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(Specialist in Incurable diseases & Terminal Illness)
Phone: 044-24890370, 9789069362, 9884612450


conducted at Bangalore on December 17-18, 2016
— Doctoral and Post-doctoral studies in Dr. Bach Remedies—
WATER VIOLET — Keyword: Focussing
(1) Situations which you do not want but which when it comes, you
cannot avoid and have to face and spend—Festivals and
(2) Things which you do once in a lifetime or once in a year.
(3) Unusual situations which you never expected nor want;
however, you have to necessarily face.
Even if a person is very poor; with five children, though he cannot afford
to spend for Deepavali—buying new clothes for all, buying crackers,
sweets etc. He has not asked for Deepavali and he does not want it
because he cannot afford even a few thousands of rupees. The
celebration of Deepavali festival (with new clothes, crackers and sweets)
is ordained by Lord Krishna. In such a case He ought to give us money
for all the expenses. Does this happen in anyone’s life? No. This is
because we do not know how to celebrate festivals (as ordained by
God). If all the members of the family take the Bach remedy Water
Violet daily one dose (ten days before and after Deepavali) they
automatically do the celebrations properly and, therefore, soon they get
back all the money they have spent. Therefore, we tell the poorest
people to take loan and spend as much as he can but not to forget to
take daily one dose of Water Violet (ten days before/after Deepavali).
Nobody wants to spend on doctors when sick and on hospitalisation.
Therefore, before going to a doctor and also while in bed on sick leave
or getting admitted in hospital, take daily one dose Water Violet till you
completely recover. Whatever you have spent on hospitalisation comes
back to you in one form or another—but certainly not the way you
planned or anticipated! One retired government school teacher was at
home after eye laser surgery. It was the third day and he was to take


rest for another four days. He asked us whether he can take Water
Violet. We asked him to try and let us know the result. He took daily
one dose and after ten days he got a cheque from the govt. for twenty-
five thousand rupees, the exact amount he had spent on eye surgery.
This amount was long overdue to him by way of arrears of (revised and
increased) pay. But none of his colleagues to whom also the amount
was overdue, got the amount even till date. Water Violet is health
insurance (without paying any premium.)*
Not only this. Before taking your child or spouse to a doctor you (the
attendant) should take one dose of another Bach Remedy Red Chestnut
and give the sick person Water Violet. The doctor won’t write
unnecessary tests. If that doctor is not really competent to handle the
case, some other doctor would be sitting there.
The following two actual cases were reported (during the monthly
meeting of Dr. Bach Remedies Practitioners of Chennai) by Mr.
Gowardhan, Asst. Engineer in All India Radio: “A seven year old child
was admitted in the Madras Medical College with a lump on lower
abdomen. The attending doctors said that it is an inoperable one. If
they operate it would be fatal; also, if not operated, the growth would
burst open and the child would die with bleeding. I learnt this, went
daily to that hospital and put one pill of Water Violet into the mouth
of the patient. Two days later a doctor came on transfer to that ward,
saw that child and told other doctors that a few years ago he had seen
the case very well and told others not to do anything and he would
handle the case. He treated with medicine and the child was cured.
“In another case seen by me, an eleven year old girl was admitted with
four brain tumors in VHS hospital in Adyar, Chennai. It would cost about
two lakhs and the parents said that they were not prepared to spend,
because they lost their first daughter even after spending one lakh
rupees. On learning this, I went daily to the hospital and gave one dose
of Water Violet to the child. On the third day of giving the remedy, a
person appeared in the ward and told the parents that for Chettiars (a
sub-division of Hindu caste system) that hospital would not charge
anything and asked them to approach the management. Actually they
did not belong to that particular Chettiar sub-caste for whom everything
was free in that hospital. Anyway when they approached the
management and they said: “So what? This Chettiar or that Chettiar;
you are Chettiar” and they wrote in the case sheet ‘Everything free’. Also
two surgeons volunteered to do surgery free of cost and removed two

*Another Bach remedy Honeysuckle is life insurance. Without paying annual premium and
without dying, the insured person gets the insured amount every year! Take ten doses
on any day, once every year.


brain tumors. Two days later the surgeons were surprised because there
was no post-operative discomfort or temperature etc. and so they
decided to remove the remaining brain tumors and the child returned
after a week.
Remember, whenever you are sick, before deciding to go a doctor,
take a dose of Water Violet. Or else, when someone in the family is
sick, first give him or her one dose of Water Violet and it will guide the
sufferer what to do the next best thing
Also, try Water Violet on Sundays and holidays.
Dr. Prema of Bangalore reports that even on Vinayaka chaturthi day if
she takes one dose of Water Violet, the ten rupees spent on buying a
cocoanut for pooja comes back to her.
Remember, situations or occasions which you do not want but you
have to face and spend; be it hospitalisation or festival.
Also, when you buy a flat for thirty lakhs you willingly pay the amount.
But no one wants to pay two or three lakhs extra by way of registration
charges, legal opinion, document writer charges, bribe at registrar office
etc. During these times, i.e. buying stamp paper, going to an advocate
for legal opinion, going to document writer for drafting, then on the days
of going to registrar office, take Water Violet and soon you get back all
these amount. Remember expenses which you do not like but you
have to invariably incur.
The word ‘axiom’ means an accepted statement or proposition regarded
as being self-evidently true. One such axiom is: More persons wait on
man than he will take notice of.
“Sir, where are they. I don’t find any one!” The reader may exclaim.
Yes, only when you enter the world of Dr. Bach Remedies you can find
how more persons are waiting to readily serve you. Persons belong to
a sect of Christians, viz., Jehovah’s Witness, go door to door telling that
the Kingdom of God is going to come. To one such ardent Christians I
showed another page in the Holy Bible pointing to another sentence
wherein we read that the question of coming of Kingdom of God is not
a matter of time. So also, Hindus tell that Rama Rajya (Kingdom of God
Lord Rama) is going to come. Dear readers, the Kingdom of God is
already here right under our nose. The point is whether you want to
enter into the Kingdom of God and live there or not. It is already there.
Sir, how to find or go there. Here comes Dr. Bach Remedies.


Only if you start taking Bach remedies for different situations or
occasions you will realise the truth of the following axioms:
God loves so much;
Nature produces in abundance;
Nature constantly works toward perfection;
Nature works in short ways;
More servants wait on man than he will take notice of.
Remember, whenever you go to someone to talk or if someone is
coming to talk with you, take anyone of the above two remedies
Agrimony or Heather.
Agrimony is to open the dialogue box of the person before you.
A certain junior police officer in the North-East cold climate region was
to go with his superior to meet a Border Security Force officer on some
official work. Before leaving he gave one pill of Agrimony to his superior
and he too took one dose, saying that something like a magic would
happen. After discussing official matters, the BSF officer casually asked
the policemen what they do for liquor. The latter said that they do not
get free supply from the govt. The former told them that his office gets
sufficient supply and further said that he can give to other govt. dept.
people also. He asked them to sign an indent and handed over five full
Remember. More servants wait on man than he will take notice of. God
comes before us in the form of humans only. You go to a person for
getting certain work done, but that person may be in a position to offer
you a much more valuable thing to you. Only if you take Agrimony his
dialogue box opens. Note the words in the Holy Bible: I would give
more valuable things than you ask for.
Nature produces in abundance! Yes. This axiomatic statement is true
only if we come into the word of Dr. Bach Flower Remedies and start
taking either of the two remedies viz., Agrimony or Heather.
If any of your relative or friend talks continuously and always about
politicians, corruption etc. you give the remedy Heather either to him or,
if this cannot be done, you take Heather. (Some remedies have two-way
actions.) Soon he will change the topic to tell some more useful and
vital information/knowledge to you. Talking. Loquacity. What are we
going to do or get by talking that the politicians and ministers are


Agrimony—other uses.
Bargaining, contending or fighting for your rights. This remedy is almost
like a tonic for lawyers while arguing a case in the court hall for their
To sell a house at market rate without bargain and without paying
A widow lady was to sell her small flat and its market rate was twelve
lakhs. Any man will try to cheat widowed women. A broker approached
her, bargained and settled at seven lakhs and paid an advance of fifty
thousand rupees with an agreement for three months time. [His idea
was to find a prospective buyer for 10-12 lakhs and swindle the
difference of 3-5 lakhs. Once you sign an agreement for sale you cannot
sell to others. She started taking Agrimony. A week later a lawyer
appeared before her and told thus: “I want to buy your flat. I will pay
you its price of 12 lakhs.”

The lady explained her plight with the broker. The lawyer replied that
he will take care of that rascal. He sent a lawyer notice that if the
broker does not take back the advance amount he will lose it. The
fellow got frightened and took back the advance amount and cancelled
the agreement for sale for 7 lakhs.
These two remedies should be studied together in respect of their uses
in the case of headache.
(A) Heaviness of head; weight in head, pulling, drawing,
constriction, contraction sensations; not only in head but
anywhere in our body. This type of headache call for the remedy
Mustard. Remember, heaviness of or weight in head. But one
dose may not be sufficient. You have to take 3-5 doses every
10-15 minutes for total and complete relief. If the selection is
correct each consecutive dose should give proportionately more
and more relief. Only in such a case you can repeat any number
of times till you get complete relief.
Unlike Cherry Plum, Impatiens etc. where one dose may cure
completely, with Mustard and Elm, it is our experience that
repetition is needed.


(B) Coming to the type of headache where the remedy Elm is
needed; he feels as if something is stuck inside the wall of his
head. You crush a sheet of unwanted paper and throw it away.
Suppose such a crushed paper is glued on your skin. That is the
sensation in the head for Elm type headache.
On the other hand, the same or different person of Elm-type may
describe during his headache that a factory is working insides his head.
Some knocking sound, with this somebody is dragging a heavy machine
with screeching noise; someone calling someone aloud.
Or, imagine the busy railway platform. The vendor shouting ‘coffee,
coffee’. Then whistle sound of the guard; engine starts slowly.
Announcement about the arrival or departure of a train. Somebody
shouting to a person inside the train. Different type of noises all at the
same time. Commotion may be the apt word to describe Elm headache.
The above (A) and (B) are the distinctive features of headache of the
two remedies Mustard and Elm.
Let us now take up the study of the remedy ELM alone in some depth.
Elm and Water Violet are to be studied together comparing one with the
other for easy understanding of these two remedies.
a) To learn a subject exhaustively or in its entirety, take Elm.
b) To study a subject in its entire depth take Water Violet
So also, Agrimony and Water Violet
This may somewhat be confusing to many readers but the purpose of
explaining in these ways is to illustrate or highlight the exact role of
different remedies.
AGRIMONY AND WATER VIOLET. These two remedies may be compared
with the yin and yang principle in Chinese philosophy.
DOCTOR AND THE PATIENT. A patient goes to a doctor and tells his
complaints. His dialogue box opens and the doctor has to listen to him.
The doctor is now at the receiving end and he is for the time being a
Water Violet type. After the patient finishes the doctors writes down the
prescription and gives the patient. Now the doctor talks and the patient
listens. Here dialogue box of the doctor opens. He now turns to be
Agrimony type and the patient receives the prescription and therefore he
is at the receiving end i.e. Water Violet type. Again, the patient pays
the fees (Agrimony) and the doctor receives it (Water Violet). It is like
a see-saw play. There is a constant shift in the giver-receiver


relationships. Lest we confuse the reader we stop here and let us now
make an in-depth study of Elm:
Team leader, coach, class teacher, group company director, headmasters
and principals.
First of all let us examine the words used by the person needing the
remedy Elm. (Or, let us call Elm-type persons.)
A certain lady was having unbearable burning pain in the tip of urethra;
doctors treated her for urinary tract infection and there was no relief.
Three weeks passed. Upon casually mentioning her plight to her
neighbor, the latter told her to simply apply little castor oil on the
painful place at bedtime. She did this once and from the next day it
was total relief. She explained upon seeing her neighbor next day, ‘You
came like God and helped me.’
We approach and seek the advice of doctors, go after astrologers, vastu
experts etc. for our problems and it is never-ending story. But we never
seek or approach the Almighty.
If you do not understand the meaning a certain line in the scripture
or do not know the solution for a problem and also if there is no
person around who too do not know the solution, we seek the help
of God. That is Elm.
Yes! God is always waiting there for us ready to tell the least expensive
single-dose cure methods. Nature constantly works toward perfection.
See the first page of the book given to all of you today—cure of chronic
earache with a tiny piece of solid asafoetida; cancer with one single
dose of the ash of lemon peels and nuts. Take the remedy Elm alone,
daily one pill, for three months and you too would come across such
single-dose-cure methods for various diseases.
You are in a team and there is coach for that team. In case of problems
with another member in the same team or some doubt, you approach
your team coach.
But the coach for all of us in our lives is God. Ask and ye shall be given.
But we ask human beings like astrologers, doctors, tantrics, swamijis,
gurujis who simply and only lure you away after taking hundreds and
Consultant is Cerato
Browsing is Cerato
Friend, guide and philosopher is Elm


Elm, Water Violet, Heather are wonderful remedies. Take one remedy for
3-5 days and watch the effects. Note them down. That is the best way
of learning the subject. Bach Remedies are user-friendly. No need to
go to a so-called guruji to learn Bach Remedies.
The remedy comes everywhere in our day-to-day life. Focussing.
While travelling to another town or distant places, if you want to get
back sooner or later what all you had spent on the journey; also to make
the travel a pleasure, take the following combination daily once, on the
days of the journey and also during your stay in outstation.
Clematis (The botanical name of this plant is Traveller’s Joy)
Aspen—to make strangers behave with us as thick friend
Walnut—not to be affected by change of climate, food or water
Pine (or Honeysuckle) – To make the trip one hundred per cent
meaningful, or profitable and enjoyable.


If you take a dose of Holly & Hornbeam before going out, others would
give you the respect due to you.

If you take Rock Rose, those who have a tendency to harass you, would
be afraid of you as if they are looking at their boss. Others get
frightened by the just looking at Rock Rose-type persons.

Dreaded diseases like blood cancer, AIDS, kidney failure etc., that
invariably end up fatally:
How to know whether one is going to get such a disease in future? The
answer is very simple. Take Rock Rose 2-3 times daily for a few days.
In case of your getting any dreaded diseases in the future, you would
automatically come to know of it and also take necessary precaution to
strengthen those parts of the body.
Fruits and fresh vegetables would prevent as well as give lot of relief
to cancer patients.
Peel (skin or outer covering) of fruits, nuts, vegetables etc.
Packing paper used to roll gift articles—Celebration of festi-
vals—using a tiny fish to catch a big one—to get a year's
income in one day's work—food items kept in the home that
are used exclusively for sick persons such as dry salted
narangi, arrowroot porridge to stop diarrhoea, barley for uri-
nary complaints—Medicines and doctors that we go in search
for, only when we fall sick—mud toys kept in steps during the
ten days of dussehara festival (when Goddess Durga is wor-
shipped)—Dhal or lentil inside the mango nut which we throw
away after eating the fruit—Registration of documents which
we do once only in life-time while buying/selling a house—
Account opening form which we sign once only for maintain-
ing account lifelong with the bank—A lamp inside a pot com-
pared to the one atop the hill—almanac ([ƒMmßJ, oVoW[Ã).

By working daily for eight hours a day continuously for thirty days in
an office created by human brain (that too behaving submissively to
superiors/boss and doing the work systematically/correctly) we are paid
a few thousand rupees at the end of every month. Some organization/
factory give 1-3 month salary as bonus every year.


But the religious festivals (created by God) are different from man-
made offices. By correctly celebrating a religious festival (on the stipu-
lated date) with devotion and seriousness for that one day only, we soon
get money equivalent to our one year's income (within the next 360
days). Many readers would at once exclaim, "Sir, every year we are
celebrating the festivals correctly but never did we get in the next year
one year's income.''
This is because the significance of festivals has gone into oblivion.
At the present day we do the rituals only. But if we take 1-2 doses of
the Bach Remedy Water Violet (1-2 days prior to the date of the festival
and also on the festival day), soon we would somehow or other get
money/wealth equal to our one year income. Try that.
The poor office clerk laments, "The monthly salary that I get is
hardly sufficient for managing the day-to-day expenses. In this state,
this Deepavali festival adds to my bills.''
As stipulated by God, we are made to spend a few thousand rupees
for deepavali (buying new dress, sweets, crackers etc.) But He is not
cruel to give us extra expenses. God or Nature tells us: "If you celebrate
the festival with reverence on this one day only, I would give you money
equal to your annual income.''
[The negative-type Crab Apple person uses a big fish to catch a
small one. (To get rid of grey hair or pimples on face or a skin disease,
which is trivial, he is prepared to spend in thousands and lakhs.)]
But the Water Violet type persons use a small fish (by spending a
few hundred or 1-2 thousand rupees on festival days) to catch a big fish
(one year income).
A festival (Deepavali, Pongal, Raksha Bandan of North India) comes
once a year only. Again, once in your life time, you register document
in sub-registrar's office while buying or selling a house. After that date
you never go there.
To buy a house, the first thing is God's grace/blessing. Therefore,
those who want to buy a house may take thrice a week the Bach
remedy Sweet Chestnut. This remedy enables you to find the right
house (may be, that satisfies vastu requirements etc. or compatibility
of the house with you) the owner of which is ready to sell it to you.
Now, once the price etc. is finalised, stop taking Sweet Chestnut, and
start taking 3-4 times a week the remedy Water Violet. You should
take this more particularly on days when you pay the advance, regis-
tering document etc. etc. By doing so, you would get back the entire
cost paid by you for buying that house.


Co-op. housing loan societies are ruined form of Water Violet types.
Water Violet is the correct "Money-back Insurance'' policy
The Bach Remedy Honeysuckle is the correct 'life' insurance.
To get money for his medical bills from the insurance company in
case of getting a heart disease in future (that involves Rs.2 lakhs for
an open heart surgery) a person starts paying two thousand rupees every
year as insurance premium.
When God tries to increase our income manifolds they appear to us
to be in the form of theft, hindrance, disease etc. Because we had set
up our own 'systems' and 'methods' and foolishly think that they are the
only best in the world, we are not able to understand God's new meth-
ods that is different from ours.
God tells in the Holy Bible: "I come as a thief . . ."
The traffic policeman at road junction stops you while allowing ve-
hicles from the opposite side. If you do not care for the policeman, you
would meet with accident or it may cause traffic jam; then follows
accident insurance, court etc. which are not productive of anything.
On the highway crossroads, the signpost, may make you slow down
to tell you which direction you have to turn. It is not a hindrance. If
you don't slow down and look, you may go in a wrong route!
'Disease' or for that matter 'accident' or a situation where we find
ourselves in an awkward or new and different situation/position' are just
signposts (at the junction of highways.) To look at the signpost you have to
apply brake and stop your vehicle. (In other words, you rest in bed). Mighty
Nature tells us, "You have been travelling (in your official/personal life all
these years) in that direction. Now I want to change your line (job, attitude
in life, mental outlook, method or time of prayer etc.) to give you five times
income/happiness. This disease or accident is to stop your past line and to
make you look at the change that I now make for you to follow the diver-
sion. Look at that and do not think how soon to come out of the hospital.''
That is the meaning and significance of disease/accident. It is a
blessing in disguise indeed. But we wrongly think that disease/accident
is an impediment. He laments, "Oh, because of this illness/accident I
have to remain in bed and apart from medical expenses I have to incur
loss of salary too.''3

3Health insurance, E.S.I. (Employees State Insurance), Fidelity Insurance are the
decayed form of positive Water Violet aspects.


