local community gives a bonus to a future
Audience check (MIRKWOOD p42).
CONFER WITH SARUMAN – Grants up to three bonus Counsel dice during the next Adventure Phase
PATROL THE WILD – If this patrol is successfully carried out with the Woodmen then up to three
bonus Patrol dice are available for the next Journey (MIRKWOOD p61).
RECEIVE TITLE (WAR LEADER) – Granted by the Woodmen, it may also be taken away if defeated on
the field of battle (MIRKWOOD p66).
RECEIVE TITLE (HERO OF THE WOODMEN) – Recognised in Woodmen-town, Rhosgobel and
Woodland Hall (MIRKWOOD p86).
RECEIVE TITLE (BARDING THEGN) – Granted by King Bard, it comes with a tract of land (MIRKWOOD
VISIT THORINS TOMB – On the next Adventure the Player-Hero may spend inspiration to recover Hit
Dice equal to half of proficiency bonus (LMRG p28).
done in Erebor or Dale and gives the Player Hero the ability to summon a raven once (LMRG p28).
DWARVEN SMITHING (YULE – DWARVES ONLY) – Improve a weapon or create great material
(LMRG pp33-34).
COMMISSION A SMITH OF ANVIL WAY – Hire a master smith to have a Dwarven forged weapon
created at Erebor, minimum spend is 5 gold pieces (LMRG p54).
JOIN THE KINGS HUNT – Out of Dale, the Player-Hero gains advantage in future Journey hunting
checks (LMRG p54).
around the Royal Court in Dale, the Player-Hero gains advantage on any Counsel checks for the
following year (LMRG pp54-55).
STAY AT THE MISSING SCALE – Gain up to 3 rumour dice which may be used in the next adventuring
phase to improve History, Lore, Riddle and Shadow-lore skill checks (LMRG p55).
TAKE APPRENTICESHIP WITH A DWARVEN SMITH (YULE) – Costs a minimum of 5 gold pieces and
gives the Player-Hero proficiency with Smith’s Tools (LMRG p55).
STUDY THE STONEWORK OF BEINHARN – In Erebor or Dale, once done will give the Player-Hero
advantage for any future Counsel check with Dwarves (LMRG p68).
DWARVEN GRUDGE (DWARVES ONLY) – Choose one of the Free People races and then remove all
Shadow points and replace with one shadow scar. Future audience with that race may restore a
shadow point (LMRG p113).
OPEN EDORAS AS A SANCTUARY – All Player-heroes must do this action but only if they have
already made a good impression on the King and Queen (ROHANRG p15).
RECEIVE TITLE (ESQUIRE OF ROHAN) – The Player-heroes deeds must have come to the attention of
King Thengel or on of his Marshals and has two favourable levels of cultural attitude shift. May
either then serve as a King’s Guard or be granted a house or farm or a cubicle within the hall of
Meduseld (ROHANRG p18).
SPARRING WITH THE KING’S GUARD – Attempt to hit AC16 five times, success = advantage in future
audience checks; failure = 1 point of exhaustion + can gain inspiration during next Adventure Phase
(ROHANRG p22).
HONOUR THE KINGS OF OLD (RIDERS OF ROHAN ONLY) – Heal corruption by singing in Barrowfeld.
May choose to make a Charisma (performance) check with advantage but if you roll a 1 then your
voice fails and the sleeping Kings are displease and you gain 1 shadow (ROHANRG p23).
GAIN FAVOUR IN THE GOLDEN HALL – Making and singing songs of the Rohirrim, make a DC 15
Performance (Charisma) check. The higher the DC, the more favours gained. May use these to gain
advantage during the next Adventuring Phase. Failure means the NPC is offended (ROHANRG p24).
GO RIDING WITH THE HORSE-LORDS – Ride on the Plains of Rohan with the locals, make a DC15
Athletics (Strength) check and consult table for degree of DC achieved equating to various results
(ROHANRG p33).
OPEN ALDBURG AS A SANCTUARY – Each character needs to do this (ROHANRG, TOR p40).
GO HUNTING IN THE EVERHOLT – In Edoras or Aldburg, roll a DC15 Survival (Wisdom) check and
consult table for result. (ROHANRG p42).
CLIMB THE WHITE MOUNTAINS – Non-Yule Phase only, make a DC15 Athletics (Strength) check and
consult a table for the result (ROHANRG p48).
ENTER THE HORNBURG (ROHIRRIM ONLY) – Visit the ancient Fortress of the Helmingas and next
Adventure Phase you may void gained Shadow Points by using inspiration (ROHANRG p52).
GAZE UPON THE GLITTERING CAVES – In Helm’s Deep, journey to gaze upon the stars that shine
within the earth and remove 2 shadow points – one time use only (ROHANRG p53).
GUARD THE CROSSINGS – Patrol the borders of Rohan and roll a DC15 Wisdom (Perception) check
and then roll on table for a random result (ROHANRG p58).
THE HILLS OF SEEING AND HEARING – Visit the Twin Hills and make a DC20 Wisdom (Insight or
Perception) check to have a vision (or hear something) of importance from afar (ROHANRG p59).
OPEN FANGORN AS A SANCTUARY – If the Ents have been impressed during an Adventure Phase,
then the Player-Heroes may individually befriend an Ent and be able to return as a guest (ROHANRG
STUDY WITH THE ENTS (YULE) – If Fangorn is a sanctuary, a Player-hero may choose to either learn
about the Roots of the World or how to listen to the Song of the Forest (ROHANRG p90).
WEEDING IN FANGORN – Learn how to better fight Orcs, get +3 damage to any hit on them during
the next Adventuring Phase (ROHANRG p91).
HORSE TRAINING (RIDERS OF ROHAN ONLY) – Make a DC10+ Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to
give your horse a new Quality (ROHANRG p155).
RECEIVE TITLE (EMISSARY OF SARUMAN) – Allows entry to the Tower of Orthanc (ROHANRG p129).
OPEN ISENGARD AS A SANCTUARY – Per Player-Hero, with permission only (ROHANRG p128).
MEET PATRON (SARUMAN) – Gain a counsel die (d4) for the next Adventure Phase (may be added
to any Intelligence check (ROHANRG p129).
LEARN LORE FROM SARUMAN – Make a DC10 Intelligence (History or Lore) check to gain a number
of counsel dice for the next Adventure Phase. May choose to learn Shadow-lore instead and gain 3
counsel dice and 1 shadow point (ROHANRG p129).
GO SEE A LORE-MASTER (SARUMAN) – He will identify and also purchase any magic ring (ROHANRG

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