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1 To use the APU for air conditioning, on the ground/engines shut down, -3/4/500

series aircraft, you should select?

Isolation Valve Switch AUTO

APU Bleed Air Switch ON
Left or Right Air Conditioning Pack Switch AUTO or HIGH
Isolation Valve Switch OPEN
APU Bleed Air Switch ON
Left and Right Air Conditioning Pack Switch AUTO or HIGH
Isolation Valve Switch CLOSED
APU Bleed Air Switch ON
Left or Right Air Conditioning Pack Switch AUTO or HIGH

2 The turbo-fan valve of an air conditioning unit opens?

When the aircraft is on the ground only.
When the aircraft is on the ground or flaps are extended.
Only when the RAM DOOR FULL OPEN light is illuminated.

3 If the Left DUCT OVERHEAT light illuminates on the B737-600/700 aircraft

The cargo compartment mixer valves will automatically program to the full
hot position.
The passenger cabin mixer valves will automatically program to the full cold
The control cabin mixer valves will automatically programme to the full cold

4 If the Right PACK TRIP OFF light illuminates:

Select a warmer temperature on the control cabin Temperature Selector
and press the TRIP RESET switch.
Select a warmer temperature on the passenger cabin Temperature Selector
and press the TRIP RESET switch.
Press and hold the TRIP RESET switch for 30 seconds only.

5 The RAM DOOR FULL OPEN lights are normally illuminated.

When on the ground, during slow flight with the flaps not fully retracted or
anytime the landing gear is retracted.
Only during slow flight with the flaps not fully retracted.
When on the ground or during slow flight with the flaps not fully retracted.

6 The RAM DOOR FULL OPEN lights are normally extinguished

During the cruise.
During the takeoff and climb.
Just before landing.

7 The E & E compartment is cooled by?

The equipment cooling system.
The ram air system.
The AUTO or STANDBY pressurisation systems.

8 The air supply for the Re-circulating Fan is?

Exhaust air from the main cabin and electrical equipment bay and forward
outflow valve collected in a shroud located above the aft cargo
Exhaust air from the main cabin and electrical equipment bay collected in a
shroud located above the aft cargo compartment.
Exhaust air from the main cabin and electrical equipment bay collected in a
shroud located above the forward cargo compartment.

9 The Re-circulating Fan air shroud is located

Forward of the E & E compartment.
Above the forward cargo compartment.
Above the aft cargo compartment.

10 The Re-circulating Fan operates with the switch in the AUTO position except.
When both packs are on and one or both pack switches are selected to
When one pack is off.
When both pack switches are selected to AUTO.

11 The air conditioning pack switch positions are?


12 With one air conditioning pack switch selected to HIGH

That pack will regulate to LOW FLOW with flaps extended.
Flap selection has no effect on the flow rate of that pack.
The operating pack will regulate to HIGH FLOW only with flaps up.

13 The position of the forward outflow valve

Is open when the main outflow valve is closed.
Is closed when the re-circulating fan is not operating.
Is closed when the re-circulating fan is operating.
14 The Re-circulating Fan system provides?
A filtered air supply into the mix manifold.
An unfiltered air supply into the mix manifold.
An air supply directly from the mix manifold into the passenger cabin only.

15 The forward cargo compartment is warmed

Only when the main outflow valve is in the fully open position.
At any time when more than .125 P.S.I. differential exists.
In-flight when more than 2.5 P.S.I. differential exists.

16 The Re-circulation Fan is

D.C. powered.
A.C. powered.
Pneumatically powered from APU or engine bleed air.

17 When using the Pneumatic Air Cart, the Battery switch

Must be ON to operate the Mix Manifold control valves.
May be ON or OFF when using aircraft air conditioning.
Must be ON when using aircraft air conditioning since the protective circuits
are DC.

18 The maximum differential pressure (pressure relief valve operation) for the
standard 737 NG is?


19 If the amber AUTO FAIL light illuminates on DCPCS aircraft.

Positioning the Pressurisation Mode Selector to ALTN will extinguish the
AUTO FAIL light, assuming a single controller failure.
The amber AUTO FAIL light will automatically extinguish when the system
automatically switches to the ALTN pressurisation controllers.
Positioning the Pressurisation Mode Selector to ALTN will have no effect on
the AUTO FAIL light.