No! Not at all. Mighty Nature does not have in her vocabulary the
negative words "suffering'', "loss,'' "waste'' etc.
Nature produces in abundance.
Nature constantly works towards perfection.
Instead of taking health insurance policy etc., whenever you fall sick
and are in bed, start taking daily 1-3 doses of the Bach Remedy Water
Violet. Soon you will find new but a different avenue of income etc., and
by following that path in life, your diseases too may vanish. Not only
merely to compensate the loss of pay and medical expenses, but you will
very soon find that your income multiplies or you get money/wealth
equivalent to your one year income in the next 364 days.
We never go to a doctor or a hospital unless and until it is warranted
i.e., when we fall sick, which we never expect or anticipate. No one would
invite disease. It is unexpected and unwanted. But when sick we cannot
avoid going to a doctor or taking medicine. It is inescapable. Rather it
becomes an incumbent on us. As soon as you fall sick and when you think
of going to a doctor, (though you may actually go to him)3 start taking
Water Violet three times a day till you are completely cured.
Actually Water Violet enables us to realise the different new work
that we have to do in future and by following that, our diseases in many
cases vanish even without medicine.
[Wedding comes only once in anybody's life. But here it is a matter
of Sweet Chestnut and not Water Violet. Marriages are made (decided)
in heaven by God.]
(A) 'Dancing' (rhythmic and graceful movement) is in the bach remedy
Larch; (positive)
(B) Jumping and jerking the limbs in distress (distortion) helplessly in
predicament/strait/quandary is the negative Water Violet picture;
(C) Celebration' is positive Water Violet.
(A) Good dancers are positive Larch-types.
(B) In celebrations (positive Water Violet) he jumps clasping hands
above head and shouting in joy.
Getting award, reward, double promotion etc.—Wild Rose (jumping in
joy once only on getting the award)

3When the idea of going to a doctor occurs, also do witnessing, "Just now I
thought of going to Dr. Bhardwaj ...''


Getting the highest award—Water Violet (lifetime joy) [Takes plea-
sure in calling himself (even after retirement) as 'ex-'or 'former' profes-
sor/principal/president etc.]
Amidst the gathering of people (or while inventing) (or having fan
allergy) the negative Water Violet type person keeps himself aloof and
isolated. From this very negative aspect let us infer the positive type.
With whom should he mingle? Yes, it is with God. Every man is mortal.
Why should we mingle with the mortal men? We should try to mingle
with the immortal God. (In the letter to friends/relatives informing the
death of a person we say that he has become one with God.)
Though you may not be a Water Violet type, try to be aloof when
praying to God. That is why we have a 'pooja' room in our home and
separate place called 'temple', 'church' etc. which is not used for any
other purpose other than the prayer.
Take Water Violet on weekly holidays (Sunday) which are man-
made and you get money (or comforts/things/prevention of waste)
equal to one week's income.
Take the remedy on festival days (God-made)/and soon you get
one year's income.
God is not cruel to give us an accident/disease. These negative
terms are not in his vocabulary. if any so called sanyasi (religious priest
of Hindus) tells you that accident, disease etc. are results of your past
karma(sin), you have to reject him. He is trying to envelope spiritualism
into the clouds of mysterious obscurities. These rascals are clever in this
We look forward to get promotion, solution, income our (man-
made) ways; hence the undesirable courts, appeal courts, apex courts
etc. (Before winning the case, in this arduous, long-drawn and expensive
process, the affected person may die!)
(a) Man proposes, God disposes.
(b) Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is a way,
there is life.
We do not approve nor advocate the Buddhist theory that "desire
causes suffering" and that you should not have desires at all. When God


has made us to have desires, he would simultaneously also give ways
to fulfill them too.
The correct meaning for (a) above is: we expect to earn additional
Rs.2 lakhs every year in 'our' method. But God is ready to give Rs.6
lakhs, but, of course, in 'his' method. Because we do not follow His
method, we revolt and the result is accident/theft etc. And so we do not
get even the anticipated Rs.2 lakhs but lose money on disease etc.
God knows happiness, celebration etc. only. With Water Violet, the
outcome of accidents, theft, disease etc. turns into celebration and
multiple incomes:
(a) When there is a theft of valuables in a house, as soon as
it is known, if inmates take a dose of the Bach remedy Rock Rose
every 4-8 hours (2-5 doses are sufficient) in the next 24-72 hours,
either (i) the thief himself returns to us; or, (ii) police quickly
recovers stolen goods; or (iii) you get equivalent money/things
from some other quarter, not only the actual stolen amount but
also more to compensate for your mental torture etc.
(b) For thefts taken place several weeks/months ago, take the
Bach remedy Gorse and any one of the above happens. But, alas!
(a) and (b) above are low-key approaches. It is for the neophytes
(beginner in Bach Remedies.)
But we are now at advanced level. Water Violet is the apex court.
Take Water Violet and you get more than 3-10 times of what you lost.
Nature produces in abundance.
Nature knows no economics.
More servants wait on man than he will take notice of.

Going to an astrologer or numerologist to change your name or alter

the spelling in it to make it more lucky, or going to a gemmologist for
buying and wearing a gem for luck/prosperity—these we do once only in
our life-time. Two days before going to these persons start taking 2-3
doses of Water Violet. At least, you won't fall in the hands of unqualified
and cheats.
We break the woodapple and eat the fruit inside and throw away the
peel because we think it is of no use. Mighty nature tells us, "Dear sir,
I don't make anything waste. The peel is more valuable than the stuff
inside. Powder the peel of one woodapple, boil it and filter and drink


daily once on empty stomach for three days and this would enable you
to get rid the bad effects of evil eyes, witchcraft etc. for which many of
the affected persons are spending thousands in tantrics, God's men,
exhorcist etc.''
The astrologer tells you to distribute food packet (say curd rice) to
one thousand poor men. This he prescribes to propitiate the evil planets
in your horoscope or as a remedy to overcome untold sufferings in your
life. On the day when you do this remedial measure (and two days prior
to that) take Water Violet twice daily. Soon you would find triple pro-
motion or increase of domestic happiness or money/wealth inflow equal
to your one year income.
'Adharma' (unrighteousness; deterioration of ethical values) is oppo-
site of 'dharma'
God has created all of us and is continuing to create human beings
to live happily on earth with all comforts etc. but in his own way, of
course, and not in whatever way we plan or think.
But knowingly or unknowingly (due to ignorance etc.) we do
'adharma' acts. Festivals are to wash the evil effects of our adharma
acts. Water Violet enables us to celebrate festivals correctly and there-
fore happiness, more income etc. are the results.
The ignorant man throws away the packing paper after opening the
We humans are worthless like the packing paper or peel of fruits etc.
The packing paper and the peel of fruit/nut gets respect/value only so
long as the inside thing is there. So also, only if we get God's grace
(pulp inside a fruit) we (outer covering or peel of fruit) too can become
happy and prosperous. Religious festivals are to make God seated in our
Nature speaks, "I am sending a gift to you through a person. But,
remember, the packing paper (used to roll the gift) I make it more
valuable than the gift item inside it.''
Only if we take Water Violet on the day of receiving the gift (and
also 1-2 days prior to that) we can realise its value. That is the positive
aspect of the Bach remedy Water Violet.
For example, let us suppose, you are allergic to a particular veg-
etable. Naturopaths tells us that if you cook the vegetable without
peeling it (removing its skin) the peel would neutralise the bad-effects
of that vegetable.


The fibre part (peel) of coconut is used to make ropes (coir) for
drawing water from the well. It is a better and long continued use than
eating the coconut for one day. Similarly the peel of coconut after being
removed can be cut across and used as brush.
Let us now see how the peel is more valuable.
In the rice mill (hulling machine) we remove husk (skin or covering)
of paddy seeds to separate the rice. We throw away the husk or use it
as a poultry feed.

A certain marwadi gentleman ( Mr. B.K. Goenka, owner of Foods,

Fats & Fertilisers Ltd., Fountain Plaza, Pantheon Road, Egmore, Chennai-
8, Phone 28263121) once noticed that a sheet of paper (on which rice
husk was kept heaped up) was wet and on touching it with his fingers
found it was oily. He came home, bought husk and kept it on a paper.
Soon the paper became wet and it was oily. When tasted it was good
and did not create any untoward symptom in him. He started making
inquiries and came to know that for a very long time even till today
Japanese are extracting oil from husk and using it as an edible oil. He
travelled to Japan, learnt that technology and is now a multimillionaire
in India marketing the husk oil for domestic cooking (being sold in the
market under the brand name "TANDUL—Rice Bran Oil")
You buy jewellery from the shop. The jeweller gives it in a beautiful
and ornamental box. Only if we take Water Violet on those occasions we
would easily know how the box is more valuable than the jewel inside.
(This cannot be explained, because how you make it more useful/valu-
able would be entirely different from others. It depends upon the indi-
Oil is extracted from coconut and groundnut. The bagassee
(squeezed dry portion) is used for manufacturing chocolates by mixing it
with sugar. By doing so, chocolate manufacturers are earning more than
coconut dealers. No one can deny this
In the kingdom of mighty Nature, bonus is more than your annual
salary. It is three times (not monthly salary, but three years) of your
We throw away the used and worn out clothes or we use it as a
waste. But mighty Nature tells that it would give you several times of
its cost price because you are to be paid for having used soap several
times to clean it, to compensate you for having washed it several times
etc. Only if you take Water Violet while throwing away the used and torn
clothes, you would come to know of its value.


Several decades ago, the Bombay Corporation sweepers went on
strike because the corporation could not pay their arrears of salary. One
gentleman came forward telling the corporation that he would employ
and pay persons to sweep the roads and he need not be paid by the
corporation for the work. The corporation agreed; and he started recy-
cling the wastes and started earning several times of what he had spent
on employing sweepers.
In dhoti and saree we find borders. The border is God and the
remaining plain portion is human. No one in Tamil Nadu (except a
widow) would wear clothes without border. (At the present day the
office-going Indians wear pants/shorts without border.
The Chicory-type persons invests Rs.100 to earn a profit of Rs.100
from that investment. They use a big fish to catch a small one. But the
Water Violet-type person earns Rs.1000 profit by investing Rs.100. They
use a small fish to catch a big fish.
Our student Dr. Yin-Li from China writes: "In the deep sea men go
in search of costly black pearl. Only if you are lucky you can get that.
For luck, wear Chinese Jade in a ring or locket in a chain. (Price Rs.780
available with us.) If you wear the precious gem Jade and take Water
Violet on necessary occasions (festivals, going to a doctor/hospital etc.)
you are assured of good luck and multiple income.

In India it is said that ladies should wear at least one gram of gold.
In China it is said that every man and woman should wear a piece of
jade. While referring to a gentleman, Chinese would say, "He is a piece
of jade.'' Jade alters our manners, gestures, actions, etc. to increase
our luck. Among gems, Jade corresponds to Water Violet among Bach
remedies. They are complementary to each other.

Triple or multiple promotion or income :

By looking at the opposite words for the positive aspect of a remedy
we can know how a remedy would be useful to us in some situations.
We have already said that Water Violet is to be taken on religious
festival days (two doses one day prior to and on the day of festival).

We 'celebrate' festivals.
We 'celebrate' birthdays.

"Strait'' or "quandary'' means hardship, a troublesome or difficult

time where there is no one to help us and we have to manage the
situation without the required means.


Suddenly five guests arrive and the housewife has little milk to
prepare tea for all. Somehow or other, she manages the situation.
'Predicament'3 'perplexity' would be the apt words to describe the
state of mind or condition of time where Water Violet is useful. The
meaning of 'predicament' is 'an unfortunate or trying situation'. Awkward
to deal with. Embarrassing situation.
In other words, a situation where there is no one to help you and
(without any means or knowledge or previous experience of a similar
situation) you have to face and manage and cannot ignore or neglect it.
Let us now illustrate it by an example.
In the mid-air the pilot of the aircraft announces that the engine
has failed and he has to forceland and hence requests all to bale out.
In this condition, all the passengers as well the pilot may take a dose
of the Bach remedy Rock Rose and any one of the following would result:
(i) either the engine somehow or other, (at least temporarily),
starts functioning;
(ii) the pilot is able to safeland;
(iii) he is able to land in a safe place.
[Any one thing would happen to ensure the safety of the passengers,
but not necessarily in the way we think, plan or anticipate.]
But, suppose, the only pilot in that aircraft suddenly faints and
becomes unconscious or dies, it may not cause immediate danger
because the plane would continue to fly in a straight line. But it is a
situation where we have to do something or other to control the aircraft
and make it land safely. This is a situation where, without your
knowledge of operating the aircraft, have to somehow or the other do
the work and cannot avoid it. This situation calls for Water Violet. Of
course, you may add Rock Rose, because it is an emergency.
¡¿ª¡›US ¶¿æÆ B≤uÆ. (For the adept even a grass becomes a
weapon.) This Tamil proverb shows the positive Water Violet-type!
"Necessity is the mother of invention" is the correct proverb to
understand Water Violet.
"Necessity of time/situation/circumstance'' would be another apt
term to describe the place where Water Violet is useful.

3Predicament = trying or unpleasant situation from which escape seems difficult

(OXFORD: The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, Second Edi-


(1) In games, no one would come to your help and single-handedly
you have to face the opponent and win somehow or the other.
(2) The husband of a lady with three children suddenly dies. Now she
has no income to support her children. Suppose she tells, "Where
can I go for money?'' she needs the Bach remedy Rock Rose. On
the other hand if she says, If only I can get a job with an income
equal to that of my late husband...'' she, of course, needs the
Bach remedy Chicory. Suppose we do not find her telling any
words pointing to a specific Bach remedy, considering the
situation as such, we may give her Water Violet.
Predicament, perplexity, trouble, strait, quandary, hardship (where
there is no one to help you and you do not have sufficient knowledge
or means/money/things to manage a situation) Water Violet comes in.
You have not anticipated or expected it. But you have to face and
manage it. (A mother with twins would often have this mentality.)
A couple die in accident survived by a three-year old child. The only
(unmarried) aunt of the child has to bring up the child as the guardian.
Water Violet is to manage this unexpected situation somehow or the
Other day-to-day life situations which illustrates the need for Water
Violet are :-
(1) While going for an interview, on the road your chappal or shoe
is torn and you are not able to walk with it any more.
(2) On the highways your car wheel is punctured and you do not
have a stepney.
(3) The last bus has left. But you have to return to your city the next
morning and cannot postpone it.
(4) While writing an examination the pen goes dry and you have no
second pen.
(5) The clutch or accelerator cable in your two-wheeler is cut off on
the way, and being a Sunday, there is no scooter mechanic
available nor a shop to buy the cable.
Though the Bach Remedy Gorse would help in the above occasions
(which are hopeless situations) Water Violet is to be preferred because
it is an unexpected and a changed situation/picture—strategy.
[The above are not 'dilemma'. For dilemma we have the Bach
Remedy Sweet Chestnut.]


"I am in trouble. For you it is celebration?''
During Sundays and half-yearly examination holidays, it is a
celebration for school children. Isn't it? Give Water Violet to children on
holidays and see the wonder. They would learn/do things better than
what they got in schools.
Only if you are smart enough, you can manage an awkward situation.
Smartness. Yes, Water Violet would make you smart to manage any
unwanted and untoward situation.
Mother is unable to manage the naughty child.

A lady was telling her neighbour that her family was a pure
vegetarian when her son suddenly bursts out that the previous day they
had eaten an egg omlette. The lady quips. Saves herself from the
situation. Casuistry. Tells that it was an exception and unaviodable.
evade, awkward (negative)
smartness (positive)
fete, happiness (positive)
"My monthly salary is hardly sufficient to meet the daily expenses of
my family. In this state, suppose, my wife falls seriously ill, where can
I go for money''? So laments the clerk. For this attitude, the Bach
remedy Rock Rose would enable him to generate sufficient money. Rock
Rose is to earn money in several thousands with much ease. Merely by
taking the Bach remedy Rock Rose, every one cannot get thousands of
rupees. When there is a pressing need, it will help
Suppose he had said: "To whom can I go and ask for money?'' For
this, we must give him Water Violet. The words used by the sufferer
are most important for selecting the remedy.


"Feels isolated in life'' does not mean Chicory mental state.
The Chicory-type persons desire company merely for the company
sake. (Fear of being alone. The mere physical presence of a friend would
help him to banish loneliness. or, he may require some friend/servant
who would do him the manual help.)
But in the case of mental picture of Water Violet-type negative
persons, he feels isolated in life. It is not the company or manual help
of another persons but he wants a man who knows the subject, may be


a technical person. For example he is in search of an astrologer to know
about his horoscope or may be a plumber to repair the pipeline.
Every one of us go to a doctor when we are seriously ill. This is
because we do not know medical subjects and being unable to treat
ourself, we need the advice/help of a 'technical man' called 'medical
practitioner' otherwise called as a 'doctor'.3 So, before going to a doctor
when sick, just take a dose of Water Violet and experience yourself the
benefits. Either you suddenly remember that you had the same type of
illness a few months earlier and you search for the old prescription and
take the same drugs; or, you go to the right doctor; or having gone to
your family doctor, you describe the illness in such a clear way that the
doctor is able to make correct diagnosis of your disease etc.
Examples where Water Violet is useful are: Interview, examination,
games. During these times, no one would help you. You have to manage
things on your own. Similarly, suppose you are asked for which you are
not competent enough e.g., to act in a cinema or drama (without
previous experience or rehearsal), take a dose of Water Violet.
In other words, in situations where you try to use your mind sharply
(focus) you require Water Violet.
A different but pressing new and unexpected situation, that is with
a difference. This is where Water Violet is required.


The body is affected during travel due to changed situation like food,
water, climate etc. Take the Bach remedy Walnut daily one dose, from
the day prior to the date of departure, and enjoy a trouble free journey
(or) a comfortable journey.

If the train meets with an accident we need another Bach remedy

viz., Rescue Remedy. But suppose you are caught inside a railway
compartment that is lying upside down after an accident and you are not
seriously hurt, but you have to come out of the compartment. It is a new
situation. Here, you have no previous experience and somehow or the
other you have to come out.

3Falling sick happens in everybody's life and it is part of (routine) life on earth. But, here
it is a minor or mini negative Water Violet situation. Suppose your family doctor is not
able to relieve you after trying various medicines and tests, he is helpless. [Here he
(the doctor) too needs Water Violet.] May be you decide going to a specialist. This
situation (where your family doctor fails) is a major negative Water Violet state for you.


(a) Walnut is for diseases due to change of things around
us. (Body)
(b) Water Violet is for a situation that is something
unexpected, unwanted, pressing, differently new
situation) (MIND)
Falling sick and getting admitted in a hospital is something out of
the routine, unexpected, different.
(1) Celebrating Deepavali is something totally different from what we do
in the remaining three hundred and sixty-four days of the year.3
(2) After a fracture of the forearm, you have to keep it in one position
by putting it in a sling hanging from around the neck.
(3) From the day a person is branded 'diabetic' he has to observe diet
restrictions, (avoiding sugar and restricting rice etc., and follow a
different diet regimen. He is isolated from sweets, rice, heavy food
(4) A patient with heart and kidney trouble is advised by the doctor to
avoid salt completely. It is not a change or a new situation. But
something different and unexpected which he has to observe at any
cost and cannot avoid.
(5) In accidents, to save the dying person, the Bach remedy Rescue
Remedy is of course, needed. But, after recovery, give Water Violet
and he learns some new and best things in life during those 1 - 5
days of post accident period (convalescence period) which he could
not learn even by five years of college studies. That is blessing in
In the above conditions Water Violet plays a role. It will enable him
to accept the unexpected new way of life. Not only that. The remedy
enables him to manage the situation with ease. At the same time, he
is compensated in some way or the other, the different way of life
affording him new methods of income, or enjoyment of life. He finds a
new world to live in.
Nature is not cruel to us. Even if it is a burden or strain to observe
diet restrictions etc., Nature would compensate us in some way or other
that we won't feel the strain. To achieve this, take Water Violet which
will open your eyes to get the compensation. Mighty Nature tells us, "I
3It would be no wonder if the greedy modern man with 'phoren' degrees after his name
starts conducting courses and seminars to teach you 'how to celebrate deepavali' with
his 'imported' technology.


wanted to give you triple promotion/income in your business. Because
you were toiling and moiling in your old rotten customary habits and to
make you accept my gifts, I gave you this new and different situation.
At least now, realise and take Water Violet which would open your eyes
to the new situation to get triple income. Man proposes (in his own
rotten way, to earn Rs.1 lakh every year); God disposes (in his different
way, to give Rs.3 lakhs every year.) Flower remedies and flower remedies
alone enable us to know the correct meaning of proverbs.
Before going out, take a dose of Holly+Hornbeam and 'enjoy' the due
respect is given to you by everyone. [Holly makes you so humane in your
attitude, manners, behaviour and speech that everyone likes you and
Hornbeam gives the strength of an elephant.]
A Chemistry student of a college gives much respect to his H.O.D.
The presence or appearance of the H.O.D. is equal to the combined
positive mental picture of two Bach remedies viz., Holly+Hornbeam.
The same student ignores the H.O.D. of Physics and other Dept.