20 On CPCS aircraft on the ground, with the Pressurisation Mode Selector in the
AUTO position, the FLT/GRD switch is used

To keep the cabin unpressurised by driving the main outflow valve full open
when the switch is in the FLT position.
To keep the cabin pressurised by driving the main outflow valve towards
closed with the switch in the GRD position.
To keep the cabin depressurised by driving the main outflow valve full open
when the switch is in the GRD position.

21 The cabin Altitude Warning horn will

Sounds (steady horn) when the cabin altitude reaches 10,000 feet altitude.
Sound (intermittent horn) when cabin altitude reaches 14,000 feet altitude.
Sound (intermittent horn) when cabin altitude reaches 10,000 feet altitude.

22 On CPCS aircraft, the Cabin Rate selector DECR and INCR positions give a cabin
altitude rate of change of:

DECR 50 ft/min. INCR 2000 ft/min.

DECR 300 ft/min. INCR 1500 ft/min.
DECR 100 ft/min. INCR 1000 ft/min.

23 The maximum cabin differential pressure for take-off and landing is


24 The OFF SCHED DESCENT light illuminates if

The aircraft has temporarily levelled off before reaching the selected flight
altitude (as set in the FLT ALT window)
The aircraft has descended before reaching the selected flight altitude (as
set in the FLT ALT window).
The aircraft has climbed above the selected flight altitude (as set in the FLT
ALT indicator ).

25 On CPCS aircraft in STBY mode, the FLT/GRD switch when set to GRD causes
No effect on the main outflow valve.
The main outflow valve to drive full closed.
The main outflow valve to drive full open.

26 The outflow valve switch controls the main outflow valve.

Only during STBY mode of operation.
Irrespective of the FLT/GRD switch position.
Only if the FLT/GRD switch is selected to FLT.

27 On the 737NG, The AUTO FAIL light will illuminate when there is
A loss of DC power, controller fault, outflow valve control fault, excessive
diff pressure (>8.75psi), an excessive rate of cabin pressure change (+/-
2000 sea level feet/minute), or a high cabin altitude (15,800 feet).
A loss of DC power, controller fault, outflow valve control fault, excessive
diff pressure (>8.75psi), an excessive rate of cabin pressure change (+/-
2000 sea level feet/minute), or a high cabin altitude (13,875 feet).
A loss of DC power, controller fault, outflow valve control fault, excessive
diff pressure (>8.75psi), an excessive rate of cabin pressure change (+/-
2000 sea level feet/minute), or a high cabin altitude (12,500 feet).

28 On CPCS aircraft, before takeoff the CAB ALT window should be set to
200 feet below destination field elevation when operating in AUTO Mode.
200 feet below destination field elevation when operating in STBY Mode.
200 feet below the take-off field elevation when operating in AUTO Mode.

29 When in AUTO mode and during isobaric cruise, minor aircraft excursions from
flight altitude may cause the differential pressure to go as high as


30 On DCPCS aircraft, the rate of operation of the main outflow valve in MAN DC
mode is?

Slower than the automatic modes.

Faster than the automatic modes.
The same as the automatic modes.

31 When operating the DCPCS in Manual mode, outflow valve full range of motion
takes about 5 seconds.
takes up to 20 seconds.
can take over 30 seconds.

32 The aft cargo compartment is heated by

The exhaust air from the control cabin.
The exhaust air from the passenger cabin.
The exhaust air from the E & E compartment.

33 On CPCS aircraft, if the FLT/GRD switch is inadvertently moved to the GRD

position while in flight the cabin altitude will:
Remain the same.

34 On CPCS aircraft, if the pressure controller is selected to Standby Mode after

takeoff and the Cabin Altitude is set at 8000 feet. The aircraft is directed to stop
the climb at FL140. The cabin altitude will?

Climb to and maintain a cabin altitude corresponding to 8.65 PSID.

Climb to and maintain 8000 feet.
Remain at a constant value while the aircraft is in level flight.

35 On the 737-800 or -900, the overboard exhaust valve is driven open if:
Either pack switch is in AUTO or the right recirculation fan is OFF.
Either pack switch is in HIGH or the right recirculation fan is ON.
Either pack switch is in HIGH or the right recirculation fan is OFF.

36 During a climb to 35,000 ft, the aircraft is required to level at 25,000 ft. for ten
minutes. When operating in the AUTO mode, the cabin altitude will.

Level off.
Continue to climb.
Level off for five minutes, then climb at 200 fpm to max diff.

37 With a single pack operating and selected to AUTO.

The pack will regulate to High Flow with flaps extended.
That pack will regulate to High Flow when inflight with the flaps retracted.
The pack will be in High Flow at all times.

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