The postman coming to that college or a carpenter doing temporary

work in that college does not care for any H.O.D.
But take the case of the Principal. Not only students and H.O.D.s of
all depts, but also the postman, carpenter etc., stand aside close to the
wall of the corridor when the principal passes by. The respect
commanded by the Principal is equal to the positive aspect of Water
Violet. No one is above him in the college. The Supreme Court indeed!
(i) The Vine type persons threaten others.
(ii) Others tremble in fear on looking at a Rock Rose-type person.
(iii) If you take Holly+Hornbeam and go out, everyone salutes
(respects) you.
(iv) If you take Water Violet and go out, others maintain pin drop
silence in your presence.
Remember, when you fall sick, even though you may go to a doctor,
take a dose of Water Violet, because going to a doctor is something out
of routine, a different situation.
During travel if your valuables are stolen, you may, of course take
a few doses of Rock Rose. But when the question of lodging a complaint
with the authorities comes, it is entirely a new picture. You have to do
totally a different work, which you have never done before. But you are


forced to do it. Take a few doses of Water Violet to meet the demands
of a new situation.
In the case of inventions (Water Violet is almost a specific for
inventors) the person cannot tell others as to what he is doing, because
others would at the most tease him. Unless and until his invention is
put to mass use, no one would understand or appreciate him. Therefore,
he has to keep everything within himself. A state of being isolated. So
also, when you go out of town and you lose your baggage and money,
you feel isolated from your belongings. Water Violet is the remedy you
should take at this time. (The Bach remedy Rock Rose, taken
immediately after the theft is noticed, may help you to recover the
stolen baggage.)
When seriously ill, you go out in search of a good doctor (because
you have no knowledge of medicine to treat yourself). Till such time you
find a doctor, you feel 'isolated.' So also, in the hospital the patient is
kept 'isolated' in a ward or special room, away from his house. Even at
home when ill, the person is kept 'isolated' from (routine household
work to be taken etc.) Water Violet is the remedy for this unwanted
On returning home after getting discharged from the hospital (in the
case of some diseases) it is a changed and a new picture:
(a) After major surgery, the patient should not lift heavy weight for
six months;
(b) After recovering from jaundice, should not take bonda, bajji (all
fried things) and masala items for a few weeks.
On these ocassions, Water Violet is to be taken.


Because he cannot be alone in the house or go for shopping alone,
the Chicory-type person wants company. ''Fear of being alone.'' Even the
mere presence of a person (company) is sufficient for him or he expects
some physical help from others, though he may be do the work by

In the case of Water Violet, he does not know, nor familiar with a
subject and so wants the knowledge, experience of the person, may be
a numerologist.
Chicory — bodily presence or physical help
Water Violet — Technical knowledge.


Going to a numerologist to alter the spelling in your name is
something you do once only in your lifetime. Take Water Violet 1 - 2
days prior to going to him.

Those receiving the highest or exclusive awards, appointments or

privileges are postive Water Violet-type persons. In England those who
are conferred 'Sir' title by Queen of England cannot be arrested by the
police for any offence. Similarly, in India the President (highest post)
cannot be sued in a court of law. The police cannot stop his car.
Positive Water Violet types indeed.!
In the case of positive Water Violet-type employees, though he
might have reached the highest post in that organisation, because of his
superb way of doing the work, a new higher or additional post would be
created for him by the management.
If you want to reach the top in life do things new and different from
the routine at least for a few days.
Do not stick yourself to any custom, tradition or 'ism'. They are
rusted and corroded. In that case you would remain as a postman or
carpenter sticking to the wall of the college verandah when the principal
passes through.
In patients with extreme allergy if we carefully examine, we find
negative Water Violet mentality.
EXTREME ALLERGY: Potato is an agreeable food to all. But there
are rare cases of those, who are extremely affected even by consuming
a little quantity of cooked potato. It causes such an intense flatulence
that his abdomen fills up so tightly causing difficulty in breathing,
followed by headache (gastric headache), difficult urination etc. This
person has, to keep himself away from potato when taking food in
restaurant or lunch/dinner parties. Looked by others on his searching in
the vegetable preparations they tease him in whether he is searching for
a gold coin or something else the vegetable preparations.
Similarly, rarely there are persons, who cannot sit under a rotating
ceiling fan. Because it causes intense restlessness, headache, fever etc.,
and the fan is to be switched off.
In a room where many persons are sitting under a fast rotating
ceiling fan, our fan-allergy person, to keep himself away from the fan,


stands in an extreme corner. Others invite him to sit in the chair among
them. It is very awkward for him to explain his fan-allergy.
Again, there are those who cannot use a rubber bed or rubber pillow.
When they have to stay in a hotel (these days coir-rubber bed is used
mostly in hotels) they either sleep on the floor or keep the bed in a
corner and sleep on the plain cot with a bedsheet.
These persons can get good relief with Water Violet.


(i) "Feels isolated in life'' (ii) "gives quick solution to problems in
life. ''If these two points are kept in mind we can easily understand the
role and place of the Bach remedy Water Violet.

The inventor keeps himself isolated from others; also he is focussing

on what he is doing. When we have some problem, to solve it we focus
on it. (Steady and correct.)
Water Violet is for the inventor who invents, let us say for example,
mixie (food processor) used in domestic kitchens. What does the
inventor do?
(a) Before the invention is put to use in public if he tells others that he
is going to invent a machine for mashing (crushing/grinding) coconut,
dhal etc., others would only give a queer look at him. He has to keep
quiet and do the job all by himself (keep himself isolated from
others). Not for keeping it as a secret, but if told at this stage,
others would only mock at him. He is, therefore, thus "isolated'.
(b) At the same time, while designing, he is constantly making
modifications/corrections (such as to prevent the mixie getting
overheated, food item inside not spilling or leaking out while
mashing.) He goes on altering the length and sharpness of the blade
till it powders dhal, coconut etc., to obtain the desired grade.
If we combine (a) and (b) above, we can by analogy easily find out
the occasions in our day-to-day life where we require these positive
qualities. Examples are:
(1) Many plumbers had come to our home and still no one could repair
it correctly. If we take Water Violet, the right plumber knocks your
door (or you come across him through some source or other).
Not necessarily a correct or the best plumber (for this, the Bach
Remedy Cerato is required) but a plumber who would understand the
nature of repair in our house pipeline/motor.


(2) On occasions when we have to do a certain work, may be only once
in lifetime (such as buying a house, registering document etc. or
opening an account in a bank) and for which work we have no
knowledge or previous experience in it. So we feel 'isolated'. We
seek the help of a document writer, broker etc.
Similarly, we prepare soup from the pulp inside a mango fruit nut
and drink it as a remedy only when we get alarming diarrhoea.

Having studied and learnt Bach Flower Remedies, if you feel

impelled to treat others, take the Bach remedy Red Chestnut
daily one dose and you would get a minimum of three patients
that too telling you correctly symptoms of a Bach remedy.

But if you are impelled to tell and convince others (friends/

relatives/colleagues) about Bach remedies for their benefit, then
take Water Violet/Vervain and you would get the right time/
opportunity to explain and convince them about the efficacy of
Bach remedies using them in day-to-day problems.


Apart from occasions where we feel isolated, Water Violet has more
valuable uses: we would study it by comparing with a few other Bach
(A) To get a way/solution for ordinary matters (idea): White Chestnut
(B) You have five lakhs on hand. If you say that 'if only you can get
another seven lakhs' you can build a house (i.e., where a person puts
a 'limit' to his requirements) you may take the Bach remedy Chicory
and you would get that seven lakhs (deficit budget, quota, ration,
limit etc.)
(C) "Where can I go for seven lakhs?'' If your words are these then you
may take Rock Rose and you easily get that amount (but certainly
not in the way you plan)
(D) "To whom can I go and ask for Rs. 7 lakhs?'' This requires Water
(1) To get a good astrologer Cerato (expert)
(2) But to get an astrologer who would really help you, Water Violet


(A) To aim (rifle shooting, archery) Clematis comes in (mental
(B) But, to focus, Water Violet.
(C) To hit the mark in one stroke, Clematis + Water Violet.
Buying and wearing a good or valuable diamond is not a big thing.
But buying and wearing a diamond that suits you most is the most
important point.
(1) To buy a 'good' diamond — Cerato
(2) To buy a diamond that would 'suit you' — Water Violet.
Take a dose of Water Violet 2-3 days prior to the day of going to
the diamond shop (a thing which we do only once in our life time)
If you want to be by yourself (being/living yourself) you need
diamond and Water Violet.
What diamond is in India, Jade is in China. (Price Rs.780 available
with us.) Chinese Jade is as good as costly diamond to bring us good
luck, contentment, fulfillment of ambitions etc.
Buying a diamond means a minimum of thirty thousand rupees
For a young man going in for marriage he may

(1) Wear a diamond to get a girl or lover/bride (no guarantee as to

whether he would get a 'suitable' girl. Diamond enables him to get
a 'good' girl but she may or may not be suitable to him
(2) Chinese Jade to get a girl who would suit him in every respect
(taste, compatibility etc.)
Are you paying heavy interest? No one likes paying interest but after
taking a loan you have to pay interest, though not desirable. If you are
not regularly paying interest every month, you have to pay interest on
interest. It becomes a telescopic rate. The other word is 'meter.' While
travelling in a taxi, the passenger is looking at the taximeter. (This is
negative aspect of Water Violet.) In both the words 'Water Violet' and
'meter' the letters 'ter' occurs.

Instead of looking at the taximeter or bargaining/arguing with the

taxi/autorickshaw driver (that his meter is at fault etc.) take a dose of
Water Violet on this occasion. Soon you would get three times of the
money that you paid as taxi fare.


(a) To know whether a powerful weapon - Chestnutbud
is pistol/handgun
(b) To master rifle shooting - Oak
(c) To aim at the object - Clematis
(d) Not to miss the mark (focus) - Water Violet

A combination of the above four remedies is simply 'superb'. You

would climb up the ladder in life rapidly with the speed of an arrow or
a bullet. (The reader should not and need not ask whether the author
of these correspondence course lessons had gone to the top in life by
taking these remedies. It is not his job. A class teacher of seventh
standard in a school does not travel with his student up to college. He
(the teacher) continues to teach in the 7th standard. To see that his
past students have become doctors and engineers gives him more
happiness than the teacher himself becoming so.)


1. Each one should visit the temple of their family deity at least once
a year - Take the Bach remedy Sweet Chestnut (annual routine)
2. While visiting a temple on special occasions (Kumbha Mela of
Northern India, Varanasi Yatra etc. and Mahamaham in Tamil Nadu)
- take Water Violet (Special occasions)
A Tamil saying: ''What a good (auspicious) day can do, even a honest
and good man cannot do to us.'' To do things on auspicious timings, take
Water Violet you. {ı“ ˆ\¥¡¯u {¿ª¡fl ˆ\¥Ø ©ımhıfl.

Most probably Water Violet alone may be the reason for the British
having become No.1 in the world in all fields.

In other words Water Violet is our almanac ([ƒMmßJ). What to do? When
to do? How to do?

Water Violet gives you the answer. Many readers would at once
exclaim: "In that case, Water Violet alone is more than sufficient for all
of us!'' Yes, you are right. That is Water Violet.
1. A knife is needed - Chestnutbud (knowledge of weapons)
2. To learn how to handle the knife - Oak
3. But, above all, the blade of the knife should be very sharp - Water


Handle of the knife is Chestnutbud (person using the knife)


a. to be in the presence of God - Clematis

b. to live in the kingdom of God - Mustard
c. to get God's grace - Sweet Chestnut
d. to invoke his help through the body of
human beings (to rescue a drowning
person though a boy who has not
previously learnt swimming or rescue
operation) - Rock Rose
All the above are spiritual or divine remedies.

Though we say that the Bach remedy Clematis is the headquarters

of Flower Remedies, it only enables us to be in the court (palace) of

'Head office' is, of course, superior to its 'Branch Office.'

Head office has a Director as its Chief and Branch offices have
Deputy Directors as their Chief.

A Dy. Director in a Branch Office, though on paper, is equal to a Dy.

Director in the Head Office, the Branch Dy. Director in his office is equal
to the Director in H.O. (both being Chief of their respectives offices)

What we want to make out is whether you live in H.O. (presence of

God) or Branch Office, it does not matter. What matters more is you
should be a Chief wherever you are. Water Violet is the chief among
Bach Remedies-the Chairman or Managing Director.

Apart from being in the presence of God (Clematis), a more

important thing is that His feet should touch our head. (Water Violet)

By doing 'witnessing,' if you take Water Violet then it is a super


Take Clematis+Water Violet and you fall flat. You would be at the
top of the world.


Mr. Kapaleeswaran is in Chennai. You are in Bangalore. To go from
Bangalore to Chennai, it is Clematis. Having arrived at Chennai you have
to find out his house in Mylapore. For this you need Water Violet.

"Second Cross Street'' is in Chennai as well as in Bangalore. First you

should reach Chennai (Mylapore) and then ask for Second Cross Street.
Otherwise, by sitting at Bangalore if you ask for Second Cross Street,
you would end up in Bangalore itself.


Who are 100% positive Water Violet types?

'Focussing' is the keyword of Water Violet positive aspect.

In what actions of ours in the world we should focus 100%? It is for

getting salvation (reaching God). Name of God is more valuable than
God himself.

In Hindu religion we can say that Lord Anjaneya is a 100% positive

Water Violet type person.

While conducting the daily proceedings in the royal court, Lord Rama
would clarify his doubts by asking Anjaneya (Hanuman). Hanuman is
such a scholar. (But this did not make him great. What made him so
great we would now see in the next paragraph.)
A certain man came to Lord Hanuman and asked him whether the latter
knows that it was a Monday. Hanuman replied, "I do not know.' Again the
person put another question: "Hanuman Saheb, do you know that today is
ekadesi?'' To this also Hanuman replied, "I don't know.'' After this that
person asked what is the size of earth etc. and to all his questions came the
answer, "I don't know.''

The questioner was disappointed because such a scholarly person

does not know anything on earth. Tired of his questions, he put a
converse question: "Sir, to all my questions you say that you do not
know. But every one say that you are No. 1 scholar. At least tell me what
you do know.''

Hanuman coolly replied, "I know only one word. It is Rama. Such
was his devotion to the Lord.

On another occasion when Lord Rama was about to leave earth for
heaven (at the end of Ramayana) he asked Hanuman whether he would


accompany him to heaven. Hanuman asked, "Sir what are the things I
can do in heaven''. Lord Rama replied, "You can have all comforts.''

"Can I do Rama bhajans there?'' questioned Hanuman. Lord Rama

replied that he cannot do that, but only enjoy all comforts in the heaven.
To this Hanuman replied that in such a case he would prefer to remain
on earth only where he can daily utter the sacred name Rama.

Such was the devotion of Hanuman to God.

''What is the use of learning various texts, if one does not worship
God'' (Thirukkural)

To win Rs. 100 in Sikkim on-line lottery; – take the Bach remedies
Chicory+Gorse+Water Violet+Wild Rose+Gentian
To get 5 to 10 thousands take – Hornbeam+Gorse+Water
Violet+Wild Rose+Gentian
To get 50 thousands and more – Rock Rose+Gorse+Water
Violet+Wild Rose+Gentian
(The above and following are just to illustrate the role and place of
Bach Remedies. Not necessarily from Sikkim lottery itself, but through
some other source too, money may come to us.)
Many readers ask why the author of this book is not earning in crores
in lotteries by taking Bach Remedies.
During the entire month of October 2002, about twenty-five members
of Bach Remedies Practitioners Association in Madras City took the Bach
remedy Rock Rose (daily one dose for 30 days continuously.) On 30th &
31st October, 2002 there was a continuous rain (to such an extent that
the wells in many houses started overflowing). This is worth several
crores, because there was acute scarcity for water in Chennai city. Most
of the flat dwellers were spending 500 to 1000 rupees every month for
buying lorry water.
Instead of the author (one person) getting a few crores in lotteries
(selfishness) alleviating water shortage of Chennai city is worth several
thousand crores (welfare of a city) gives us more satisfaction. Salus
populi supreme lex esto.
Is there no water in your city/village/town? Are you going several
kilometres to fetch water? Then take Rock Rose (minimum 30-100
persons of that town) daily once till you get sufficient rainfall.


'Focussing' is the positive aspect of Water Violet.

To know whether a proposal is good or would result in loss, thinking

of that proposal watch your breath. If it is going to be useless that idea,
would then disappear from your mind and a more useful idea would start
flashing across your mind. This is the positive aspect of witnessing.

In camera we focus. So also, while in dark, we use torchlight to see

in various directions. Table lamp and lens are also for the same purpose.
Similarly, to know what is inside or in the interior of a thing, take Water

In the month of October, 2002, a certain political leader in Tamil

Nadu remarked that 'Hindu' means a 'thief.' Even sadhus and top Hindu
spiritualists objected to this. We took Water Violet three doses every 6
hours and the following occurred to us :

What that political leader said cannot be false. On the other side,
another startling thing was revealed.
What that political leader said is just only one part. What is the
complete or full picture?


Not only Hindus but persons belonging to all religions as well as men
not even belonging to any religion (in short, the entire humanity) are
thieves. How?
The coconut tree gives coconuts, month after month. Man extracts oil
from it as hair oil. In cooking he adds coconut to vegetables for taste.
Idly always goes best with coconut chutney.
From the foodgrains taken from the field, men prepares varieties of
food–idly, chappathi etc. and daily eats them.
Cattle gives milk. Men use it for preparing tea, coffee, curd, ice-
cream etc.
By eating all these, what do men give in return. Nothing. He eats
all these and gives only eructation much to the harassment of fellowmen
by his side. After overeating, he says that he has pain in the abdomen,
constipation etc. and for this, again he swallows herbs.


Did man give anything in return? No. He only spoilt everything. He
putup factories and brought acid rain and destroyed foodgrains in fields.
Pulvis et umbra sumus.
Under the guise of purifying skins of animals and dying clothes in
tanneries he sends the polluted water to the nearby river making them
unfit for drinking.
We say that we are producing electricity by atomic energy but the
atomic plant that blasted at Chernobyl (Russia) destroyed cultivation
lands around a radius of hundred miles. Thousands of people also lost
their precious lives and even now deaths due to this blast has become
a routine news while rendering many handicapped beyond rehabilitation.
To make himself look beautiful he kills millions of silkworms by
immersing in boiling water to prepare silk yarn. "You horrible men! What
harm did we do to you to kill us?'' asks the poor silkworms.
Daily man eats idly, dosa, vada etc. but not even once in his lifetime
he thanked the crops in the fields, nor a coconut tree. Instead of
prostrating before them and thanking them for giving him foodgrains,
coconut etc., the arrogant man daily complains and laments, "That fellow
cheated me. This man did not do his work. He is making slanders about
me'' etc.
What men know and practise daily is jealousy, avarice, disease,
egoism etc. etc.
Suppose the wheat crop in the field talks as under:
"You ridiculous men! By eating the grains daily which I
give, can't you keep quiet? Why are you blabbering.''
What would be his answer? or where will he hide his

Therefore, all men in entirety are thieves, stealing and eating

everything from vegetable and animal kingdom. But never gives anything
in return. But thinking to be clever, he blabbers and talks nonsense: "She
(my daughter-in-law) did not give me respect. You should not have done
like that. Do you know who I am? If I decide... All these wealth
accumulated by my hard work...''

What he stole from nature indirectly he says that he accumulated



Mighty Nature tells men belonging to all religions: "You all are
stealing daily from me coconut, paddy, vegetable etc.''

Did any man ever said at least once in his life lime, "Today I
pleasurably ate two square meals and drank coffee .''

Every man is a thief. A thief never accepts the theft committed by

him. Similar to a burglar who enters a house in midnight and stabs
inmates and runs away with all things, so also men steals from nature.
To get cool air, he uses C.F.C. (Chlorofluorocarbon) gas by isolating it and
uses it in air-conditioner and fridge. Gas released from these gadgets
goes up in the sky and makes big holes in the ozone gas layer that
protects us from the ultra-violet rays of Sun.

That hole (caused by excessive release of CFC gas from A/C &
refrigerators) now is above a town in Australia. Those living in that town
are suffering from skin cancer. Also they get worst side effects by eating
crops cultivated there.

A thief won't harm another thief (same side goal.) But man stealing
from nature causes skin cancer to his fellow humans living in Australia.

"To stop your blabbering, to get pardon for your daily stealing from
trees, plants etc. at least on the festival days, thank us'' so tells Nature
through' the wild flower Water Violet.

If the author had not taken Water Violet before considering the
statement of the Tamil political leader (who said that Hindus mean
thieves) he too would have simply condemned that political leader.
Water Violet enabled the author to know not only Hindus, but the entire
humanity as a whole are thieves of mighty Nature.


"You human beings.! You are all forming associations among
yourselves. Look at us. Do we have an association of coconut trees?
Have we formed paddy crop association? We are continuously giving
everything to you and though you don't give anything in return, we have
not formed any association. But you (who acts like thieves by snatching
mangoes, wheat grains etc. (from the plant world) from us, stealing
everything from us, are forming associations and societies?''


"You are calling yourselves as BJP Party, Jan Sangh party, Congress
party, Brahmin Association etc. and you all fight among yourselves. Just
because you steal from us daily and eat all of them to get them digested
are you jumping and quarrelling among yourselves by forming parties?''
"Better do one thing. Form one single association for the entire
humanity calling it as ASSOCIATION OF THIEVES (daily snatching milk,
grain, fruit etc. from Nature)''
"If you want good digestion, at least praise us (trees, paddy field
etc,) and dance on festival days. That would amount to thanking us. If
you do that, I give you one year income within a short period.''


Truth is bitter and many times hard to digest. Pen is sharper than
sword. To put it correctly, it is like a whip.

What is the difference between a whip and sword/rifle? A sword or

bullet can pierce one spot of the body only of the opponent. In many
cases the victim may escape also. But if you whip a person even once
(whip is made out of the skin of monitor lizard) it would remove a large
area one inch thickness from the surface of the body. By profuse
bleeding the victim may die even before reaching the hospital.

Before you deliver a talk on a topic in a stage or a meeting, take

for 1-2 days the Bach remedy Water Violet (daily 1-3 doses) and see the
effect. Your talk/speech would have the impact of a whip. At the same
time, no one can object or refute or argue against what you talk.

To get the costliest and most effective black pearl you have to go
very deep into the sea. Water Violet is for this. If you take Water Violet
you would soon learn such things and truths in life worth several million
rupees worth of black pearl.

Similar to an arrow going out speedily from the bow,
if you want to go up in the ladder of life, take Water
Violet. Only if the knife or a sword is sharp, it is of use.
Otherwise it won't even cut ice. To sharpen you brain/
mind like a razor, take Water Violet.

Dear Reader, What else do you want from Dr. Bach Flower Remedies
of England?


Nothing is impossible for man. This saying suits Water Violet
positive type persons.

If you want your name to shine like the morning star in history (like
torch lighthouse on earth) take Water Violet.

Though you may not be a negative Water Violet type person, every
one of us may develop its negative mental picture on rare occasions
(buying a house, registering a document, opening an account in a bank
etc.) On these occasions take daily 2-3 times Water Violet (for 2-3 days
prior to these date of the event and also on that date)
Routine or daily prayer = Sweet Chestnut
Special occasions
(Deepavali, Christmas, buying/selling = Water Violet
a house, jewels, vehicle.)

[But you must take the Bach remedy Wild Rose when you celebrate
occasions which you do at your own initiative or plan--birthday
celebration, wedding anniversary, treat on the occasion of your transfer,
promotion etc.]

Those whose names are shining in history are 100% positive Water
Violet types. E.g., Sathguru Sri Thyagaraja Swamigal of Tamil Nadu,
author of World history H.G.Wells, Emperor Ashoka who abandoned
warfare after victory. No one can catch the place of these persons in
their respective fields.

By singing a song in "bilahari'' raga, Sathguru Shri Thyagaraja

Swamigal resurrected a dead man who fell into a deep well the previous

"You can get salvation (reach God) by singing songs in praise of God''
so said Shri Thyagaraja Swamigal. No other sadhu or sanyasi has shown
such an easy and simple way to get salvation. He lighted lamps (without
using a match box) by singing song in "jyothiswaroopini'' raga.3

The flame of those lamps moved according to the ascending and

descending notes of these song sung by Shri Thyagaraja. By this, he has
indirectly shown to the world that he is a 100% positive Water Violet
type personality.
See Pudukottai Gazette, Group 2, Section 1, Revised Second Edition 1940,
pages 870


At the end of their earthly life of 100% positive Water Violet-type
persons, flame goes out of their vertex and reach the sky to join God.
In the case of Shri Thyagaraja this had happened.

If one had carefully read history, he can certainly predict the future
of humanity. What the great historian H.G. Wells predicted in his book
THE TIME MACHINE (this was taken as a cinema movie too recently) is
coming true.

While narrating about Emperor Ashoka, H.G.Wells writes, "He is the

only monarch who abandoned warfare after victory.'' "How compatible
that way of life then is with the most useful and beneficent activities
his life shows.'' H.G. Wells continues to write (though he never visited
South India), "Of all the cultures, I am unable to find a better culture
than South Indian Brahmins''.

After a victory, any king or monarch would look forward to more

victories only. But moved by the pathetic scenes of mutilated bodies of
soldiers and their wives' lamentations, King Ashoka turned to
philanthropy. King Ashoka is a Water Violet type. No other emperor has
done that.
In his book WAR AND PEACE, Leo Tolstoy has written that peace is
supreme to war. Emperor Ashoka is the right example for this.
Sathguru Shri Thyagaraja Swamigal alone has given the correct and
complete definition for music by saying,
"Anything not in praise of God is not music.''
The great Tamil author Thirvalluvar too is a positive Water Violet
personality. (in respect of some of his Thirukkurals)
1. What is the use of all scholarly knowledge, education etc. if one
does not worship God?
2. The best manliness lies in not looking at another man's wife (with
3. Only at a time when no food is available for the ear (listening to the
lectures of learned men) you may give some thing to the stomach.
4. Neither growing long beard nor completely shaven (face and head)
is required if one avoids doing things condemned by the world.
The essence of the above verses is like the blow of a whip. This
method of writing the best things is positive Water Violet-type.


So also, the great Rabindranath Tagore has found a place for himself
in the literary world. Let us look at and how he writes:

"Every child born on earth is a proof that God is not yet displeased
with man.''

Water Violet calls or challenges thus: "I would make you too, a H.G.
Wells or a Rabindranath Tagore or a Sathguru Thyagaraja Swamigal''.

Chinese sayings and proverbs too are like whipping. Let us look at
some of them:

1. If the servant works smiling/laughing, you (proprietor) will have to

weep at the end.
2. Man dies leaving behind two sons, Rs.15 lakhs money and two goats.
Both sons go to court, each claiming major portion of the property.
Lower Court, then appeal to high court and Supreme Court. Result
was that in this process they spent the entire Rs.15 lakhs as court
stamp lawyer fee and ultimately got the judgment that the two sons
may take each one goat.
Water Violet type persons tell us the highest and rarest truths/
secrets of life. He opens our eyes of knowledge. The great Ralph Waldo
Emerson (by his book ESSAYS) is a Water Violet positive-type. No one
can excel him in literature. He writes,

"All spontaneous actions are graceful'' (the positive

aspect of all the 38 remedies are contained in this rare

"You have a place to live in this world which no other man can
occupy; hence no competitors.''

"The difficulties of men appear like childish petulance.''

"Every man is wanted but no man is wanted much.''

"Every book is written for one man only.''

How nicely Emerson tells a way that is very simple to stop quarrels
and disunion in the family: "Let the gentleman behave like a guest in
the house''.


In the history of medicine Dr. Edward Bach too is a positive Water
Violet type personality. In medical emergencies arising from traumatic
causes—serious accidents with profuse bleedings, burns & scalds, poison
bites and electric shock, where life is in danger, a dose of the Bach
remedy Rescue Remedy completely cures the victim (excepting, of course
fractures which needs bedrest for a few days for callus formation). What
else better method of medicine do we need in accidents, injuries,
poison-bites and burns? The cure with one single dose of Rescue
Remedy, given orally, is complete and permanent remedy so that no
other treatment is required in most of the cases. Has not Edward Bach
excelled other pioneers in medicine?

No one can talk/write better things than the positive Water Violet

In olden days after surgery they will leave the open wound as it was.
Suturing a wound was not known in those days. One such person got
the idea and thereafter surgeons started suturing wounds. That person
is Water Violet—pioneers and inventors.

Those who invented pen, tape-recorder, ballpen, video and

audiocasette are all Water Violet types. What he invented is being
followed all over the world yesterday, to- day and tomorrow also.
Inventors who work for the welfare of all over the world, that is
without side-effects and which would be useful even for the coming
generations are positive Water Violet types.
In crowds they would keep themselves aloof.

In positive aspect they project themselves as a separate and distinct

identity and shine like the morning star in history. They are the
lighthouse and torchbearer. Apply this idea to the negative type also. In
crowded place, like wedding, birthday party etc., while all others take
part in the celebrations, our Water Violet type person goes to one side
of the corner and would be reading or writing or doing some other work
not at all connected with the celebration.


A boy was studying in 12th standard. While the class teacher
dictated summary for an English lesson, all the other students would be
writing it down in their notebooks. But our Water Violet-type boy would
note down a few lines only out of it. (Does not mean that he is lazy
or indifferent).

The English question paper carries ten questions, five of which would
be summary for five lessons, each carrying ten marks. All the other
students would write the summary uniformly as dictated by the class
teacher. But the Water Violet type boy does not do that. He comes
home, collects the summary dictated by teachers of other classes, and
also in other schools. Again he buys printed notes available in the
market. In addition, he keeps the original Shakespeare plays too. With
all these, he would be compiling a summary by himself, which is a
Herculean task.

Other boys ask him why he is racking his head with all these.

Let us carefully examine the reply of the boy: "If I too write the
same summary like other boys, what difference do I make in the class
among my classmates?'' I have to show my identity to others.''

(These words tell us indirectly that he wants to be different and

distinct. A positive Water Violet type indeed!)

After the half-yearly examination when the class teacher corrects the
students' answer papers he does it quickly because everyone would
uniformly be writing the summary as dictated by him. But when he
comes to our Water Violet-type boy's answer sheet, his eyes pauses; he
is taken aback. To his surprise he finds that summary is far superior to
what he had dictated, In other words, that summary points out to him
that 'summary' writing should be only in the way that boy had written
it. [Asked by the teacher whether his father or someone helped him to
write that, the boy replies that he himself did the job.]

Inventors. Pioneers.

The class teacher encouraged him to write summary for all the
lessons, notes etc. and when printed and sold, all other printed notes
disappeared in the market; and this boy's notes sold like hot cakes and
he left the school and as an author of notes and started earning 100


times of what his counterparts would do after completing school and
college studies.

As far as other boys are concerned it is quandary or strait

(troublesome job to compile summary by themselves) (negative). But for
our Water Violet type it is an occasion for celebration (positive).


In hotels, daily it is chappathi, vegetable, tea etc. But every day

there would also be a one or two new items. Displayed on a handwritten
board outside, with the heading "TODAY'S SPECIAL.'' This is to attract
the customer.!

Yes, Water Violet type persons attract others.

Vow made to a deity (generally family deity):

Daily you have to pray. Take Sweet Chestnut before this.

There are many Gods and Goddesses in Hindu religion; then sects
and sub-sects and so on and so forth.

More particularly in South India, each Hindu family would have a

family deity, which they should visit at least once a year. May be a Kali
matha in a particular village or Lord Shiva in another town? For the
routine annual visit, take Sweet Chestnut.

"Vow made to a deity." What is this? In a different and new but

unwanted and unexpected situation, say the child becomes seriously ill
and doctors say 'no hope.' Immediately they would take a vow that if
the child gets cured they would bring the child with all family members
and offer Rs.500 in the hundi to that deity. May be Lord Muruga in Palani
etc. This is not a routine matter but a special occasion—that is
unexpected, different, new and unwanted too. After the child gets
spontaneous recovery, they visit the deity in that far away town. (Some
vows that however far the temple may be, if their desire or prayer is
answered, they would come by walk and worship the deity.) This is called
''vow made to a deity.''On these occasions take Water Violet.


Daily prayer : Sweet Chestnut Daily prayer is to thank God for
all comforts that he has been
giving to us daily.

Special homam, pooja etc : Water Violet Special prayer is when

the occasion so warrants—
someone seriously ill, or getting
a decent job etc.

If you are eager to own a house take Sweet Chestnut, though you
may not be having a large amount to pay for it.

Once you identify the house and settle the rate etc. with the owner,
the job of Sweet Chestnut is over. Now whatever amount you have, pay
it as advance and now it is time for you to start taking Water Violet.
More particularly on the day of paying advance, applying for housing loan
etc. Also on the date of registration, take Water Violet. If you do so,
sooner or later you would get money/wealth worth the cost of that

Suppose you take ten lakhs housing loan and thus you have to pay
Rs.12,000 per month (for principal and interest in instalment) do not
lose heart. On the date of applying for loan, on the day of going to the
Bank, on the day of receiving their cheque etc. take Water Violet. These
are occasions which comes once only in our lifetime. If you do so, sooner
(may be in the next 365 or 730 days) you get money worth the housing
loan and you repay the loan in one lot.


LIKE THAT? Then follow the advice given below:
(A) If your child is imitating the mannerism of a teacher, actor or even
you or your brother, give the child the Bach Remedy Cerato daily.
(B) If your child is not playing like other children and is always remaining
isolated from others and doing some work which you are not able to
understand, then give Water Violet. Soon it would be an inventor
earning several lakhs every year as royalty.
(C) If your daughter is fretting and fuming and tears roll down her eyes
even for trivial matters, give the Bach remedy Cherry Plum daily and


also put the child in (vocal) music school. In a few months it would start
performing in stages earning a few thousand rupees for each two-hour
Schools/colleges/institutes/university may enable your son to earn a
few thousand rupees for 30 days of hard work (daily doing it
monotonously for eight hours.) But if you allow Nature to play its role
(Bach Remedies simply free ourselves from the undesirable effects of
descent) it would provide you in abundance.



(A) If a particular worker is doing work in a different way from his

colleagues, give him Water Violet. By this you are helping him to
invent a new thing and by introducing and marketing that, you start
earning in lakhs. (If you do not know about Bach remedies you would
only be dismissing him).
(B) If one of your workers is not doing the job in his section (for which
you appointed him) and is poking his nose in other sections, do not
dismiss him. Give him the Bach Remedy Cerato and soon you will
find that his suggestions helps you to improve upon what you have
been doing by 100 times.

Anand (AmZßX) (Happiness) — Wild Rose (double promotion


Paramanand ([a_mZßX) (extreme

happiness or celebration) — Water Violet (highest award)

You may not be a negative Water Violet type. You may also not get
any occasion/situation (different, new and unwanted from the routine)
warranting the use of Water Violet. Does not matter. Do what a positive
Water Violet type person does and soon you may become a

What does positive-type person do? He is doing or working in a new,

different way from all others. So also, in your daily routine just make at
least slight change/alterations. For example, replace your daily morning
tea with coffee or some other drink. Say buttermilk (if it is summer).

Break the routine and then only you would be able to see the
different new world setup by God that would fetch you 100 times of what
you had been earning.


If you are going for walk daily evening, one day make it in the

In your factory on the 1st of every month give free and sumptuous
lunch to your staff. At that time take Water Violet and listen to what
the workers are telling/talking. In their talks, there would be hints and
ideas to improve your production 100 times. Once a while, make the
office files to be available at home and work there.

Once a while stay in the office overnight.

These are the methods to break the routines. Routinism is man-

made. Soon it is tiring and would rob our health.

Mighty Nature too never goes out of her routine – the sun is rising
daily at 6 a.m. in the morning in the east. But that is different. It never
tires us. Never causes diseases. But man-made routines bring disease,
disrepute, dishonour etc. Do not plan. But let us follow the plan made
by Nature. Then you too can be a king.
To get award/reward — Wild Rose
(dances only on the day of getting that)
To get double promotion / — Water Violet
increase of income in own (dance all the year because every day
profession by 100 times he is looked at with admiration.)

Daily it is sambar, rasam, rice, one vegetable (South Indian family)

or roti, subji, dhal (North India). Occasionally the housewife prepares
special item. On these days she should take Water Violet. On festival
days she prepares everything specially. Here also, she should take Water
Violet on these days.

On Sundays too, the workaholic goes to office — Vervain

(But does not work on festival days)

But even on deepavali (because he is otherwise — Water Violet

comparatively free from daily routine)
the person would be doing some different,
new, strange work — (Work is worship for
Water Violet. Therefore
it is a celebration and not


God's blessing can make miracle in medicine or spontaneous cure.
But there are occasions where God, instead of merely sending his
blessings has to come and do a job himself with his hands or feel; in
Ramayana we read that when Rama put his feet on a rock lady
Agaligai got resurrected. (Earlier due to a curse she became a rock)

Take a dose or two of Water Violet and go to sadhus, saints, priests

etc. That fellow would run away or prostrate before you if he is not a
real Sweet Chestnut type.

If he is really a Sweet Chestnut type, then you cannot approach him.

No one can open his mouth (contention, dispute, argue, find fault
etc.) before Water Violet.

While occupying a new house or laying foundation stone you consult

an astrologer to know the auspicious date and time. No need for all
these. Our Water Violet is the best almanac. Before you select a day
and time for special/auspicious occasions, take Water Violet and you
would automatically decide the right date. Or, while going to the
astrologer take the remedy and this would make him behave properly
and find the date that is not merely 'auspicious' but auspicious to you.

If you know the (correct) time and place to do certain things, then
you can win the world. Water Violet is for knowing that correct time and

For a farmer who ploughs widely — Cerato

For a farmer who ploughs deeply — Water Violet

Subjective study/meaning — Cerato

Objective study/meaning — Water Violet

Eats leaves/fruits from the tree — CERATO

Removes the tree along with its root — WATER VIOLET

Men foolishly think that when travel is over, bus or train ticket is of
no use and so throws it away. On the weekday when you are born, look
at the number of the ticket. If it agrees with your birth date, if you buy
lottery ticket on that day, you would win.


Every month on your birth date if you travel look at the ticket
number. Buy a lottery ticket bearing that number and you win Rs.10
thousand or one lakh.
Mighty Nature tells us: "you have paid Rs.5 for the day's ticket. Now
I want to repay you in hundreds and thousands to you for spending that
Men say that 1=1
Nature tells that 1 = 3 or infinite
Nature produces in abundance.
Nature knows no economics.
(ESSAYS by Ralph Waldo Emerson)
A man (conductor) gives bus ticket, and another man (passenger)
buys it. How can we get in lakhs out of the ticket made by man? But
Nature made man and he in turn made ticket. The ticket talks to you
but the man is busy to his office or place and he talks politics etc.
Therefore the words uttered by the ticket does not fall into his ears.
Man is God in ruins (Emerson).
A knowledgeable person does not talk. So also, tickets, trees,
plants, animals.
Take Water Violet, more particularly on Sundays and weekly holidays
and try to learn to talk with animals and plants. They would give a
better message to earn thousands daily.
Crab Apple type persons feel it awkward to go before others.
Because, he thinks that others would tease him (his large belly, bald
head, short stature).
(A) Wild Rose-type person teases/mocks others
(B) Crab Apple-type person is teased by others (or at
least they think that others are teasing/mocking at
(C) A Water Violet type person is called as a 'loose' by


Negative : Noise which is painful
Positive : Self-realisation or Samadhi
Listening to the inner voice
Those who had taken a glimpse (darshan) of God won't show any
interest in worldly things or worldly affairs. They are bitter to him.
The less you talk the more you listen (Heather)
We can or may harm others by talking. But never can we hurt
anyone with our ears.
Any one talking on anything (except in praise of God) means noise
only. It is a waste. It is disease and ultimately decay/disaster.
Noise is 'disturbance'— Noise 'pollution'
Just because we talk (thereby causing noise) others become restless
that they have no alternative but to take law in their hands (Rock Water
negative types)—the Naxalite, Extremists, L.T.T.E., Terrorists, Hijackers
Dear sir, what is there to talk?
Nature gives milk (through cows); foodgrains grow in the fields and
vegetables in the garden and fruits in orchards. Eating all these things,
men ought to keep quiet with a guilt complex, because men do not give
anything in return. But they make noise.
What is wrong with men?

Fasting comes in the positive aspect of Rock Water.

Many wrongly think that 'austerity' or 'observance' is abstaining from
food. No. It is only secondary.
'Austerity' or 'observance' is to give rest to the mouth. This is
because anything that we do by mouth—eating/drinking or talking—is
harmful not only to ourselves but also to others indirectly.
On Ekadasi (upawas) observing fast, 'not talking or keeping silent'
too, should go hand in hand with 'not eating'. 'Not talking' is more
important than 'not eating.'
We give more rest to mouth by 'not talking' than by 'not eating.'
For eating/drinking we may spend 60 minutes a day
But in talking we spend more than 4-6 hours a day.
Great men or knowledgeable persons do not talk much.


A pot with full of water won't make noise when carried fast. It is only
half learnt men who go on prattling.
We see the board "Silence Please" in the library, prayer hall etc.
If we talk, we only invite problems.
Professors/Preachers can talk. Others should only listen. (Here one
person talks and 40 to 100 persons listen to him.) just imagine the
converse: 50 persons talking to one man; the latter would go crazy.
We do more harm to others and to ourselves by talking than by
anything else. You cannot hurt anyone by your ear but you can acquire
good knowledge by 'listening.' That is why God has given two ears, but
one mouth. More important organs, he has given bilaterally, one as a
While with our ear we cannot hurt anyone, we can certainly do that
by our mouth by talking ill of others to third person or by scolding.
We must hold back our tongue (means reduce your talking to the
minimum as well as taking excess food).
If you cannot keep quiet, at least be polite and courteous. In talking
politely/courteously there is no need to raise the voice. We talk aloud
when condemning others.
Remember Edward Bach's writings: One condemnation against
anyone is a condemnation of the whole humanity.
Look at God! Never does he talk. Look at trees and animals. They
do not speak/talk. Early men did not talk but communicated with one
another through pictures painted on rocks. In those days they were more
healthy. No pollution.
You can become great by not talking than by any other means. These
are the positive aspects. We weep for the silent dead. But actually we
should weep for the talkative living persons.
I weep not for the silent dead
I weep not for the absent swain
And those that loved their steps must tread
When death shall join to part no more.
If men really want to become greater than animals, then they should
talk less than animals. Animals do make noise—the crow crows, only
when it is absolutely necessary. Not otherwise. Animals never prattle nor
The purpose of going on weekend holidays to a distant place is to
keep quiet. But unfortunately we use phone and mobile there also. What
a shame!


Alchemy (the art and science of converting cheaper
metals into gold with least expense/time)
A hundred percent positive Wild Rose-type person acquires the
knowledge of alchemy.
We may not be a Wild Rose-type. So we cannot take the remedy to
become a 100% positive type. So also, in the case of a negative type
Wild Rose person, we do not know after how many years of taking the
remedy he is going to become a 100% positive type.
But mighty Nature offers a short-cut. If we simply imitate or copy
what a 100% positive Wild Rose type person does, then we too can
acquire the knowledge of alchemy.
What does the positive Wild Rose person do? He is a one way traffic
as opposed to Chicory-type. Chicory is selfish and is constantly taking
help/money/favour from others, but never reciprocates it.
On the contrary, the Wild Rose-types never disturb others even for
his dire needs. He is supplying the needs of all people, even without the
latter's asking for it, that too regardless of caste, creed, race, religion.
Nay, he even does not want to be thanked for his generosity. He does
not care for the recognition of his kind act.
Therefore, if you help some person to remove his poverty/suffering
even without his asking for it from you, and, most importantly without
telling them that you are helping him, then you too, one day, would be
in possession of the knowledge of alchemy.
It is said in Tamil Nadu that charity/donation given by your right
hand should not be known even to your left hand. That is real
generosity. If you expect anything back (even a mere 'thanks' from the
recipient) it is not charity.
But just look at the Chicory-type. Occasionally if he is forced to help
others, he wants recognition for his favour.
It is not men who should 'recognise' us but our boss, God, should
do that. Then we get income like alchemy.
Again, keeping what is absolutely essential, if you give away
everything to others then you will receive God's gift—alchemy.
How beautifully the Holy Bible tells us this: “Lend and expect
nothing back… If you care only for those whom you love, why should you
receive God's gift?”
We spend a tiny portion of our earnings for charity. But Wild Rose
type persons earn money to give (a major portion of it) for charity.



5% 15% 40% 65% 90% 100%

A Dy. Director of Madras Branch of a Central Government office was
a 5% Wild Rose-type. On the date of receiving monthly salary he would
ask his peon to keep it in a tin can inside a cupboard in his office room.
At lunch time he would ask the peon to take money and bring lunch.
When asked whether he wants vegetarian or non-vegetarian, whether
food from Udupi hotel etc. etc., the Dy. Director would reply: "Any food.
I cannot remain hungry. I have to fill up my belly.''
When his shirt is torn he would call the peon, tell him his shirt size
and ask him to buy one or two pieces. When the peon asks whether he
wants checked or striped, whether cotton or terrycotton, our Dy. Director
would say, "Bring anything. After all I cannot wear a torn shirt" He is
putting on shirt only and merely because he cannot wear a torn shirt as
a Dy. Director.
We can say that this person is a 5% Wild Rose type. No interest in
anything. Misanthropy.
Those who get 40 and above marks are said to have passed an
examination. Therefore, above 40% we would call as 'positive' and below
that as 'negative' types.
Now a look at the 15% negative type person. On the 1st of every
month he takes his friends with him to a star hotel and enjoys drink/
food etc. Only a fraction of his monthly salary comes home where there
are five members to be supported.
Those in the range of 40-65% are those who get award, reward,
double promotion etc. etc.
In the case of 90-100% come those who sponsor scholarship, giving
away without any thought of return.
When cinematography was introduced, in the initial days the actors
did not speak. In those days sound-recording was not invented.
If men read scriptures it is sacred. When heard through audio or
video cassettes, it is no more sacred. It is noise pollution. Cassettes do
not know what devotion or bhakti is.
Learn things from the mouth of the teacher and not by video/audio
cassette. By look, the teacher imparts more. He would correct you when
you wrong. When heard from cassettes it is just noise.


Audio/Video cassettes are insults of humanity. It is a degradation.
Speed Mania: Reckless running of vehicles; alas, the tragedy caused
by fatal accidents of high speed vehicles. Not only the loud roaring noise
made by head-on collision of vehicles, but also the shrieks/screams of
victims of fatal accidents.
Fast moving planes and speeding vehicles are to be hated like
plague and dysentery. These speeding vehicles are weeds planted daily
by men. It is a shame indeed!
The positive aspects of the remedy Impatiens are:
Darshan (glimpse) of god


A\∑∂ (asareeri) is a Tamil word. — Incorporeal voice.
It is voice heard from the sky (or heaven) making a prediction or
instructing someone to do something. Oracle.
A more accurate meaning can be known by looking at the situation
when it is heard. In olden days, suppose the king of a state faces some
difficulty, he would consult his minister. Sometimes the minister or even
Rajaguru (King's royal court priest) is not able to find a solution. On such
an occasion a voice (heard from sky) would tell a solution in a crisp and
telegraphic language. "To overcome famine and hunger death, pour one
thousand pots of water over the idol Shiva in the temple in your capital
and immediately there would be downpour of rain.''
Yes, when man is not able to solve a problem God has to come to
his rescue. Otherwise, what is the use of God and why should we
worship Him, construct temples and celebrate festivals?
"What is impossible for man is possible for God.'' (The Holy Bible)
'Incorporeal voice' is not a rare thing heard once in a bluemoon. It
is happening everywhere daily so that we can lead a trouble-free and
happy life.
At this point many readers may rise their voice objecting to this
statement. But if you take the Bach remedy Heather you can hear such
voices (offering solutions and giving good messages) not necessarily


from the sky but from the mouth of your friends, guests or relatives,
colleagues etc. with whom we talk daily and for hours.
If we are asked to choose one remedy only out of the 38 Bach
Remedies (barring us to the use of the remaining 37 remedies) our
choice should be in favour of the remedy Heather. Yes. Heather tops the
"More servants wait on man than he will take notice of.'' So writes
the great Ralph Waldo Emerson. The truth of this statement is borne out
when we take Heather on ourselves.
God should speak and we should listen. If you take Heather, it
makes you so receptive that persons coming to see/talk with you,
become God's representatives in delivering God's message/information.
If a person offers a solution to our problem (that had defined
treatment by doctors, tantrics, priests etc.) and if we are relieved by
that, what do we say? "You told me that solution as if God came in
person and told me.''
""}[P“ ˆ\ı¿ºØx Phƒ˜Õ ˜{∂¿ ¡¢x ˆ\ıfl⁄x ˜£ı¿ C∏¢ux.''
A certain lady was having intense burning pain in genitals and
various treatment could not relieve her. On hearing this her neighbour
suggested to apply castor oil daily and this completely relieved her. That
lady told her neighbour, "As if it were God coming in person, you told
me that remedy.'' Not only for difficulties that could not be solved by
doctors, astrologers, tantrics etc. but also for various things where a
doctor or an astrologer would help us by taking his fees of Rs.100-200,
God sends us free of cost the cheapest overnight solutions through men
who meet us daily.
God is not so cruel to limit men to be an accountant only, earning
a mere seven thousand rupees, nor a cleark, nor a lawyer. All human
beings sent by God are Divya (holy) purushas (men).
With our small brain, we had too much limited men's power, by
enveloping him with a tiny job of a mere accountant, banker, barber,
maidservant etc.
If we take Heather, for 1-2 months, daily one or two doses, , it does
not increase our faculty or art of listening. It only stops our blabbering
so that we become receptive to the message of God from the mouths
of men with whom we talk.


How beautifully and correctly Dr. Edward Bach writes about Heather!
"The messenger is waiting to deliver a message to you.''
But we wrongly think that we must instruct our juniors to do this or
that work. Again that the postman has to simply deliver letters to us and
nothing more useful can come to us from him; that the man at the
counter has to merely issue ticket. No. Not at all. God has not branded
men as a mere ticket issuing counter man or typist or electrician,
mechanic etc. It is insult of humanity to say that a particular person is
typist capable of earning a mere four thousand rupees etc. etc.
Nature produces in abundance. If we think that a carpenter can only
make four chairs a day and we have to pay Rs.200 for that day's work,
nothing can be a more serious sin.
God is creating every man with unlimited potential. 'Limit' is not in
His vocabulary. He knows 'infinite' only.
How foolishly do we think that we must consult a doctor, an architect
or a lawyer. These technical men have limited knowledge because they
have been trained in institutions created by men with tiny brain. While
going in a taxi to see a doctor, (if only you take prior to that, a few
doses of Heather), the cab man drops a better, easy and cheap remedy
to cure your illness. Or, may be, the nurse in the doctor's clinic (while
you wait in the queue) or, the patient sitting next to your, may drop
a solution which you may find is far superior to the doctor's prescription!
Nature hates our systems. Lord Bernard Shaw puts it the other way.
"The minority is always correct.'' Again, the great Emerson, "Nature
keeps her ways secret.''
Only if we take Heather on ourselves, daily 1-2 doses for five days
(then no medicine for another five days) and so on and so forth do we
come to know how each man (that we meet) tells a better solution/
message than a doctor, lawyer or engineer. Heather is a great remedy
indeed! We should vote in favor of it in preference to all other Bach
Miscellaneous Section — Random Notes on Advanced Practice
If you take the remedy Gorse, things do happen (reaching your goal/
fulfilment of desires). So also the remedy Oak. But what is the
Gorse (Hopeless in possible things within the powers of humans)
Oak (Hopeful of impossible things)


But, if you take the New Bach remedy along with Dhoodh and
Heather, others do the work for you and give the fruit in your hands.
1. Things do happen (accomplishment/fulfilment of desire/goal)
without your effort, but not in the way that you anticipate —
2. The Bach Remedy Oak guides you to reach your goal in the way
you plan.
Learn Bach remedies in arithmetic way:
For go-getter (reaching goal or accomplishment of a job) any one of
the following combinations works:
(a) Chestnutbud + Oak + Water Violet or "handle.''
(b) Gentian + Gorse + Wild Rose
(Chestnutbud + Oak + Water Violet) = (Gentian + Gorse + Wild
Explain the difference between (a) and (b) above.
In (b) above, things happen without much of our effort
In (a), 'handle' puts us in the correct path to execute our plans by
The remedy Agrimony is opposite of Heather ('taciturnity' in the
former and 'loquacity' of the latter). But the effects are same. Explain.
Answer: In Agrimony he is enabled (by taking the remedy) to talk
about his difficulties and thus get solution/remedy for them.
In Heather because he keeps silent (becoming receptive to God's
messages) more persons, without his asking them for solutions, come and
tell him the solutions of their own (for your problems/difficulties.)
In the case of the New Bach remedy Dhoodh, others execute the
work for you.
(1) Practising 'witnessing' (positive aspect of the remedy Clematis)
gives the positive aspects of all remedies.
(2) So also, the remedy Heather too gives the results of most of the
remedies. (Because, each day, in 24 hours, we spend more time
in talking than in doing anything else.)


(A) Gentian + Mustard + Wild Rose + Rock Rose + Gorse = go-getter
(B) Chestnutbud + Oak + Water Violet + Impatiens + Wild Oat =
is also another go-getter
What is the difference between these two combinations?
(A) is for heavenly favors (marriage, buying/selling house/land,
planning for fag end of life (spiritual) (for purely and highly
spiritual, see also Clematis + Sweet Chestnut)
(B) is for worldly things (material things)
Learn Bach remedies in Chemistry formula way:
Willow = Holly. Explain.
In Willow, you love every one
In Holly, you become humane.
Not much difference (Like Holly & Vine)
Give three doses of the remedy Impatiens (at 6, 7 and 8 a.m.) to
the housewife who is in tension (hurry) and frets and fumes to prepare
morning food, pack lunch and send children to school. Soon she will start
earning three times of what her husband is earning. (verified in twelve
You may send your answers to the following questions.
1) If you were asked to use one remedy only barring you to the use of
the remaining 37-Bach remedies, what would you choose or prefer?
2) Name the one small remedy.
3) A) Disease affects the body - Impatiens
B) Disease affects the mind - Cherry Plum
C) What is above mind? When it is affected, what is the remedy for
4) How does "Gentian'' act or help us?
5) "True art is to hide art''. What is the remedy?


6) Differentiate between Walnut & Water Violet:
(A) Learning a new subject or art or starting living in a new place,
house or surrounding involves two points:
(i) Get rid of your preconceived notions on the subject or what
you might have been taught elsewhere;
(ii) To adapt yourself (your body/mind) to the new environment.
The above is covered by the remedy Walnut
(B) In the case of Water Violet, you are placed in a situation that
you had not desired or opted but which you have to do it all by
yourself without previous knowledge/experience.
Again, in Walnut, you go for learning a new subject/or living in a new
place (ADAPTATION). In Water Violet, you had not opted for it but
much against your will it is thrust on you and you have to face and
tackle it somehow or other that too in a short time, (FOCUSSING)
Walnut = adaptation problem (you can learn it slowly and
W.Violet = focussing (you have to do all in a short time)
both the above are NEW situation
7) The word 'Water' is, of course, found in the two remedies Water
Violet and Rock Water. Examine or differentiate the one particular
symptom which appears in common to the two remedies.
Answer : Water Violet focusses on the acute problem on hand.
Rock Water-type person focusses on his principle.
8) Someone comes to the court of law to give false evidence against
you (perjurer). Suppose you are not able to give him the remedy
Chestnutbud, what remedy you should take (apart from Rock Water)
to make him tell the truth and not give false evidence wilfully. Or,
let us put it in another way. Suppose a person always tells a lie to
you or comes to you to cheat you, what remedy (if taken by you)
would make him behave correctly and not cheat you?
9) You try your level best to get rid of a disease in your body. No result.
Apart from Oak, Water Violet, and Gorse, what remedy would enable
you to wipe it out like a whip?
10) What is the positive aspect of Rock Water? You are powerless before
the customs men, police, court, local rowdy, M.L.A. etc. So also, you


have to surrender and submit yourself to diabetes (by restricting
sweets, untimely and excessive eating) (by restricting salt, pungent,
massala item in case of) jaundice etc. However big or powerful a
man may be, if diseased, he has to submit. Even the Great
Alexander died of plague. Therefore, Rock Water becomes a potent
weapon for us to fight disease that resist all treatments.
Another aspect of Rock Water. When you are goint to see a swamyji
(so-called holy man of Hindoostan) apart from taking Water Violet,
take a few doses of Rock Water and see howmeek that so-called
swamyji becomes before you and surrenders to you by telling that
what he wears, tell etc. are mere disguise. (impersonator)
11) What is the remedy for old age (for those above 50-65 years of
Answer: Gentian, Wild Rose, Walnut, Gorse, Olive
12) The word "Chestnut" appears in three remedies viz., Chestnutbud,
Red Chestnut and Sweet Chestnut. Write down the one symptom
that too is common to all the three remedies.
In Chestnutbud - You respect, obey and follow what your
teacher tells you.
In Red Chestnut - You respect, obey and follow your doctor.
In Sweet Chestnut - You repect, obey and follow God.
In our six page booklet titled "combination galore'' we have given
combinations for various purpose/situations. You are not to merely follow
it blindly. It is only an introduction to make combinations.
What we want to say here is they are just examples or guide to
make combinations. According to situations, you may make your own
combinations. For example, in the case of Siddha doctor, to become No.1
in his field, he may take "Red Chestnut + Sweet Chestnut''.
Red Chestnut is for all medical practioners. In respect of Siddha
medicines, you can't learn it by studying books or by experience.
blessings of Guru or God's grace is absolutely essential for learning
Siddha medicine. Hence "Sweet Chestnut''.


In the case of professional Astrologers (of Indian Astrology) too, the
above two remedies holds good.
In the case of more than 95% of individuals at the fag end of their
life, it is depression, sadness (Gentian), misanthropy (indifference to all
things) (Wild Rose), and hopelessness / helplessness (Chicory/Gorse).
Therefore, those above 40-50 years of age, if they take these four
remedies daily two doses for 3 days followed by 10 days period of not
taking any medicine, and this repeated for two months, would enable
them to know and identify the area/field and also adopt them so that
their life becomes happy and contended at the end.


Wherever you have to Argue. Contend, Bargain or go to Court/Police
Station to FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT. Also Disputes, Quarrels. Prior to
these occasions, take this remedy every thirty minutes or so, 5-10
The trouble creating neighbour KEEPS QUIET. When you want to sell/
buy properties-flat, house, housing site, car etc., nauirally BARGAINING
starts. After bargaining with a buyer of your property, take a dose of
AGRIMONY every thirty minutes. 5-10 doses. Next morning, a new
person enters the scene telling that you are offering your property at a
cost of Rs.15 lakhs, and he is ready to buy at that cost. Brokers,
brokerage etc., go our of terminology with Agrimony.
Do you want others to pay you what you require, expect or demand
Start taking Agrimony alone daily 1-2 doses. A medical practitioner was
practicing in a small town where patients would bargain even for the
doctor’s fees. After taking Agrimony. patients silently paid his fees. To
know the positive aspects of Agrimony. look at the deity in the temple.
People walk in. drop coins in the hundi, offer fruits etc., and go away
without asking for anything. By taking Agrimony, your product or service
speak and so you need not do that.
You need not virtually mix the remedies. but-start taking (WO pills
from each remedy (in any order) one by one and chew them.
AGRIMONY + GORSE + GENTIAN: The English alphabet ‘G’ stands
for cure. This letter is found in these three remedies.
Agrimony = You have to explain or talk about your illness without hiding
anything then only others or a doctor can tell you a remedy
or solution.
Gorse = The first step towards cure is hope. Also, by laking Gorse,
you automatically start behaving like a patient and by this
doctors/hospital staff are enabled to behave themselves. So,
no overcharge, no unwanted tests etc.
With the above three remedies. you may also take WATER VIOLET.
By taking Water Violet, you become a person at the receiving end—a
patient receiving the services of doctors/nurses in the hospital. Thus, no
more unwanted tests and scans. Also the doctors pay special attention
and give you the best possible treatment without relatives begging the
doctor to treat carefully and in the ‘best’ way. Also by continuing Water
Violet alone daily one dose (even after getting cured), somehow or the
other, you get back the amount spent on the treatment.


To get more gold/golden jewels in your house, start taking daily
2-3 doses of the following remedies:
Agrimony + Wild Rose + Water Violet
• You hide costly jewellery safely in a locker in your cupboard —
• Everyone, on looking at the jewel, exclaims with their wide open eyes
and joy — Wild Rose
• You do not merely keep the jewel anywhere, but take extra care and
attention in
• arranging it in the jewel box (focusing) - Water Violet.
For getting anything done, look at your reaction to that situation to
select and take remedies accordingly to get things done.
• Agrimony + Heather is an excellent two-remedy combination. (out of
many combinations two-remedy combinations are the best)
Before going to ask anything from anyone, may be a thing or favour,
take these two remedies, a few doses 1-2 days in advance. Agrimony
acts like a dialogue box in the computer/internet. Heather (taken by you)
makes the other person tell useful things.
A person went to talk with a friend of his regarding a matter worth
one thousand rupees. Two days prior to this, he took Agrimony +
Heather daily thrice. That friend talked an altogether different topic that
was worth ten thousand rupees.
A graduate with additional qualifications went for an interview for a
job with a salary of seven thousand. He took these two remedies thrice
daily for two days prior to the date of interview. On looking at his bio-
data, one of the members of the interviewing committee told him that
a friend of his in another organization wants a hand with the
qualifications which this person was having. He gave a letter asking him
to go to that organization and vow! There the salary was fourteen
Remember! Whenever you go out or someone come to you to talk.
ask or demand, take these two remedies and the results are excellent.
• For group discussions take Agrimony + Heather + Elm.
• For Association/Society meetings: Mustard + Aspen + Agrimony
+ Heather + Elm
Agrimony is bonus. Bonus is given without your asking for it. Man
with his small mind says “monthly salary of Rs. Twenty thousand and
annual bonus of two months salary.


Mighty nature says that it would give you two months bonus every
month or fortnight. That is Bach Remedies!
When someone is coming to you for dispute, quarrel, argument or
fight, take Agrimony and he silently slips away.
Don’t say a good man as bad.
So also, do not say the bad man as bad.
If you call anyone as bad, sinner or fraud, you indirectly share his
If you are in a position thinking always of the safety, welfare and
betterment of others.
If you are married and with children, then as a parent, you are
always thinking of the safety, welfare and betterment of your children.
As a parent you must first know good things without mistake.
Therefore Chestnutbud + Elm is a good combination for parents to bring
up your children. This is almost a tonic indeed for parents with children
If you hold position of importance—key men in industry, ministers of
state, doctors, teachers, nurses. All those holding positions of trust hold
them because of their ability wisdom and dependability. Decisions of
important matters may depend upon their advice, they are perhaps the
only person who can do that particular job.
In situations where you cannot consult others (because no one is by
your side or others cannot understand your difficulties/problems) and
where you have to decide yourself, the best method to solve problems,
then Elm comes to your help.
• As a patient in a hospital or as a passenger in a train/aircraft, you are
at the receiving end of their services. You must take — WATER
• To get simple help from others — CHICORY
• To consult others (astrologer, vastu correction etc.) — CERATO
• To get the grace of god in cases of dilemma in situations where
humans are helpless and god alone can help — SWEET CHESTNUT
• In situations where you have no other person to consult or the problem
cannot be understood by others and you are also not able to manage,


then you seek the help of god. (your family traits, traditions etc. may
be different from other parents though belonging to your religion. Thus
you have to manage situations where children misbehave) — ELM
Whether it is unmanageable maidservant, or unmanageable children
where you have to handle the situation yourself, where you cannot run
every now and then to others for help or advice.
ADDITIONAL NOTES ON ELM: (comparison with another Bach remedy
a) If you are a Wild Oat-type, you may take that remedy and this
means you are holding your passport and so you can enter any
country. In other words, you know your mission in life and so you can
earn sufficient money to last for several generations (like Oxford
b) If you are NOT a Wild Oat type, how can you know your mission in
life. For such persons, Elm enables them to find their mission.
Wild Oat: He is doing a work which no one has done in the past and
which no one can do in the future too. (Introducing the concept of
dictionary by Oxford, Mahatma Gandhi’s path of ahimsa, caring for
orphans like Mother Theresa, mathematics genius Shakuntalu Devi,
founder of homoeopaihy Dr. Samuel Hahnemunn, remedies by Dr. Edward
Bach etc.).
Elm: He does the same job or work which many others are doing.
E.g., Chartered Accountant, novelist, lawyer etc. There are many
novelists in the world, but Agatha Christie is topping the list of novelists
To become number one in your field (where many persons are in the
same field), you take Elm. This enables you to earn sufficient money to
last for several future generations of your family. There is no curriculum
of study in any college or University to become number one in your field.
• Reduce your family medical expenses by 50% to 90% with Red
Chestnut and Water Violet.
1. As soon as you fall sick and think of visiting the doctor, start taking
Water Violet every hour or so. The doctor (who may be otherwise
indifferent) would tell all necessary things; also, even if he is in the
habit of writing down unnecessary blood tests and ultrasound scans,
would not do so at least in your case (because you have taken Water


We are living in the days of looting by doctors with tests, scans etc.
Simultaneously you must give Red Chestnut to one or more of your
family members who would be accompanying you to the doctor.
2. When your child (or a near blood relation) falls sick, and if you
decide to visit the doctor, give Water Violet to the sick person and
you take Red Chestnut.
CLINICAL EXPERIENCES: A patient walks in with many complaints.
As everything was vague, I wanted to wait and observe him for a few
days. So I gave him a phial of pills of Water Violet to be taken daily
one dose. He asked me if he could take one dose right then. I allowed
him. Moments later, he started dropping a fresh symptom with which I
could easily select the correct homoeo medicine for him.
Mr. Shyam’s wife fell sick and his wife asked him to take her to the
doctor. Mr. Shyam immediately gave a dose of Water Violet to her and
he took a dose of Red Chestnut. Within minutes, he could recollect and
remember that his wife had the same complaint a few months earlier,
went to a doctor who after various clinical tests etc. prescribed some
medicine. He searched for the old prescription, gave the medicine and
she was cured.
A patient with chronic jaundice was under my treatment for two
months. Though step-by-step recovery was noticed, there was constant
relapse too. One day, after visiting me, the mother of the patient
phoned me asking that since he has lot of weakness, she was worried
and asked me if any tests are to be conducted. I told her to take Red
Chestnut twice daily and asked her to give her son (the patient) Water
Violet twice. At once she had taken the medicines which I learnt later.
A few minutes later, I casually started restudying the case and could
pinpoint the diagnosis as abscess of liver and told my prescription over
phone. With one dose, he got complete cure in twenty-four hours. (her
taking Red Chestnut and the patient taking Water Violet enabled me to
find out the remedy quickly.)
In West Bengal, a Bengali saying reads:
• “If you don’t know what to do, do (practice) homoeopathy.” Okay, you
have become a homoeopath overnight. That is the easiest thing one
can do in India. But you do not know anything about the subject. The
following sentence to the above saying continues as under:
• “If you don’t know what (homoeo remedy) to give, give Nux Vomica.”
We can now rewrite that Bengali saying in a more sensible and
useful way as under:


• “If you don’t know what medicine to choose, give Water Violet.”
You can say goodbye to health insurance and mediclaim with Water
• Positive: Closeness—intimacy—affection; attachment—familiarity;
affection between relatives/friends
• Negative: timidity—hesitation—favour
When you take the help of close blood relatives or thick friends, it
is inherent and part of the relationship, but if you get the same help free
of cost from a stranger, you call it ‘favour.’
You enter the office of a big organization. If you already know
someone there, you straightaway walk in. Otherwise you have
hesitation, apprehension etc.
Before entering a new place or going to talk with a stranger take
Aspen and see how that person deals with you.
If you know someone in that office, you feel secure and safe;
otherwise it is hesitation, foreboding.
In the modern day, we are attached to worldly pleasures and things.
So locks, safe deposits, insurance, savings etc. If we are attached to all
human beings and to the Almighty, no need for reservation of air ticket,
booking of hotel rooms in advance. In olden days in India, choultry is
a place where travellers can come and stay, take food free of cost: Same
food we take even today but we pay for the bill, tips, reserve rooms in
advance, e-mail etc. etc. All humbug. The society of the present day is
in a degraded and demoralised state.
Nobody can be independent. We are inter-dependent, If there is true
affection/attachment, then no difficulty. Things would run smoothly.
Otherwise, you have yellow pages, advertisements, visiting cards, letter-
heads, cell phones, e-mail etc. These are mumps and measles of
Going to a strange place, which you have never visited before then
take Aspen. Things would be super smooth. You save more than fifty
percent of money, energy etc. “Cares” of daily life is painful. With the
Bach remedy Aspen, we are beyond pain or suffering, beyond care or
worry, fear, beyond everything except the joy of life, the joy of
Fear knocked at the door, faith opened it and there was no one.
Chinese proverb.


At the present day, in many European countries health insurance is
a must when you land there. Are we not entitled to joy and pleasure in
visiting strange places. Disease is an unwanted thing. Why should we
care for that?
Are we to live the present with total enjoyment or are we to suffer
by thinking always of future as to what would happen to us in old age
These are mockeries of humanity. The so-called intelligent reader yells:
“Sir, it is safe for us to carry travellers cheque and credit cards.” Our reply
is, “You have first fear and therefore, you think of safety.”
We in the present day, live in fear, uncertainity, doubt, foreboding.
For all comforts, more particularly, while in a strange land, take Aspen
and you can forget air ticket reservation, credit cards, hotel reservation
etc. Someone appears before you and gives everything either free of cost
or takes care of all your needs at a cheaper cost.
Try Aspen if you want to have joy in life. Do away with unwanted
cares, worries, anxieties etc. with Aspen.
Money power/Muscle power.
Life problem and life-time problem.
Long distance - both space and time (speed mania = Impatiens).
Distant or remote past / future.
Intimacy - Blood relations - thick friends, love and affection.
You or I may not be a Mustard type. Therefore, this remedy may not
be of any use for us. But, there are times or occasions when we
temporarily become a negative type of this remedy. Let us examine
those occasions and what wonders this remedy can do.
Your thick friend or relative is wrongly confined by the police in a
lock-up. If you are prepared to throw one Iakh rupees, give the amount
to the city police commissioner and he would be with you the whole day
accompanying you to any police station you want and also do anything
in that police station. You don’t have that much money to throw away
like that. Take Mustard a few doses and go to the police station. The
inspector there would treat you as if you have come there with the city
police commissioner. If you tell your requirement, he will immediately do
it, without bribe, of course. Money power, muscle power or power by
remaining in big position. That is Mustard.


By merely laking Mustard (without any symptom for that remedy in
you at a time), you cannot make everyone salute you. Only if there is
a pressing occasion, the remedy will do its work.
Say, your neighbour of your flat in the same floor is causing you a
lot of nuisance. His flat is worth Rs.fifteen lakhs. If you want to get rid
of him because of the torture caused by him and if you have thirty lakhs
to throw away, you can call him aside telling that you would buy his flat
fer thirty lakhs. He would readily sell it to you and vacate and go away.
But you don’t have thirty lakhs to throw away on the road like that. On
this pressing occasion, take Mustard and he would either sell the house
or let out to somebody and go away.
OF RUPEES, you can achieve with Mustard.
Let us say, that you want to meet and talk with your classmate who
was studying with you in school in the seventh standard. His name is
Wilson. Can you locate and meet him? Yes, it is possible; for a month
or so, daily repeat an advertisement on the front page of all dailies all
over the world, giving your name and telling that you want to meet your
classmate called say, Wilson, who had studied with you in seventh
standard in National High School in Chennai during the year 1965. Even
if that particular Wilson is not in the habit of reading the daily, some
of his friends may come across the advertisement and tell that Wilson
asking whether he was your classmate. For all these first page
advertisement, you may have to spend fifty crores of rupees and by this
you can definitely locate him. But you don’t have fifty crores to throw
just like that. Go to the internet center, open the website “schooldays.
com.” In the respective column on the left hand side enter your name,
school name, year and class in which you were studying. On the right
hand side, enter the name of your classmate whom you want to meet.
Come home and start taking Mustard. The message would reach your
classmate somehow or other and he would contact you.
We have been repeatedly writing in various pages of our notes and
books on Bach Remedies that “Nature produces in abundance”.
In the case of death of an old man in the house, everyone is grief
stricken at least for the first few days. We cannot compensate the loss
but if a few crores are available (because of his death), we can open a
free memorial hospital or orphanage in his name. This would bring peace
to the departed soul and the relatives can to a very great extent
overcome the sorrow/grief because his death had resulted in a
philanthropic institution. As soon as death takes place in a house, start


giving Mustard three to six times to all the persons in that house. In
a few days or weeks, they would somehow or other get a few crores.
A factory worker with a mere qualification of tenth standard has been
earning Rs.Twelve thousand because of long experience and many
promotions. He has a large family and the monthly income is hardly
sufficient for the daily bread of his entire family.
Suppose there is a lockout in his factory or due to retrenchment he
loses his job. For any new job of his qualification, he may get one to
two thousand rupees. Losing his present job means life problem for him.
At this time of lockout or retrenchment, if he takes Mustard, he would
get sufficient money for the family’s day-today expenses.
In recent years, lot of bank staff in India got retirement (due to
voluntary retirement scheme) and got ten-twenty lakhs of rupees, but no
pension. By depositing this amount in a bank, they would get a monthly
interest equal to their last pay drawn. But most of them started a
business with the money or loaned the amount to friends/relatives and
they never got back the money. Now, they cannot go back to their old
job too. In this state of mind, Mustard would help them to retrieve the
loss somehow or other.
In India buying a house or car or television set means lifetime
investment. They cannot change it every five years as in the rich western
countries. Before venturing upon lifetime investments, take Mustard and
you would avoid all risks. So also, in India after marriage, a Hindu girl
cannot easily think of divorce. Before selecting a boy, the girl should
start taking Mustard (in the case of love-marriage), or parents should
take Mustard (in case of arranged marriage). But we recommend Sweet
Chestnut for wedding. This is because marriages are made in heaven.
In the case of business, where you want to go in for partnership,
Mustard would enable you to select the right partner.
The best place to make use of Mustard is in the case of a poor man
earning a few thousand rupees with five or more children. With a large
family and with his meagre monthly income, life would be a burden.
Mustard would enable him to earn sufficient money.


For life-threatening disease — Rock Rose.
For life problem and lifetime problem — Mustard.
Every one of us would be having a vision as to how we want to be
in life in the long run. A good wife, sufficient money, good children,
peaceful retired life etc. Mr. X had to divorce his wife; second wife too
the same case. Third was a failure. He was having ancestral property
which he could not sell or acquire. He took Mustard + Wild Rose +
Gentian for forty-two days. He came across the right lady and married
her. He could sell his property for one crore of rupees, bought a car and
was going in the new car with his wife. He is now settled in life
How you want to settle down in life in the long run?
Mustard + Gentian + Wild Rose would help you.
Mustard = life in the long run; that too without any grief.
Wild Rose = life is for enjoyment.
Gentian = no more sadness.
Your life becomes complete, pleasurable and free from sadness, grief
with these three remedies. This combination enables you to seale down
in life.
The capacity of a moped is 50cc. At the most, three persons (each
with an average weight of fifty kilos) can ride on it at a speed of
30-40 kilometres. The engine is power less to run at a higher speed with
that weight, because it is a means for one or two persons riding only.
You can easily carry 10-20 kilos in hand or on your shoulder. If you
carry more weight it starts pulling your hand. If kept on head or shoulder
it starts pressing you. Therefore. for all pulling, drawing, pressing pain,
sensation of heaviness etc. try Mustard. You may repeat it every ten
minutes 4-5 doses to see the effect. Because it is power. One dose is
not sufficient like other remedies.
Though we have no clinical experience, we can certainly say that
fissure, rhagade, fistula, cracks on skin, weeping eczema, swelling,
dropsies should respond to this remedy Mustard. The body is not able
to retain something inside. It wants to throw them out. E.g., weeping
eczema, excess sweat etc. For hernia, the remedy is Impatiens.
Crab Apple is good for the skin. More so Mustard, when the skin
affection does not allow you to get a job etc. Lifetime problem!


Mr. Y. being a member of a top-most club was awarded a rolling
shield, a rare thing in that club.
Mr. Z could buy a flat with all amenities. Also the interest paid by
him for the loan (for buying the house) was not a loss because he could
claim income-tax exemption. Anything which you do or buy that is going
to be with you life-long (may he a partner in life or a costly thing, say
house or car, to make it give you happiness or contentment life long,
take these remedies for a month before selecting your life partner or
buying a costly thing.
Heather is for talking, Mustard is for relationship. Elm is to
contribute to your Association/Society from your side. Before attending
group discussions or association meeting (in which you are a member)
take Heather + Mustard + Elm.
Mr. S. Krishnarnurthy of Bank of Baroda, K.G. Road, Bangalore went
to Ahmedabad for All-India BOB Officers meeting. Prior to this he took
Elm + Heather. When his turn came, he started talking and everyone was
seconding his proposal. Not only this. For the first lime in the history of
the bank, he was given BEST PARTICIPANT AWARD.
(Olive is for energy)
(Random notes on Doctoral and Post-Doctoral studies)
We are now going to do higher learning in this Bach remedy. Out of
the thirty eight remedies, the two Bach Remedies that have no mind
symptoms are WALNUT AND OLIVE.
Body tiredness — Olive
Brain tiredness (the correct word is boredom) — Walnut
(There cannot be such a thing as “mind tiredness” because mind is
always young irrespective of our age and it can be in New York in a
fraction of a second. The speed with which our mind or imagination can
travel from Bombay to New York, i.e., in a fraction of a second is called
in Tamil “Mind speed, air speed”). Mind is always young (and this is a
junction box between soul (or holy spirit or god) and brain. Brain is a
part of the body and it is in head and we can see it by X-ray or in post
mortem. ‘Mind’ cannot be seen with our naked eyes.
In Centaury there is a mind symptom as well as one body symptom.
They are :
• Weakness after acute illness


• Weakness of will (unable to say no to others: hence become a slave
willingly; otherwise called doormat by others.
The extreme weakness found in the remedy Hornbeam does not
belong to the physique but it is more mental. The weakness is in ‘mind’
only: once he starts the work he does it without becoming tired like
Let us now start from the symptoms that OLIVE HAS NO MIND
If there is no mind symptom in Olive and it is just “tiredness from
overwork”, many readers would remark, “then what is the use of
elaborating on this remedy?”
But we are going to study now about Olive, not to know how to make
the best use of it in our day-today life, but whut advantage or use we
can get from the Olive type persons.
Your or I may not be a Wild Rose type person. In such a case, that
remedy is of no use for us because by taking it on ourselves, we cannot
earn money proportionate to our expenses. But by learning about Wild
Rose, we learn how to identify that remedy type person (spend thrift,
those who lavishly spend or rather squanders away their wealth etc.) We
can go to them and ask for money as and when we require because Wild
Rose type persons alone readily pay without asking for its return.
Now what is the use of learning Olive type persons?
We said that Olive is energy. Energy cannot be seen with our eyes
but it can be transferred from one form to another etc. etc. If you can
identify or spot an Olive type, you can say that the bank’s vault key is
in your pocket. Become a friend or close acquaintance with Olive type
In the case of Wild Rose persons, we had seen that they are God
sent cashier who readily pay us money.
• Wild Rose type persons give you scholarship so that you can study, get
a diploma and earn a mere five thousand rupees by working 8 hours
x 30 days
• In other words Wild Rose give you a fish to satisfy your one time
Olive teaches you fishing so that as and when you feel hungry, you
can have a fish from the river or pond. YOU MUST ALWAYS OBEY OLIVE
TYPE PERSON. Do not criticize or challenge. Nor should you argue with
an Olive type person. Obey and follow his commands, teachings etc.


Olive is near God or mini God. Why should we obey and follow Olive type
person without questions, arguing or challenging him?
• He is never wrong.
• He would give you a very small work, without neglecting it, if you do
that work, he would give you hundred or thousand times of that return.
Will anyone pay you ten thousand rupees for merely massaging his
painful foot daily for 10-20 minutes? But Olive type person does that.
• He gives you very small tiny work (which you can do without spending
much money or time), but the return you get is hundred or thousand
Agrimony type person tell others “don’t argue” because arguments
disturbs our peace of mind. With Olive type persons, we should not
argue because by that you are the loser of many valuable things in life.
Chestnut Bud type persons (guru) teaches you Chemistry, Astrology
etc. and by learning the subject for 2-3 years under his feet, you start
earning five thousand every month by working 8 hours x 30 days.
Olive type person teaches such a subject by learning which you can
earn five thousand for a mere thirty minutes or one hour work. Olive type
person is never wrong, he can never be wrong.
God loves us so much. In such a case, he ought to give us such best
things in life with which we can lead a life of an emperor (maharaja).
Yes, he gives scholarship etc. through Wild Rose type persons.
Again, God gives us such valuable techniques/methods through Olive
type persons so that we can earn ten thousand rupees every hour. Olive
type person would ask you to buy a towel for him from a shop. But for
this tiny help or work, he would teach you or tell a technique or useful
hint by adopting which (that would be the easiest to do in day-today
life), you can multiply income automatically and without spending much
energy or time.
Man-made teacher (gurujis) — Chestnut Bud type person
God sent teacher (maha purush or great man) — Olive type person.
By studying a subject or learning a language for two to three years
from Chestnut Bud type teacher, you increase your qualifications and
with this added qualification your office pays you additional ten
thousand rupees (by way of language allowance). But by learning a
technique in no time and by adopting it in life, you earn ten thousand
rupees every week (that too not by working for eight hours a day, but
just 5-10 minutes extra work or even by modifying some daily routine).


He (the Olive type) does not go on week-end holidays
(Vervain type person does not go because of over-enthusiasm,
the workholics work on Sundays too). He has no entertainment,
no hobby, does not use the word “I have become tired.” His office
looks like a workshop and the interior decorator has no place
there. Olive type person can be compared with Watchman, Gate-
Keeper or the Security Guard. Watch & ward staff in a factory
cannot go on strike, cannot be absent without prior intimation.
Can a person working like a watchman think of weekend
holidays? They don’t get weekend holidays, casual leave, festival
holidays etc. He is there to work and work and nothing else that
too for a mere 2-3 thousand rupees. If you hire a security or
watchman for your house, he has to work 6 p.m. to next day 6
a.m. or 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. for a mere two thousand five hundred
salary. No holiday, no overtime, no medical or other benefits,
You can never see an Olive type in tip-top dress. While
traveling long distance, he has no suitecase or attache like you.
He dumps everything in a bag and travels. He has no hesitation
to climb the third or fifth floor by staircase. Lift has no meaning
or significance for him. (Centaury type person are the fourth class
staff like peon or messenger in an office or the maidservant or
Look at the army soldier fighting for his country in the border. On the
one hand he is holding his life in his hand by risking his life and at the
same time, fighting for the country. The ration food may get exhausted
but that is not an excuse to stop his duty, unlike the heavily paid bank
staff who go on strike every now and then coming to office late etc. etc.
Olive type persons are God sent representatives. God cannot appear
before you teaching you shortcuts. He sends his representative in the
form of Olive type person.
Agrimony person work in shortcuts. For example, you have to leave
station in three days time and you have no time to stand in the long
queue for hours to reserve your berth in the train or contact a travel
agent for booking the ticker. Take Agrimony and you find that someone
enters the scene. May be the telephone rings and on the other side a
known or unknown person talks saying that he wants to come and meet
you, he further says that he works in railways and asks if you want any
ticketing done and that he will get it done and deliver it at your door.
So you need not pay travel agent’s commission etc.


That is Agrimony to get things done in shortcut, not merely saving
time but also money. Agrimony type person get things done in shortcut
in times of emergency, where time is not sufficient. You can get a
particular thing done in shortcut by taking Agrimony.
But, Olive type person teaches you shortcuts. But such shortcuts are
not for small work like getting reservation ticket etc. at your door
(without going to the reservation office etc.), but Olive type person
teaches you how to get bigger and biggest things done in shortcut.
For example, you earn ten to twenty thousand per month by working
eight hours a day for thirty days and in addition to this by traveling for
one or two hours daily in a crowded bus. Olive type person teaches
shortcuts to earn that ten-twenty thousand rupees by sitting in your
house and in just one or two days (that too daily working for a few hours
only). That is Olive. Can you ignore Olive type? He is to be worshipped
and obeyed like a maha guru. The Hindustani word purush means man
and maha means thousand times.
Your teacher (who teaches you Computer, Economics. Astrology etc.)
is a Chestnut Bud type. (Purush). Olive type teacher is a hundred times
better than Chestnut Bud type teacher (Maha Purush). So do not disobey,
argue, criticize or ignore Olive type. Not the key of the bank but the key
of the bank’s vault is in your pocket if you get acquainted with an Olive
type person.
• You pay ten thousand rupees by way of college fees every year for
three years; in addition to this, you go to college daily, attend the
classes for 5-7 hours a day + read lessons at home. Then write exam.
After exam you get that degree. All these are done to earn a mere
20-30 thousand rupees for 30 days x 8 hours work.
• You do some small errand or odd job (that takes one or two hours)
once a week or so for the Olive type person; in return, he tells or
teaches a secret or technique to earn ten-thirty thousand rupees every
month by working a few minutes daily or even by modifying the way
in whicn you do your daily routine.
• Chestnut Bud — School Class Teacher.
• Olive — Vice Chancellor of University
• About Olive type person, others would remark as under:
• He is great in knowledge but simple in appearance (dress. etc.)
To take full charges from you for service he renders to you, a man
has to dress neatly, talk nicely, carry visiting card cell phone etc. Olive


type person simply gives you for just one hundredth of the full charge.
Therefore, he has no visiting card, cell phone etc.
What you get by talking hundred times over phone with many
people, you get done in no time from Olive-type. In such a case, why
not take the trouble of going to see him once.
Telephone, cell phone, visiting cards are mockeries of humanity and
they are to be shunned as measles and mumps. NATURE ALWAYS WORK
IN SHORT WAYS. Money, comfort, knowledge and things are available in
plenty and you have just to go there and take as much as you want.
NATURE PRODUCES IN ABUNDANCE. Can our so-called Universities,
research institutions, and big pharmaceutical labs produce a tasty mango
or banana?
Negative Olive expends or wastes away energy — P.T. Usha, weight
lifters etc.
Positive Olive — Conserves energy
Jogging, sports, gymnastics — expends energy
Yoga — conserves energy
Best yogis would say that our daily requirement of food is just the
size of a groundnut. What we do with a thousand calories, the Olive type
person can accomplish by expending a fraction of a calorie.
Your teacher for learning a subject or art — Chestnut Bud.
Your teacher for improving yourself a thousand times — Olive.
We repeatedly stress in various places of our books and notes that
if you read and understand English, then the first and last to read is
ESSAY BY RALPH WALDO EMERSON. He teaches shortcuts in life.
Chicory asks your help for work which he can as well do it himself.
Again for getting any favour or help, you have to pay double time in
return. In the case of Olive, a small job given by him, if you do it as
told, he would return you thousand times.
To catch a small fish, use a whale — Chicory
To catch a whale, use a small fish as prey — Olive.
He uses no introduction or preface or preamble in his talk or writings.
(you may wrongly conclude that he is an Agrimony type who talks in
telegraphic language). Will a dictionary tell you ‘Good morning’ every


time you refer to it? No, At the same time, a dictionary can never go
wrong. Only for this and this alone, we refer to a dictionary.
Critics (of movies, novels etc.) are Beech type person. Those writing
commentary on religious scriptures are Cerato type persons.
But the teacher of religious scriptures should be Olive type person.
This is because. Olive type persons are EXACT, ACCURATE AND CRYSTAL
Preachers should be Olive type person. For example, the author of
these notes is an Olive type. Just read his explanation for two verses
of Bhagavat Geetha (see the book Meditation: Exact & Accurate
Methods). By reading that book many persons had, in no time, overcome
their difficulties in life. But so far non-Olive type persons alone have
written commentary on Bhagavat Geetha with the result they have
enveloped the scriptures into clouds of mysterious obscurities. Religious
scriptures are there to enable us to get rid of our diseases and
difficulties in life in no time; also to make us richer and richer.
Otherwise, why to attach reverence to scriptures?
You not only easily and quickly understand but also are able to put
them in practice if you learn scriptures from Olive type person. Down to
earth language.
A teacher is he who makes difficult things easy. But the so-called
sadhus, gurujis of Hindustan had made religion more and more difficult
to understand. Learn scriptures from Olive type person and soon you too
can become an emperor or maharaja. Whether it is the key of the safe
vault in a bank or key of the scriptures, it would be in your pocket if only
you can spot an Olive type person.
Nature is exact and accurate and with precision in its actions.
‘Harmonious’ would be a better term. That is why we are able to predict
new moon day, eclipse etc. Only if you learn anything exactly, accurately
and with precision and in its entirety, you can win things in this world.
not otherwise.
The Olive tree is a symbol of Harmony! What is beauty? Harmony is
beauty. Harmony = agreement or concord. Harmonious = forming a
pleasing or consistent whole; free from conflict.
• Random notes on the positive aspect of Rock Rose (God enters
into our body and does the work
• (ayyo: ayyayyo: kanravi (eyesore), terrible, horrible, pathetic)


Keep the above words in mind and you can understand the areas
where Rock Rose can do wonders.
Remedies to be studied in comparison with Rock Rose are:
Hornbeam and Mustard. These three remedies (Rock Rose, Hornbeam
& Mustard) are for strength.1
Persons needing Hornbeam uses the word baapre (hindi) meaning
“Oh! So much!! Mustard is for money power and muscle power. However
big your wealth or man-power may be can you put up a ten-storeyed star
hotel in a week’s time, if not overnight. But by a wave of hand. God can
do that in a fraction of a second. That is Rock Rose.
Agrimony is for shortcut.
Rock Rose is for doing a thing overnight.
A graduate who is unemployed and a person earning fifteen
thousand. Let us examine these two cases.
In the present conditions in India, if a graduate gets a job for a
salary of Rs. Fifteen thousand though he works daily eight hours for one
month, the thought of getting in one lump, a sum of Fifteen thousand
rupees on the first of every month is equal to his getting the money in
his hands as if doing without any work. Compared to his earlier state
of nil income, this job of fifteen thousand per month is something equal
to his getting that amount in a second without doing any work for hours
or month!
Let us now take the case of a person earning fifteen thousand per
month. Though the amount of efforts put in by him in his present job
is worth thirty thousand, if he gets a job for double the salary, he would
simply and only feel as if getting Rs. Fifteen thousand extra without
doing anything.
Therefore, Rock Rose is for getting a job for the unemployed and the
same Rock Rose for employed persons to get another job fetching double
his present salary, provided ofcourse, he is really capable of and worthy
of double his present salary.
Keep the word ‘blood’, ‘life threatening disease’, ‘medical emergency’
in mind and you can learn the areas of uses of Rock Rose.

1. Centaury is for weakness after acute illness.

2. Olive is for tiredness from overwork.


The words ‘life problem’ and ‘life-time problem’ would enable us to
easily learn Mustard. Killing diseases can be classified into broad groups
for studying Mustard and Rock Rose.
• Diseases of blood that always end fatally; haemophilia, leucaemia
(blood cancer), septicaemia, jaundice (both infective and
obstructive). In the case of haemophilia (called ‘bleeders’ in
layman’s language), the parents take care not to allow the child to
learn cycling, playing games etc. because any accident causing
open wound and resultant bleeding would not stop and he is to be
rushed to hospital to take out all his blood and infuse fresh blood.
At this time, the parents would look at the boy with horror.
Wherever others look at a person’s condition (be it disease, or
problem in life).


[Note: Before we read Star of Bethlehem, let us read a few aspects
of the Bach remedy BEECH.]
To retain her beauty Cleopatra took bath in donkey’s milk. Mary-1,
the queen of England (1553) and Hungary Princess Elizabeth Betheri
(1560-1614), to retain their youth, took bath in the blood of unmarried
young ladies. This description comes in the Bach remedy Beech. As per
Greek and Rome medical science bathing in human blood is the correct
method to retain youth and beauty. Beauty, desire, attraction all these
comes under the remedy Beech. Beauty is different from health. To buy
thousands of slaves you may not be having Rs.1,45,000 crores. So we
tell you easy methods to retain your health.
After taking each solid food, gargle mouth with water eighteen
times. This is the best facial. Also your digestion improves. Eat amla
before food and ilandai after food. After taking food walk hundred feet,
then sit down and taken 2-4 glasses of water. Now let us go to Star of
Beth. [Hereafter we shall call this as ‘Star’ only.
If I have to write fifty thousand pages on the entire thirty-eight Bach
remedies, about twenty-five thousand pages would be on this remedy
alone. Therefore, it is no exaggeration if we say that
Star of Beth = the remaining thirty-seven remedies.
So vast is the action of the remedy that it covers every facet of
human life on earth. Let us now learn them one by one.
Irreversible changes in heart or any other part of the body.
Inheritance; to get ancestral property. Cut and paste. Welding.
Corrective or bypass surgery. Knee replacement surgery.
Brake. Break.
Speed-breaker: If an old or worn out article is of no use we throw
it away in the dust bin at the roadside. Never-ending. Recognition.
Certificate, degree. Award, reward. (Things which lasts till one’s death.)
In quarrel a stalemate has been reached. In and out. Ability to
speak. Stammering and stuttering. Children who have difficulty in
speaking. One sided paralysis is due to blood clot in brain. Cysts that
are in places inside the body which are a danger to life. To speak in clear
words what is in your mind. Breakdown of your car on the way. Slow
healing of wound (Because of no regeneration power the part dies—


gangrene. Spreading traumatic diabetic gangrene. Aging. Degeneration
and regeneration. Diseases that come in old age—cerebral atrophy. Old
age nutritional disorders—Alzheimer’s diseases. Geriatric illness
Positive aspect of Star: Determination. Firm decision. Sankalpa.
External forces or men creates a brake or impediment to you: Take
Pine and Rock water.
If it is inside your body which retards your prosperity—Star
Explanation: You travel in a car and on the road a big tree is lying
after falling down across the road. To get it removed by someone you
take Rock Water. But if your car has breakdown (due to your mot
maintaining it periodically) you take Star.
To come up in life, the first requirement is your good speech. To talk
in practical terms and without break what is in your mind you need good
[To deliver a good speech on the stage take the above four
For the old person whose brain has degenerated and he is not able
to identify their relatives.
Vehicle breakdown. Because of disease or defects in you, if you are
not able to speak properly or work/execute you need Star. We do not say
that Star is the only way. There are equivalently other good methods.
Pay the money to the oilman than the doctor.
On Saturdays take oil bath. Apply gingili oil on head and after twenty
minutes take bath in hot water. Use basan for removing oil. Once in six
month take purgative (castor oil in coffee or milk in the morning).
Your 2 or 4-wheeler develops repairs. You go to mechanic. He loses
or tightens certain nut or screw. But on some occasions if a part is
completely worn out and it cannot be repaired, he replaces with a brand
new part. For example after running 20 to 40 thousands kilo, you have


to replace the clutch plate and tyres. After three years battery and
dynamo are to be replaced.
Now let us come to our human body. In osteoarthritis the knee joint
is completely worn out and the ortho surgeon does knee replacement
surgery. The difference between the parts in the vehicle and those inside
our body is that in the former you have to replace with a new one. But
parts inside our body can be regenerated. In allopathy there is no
remedy for re-generation. Star is for regeneration. Knee transplant
surgery can be done away by taking Star.
Constant wear and tear. If a part of our body is working continuously
without rest it is soon worn-out and contracts in size. To bring this to
original shape the word ‘regeneration’ is used in medical science. For
example after a cut on the skin, in a few days new skin forms in that
place. Our body has the power to regenerate. If this does not happen
take Star
In the blood vessels going to the heart fat gets accumulated and it
blocks blood supply. The cardiac surgeon cuts of the affected blood
vessel and replaces it with a blood vessel removed from the leg of the
patient. This is called by-pass surgery.
Remember, be it knee replacement or kidney transplant, Star will
help such patients. Regeneration. It is only a tiny part that grows as a
Repair, Regeneration, Resuscitation—Star
The prefix ‘Re-‘ means ‘again’ ‘once more’ ‘afresh’ reactivation,
The word grace time, grace period etc. are found in this remedy Star
The human bomb. Jesus Christ got up from the grave. Brought the
dead back to life. If you remove carefully a small plant with its root and
plant it elsewhere it may not survive. But there are trees which, if you
cut off in small pieces and make it dry in sun or soak in rainwater for
several days, it would come to life.
Sensitive, easily offended. If children are attacked with diseases
which normally come in old age—juvenile diabetes, juvenile
parkinsonism. Star is the remedy to cure these.
The door of the prison would tell several histories.


(Traditional) beliefs; conventions
Easy relapse of diseases. Even for minor aggravating causes he gets
diseases. Amputation, Gangrene. Death. Statement of the dying person.
It is a strong belief that a dying person won’t tell lies.
Statement made before a police officer need not be signed by the
deponent. Govt. seal. Permanent records.
Permanent file, Surgery. Hair cut. Biting the nail. If walnut fails. Bits
and spits away.
Star is the elder brother of Walnut.
When a man dies, his wife comes up to the street in front of the
house when the body is taken away. The son goes up to the burial
ground. Who will follow the dead man after that
Harvest. Historical monuments. Kutub minar. Tajmahal. Are preserved
and protected forever. Abandoned buildings. Temporary sheds.
Family respect. Continuous and non-stop. Mega serial. Never ending
story. Duration. Dynasty. Aeon. Planting the plant. Seek. Basic, Basics.
Fundamentals. Foundation. “He calls himself a doctor, but has not even
a stethoscope or even cotton to dress a wound; not even a
Difficult breathing. Star not only cures these persons but they also
get ancestral property.
Difficulties—Rock Rose
Fed up — Gentian, Wild Rose
Profit and loss—Star
If the teeth are not in order and one gets up on the neighboring
Root canal treatment.
Wounds do not heal or the ulcer caused by a wound spreads. Slow
healing of wounds (Unhealthy skin). Unhealthy person. Diseases that are
longstanding and not responding to any medicine. Decay. Suppuration.
Catches diseases easily. Decomposition. Stale food. Savories prepared in
coconut oil would decay quickly after a few days.


To makes negative to disappear—Centaury
To confirm positive—Vervain.
There is no ‘negative’ in his vocabulary—Beech
Destroys negatives—Star.
To go beyond limit.
To beat the child in anger violently.
Apply brake.
Why do accidents happen? While learning driving a car or two
wheeler, the first thing to practise is to frequently apply brake. Brake
Habit. After this if any one suddenly appears before your speeding
vehicle, your right food would automatically apply the brake. You must
learn applying brake frequently and not driving or running at high speed.
To make a man live like a man. That is to become a complete man.
“Are you born to a dog?” Others ask the negative Star-type person.
Induction stove.
The solid ice becomes water and the water, in turn, becomes steam.
Bye-pass. Overrule.
Upside down.
Does the bridegroom not like the groom. Finished. The wedding
would stop.
Messenger. Spy.
Carriers (of disease)
Pregnancy (carries a child) Delivery time.
Rearing the child—Walnut, Vervain, Elm
Bringing up—Star
First time, the boy goes away to another town to live in a hostel.
The mother tells, “Take timely food.”
Maintenance, Repair. A stitch in time saves nine.
Ulcer fails to heal. Slow or non-healing of wounds.
Broken things. We do welding or use gum/paste


Shock treatment. Bribe.
“Hereafter, you are not my son and I am not your father” [Cuts off
the relationship, because the boy refuses to marry the girl proposed by
the father.]
To prevent divorce give Mustard to both. But for persons who already
got divorce (they have to start a new and different life) give Star.
Blood relation—Mustard
Broken relationship—Star
Birth/Death certificate.
Things that do not disappear because of time.
Eternal laws. Absconding. Closed Files. Surrender. Refugee.
Temporary files; temporary appointments
To tell in short, the following too are about the Bach remedy Star.
Nutritional disorders. Vitamin deficiency. Deficiency diseases. Child
does not grow or is emaciated.
Keloid . Scar affections. The wound may get healed but the scar
remains for life time.
It is easy to describe the uses of the Bach remedy Star in Green and
Non ut edam vivo sed uf vivum edi (Latin) – I do not live to eat,
but eat to life – Quintilian.
Do not look at the plate of the other person in a dinner party.
The messenger (Deva) from heaven.
Cuts off friendship/relationship.
To save a person in danger—Rock rose
To bring up a child—Star
To reach your goal (go-getter) Handle (Chestnutbud+Oak+Water
Convalescence—Centaury. Protracted convalescence—Star
Remedies to be compared with Star are Hornbeam and Mustard.
Top help the (captured) thief to escape.


FOR RECREATION (NEGATIVE)—Wild Rose, Scleranthus
For procreation (positive) – Star
Overdosing; poisoning
Anything that exceeds the limit becomes a poison (things happening
inside our body)
Damaging remark or speech—Beech
Govt. order. Circular letter. Notice
(In olden days) if the King’s order is not obeyed, the person’s head
would roll down.
Every end has a beginning (of some other new things) and everything
beginning has an end—negative Star
In heaven there is no beginning and no end. Daily wedding.
History. Obscene. Vacuum
Physics – Beech
Chemistry (about irreversible changes; permanent changes) – Star
Alchemy—Biological transmutation¨ Sweet Chestnut, Wild Rose
Creating, Bringing up. Destroying. [Only bringing up is in our hands]
Going astray.
Time is the best healer.
Change – Walnut
Revolution — Vervain [Changes thought]
Reform – Star [Introduces new thought]
Unimaginable, beyond everything.[Reached the end]
There is nothing permanent in this world.
Obscurism (opposition to inquiry, reform, or new knowledge))
Right – Beech
Respect – Star
Managing director from Head office is coming. You are out. (will be


E.g., Lover—Star
Certain relationships are permanent (cannot be easily cut off) wife—
You have to be careful with words while talking to your lover.
Otherwise she would cut you off—Star
Whatever you do , the wife would not shirk you off—Mustard
A ball of sand (not useful for anything)\
“in your head there is only clay”
With clay you can make toys, pot –Star (change in form)
If the mud pot is broken, that is all. You cannot fix it .
Put the enemy’s house on fire—Vervain (unfailing method to destroy)
Brakes things in enemy’s house—Star (destruction)
Aut amat aut odit mulier, nihil est tertium (Latin) – a woman either
loves or hates, there is no third course—Syras, 42.
Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur (Latin) – to be in love and to
be wise is scarce granted even to a God – Laberius. War and love brooks
no laws.
Unanimously passing a resolution.
Objection. No objection
No admission (for outsider) –
Admission for staff only—Mustard
God cures by blessing from a distance—Sweet Chestnut
God does through his messenger—Star
To make things happen that cannot be thought of or imagined—Star
To make unbelievable things happen in your life visit Guruvayur
temple in Kerala. That temple was built by an Engineer Viswakarma who
came from heaven.) and also listen to Sathguru Thyagaraja keerthana.
When Thyagaraja had doubt in composing music the wanderer of the
three world Narada brought bundles of palm leaves from heaven and
gave to Sathguru Thyagaraja.
Slavery. Interest on interest. (no conscience)


My family will go (to a place) before you go there. Yath:33:14 –
If Walnut does not cure addicts, try Star
It has formed a habit—Walnut
He had become a slave to coffee/liquor—Star (The person says that
these are life for him. He can be even without food, but not without
If you abruptly and all of a sudden stop allopathic sleeping pills, you
would get withdrawal symptoms. But if you stop gradually there won’t
be withdrawal symptoms.
Time is the greatest healer. Rest cure.
Only time can give the answer.
Keeps it in finger tip.
Keep the activities of the whole world in his finger tip—Impatiens.
Keeps information in his finger tip—Star (This is not Cerato)
The gold ring worn on the finger was so tight that they have to cut
it off to remove it.
Maya bazaar – Rock Rose (instant or overnight)
Maya jal — Beech (tricks)
Vittalachariar Mayajal – Star
Studies in schools/colleges and becomes genius – Chestnutbud
Without studying anywhere suddenly starts composing poems
unbelievably-Star (Kali das)
Block. Knock-out. Wash out. Govinda.
In the world cricket match, in the first over itself, if a player loses
batting. Others would remark, “Why do you all come to play cricket in
the match” [Disrespect, dishonor]
To do sankalpa . Firm decision.
Greed (negative)– Vervain
To help the greedy to get what he desires [positive] – Star
To stop diarrhoea – Elm
To cure habitual constipation – Star


Spondylitis is due to working monotonously working without rest.
Daily dance for 5-10 minutes. All diseases would be cured.
Gupta dynasty period is known as golden period in History. So also
the golden period for medical science is the first part of twentieth
250 years ago Dr. Samuel Hahnemann introduced Homoeopathy—
Single dose cure of diseases. After this when it entered America many
useful books in homoeopathy were written . So also , Dr. Edward Bach
introduced the divine effects of thirty-seven flowers.
Dare devil. Does not care or fear anybody.
On looking at his wife in bed with another man he cuts off her head,
and walks to the police station with the head in his hand.
If you take Star once a week, in a few years you would get
unbelievable amount of wealth, name and fame.
Lives in 2-3 room flat—Chicory
Bungalow – Star
To get first prize in running race, weight lifting, cycle race, foot ball
etc. – Olive
But to cure diseases attacking these players – Star
For the person undergoing physical torture give Rock Rose
To the person (who tortures others) give Star
If anyone gives mental torture to you (spreading scandal) take Pine
and Rock Water
System, methods – Beech
Rules and regulations.
Unwritten laws – Vervain
Written laws: Star
Seasonal fruits/vegetable.
In Kodaikanal the Kurinji flower appears once in twelve years.
If you become a member of any group or society you have to accept/
subject yourself to their terms and conditions.


Relaxation in rules. Exceptions.
Exceptions do not make rules.
Renounces the world to become a saint – Star
Trust/Mission hospital.
The dead body is not wanted. So also growths inside the body (Brain
tumor, cyst) that causes danger to life: Star would cure.
One-sided paralysis (hemiplegia) is due to clot in brain. Star is
“Waste. All are waste.”
No one would place the dust bin on the table. Broom, toothbrush,
table fan, typewriter, A.C. These are working monotonously.
Though got good qualifications, does not go to any job
To plant a tree we use crowbar to dig a wide and deep pit on the
garden. So also to put Bach Remedies into someone’s mind take Star.
“Nailing to the point”
Vertigo (in clinically all right patients) — Scleranthus
Vertigo due to cervical spondylitis or brain tumor, meniere’s
syndrome, give Star.
Positive Star-type (lover) robs the heart of his lover. War and love
brooks no laws.
Those who faint frequently. Coma. Unconscious. (Everything has
come to a standstill.]
Condemn. Condemnation. If no one cares for you take Star.
Kaya kalpa – Walnut +Olive (always 16 years of age
Gold pasbam – Star (old man becomes a youth)
The cruel step-mother. Trenches to hide ourselves during air
For those who had fallen very low from their very high status. Dust
or sand in eyes. Ant in ear.


‘The book worth its weight in gold.’ The great poet Kalidasa would
be given one lakh sovereign by the King for each letter of his
If there are lot of children, everyone would care and respect only the
last child.
Children not yet learnt to walk. Every one cares for the child but the
child does not care for any one (Emerson.). Without doing any great
thing, the babe attracts and activates everyone around.
We throw away the left-overs from the house on to the dust bin on
the road. The youngest (5-7 year old) saint. The tender mango that has
ripened before reaching its full size.
Pseudo swamijis. The exhorcist. Astrologer. Everyone dances
according to him..
Hiding. Does things when alone or in the hide-out. Don’t do a thing
that you would be known doing. (Emerson.)
Illicit relationships with another married person of the opposite sex.
[If known to the society he would be excommunicated.]
Over confidence.
Military man. (Ex-serviceman)
Ex-principal. The post of ‘principal’ may be lost. But no one can
snatch the title ‘Former principal’ ‘former processor.’ [‘Alumini’ pertains to
the Bach remedy Beech. He still is not able to disconnect himself from
the school or college where he studied!]
Once physician to Her Majesty the Queen of England. This is
Mustard. Matter of status.
Respect and disrespect. “Even if a donkey sits in that post of
President of India it deserves respect,” so says a person needing Star.
Utter and total condemning of those in the higher posts.
After 35-45 years if there is profuse bleeding from uterus and if not
able to cure, to save the patient, they remove the uterus and throw it
Unnotified power cut. At this time if fifty of us take Star, the
Electricity Board officials would be thrown away from their post. [In
Mumbai power-cut or voltage fluctuations is not known to Bombayites.)
See the book THE WAY followed by Tatas.


Children who had taken midday meals provided by the school had
fainted and are admitted in the hospital and they are fighting for their
Quarrels, fight. [ In the remedy Agrimony you fight for your right.]
Star should be thought of in the following diseases:
1. Kidney/Knee transplant
2. Hysterectomy
3. Heart bypass surgery
4. Spondylitis, brain tumor causing vertigo
5. Stammering and those children who are slow in learning to talk/
walk. (Compare here Walnut)
6. Cyst/tumor in a dangerous place inside the body that threaten
the life
7. Slow healing of wounds.
8. Convalescence—Centaury. Retarded or protracted
9. Cerebral atrophy
10. Muscular degeneration
11. All degenerative diseases and lesions.
12. Old is gold. For geriatric diseases Star would act like gold.
13. Flower that has dried up. Decayed vegetable/fruit.
14. Medicine has one-fourth part to cure diseases. But diet
restrictions play three-fourth part. [While undergoing treatment
for any disease if you do not avoid coconut and mango (pickle
or fruit) the cure would be retarded. But if you add narangi and
beans (avaraikai) cure would be quicker. These two items aids
the medicine in curing the sick.
The dangerous jackfruit. Take jackfruit daily for five days and the
worst disease that you got cured long ago with great difficulty would
Birth defects. Congenital deformities. Deflected septum. Children
born with six fingers.


Killing diseases. Fatal diagnosis. Fatal accidents. Swallowing of
safety pin. Concussion of brain, non-healing of fractures.
Let us now see who are the positive Star-types.
1. In Coimbatore a swamiji runs a restaurant. After you take food,
bill is not given to you. You may pay what you feel. (Jayalalitha, P.M.
of Tamil nadu who is providing one idly for one rupee, should be
ashamed on reading this. That swamiji’s running his hotel is equal to
beating Jayalalitha with chappal.0
2. Ten years ago an unmarried Security Officer in the Chennai I.I.T.
started thinking why he should take three square meal. He reduced it to
one time meal. After some time he collected greens leaves and made
a soup and took that only. Now the sumptuous salary remains unspent
in his hand. Daily morning and even he would buy provisions and
vegetables and prepare packets of sambar rice and curd rice and
distributed in the slums.
Those who are always thinking of buying high-end cars, posh flats
should be ashamed when considering that Security officer of I.I.T.
In Mahabharata we read that Arjuna made a whole in all the leaves
of the tree by done single arrow. If you want to know a real hundred per
cent positive Star-type person, it is Shinmen Musashi of JAPAN. He wrote
a book THE WAY in the year 1645. He was sword fighter. Though his
book was on sword fight, it is equally useful for all professionals.
Being a wizard in sword fighting he would be to the royal courts in
Japan and challenge their sword fighter. By one or, at the most, two
slashes of the sword, he would cut the body of the opponent into two
parts. He was having one short knife in one hand (to kill the opponent
if he comes close to him and in another hand a long sword to kill the
enemy from a distance.). He was the uncrowned king of sword fighting.
He has never kept down the two swords from his hand. An enemy may
attack any time. So also, while taking bath he never dipped his head into
the water because at that time an enemy may attack and kill him. He
had never slept, because while asleep the enemy may attack and kill
him. This may appear to be odd to the reader but all of us must
remember one thing. Before leaving this world (death) we must excel in
one or other field. Simply getting graduation, job, marriage, owning a
house are meaningless before God. You must achieve something.
Otherwise re-birth awaits you and may be, in your next birth you are


born as a road sweeper etc. You have to learn and perform some feat
to overcome rebirth.
Before Shinmen Musashi went into recluse he wrote a book THE WAY
to guide the future generations how to be successful in their field. It is
for strategies.
After delivering a lecture in New York University, the speaker (a
professor of economics from India) was asked by one of the audience
what is the secret of Tatas (in providing electricity without power cut and
without fluctuation.) He replied that it is not any modern technique of
business administration but the family members of Tatas simply read
and followed the book THE WAY.
If a thing is no more useful we call it scrap. Condemn it and throw
away from the house on to the dust bin in the street. So also, for
example, to wipe off your enemy Star would help you.
Recycling is found in this remedy. Unwanted and abandoned children.
An unmarried women, after seduced by a man gives birth to a child and
throw it away .
What for dialysis or kidney transplant is done? If you open kidney
you will find that it is nothing but a street length cloth kept in several
folds to filter blood. If the filtered dust, hair, stone etc. are not thrown
out through urine, they get accumulated and beyond a point it is not
able to filter it any more.
Star would help to get rid of those particles from our body.
After selling away his only vehicle he tells, ‘I now feel that my one
hand is broken.’
‘I am his right hand.’
If a person avoids you or does not give you due recognition take
Star. Things beyond the ability of humans. To make these happen Star.
For example, Sathguru Thyagaraja Swamigal sang a song in the raga
Jyothiswaroopini in the royal court of Pattukottai Maharaja and lit a lamp
without the use of matchbox.
Diet restrictions. Penance. If you return after performing shraddha for
the dead forefathers in Varanasi you should give up one fruit and one
vegetable most liked by you. Sankalpa. Firm determination. Austerity
measures. Death of a friend or relative who is dearest to you. Vows.
Firmness. Firm belief. Continence.


It has formed a habit of him. So, unable to give up cigarette/liquor
— Walnut.
He has become a slave to tobacco/liquor. (Coffee means ’jeevan’
or life for me.)
Those who cannot keep up their promises.
Think thoroughly before you act. After starting the action do not re-
consider it.
RANSACKING—DAY LIGHT RTOBBERTY (Does not care for the law; hence,
(FEELING and not regret, after some years)
Regret over missed opportunities and lost changes—Honeysuckle
Late realization—Star
Brake, Break: If you do not quickly apply brake, accidents happen
and your vehicle would break.
When the speed-breaker comes you have to apply brake to slow
This remedy is about mental/physical shock. We shall now study the
extended uses of Star for after-effects of shock.
Wherever there is fight, war etc. it is shocking to note how all those
would turn out to be. ‘Damal’ ‘Dumeel’. Revolver or gun fight. If any one
comes to fight with you take Star. For this you should talk logically. It
should be acceptable to one and all. Nail to the point.
Logic – reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles
of validity; the quality of being justifiable by reason [Oxford.]


The science and art of reasoning correctly; the science of the
necessary laws of thought; the principles of any branch of knowledge;
sound reasoning; individual method of reasoning; convincing and
compelling force of facts and events [Chambers.]
(For winning in arguments, it is Agrimony)
We have in our body reserve antidotal powers to fight diseases.
While corpuscles do this. Bad bacteria entering the body or poisoning,
accident. On these occasions more blood rushes to the place and the
white cells fight and heals the affected part. This is a war. The affected
part inflames, becomes reddish with pain and heat. This is otherwise
called inflammation. (Painless , without heat and redness, we call these
as swelling.)
Therefore, in inflammations the white cells in the blood wage a war
with disease-causing forces and kill them. Inflammatory diseases are
called with the suffix ‘-itis’. Therefore, such diseases with the suffix –
itis can be cured with Star—Appendicitis, conjunctivitis, otitis media,
laryngitis, gastritis, hepatitis etc. That is diseases ending fatally if left
Again, let us consider the term ‘fight.’ The hero fights with the villain
in the move and throw him away. What is not needed and becomes
waste we throw away out of our hose.
Whatever the surgeon cuts of from inside our body and throws out—
concern, tonsil, appendix. Surgical removal of a diseased part (because
there is no cure for regeneration in allopathy) is called with the suffix
‘-entomb.’ Tonsillectomy, hysterectomy (removal of uterus)
appendectomy or appendicectomy. You can say goodbye to surgical
treatments. (If the sufferer says that he should grab and keep aside the
painful part, it is Crab Apple.)
In cases of cysts, tumors etc. even if Star does not cure it would
reveal the mental picture of the sufferer pointing to a different Bach
Instead of throwing away the torn cloth we use it to clean the floor
or for blocking the outlet in the overhead tank. The owner of a slave can
use the slave as he likes it.
Even in the house where he has no familiarity, without shame he
asks for coffee.
Those who disregard self-respect need Star.


A drug addict, college girl, tells a man: “You use me in any way you
want; but after that give me Rs.150 for buying a pethidin injection.” You
can use a slave in any way you want. Drug addicts need Star. Withdrawal
effects of allopathic drugs—otherwise called hand-over. He steals money
from the purse of his wife to drink liquor.
Taking daily one orange in the morning on empty stomach for forty-
eight days alcoholics can be cured completely and permanently.
Ladies at or home who have become a slave to mega serial.
Those who dreads novels. He has become a slave to Agatha Christie.
There is a wedding hall next to my house. During muhurtha days how
do you tolerate the sounds of light music. We reply, “We have made
ourselves accustomed to that.’ But the correct expression should be, “We
have made ourselves slaves to such loud noises’”
HEADACHE. Walnut will not help. Star is needed. Following is the
Daily we have to get rid of wastes from our body. But some persons
passes bowel movements once in 3-4 days. They have become a slave
to constipation. “I have learnt to live with it.” He has become a slave
to constipation which is his second wife.
You can do away with catheter by giving Star to the affected person.
If a person gets blood pressure or diabetes, the allopathic doctor
tells the patient that it won’t leave him till death and so he has to take
drugs for life. Hereafter, for the remaining span of your life, you have to
live with coffee without sugar; no sweets; one time rice only. “
Diseases that are longstanding and does not respond to treatment:
Leucoderma. Star may be tried.
Vestigia… nulla retrosum (Latin) – no fottprints backwards (at the
lion’s den). This means entering the lion’s den and kill it. Agrimony is
to win by argument. Star if to make the opponent shut his mouth and
For INHIBITIONS and OBSESSIONS (otherwise called O.C.D.
Obsessive Compulsory disorder) Star is the best medicine.
AVOIDING DIFFICULT JOBS. Retreats or retracts.


The following too are about Star
Viota brevis, ars longe (Latin) – Life is short, art long.
Life time – Mustard
Life till death and life after death – Star.
Star deals with our life after death. The biggest and worst shock for
any one is death of a thick friend or close relative. To live happily in the
next birth we have to prepare ourselves now itself.


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